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I hereby declare that the project report entitled "WEB MARKETING sub itted !or the partial !ul!il ent o! the re"uire ents !or the de#ree o! Bachelor o! Business Ad inistration to Burd$an Raj %olle#e a!!iliated under the &ni'ersity o! Burd$an( is y ori#inal )e#ree( )iplo a( *ello$ship( or any other si ilar title or pri+es,

*urther( I declare that the data project related to The -ri ordial%orp %onsultancy -ri'ate .i ited is !or y Acade ic purposes and $ill not be used !or any other purpose,


0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6,

)eclaration %erti!icate Ac3no$led#e ent Research Methodolo#y -re!ace %o pany -ro!ile 78 i, About -ri ordial%orp %onsultancy 9er'ices -'t, .td, ii, About 9tandalone Application iii, About Web )esi#nin# : Application i', About Real Estate

;, <, =, 0?, 00,

Theoretical -rospect %onclusion Appendi> Reco endation



This has been ade possible throu#h the direct and indirect co8operation o! any e>pert and e!!icient personalities,

*irst and !ore ost I $ould li3e to ac3no$led#e $ith deep #ratitude the #uidance and support o! Mr, 9aradindu Mitra@*inancial E>ecuti'e o! -%9A,

Besides( I $ould li3e to e>press

y heart8!elt #ratitude to -ro!,

.ast but not least it $ould be un!air i! I donBt e>tend y indebtedness to y parents and all y !riends !or their acti'e co8operation $hich $as o! #reat help durin# the course o! y trainin# project,

Research Methodolo#y

9cope o! 9tudy7

The study has been carried out at -ri ordial%orp %onsultancy 9er'ices -ri'ate .i ited $hich is located in Burd$an( )ist8Burd$an( West Ben#al,

%ollection o! )ata7

The study ainly based on secondary data and a little bit o! pri ary data, The pri ary data ha'e been collected !ro di!!erent authorities in order to pro'ide inputs !or y topic,

*or this purpose( I ha'e 'isited di!!erent sections and o!!ices o! Cr#ani+ation and called on any o!!icers o! !inance and accountin# depart ent in the ad inistrati'e buildin#,

Limitation of Study:

0, In so e cases data $ere not a'ailable, 1, The o!!icers $ere not a'ailable e'ery ti e !or their o$n $or3load, 2, Cn that ti e audits : chec3in# o! accounts $as #oin# on( thatBs $hy all the data : !i#ure $as not a'ailable to us,


The preparation o! this project topic( entitled as( "Web Mar3etin#" has been ade a!ter an e>tensi'e study analy+in# the 'arious !inancial aspects o! -%9,

-%9( a pri'ate sector enterprise under West Ben#al Go't, can #o !or di'ersi!ication strate#y enablin# itsel! to #ro$ and to e>pand its business, -%9 can adopt the strate#y !or joint 'enture so as to reduce the ris3 and enhance its stren#th,

The study has specially been !ocused upon the ar3etin# and ad'ertise ent o! -%9 !or the !inancial year 1?00801, Endea'ours ha'e been ade to present the ideas in a si plistic anner,

*inally this bein# an independent study( possibilities o! so e ista3es creepin# in this presentation ay not be ruled out, Do$e'er to a3e it a success( all sorts o! possible easures ha'e been adopted,


@A -ri'ate 9ector Enterprise o! West Ben#al Go'ern ent,A

C!!icial Address7

1;0( 9hya lal Road @Ground *loorA Burd$an E ;020?4 West Ben#al E ail E "ueriesFpri ordialcorp,co

-RIMCR)IA.%CR- %CN9&.TAN%G 9ERHI%E9 -RIHATE .IMITE) @A -ri'ate 9ector Enterprise o! West Ben#al Go'ern entA

*or ation7

The -ri ordial%orp %onsultancy 9er'ices -ri'ate .i ited is a -ri'ate sector enterprise under the Go't, C! West Ben#al, -%9 e>its in the ar3et !or "uite a lon# period o! ti e and no$ enjoys bein# one o! the leadin# %onsultancy Enterprise in ultiple !ields,


The %o pany is located in the heart o! the Burd$an to$n, It is li3ely to be 1 3 a$ay !ro the Burd$an station, It ta3es about 05 in to reach $ith any transportation,


-%9 is pri'ate enterprise $hich ainly deals $ith In!or ation Technolo#y, The sectors o! business are concerned in the !ollo$in# areas7


0, 9tandalone Application )e'elop ent !or di!!erent user re"uire ents, 1, Wide ran#e o! Website )esi#nin# and )e'elop ent, 2, -roject )e'elop ent and Graduate Internship -ro#ra , 4, Real Estate Business,

Com%any %rofile

Today( West Ben#al plays a 'ery si#ni!icant role in the IT sectors, Internet and $ebsites help in enhancin# the popularity o! any business, There!ore( the de and o! i ediate IT support has au# ented in the ar3et,

A eliorated $ith 'ast 3no$led#e in /DTM.IDTM.5( %99( Ja'a9cript( -D- and My9K.( $e PrimordialCor% Con&ultancy Ser'ice& P't( Ltd( ( o!!er all type o! IT 9olutions to our clients, Within 'ery less ti e( $e ha'e beco e one o! the ost dependable ser'ice pro'iders in the do ain o! IT 9er'ices,

Cur ran#e o! ser'ices includes Portfolio )e* De&ign+ E Commerce Solution&+ and Data,Dri'en )e* Solution&+ A%%lication De'elo%ment+ Con&ulting+ I" Ser'ice& and any ore, These ser'ices are pro'ided by our dili#ent tea co prisin# IT pro!essionals, They analy+e the re"uire ents o! clients and desi#n a co prehensi'e $ebsite #i'in# a !ull insi#ht o! products and ser'ices pro'ided by the client, In addition to this( these pro!essionals help the clients de'elopin# ne$ applications and databases,

They o!!er( operational trainin# to e ployees o! the or#ani+ation( in order to a3e ut ost use o! it, &nderstandin# the 'alue o! ti e( our speciali+ed personnel ensure to acco plish the underta3en projects in a re ar3able $ay and on8ti e, *urther( our respectable patrons can a'ail the bene!its o! these reliable ser'ices !ro us at econo ical rates,

-ri ordial%orp %onsultancy 9er'ices is a #lobal ana#e ent consultin#( technolo#y ser'ices and outsourcin# co pany, When you choose -%9 as your business solutions partner( you #et the best o! "uality and inno'ation, With our $ide ran#e o! ser'ices( each tailor ade to your business needs( -%9 is all you need !or your business to e>pand and scale ne$ hei#hts,

We are amongst the prestigious service providers in the domain of IT services. Our services include E-Commerce Solutions, and Data-Driven Web Solutions, Business Process Management, Application Development, Business Application Development, ortfolio Web Design, Consulting, IT Services. We have a team of diligent professionals, !ho provide personali"ed designing solution to the clients after anal#"ing their budget and re$uirements. The# are incorporated !ith latest processing s#stems and upgraded technologies to provide unmatched $ualit# services in this domain.

Business Type -ri ary %o petiti'e Ad'anta#es

9er'ice -ro'ider .atest technolo#y E>perienced pro!essionals %usto i+ed solutions )i!!erent pay ent options

No o! 9ta!! 9er'ices C!!ered

15 Web )e'elop ent

o o o o

%orporate Web Brandin# and )esi#n -ort!olio Web )esi#n E8%o erce 9olutions

)ata8)ri'en Web 9olutions

Application )e'elop ent %onsultin# IT 9er'ices Business -rocess Mana#e ent

9tandalone Application )e'elop ent

A%%lication &oftware( also 3no$n as an a%%lication or an a%%( is co puter so!t$are desi#ned to help the user to per!or speci!ic tas3s, -%9 de'elops7 0, Enterprise 9o!t$are( 1, Accountin# 9o!t$are( 2, C!!ice 9uites( 4, Graphics 9o!t$are 5. Media -layers, Many application pro#ra s deal principally $ith docu ents, Applications ay be bundled $ith the co puter and its syste so!t$are( or ay be published separately, In recent years( the abbre'iation "app" has speci!ically co e to ean

application so!t$are $ritten !or obile de'ices( $ith the abbre'iation in particular representin# both the s aller si+e and s aller scope o! the so!t$are @i,e, an app $hose sole purpose is to display an i a#e representation o! the current $eatherA, Application so!t$are is contrasted $ith syste so!t$are and iddle$are( $hich ana#e and inte#rate a co puterBs capabilities( but typically do not directly apply in the per!or ance o! tas3s that bene!it the user, The syste so!t$are ser'es the application( $hich in turn ser'es the user,

9o!t$are can be de'eloped !or a 'ariety o! purposes( the three ost co on bein# to eet speci!ic needs o! a speci!ic clientIbusiness @the case $ith custo so!t$areA( to eet a percei'ed need o! so e set o! potential users @the case $ith co ercial and open source so!t$areA( or !or personal use @e,#, a scientist ay $rite so!t$are to auto ate a undane tas3A,

A so!t$are de'elop ent ethodolo#y is a !ra e$or3 that is used to structure( plan( and control the process o! de'elopin# in!or ation syste s, A $ide 'ariety o! such !ra e$or3s ha'e e'ol'ed o'er the years( each $ith its o$n reco#ni+ed stren#ths and $ea3nesses, Cne syste de'elop ent ethodolo#y is not necessarily suitable !or use by all projects, Each o! the a'ailable ethodolo#ies is best suited to speci!ic 3inds o! projects( based on 'arious technical( or#ani+ational( project and tea considerations

9teps in'ol'ed in 9o!t$are )e'elop ent are7

0, Re"uire ent Gatherin#s 1, *easibility 9tudy 2, 9chedulin# 4, )esi#nin# 5, )e'elop ent : %odin# 6, I ple entation : Testin# ;, )ocu entation <, )eli'ery : Maintenance Each o! these steps ay or ay not include any sub8steps,

Web )esi#nin# and )e'elop ent

Web desi#n enco passes any di!!erent s3ills and disciplines in the production and aintenance o! $ebsites, The di!!erent areas o! $eb desi#n includeL $eb #raphic desi#n( inter!ace desi#n( authorin#L includin# standardised code and proprietary so!t$are( user e>perience desi#n and search en#ine opti i+ation, C!ten any indi'iduals $ill $or3 in tea s co'erin# di!!erent aspects o! the desi#n process( althou#h so e desi#ners $ill co'er the all, The ter $eb desi#n is nor ally used to describe the desi#n process relatin# to the !ront8end @client sideA desi#n o! a $ebsite includin# $ritin# ar3 up( but this is a #rey area as this is also co'ered by $eb de'elop ent, Web desi#ners are e>pected to ha'e an a$areness o! usability and i! their role in'ol'es creatin# ar3 up then they are also e>pected to be up to date $ith $eb accessibility #uidelines, )e* De&igning Skill&: Typo#raphy7 &sually a success!ul $ebsite has only a !e$ type!aces $hich are o! a si ilar style( instead o! usin# a ran#e o! type!aces, -re!erably a $ebsite should use sans seri! or seri! type!aces( not a co bination o! the t$o, Typo#raphy in $ebsites should also be care!ul the a ount o! type!aces used( #ood desi#n $ill incorporate a !e$ si ilar type!aces rather than a ran#e o! type!aces, Most bro$sers reco#ni+e a speci!ic nu ber o! sa!e !onts( $hich desi#ners ainly use in order to a'oid co plications, -a#e layout7

Web pa#es should be $ell laid out to i pro'e na'i#ation !or the user, Also !or na'i#ation purposes( the sites pa#e layout should also re ain consistent on di!!erent pa#es,

Kuality o! code7 When creatin# a site it is #ood practice to con!or to standards, This is usually done 'ia a description speci!yin# $hat the ele ent is doin#, Not con!or in# to standards ay not a3e a $ebsite unusable or error prone( standards can relate to the correct layout o! pa#es !or readability as $ell a3in# sure coded ele ents are closed appropriately, This includes errors in code( better layout !or code as $ell as a3in# sure your I)s and classes are identi!ied properly, Hisual desi#n7 Good 'isual desi#n on a $ebsite identi!ies and $or3s !or its tar#et ar3et, This can be an a#e #roup or particular strand o! culture thus the desi#ner should understand the trends o! its audience, )esi#ners should also understand the type o! $ebsite they are desi#nin#( eanin# a business $ebsite should not be desi#ned the sa e as a social edia site, &ser e>perience desi#n7 *or a user to understand a $ebsite they ust be able to understand ho$ the $ebsite $or3s, This a!!ects their e>perience, &ser e>perience is related to layout( clear instructions and labellin# on a $ebsite, The user ust understand ho$ they can interact on a site,

)e* De'elo%ment Skill&:

G&I@Graphical &ser Inter!aceA )esi#n Audio( Hideo and Ani ation processin# : encodin# @!or $eb usa#eA *lash %apabilities @ani ation( audio( 'ideo( scriptin#A Web content ana#e ent syste )eploy ent andIor %ontent in!rastructure desi#n( de'elop ent and inte#ration Web applications de'elop ent( inte#ration and deploy ent Web ser'er stress testin# @ho$ uch tra!!ic can a $eb ser'er runnin# a speci!ic application endure be!ore collapsin#A ana#e ent

Web site security analysis : testin# Web site code opti i+ation @$hich is an i portant aspect o! search en#ine opti i+ationA -roject ana#e ent( KA and other aspects co on to IT de'elop ent

)-at PCS do. There are t$o pri ary jobs in'ol'ed in creatin# a $ebsite7 The $eb desi#ner and $eb de'eloper( $ho o!ten $or3 closely to#ether on a $ebsite, Cur $eb desi#ners are responsible !or the 'isual aspect( $hich includes the layout( colourin# and typo#raphy o! a $eb pa#e, Cur $eb desi#ner ust ha'e a $or3in# 3no$led#e o! usin# a 'ariety o! lan#ua#es such as DTM.( %99( Ja'a9cript( -Dand *lash to create a site( althou#h the e>tent o! their 3no$led#e $ill di!!er !ro one $eb desi#ner to another, -articularly in s aller or#ani+ations one person $ill need the necessary s3ills !or desi#nin# and pro#ra in# the !ull $eb pa#e( $hilst lar#er or#ani+ations ay ha'e a $eb desi#ner responsible !or the 'isual aspect alone, -%9 at the creation o! a $ebsite includes7

Graphic desi#ners( to create 'isuals !or the site such as lo#os( layouts and buttons Internet ar3etin# specialists( to help aintain $eb presence throu#h strate#ic solutions on tar#etin# 'ie$ers to the site( by usin# ar3etin# and pro otional techni"ues on the internet, 9EC $riters( to research and reco end the correct $ords to be incorporated into a particular $ebsite and a3e the $ebsite ore accessible and !ound on nu erous search en#ines, Internet copy$riter( to create the $ritten content o! the pa#e to appeal to the tar#eted 'ie$ers o! the site, &ser e>perience @&/A desi#ner( incorporates aspects o! user !ocused desi#n considerations $hich include in!or ation architecture( user centred desi#n( user testin#( interaction desi#n( and occasionally 'isual desi#n,

Real Estate

Real e&tate is "-roperty consistin# o! land and the buildin#s on it( alon# $ith its natural resources such as crops( inerals( or $aterL i o'able property o! this natureL an interest 'ested in thisL @alsoA an ite o! real propertyL @ ore #enerallyA buildin#s or housin# in #eneral, Also7 the business o! real estateL the pro!ession o! buyin#( sellin#( or rentin# land( buildin#s or housin#,

In recent years( any econo ists ha'e reco#ni+ed that the lac3 o! e!!ecti'e real estate la$s can be a si#ni!icant barrier to in'est ent in any de'elopin# countries, In ost societies( rich and poor( a si#ni!icant !raction o! the total $ealth is in the !or o! land and buildin#s, In ost ad'anced econo ies( the ain source o! capital used by indi'iduals and s all co panies to purchase and i pro'e land and buildin#s is ort#a#e loans @or other instru entsA, These are loans !or $hich the real property itsel! constitutes collateral, Ban3s are $illin# to a3e such loans at !a'ourable rates in lar#e part because( i! the borro$er does not a3e pay ents( the lender can !oreclose by !ilin# a court action $hich allo$s the to ta3e bac3 the property and sell it to #et their oney bac3, *or in'estors( pro!itability can be enhanced by usin# an o!! plan or pre8construction strate#y to purchase at a lo$er price $hich is o!ten the case in the pre8construction phase o! de'elop ent,

