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Internet Messaging Database Concept for Sales Cycle

Management Support at the Single Point of Entry

Internet Messaging at a Single Point of Entry...............................................................................................................2

Concept to leverage the Single Point of Entry in a Sales Cycle Management Framework.....................................2
The Message Cycle feeds Sales Cycle Management...................................................................................................2
Aggregates drive Sales Cycle Management.................................................................................................................2
Search Sessions breakout Contact Management.........................................................................................................3
Lead Management or Threaded Sessions combine Search Contacts to realize Potential............................................3
Project Management.....................................................................................................................................................3
Team Share..................................................................................................................................................................3
Duplication or Normalization of Data.............................................................................................................................3
Team Context.................................................................................................................................................................4
Core Content Objects or Meta Data................................................................................................................................4
Core Content is a Seed that grows as the Potential Increases.................................................................................4
An integrated IM Platform cuts Information Maintenance Time................................................................................5
Collection related Information in the Search Session....................................................................................................5
Threads document References and Business Development Potential.........................................................................5
Table Search Session......................................................................................................................................................5
How can Search Sessions clear your Inbox and find needed material?..................................................................5
Search Sessions Entry..................................................................................................................................................5
Linking Information across Search Sessions. Thread Indexes......................................................................................6
Use Standard Operations to maintain Information and qualify for Use.........................................................................6
Streaming feeds useful Information to drive the Aggregates........................................................................................6
Search Session Transactions that qualify as Threads...............................................................................................6
Start a new Search Session including a Collection of previous Searches....................................................................6
Integrate Working Documents into Search Sessions and record Document Files or File Assets..................................7
Document Search Sessions as a repository of current Query Results..........................................................................7
Names of Key Search Session Data Fields..................................................................................................................7
Table Management:......................................................................................................................................................7
Table Synchronization with the Team...........................................................................................................................7
Table Thread Index and Threaded Sessions.................................................................................................................7
How can Threading help you find the right Information for Project Management?................................................8
Core Content.................................................................................................................................................................8
The workhorse Team Thread Index and Threaded Sessions.......................................................................................8
Cross References or laterally connect Threads by linking Sessions.............................................................................8
Information Resource storage for Maturity. TOC, Indexing and Tagging......................................................................9
References and Developmental Reports. BusAct_Ref, BusAct-Dev. ...........................................................................9
Threading and Collating................................................................................................................................................9
Generate Business or Team Reports from the Thread Index and Search Sessions...............................................9
Generate a Thread from combined Search Sessions...................................................................................................9
Transactions to store Content and thread Search Sessions.....................................................................................10
Search Session and Contact Management document searching Results.............................................................10
Threading Sessions Lead Management....................................................................................................................10
Attribute Mark, Unmark...............................................................................................................................................11
Standard Database Ops streamline Routine Maintenance......................................................................................11
Operator Archive.........................................................................................................................................................11
Attribute Filing.............................................................................................................................................................11
Operator Insert, Create...............................................................................................................................................11
Operator Update, Edit.................................................................................................................................................11
Operators Delete, Move, and Restore........................................................................................................................11
Object Stream..............................................................................................................................................................11
Data Entry and Reporting..............................................................................................................................................11
Team Data Synchronization, Team Share and Integration.........................................................................................12
Contact Management..................................................................................................................................................12
Lead Management......................................................................................................................................................12
Threads support Project Management........................................................................................................................12
Integration of other Data Sources. ............................................................................................................................12
Appendix 1 Table of Comparison between Data collected in Search Sessions and Threaded Sessions..............13
See Also..........................................................................................................................................................................14
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Internet Messaging at a Single Point of Entry.
Concept to leverage the Single Point of Entry in a Sales Cycle Management Framework
Internet Messaging offers the potential of converging Internet, e-mail and documents traffic at a single
point of entry. Sales Cycle Management teams leverage this point of entry to bind Contact, Lead and
Project Management into an efficient information flow. It identifies information assets to store for use
and to feed to the aggregates driving Sales Cycle Management. This framework sources a database to
store the incoming resources. Using a single point enables the user to promptly find and use these
resources to address current questions and issues. It supports views for data entry, maintenance and
visualization promoting innovation and creativity. Use of the supporting database facilitates data entry
so that information enters subsequent to the on-going search and collating. It speeds recall of suitable
material to meet current need and to distribute to team members. User interfaces also prepare the
stored assets for viewing from different perspectives and for entry of deductive results to fuel solution

The Message Cycle feeds Sales Cycle Management

A question or information need enters the message cycle. Taking this query to the Internet or using e-
mail to address contacts sends
the query to potential
information resources that
respond. Successful use of
returning material stores the
responses to the query, sorts
them and combines to work out
answers. Returning material
stores in Search Sessions that
offer potential use, perhaps also
in respect to other questions.
Qualified Search Sessions collect
in threads combining
information to produce useable
answers. However the threads
do not qualify to completely
solve problems at hand. Further
efforts identify assets to
complement the threads and
further combination produce
solutions to satisfy project
management (pm). If the
responses to the solution reach agreement that the solutions warrant implementation; then project
management proceeds. PM implements the incoming threads, combines and develops them to ensure
meeting project requirements.

