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Draft from Rich Porter: 4/25/11. Edited by John Droz: 1/23/12 CONFIDENTIAL PR Audiences: Policy/Political Local !tate "ederal Lando#ner/Lea$e %rantor %eneral P&blic 'incl&din( non r&ral )o)&lation* +a, Payer -tility Rate Payer .&$ine$$ /#ner 0edia 1cademic$ !t&dent$ PR Strategy: 2reate a national )rofe$$ional P&blic Relation$ 'PR* cam)ai(n to effecti3ely comm&nicate #ith the $elected a&dience$ &$in( tar(eted me$$a(e$. 4a3e a con$i$tent5 )o$iti3e5 national me$$a(e. .e "/R $omethin( 'e.(. !cience*5 not 1%167!+ $omethin( 'e.(. #ind ener(y*. .e )roacti3e vs reacti3e. +he minim&m national PR cam)ai(n (oal i$ to con$tr&cti3ely infl&ence national and $tate #ind ener(y )olicie$. 1 broader )o$$ible (oal i$ to con$tr&cti3ely infl&ence national and $tate ener(y and en3ironmental )olicie$. Re$ol3e: are our interests just wind energy, or broader8 +he (oal #ill be realized by coordination of a foc&$ed me$$a(e alon( many channel$ and #ith m&lti)le 3oice$. +he intent i$ to tar(et the identified a&dience$ #ith con$i$tent me$$a(in( to create )o$iti3e chan(e. P&blic o)inion m&$t be(in to chan(e amon( citizen$ at lar(e. 2reate a (ra$$ root$ (ro&nd $#ell from #hich the clamor for chan(e #ill reach the elected official$ and )olicy ma9er$. +he me$$a(e #ill be determined from a 3ariety of analy$i$ techni:&e$ incl&din( in)&t$ from local (ro&)$ and other$ #ho ha3e an intere$t in $)readin( the me$$a(e. +he me$$a(e #ill be te$ted for re$onance #ith the a&dience$5 and the dynamic of the a&dience $hall be )eriodically a$$e$$ed. 6n addition to ha3e the a))ro)riate me$$a(e5 it need$ to be comm&nicated o)timally. ;e need to $t&dy and a))ly (ood comm&nication $9ill$. Decide #hether or not a national or(anization i$ ad3i$able a$ #ell 'Part 2*.

Goals of the PR Ca !aign A" 2a&$e the tar(eted a&dience to chan(e it$ o)inion and action ba$ed on the me$$a(e$. #" Pro3ide credible co&nter me$$a(e to the '#ind* ind&$try. C" Di$r&)t ind&$try me$$a(e #ith co&ntermea$&re$. $" 2a&$e $&b3er$ion in me$$a(e of ind&$try $o that it effecti3ely become$ $o bad no one #ant$ to admit in )&blic they are for it 'm&ch li9e #ind ha$ done to coal5 by t&rnin( (reen to blac9 and clean to dirty*. Ultimate Goal: 2han(e )olicy direction ba$ed on the me$$a(e. So e PR Tactics: 0o$t of thi$ co&ld be done by 3ol&nteer$ #itho&t ha3in( a formal national or(anization. Di$c&$$ ho# thi$ #o&ld #or9 and #ho #o&ld ha3e #hat re$)on$ibilitie$. 2on$ider <oinin( force$ # $ome already e$tabli$hed or(anization #here there i$ $&b$tantial commonality and commitment 'e.(. 1+65 4eartland5 6ER5 2E65 0ar$hall5 .roo9in($5 2ato5 0anhattan5 1fP5 ";5 2"12+5 1LE25 71 P1;5 etc.*. Pro3ide trainin( to local leader$ re(ardin( PR. Pro3ide local (ro&)$ $&))ort material$5 li9e Po#erPoint tem)late$ to )&t on local ed&cation $eminar$5 doc&ment tem)late$ for them to file #ith their $tate &tility commi$$ion5 etc. 4a3e a hi(h :&ality )rofe$$ional broch&re a3ailable a$ a hando&t5 that $&mmarize$ the $it&ation #ith #ind ener(y 'e.(. Ra$m&$$en*. Enco&ra(e critical thin9in( from member$ and the )&blic. De3elo) a li$t of e,)ert$ for te$timony to (o3ernment a(encie$5 etc. 6dentify 9ey to)ic$ 'e.(. health* and (et 3ol&nteer$ to act a$ a clearin( ho&$e for information and )o$tin( timely information for acti3i$t$ on a #eb$ite. 1$$i(n 9ey )eo)le to be media interface$ 'tho$e #ho are 9no#led(eable5 can thin9 on their feet5 camera friendly5 etc.* 2oordinate me$$a(e$ to addre$$ local5 $tate and federal le3el$ of la#ma9er$ 2reate $ome catch )hra$e$ of #ind ener(y = e.(. )&ff )o#er5 breeze ener(y. !et&) a 3ol&nteer lobbyin( effort to reach 9ey la#ma9er$ 6dentify and connect #ith li9e minded (ro&)$ $&ch a$ ta,5 tea )arty5 tr&e en3ironmentali$t$5 b&$ine$$ or(anization$5 )ro)erty ri(ht$ ad3ocate$5 etc.


