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Basic Electronic Devices and Circuits (10B11EC211) Tutorial Sheet 4 (Zener Diodes) 1.

. An unloaded zener voltage regulator has an input source voltage of 20 V a series resistance of !!0 " and a zener voltage of 12 V# $o% &uch current is flo%ing through the zener diode ' (Ans. 2)#2 &A* 2. +n ,ro-# 1 if the source voltage varies fro& 1. V to )0 V %hat is the &a/i&u& zener current ' (Ans. 0)#0 &A] 3. +n ,ro-# 1 if the series resistor has a tolerance of 110 2 %hat is the &a/i&u& zener current ' (Ans. 23#4 &A] 4. 5igure 1 sho%s a loaded zener regulator# +f the zener diode is disconnected %hat is the load voltage ' (Ans. 14#!3 V]

Fig. 1 . 6uppose that the dc suppl7 voltage in the circuit of 5ig# 1 slo%l7 decreases fro& 20 V to 0 V# At so&e point along the %a7 the zener diode %ill stop regulating# 5ind the suppl7 voltage %here regulation is lost# !Ans. 1)#4) V* ". Calculate all the three currents in 5ig# 1# (Ans. 2)#2) &A 14#2) &A 0 &A* #. Assu&ing a tolerance of 110 2 in -oth resistors of 5ig# 1 %hat is the &a/i&u& zener current ' (Ans. 13#48 &A* $. 6uppose that the dc suppl7 voltage of 5ig# 1 can var7 fro& 20 V to )0 V# 9hat is the &a/i&u& zener current ' !Ans. 84#0 &A* %. Calculate the po%er dissipation in the resistors and zener diode of 5ig# 1# (Ans. 13!#32 &9 34 &9 13)#00 &9* 1&. :he zener diode of 5ig# 1 has a zener resistance of 11#. "# +f the po%er suppl7 has a ripple of 1 V (p;p) %hat is the ripple across the load resistor ' (Ans. !!#8 &V(p;p)* 11. During the da7 the ac suppl7 voltage changes# :his causes the output of the unregulated dc po%er suppl7 to var7 fro& 18#. V to 21 V# +f the zener resistance is 11#. " %hat is the corresponding change in the output voltage of the regulator of 5ig# 1 ' !Ans. 12#1 V to 12#221 V* 12. A zener regulator has input dc suppl7 voltage of 2. V a series resistance of )80 " a zener voltage of 1. V and a load resistance of 1 <"# 9hat are the load voltage and the zener current ' (Ans. 1. V 4#20 &A*

13. 9hat is the &ini&u& load resistance that &a7 -e used in 5ig# 1 %ithout losing zener regulation ' (Ans. )3. "* 14. :he unregulated voltage in 5ig# 1 &a7 var7 fro& 14 V to 2! V and the load current &a7 var7 fro& 1 to 2. &A# 9ill the zener regulator stop regulating under these conditions ' +f so %hat is the &a/i&u& value of RS ' !Ans. =es 140 "* 1 . 5igure 2 sho%s a zener voltage regulator circuit# Deter&ine Vo I> IZ and I6 if R> ? 100 "# !Ans. 3 V .0 &A 0 &A .0 &A*

Fig. 2 1". @epeat ,ro-# 1. if R> ? )80 "#

Fig. 3

Fig. 4 (Ans. 10 V 21#20 &A 2)#18 &A ).#). &A*

1#. Deter&ine the value of R> that %ill esta-lish &a/i&u& po%er conditions for the zener diode# (Ans. 1#0!. <"* 1$. Design the zener regulator circuit of 5ig# ! to &aintain V> at 12 V for a load ( I>) variation fro& 0 to 200 &A# :hat is deter&ine R6 and VZ# !Ans. 20 " 12 V* 1%. :he voltage regulator circuit of 5ig ) is reAuired to &aintain the load voltage V> at 4 V# :he circuit derives its po%er fro& a suppl7 of V+ ? !0 V# :he -rea<do%n voltage of the zener diode VZ ? 4 V and the &a/i&u& current that can -e per&itted to flo% through the zener diode is 12 &A# Deter&ine the range of R> %hich %ill ensure this reAuire&ent# (:a<e IZ(&in) ? 10 2 of IZ(&a/))# !Ans. R>(&a/) ? .00 " R>(&in) ? 24! "*

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