See Also: [Basics] Basics of sharing Project To-Dos and Follow-up with Mozilla Thunderbird and Firefox.
Improve Web Research and Project Management Results.
This collection articles presents background on the Message Cycle, Internet Messaging and construction
and implementation of Team IM.
URL: >>>

Aggregates drive Sales Cycle Management

The Single Point of Entry drives the search and threading of information resources and streams them for
storage in Information Resources (IR), Knowledge Base (Kb), Education Development Services (EDS) And
Technical Support Service (TSS). These aggregates drive market development by supporting customer
responses. Information Resources stores the incoming information assets to enable recall, use and
integration in a timely, user-friendly manner. The Knowledge Base (Kb) extracts useful information from
IR and prepares it for team and customer use enabling assimilation and learning derived from questions
producing the Information Resources. Education Development Services recognizes the user need to learn
the technology at hand and develops material to assist the user in technology implementation by
answering his questions and providing for his education. Technical Support collects the customer
questions and problems for solution with assets from IR, Kb and EDS. Internet Messaging streamlines the
flow and improves asset transparency.

See Also: [BusDev] A collection of articles on Strategic Business Development which employs a compact,
flexible team to solve a wide range of channel and customer problems satisfactorily. It uses Sales Cycle
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Management to exploit the reoccurring promotion cycles to develop market potential. Internet
Messaging helps resolve issues of shared team to-dos, project management and follow-up for customer
satisfaction and quality.
URL: >>>

Search Sessions breakout Contact Management

Search Session. Pose a question and document the resources gleaned. In this quest for information
combine similar information elements relating to the same query from Internet, e-mail and documents.
Search Sessions index the collected material making searching easier and faster. Cross-references offer
insights that may lead to creative approaches by laterally connecting information encountered for
potential use. Enter information as it collects and insert it spontaneously into the right drawer. Open the
drawer at the right time to use the material and insert it as qualified into threads.

Lead Management or Threaded Sessions combine Search Contacts to realize Potential

Search contacts mature and combine with the fruit of other search queries. As in e-mail dialogues:
threading collects replies to related topics. It strings search sessions together by identifying related
information and collecting it. Combine sessions with value for use in current questions, problems or
issues. Information assets develop into answers to the questions posed. Use threads to identify suitable
information to feed into team efforts. Qualified Threads answer problems confronting team efforts and
contributes into the project management. Qualify stored threads for use in project development.

Project Management
Projects respond to a need or solve a problem by implementing a solution. They address the obstacles at
hand. Solutions take the collected threads, expand on them and integrate them into a package that
solves encountered problems within the proposed costs, time and performance.

Project Management details the obstacles to implementation and the steps necessary to overcome
them. The steps formulate as issues and Project Management uses available resources to resolve the
issues. It responds to issues by fulfilling to-dos. Assemble the stored contact and lead resources to use
as building blocks in implementation.
- Problem Analysis
- Planning, Implementation
- Issues, To-Dos
- Controlling

Team Share
Team Share provides an infrastructure connecting team members and transparent to search contacts
and threads. It connects members on a collaboration platform. Each member accesses a common
Internet Messaging profiles connect the resource infrastructure. Maintain a common team profile
enabling each member to share team project management files, and information to build solutions. It
ensures a frictionless method of deployment for distributed or mobile team members. Secondly it
communicates team information resources promptly to facilitate project management and timely
participation in issue resolution.

Duplication or Normalization of Data

Duplicate data increases the task of data entry and the chance of error. It slows down the working pace
by increasing the amount of material to process. Issuing a query collects information responding against
the query. Information from related queries collects and combines into threads. Project Management
takes suitable threads and unifies them into implementation. Normalized data prevents duplication.
Obviously the information collected in the sessions resembles the threads used for issue resolution but it
does not duplicate it. Fields and the designations used for Search Sessions, Thread Sessions and the
Thread Index are similar. Similarity of the field names makes it easier for the user. But the context
changes. The Threaded Session selects pertinent information from the Search Session for storage. The
Thread Index summarizes each of the items in the Threaded Session. Careful attention normalizes the
data as shown in the table in Appendix 1. This table shows the analysis demonstrating how the content
of the data fields evolves. The careful reader will take on the detail examination of each of the table cells
and compare them. Comparison will show that the maturing process changes the nature of the
information preventing duplication. This table poses the question: “If I remove this data will it reduce the
information quality? Reduction of any duplicated information does not reduce quality.

See Also: Quick Reference to Sales Cycle Management Database Objects driving Strategic Business
Development Aggregates
URL >>>

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Team Context
Team members work individually and independently to query information resources and contacts. Each
contact configures as a Search Session with the potential of acquiring information useful for problem
resolution. Other team members encounter useful information to share, and within the team context the
information flows to the member putting it into place. Useful search sessions and Threaded Sessions
collect across the team. A thread links search sessions and connects them with the potential of
benefiting implementation. When a response activates the team; each member queries local resources
to join them in building the team solution. Team context of shared information does not require a
dedicated, open link to centralized information (client-server) but functions as a well-informed,
experienced mailing list or forum. Team members are often distributed. Information flows as the result of
queries between team members.

Queries identify suitable Search Sessions and Threaded Sessions available within team member
domains. They offer a communication unit to flow the information promptly to the requestor. Client-
server architectures remain the optimum communication link. However the cost of data synchronization
within a mobile, distributed network increases significantly with the normalized data architecture. Teams
are usually mobile and periodically unattached from either Internet or networks. For this reason e-mail
does not use open connections. Data synchronization duplicates data and increases the probability of
introducing errors in replicated data. Using queries to store and pass information enables prompt access
to suitable information and minimizes response time. Internet Messaging behaves as an e-mail network.
Threaded Sessions transmit useful reports containing information for incorporation into project
documents. Local storage of Search Sessions and Threaded Sessions build in the course of engaging
Internet, e-mail and documents encapsulating potentially beneficial information. Search Session
Contacts and Threaded Sessions pass within the team responding to address and resolve-formulated
issues. Then a project binds the collected threads into a successful implementation.