The de'elop ent o! pri'ate property o$nership cau#ht the interest o! -ri ordial%orp %onsultancy 9er'ices @-%9A to$ards real estate( $hich has beco e a ajor area o! business( co only re!erred to as co ercial real estate, -urchasin# real estate re"uires a si#ni!icant in'est ent( and each parcel o! land has uni"ue characteristics( so the real estate industry has e'ol'ed into se'eral distinct !ields, 9pecialists are

o!ten called on to 'aluate real estate and !acilitate transactions, 9o e 3inds o! real estate businesses that -%9 do include7

Appraisal7 Bro3era#es7 transaction )e'elop ent7 Net -roperty




A ediator $ho char#es a !ee to !acilitate a real estate bet$een the t$o parties, I pro'in# land !or use by addin# or replacin# buildin#s leasin#

ana#e ent7 ar3etin#7






Real estate

Mana#in# the sales side o! the property business Mana#in# the in'est ent o! real estate

Real estate in'estin#7 Relocation ser'ices7 country

Relocatin# people or business to a di!!erent

%orporate Real Estate7 Mana#in# the real estate held by a corporation to support its core businessMunli3e ana#in# the real estate held by an in'estor to #enerate inco e

Web Mar3etin#

)e* Marketing also 3no$n as internet marketing+ online marketing( we*, ad'erti&ing( or e,marketing( is re!erred to as the ar3etin# @#enerally pro otionA o! products or ser'ices o'er the Internet, Internet ar3etin# is considered to be broad in scope because it not only re!ers to ar3etin# on the Internet( but also

includes ar3etin# done 'ia e8 ail and $ireless edia, )i#ital custo er data and electronic custo er relationship ana#e ent @E%RMA syste s are also o!ten #rouped to#ether under internet ar3etin#, Internet ar3etin# ties to#ether the creati'e and technical aspects o! the Internet( includin# desi#n( de'elop ent( ad'ertisin# and sales, Internet ar3etin# also re!ers to the place ent o! edia alon# any di!!erent sta#es o! the custo er en#a#e ent cycle throu#h search en#ine ar3etin#@9EMA( search en#ine opti i+ation @9ECA( banner ads on speci!ic $ebsites( e ail ar3etin#( content ar3etin#( obile ad'ertisin#( and Web 1,?strate#ies, When Internet Mar3etin# includes desi#nin# the co panyBs $ebsite( social edia sites( obile and other interacti'e edia !or speci!ic NbusinessO #oals( the ter s )i#ital Mar3etin# is then used because it helps the co pany position itsel! not only on the Internet but on )i#ital Media or the )i#ital World, Internet ar3etin# initiati'es !or the sa e co pany are usually tied to#ether in the co panyBs Internet @or )i#italA 9trate#y( $hich is desi#n speci!ically !or each client based on its business needs and #oals, The ost e!!ecti'e $ay !or business pro otion is $eb ar3etin#, Web ar3etin# is a $ay o! pro otin# #oods and ser'ices online, It ay in'ol'e al ost all ajor acti'ities and ser'ices, Web Mar3etin# helps the ar3etin# acti'ities, Mostly $eb users use search en#ine !or product and ser'ices, Web Mar3etin# increases the sales and e'en open ar3et that ay be i possible or a$ay !ro our reach, This in total e>pands your Cr#ani+ations brand in the area $here you could ha'e only thou#ht but this a3es it a reality, There are se'eral bene!its o! the Web Mar3etin# $hich ay include %ost reduction( and accessible,

Types o! Internet Internet


ar3etin# is broadly di'ided in to the !ollo$in# types7

)isplay ad'ertisin#7 the use o! $eb banners or banner ads placed on a third8 party $ebsite or blo# to dri'e tra!!ic to a co panyBs o$n $ebsite and increase product a$areness, 9earch en#ine ar3etin# @9EMA7 a !or o! ar3etin# that see3s to pro ote $ebsites by increasin# their 'isibility in search en#ine result pa#es @9ER-sA throu#h the use o! either paid place ent( conte>tual ad'ertisin#( and paid inclusion( or throu#h the use o! !ree search en#ine opti i+ation techni"ues, 9earch en#ine opti i+ation @9ECA7 the process o! i pro'in# the 'isibility o! a $ebsite or a $eb pa#e in search en#ines 'ia the "natural" or un8paid @"or#anic" or "al#orith ic"A search results,

9ocial edia ar3etin#7 the process o! #ainin# tra!!ic or attention throu#h social edia $ebsites such as *aceboo3( T$itter and .in3edIn, E ail ar3etin#7 in'ol'es directly #roup o! people usin# electronic ail, ar3etin# a co ercial essa#e to a

Re!erral ar3etin#7 a ethod o! pro otin# products or ser'ices to ne$ custo ers throu#h re!errals( usually $ord o! outh, A!!iliate ar3etin#7 a ar3etin# practice in $hich a business re$ards one or ore a!!iliates !or each 'isitor or custo er brou#ht about by the a!!iliateBs o$n ar3etin# e!!orts, Inbound ar3etin#7 in'ol'es creatin# and !reely sharin# in!or ati'e content as a eans o! con'ertin# prospects into custo ers and custo ers into repeat buyers, %ontent ar3etin#7 in'ol'es creatin# and !reely sharin# speci!ic( e>pert content to help the co unity understand one or any subjects dealt $ith on a speci!ic $ebsite, It is a ean to pull interested people or prospects into the $ebsite tryin# to con'ert the into custo ers or !ree subscribers( and custo ers into repeat buyers, Hideo ar3etin#7 This type o! ar3etin# speciali+es in creatin# 'ideos that en#a#e the 'ie$er into a buyin# state by presentin# in!or ation in 'ideo !or and #uidin# the to a product or ser'ice, Cnline 'ideo is increasin#ly beco in# ore popular a on# internet users and co panies are seein# it as a 'iable ethod o! attractin# custo ers,

/u&ine&& model& One,to,one a%%roac-e& In a one8to8one approach( ar3eters tar#et a user bro$sin# the Internet alone and so that the ar3etersB essa#es reach the user personally, This approach is used in search ar3etin#( !or $hich the ad'ertise ents are based on search en#ine 3ey$ords entered by the users, This approach usually $or3s under the pay per clic3 @--%A ethod, A%%eal to &%ecific intere&t& When appealin# to speci!ic interests( ar3eters place an e phasis on appealin# to a speci!ic beha'iour or interest( rather than reachin# out to a broadly de!ined de o#raphic, These ar3eters typically se# ent their ar3ets accordin# to a#e #roup( #ender( #eo#raphy( and other #eneral !actors, Appealin# to speci!ic users can be achie'ed throu#h beha'ioural tar#etin# $hich re!ers to the use o! beha'ioural patterns and puttin# up the rele'ant content suitable to the 'ie$erBs interest obtained !ro the user throu#h coo3ies and other tools and

conte>tual ad'ertisin# $hich re!ers to the publishin# o! ad'ertise ents and ads based on the conte>t the user in, *or e>a ple i! the user is searchin# !or co!!ee( the search en#ine publishes ads related to co!!ee, ic-e marketing In con'entional niche ar3etin#( clusters o! consu ers @the nicheA are identi!ied in order to ore econo ically and e!!iciently tar#et the , 9i ilarly( niche internet ar3etin# atte pts to create a ore direct ad'ertisin# essa#e( !or those $ho are seen as ost li3ely to buy the product bein# ad'ertised, Niche internet ar3etin# !ocuses on ar3etin# products and ser'ices $hich are( or can appear( tailor8 ade !or a speci!ic subset o! consu ers $ho are e>pected to buy the product or ser'ice $ith a speci!ic oti'ation, The online ad'ertisin# essa#e @or product $eb siteA can then be si ilarly tailor8 ade to tar#et that assu ed oti'ation, In co bination $ith 9earch En#ine Cpti i+ation( the niche internet ar3eter can atte pt to increase the li3elihood that their productBs ad'ertise ent @or siteA $ill be seen by custo ers in the rele'ant niche, *or e>a ple( i! one sells desi#ner do# s$eaters( one i#ht !irst consider the prospecti'e custo er $ho $ould be interested in these do# s$eaters, Cne $ould then consider the oti'ation that this custo er $ould ha'e in buyin# a desi#ner do# s$eater @e,#, "My do# needs to loo3 stylish, Cne can then atte pt to deter ine usin# 3ey$ord research $hich 3ey$ords i#ht be best suited to $ea'e into the pa#e or ad'ertise ent @see 9earch en#ine opti i+ation copy$ritin#A in order to a>i i+e the li3elihood that it $ill be seen by people $ho are searchin# !or a product $hich !ul!ils the tar#eted oti'ation @resultin# in( !or e>a ple( "Gour do# deser'es to be the best dressed on the bloc3, Dendley 9$eaters( BBlac3 TieB !or )o#s,"A 0eo,targeting In Internet ar3etin#( #eo tar#etin# and #eo ar3etin# are the ethods o! deter inin# the #eo8location o! a $ebsite 'isitor $ith #eo8location so!t$are( and deli'erin# di!!erent content to that 'isitor based on his or her location( such as latitude and lon#itude( country( re#ion or state( city( etro code or +ip code( or#ani+ation( Internet -rotocol @I-A address( I9-( and other criteria, As ore and ore users replace traditional des3top internet bro$sin# $ith obile bro$sin#( interacti'e ar3eters $ill be able to ta3e ad'anta#e o! ore precise #eo8 tar#etin# !unctionality, .ocation8a$are obile applications allo$s ar3eters to use G-9 technolo#y to deter ine a userBs location( and to ser'e accurately location speci!ic content,

Ad'antage& and limitation& of Internet marketing

Ad'antage& Internet ar3etin# is ine>pensi'e $hen e>a inin# the ratio o! cost to the reach o! the tar#et audience, %o panies can reach a $ide audience !or a s all !raction o! traditional ad'ertisin# bud#ets, The nature o! the ediu allo$s consu ers to research and to purchase products and ser'ices con'eniently, There!ore( businesses ha'e the ad'anta#e o! appealin# to consu ers in a ediu that can brin# results "uic3ly, The strate#y and o'erall e!!ecti'eness o! ar3etin# ca pai#ns depend on business #oals, Internet ar3eters also ha'e the ad'anta#e o! easurin# statistics easily and ine>pensi'elyL al ost all aspects o! an Internet ar3etin# ca pai#n can be traced( easured( and tested( in any cases throu#h the use o! an ad ser'er, The ad'ertisers can use a 'ariety o! ethods( such as pay per i pression( pay per clic3( pay per play( and pay per action, There!ore( ar3eters can deter ine $hich essa#es or o!!erin#s are ore appealin# to the audience, The results o! ca pai#ns can be easured and trac3ed i ediately because online ar3etin# initiati'es usually re"uire users to clic3 on an ad'ertise ent( to 'isit a $ebsite( and to per!or a tar#eted action, Limitation&

Cne o! the challen#es that internet ar3ets !ace @as does the #eneral publicA is that any internet products are outri#ht sca s or pro oted $ith deception a3in# it di!!icult to 3no$ $hat one is buyin#, This is especially the case $ith products that are supposed to train or aid internet ar3eters in a3in# oney, While the "uality o! products has i pro'ed in the past !e$ years( ethics is still o!ten issin# in internet ar3etin#, Many so8called oney a3in# products are "e pty bo>es" in $hich there is essentially nothin# there yet a buyer is to a3e oney by resellin# this e pty bo> to others, -yra id sche es are also still pre'alent, The consu er is unable to physically !eel or try on the product $hich can be a li itation !or certain #oods, Do$e'er a sur'ey o! consu ers o! cos etics products sho$s that e ail ar3etin# can be used to interest a consu er to 'isit a store to try a product or to spea3 $ith sales representati'es, Mar3eter $ill not be able to use the >8!actorIpersonal touch !actorIhu an touch !actor to in!luence the audience as the ar3etin# is co pletely based on the ad'ertise ent and the in!or ation that the ad'ertise ent i#ht lead to N$ebsites( blo#s and other channelsO,

"o% 12 Internet Marketing Strategie& Internet ar3etin# can attract ore people to your $ebsite( increase custo ers !or your business( and enhance brandin# o! your co pany and products, I! you are just be#innin# your online ar3etin# strate#y the top 0? list belo$ $ill #et you started on a plan that has $or3ed !or any, 0, 9tart $ith a $eb pro otion plan and an e!!ecti'e $eb desi#n and de'elop ent strate#y, Get ran3ed at the top in Cpti i+ation ajor search en#ines( and practice #ood 9earch Techni"ues,


2, 4,

.earn to use E ail Mar3etin# E!!ecti'ely, )o inate your pro#ra s, ar3etin# niche $ith a!!iliate( reseller( and associate


Re"uest an analysis !ro consultant, Build a

an Internet

ar3etin# coach or Internet


6, ;, <, =, 0?,



e ail


-ublish articles or #et listed in ne$s stories, Write and publish online press releases,

*acilitate and run contests and #i'ea$ays 'ia your $eb site, Blo# and interact $ith your 'isitors,

By !ollo$in# the abo'e tips youBll be on your $ay to creatin# a concrete internet ar3etin# strate#y that could boost your business substantially,

Website Mar3etin# 9trate#y

3ow to 0et Started Dere are so e #uidelines on producin# a $ebsite

ar3etin# strate#y,

#our Aim& The ost i portant "uestion is7 $hat are the ai s o! your $ebsite ar3etin# strate#yP *or e>a ple( do you $ant to7 0, Da'e a #ood loo3in# $ebsite to con'ey a certain i a#e to potential clients 1, Generate ne$ leadsIprospects !or your business 2, 9ell products throu#h the internet 4, )eri'e inco e !ro the $ebsite itsel!

Image To con'ey a certain type o! i a#e( your $ebsite ar3etin# strate#y $ill be centred around desi#n, *or e>a ple( $hen you #i'e out your business cards you ay e>pect potential clients to ta3e a loo3 at your internet site, In this case( you should !ind so eone $ho has a #ood eye !or desi#n and understands ho$ ar3etin# essa#es $or3 8 ie7 you $ant a ar3eteerIdesi#ner( not a internet pro#ra er, NB7 *ancy o'in# pictures ay loo3 #ood( but they o!ten a3e a site per!or poorly in the search en#ines @see belo$A,

ew Pro&%ect& I! you $ant to #enerate ne$ leads throu#h the internet( there are !our basic strate#ies !or doin# so, The !irst is Searc- Engine O%timi&ation 4SEO5, This in'ol'es producin# $eb pa#es that ran3 $ell in the search en#ines on rele'ant 3ey$ords, 9EC is an art or science in its o$n ri#ht( so you need to !ind a #ood 9EC consultant, *or ore in!or ation( see our article on $ebsite ar3etin# strate#y 9EC consultants, The second is ad'erti&ing, A #ood sche e to #et started is Goo#le Ad$ords( $hich pro'ides a lo$ cost entry into the internet ad'ertisin# ar3et, &sin# such sche es does not re"uire uch technical e>pertise( but 3no$led#e o! ho$ to #et the best out o! the could help you to a>i ise the return !ro your ad'ertisin# spend, The third is in*ound link& !ro directories( journals or other online publications, An inbound lin3 is a lin3 !ro that $ebsite to yours, 9o eti es you can #et such lin3s si ply by in!or in# the directory o! your e>istin# or( in the case o! online

publications( $ritin# ori#inal articles !or the @in !act( $e accept such articles at this $ebsite 8 see our contact pa#e !or ore detailsA, The !ourth is &ecret &6uirrel marketing , By ta3in# part in ne$s#roups( !oru s( e ail lists etc,( you can spread the ne$s o! your $ebsite by $ord o! outh, What atters in all o! these is the te>t, The best type o! consultant to #et to help is a $ebsite copyri#hter( or a ar3eter $ho specialises in $ritin# te>t !or the internet,

Selling Product& 9ellin# products in'ol'es a di!!erent type o! technolo#y to con'entional $ebsites, There are lots o! standard so!t$are pac3a#es that $ill do the job !or you( !or $hich youBll usually need a technical consultant or pro#ra er,

Deri'e Income I! you $ant to deri'e inco e !ro an internet site( then you need to beco e an online publisher, To a3e oney( youBll !irst need a plenti!ul supply o! ori#inal articles or products( and then you can si#n up to an ad'ertisin# sche e such as Goo#le Ad sense( Gahoo -ublisher Net$or3 or %o ission Junction,