So e Considerations Regarding a National Organi'ation: >Note: This is optional. All of the above P would be done as well, but having a funded national organi!ation would allow for a more "omprehensive P effort.? Decide on the )&r)o$e of a national or(anization5 and ho# it #o&ld interface #ith local (ro&)$. 'E.(. local #eb$ite$ #o&ld )rimarily ha3e info )ertainin( to the local i$$&e$. Ed&cation re #ind ener(y #o&ld be handled nationally.* Decide on the $tr&ct&re of a national or(anization5 and #here the f&nd$ #o&ld come from to $&))ort it. 2reate a @thin9 tan9A $&b(ro&) to )rod&ce and di$$eminate #hite )a)er re)ort$ and $cientific :&ote$ and )a)er$ that bac9 &) the me$$a(e. +imely (atherin( of information a$ it a))ear$ in media o&tlet$ on thi$ $&b<ect 0edia /&treach B Re$)on$e 'comm&nication$* 2ommittee #ill create and coordinate media contact cam)ai(n$. -$e PR 7e#$#ire a$ the #ind ind&$try doe$ c&rrently. 2reate ad3erti$in( cam)ai(n for radio5 +C5 and alternati3e media. 2oordinate #ith $i(na(e5 tee $hirt$5 hat$5 b&m)er $tic9er$ etc Em)loy a #ell 9no#n $)o9e$man #ith $tar credibility. '"ind one to 3ol&nteer8* De3elo) cor)orate )artner$hi)$ #here the me$$a(e (oe$ onto ba($5 $i(n$5 tent$ and other o&tlet$. !tart a @(et )eo)le tal9in(A cam)ai(n. -$e contro3er$y to $)ar9 idea$. Do&th /&treach #ill create )ro(ram for )&blic $chool coordination a$ #ell a$ colle(e coordination. +hi$ #ill incl&de comm&nity acti3ity and )artici)ation #ith $)on$or$hi)$ for $cience fair$5 $chool acti3ity etc. #ith )re$et )arameter$ that ca&$e $t&dent$ to $teer a#ay from #ind beca&$e they di$co3er it doe$nEt meet the criteria #e $et &) ')o$ter conte$t5 e$$ay$ etc*. !et&) a d&mmy b&$ine$$ that #ill (o into comm&nitie$ con$iderin( #ind de3elo)ment5 )ro)o$in( to b&ild 4FF foot billboard$. !ocial 0edia /&treach director/create coordination for me$$a(e on #eb and in +#itter ty)e o&treach5 Do&+&be5 etc. 2reate co&nter intelli(ence branch 're$)on$ible for comm&nicatin( c&rrent ind&$try tactic$ and $trate(ie$ a$ feedbac9 to thi$ or(anization*

1 team in3e$ti(ate$ lin9$ to any or(anization $&))ortin( #ind in order to e,)o$e that $&))ort. Pro3ide alternati3e $ol&tion$ for )&blic con$&m)tion a$ #ell a$ re brandin( of the c&rrent #ind ind&$try8 ;rite e,)o$e boo9 on the ind&$try5 $ho#in( (o3ernment #a$te5 harm to comm&nitie$ and other ne(ati3e im)act$ on )eo)le and the en3ironment. 0eme '$elf re)licatin( me$$a(e$* Re$)on$e 2oordinator '+hi$ #ill hel) $lo# the meme effect of the ind&$try5 for in$tance #hen a com)any )lace$ a $eal $ho#in( #ind )o#er #a$ &$ed to )rod&ce the )rod&ct5 #e a&tomatically a$$i(n a ta, #a$tin( $ymbol to the )rod&ct and recommend a boycott on the #eb$ite. ;hen a com)any &$e$ #ind )o#er a$ mar9etin( tool5 or ill&$tration $&ch a$ a toy man&fact&rer $ho#in( t&rbine$ on the bo,5 #e a&tomatically contact them to tell them #e #ill li$t them on the #eb a$ acti3ely )artici)atin( in di$information by fa3orably $ho#in( #ind t&rbine$* Le(al De)artment for contract re3ie# and (&idance on comm&nication effort$5 and al$o ta9in( de3elo)er$ 'etc.* to co&rt on 3ario&$ i$$&e$ to ca&$e media e,)o$&re. 0aintain a com)rehen$i3e collection of co&rt ca$e$ on thi$ $&b<ect. 1l$o to )ro3ide le(al 3oice for tho$e #ho ha3e none in thi$ i$$&e. De3elo) le(al $trate(ie$ that can be co)ied in other area$. +a9e zonin( board$ to co&rt to rezone a$ ind&$trial land to create chillin( effect on $i(nin( contract$. 