Core Content Objects or Meta Data

Pose a question and listen for the answers. Search Sessions collect information collected from the posed
questions and store it to mature until needed. IM provides a TeamShare database to record the answers
and the associated information to qualify. As the information qualifies move it into Threaded Sessions for
participation in projects. A Search Session contains unqualified, unprocessed material. It often collects in
more then one focused thread, and allows assembling information on related individual threads.

Core Content is a Seed that grows as the Potential Increases

Core Content fuels the aggregates driving Sales Cycle Management. Internet Messaging introduces the
cycle collecting incoming information and distributing it to the team. Core Content indexes the content
and focuses on important topics to make searches faster and more comprehensive. It also improves
targeting useful information. Collecting contact profiles and session information; it organizes them into
readable accessible storage. It starts to collate and organize the material according to the potential.
Each contact continues to contribute to Core Content containing essential information for project
management. Threads add to the Core Content and project management using the collected information
and communication. They index the collected material and provide cross-references. Organization and
collation previously done cut down on the time needed for issue resolution and allow project
implementation with more facility.

Core Content includes Key Search Session Information:

- TOC. Table of Contents of material included in the Search Sessions and Threads
- Index. An index provides a vertical information hierarchy.
- Assemble the corresponding index tags in groups and domains to build a specific and focused
index. Use the index to streamline construction and remove duplication.
- Cross References join Indexes and Topics laterally Index/ Topics connects the cross products or
provides cross-references that traverse and then connect the domain hierarchy laterally.
Connect Domains, Groups and Items in new combinations to construct alternative solutions.
Tags list the information elements in the domain or help direct further queries. They offer related Info for
further use or potential.

Core Communication identifies Communication Channels within the Contact including:

- Custom Search Engine
- Forums, Groups. Key Issues
- Key IR Threads
- Key Support Threads
- Project Management. Key Issues.
- Project, Development, Research. Key Issues.
- Contact Profile and Resources
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It makes strengths and weaknesses in meshing customer and project communication visible. It also
identifies strengths to use in communicating with the customer.

An integrated IM Platform cuts Information Maintenance Time

Collection related Information in the Search Session
A valuable feature of the Message Cycle enables collection of information for related topics and
activities. These store for later use and retrieval. It consists of information related to the query but not
immediately applicable and not current. It has possible value for other queries. The related information
- Search Session documents information contacts with potential use or value.
- List related documents with similar information or linked information. Document the sources of
this information for reference.
- Record sources to stream and distribute within the team. The aggregates grow from the
information provided.
- Threading. Start a thread of Search Sessions with related information that addresses an identified

Threads document References and Business Development Potential

Ideas for project implementation often occur spontaneously. These ideas apply to business or project
opportunities and refer to information references useful for problem solving or implementation.
Document the ideas as developmental potential and the information as references for later use. Sketch
the relationships that may help to fit the ideas together. Label and tag the concepts to facilitate
threading and retrieval. Because the ideas gleaned while searching and threading relate to business
activities; let’s use an abbreviation of BusAct for Business Activity and differentiate between references
that document information and development that handle development opportunities. Some threads
contain more detailed information that expands into BusAct_Ref or point out business development as

How can the Threading Session support the development of the BusAct_Ref or BusAct_Dev?
- It acts as an outline.
- It collects information on availability and summarizes it.

A detailed examination of the Message Cycle determines that it indexes contacts by Business Activity
and the Information Resource applied in the activity. Because this combination promotes growth, the
index combination of (Business Activity, Information Resource (IR)) is named Promotion Number or PN.
Qualify the information by assigning a PN index number. A thread differs from a Search Session Contact
through the application of IR. A contact refers to an activity or IR, but does not combine them. Process it
by sorting, deleting, collating and combining information from the search session. Thread it by
combining it with other information assembling a further part of the puzzle. Improve the labeling to
facilitate locating the information easily when needed. Begin to develop the ideas and principles
contained within the concepts. Processing selects the information from the search session and inserts it
into a similar format after adapting it to the focused thread topic. The Thread Index format allows
generating a cover letter containing structured information from the search session. BusAct_Ref or
BusAct_Dev refers to the structured info and integrates it into a concept for reporting or distribution.
- Take applicable information from the Search Session and enter it into the Threading Session.
- Source. Maintain a list of potential sources or sources used. Use this list as reference for the
information applied in the BusAct-Ref. List possible sources to use.
- Leverage insights and ideas by outlining, documenting and structuring them in a working document.
Transparently store the document to fill in the missing gap as development progresses.
- Threading documentation. Insights are spontaneous ideas that often occur completely isolated from a
particular problem. BusAct_Ref and BusAct_Dev document the ideas and the principles the ideas
present. Record the spontaneous details of the presented principles. Tag the ideas to facilitate locating,
collating and threading.