Summary When you are producin# a $ebsite ar3etin# strate#y !or the !irst ti e( it is best to establish your ai s !irst( and then see3 help !ro a consultant best suited to those ai s, That is7 Con'eying an image &se a de&igner to produce a #ood loo3in# internet site, &se a SearcEngine O%timi&ation con&ultant to produce an internet site that ran3s $ell in the search en#ines, *or lo$ cost entry( this is so ethin# you can )o8It8 Goursel! or use an internet ad'erti&ing con&ultant, %ontact internet sites in your industry to #et lin3s,

ew Lead& 'ia SEO

ew Lead& 'ia ad'erti&ing

ew Lead& 'ia in*ound link&

ew Lead& 'ia &ecret &6uirrel marketing Ta3e part in ne$s#roups( !oru s( e ail lists( etc, to ad'ertise your site in!or ally, Selling %roduct& -urchase and install a pac3a#e that sells products( $ith the aid o! a internet pro#ra er -roduce or obtain ori#inal articles and si#n up to an ad'ertisin# bro3era#e sche e,

Deri'ing income

5 Key %haracteristics o! Web Brands

The $eb brand is use!ul( clear( si ple( interacti'e( and centric,

ost i portantly( custo er8

QGoo#le has 3noc3ed Microso!t o!! the top spot and been na ed the ost po$er!ul #lobal brand o! 1??;( Ge a 9i pson $rote !or 9ilicon,co in April 1??;, QItBs the second year in a ro$ a tech brand has beaten household na es such as %oca8%ola( Marlboro and Toyota, The brand ran3in# $as carried out by ar3et researcher( Mill$ard Bro$n Cpti or( and !actored in !inancial per!or ance and consu er senti ent, Goo#le had a brand 'alue o! ore than R66 billion( nearly double its 'alue in the 1??6 ran3in#, A consu er poll published in January 1??; by online brandin# a#a+ine( brandchannel,co ( !ound that Goo#le had retained its title as the $orldBs ost in!luential brand, Hideo8sharin# site( GouTube( and online encyclopaedia( Wi3ipedia( $ere at No, 2 and 4,

%o entin# on the poll( Reuters stated that QInternet co panies are beco in# i portant to people than !ir s that operate in the real $orld, Dere are the !i'e ost i portant characteristics o! $eb brands7


0, Web brands are use!ul 1, They ha'e a clarity o! purpose 2, The e brace si plicity 4, They interact and en#a#e 5, They are custo er8centric

415 )e* *rand& are u&eful Goo#le has a ar3et capitali+ation o! R052 billion because it is use!ul, I $ill easily chan#e y car brand( y obile phone brand( y shoe brand( but I $ill not chan#e Goo#le, I $ill not chan#e !ro Goo#le because it helps e !ind stu!! !aster than other search en#ines, 9earch is purpose!ul, We donBt search !or the !un o! it, We search because $e need to !ind so ethin# that $ill help us co plete a tas3, The Web is a !unctional( no8!rills pace, It ay be our #oal to spend ore ti e $ith our !a ily( but $e #o to the Web to #et a #ood deal on a !a ily 'acation, 475 Clarity of %ur%o&e When you arri'e at the ho epa#e o! a "uality $eb brand you 3no$ i ediately $hat it is about8$hat it can do !or you, A $eb brand is not a urder ystery, It tells you $ho did it ri#ht !ro the 'ery !irst line, QGoo#le is an absolutely pheno enal brand in the sense that it is 'ery clear $hat it stands !or and it has percei'ed leadership and inno'ation( -eter Walshe( #lobal brands director at Mill$ard Bro$n( told 9ilicon,co , 485 Making life more &im%le Kuality $eb brands sa'e us ti e, They donBt !orce us to thin3 too uch, The B&G button is nice and bi#, ItBs easy to !i#ure out $hat to do ne>t, ItBs hard to #et lost, We only need to read the sentence once to understand it, We are not o'era$ed and con!used by too any choices, 495 )e* *rand& interact and engage %rai#slist has 0? illion custo ers and #ets o'er !our billion pa#e 'ie$s per onth, It has 11 e ployees, Wi3ipedia is a hu#ely popular $ebsite, It has 0? e ployees, 93ype has 0;0 illion custo ers, It has 50? e ployees, Web brands ha'e a di!!erent concept o! the or#ani+ation, They see the Web as the or#ani+ation, They see their custo ers as part o! the or#ani+ation,

4:5 )e* *rand& are cu&tomer,centric Great $eb brands are built around the custo er, They donBt start out $ith this "uestion7 Do$ can $e a3e oney out o! custo ersP Rather( they start $ith this "uestion7 Do$ can $e help custo ers do thin#s they need to doP

3acker& Marketing

The-o$er o!theWeb9ite Web sites are all o'er the Internet, Web sites are the Internet, To ha'e your o$n do ain is so ethin# e'eryone should ha'e, No doubt about it, With this $eb site( co es an opportunity to ha'e this $eb site a'ailable to your !riends( as an opportunity, Gettin# into hac3er ar3etin# re"uires you to in'est into so ethin#( !or a better return on all that youSre learnin#, Gou cannot just sit bac3 and e>pect sales to co e in, Gou need to research( and $ith this research( co es that !act that no atter $hat your niche is( a $eb site should #o alon# $ith it, No$( this is o! ini u cost to you, I say #o $ith t$o $eb sites( totallin# no ore than R1?I o, This is a cost( and dependin# on ho$ $ell you can #et others to ha'e their o$n $eb site( deter ines your le'el o! success in this industry, 9o( i! you ha'e a *aceboo3 account( you need your o$n $eb site, I! you ha'e your o$n My9pace account( you need your o$n $eb site, I! you $ant to be listed in Goo#le( you should ha'e your o$n $eb site, I! you $ant so e place to run your ads( you need your o$n $eb site, I! youSre ea#er !or oney( and your heart is in it( and youSre ready to be#in( you need your o$n $eb site, Get t$o( and start on your !uture, ItSs because o! this desire to succeed( $here you need to a3e an in'est ent into your business, And this @WebsiteA business is the ne>t dot co cra+e, Cnly this bubble $ill not bust,

Web ani ation

At -ri ordial%orp( $e o!!er hi#h "uality pro!essional $eb ani ation ser'ices !or all 3inds o! online( TH( di#ital and ad'ertisin# edia, Cur in8house ani ation and cartoonists ha'e #reat desi#n s3ills and e>perience o! creatin# so e o! the best ani ation !or internet( TH( ad'ertisin# and publishin# industries, &nli3e any other desi#nin# co panies( $e ha'e our o$n state8o!8the8art classical and di#ital studio that allo$s us to ser'e all 3inds o! edia, Each o! our ani ations are created $ith #reatest care and "uality assurance( $hich eans you #et the ost uni"ue and ori#inal Ani ation, Web Mar3etin# scenario in India

%urrently in India( the national econo y and ar3etplace are under#oin# rapid chan#es and trans!or ation, A lar#e nu ber o! reasons could be attributed to these chan#es, Cne o! the reasons in these chan#es in the Indian Mar3et 9cenario is Globali+ation( and the subse"uent and resultin# e>plosi'e #ro$th o! #lobal trade and the international co petition, The other reason !or these chan#es in the Indian %ar&et Scenario is the technolo#ical chan#e, This is an i portant !actor because the technolo#ical co petiti'eness is a3in#( not only the Indian ar3et( but also the #lobal ar3etplace cutthroat, In the Indian Mar3etin# 9cenario( the ar3et success #oes to those co panies that are best atched to the current en'iron ental i perati'es, Those co panies that can deli'er $hat the people $ant and can deli#ht the Indian custo ers are the ar3et leaders, Today the co panies are operatin# in such a ar3etplace $here sur'i'al o! the !ittest is the la$, In order to $in( the co panies are co in# out $ith 'arious ne$ and e'ol'in# strate#ies because the Indian ar3et is also chan#in# 'ery !ast, It is to capture the Indian ar3et( that the Indian and the Multi National %o panies are usin# all o! their resources, The Indian ar3et is no lon#er a sellerSs ar3et, The $inner is the one $ho pro'ides 'alue !or oney, A lar#e nu ber o! co panies ha'e hu#e idle capacities( as they ha'e $ron#ly calculated the ar3et si+e and installed hu#e capacities, This has !urther contributed to con'ertin# the Indian ar3et into a buyerSs ar3et, The Indian Mar3etin# 9cenario is one o! the bi##est consu er ar3ets and that is precisely the reason $hy India has attracted se'eral MN%Ss, These lar#e Multi National %o panies ha'e reali+ed that to succeed in the Indian ar3et8place they need to hire Indian representati'e $ho are uch ore a$are o! the Indian econo ic( political( le#al and social realities, In the Indian Mar3etin# 9cenario( it is the %'DE (O) I*DI' ar3etin# strate#ies that $or3

-ri ordial%orp Web -ro otion 9er'ices7 Web site pro otion eans listin# your $ebsite at top position on leadin# search en#ines li3e Goo#le( Gahoo and sn, Web site pro otion is achie'ed $ith e!!ecti'e opti i+ation o! your $ebsite !or top listin#s in search en#ines, This process is ter ed as 9earch En#ine Cpti i+ation, To achie'e best results( the $eb site pro otion ust be done in InternetSs Best 9earch En#ineSs Goo#le and yahoo, There are other best search en#ines li3e AllTheWeb( Alta'ista( AC.( DotBot( .ycos etc, Gour $eb

site pro otion is done in these ajor search en#ines as $ell, Internet Mar3etin# 9er'ices7 We deploy a ulti8sta#e pro#ra in# and search en#ine sub ission in order !or your $eb site to #ain top position in the search result lists( proper positionin# and uni"ue brand identity, C'er the last se'eral years Internet Mar3et has beco e a 'ery popular subject, 9 all $onder since the internet is by !ar the lar#est interco unication pheno ena since the in'ention o! the telephone, Do$e'er( internet ar3et is 'ery di!!erent that the traditional ar3etin# practices established durin# the past !e$ decades, Mar3etin# e>perts are still tryin# to !i#ure out all o! the technical aspects o! the internet and it $ill ta3e a !e$ ore years until !i>ed odels are established, I! and $hen this occurs( all co panies are le!t to their o$n de'ices to anoeu're !or positionin#, This represents a si#ni!icant opportunity !or s aller and ediu si+ed co panies $ho do not ha'e the hu#e ar3etin# bud#ets o! lar#er co petitors, Today( beco in# an industry se# ent leader 'ia the internet is not a !actor o! ho$ uch oney you are able to poor into your ar3etin# bud#et !or the ne>t se'eral years( the ost i portant !actor $ill be the e>pertise le'el o! your internet ar3etin# 9EC consultant, 9EC 9olutions7 It is not an intelli#ent idea to a3e a pretty $ebsite and just place it a on# illions o! others, I! you $ant your $ebsite to be !unctional : #enerate #ood business( it should !i#ure on the !irst pa#e o! e'ery ajor search en#ine, 9EC is the process o! a3in# your $ebsite ore search en#ine !riendly by assi#nin# rele'ant 3ey$ords and lin38buildin#, We $ould research the ost searched 3ey$ords in your industry and accordin#ly desi#n your content to dri'e rele'ant tra!!ic to your site !ro ajor search en#ines : directories, )yna ic Websites7 In the present scenario ost o! the business $ebsites ha'e Web -a#es dyna ically built so that user interaction could be ade, ItSs usually re"uired !or online shoppin# carts and all, 9uch )yna ic pa#es are usually built $ith the pro#ra in# lan#ua#e li3e A9-( -D-( ,NET, )yna ic sites are sites $hose contents are stored in the database and the codes ta3es out the stored database, Technolo#ies used at -ri ordial%orp !or de'elopin# the )yna ic Website are li3e A9-( -D-( J9-( and any ore also, We 3no$ that the #eneral purposes o! the co panies are to produce re'enue by reachin# ore and ore people and in!or in# the about the products and ser'ices,

Basic ad'anta#es o! )yna ic $ebsites are as under

In dyna ic $ebsites one can add and desire $ithout anybody elseSs help

ana#e anythin# accordin# to ones

Ne$ pa#es and sections can also be added to the site Mana#e ent ti e o! the site can be chan#ed Ne$ pa#es and sections can also be added to the site Mana#e ent ti e o! the site can be chan#ed Ad inistrator can send e ails to its 'isitors Kuotin# and esti atin# sales in!or ation can also be handled here Ne$sletter subscription and product noti!ication can be as3ed

Website Redesi#n( Maintenance and 9upport7 The ain proble $ith $ebsite aintenance is that o!ten people pay !or their $ebsite to be desi#ned( because they do not ha'e the s3ills to desi#n it the sel'es, This eans that they cannot aintain the $ebsite that has been desi#ned !or the by a pro!essional $ebsite desi#nin#I aintenance co pany, The best $ay to tac3le the proble o! aintainin# your $ebsite is to #et a #ood $ebsite aintenance a#ree ent $ithin your $ebsite desi#nin# pac3a#e( or !ind another $ebsite desi#nin# co pany that can aintain your $ebsite !or you, Gou ay already ha'e a $eb site that is not per!or in# as you ori#inally intended( or ay be e>periencin# proble s and is riddled $ith bu#s and dead lin3s, Whether they are desi#n related proble s or codin# $e can help you by #i'in# your online 'enture a !aceli!t and addin# ne$ e>citin# !eatures, I! you already ha'e a $eb site and $ant so eone else to aintain and update the site on a re#ular basis( $e can help you, We can $or3 $ith e>istin# $eb site layout( !or at( and structure and !ile or#ani+ation and i ple ent updates as re"uired, We can help you $ith su##estions on ho$ to a3e the best o! your $eb sites,

Cur pro!essional tea is ready to co plete your $ebsite is a partial list o! so e $ebsite update areas $e ser'ice,

aintenance needs( belo$

Modi!ication and Addition o! Website %ontent I a#e Manipulation and Addition @client supplied i a#esA Ne$sletter : e ail list aintenance

&pdate announce ents( articles( etc, Replace i a#es i,e, pictures : #raphics Addin#Ire o'in# pa#es Website )esi#n %han#es 9hoppin# cart product updates or additions 9hoppin# cart price chan#es 9hoppin# cart 9pecials or 9ales

&ni"ue Attributes o! Internet Mar3etin#

Internet Mar3etin# is the !uture o! ar3etin#, There are any uni"ue attributes associated $ith internet ar3etin# that a3es it appeal to one and all, Internet ar3etin# can be used to pro ote a plethora o! products across the $orld, As co pared to other usual odes and ediu s o! ar3etin#( internet ar3etin# has a nu ber o! uni"ue !eatures,

3ere i& a li&t of a few of &uc- !ni6ue Attri*ute& of Internet Marketing:

0uerrilla marketing tec-ni6ue7 This !or o! ar3etin# is also 3no$n as underco'er ar3etin#, This can be used to pro ote products and ser'ices in a subtle anner $ithout bein# on your !ace, Many co panies and business houses are 3no$n to be resortin# to this !or o! subtle ar3etin# to reach out to the asses, Throu#h this techni"ue( one can actually pro ote their products in such a anner that others $ould not be able to reali+e, In other $ords( it is a !or o! ca ou!la#e ar3etin#, Earlier( this !or o! ar3etin# $as

resorted only by s all business houses, Do$e'er( no$ houses are usin# it( a!ter noticin# ho$ e!!ecti'e it is,

ore and

ore business

ic-e marketing "ec-ni6ue 7 This !or o! &ni"ue Attributes o! internet ar3etin# is $idely used all across the $orld, In this techni"ue( people +ero on to a particular tar#et audience and then try to reach out to the by usin# certain ar3etin# techni"ues, Niche ar3etin# ensures usa#e o! strate#ic 3ey$ords and phrases to attract the attention o! the tar#et audience, A proper study is done and then the places on the $eb li3e $ebsites( !oru s and blo#s $here the tar#et #roup is li3ely to 'isit is used to pro ote the product, This is undoubtedly( one o! the ost e!!ecti'e &ni"ue Attributes o! internet ar3etin#,

