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Worksheet No. 7.

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Form 4 Topic 7 Acid and Base Paper 3 (Written Practical Test)


pH is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. The lower the pH value, the higher the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution. Using the above information, plan a laboratory experiment to compare the strength of ethanoic acid and nitric acid of the same concentration, based on their pH values. pH ialah suatu ukuran kepekatan ion hidrogen dalam suatu larutan. Semakin rendah nilai pH, semakin tinggi kepekatan ion hidrogen dalam larutan itu.

Gunakan maklumat di atas, rangcang satu eksperimen untuk membandingkan kekuatan asid etanoik dan asid nitrik yang mempunyai kepekatan yang sama, berdasarkan nilai pH asid masing masing. (a) Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen (b) All the variables Semua pembolehubah (c) Statement of the hypothesis Pernyataan hipotesis (d) List of material and apparatus Senarai bahan dan radas (e) Procedure Prosedur (f) Tabulation of data Penjadualan data Write your answers in the spaces provided. (a) Aim of experiment/ Tujuan eksperimen (All the variables) Manipulated Variable/ Pembolehubah dimanipulasi: Responding Variable/ Pembolehubah bergerak balas : Control Variable / Pembolehubah dimalarkan : Statement of the hypothesis / Pernyataan hipotesis : Material / Bahan: Apparatus / Rada : (e) Procedure / Prosedur :

[2] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3]


(c) (d)


Tabulation of data / Penjadualan data:

Suggested answer for (a) Aim: Tujuan:

Worksheet No. 7.3

To determine the strength of acids of the same concentration based on their pH values Menentukan kekuatan asid degan kepekatan yang sama, berdasarkan nilai pH asid masing-masing. Ethanoic acid and nitric acid// type of acids Asid etanoik dan asid nitrik // jenis asid pH value nilai pH Concentration of the acid//volume of acid Kepekatan asid// isipadu asid The acid that gives a lower pH is the strong acid whereas the acid with the higher pH is the weak acid. Bagi Asid degan kepekatan yang samayang digunakan, semakin rendah nilai pH nya 0.1mol dm ethanoic acid, 0.1mol dm nitric acid, and distilled water Measuring cylinder, 2 boiling tubes or 100cm beakers, test tube rack, ( required if beakers are used), pH meter. 3 Silinder penyukat, 2 tabung didih atau 100cm bikar, rak tabung uji (tak perlu jika bikars diguna), meter pH 3 -3 1. 20 cm of 0.1 mol dm ethanoic acid is measured by using a measuring cylinder. 2. The ethanoic acid is then poured carefully into a boiling tube. 3. By dipping a pH meter into etahnoic acid in the boiling tube, the pH of the acid is measured 4. Read the pH reading accurately and record the reading in a table. -3 5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 by using 0.1 moldm nitric acid. 1. Sukat 20 cm 0.1 mol dm asid etanoik dengan silinder penyukat. 2. Tuang asid nitrik itu ke dalam sebuah tabung didih dan letakannya pada satu rak tabung uji. 3. Satu pH meter dicelup ke dalam asid itu untuk menyukat nilai pH nya. 4. Bacakan nilai pH dengan tepat dan rekodkan nilai itu dalam satu jadual. -3 5. Langkah 1 4 diulangi dengan menggunakan 0.1 mol dm asid nitrik.
3 -3 3 -3 -3



(All the variables) Manipulated Variable : Pembolehubah dimanipulasi : Responding Variable: Pembolehubah bergerak balas : Control Variable : Pembolehubah dimalarkan : Statement of the hypothesis : Pernyataan hipotesis : Material : Bahan : Apparatus : Radas :




Prosedur :


Tabulation of data : Penjadualan data:

Expt Eksp 1 2

Type of Acid/ Jenis asid 0.1 mol dm asid etanoik 0.1 mol dm asid nitrik
-3 -3

pH value/nilai pH

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