Table Search Session

Information collected during a search session stores in this table. It identifies the query source and the
information obtained. It provides hooks to use later to link related Search Sessions into threads. Users
notice that a similar information structure prevails in Search and Threaded Sessions. It feeds directly into
project documentation.
How can Search Sessions clear your Inbox and find needed material?
Search Sessions Entry
Enter search sessions and index the sessions by adding keywords. Team members use the information
to direct searches for useful information. Enter the information from each search session on the fly.
Complement the info on the search engine with related information. Assemble the information on topics
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- Search for contacts and the assets associated with the question or query.
- List the search engine and use the data for evaluation.
- Record the search key as primary query key to find target information. Use it to list and index
search terms and optimize them.
- Search the keywords and the content to find related information and additional information
- Record information on the query and the contacts it yields.
- Maintain auxiliary or related information produced by the inquiry.
- Provide expedient access for later use of the information and to detail information yielded.
- Generate a report on the inquiry and related searches to help direct further search activities.
- Use this information as an input about the performance of search engines. The information in
“Search Description” and the “Related Information” gives input as to the suitability and yield of
search engines.
- Use search terms to focus following searches.
- Defined Search Query terms function as tags to locate material.

Linking Information across Search Sessions. Thread Indexes

Successful question or queries lead to chained, linked, answer on the path to a solution. They are like
signposts showing success in the quest for a solution.

Example Xsearch. Contacts and Threads store easily in a database. However threading and project
management generates documents that spread over the file system. Assuming that the documents are
tagged properly, an integrated (file) search would make the file system into a virtual database.
Searching could locate documents with the same PN. Individual contacts from different search sessions
suggested various possibilities. Threading the contacts suggested employing the module search module
Xsearch used by the editor jEdit. Application of this module integrated IM to find e-mail, Internet and
documents with related information. How can e-mail message headers/ tags be indexed? Collect and
organize the information to direct further search. Store the assets to stream to the Aggregates. Analyze
the results to direct following queries or to generate new ones.

Use Standard Operations to maintain Information and qualify for Use

Marking, Archiving and Standard Operations help the user maintain and improve data quality.
- “M”ark a search session for processing or exporting. Database processes locate the marked
records for processing including exporting, and for manipulation.
- “S”tandard Operations. Combine records for routine operations and maintenance. Standard Ops
includes Insert, Update, Delete, Move and Remove.
- “A”rchive records to optimize content. A record archives as routine (uses the routine period),
maintain for project or contractual purposes, delete.

Streaming feeds useful Information to drive the Aggregates

“S”treaming produces queries as a contribution to Information Resources or to the aggregates. Queries
often produce information to enrich the aggregates. Tagging session to stream marks the record to copy
as an Information Resource, for use in the Knowledge Base. Marking includes it as content for Education
Development Systems or Technical Support Services.
Applying these operations on a record demonstrates qualification.

Search Session Transactions that qualify as Threads

Processing a Search Session signifies potential value and suggests qualification as a lead (thread). It
recommends movement of the contact by signifying value. Issue a keyword query to select information
for examination and as source of potential answers. Document the perspective Search Sessions in a

Collecting information for a project, downloading files or capturing Internet pages stored in the
Teamshare demonstrate qualification and shows promise.
- Index the information by entering the PN or index
- Download a file entered into a session.
- Capture Internet pages entered into the Search Description into Teamshare for team use or
- Utilize Related Information as assets in an activity.

Start a new Search Session including a Collection of previous Searches.

EXAMPLE. Processing at the Single Point of Entry assumes an integration of different data sources
distributed through the Team share domain. ODBC offers an interesting possibility to integrate different
data sources, however integration information lacked. Previous searches for ODBC produced information
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on JDBC and the idea to connect Html pages with JavaScript over a JDBC connection to a database. Open
a Search Session recording the information gathered about JDBC and link it to ODBC. This enables the
user to consider the solution from different perspectives and use the database to as a container for the

A simple test demonstrates how contacts link. As in the case of ODBC; there is not enough information to
start a Reference (BusAct_Ref) or Business Development (BusAct_Dev). But the information shows
promise and value for perspective activities. If the collection shows more promise and offers more
information than stores in the Search Session; open a Threading document.

Generate a Business Report by incorporating Search Sessions. Open a BusAct_Ref or BusAct_Dev by

querying the Search Sessions and write them to file for use with a threading template. Merge Search
Session data with a Threading template to seed the report and expand on it. Multiple Search Sessions
relate and collect to offer contact potential; collect these Search Sessions into a Threading Session and
list them in a report to choose the information from those sessions offering promise. Reports use the
desktop Office System and list search sessions as table by querying, marking or processing

Integrate Working Documents into Search Sessions and record Document Files or File Assets
Computers haven’t done away with notes and sketches relating to contacts and threads. Working notes
collect ideas and store working sketches. The sketches may be drawn or sketched in text. Store the
notes in an activity binder and record the date and file identity in the Search Sessions and Threads to
ensure facility of retrieval. Test: If the notes produce a concept or plan then they produce enough
material to benefit entry into BusAct_Ref or BusAct_Dev.

Document Search Sessions as a repository of current Query Results

Search Sessions store and then connect to other Search Sessions as they mature and before they qualify
as Threading. The search results do not yet satisfy the question posed.

Example: A problem developed when using Excel to import and display data. It created a new cell for
each new line instead of wrapping text within a cell. It turned out that this is a common problem but
difficult to solve. It required collecting extensive information over a long period of time. Material was
extensive and the solution posed many questions. Multiple Search Sessions updated information stored.
According to search results this problem occurs often, and particularly in the interface between
Windows, Dos and Unix systems. Recording the keywords that probably include new line, carriage return,
or linefeed led to sources to finally resolve the problem.