Email Marketing7

Many people are usin# E ails to pro ote their products and ser'ices, No$adays( e ails are replacin# pa phlets, Mar3etin# e>perts are reali+in# that $ith so $ith e'ery passin# day peopleSs dependency on the internet is increasin#, Naturally( it a3es sense to send the a pro otional ailer on the e ail than in the physical !or , The !act that these ailers are e!!ecti'e and con'ey all the re"uired in!or ation to the tar#et #roup a3es e ails a #reat plat!or to pro ote and ar3et products, Apart !ro the abo'e !actors( the !act that internet ar3etin# has no boundaries and reaches out to people across the $orld a3es it hi#hly e!!ecti'e both in ter s o! penetration as $ell as in ter s o! cost,

I portance o! Web Mar3etin#

A good ad'erti&ing and marketing tool i& your we* &ite and a good online %re&ence i& 'ital( Ad'ertisin# is a 'ery i portant part o! any business to either co unicate to your e>istin# custo ers or to entice ne$ ones to buy your products or ser'ices and $ith the recent recession and current econo ic cli ate any businesses are ha'in# to !i#ht e>tra hard to a3e oney and to co pete a#ainst their co petitors, A #ood ad'ertisin# and 'ital, ar3etin# tool is your $eb site and a #ood online presence is

)ri'in# custo ers to your online ar3etin# presence is an i portant aspect that is o!ten o'erloo3ed and $ith a hi#h percenta#e o! &K Internet users usin# Goo#le to !ind the products or ser'ices they re"uire it is essential to ensure a hi#h presence,

.ast year sa$ online sales rise by 0<T to U5<,< billion( $ith a hu#e 2= illion &K Internet users, A recent report by IMRG and %ap#e ini predict that the &KSs online retail ar3et $ill #ro$ by 00?T in the ne>t decade( reachin# U012 billion by 1?1?, This is $hy so any businesses are e ployin# pro!essional 9EC co panies li3e Net )i#ital to do their Internet ar3etin# ca pai#n and in'aluable $or3 o! i pro'in# their online presence, Ta3in# the ti e and e!!ort to opti ise your $ebsite !or your chosen search criteria can result in you bein# re$arded $ith hi#h search en#ine ran3in#s !or these 3ey $ords, Research sho$s that ost Internet users $ill only 'ie$ the !irst !e$ results to !ind the in!or ation( products or ser'ices they re"uire be!ore o'in# on, This eans i! your $ebsite has a hi#h ran3in# ie !irst pa#e you should e>pect to see increased $ebsite tra!!ic but i! your site is not ran3in# hi#h enou#h you $ill probably be issin# out on i portant $ebsite 'isitors,

Are your custo ers !indin# you throu#h the search en#inesP Where do you currently appear Goo#leP Would you li3e hi#her ran3in#s on the search en#inesP Would you li3e to i pro'e your online presenceP Are you acti'ely e>ploitin# the #ro$th in the online sales ar3etP Are too any custo ers lea'in# your $ebsiteP

Di#h search en#ine place ent is a o'in# tar#et, 9earch En#ine Cpti isation is the process o! in!luencin# the ran3in# o! your site !or a ran#e o! search ter s by adjustin# and i pro'in# the content $ithin your site and e>ternal ele ents such as inbound lin3s and social net$or3in#( in order to attain a hi#h ran3, There are nu erous !actors that a!!ect the position in the search results such as ne$ co petitors co in# in( your e>istin# co petitors co petin# a#ainst you and Goo#le constantly adjustin# its al#orith s, Would you li3e to i pro'e your online presenceP Where do you currently appear on Goo#le and $ould you li3e hi#her ran3in#sP Do$ can you i pro'e your e>istin# Internet ar3etin# ca pai#nP

Ad'ertise ent

Introduction: Ad'ertisin# is bi# business and ran3s a on# the top industries o! the $orld alon# auto obiles( in!or ation technolo#y and a#riculture, The #ro$th o! ad'ertisin# industry in any country is in direct relation to the le'el o! business acti'ity the health o! its econo y, In !act( the si+e o! ad'ertisin# industry is loo3ed upon a per!ect indicator o! the li'in# standard o! people in a particular country and its econo ic de'elop ent, In India( the last decade o! the 1?th century has $itnessed a pheno enal #ro$th in # business, The #ro$th recorded in 0==?8=0 $as 0;,0T and i pro'ed each year till 0==48=5( sho$in# a #ro$th o! 4=,5T, This $as due to the !irst ajor econo ic boo in the country, 9ince then the #ro$th rate has been slo$in# do$n and has settled al ost 0<T in 0==<8==, As the analysts belie'e( the #ro$th !i#ure o! 4=,5T outco e o! an irrational response to econo ic liberalisation, The edia in!lation o! id 0==?s $as also a contributory !actor, Independent India( !or $hate'er reasons( re ained a protected ar3et !or a 'ery lon# ti e, Cb'iously( this $as an ideal business situation !or any co panies !acin# little or no co petition, There $as no real need to $orry about creatin# or retainin# the custo er, )e and !or any products !ar e>ceeded the supply( lea'in# custo ers $ith little or no choice as there $erenBt any alternati'es, *or instance( to o$n a Bajaj scooter( custo ers $ere re"uired to boo3 in ad'ance and then $ait !or !i'e to ten years to o$n one, Many ea#er custo ers used to pay t$ice the nor al price to those $ho $anted to sell their ne$ achines, Cb'iously( !or any co panies there $as no need to co unicate $ith custo ers and $aste oney on ad'ertisin# and other !or s o! pro otion, .ar#e Indian co panies( such as Bajaj Auto( Maruti &dyo#( IT%( Tata Tea( )abur( Ray ond( Wipro and any others are no$ spendin# hea'ily on ad'ertisin# and other !or s o! pro otions, Econo ic policy chan#es introduced in 0==?s ha'e opened the doors !or #lobal co petition and a ne$ econo ic era has be#un, Most businesses in our country had to $a3e up and ta3e serious notice o! the e er#in# chan#es $hich $ere threatenin# their sur'i'al in their other$ise $ell established ar3ets, %o panies are respondin# positi'ely to challen#es and are ta3in# ad'anta#e o! ne$ opportunities, 9o e businesses are readjustin# and so e others are proacti'e in the ne$ business and econo ic en'iron ent, *or any it has beco e a atter o! sur'i'al, A##ressi'e ar3etin# e!!orts by do estic and !orei#n business houses are increasin#, The e er#ence and #ro$th o! ne$ technolo#ies( a'ailability o! ne$ edia and edia 'ehicles and an increase in iddle class inco e and aspirations ha'e contributed to the pheno enal increase in the le'el o! ad'ertisin# and other !or s o! pro otions, The race is on to attract( create and retain custo ers,

Ad'ertisin# Cbjecti'es

Sale& a& ad'erti&ing o*;ecti'e In an ad'ertiserSs drea $orld( e'ery ad $ould tri##er an i ediate sales response, But e>cept in the case o! direct action ad'ertisin#( they are usually unsuitable !or ost ad'ertisin#, In case o! sales as the ad'ertisin# objecti'e( it $ould be "uite si ple to e'aluate the results o! the ad ca pai#n, 9ales objecti'es( ho$e'er( ay not be operational in certain cases because ad'ertisin# is just one !actor a on# any others that in!luence sales( and to identi!y the contribution o! ad'ertisin# alone ay really be 'ery di!!icult, The la# ti e bet$een audience e>posure to an ad and $hen that ad ay lead to an actual sale could be "uite lon# because Ithe ajority o! ads usually produce sales e!!ect a!ter a su!!iciently lon# period o! ti e, Cther !actors that ay ha'e a si#ni!icant e!!ect on sales are product !eatures( price( distribution( personal sellin#( publicity( pac3a#in#( co petitorsB o'es( and chan#in# buyer needs( etc, *or instance( $hen Apple co puters ad'ertised their Mac in so e selected print edia 'ehicles in India( the ads $ere 'ery success!ul and did( in !act( dra$ any potential buyers to dealerships, Do$e'er( in a #ood nu ber o! cases the atter ended there, The proble $as not $ith the ads( the ca pai#n $as 'ery success!ul in attractin# and creatin# product li3in# but the price and non8a'ailability o! peripherals discoura#ed the , It $ould be un!air to easure the success o! ads the sel'es by the nu ber o! Apple co puters sold to ho e users, In the real $orld o! business i! all other !actors could be controlled to re ain constant e>cept ad'ertisin#( then it $ould be !air and possible to easure sales as the indicator o! ad'ertisin# ca pai#n e!!ecti'eness, Ad'ertisin# can a3e consu ers a$are o! and hi#hly interested in the brand but it canBt a3e the buy it( ore so i! it is priced hi#her than co petin# brands, Many e>perts reco#nise that ad'ertisin# creates delayed or carryo'er e!!ect and no atter ho$ uch oney is spent on ad'ertisin#( it ay not necessarily ha'e an i ediate i pact on sales, Ad'ertisin# ay be success!ul in buildin# interest and !a'ourable brand attitudes( but these !eelin#s alone $ill not lead to actual purchase unless the consu er has enou#h buyin# po$er( or enters the ar3et !or the brand( and this ay ta3e place uch later, The carryo'er e!!ect creates additional di!!iculty in deter inin# the precise relationship o! ad'ertisin# and sales, )arral G %lar3e re'ie$ed econo etric studies that e>a ined the duration o! cu ulati'e ad'ertisin# e!!ects and !ound that !or lo$ priced( ature( and !re"uently purchased products( the carryo'er e!!ect o! ad'ertisin# on sales lasts up to nine onths, 9ales( as an ad'ertisin# objecti'e( o!!er little #uidance to creati'e and edia people $or3in# on, the account, They need so e direction re#ardin# $hat 3ind o! ad

essa#e the co pany hopes to co unicate( $ho is the tar#et audience and $hat speci!ic response !ro the audience is desired,

Communication& O*;ecti'e& &nderstandin# speci!ic consu er proble s is o!ten the 3ey to de'elopin# appropriate ad'ertisin# ca pai#n, A ediocre ad'ertisin# essa#e properly directed stands ore chance o! success than the ost pro!essionally de'eloped ad ca pai#n directed at the $ron# audience or usin# unsuitable essa#e appeals, Ad'ertisin# creates its ost po$er!ul i pact $hen it is used to sol'e narro$ly de!ined co unication objecti'es, Ad'ertisin# co unication objecti'es can be put in pyra id !or , *irst the lo$er le'el objecti'es such as a$areness( 3no$led#e or co prehension are acco plished, 9ubse"uent objecti'es ay !ocus on o'in# prospects to hi#her le'els in the pyra id to elicit desired beha'ioural responses such as associatin# !eelin#s $ith the brand( trial( or re#ular use etc, It is easier to acco plish ad objecti'es located at the base o! the pyra id than the ones to$ard the top, The percenta#e o! prospecti'e custo ers $ill decline as they o'e up the pyra id to$ard ore action oriented objecti'es( such as re#ular brand use( as sho$n in *i#ure 0,0, Irrespecti'e o! the !act $hether the brand is ne$ or established( the pyra id can be used to deter ine appropriate ad'ertisin# objecti'es, What is re"uired is to deter ine $here the tar#et audience lies $ith respect to the 'arious le'els in the pyra id, I! the le'el o! brand a$areness or 3no$led#e about its !eatures or bene!its is lo$( the ad'ertisin# co unication objecti'e should be to increase the , In case the brand li3in# and pre!erence is lo$( then the appropriate #oal can be to chan#e the tar#et audienceBs i a#e o! the brand, 9o e brand and pro otion ana#ers raise objections to co unication objecti'es, In their opinion it is too di!!icult to translate a sales #oal into a co unication objecti'e, Do$e'er( i! the brand objecti'e is to raise sales by 01 T( the pro otion ana#er $ill ulti ately ha'e to decide in ter s o! so e essa#e that $ill be used to address the tar#et audience to achie'e this le'el o! sales increase, 9o e possible objecti'es can be7 Increasin# the percenta#e o! tar#et consu ers $ho associate speci!ic !eatures or bene!its $ith co panyBs brand Increasin# nu ber o! tar#et consu ers $ho pre!er co panyBs brand rather than co petin# brands

Increasin# co panyBs brand usa#e rate a on# e>istin# consu ers Encoura#in# co panyBs brand trial a on# non8users,

E'en $hen pro otion ana#ers atte pt to translate sales objecti'es into co unication objecti'es( they are not sure $hat really constitutes ade"uate le'els o! a$areness( 3no$led#e( li3in#( pre!erence( or con'iction, There are no !or ulas e>cept the jud# ent and e>perience o! concerned ana#ers, *i#ure 0, 07 %o unication e!!ect pyra id

Sco%e of Ad'erti&ing Hirtually all business establish ents( includin# lar#e and s all retailers( use ad'ertisin# in so e !or or the other dependin# on their objecti'es and resources, A sur'ey o! the top 1?? co panies by A : M re'eals that these co panies spent Rs 2(=40,; crores in 0==<80===, These !i#ures( ta3en as a pointer( su##est that e'en a!ter e>cludin# co panies that did not ad'ertise( the total e>penditure on ad'ertisin# by all the businesses $ould reach an astrono ical !i#ure, The leadin# three spenders on ad'ertisin# durin# 0==<8== ha'e been D.. @Rs 66<,=5 croresA( IT% @Rs 1?0,14 croresA and %ol#ate8-al oli'e @IndiaA @Rs 062,<; croresA, Ad'ertisin# e>penditures ha'e risen !aster than the #ro$th in sales, The role o! ad'ertisin# depends on ho$ uch i portance is attributed to ad'ertisin# relati'e to other pro otion i> ele ents in the co panyBs ar3etin# pro#ra e, This $ould be deter ined by considerin# 'arious !actors such as consu er beha'iour( co petiti'e situation and product cate#ory etc,

In ost ad'ertisin# situationsL it is unrealistic to e>pect that an ad $ould directly produce sales, Ad'ertisin# is 3no$n to !acilitate sales rather than acco plish the co plete sellin# !unction, This helps in a3in# certain i portant assu ptions V Most ad'ertise ents help in producin# psycholo#ical e!!ects and can help in chan#in# only ental states o! audiences and predispose the to$ard purchase o! ad'ertised product or ser'ice, V Ad'ertisin# is essentially a !or o! co unication and its basic responsibility is to deli'er desired in!or ation to the tar#eted audience, (unctions of 'dvertising+ In its role as a !or o! ass co unication( ad'ertisin# deli'ers rele'ant essa#es to tar#et audiences and by chan#in# ental states( it can per!or a nu ber o! !unctions, Research !indin#s in the area o! consu er beha'iour and co unication ha'e led any scholars to 'ie$ the !unctions o! ad'ertisin# in ter s o! Dierarchy8o!8E!!ects odel, %o unication odels i plyin# that audience e bers pass throu#h a series o! se"uential steps( leadin# to purchase o! a product or ser'ice( are ter ed as Dierarchy8o!8E!!ects odel, Accordin# to this odel( ads can o'e consu ers step by step !or$ard to$ard the !inal step M that is !ro bein# una$are o! a product or ser'ice to !inally purchasin# it, An ad'ertise ent is considered e!!ecti'e i! it propels the consu er a step !urther alon# in this process, This is ho$ the !unction o! ad'ertisin# is 'ie$ed,

' number of hierarch# models have been proposed. Cne 'ersion o! hierarchy odel de'eloped by Robert .a'id#e and Gary 9teiner @A Model !or -redicti'e Measure ent o! Ad'ertisin# E!!ecti'eness( Journal o! Mar3etin#( 15 @Cctober 0=60A7 5=861A( has stood the test o! ti e $ell, It has close lin3s $ith social psycholo#ical theory and the odel includes si> sta#es, *ro bein# una$are the steps lead to a$areness( 3no$led#e( li3in#( pre!erence( con'iction and purchase, *urther di'ision o! this odel represents three co ponents o! social psycholo#istBs concept o! an attitude syste , The !irst t$o sta#es in the odel are a$areness and 3no$led#e and represent the co#niti'e co ponent o! attitude, The ne>t three sta#es M li3in#( pre!erence( and con'iction represent the a!!ecti'e co ponent o! attitude and the last sta#e in the odel( purchase( represents the co8nati'e or beha'ioural co ponent o! attitude, *i#ure 0,17 .a'id#e and 9teinerBs Dierarchy8o!8E!!ects attitude co ponents odel and correspondin#