1l$o $&e for )ro)erty 3al&e lo$$ to $mall land holder$5 and &$e all le(al ca$e$ to create media )o$ter child effect. !&e $tate$ re(ardin( RP!. !&e $tate &tility commi$$ion #ho donEt do their <ob. Etc. National Organi'ation: $etails and Narrati(e +he minim&m national PR cam)ai(n (oal i$ to con$tr&cti3ely infl&ence national and $tate #ind ener(y )olicie$. 1 broader )o$$ible (oal i$ to con$tr&cti3ely infl&ence national and $tate ener(y and en3ironmental )olicie$. +he (oal #ill be realized by coordination of a foc&$ed me$$a(e alon( many channel$ and #ith m&lti)le 3oice$. +he intent i$ to tar(et three a&dience$ #ith con$i$tent me$$a(in( to create the chan(e. P&blic o)inion m&$t be(in to chan(e in #hat $ho&ld a))ear a$ a @(ro&nd$#ellA amon( (ra$$ root$. +he me$$a(e #ill be determined from a 3ariety of analy$i$ techni:&e$ incl&din( inter3ie#$ #ith local (ro&)$ and other$ #ho ha3e an intere$t in $)readin( the me$$a(e. +ho$e #ho hold o))o$in( 3ie#$ m&$t al$o be a$$e$$ed. +he analy$i$ #ill incl&de $cientific )oll$ a$ #ell a$ foc&$ (ro&)$ to be &$ed on a contin&in( ba$i$ from time to time to direct and foc&$ the cam)ai(n on me$$a(e$ that are &$ef&l to the end (oal. 1$ )erce)tion$ chan(e o3er time5 a barometer m&$t be &$ed to determine tho$e chan(e$ and ma9e dynamic ad<&$tment$ in the me$$a(e and cam)ai(n. Pro!osed Structure of a National Organi'ation 1 )aid5 f&ll time director #ill re)ort to a board on #hich the director ha$ a 3otin( $eat. +he

director $hall ha3e one )aid e,ec&ti3e a$$i$tant. +he or(anization $hall rely on a net#or9 of 3ol&nteer $tate committee chair)eo)le #ho are to coordinate effort$ to di$$eminate the me$$a(e in the $tate. +he chair)er$on $hall ma9e contact$ and maintain them #ith 3ario&$ adhoc (ro&)$ thro&(ho&t the $tate that #o&ld benefit from the coordinated me$$a(e. +he director $hall ma9e &$e of information (atherin( technolo(y to $tay abrea$t of de3elo)ment$ in the media and ind&$try and then coordinate a))ro)riate me$$a(e$ accordin(ly. +hi$ technolo(y $hall incl&de a $&b$cri)tion to 7e,i$. +he director $hall al$o de3elo) and maintain contact$ and coordinate their action$ in re(ard$ to the me$$a(e. +he or(anization $hall maintain 5F1c3 and P12 $tat&$ and $hall coordinate lobby effort$ at the con(re$$ional and $tate le3el$. +he director #ill ma9e &$e of $cientific re$earch #hich i$ de$i(ned to (a&(e the re$)on$e to the me$$a(e and allo# for the ad<&$tment of the me$$a(e from time to time. +he $ame re$earch i$ al$o to determine the #ea9ne$$e$ in o))o$ition me$$a(e$ for the )&r)o$e of e,)loitin( them to the end (oal of the cam)ai(n. National Organi'ation: $etails and Narrati(e +he )&r)o$e of a national or(anization #o&ld be to do a better5 :&ic9er <ob at con$tr&cti3ely infl&encin( national and $tate #ind ener(y )olicie$. 