Names of Key Search Session Data Fields

The following list contains names of the data fields participating in Search Sessions.
- SearchKey. Search terms used in the query
-S_Engine. Search Engine employed, it also lists local engines (Dic, e-mail, Internet) in use for example e-
mail that generate information. E-mail and document sources also list as search engines.
SURL_File. Local storage for the information or link.
- S_Query. Query content. Formulate the query for repeated use, for optimization or to distribute.
- Search_Desc. Search Description. An outline of the search assets including the URL for reference and
later use.
- Relate_Sterm. Related Information. Queries often produce information on associated topics or interests.
Outline these assets and URLs for later use.
- Sact_IR. PN. Qualify the potential value in the material and list the index. – Indexing includes
recognition of the Information Resource domain and association with an activity or project.

Table Management:
- Enter search key, search engine, query, and search description, related information in the sessions.
- Collect information by topic.
- Search for the topic by date, topic, search key, search description or related information. Add new
information to related information.

Table Synchronization with the Team

- Export key topics to share with the team. Share indexes and Cross References.
- Provide a list of individual topics

Table Thread Index and Threaded Sessions

Contacts or Search Session combine and collect into threads. Threads relate by the information content
and the potential to solve problems. Threaded Search Sessions use the e-mail convention of indexing the
thread by Subject:. Define a thread by subject to connect contacts within a thread. Each thread receives
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a coversheet named Thread Index summarizing the information for the user. As the contacts mature,
they add Core Content, and then eventually qualify as a project. E-mail exemplifies the progress. IM adds
evolutionary tags to E-mails with potential information value and act as tags for later searches. They are
called evolutionary because as the information potential evolves; the tag content changes to reflect the
maturing information. IM implemented on the Mozilla Platform uses e-mail headers named X-Tags: to
contain the tags

IM equips the user profile with evolutionary tags that index and cross reference information in the
incoming messages. These tags adapt to the changing information content. [BasicInstall] describes how
to use the Mozilla platform to configure X-Tags: and to use them for indexing as well as cross-
referencing. Collect the X-Tags: in a file for users to search for potential answers. They serve as an index
and cross-reference to active information sources. Using Mozilla and configuring the e-mail client to
export indexes containing message Subject: lines and the respective e-mail assists in placing proven
knowledge at the hands of the users.

How can Threading help you find the right Information for Project Management?
Threading Sessions collect Search Session add an index, and extract useful information relating to the
focus topic. They continue to collect associated data to structure and organize it. Assembling the data
also offers additional collection direction to assist in further development. This data and information
primarily collects in documents. As threading progresses the information collects in Core Content,
BusAct_Ref, and BusAct_Dev documents. A database record summarizes the information.
- Link related Search Sessions exhibit value in current inquiries.
- Generate a report of the linked Search Sessions summarized by the Thread Index
- Compile a TOC (Meta Data) to assist in ordering material as it adds
- Use collected information in the Search Sessions to index material
- Crystallize the cross references to laterally or diagonally connect relationships found within the
threaded material.
- Eliminate duplicated material. Neighboring sessions develop contaminating duplicated material.
The material collates and reduces into minimal sessions. Compare the material in different
sessions and choose sessions with independent material. Reduce duplication by folding material
into similar sessions to eliminate duplication within the set of sessions.
- Collect and combine the Search Sessions into Threads. Build the threads into documents
- Extend/ link the Search Sessions with the available content.
- Add content as it collects and use the TOC and indexes to structure it.
- Focus useful queries or keywords and distribute to team members.
- Qualify threading for use in a project. Project qualification includes issues to resolve feedback

Core Content
Thread Indexes and Sessions expand Core Content and provide further indexing. IM exports two sources
of indexes. E-mail exports an index containing To:, From:, and Subject: for each applicable message. A
list of the message Subject: lines indexes the message contents. E-mail also exports collected X-Tags:.
Listing these evolutionary tags lines up terms and expressions found within the search domain. It
provides an index list. This list facilitates further searching as it references previously used and
successful search terms. It communicates within the team as an inventory of information assets.

Refer to [Basics] for detailed information implementation information

URL: >>>

The workhorse Team Thread Index and Threaded Sessions

Table Threaded Sessions bridges Threads and qualified sessions. It links the qualified sessions to the
Thread. Table Threaded Session contains the Thread Id and the Session Id and links the two. It combines
Internet, e-mail and document sessions. It records the sessions satisfying the query with one link record
for each session.

Cross References or laterally connect Threads by linking Sessions

Threads gather or condense Search Sessions in a vertical hierarchy connected by the same keywords.
But often topics found under different keywords offer just the right impulse to proceed. Cross-referencing
keywords produces useful, innovative insights to participate in implementation. List the Cross
References in the Core Content as they appear. It helps to establish relationships and produce innovative
relationships. Often the structured hierarchy hides interrelationships or networked potential because
they do not visibly fit into the structure. Index Topics gather topics that do not fit into the structural flow
and networks them like mind mapping. While working suddenly in a blaze of insight or intuition pieces in
the puzzle fit together. Take advantage of that moment and record the network of relationships. Or
choose one of the Index Topics that connects to the momentary understanding.