Ad'ertisin# as a co

unication -rocess

AIDA Model Cne o! the earliest odels o! ad'ertisin# e!!ecti'eness easure ent re'ol'es around $hat co unication #oals the ar3eters or an ad'ertisin# pro#ra e, This is 3no$n as AI)A @Attention( Interest( )esire and ActionA odel, It proposes that the ad'ertisin# e!!ect is the consu er response to $hich a potential custo er is induced due to an ad'ertisin# pro#ra e, The AI)A odel $hich $as de'eloped in the 0=1?s( su##ested that an e!!ecti'e sales H presentation should attract attention( #ain interest( sti ulate desire and precipitate action @purchaseA, Ideally( an ad $ould pro'e to be really e!!ecti'e i! it ta3es this route( ho$e'er( in the real $orld o! ad'ertisin#( rarely ads ta3e the consu er all the $ay !ro a$areness throu#h purchaseAThis odel( ho$e'er( su##ests the desirable "ualities o! an e!!ecti'e ad, The hierarchy o! e!!ects can be e>plained as per the !ollo$in# dia#ra in $hich the custo er passes throu#h sta#es o! attention( interest( desire and action,

*i#ure 1,07 AI)A Model

AI)A Theory hi#hli#hts the i portance o! attractin# the attention o! the prospects and creatin# interest throu#h the ad'ertisin# essa#e, The desire to obtain ad'ertised #oodsIser'ices ay be #enerated to 'arious de#rees a on# di!!erent prospects due to consistent e>posure to ad'ertisin#, The !inal sta#e o! action or buyin# occurs as a result o! custo ers passin# throu#h one sta#e to the other, The act o! purchase is in!luenced by any other oderatin# !actors( li3e product "uality( percei'ed brand i a#e and distribution and lo#istics !acilities o! the co pany,

La'idge,Steiner Model .a'id#e and 9teinerBs second theory proposed AK.-%- @A$areness( Kno$led#e( .i3in#( -re!erence( %on'iction and -urchaseA Model, They #i'e hi#her i portance to the co#niti'e e'aluations be!ore the purchase, With an increase in co petition and enhance ent in discernin# abilities o! potential buyers and users( in!or ation is li3ely to play a #reater role, The persuasi'e po$er o! ad'ertisin# in itsel! is a !unction o! the in!or ation content, This odel also ta3es into account the pre'ailin# de#ree o! co petition, The co petition can arise bet$een t$o brands or bet$een substitute products in t$o dissi ilar cate#ories, The sta#e o! li3in# @a!ter the sta#e o! a$areness and 3no$led#eA re!ers to the ability o! ad'ertisin# in creatin# a choice throu#h its creati'ity and the e, -re!erence !or the brand is the co bined e!!ect o! product characteristics and their rele'ance in satis!yin# the need o! tar#et audience throu#h creati'e ad'ertisin#,

*i#ure 1,17 1,17 .a'id#e : 9teiner Model

As pointed out earlier in &nit 0( hierarchy8o!8e!!ects odel de'eloped by .a'id#e and 9teiner is the best 3no$n, This odel helps in settin# ad'ertisin# objecti'es and pro'ides a basis !or easurin# results, It also su##ests that ad'ertisin# produces its e!!ects by o'in# the consu er throu#h a series o! steps in a se"uence M !ro initial a$areness to ulti ate purchase o! product or ser'ice( This se"uential order indicates the basic pre ise that ad'ertisin# e!!ects are elicited o'er a period o! ti e and that ad'ertisin# ay not precipitate the desired e!!ects i ediately because a series o! e!!ects ust occur be!ore the consu er possibly o'es to the ne>t sta#e in the hierarchy,

Roger&< Inno'ation Ado%tion Model Cne o! the popular odels on ad'ertisin# e!!ects and its lin3a#e to consu erSs beha'iour $as proposed by Ro#ers, This is 3no$n as Inno'ation8Adoption Model, This odel has rele'ance to ne$ product introductions and particularly use!ul !or adoption o! non8co ercial ser'ices or practices in de'elopin# countries, The sta#es o! e'aluation and trial be!ore adoption @or purchaseA are considered si#ni!icant in the desi#n o! ad'ertisin# pro#ra , The decision in !a'our o! a3in# an e'aluation is li3ely to be in!luenced by in!or ation a'ailable !ro 'arious sources( includin# ad'ertisin#, E'aluation constitutes a ajor step to$ards the adoption o! the product or ser'ice,



Mana#in# Ad'ertisin#

An ad'ertisin# ca pai#n includes se'en essential steps7 Appraisal o! ad'ertisin# opportunity Mar3et analysis 9ettin# ad'ertisin# objecti'es 9ettin# bud#et and necessary control syste s )eter inin# edia and creati'e strate#y

%reate ads( pre8test( and release ads E'aluate !inal results @post8testin#A,

These steps are not necessarily se"uential and( in practice( ad'ertisers underta3e t$o or ore acti'ities si ultaneously, *or e>a ple( the si+e o! ad bud#et ay in!luence edia choice( $hile the essa#e can also in!luence edia selection, )ue to this reason so e o! these acti'ities ay be underta3en si ultaneously, Ad'ertisin# is also coordinated $ith other pro otion i> ele ents, *i#ure 2, 07 -lannin# ad'ertisin# ca pai#n

A%%rai&al of ad'erti&ing o%%ortunity Just because ad'ertisin# is a po$er!ul pro otional tool is no reason !or e'ery 8 ar3eter to ad'ertise, The ar3eter ust deter ine $hether ad'ertisin# is suitable in ( a particular ar3etin# situation, Accordin# to Neil D Borden @The Econo ic E!!ects o! Ad'ertisin#( Richard ) Ir$in ( 0=41A( !i'e conditions #o'ern the ad'ertisin# opportunity, I! these conditions are present( e!!ecti'e ad'ertisin# ay help in achie'in# the ar3etin# objecti'es o! the co pany, Do$e'er( i! the conditions are $ea3 or absent( ad'ertisin# is unli3ely to a3e any positi'e contribution,

resence of ositive rimar# Demand+ When there is enou#h consu er de and !or the product cate#ory( as happens durin# the #ro$th sta#e o! a productBs li!e cycle( the ad'ertiser o! the brand in this product cate#ory is ore li3ely to be success!ul, When a product has reached declinin# aturity in its li!e cycle( or has entered the decline sta#e( ad'ertisin# is 'ery unli3ely to succeed, It is nearly i possible !or ad'ertisin# to re'erse ad'erse trend o! pri ary de and, *or instance( in ost countries no$( includin# India( it see s nearly i possible to increase the de and o! bi# cars as the trend is !or co pacts, 9i ilarly( ad'ertisin# is unli3ely to help re'erse the de and !or radios( or ci#ars,

,ood Chances of roduct Differentiation+ Many products( $hich are 'ie$ed by consu ers as co odities or si ilar in all respects( do not lend the sel'es to ad'ertisin#, Meanin#!ul and persuasi'e product di!!erentiation is the 3ey to create a stron# positionin# and in!luence consu ers to pre!er a particular brand by sho$in# its uni"ue attributes or bene!its, *or e>a ple( it is di!!icult to di!!erentiate su#ar( or salt because consu ers are ost unli3ely to ha'e any in'ol'e ent in such

purchases, Cn the other hand( there are personal care products( or auto obiles( $hich can be success!ully di!!erentiated,

roducts have -idden or not )eadil# *oticeable .ualities+ I! the product "ualities are easily noticeable and considered not really i portant( probably there isnBt uch to ad'ertise success!ully, Do$e'er( i! the productBs 'irtues are hidden( or co ple> to understand( ad'ertisin# can success!ully create stron# ental associations about the productBs econo y( reliability( ru##edness etc, It is di!!icult or al ost i possible to ascertain the "uality o! a co puter( TH set( icro$a'e o'en( or $ashin# achine by just loo3in# at it in a sho$roo ( thou#h it i#ht be a stron# !actor in!luencin# the consu erBs purchase decision, Ad'ertisin# can be 'ery success!ul in co unicatin# these hidden "ualities to consu ers in a anner that can !a'ourably in!luence their buyin# decision, resence of o!erful Emotional /u#ing %otives+ Appeals that success!ully address e otional oti'es can pro'e to be 'ery po$er!ul in case o! e#o intensi'e or "!eel" cate#ory products, %os etics( per!u es( ready to $ear #ar ents( $rist$atches( beauty clinics( alcoholic be'era#es so!t drin3s etc,( are #ood e>a ples $here po$er!ul e otional oti'es are in'ol'ed in product or ser'ice purchase and ad'ertisin# can be 'ery success!ul,

'vailabilit# of Sufficient (unds+ The !irst condition relates to the nature o! ar3et and the re ainin# three conditions relate to the product or ser'ice and the consu ersB perceptions about such o!!ers, E'en i! all the abo'e entioned !our aspects are !a'ourable( uch depends on the a'ailability o! su!!icient !unds re"uired !or ad'ertisin#, -eople in the ad'ertisin# business belie'e that "the #reatest $aste in ad'ertisin# is to ad'ertise too little," I! the !ir lac3s enou#h !unds to co it to ad'ertisin# at so e ini al le'el to create noticeable i pact( it does not a3e sense to ad'ertise, It is hard to i a#ine that in a hi#hly co petiti'e ar3et en'iron ent one or t$o ads $ould e'en be noticed $ith so uch o! ad'ertisin# clutter, What Apple co puter could achie'e $ith just one ad by payin# hal! a illion dollars !or a 6? second co ercial is not li3ely to happen $ith ost ad'ertisin#, 9uccess!ul ad'ertisin# needs the support o! ade"uate !unds,

The prospecti'e ad'ertiser should a3e a deliberate and care!ul assess ent o! the abo'e entioned conditions, It is li3ely that ad'ertisin# ay not be a suitable option !or the co pany !or any o! the reasons discussed, The ad'anta#e i#ht lie in allocatin# a lar#er portion o! the pro otion oney !or sales pro otion( !or e>a ple( a sa ple drop in selected ar3et areas, The role o! ad'ertisin# ay appear to be only ar#inal in a co panyBs ar3etin# pro#ra e,

Analy&e and define target market Mar3et analysis in case o! an established brand $ill in'ol'e a retrospecti'e loo3 at $hat has been done in the past, In case o! ne$ product situation( ore in depth analysis o! 'arious aspects o! the ar3et $ould be needed and in'ol'e research o! so e 3ind, Good ad'ertisin# starts $ith a clear understandin# o! ar3etin# #oals based on thorou#h ar3et analysis and the ai is to e>plore the ans$ers to the t$o basic "uestions7 Where are $e todayP And( ho$ did $e #et hereP

Mar3etin# plan pro'ides the details pertainin# to brand share( anticipated ar3et conditions, %o petitorsB share and past o'es and any le#al constraints concernin# the product cate#ory,

A critical decision is to de!ine the tar#et ar3et !or the product or ser'ice, This $ould in'ol'e !indin# and precisely de!inin# those 'ariables that indicate $ho and $here the best prospects are in respect to de o#raphic characteristics( #eo#raphic location( psycho#raphic 'ariables and beha'ioural patterns, It $ill also be necessary to !ind out the accessibility o! the tar#et audiences, Cb'iously( ho$ the tar#et ar3ets are de!ined $ould in!luence the essa#e and edia strate#ies, %onsu er research ay be needed to !ind out Who buys the productP What do they really buyP When do they buyP Do$ do they use the productP

Kno$in# the tar#et audiencesB li!estyle( oti'ations and beha'ioural patterns( etc,( helps in decidin# $ho the ad'ertiser $ants to reach and also helps creati'e people to $rite essa#es to real audiences and co unicate ore e!!ecti'ely, Set ad'erti&ing o*;ecti'e&

-ro otion or brand ana#er should set objecti'es !or an ad'ertisin# ca pai#n and also !or each ad in each ediu used, In settin# the ca pai#n objecti'es( ost ana#ers use hierarchy8o!8e!!ects odel so that the co ponents o! a ca pai#n support each other and thereby stand a better chance o! creatin# positi'e syner#y in in!luencin# the consu er choice, The path leads !ro co unication objecti'es to sales objecti'es and ad'ertisers o!ten re!er to this se"uence a$areness ad'ertisin# as direct8action ad'ertisin#,

A #ood ad ca pai#n $as that o! "Ma##i Dot and 9$eet To ato %hili 9auce," The product cate#ory $as not ne$ M a nu ber o! to ato 3etchup brands $ere already a'ailable, The ca pai#n objecti'e $as to establish the brand as di!!erent than other brands in the product cate#ory and create consu er pre!erence !or it, Throu#hout the ca pai#n period( indi'idual co ercials sho$ed a di!!erent hu orous settin# but the ca pai#n the e "it is di!!erent" $as co unicated 'ery po$er!ully,

There ay be any ads $ithin an ad'ertisin# ca pai#n( each $ith its o$n objecti'es( and settin# objecti'es ay be !airly co ple>, There is no rule $ith a speci!ic set o! #uidelines that all ad'ertisin# ust !ollo$ to achie'e certain objecti'es, 9o eti es an indi'idual ad ay be repeated a!ter so e other ads ha'e been used at an inter'al o! one year $ith 'ery di!!erent objecti'es because o! the chan#es in consu er needs or $ants( the e>tent o! product or brand reputation( or chan#es in econo ic scenario( The ad'ertiser ust closely onitor chan#es that ta3e place in the ar3etin# en'iron ent( $hich ay $arrant a chan#e in objecti'es and ad'ertisin#,

Determine ad'erti&ing *udget

The objecti'es deter ine $hat is e>pected o! ad'ertisin# to acco plish in a de!ined period o! ti e, The bud#et controls all proposed e>penditures by !i>in# a li it, There are 'arious approaches to deter inin# the bud#etL ho$e'er( there is uch disa#ree ent on this issue and di!!erent co panies use di!!erent approaches to deter ine the proper allocation, This is a critical decision as it o!ten in'ol'es lar#e su s o! oney and( in ost ar3etin# situationsL it is di!!icult to easure $hat ad'ertisin# does to pro!its or sales 'olu e, In an increasin# nu ber o! co panies( top ana#e ent has been sho$in# an increasin# concern in accountability !or these !unds,

Top ana#e ent is usually in'ol'ed in bud#et decisions and brand or pro otion ana#ers ay not be in a position to in!luence the decision, This "top do$n" practice o!ten stops ca pai#ns $ith e>cellent potential, Do$e'er( brand ana#ers ust pro'ide all the possible input in bud#etin# decisions,

The ad'ertisin# bud#et is basically a plan to allocate !inancial resources to ad'ertisin# !or !uture operations and should be re'ie$ed constantly 3eepin# in 'ie$ the chan#in# ar3et conditions, *or e>a ple( it ay beco e necessary to atch the ad'ertisin# e!!ort o! a close co petitor to aintain the present ar3et position, It o!ten happens that i! t$o brands are e"ually pre!erred( the one that ad'ertises ore #ets the ed#e, In case %oca %ola increases its ad'ertisin# blit+( then -epsi cannot si ply sit and $atch,

Decide media and creati'e &trategy

Ad'ertisin# strate#y in'ol'es decisions about edia and creation o! ad'ertise ents, Media plan is de'eloped si ultaneously $ith creati'e plan, C!ten the pro otion ana#er !irst a3es up herIhis ind to use a particular ediu and the ad is desi#ned accordin#ly,

Media plannin# is "uite co ple> because o! the nature o! di!!erent 3ind o! edia, Media plan deter ines the best $ay to reach the audience $ith the ad'ertiserBs essa#e, The #oal is to !ind a particular co bination o! edia that enables the ad'ertiser to co unicate the essa#e ost e!!ecti'ely to the lar#est nu ber o! tar#et audience at the lo$est cost, Initially( the #eneral approach and role o! edia in !inished ca pai#n is deter ined, Media plannin# !ocuses on clearly de!inin# the tar#eted audienceBs edia habits and $hat speci!ic edia is ost suitable !or the in ter s o! reach and !re"uency,

The ajor portion o! ad bud#et is spent on edia buyin# and a critical decision concerns ho$ uch edia oney to spend on an ad'ertisin# ca pai#n, The tactics relate to decisions about $hich edia 'ehicles to use( such as India Today( *e ina( 9tar Mo'ie channel( or Hi'idh Bharti, E>cept !or direct ail( all other edia operate on their o$n schedule and are not under the control o! the ad'ertisers, The ad'ertiser ust consider the ti in#( edia closin# dates( ca pai#n len#th and the nu ber o! e>posures desired, It beco es necessary that edia and creati'e tea s acco odate each other and allo$ the a>i u creati'e e>ecution and e!!ecti'e e!!iciency in reachin# the tar#eted audience,