1 broader )o$$ible (oal mi(ht be to con$tr&cti3ely infl&ence national and $tate ener(y and en3ironmental )olicie$. +he (oal #ill be realized by coordination of a foc&$ed me$$a(e alon( many channel$ and #ith m&lti)le 3oice$. +he intent i$ to tar(et three a&dience$ #ith con$i$tent me$$a(in( to create the chan(e. P&blic o)inion m&$t be(in to chan(e in #hat $ho&ld a))ear a$ a @(ro&nd$#ellA amon( (ra$$ root$. +he me$$a(e #ill be determined from a 3ariety of analy$i$ techni:&e$ incl&din( inter3ie#$ #ith local (ro&)$ and other$ #ho ha3e an intere$t in $)readin( the me$$a(e. +ho$e #ho hold o))o$in( 3ie#$ m&$t al$o be a$$e$$ed. +he analy$i$ #ill incl&de $cientific )oll$ a$ #ell a$ foc&$ (ro&)$ to be &$ed on a contin&in( ba$i$ from time to time to direct and foc&$ the cam)ai(n on me$$a(e$ that are &$ef&l to the end (oal. 1$ )erce)tion$ chan(e o3er time5 a barometer m&$t be &$ed to determine tho$e chan(e$ and ma9e dynamic ad<&$tment$ in the me$$a(e and cam)ai(n. +he amo&nt of time and ener(y the cam)ai(n #ill con$&me #ill nece$$arily re:&ire a minim&m of t#o )aid )o$ition$ #ith con$ideration for the addition of other )aid )o$ition$ a$ the cam)ai(n (ro#$ and i$ able to (arner more f&ndin(. 1 director #ill be a))ointed by a board5 on #hich the director $hall ma9e material contrib&tion$ to the direction the board ta9e$ in it$ a))roach. +he director $ho&ld ha3e at lea$t one admini$trati3e a$$i$tant )aid to hel) #ith #or9 load$. +he #or9 load of the director #ill li9ely e,ceed GF ho&r$ )er #ee9 and more if tra3el i$ incl&ded. 1 tra3el b&d(et $ho&ld al$o be )lanned to allo# the director to meet #ith 9ey )er$on$ in the

3ario&$ $tate$ #here the cam)ai(n #ill become acti3e. +he director )o$ition a$$&me$ that 3ol&nteer$ are ready and #illin( to be(in $er3in( in 3ario&$ committee )o$ition$ a$ $oon a$ )o$$ible. +he be(innin( committee$ can be con$tit&ted by a board 3ote and $ho&ld incl&de the follo#in( for immediate acti3ation: 0edia !cience Re(ional !tate 2oordinator$ 7et#or9in( Political / Lobby %ro&) Policy +he (ro&) )olicy committee #ill decide the 9ey me$$a(e$ and foc&$ and #ill &$e data from analy$i$ and re$earch to ma9e it$ deci$ion$. +he deci$ion$ from thi$ committee #ill be &$ed to (&ide the effort$ of the or(anization in comm&nicatin( #ith the )ro$)ecti3e a&dience$. +hi$ committee i$ re$)on$ible for analyzin( and re$)ondin( to the dynamic$ of the a&dience$ o3er time5 and i$ 9ey to $&cce$$f&lly im)lementin( the $trate(y by identifyin( the correct ar(&ment$ and tone for re$onance amon( the a&dience$. +he media committee i$ re$)on$ible for im)lementin( the me$$a(e in a 3ariety of media re$o&rce$ incl&din( traditional media5 ne# media5 $ocial media and net#or9in(. +hi$ committee #ill al$o be re$)on$ible for &$in( analy$i$ to determine the mo$t a))ro)riate )ac9a(in( of the me$$a(e for the 3ario&$ o&tlet$. 6t $ho&ld con$ider #hat channel$ and 3oice$ to &$e in each in$tance. +hi$ committee #ill ha3e the re$)on$ibility of me$$a(e inte(rity5 that i$5 the contin&ity of me$$a(e. +he committee #ill need re$o&rce$ for me$$a(e )o$itionin( a$ #ell a$ &tilizin( free me$$a(e )lacement techni:&e$. +he $cience committee #ill be re$)on$ible for a$$emblin( a directorate of $cienti$t$ #ith the )ro)er credential$ to be acce)ted by main $tream media. +ho$e credential$ are al$o im)ortant in ma9in( the $cientific material harder to tar(et and more diffic&lt to tear do#n by the o))o$ition. +hi$ committee #ill coordinate #ith the directorate to de3elo) a hi(hly re$)ectable collection of $cientific #hite )a)er$ and re)ort$ that are con$i$tent in their a))roach to $&))ortin( the me$$a(e$ cho$en a$ mo$t li9ely to $&cceed. +hi$ committee #ill )ro3ide #ell re$)ected $cienti$t$ for media and )olitical $ym)o$i&m$ to be cond&cted to f&rther e$tabli$h the me$$a(e$. +hey #ill coordinate their effort$ #ith other committee$ #ho$e d&tie$ #ill incl&de di$$emination of the $cience. +he $tate and re(ional coordinator$ #ill be 3ol&nteer$ a))ointed to re(ional )o$ition$ to remain in contact #ith the $tate leader$ in their area. +hey #ill a$certain the need$ of the $tate and al$o local cam)ai(n$ and be re$)on$ible for re(&larly re)ortin( tho$e need$ to the or(anization $o they can be addre$$ed. +hey #ill al$o be re$)on$ible for coordinatin( the flo# of information in t#o direction$ bet#een the or(anization and the $tate. +hey $ho&ld hold a monthly meetin( #here ro&nd Hrobin information $harin( a$$&re$ the flo# of information &) into the or(anization. +he coordinator$ #ill al$o indi3id&ally be re$)on$ible for reachin( o&t

#ee9ly to their $tate contact$ to maintain a c&rrent )ict&re of the $it&ation on the (ro&nd5 and $ho&ld comm&nicate any &r(ent $tate need$ directly &) to the director #ho $ho&ld then coordinate the a))ro)riate re$)on$e. +he net#or9in( committee #ill be re$)on$ible for coordinatin( the re$)on$e of net#or9ed (ro&)$ #ith li9e mind on o&r me$$a(e. +he$e #ill incl&de the tea )arty5 anti ta, lea(&e$ and &tility rate (ro&)$ a$ #ell a$ (o3ernment #atch do(5 anti #a$te (ro&)$. +hi$ committee #ill hel) $)read o&r me$$a(e to the net#or9 (ro&)$ and then (ather feed bac9 a$ to their intere$t$ and need$ for f&rther information from the or(anization. Political and lobby committee i$ the coordinatin( arm for the me$$a(e (oin( to elected official$ and contact #ith them in the ca)acity of lobby effort$. +hi$ (ro&) ideally #ill be able to )re$ent a (ro&nd $#ell of )&blic o)inion in addition to fact$ that $&))ort the me$$a(e. +he lobby effort$ #ill incl&de tar(eted o))o$ition to c&rrent bill$ that contin&e the )olicy thi$ or(anization o))o$e$. 1 coordination #ith the $cience committee i$ im)ortant to )ro3ide fact$ for la#ma9er$ in a format they can &nder$tand ea$ily. )unding for a National Organi'ation +he or(anization #ill need f&ndin( and a recommendation of IJ5F5FFF for $eed and $tart&) i$ )robably a reali$tic n&mber. Printed material$5 mailin(5 and the creation of a media )ac9et5 )l&$ )hone and com)&ter lin9$ and information $er3ice$. +ra3el #ill be nece$$ary a$ #ell. +he director $ho&ld recei3e a $alary of not le$$ than IKF5FFF )er year #ith an a$$i$tant recei3in( I355FFF )er year. +he director $ho&ld ha3e e,)erience in PR and media #ith the a))ro)riate &nder$tandin( of mar9etin( techni:&e$. 4i(h le3el of creati3ity in de3elo)in( media $trate(ie$5 #ith em)ha$i$ on #ritin( and comm&nication$. +hi$ )er$on m&$t thin9 o&t$ide the bo, and be #illin( to &$e the late$t &nder$tandin( of PR to co&nteract the o))o$in( me$$a(e and $trate(y acro$$ a broad ran(e of a&dience$. +hi$ i$ a recommendation to hire a )rofe$$ional f&ndrai$er re$)on$ible for coordinatin( donation$ to both the 5F1c3 and Pac. +he f&ndrai$in( effort$ $ho&ld be $e)arated from the d&tie$ of the director $o a$ not to interfere #ith the day to day acti3itie$ needed to 9ee) the cam)ai(n mo3in( for#ard. *+a !le Scenario ,for a National Organi'ation" 6n thi$ e,am)le5 the (ro&) )olicy committee ha$ identified that a )artic&lar bill )ro3idin( f&ndin( for the o))o$ition ha$ been ad3anced to committee for a hearin(. Policy committee ha$ a$9ed for a coordinated effort to $to) the )ro(re$$ of the f&ndin( mea$&re. "ir$t5 the lobby committee &$e$ their contact$ to be(in a cam)ai(n from the in$ide a(ain$t the bill #ith )hone call$ and )ri3ate meetin($. +hey meet #ith $e3eral $taffer$ #ho $&((e$t that the bill i$ bein( $&))orted beca&$e it ha$ been mo3ed a$ (reen le(i$lation and $e3eral committee