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Information Resource storage for Maturity. TOC, Indexing and Tagging.
The Thread Index binds the Search Sessions into a research report.
- Identify activities profiting from use of the information.
- Formulate useful queries and communicate the queries as sources of targeted information.
- Evaluate and select search terms or keywords to improve the information value.
- Use the cross references to help stimulate creative insights and sources. Cross-referencing
contributes to new, creative inputs. Connect related information topics in a hierarchy and
establish diagonal and lateral relationships. (Search, Meta Data)
- Combine complementing Search Session information in following Threading Sessions.
- Organize the material gleaned from the sessions. (Meta Data, BusAct_Ref, _Dev)
- Identify the topics generated by the queries. (Meta Data, BusAct_Ref, _Dev)
- List the evolutionary tags X-Tags, and Ref: which list all topics handled.
- Maintain the references and developmental reports BusAct_Ref, BusAct_Dev.
- Combine with e-mail, Internet and documents into Threaded Sessions for reference and use.

References and Developmental Reports. BusAct_Ref, BusAct-Dev.

A fundamental purpose of using IM to support Sales Cycle Management is to provide support writing
reports, concepts, consulting, planning and to demonstrate to the customer what the unique benefits of
the proposal are. This concept provides a format that facilitates assembling the maturing ideas, concepts
and plans. This visual principle puts the ideas, concepts and plans into relationship with another and to
the collecting information elements. The basic format allows the composer to write down his ideas as
they come and as he gets time and focus to manage the maturing potential. The writer works in a format
that offers a TOC and topic headers to show the developing structure. It allows him to search content
and match as well as link information connections. It facilitates construction of an outline of the
development phases as a guide for later work. Use these reports to describe and discuss the
implementation ideas and issues to help thread the pieces and achieve their full potential. Content
contained in the reports illuminate and address the issues encountered in the further development.

Threading and Collating

Example: Determine a solution to indexing e-mail message headers and collect the X-Tags and Ref:
information from e-mails. The index of e-mail subjects and the evolutionary tags should be available to
the team as a centralized index and cross-reference list.

Problem: X-Tags and Ref: headers collect the evolutionary data in incoming e-mails. These headers
generate an index for use in locating assets and searching for these assets. The headers generate the
topics for the entire knowledge base gleaned in collecting e-mails from a user’s group. It requires taking
the header (X-Tags:) and the tags out of each marked message in the file. How does the data integrate
with the Search and Threaded Sessions? To approach this problem, search the Search and Threading
Session for keywords. Follow these keywords to generate ideas on data integration and storage.

Generate Business or Team Reports from the Thread Index and Search Sessions

Generate a Thread from combined Search Sessions

Thread Session matches the Search Sessions to the Thread Index so that it functions as a container to
hold qualified Search Sessions. Refer to these Search Sessions for the reference material and use them
to continue to build the thread. Threading Sessions use the Thread Index and a topic query to link. So
define a thread by use of Thread Index. If one has not yet been opened, then open a Thread Index by
marking an appropriate Search Session. This automatically opens the Thread Index. Generating reports
from the Thread Index and associated Search Sessions helps in filtering the sessions and eliminating
unnecessary ones.
- Export Search Session Id and information to a file
- Document the threading session generated by the Search Session.

Use an ODBC connection to integrate data sources; but how should it integrate? Which ones are
applicable? Intensive work on database connectivity located a variety of information on ODBC interfaces
as a candidate and detailed the configuration. Multiple Search Sessions stored the information.
Open a Threaded Session. It corresponds to e-mail thread where the Subject: threads the messages.
-> Add Record. By copying the information from the Search Session into the Thread Index
-> Use a query to find all Search Sessions with related information on ODBC. Enter SELECT statement or
query used to filter the Search Sessions and list them
-> Select the suitable Search Sessions for the Thread Index.
-> Generate a Thread Session for each Search Session as qualified.

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The following table illustrates a threading session and picking the Search Sessions that match the Thread
Index from the user’s perspective.

Workflow of a Threading Session

Enter Thread Index Select suitable Search Sessions from e-mail,
Internet or documents.
Pick or define a Thread (subject or title) that Pick the Search Sessions that fit together and
summarizes the combined Search Sessions. Fill it provide contributions to the content
out by copying information from a representative
Search Session.
ThreadIndex SearchSessions
The Thread Index is unique and limit to one SELECT the appropriate sessions with a query. Drop
ThreadIndex. or erase the unnecessary items.
Generate Thread Sessions from the Search Sessions. Thread Sessions qualify from Search Sessions and
differ from them. Often not all the material contained in Search Sessions apply or it filters to other
Generate a report:
The fields SeachKey (Search Key) and Search_Desc (Search Description) most likely identify suitable
Thread Indexes and Search Indexes. S_Query (Session Query) and Relate_Sterm (Related Information)
also provide search potential.
- Enter the PN Index to qualify the Search Sessions as Thread.

Generate a Thread from combined E-mail and Internet Search Sessions

- Example: SQLite is a candidate for use as database. It requires a manager application or wrapper.
The market offers a number of them. Which one would provide the best service? Gather
information on the candidates select one for use. Collect information to evaluate choice of a
suitable manager. Information on various tools stores in e-mail from mailing lists. Combine this
information with research material from the web. Research results collect in e-mail SQLite Users
Mailing List.
- Export e-mail results as X-Tags: or Index. Search using the queries found as Subject: lines in these
- Export the list of e-mail messages Subject: lines as an index and apply it to build a Table of
- Export the X-Tags: used to tag the messages as search keywords. Use the X-Tags: to categorize
the messages.
- Add Documents to the Threaded Sessions. Insert a document into a threaded session by entering
the document file name in the Threaded Session.
- Generate a thread from collected Search Sessions and update the thread by adding Search

Transactions to store Content and thread Search Sessions

Customer Contact records the contact and communication means

Search Session and Contact Management document searching Results

- Record the Search Sessions and the information gleaned. Fix related information that feed and
inform projects.
- Enter threads as they form. Threads connect sessions into a contact network.