An e>cellent ad'ertisin# essa#e is esti ated to be ten ti es or ore e!!ecti'e than an a'era#e essa#e in in!luencin# consu er attitudes( pre!erences and purchase decision !or the product, %reati'e strate#y is concerned $ith $hat essa#e to deli'er to the audience !or acco plishin# the objecti'es, )eter inin# the central the e( idea( Notes i a#e( or position is a critical part o! the creati'e process and beco es the cornerstone o! all indi'idual ads that constitute the ca pai#n, "Marlboro country" ca pai#n( Ni3eBs "Just do it(" and Dall ar3 cards ca pai#n "When you care enou#h to send the 'ery best" are e>a ples o! so e success!ul ca pai#n the es, "Intel Inside" ca pai#n is a ore recent e>a ple( and readers can assess ho$ success!ully the co pany has been usin# it,

"Geh dil an#e ore" by -epsi( and "%oca %ola enjoy" are the current the es o! t$o so!t drin3 #iants in India, A critical loo3 $ould re'eal that both these ca pai#n the es are a point o! 'ie$ o! those $ho $ant to achie'e ore( those $ho loo3 !or a !uller li!e $ith e>cite ent and joy( no atter $hat the a#e, Typically these the es sy bolise a +est !or li'in#, Great $ords and #reat strate#y a3e up #reat ca pai#ns,

A creati'e blueprint or a storyboard is deri'ed !ro 0, What objecti'es do $e $ant to acco plishP

ans$ers to "uestions such as7

1, Who are our custo ers no$P Who should $e sell toP 2, Do$ do our custo ers no$ thin3( !eel and belie'e about the brand( the co pany and the co petitionP 4, What do $e $ant the to thin3( !eel( and belie'eP inds to acco plishP

5, What 3ey idea can $e put in their

Most !inished ads are a result o! e!!ort( persistence and creati'ity, It has been e phasised by Ken Ro an and Jane Mass in The Ne$ Do$ to Ad'ertise( 9t, MartinBs -ress( Ne$ Gor37 0==1( that si ilarity or continuity bet$een di!!erent ads is essential in de'elopin# success!ul ca pai#ns,

9i ilarity or continuity could be 'isual( 'erbal( aural( or attitudinal, In case o! print ads( sa e type!ace or al ost the sa e layout !or at is used so that the tar#et audience $ill identi!y the ad'ertiser just by loo3in# at the ad, Another $ay to acco plish si ilarity or continuity is to use the sa e spo3esperson or character in ad a!ter ad, *or e>a ple( Hideocon ha'e sho$n a lion in their ca pai#ns !or their di!!erent product lines in print as $ell as TH ads and the the e is "Brin# ho e the leader,"

To acco plish 'erbal si ilarity( it is not unusual !or ca pai#ns to use certain phrases or $ords in all the ads, The purpose is to a3e the ad distinct( con'ey the product bene!it and can be related to one brand only, *or e>a ple( Hisa %ard ca pai#n "ItBs e'ery$here you $ant to be(" A erican E>press ")onBt lea'e ho e $ithout it(" Ma##iBs "T$o inutes(" and BMWBs "The ulti ate dri'in# achine(" etc, The repetition o! 3ey copy points( bene!its( or the e in all edia ensures continuity, *or aural si ilarity( in case o! broadcast( the ad'ertiser can use the sa e usic( jin#le( or announcerBs 'oice to build continuity, A $ell83no$n jin#le is "Washin# po$der Nir a", 9o e other popular jin#les in Indian ad'ertisin# ha'e been "Gahi hai ri#ht choice" o! .ehar -epsi( "Hideocon Washin# Machine"( "9ona sona naya re>ona"( "Tandrusti 3i ra3sha 3arta hai .i!ebuoy( .i!ebuoy hai jahan tandrusti hai $ahan,"

Ads can co unicate a consistent attitude to$ard the brand and the people $ho use it, It co unicates the brandBs personality, The -epsi ca pai#n "Geh dil an#e ore" and that o! %oca %ola "%oca %ola enjoy" are ore than just $ords, They co unicate an attitude to youn# and old consu ers,

Create ad&+ %re,te&t+ and relea&e ad&

Ad'ertisin# %a pai#n Ad'ertisin# co panies cannot a!!ord to ne#lect pre8testin# o! the ad ca pai#n, Risin# 7costs o! edia( thousands o! ad'ertisin# essa#es co petin# to #et noticed and audience apathy and o!ten disli3e o! ads a3e it essential !or co panies to be reasonably sure that the ca pai#n essa#e is attended to and co prehended, Most authorities a#ree that ad'ertisin# should be pre8tested be!ore actual e>ecution to a'oid any costly ista3es and increase its e!!iciency, *or pre8testin# ad'ertisin# strate#y and e>ecution( 'arious techni"ues such as ar3et tests( !ocus #roups( sur'eys( and co puter si ulation tests etc,( are used be!ore the ads are placed in edia,

E'aluate final re&ult& 4%o&t,te&ting5

*ost8testin# is done to e'aluate the !inal results o! the ca pai#n, These results are concerned $ith easurin# the e!!ecti'eness o! the ad, -ost8testin# is done at the end o! the ca pai#n to deter ine to $hat e>tent the ad'ertisin# ca pai#n objecti'es ha'e been acco plished and then to a3e any appropriate chan#es, It pro'ides !eedbac3 to pro otion ana#ers and helps !uture plannin#,

Types o! Ad'ertisin# Media

Ad'ertisin# edia can be cate#ori+ed into broad types li3e print edia( broadcast edia( direct ad'ertisin# edia and outdoor edia, Do$e'er( $ithin each o! these !our cate#ories there are se'eral classi!ications, *or e>a ple( print edia includes ne$spapers( periodicals( bulletins( posters( stic3ers( $all patches and a#a+ines, &nder ne$spapers $e ha'e !urther classi!ications in the !or o! daily( $ee3ly( ornin#( and e'enin# ne$spapers, In the case o! broadcast edia( the choice o! units is li ited to channels or stations, .et us e>a ine 'arious types o! edia in detail,

Print Media: -rint ediu co prises ne$spapers and a#a+ines, The ain di!!erence bet$een ne$spapers and a#a+ines is the periodicity o! their publication, Ne$spapers are published daily( $hereas a#a+ines are published periodically i,e,( $ee3ly( !ortni#htly( onthly( "uarterly or biannually, In both cases( ho$e'er( the essa#e is con'eyed throu#h $ords in print( so eti es alon# $ith pictures or photo#raphs, Words in print can be ade as attracti'e( appealin# and in!or ati'e as possible( so also the acco panyin# picture, .et us discuss the distinct !eatures o! ne$spapers and a#a+ines in !ollo$in# para#raphs,

ew&%a%er&: These are published in di!!erent lan#ua#es and are $idely and re#ularly read by the educated public, Readin# ne$spapers is a daily habit o! people in cities( to$ns and literate people in rural areas, The readers ha'e beco e ore accusto ed to ad'ertise ents in ne$spapers and loo3 !or the as a source o! in!or ation, The circulation o! so e o! the national dailies in India runs into se'eral illion,

Ne$spapers published in re#ional lan#ua#es also ha'e $ide circulation( so eti es co'erin# ore than one state, Thus( as a ediu o! ad'ertisin#( ne$spapers reach a 'ery lar#e nu ber o! people, 9econdly( ne$spaper ad'ertisin# is relati'ely cheaper than other edia li3e radio and tele'ision, The ad'ertisin# space can be decided in accordance $ith need and cost, Ne$spapers pro'ide the !acility o! repeatin# the essa#e e'ery day( i! necessary, Besides( in case o! ur#ency there is scope !or insertin# an ad'ertise ent $ithout uch loss o! ti e, *inally( it is possible to select a particular ne$spaper suitable !or the audience in 'ie$, *or national co'era#e( a ne$spaper $ith nation $ide circulation can be selected, *or re#ional co'era#e( a ne$spaper published in a particular re#ional lan#ua#e can be selected !or !ocusin# in the tar#et se# ent, 9ince the #eneral public reads ne$spapers( this is !ound to be a suitable edia !or ass consu ption #oods, The li!e o! a ne$spaper and ad'ertise ent is 'ery short as people read the ne$spapers in the ornin# and put the aside a!ter$ards,

Maga=ine&: Ma#a+ines are also called periodicals as they are published at certain periodical inter'als li3e $ee3ly( !ortni#htly( onthly and so on, )i!!erent types o! a#a+ines are published !or di!!erent cate#ories o! readers, *or e>a ple( there are popular #eneral a#a+ines containin# !eatures articles( ne$s and stories @India Today( *rontlineA, There are a#a+ines !or children @T$in3le( %handa a a( %artoon TodayA that include stories o! their interest, There are a#a+ines li3e Business India( Business Today( and -ersonal *inance !or business en and e>ecutiyes, 9i ilarly( there are sports a#a+ines @9ports Wee3( 9ports 9tarA( $o enBs a#a+ines @*e ina( Wo enBs EraA( pro!essional a#a+ines @Indian Journal o! Mar3etin#( Indian Medical JournalA( !il a#a+ines @9tar : 9tyle( *il *areA and so on, *ro the circulation point o! 'ie$( a#a+ines are not as $idely read as ne$spapers, Cn the other hand( each a#a+ine has a distinct cate#ory o! readers, 9ince a#a+ines are #enerally read o'er a period o! ti e( they ha'e a lon#er li!e than ne$spapers, Thus( ad'ertisers use a#a+ines as a ediu selecti'ely dependin# on the audience to be reached, *or e>a ple( edical boo3s( dru#s( sur#ical e"uip ent and edical instru ents are #enerally ad'ertised in edical journals, Manu!acturers o! o!!ice e"uip ent( co puters and si ilar products ad'ertise their products in business a#a+ines and trade journals, Cn the $hole( the cost o! ad'ertisin# in a#a+ines is relati'ely cheaper co pared to other edia li3e radio and tele'ision, Do$e'er( a#a+ines ha'e certain li itations, Cne o! the is related to the ti in# o! publication i,e, periodicity o! publication, Althou#h a#a+ines ha'e a lon#er li!e( they are published periodically and not daily li3e ne$spapers, The other li itation is the 3 o! !le>ibility in the choice o! si+e and desi#n o! the ad'ertise ent, The desi#n cannot be chan#ed as "uic3ly as in the case o! a ne$spaper, The circulation o! a a#a+ine

does not al$ays indicate the nu ber o! readers or the ti e de'oted by the readers in readin# it, A a#a+ine $ith a li ited circulation ay be read ore rou#hly and by ore people than another a#a+ine or ne$spaper $ith a hi#her circulation,

Direct Media: )irect response ad'ertisin# is a type o! interacti'e pro otion that solicits a direct response !ro the prospect @tar#et audienceA $ithout inter'ention o! third party, It is a t$o8$ay co unication bet$een the ad'ertiser and the tar#et audience, )irect ad'ertisin# edia are the channels throu#h $hich ad'ertisers co unicate directly $ith the tar#et audience, Major direct edia are direct ail and ad'ertisin# specialties, Direct Mail: 9endin# personali+ed letters by post to the prospecti'e custo ers is a ethod o! ad'ertisin#( $hich o!ten pays, These co unications are ostly in the !or o! circulars and so eti es acco panied by catalo#ues or price lists, The idea behind ailin# circulars is to approach the custo ers directly $ith the ad'ertisin# essa#e and to arouse his interest in the product or ser'ice $ith detailed e>planation in a con'incin# anner, A ailin# list is thus prepared and the letter is care!ully dra!ted $ith personali+ed $ordin#s, The essa#e ha'in# a personal touch is e>pected to be ore e!!ecti'e, The in!or ation ay be elaborated and hence li3ely to be ore con'incin#, Addressed to indi'iduals by na e( the essa#e can dra$ the attention o! the custo er $ithout distraction !ro co petin# ad'ertisin#, )irect ail is not a suitable ediu !or ad'ertisin# products eant !or public use on a ass8scale, It is best suited !or products $here the people to be contacted can be easily identi!ied, *or e>a ple( a co pany anu!acturin# or distributin# phar aceutical products @ edicinesA ay easily identi!y the doctors or che ists !or direct co unication o! in!or ation relatin# to the products, But( !or pro otin# the sale o! @sayA toilet soap or $rist$atches( direct ail is not a suitable eans o! ad'ertisin#, It $ould be e>pensi'e and ti e consu in# to underta3e direct ailin# o! circular letters to innu erable consu ers o! such products because custo ers are $idely scattered, A boo3let( pa phlets( catalo#ues( etc, sent by post to prospecti'e custo ers also co e under direct ail,

Ad'erti&ing S%ecialtie&: These are !ree #i!ts li3e diaries( 3ey rin#s( purses( paper$ei#hts( pens( calendars and T8shirts i printed $ith a essa#e alon# $ith the ad'ertiserBs na e and address, 9ince they bear the na e o! the ad'ertiser( they ser'e as re inders, This ediu #i'es a personal touch, Do$e'er( specialty ad'ertisin# is an e>pensi'e a!!air and di!!icult to i ple ent on lar#e scale, There are so e other direct edia li3e directory ad'ertisin# and sponsored a#a+ines, )irectory ad'ertisin# includes ad'ertisin# in Gello$ -a#es( in telephone directory and speci!ic trade or association directories, In the case o! corporate

sponsored a#a+ines( the ad'ertiser o$ns the a#a+ine, *or e>a ple( Jet Air$ays has its o$n in8!li#ht a#a+ines !or passen#ers and any brands ad'ertise in these a#a+ines, 9i ilarly( any hotels publish their o$n a#a+ines !or circulation to a speciali+ed #roup o! readers and hotel #uests,

Out of 3ome Media: Cutdoor edia o! ad'ertisin# re!ers to the edia used to reach people $hen they are out o! doors or tra'ellin# rather than at ho e or in the o!!ice, -a phlets( posters( hoardin#s @billboardsA( neon si#ns( and electronic displays co e under the cate#ory o! edia, -a phlets @printed handbillsA are "uite o!ten used as a ediu o! ad'ertisin# !or sales pro otion in a local area, -a phlets are distributed a on# passersby at street crossin#s( rail$ay stations or bus ter inals( roadside ar3et places( etc, -osters @ essa#e printed on paperA are #enerally !i>ed on $alls( roadside pillars( la pposts, -osters are also !i>ed inside public transport 'ehicles li3e tra s( buses and rail$ay coaches, 9pace is pro'ided on pay ent on these places, Neon si#ns and electronic displays are usually installed on roo!tops or busy streets crossin#s to dra$ the attention o! people, These are 'isible only in the ni#ht, Doardin#s or billboards re!er to lar#e boards carryin# the essa#e( so eti es $ith li!e si+e pictures( and installed at public places, Doardin#s are specially desi#ned to dra$ the attention o! the public, As the si+e o! the hoardin#s is nor ally lar#e( ad'ertise ents are 'isible !ro a distance, Apart !ro the edia discussed abo'e( there are se'eral other types o! edia used !or out o! the ho e ad'ertisin#, 9o e such edia are slide projection in cine a houses( !il s( e>hibitions( display in sho$cases( etc, E>hibitions also pro'ide opportunities !or ad'ertisin# #oods, %onsu er #oods can be displayed and the use o! industrial #oods li3e achinery can be de onstrated in the e>hibition, The li itation o! e>hibition is that their duration is restricted to speci!ied period, 9ho$cases displayin# #oods are located in public places li3e rail$ay stations( airports( bus ter inals( etc,( to attract the attention o! the public, Rent is payable !or the space, Attracti'eness o! the products and the anner they are displayed are the ain !eatures o! this ad'ertisin# ediu ,