member$ are afraid to o))o$e it on that ba$i$. +he lobby committee re)ort$ thi$ to media and $cience for f&rther action. +he media committee decide$ to &$e a f&ll )a(e ad3erti$ement in the ;a$hin(ton Po$t a$ a method of comm&nicatin( the Lnot $o (reen tr&thE to con(re$$5 and at the $ame time coordinate$ a $)ecial inter3ie# and $tory from a $cientific )oint of 3ie# that ill&$trate$ the dirty $ide of the ind&$try. 1t thi$ $ame time5 the $cience committee hold$ a )re$$ conference to anno&nce that the ind&$try i$ &$in( di$hone$ty and @(reen#a$hin(A a$ a co3er for #hat amo&nt$ to cor)orate #elfare. +he me$$a(e i$ al$o re)eated in ;a$h +ime$5 ;!J5 "o, and other $o&rce$. !tate re(ional coordinator$ are ta))ed at thi$ time to )ro3ide a letter #ritin( cam)ai(n from the (ra$$ root$ a$9in( the 9ey le(i$lator$ to bac9 a#ay from the f&ndin( mea$&re. +hi$ cam)ai(n i$ al$o echoed in 3ario&$ directorate (ro&)$ coordinated from the or(anization incl&din( tea )arty5 anti ta, lea(&e$5 etc. +he coordinated effort $tretche$ acro$$ m&lti channel$ and m&lti 3oice$5 and a))ear$ to come from a$ many a$ a dozen $e)arate $o&rce$5 b&t the me$$a(e i$ the $ame and $tay$ on )oint. +he created barra(e of 3oice$ )ro3ide$ eno&(h co3er that the elected official$ ha3e a #ay to 3ote no beca&$e they can clearly $ee they ha3e $&))ort for o&r )o$ition.

1 more con$i$tent )rofe$$ional PR cam)ai(n i$ an ab$ol&te im)erati3e. ;ith #ell o3er a h&ndred -! local (ro&)$ fi(htin( the $ame i$$&e5 it i$ clearly ad3i$able that the$e )eo)le be on the $ame )a(e. ;hat $en$e doe$ it ma9e for each of the$e (ro&)$ to be rein3entin( the #heel5 and d&)licatin( effort$8 +here are $e3eral o)tion$ a$ to ho# thi$ can be im)lemented5 ran(in( from the informal to the 3ery $tr&ct&red. +he lo# co$t alternati3e i$ to contin&e to rely on 3ol&nteer$5 and not to ha3e a national or(anization. +hat can #or95 to a de(ree5 b&t there $till i$ a critical need for the n&mero&$ local (ro&)$ acro$$ the co&ntry to #or9 more clo$ely to(ether. #$a"tly how that "an be best done is what needs to be resolved. +he more hi(h end a))roach #o&ld in$&re the #ide$t di$trib&tion of the be$t me$$a(e = b&t #ill re:&ire con$iderable time effort and f&ndin(. 1 national or(anization can not be accom)li$hed #itho&t f&ll time )eo)le #or9in( to coordinate local effort$. Are we prepared to "ommit to that option at this point%

E$tabli$hin( a national or(anization 'if that i$ the cho$en ro&te* $ho&ld be 3ie#ed a$ a lon( term )ro<ect. 1 three year )lan $ho&ld be de3elo)ed that can offer $ome time table for e,)ected re$&lt$. D&e to the $ize of thi$ &nderta9in(5 thi$ )lan $ho&ld incl&de a roll o&t )eriod #here a te$t of the or(anization can be made in a $in(le $tate or re(ion of $tate$ fir$t5 before (oin( to a national format.

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