Threading Sessions Lead Management

A Lead tracks the potential in the contact. Store the results of contact qualification within the Lead
Management Framework. Assemble the information components into

- Complement the information contained in the Search Sessions as it collects

- Thread new search sessions as they collect information. Update and expand Search Sessions with
new material.
- Qualify Search Session as Leads by assigning it “IR” which tags it to a file.
- Add Meta Data. Communication contact information collects within the Meta Data to ensure an
expedient connection.
o It lists Search Session Index from the gathered material.
- Search Session documents information obtained in qualifying the contact. They assist in focusing
further search activities to improve the yield.
- Maintain contacts, and contact profile from the Address Book. Import e-mail address book contact
information. Typical contact information stores in this profile.

Document Business References and Development Potential

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File useful ideas and draft the potential and possibilities in this form. Seed possible business
development ideas or projects that do not fully meet qualification principles and formulate the potential
in this form. These forms store during the qualification for Project Management and provide information
for the project qualification.

Attribute Mark, Unmark

Mark is a flag. It flags a record for attention or processing.

Each table has a Mark row/ field to enable the record to participate in transactions and processes. Mark
the respective items and operate on them. When finished, unmark the items. Mark participates in any
transaction or process. The user marks the field. “M”ark. After processing “U”nmark the field.

Standard Database Ops streamline Routine Maintenance

Insert/ Create, Update, Delete, Move, Restore-

Operator Archive
Routine. – Maintain. Maintain as contractual documentation. Cleaning and maintenance removes
unnecessary items from all tables. Legal requirements for maintaining must be observed and proper and
accurate archiving ensures recall and observance of requirements. It slims the (search) volume making it
faster and easier for the user. The user tags material for deletion.

Attribute Filing
Filing occurs regularly as defined. Attributes define the regularity of filing.

Operator Insert, Create

Create id assists archiving. Often items archive simply according to the date created. It also helps decide
what archiving is necessary and how to do it. Data entry often depends on the Create Date as removing
records from mailing lists.

Operator Update, Edit

Update or Edit relates changes and participates in making decisions. It helps to flag inactive activities.
Look for records with an Idle Edit date older than a particular window and they haven’t changed in the
meantime. Why have they been ignored? The Edit helps to provide answers and avoid ignoring
significant issues.

Operators Delete, Move, and Restore

These operators maintain the data in a useful state and prevent duplication of content.

Object Stream
Attribute. - IR. – Kb. - Eds. – Tss.
Tag a thread for potential inclusion in material building within the aggregates. The tag references it for
potential use in the material. Any table item potentially feeds the aggregates. Tag it to stream it to the
aggregate and when constructing the aggregates search for these items to include in the construction.

Data Entry and Reporting

Search Sessions enter as the user searches and sorts material this platform enables entering data while
working. The user accesses all tables for expedient data entry and maintenance of data. Most search
contacts arrive at the Internet Messaging Single Point of Entry. Why not process them at entry to save
time and avoid filing in an Inbox. Actual experience shows that filing most contacts and processing
threads occurs right at the Single Point of Entry.
- Expedient entry of Search Session data
- Combine data in the right drawer and extend the related Search Session data
- Initiate threading of search contacts
- Qualify contacts and leads
- Assign contacts or content to projects or IR

SQLite Manager or other GUIs readily accesses tables for expedient data entry and maintenance of data.
- Expedient entry of Search Session and threading data
- Extend Search Session data
- Initiate threading by combining related and laterally related sessions.
- Qualify contacts and leads
- Assign contacts or content to projects or IR
- Export sessions for reporting or for sharing.

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Reporting relies on use of the office resources.
- Document the Thread Index and the combined Thread Sessions as a report. This report collects
the Thread Information. It serves to list out the session information and start to order it by
- Display the Thread Index in relationship to the information contained in the Search Sessions.
- List perspective Search Sessions or refine the choice of applicable sessions.
- -. Generate reports in the office application for example; import into WORD or Excel as file or use
Open Office.

Team Data Synchronization, Team Share and Integration

This concept adapts to the individual user’s needs and helps store, organize and index IM material for
improved proficiency in project management and issue resolution. Focus of the concept starts with the
individual user and his needs. Development recognizes that implementation success depends on
networking the users within teams and teams within the infrastructure. Of primary concern is sharing
data within the team and support teams with the shared user profile. Each user collects search contacts,
leads and manages projects. Core Content including indexes and cross-references inform team members
of assets available. Data and information from team activities collects locally within the member’s
domain to share the information on demand. Successful management promptly shares information
within the team.

The user domain stores all local assets including Contact Management, Lead Management and Project
Management. Queries over networked user domains localize useful Contact and Lead Management
assets. Cross references help to focus on further material to address issues. Project Management
remains specific to team needs and response time. It feeds from local stores or requires synchronization
of PM resources. Networking enables team members to query privileged databases and obtain
information distributed over team stores. Team Indexes map information availability and assist in
focusing search terms.