Electronic Media: The ost i portant edia is conte porary ad'ertisin# in electronic edia co'erin# tele'ision( radio and other !or s o! electronic edia, The bi##est #ro$th in edia spendin# in last t$o decades has happened in electronic

edia, A certain le'el o! credit should also be #i'en to the #ro$th o! consu eris in India $hich is due to deeper penetration o! tele'ision in Indian cities and 'illa#es, The radio $as a ediu o! in!or ation( but increased use o! *M radio !or entertain ent has pro'ided another plat!or !or ad'ertisin#, Cther !or s o! electronic edia usa#e include electronic display boards( 'ideo and audiocassettes and %)RCMs, -rojection o! slides in the cine a theatre be!ore and durin# the !il sho$ is one o! the cheaper eans o! ad'ertisin#, -rojection o! short8!il s be!ore the co ence ent o! !eature !il is a relati'ely ore e>pensi'e ediu o! ad'ertisin#, But it has the ad'anta#es si ilar to that o! tele'ision ad'ertisin#, Moreo'er( these short !il s are usually o! lon#er duration @about 5 inutesA than tele'ision ads, Interacti'e Media: India is e>periencin# a hi#her penetration in personal co puter and Internet usa#e rate in last !e$ years, Many people are usin# net$or3ed co puters and interacti'e edia to #ather in!or ation and entertain, Internet is no$ used as an alternati'e edia !or co unication and disse ination o! product in!or ation, Interacti'e edia allo$s an indi'idual to see3 in!or ation( as3 "uestions and #et ans$ers $ithout any hu an assistance, A co pany $ebsite or a store!ront is one o! the ost co on !or s o! Internet ad'ertisin#, %onsu ers can !ind ans$ers to !re"uently as3ed "uestions !ro the $ebsite throu#h *AK pa#es, A co pany $eb site is an ideal $ay to reach consu ers $ho $ant details about speci!ic products( as interacti'e edia can pro'ide a lar#e a ount o! in!or ation, The real proble $ith interacti'e edia is dri'in# tra!!ic to the $ebsite and 3eepin# the tra!!ic !or lon#er to na'i#ate and shop on the site, The tas3 is also to brin# the tra!!ic bac3 to the site a#ain and a#ain, Banner ads are the ad'ertiserBs ad'ertisin# tools on other popular $ebsites li3e Goo#le( Redi!! and M9N and then brin# the custo ers throu#h a lin3 to their o$n $ebsites or 'irtual store !ront, Banners can #o beyond achie'in# brand a$areness because they are hyperte>t lin3s to the ad'ertiserBs $ebsite, The ad'anta#e o! such an ad'ertise ent is that the sur!er has sel! selected the site( products and the process o! na'i#ation( so the ar3eterBs essa#e reaches only to the in'ol'ed( hi#hly !ocused ar3et, -op8up bo>es are $eb8$indo$s and are re!ined 'ersions o! banner ad'ertisin# A 'isitor to a particular $ebsite i#ht !ind the pop up $indo$ pro'idin# in!or ation about the site, The 'ie$er typically has to close the pop up $indo$ or enter into the ad'ertised site, 9trea in# Media is ulti edia content such as audio( 'ideo that can be accessed on Internet $ithout bein# do$nloaded !irst, 9o!t$are li3e Real -layer and AppleBs Kuic3 Ti e allo$s the Internet users to access ulti edia content throu#h audio and 'ideo strea s, When 'isitors use such so!t$are to 'ie$ a pro#ra or an ad'ertise ent( they are said to be 'ie$in# strea in# edia, 9trea in# ads are ore e!!ecti'e than banners and pop ups, Today three di ensional co puter #enerated 'ideo can create photo realistic results( $hich( users can either $atch

linearly or interact $ith it, Interacti'e ani ated en'iron ent $ill ta3e Internet ad'ertisin# to a di!!erent sphere in the !uture, 9trea in# edia ad'ertise ents $ill beco e ore pre'alent $ith the a'ailability o! hi#her band$idth in broadband technolo#y, Broadband technolo#y allo$s trans!er o! data o'er Internet at hi#h speed,

E,mail: &se o! e8 ail ad'ertisin# as a pro otional ediu is #ainin# pro inence day by day, E8 ail as an ad'ertisin# ediu o!!ers ad'anta#e o! personi!ication( speed and interacti'ity, Ad'ertisin# 'ia e8 ail is 'ery si ilar to traditional direct ail ad'ertisin#, E8 ail use a3es it easier !or the ar3eter to easure the e!!ecti'eness o! the ediu , A ajor disad'anta#e o! e ail ad'ertisin# is that the recei'er ay not read it because he or she considers it spa , A spa is a ter ( used !or unsolicited and un$anted e ail, E!!ecti'e ar3eters ha'e started sendin# e ails to people $ho allo$ the to do so 'oluntarily throu#h a process called -er issi'e Mar3etin#,

%reati'e 9trate#y

)-at i& creati'ity. %reati'ity is probably one the ost !re"uently used ter s in ad'ertisin# circles, -erhaps so uch attention to creati'ity is #i'en because people consider the speci!ic challen#e o! de'elopin# an ad'ertisin# essa#e as the do ain o! creati'e people, Ad'ertisin# a#encies de'elop reputations !or their creati'ity, 9o e people e>hibit ore creati'ity than others( but creati'ity is present $ithin all o! us, It is creati'ity that helped hu ans to disco'er and harness !ire( do esticate ani als and culti'ate !ields, Without it( hu an race probably $ould not ha'e sur'i'ed, The $ord BcreateB denotes ori#inatin#( or concei'in# an idea or a thin# that did not e>ist be!ore, Typically( thou#h( creati'ity in'ol'es co binin# pre'iously unconnected ideas or objects into so ethin# ne$, There is a #eneral belie! that creati'ity e er#es directly !ro hu an intuition but reality is that creati'ity can be learned and used to #enerate ori#inal ideas, There are di!!erences o! opinion on $hat constitutes ad'ertisin# creati'ity, Cn one e>tre e are those $ho 'ie$ that ad'ertisin# is creati'e only i! it sells the ad'ertised product, The ad essa#eBs positi'e i pact on sales is 'ie$ed as ore i portant than $hether it is inno'ati'e or $ins a$ards, Cn the other e>tre e are those $ho jud#e an ad'ertise entBs creati'ity in ter s o! its ori#inality and artistic or aesthetic 'alue, They ar#ue that creati'e ads can brea3 throu#h the ad'ertisin# clutter( capture the - the audience attention and produce so e i pact, Eli+abeth Dirsch anBs study e>a ined the perceptions o! indi'iduals in'ol'ed in the creation and production o! TH ne o! co ercials such as brand ana#ers( account e>ecuti'es( art director( copy$riter( co ercial director and producer, 9he obser'ed that product ana#ers and account e>ecuti'es belie'e that a co ercial should be e'aluated in ter s o! $hether it acco plishes the clientBs ar3etin# and co unications objecti'es, Those on the creati'e side had a ore sel!8ser'in# perspecti'e, 9he noted7

0In direct contrast to this client orientation, the art director, cop#!riter and commercial director vie!ed the advertisement as a communication vehicle for promoting their o!n aesthetic vie!points and personal career ob1ectives. /oth the cop#!riter and the art director made this point e2plicitl#, noting that a desirable commercial, from their standpoint, !as one !hich communicated their uni$ue creative talents and thereb# permitted them to obtain 0better0 1obs at an increased salar#.0 Ad'ertisin# creati'ity is disciplined and purpose!ul to eet certain business de ands and lies probably so e$here bet$een the t$o e>tre es, To brea3 throu#h the ad'ertisin# clutter and a3e an i pression on the tar#et audience( an ad ust ha'e the "uality o! bein# uni"ue and entertainin#, Well desi#ned and e>ecuted print ads or TH co ercials e'o3e e otional responses and can create positi'e !eelin#s, These !eelin#s o!ten #et trans!erred to the ad'ertised product or ser'ice, Many creati'e and people are o! the opinion that this type o! ad'ertisin# is possible only i! they are #i'en considerable latitude in creatin# ad'ertisin# essa#es, But ad'ertisin# creati'ity !or the sa3e o! bein# only creati'e o!ten !ails to deli'er a eanin#!ul( rele'ant and persuasi'e essa#e that $ill lead the consu ers to purchase the ad'ertised product or ser'ice, Ad'ertisin# creati'ity is the ability to #enerate !resh( uni"ue( appropriate and e!!ecti'e ideas that can be used as solutions to co unications proble s, A creati'e idea can be appropriate and e!!ecti'e only $hen it is rele'ant to the tar#et audience, -robably this is the reason that so e ads are success!ul in $innin# a$ards !or creati'ity but !ail to help the client in acco plishin# the desired #oal( as they are not rele'ant to the tar#et audience, The creati'e specialists ust reco#nise that the purpose o! ad'ertisin# is to assist in sellin# the product or ser'ice and #ood ad'ertisin# ust co unicate in a anner that helps the client achie'e this #oal, The a#encies( Masius Benton : Bo$les ha'e de'eloped nine principles to #uide its creati'e e!!ort, The a#ency calls the )MB:BBs uni'ersal ad'ertisin# standards, The nine principals are7

0, )oes this ad'ertisin# position the product si ply and $ith un ista3able clarityP The tar#et audience !or the ad'ertised product or ser'ice ust be able to see and sense in a !lash $hat the product is !or( $ho it is !or and $hy they should be interested in it, %reatin# this clear 'ision o! ho$ the product or ser'ice !its into their li'es is the !irst job o! ad'ertisin#, Without a si ple( clear( !ocused positionin#( no creati'e $or3 can be#in,

1, )oes this ad'ertisin# bolt the brand to a clinchin# bene!itP Cur ad'ertisin# should be built on the ost co pellin# and persuasi'e consu er bene!itM not so e uni"ue8but8insi#ni!icant peripheral !eature, Be!ore you $orry about ho$ to say it( you ust be sure you are sayin# the ri#ht thin#, I! you donBt 3no$ $hat the ost co pellin# bene!it is( you ha'e #ot to !ind out be!ore you do anythin#, 2, )oes the ad'ertisin# contain a Bpo$er ideaBP The -o$er Idea is the 'ehicle that trans!or s the strate#y into a dyna ic( creati'e co unications concept, It is the core creati'e idea that sets the sta#e !or brilliant e>ecutions to co e, The ideal po$er idea should V Be describable in a si ple $ord( phrase( or sentence $ithout re!erence to any !inal e>ecution, V Be li3ely to attract the prospectBs attention, V Re'ol'e around the clinchin# bene!it, V Allo$ you to brand the ad'ertisin#, V Ma3e it easy !or the prospect to 'i'idly e>perience our clientBs product or ser'ice,

4, )oes this ad'ertisin# desi#n in Bbrand personalityBP The #reat brands tend to ha'e so ethin# in co brand personality, on7 the e>tra ed#e o! ha'in# a

This is so ethin# beyond erely identi!yin# $hat the brand does !or the consu erL all brands do so ethin#, A brand can be $hate'er its desi#ners $ant it to be M and it can be so !ro one, day

5, Is the ad'ertisin# une>pectedP Why should our clients pay #ood oney to $ind up $ith ad'ertisin# that loo3s and sounds li3e e'erybody elseBs in the cate#oryP They shouldnBt, We ust dare to be di!!erent( because sa eness is suicide, We canBt be outstandin# unless $e !irst stand out, The thin# is not to e ulate the co petition but to annihilate the ,

6, Is the ad'ertisin# sin#le8 indedP I! you ha'e deter ined the ri#ht thin# to say and ha'e created a $ay to say it unco only $ell( $hy $aste ti e sayin# anythin# elseP I! $e $ant people to re e ber one bi# thin# !ro a #i'en piece o! ad'ertisin#( letBs not a3e it ore di!!icult than it already is in an o'er co unicated $orld, The ad'ertisin# should be all about that one bi# thin#,

;, )oes this ad'ertisin# re$ard the prospectP .etBs #i'e our audience so ethin# that a3es it easy M e'en pleasurable M !or our essa#e to penetrate7 a tear( a s ile( a lau#h, An e otional sti ulus is that special so ethin# that a3es the $ant to see the ad'ertisin# a#ain and a#ain,

<, Is the ad'ertisin# 'isually arrestin#P Great ad'ertisin# that you re e ber M and can play bac3 in your ind M is unusual to loo3 at7 co pellin#( a nourishin# !east !or the eyes, I! you need a reason to stri'e !or arrestin# $or3( #o no !urther than Webster7 "%atchin# or holdin# the attention( thou#ht( or !eelin#s, Grippin#, 9tri3in#, Interestin#," =, )oes this ad'ertisin# e>hibit painsta3in# cra!ts anshipP Gou $ant $ritin# that is really $ritten( Hisuals that are desi#ned : Music that is co posed, .i#htin#( castin#( $ardrobe( direction M all the co ponents o! the art o! ad'ertisin# are e'ery bit as i portant as the science o! it, It is a sin to nic3el8and8 di e a #reat ad'ertisin# idea to death, Why settle !or #ood( $hen thereBs #reatP We should #o !or the absolute best in concept( desi#n and e>ecution, This is our cra!t M the $or3 should spar3le, 0Our creative standards are not a gimmic&,0 Steve emphasises. 0The#3re not even revolutionar#. Instead, the# are an e2plicit articulation of a fundamental

refocusing on our compan#3s onl# reason for being. D%/4/3s universal advertising standards are the operating lin& bet!een our vision toda# 5 and its coming realit#.0

Planning creati'e &trategy: The $or3 o! creati'e people in ad'ertisin# business is challen#in#, They ust ta3e all the inputs such as research !indin#s( creati'e brie!s( strate#y state ents and the co unications objecti'es to con'ert the into a suitable ad'ertisin# essa#e to e!!ecti'ely co unicate the central the e o! the ad ca pai#n, The ad essa#e ust be put into a !or that $ill #et audience interested and a3e the ad e orable, Ad'ertisin# situations in each case are di!!erent, Each indi'idual ad'ertise ent or an ad ca pai#n needs a totally di!!erent creati'e approach, C'er the years nu erous approaches and #uidelines ha'e been de'eloped !or creatin# e!!ecti'e ad'ertisin# but there is no a#ic !or ula in this trade, In his boo3( Ad'ertisin# -ure and 9i ple( copy$riter Dan3 9neiden $rites

0)ules lead to dull stereot#ped advertising and the# stifle creativit#, inspiration, initiative and progress. The onl# hard and fast rule that I &no! of in advertising is that there are no rules. *o formulas. *o right !a#. ,iven the same problem, a do"en creative talents !ould solve it a do"en different !a#s. If there !ere a sure- fire formula for successful advertising, ever#one !ould use it. Then there !ould be no need for creative people. We !ould simpl# programme robots to create our ads and commercials and the#3d sell loads of product 5 to other robots.0 6-an& Sneiden, 'dvertising ure and Simple, 7899:

A nu ber o! creati'e people belie'e in sa!ety and !ollo$ pro'en approaches to creatin# ads, As entioned earlier( because o! their thin3in# style( any clients !eel uneasy $ith ad'ertisin# that is stri3in#ly di!!erent, Many creati'e people are o! the opinion that it is i portant !or clients to ta3e so e ris3s i! they really desire outstandin# ad'ertisin# that captures the attention and is re e bered, Accordin# to Je!! Jensen( Weiden : Kennedy a#encyBs @it has $or3ed !or Microso!t and Ni3eA !ounders belie'e that a 3ey !actor to their success has been a !ir belie! in ta3in# ris3s $hen ost a#encies and their clients ha'e beco e ore conser'ati'e in their approach to ad'ertisin#, This a#ency #i'es ore i portance to creati'e $or3 than the client8a#ency relationship, There are instances $hen this a#ency has ter inated

relationships $ith lar#e clients $hen they inter!ered too process,

uch $ith the creati'e

C! course( all co panies and ad'ertisin# a#encies do not a#ree that ad'ertisin# has to be ris3y to be e!!ecti'e, Many ar3etin# e>ecuti'es !eel that they in'est hu#e a ounts o! oney in ad'ertisin# to sell the product and not to !inance the $hi s o! their ad'ertisin# a#encyBs creati'e sta!!, They !eel ore at ease $ith the ad'ertisin# that Notes si ply co unicates the !eatures and bene!its o! a product or ser'ice and #i'es the consu er a reason to buy, The ost i portant product in#redient that an a#ency o!!ers is creati'ity and this is the ajor co ponent on $hich ost a#encies thri'e, *or this reason( the a#encies ust create an en'iron ent that encoura#es creati'e thin3in# and creati'e ad'ertisin#, Thou#h the client has the !inal authority to accept or reject the ad'ertisin#( the clients ust appreciate the di!!erences bet$een the perspecti'es o! the creati'e specialists and the ar3etin# personnel, The opinions o! creati'e specialists ust be accorded due consideration $hile e'aluatin# the ideas and content,

The Creative Process: Most ads are the result o! uch s$eat( tears and persistence, Many ad'ertisin# pro!essionals are o! the opinion that creati'ity in ad'ertisin# can best be 'ie$ed as a process and creati'e success is ostly achie'ed by !ollo$in# an or#anised approach, There is( thou#h( no in!allible !or ula that #uarantees the creation o! e!!ecti'e ad'ertisin#, As entioned earlier( any ad'ertisin# pro!essionals reject atte pts to standardise creati'ity or de'elop any rules, No one really 3no$s $hy one person can consistently create success!ul ads and $hy the other person eets repeated !ailures, A creati'e indi'idual is ost li3ely to be one $ho