Contact Management
User Core Content includes web search contacts, e-mail contacts, contact profiles and address books,
downloads and documents. This includes privileged or sensitive information locally held and prevents
unauthorized access. The database supports collation and combining of information to satisfy support
requirements. Search Sessions contain interesting information for not yet qualified for need.

Lead Management
Threads collect search sessions enabling Lead Management. This qualified material demonstrates value
and potential. Threading ads indexes and cross references enhancing value. Potential value of this
material does not localize to the user but extends to the team.

Threads support Project Management

Project management collects threads from the team domain and complements it with external
information resources to respond to customer needs. Thread Indexes synchronize and collate PM
information to address issues and problems. It reduces the time to implement solutions. Threading
prepares the background information necessary for qualified project management. It collects
background information for Sales Consulting and Engineering and assists the user in analysis and
presentation. Threading identifies information to stream to the Aggregates and participate in driving
Sales Cycle Management.
- Team Database. Project management and support occurs within a networked team requiring
ready access to information and resources to resolve issues. Information resources collect within
the team database to enable the team to collectively meet support requirements.
- Central or corporate System Database. Data synchronization ensures the ability to collect,
combine, collate and feed the infrastructure containing the team domain. Usually at corporate
level these feeds are a determining factor in competitive strength and the ability to satisfy

Integration of other Data Sources.

At the Single Point of Entry Internet Messaging merges e-mail, Internet and incoming documents. Search
Sessions record potential information in contacts and Lead Management threads them into related
topics. Data Synchronization requires integration of infrastructure data sources to complement these
sources. A common interface joins data sources to meet the required needs of the user. Web research
and tests identified ODBC as an integration candidate.

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Appendix 1 Table of Comparison between Data collected in Search Sessions
and Threaded Sessions
This table compares field content to normalize the table fields and prevent acquisition of duplicated

Table Search Session Threading E-Mail Thread Report

Form BusAct_Ref
Search Session Table E-mail Comparison Business Activity
Index Search Session Reports
Index Fields Reference

Search Session Reference

SindexId Session Id Thread Id E-mail Id
Screate Session Date Thread Date E-mail date Form Date
SearchKey Keywords Search Tags, X-Tags: Keyword
Search Index Search Index Keyword
S_Engine Search Engine From: From: From:
E-mail Activities Activities Activities
Forum Aggregates. IR, Aggregates. IR, Kb, Aggregates. IR, Kb,
User’s Group Kb, Eds, Tss. Eds, Tss. Eds, Tss.
Surl_File URL, File for info File RefText[ ] File[ ] RefText[ ] File[ ]
Stored File storage Source
Linked Document
S_Query Query used
Store query for Store SQL Query
future use for further use
Search_Descrip (Subj:) (Subj:) E-mail content Description
Content Information Summary
description, URL gleaned
Relate_Sterm Information ReferenceGenerall
Related Info gleaned that y internal.
Other useful Info, relates to other
but not search keys
Sact_IR PN PN Project Group PN Project Group PN Project Group PN Project Group

Mark “M”ark “M”ark “M”ark “M”ark

SStanOp SStanOp Tag- SStanOp Tag- SStanOp
Action Qualify PM Qualify PM Qualify PM
Archive Archive Archive Archive Archive
SIndxSession SessionId ThreadId E-mail message Id
TableId SearchSession FormId E-mail message id FormId

Subject:Thread Subject: Subject: Subject:

Ref: Ref: Reference to Ref: Reference to Ref: refers to
Related topics topics covered
Index/ Topics
Thd_SIndxSession Link to Search
Thread_SearchKey Keyword
Sact_IR PN PN Project Group PN Project Group PN Project Group PN Project Group
Reference Refers to (internal)
Description Search_Descrip Text. Work out the
Attribute Content, text, and tables to Gary_Gabriel 23447523.doc 15.10.09 - 13
Content text.
description, URL
Summary Search_Descrip Summarize the
Content work.
description, URL
Title Enter a title to use.
RefText Internal Text or
reference file
File Surl_File File for the
Stored File document
X-Tags define the X-Tag X-Tags X-Tags
internal keywords
to use for
Cross referencing
X-Cat. Categories Categories Categories

use to develop the

Mark “M”ark “M”ark “M”ark
SStanOp SStanOp Tag- SStanOp Tag- SStanOp
Action -> PM Qualify PM Qualify PM Qualify PM
Archive Archive Archive Archive

Stream Qualify Lead Stream Stream

Document Document Document Document

Generation Generation Generation Generation

Core Content Core Content Core Content

TOC TOC Project View
Index Index Project Files
Cross Reference Cross Reference
Contact Profile Contact Profile

See Also
The concepts developed here result from Internet Messaging in Support of Strategic Business
Development and Sales Cycle Management. Refer to the following articles for use of Internet Messaging
and implementation on the Mozilla platform of Firefox and Thunderbird.

[BasicInstall] Configure Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird to share Project and Team To-Dos and simplify
URL: >>>

[quickRef]Quick Reference to Sales Cycle Management Database Objects driving Strategic Business
Development Aggregates
URL: >>>

[BuildInfo]Building Information System Aggregates to drive Strategic Business Development Team

URL: >>>

[SalesCycleLead] Sales Cycle Lead and Contact Data Objects, Transactions and Views
URL: >>>

[RefCommPoint] Reference Linking Views, Data Objects and Transactions at the Common Point of Entry
in Sales Cycle Management
URL: >>>
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Attribute Content, text, and tables to Gary_Gabriel 23447523.doc 15.10.09 - 15

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