V %an produce a lar#e nu ber o! ideas "uic3ly @conceptual !luencyA V Is ori#inal V Is capable o! separatin# source !ro content in e'aluatin# in!or ation it ent

V 9uspends jud#e ent and a'oids early co V Is inclined to be less authoritati'e

V Accepts personal i pulses V Is capable o! jud#in# independently V -ossesses a rich( bi+arre !antasy li!e,

Danley Norins @The %o plete %opy$riter( McGra$8Dill( 0=66A is o! the opinion that there is only one distincti'e trait o! hi#hly creati'e person M the ability to associate, Gi'en a particular proble ( this indi'idual can i ediately be#in to associate "hundreds and thousands and illions o! sy bols that ay lead to an ideal solution," . N Reid and D J Rot!eld @"To$ard an Associati'e Model o! Ad'ertisin# %reati'ity(" Journal o! Ad'ertisin#( 0=;6A clai that a creati'e person clearly has ore ability to associate data into proble sol'in# ad'ertisin# co unication, Accordin# to Ale> * Csborn @Applied I a#ination( %harles 9cribner : 9ons( 0=52A( $ho established the %reati'e Education *oundation( the creati'e process in'ol'es the !ollo$in# se'en steps 0, Crientation, -ointin# up the proble 1, -reparation, Gatherin# pertinent data 2, Analysis, Brea3in# do$n the rele'ant 4, Ideation, -ilin# up alternati'e ideas 5, Incubation, -uttin# the proble so e later( un#uarded ti e aside to in'ite spontaneous ideas at aterial

6, 9ynthesis, -uttin# the pieces to#ether ;, E'aluation, Jud#in# the resultin# ideas,

Ja es Web Goun#( a !or er 'ice8president at J Walter Tho pson( de'eloped one o! the ost popular approaches to creati'ity in ad'ertisin#, De de'eloped a !i'e8step odel o! creati'e process and said

0The production of ideas is 1ust as definite a process as the production of (ords; the production of idea, too, runs an assembl# line; in this production the mind follo!s an operative techni$ue !hich can be learned and controlled; and that its effective use is 1ust as much a matter of practice in the techni$ue as in the effective use of an# tool.0 6<ames Web =oung, ' Techni$ue for roducing Idea, >rd ed. Chicago+ Cra% /oo&s, 789?, p. @A:

Goun#Bs !i'e8step

odel o! creati'e process is

9tep 0, I ersion7 Gatherin# ra$ aterial and in!or ation throu#h bac3#round research and i ersin# yoursel! in the proble , 9tep 1, )i#estion7 Ta3in# the in!or ation( $or3in# it o'er and $restlin# $ith it in the ind, 9tep 2, Incubation7 -uttin# the proble out o! your conscious in!or ation o'er to the subconscious to do the $or3, ind and turnin# the

9tep 4, Illu ination7 The birth o! an idea M the "Eure3aW I ha'e itW" -heno enon, 9tep 5, Reality or Heri!ication7 9tudyin# the idea to see i! it still loo3s #ood or sol'es the proble ( then shapin# the idea to practical use!ulness,

Goun#Bs !i'e8step odel is "uite si ilar to the !our8step approach su##ested earlier by Graha Wallas( an En#lish sociolo#ist, The !our8step approach is


0, Pre%aration( Gatherin# bac3#round in!or ation needed to sol'e the proble throu#h research and study, 1, Incu*ation( Gettin# a$ay and lettin# ideas de'elop, 2, Illumination( 9eein# the li#ht or solution, 4, $erification( Re!inin# and polishin# the idea and seein# i! it is an appropriate solution,

Models o! the creati'e process are 'aluable to creati'e specialists since they !acilitate an or#anised approach to ad'ertisin# proble s, Ro#er 'on Cech @A Kic3 in the 9eat o! the -ants( Ne$ Gor37 Darper8-erennial( 0=<6A describes !our essential acti'ities that e'ery art director and copy$riter has to per!or at so e point in the creati'e process,

Gathering Information: The creati'e personnel re'ie$ the creati'e brie!( includin# ar3etin# and ad'ertisin# plan, They a3e the sel'es thorou#hly !a iliar $ith the ar3et( the product and the co petition, They ay also see3 additional in!or ation !ro the account e>ecuti'es and !ro the client co panyBs ar3etin#( product( sales( or research depart ents to learn about the nature o! the co pany( its products( its ar3etin# history( its co petitors and the co petitorBs ad'ertisin# styles, Accordin# to 9andra E Moriarty @%reati'e Ad'ertisin#7 Theory and -ractice( -rentice8 Dall( 0=<6A( creati'e specialists can ac"uire bac3#round in!or ation in any $ays, 9o e in!or al !act8!indin# techni"ues can be

V Readin# anythin# related to the product or ar3et M boo3s( trade publications( #eneral interest articles( research reports and the li3e, V As3in# e'eryone in'ol'ed $ith the product !or in!or ation M desi#ners( en#ineers( salespeople and consu ers, V .istenin# to $hat people are tal3in# about, Hisits to stores( alls( restaurants and e'en the a#ency ca!eteria can be in!or ati'e, .istenin# to the client can be particularly 'aluable( since he or she o!ten 3no$s the product and ar3et best, V &sin# the product or ser'ice and beco in# !a iliar $ith it, The a product( the ore you 3no$ and can say about it, ore you use

V Wor3in# $ith and learnin# about the clientBs business to understand better the people you are tryin# to reach,

It is i portant !or creati'e personnel to #et o!! the beaten path to loo3 in ne$ and unco on places to disco'er ne$ ideas and to identi!y ne$ patterns, They ust ha'e a positi'e belie! that #ood in!or ation is a'ailable and that they ha'e the s3ills to !ind and use it in an e!!ecti'e anner, This re"uires openin# up to the outside $orld M adoptin# an "insi#ht outloo3" to recei'e ne$ 3no$led#e, Ideas are e'ery$here, When one thin3s about the colour red and loo3s around( it suddenly ju ps out at the person loo3in# !or it, But i! the person $ere not loo3in# !or it( sheIhe probably $ould not notice it, The creati'e brie! is so i portant because it helps de!ine $hat the creati'e specialists are loo3in# !or and as philosopher John )e$ey said( "A proble $ell8 stated is a proble hal! sol'ed,"

In an atte pt to assist the creati'e people in the preparation( incubation and illu ination sta#es( a nu ber o! a#encies pro'ide #eneral and speci!ic pre8plannin# inputs $hich can include boo3s( periodicals( trade publications( journals( pictures( ne$spaper and a#a+ine articles on the product( the ar3et( the co petition and its ad'ertise ents, -roduct or ser'ice8speci!ic inputs ay include speci!ic studies conducted on the product or ser'ice( the tar#et audience( such as attitude sur'eys( positionin# studies such as perceptual appin# and li!estyle research( !ocus #roup inter'ie$s( de o#raphic and psycho#raphic pro!iles o! product( ser'ice( or brand users, In8depth inter'ie$s o! prospects and consu ers( or !ocus #roups can !urnish the creati'e tea $ith 'aluable insi#ht at the early sta#es o! the creati'e process, *ocus #roups are an i portant research techni"ue $hereby 0? to 01 consu ers !ro the tar#et ar3et are in'ited to discuss a #i'en topic, This ethod helps ar3eters #ain insi#ht as to $hy consu ers use a particular product or ser'ice( their criteria in choosin# a particular brand( $hat they li3e or do not li3e about products or ser'ices bein# discussed and any speci!ic needs that they ha'e $hich are not bein# !ul!illed, The #roup ay also be used to e'aluate di!!erent ad'ertisin# appeals or the ad'ertisin# o! co petitors, .istenin# to !ocus #roup helps art directors( copy$riters and other creati'e specialists de'elop a ore !ocused sense o! $ho the tar#et audience is and $hat is it li3e and $hat they need to $rite and desi#n in creatin# an e!!ecti'e ad essa#e, A!ter all the collected in!or ation has been di#ested( idea #eneration is the ne>t critical step in the creati'e process, It is i portant to #enerate a lar#e nu ber o! ideas to ha'e ore alternati'es to choose !ro , Cne techni"ue used !or idea #eneration is ter ed brainstor in# @de'eloped by Ale> * Csborn( a !or er head o! BB)C a#encyA, A #roup o! si> to ten people #et to#ether to !ocus on a proble to #enerate ne$ ideas, A brainstor in# session is o!ten a source o! sudden inspirations, The techni"ue has a couple o! rules to !ollo$, No idea is "$ron#" and all criticis is prohibited, All ideas are $ritten do$n !or later re'ie$, The purpose is to record any inspiration that co es to ind, -sycholo#ists ter it !ree association as it allo$s each ne$ idea an opportunity to sti ulate another, The participants are encoura#ed to build on ideas that e er#e, The at osphere aintained is positi'e and the objecti'e is to ha'e a lar#e "uantity o! ideas,

9e'eral techni"ues can be help!ul in #eneratin# ne$ ideas7

Adapt. As3 yoursel! $hat other ideas the product or ser'ice su##ests besides the Notes ob'ious ones, Epson In3 cartrid#e ad says "No side e!!ects,"

Put to other uses. Is there any ne$ $ay to use itP Cther uses i! is used to prepare s$eets and desserts,

odi!iedP Mil3 aid

Modif . Gi'e a ne$ t$ist, %han#e eanin#L reduce si+e( chan#e colour( otion( sound( odour( !or ( shape( or any other chan#es, Apple co puters introduced a ne$ concept in co puter desi#n and loo3s in its Mac odels, Imagine. .et the i a#ination !ly, What i! ani als stayed in hotelsP What i! people could $atch TH $hile asleepP What i! hu an bein#s $ere to ha'e a third eyeP !everse. Transpose positi'e and ne#ati'eP 9o eti es opposite o! $hat is e>pected creates #reat i pact and enhances recall, A $rin3le re o'in# crea ad can boldly say( "Introduce your husband to a youn#er $o an," Connect. Join t$o unrelated ideas or objects to#ether, %o bine appeals, %o bine ideas, Ni+ral Blue sha poo ad sho$ed a bald an, "liminate. Brea3 the rules, Eli inate so ethin#, )onBt do the thin#s the $ay they are done, ; &p beca e the B&ncola" and an alternati'e to all colas, Creative #trateg Development. )ependin# on the ad'ertisin# objecti'es( the creati'e strate#y ai s at $hat ust be co unicated to the tar#et audience and ser'es as a #uide to de'elopin# all the essa#es to be used in an ad ca pai#n, The creati'e aspect ta3es into account the tar#et audienceL the basic proble ( issue( or the opportunity that the ad'ertisin# ust addressL the bi# idea or the 3ey sellin# proposition the ad ust co unicateL and other i portant in!or ation that needs to be part o! the copy, A!ter deter inin# these !actors( the creati'e strate#y state ent should describe the ad appeal and e>ecution style to be used, Cop Platform: The basic co ponents o! creati'e strate#y are speci!ied in the $ritten copy plat!or prepared by the account e>ecuti'e, Cther na es #i'en to copy plat!or are creati'e plat!or ( creati'e blueprint( $or3 plan( or creati'e contract, The copy plat!or #ets the !inal appro'al !ro the client !ir Bs ar3etin# or brand ana#ers( or the ad'ertisin# ana#er, A typical copy plat!or outline is sho$n in points7

0,Basic proble

or issue the ad'ertisin#

ust tac3le,

1, Ad'ertisin# objecti'es and co

unications objecti'es,

2, -recise description o! the tar#et audience, 4, Major sellin# idea or the 3ey consu er bene!its to co unicate,

5, %reati'e strate#y state ent speci!yin# ca pai#n the e( appeal and e>ecution techni"ue to be used, 6, Any supportin# in!or ation and re"uire ents,

E'aluation o! Ad'ertise ent

/a&ic A%%roac- for "e&ting Ad'erti&ing Effecti'ene&&:

Pre,te&ting 4al&o known a& E'aluati'e Re&earc-5 Met-od& -re8tests ay be conducted as early on as idea #eneration to rou#h e>ecution to testin# the !inal 'ersion be!ore its i ple entation, There is no sure8!ire $ay o! predictin# success o! an ad ca pai#n( ho$e'er( ad'ertisers and a#encies o!ten use ore than one type o! pre8tests to e>a ine possible proble s be!ore lar#e a ounts o! oney are spent on co unicatin# the actual essa#e, By usin# pre8testin# techni"ues( a nu ber o! 'ariables can be e'aluated such as the ability o! the ad to attract attention( essa#e co prehension by the audience e ber( recall o! copy points( the probability that the consu er $ill buy the product or ser'ice( credibility( irritation le'el( etc, -re8tests should be used as #uides and not as !inal indicators o! success or other$ise, The !a ous creati'e #enius Bill Bernbach once said( "Research is 'ery i portant( but I thin3 it is the be#innin# o! the ad," %onductin# e'aluati'e research is not easy and to i pro'e the research used in preparin# and testin# ads( pro'idin# a better creati'e product !or clients and controllin# the cost o! TH co ercials( 10 o! the lar#est &9 ad a#encies de'eloped a set o! nine principles( called -A%T @-ositionin# Ad'ertisin# %opy Testin#A,

PAC" 4Po&itioning Ad'erti&ing Co%y "e&ting5 %rinci%le&

0, -ro'ide

easure ents that are rele'ant to the objecti'es o! the ad'ertisin#,

1, Re"uire a#ree ent about ho$ the results $ill be used in ad'ance o! each speci!ic test, 2, -ro'ide ultiple easure ents @because sin#le ade"uate to assess ad per!or anceA, easure ents are not

4, Be based on a odel o! hu an response to co unications M the reception o! a sti ulus( the co prehension o! the sti ulus and the response to the sti ulus, 5, Allo$ !or consideration o! $hether the ad'ertisin# sti ulus should be e>posed ore than once, 6, Re"uire that the ore !inished a piece o! copy is( the ore soundly it can be e'aluated and re"uire( as a ini u ( that alternati'e e>ecutions be tested in the sa e de#ree o! !inish, ;, -ro'ide controls to a'oid the biasin# e!!ects o! the e>posure conte>t, <, Ta3e into account basic considerations o! sa ple de!inition, =, )e onstrate reliability and 'alidity,

*or pre8testin# print ads( researchers o!ten as3 direct "uestions such as7 What does the ad'ertisin# say to youP )oes the ad'ertisin# tell you so ethin# ne$ and di!!erent about the product( ser'ice( or the co panyP )o you belie'e $hat this ad says to youP What is your perception o! the product or ser'ice this ad tells you aboutP )o you li3e the ad'ertise entP )irect "uestionin# can elicit a nu ber o! responses and the ad'ertiser can ha'e so e idea about ho$ $ell the ad essa#es con'ey ain copy points, This techni"ue is o!ten used !or testin# alternati'e ads durin# early sta#es o! de'elop ent to use i portant reactions and inputs !ro respondents, Cther ethods to pre8test print ads include !ocus #roups( port!olio tests( paired co parisons( order8o!8 erit tests( oc3 a#a+ines( etc, Ad'ertisers sho$ radio or TH test co ercials to respondents( usually in shoppin# centres and "uestion the be!ore and a!ter the e>posure, 9uch tests are called central location tests, In de'eloped countries( any ad'ertisers test co ercials on their o$n e ployees by usin# in8house cable TH syste and solicit !eedbac3, Researchers ust appreciate that pre8testin# helps distin#uish stron# ads !ro $ea3 ones but because o! arti!icial test settin#( the respondents are li3ely to beha'e as

"e>perts" or "critics" and their ans$ers ay not really re!lect their true beha'iour as consu ers( the opinions can be speculati'e and based on a #uess, Whether usin# order8o!8 erit or paired co parison ethods( the ran3in# procedure beco es "uite borin# !or the respondents $ith increasin# nu ber o! alternati'es, The nu ber o! e'aluations re"uired in paired co parison ethod is calculated by the !or ula

n @ n80A 1

I! $e consider only si> alternati'es( it $ould re"uire that 05 e'aluations ust be ade and as the nu ber o! alternati'e ads increases( the tas3 beco es really borin# and di!!icult to ana#e, 9o eti es respondents rate an ad as #ood on all attributes because they li3e a !e$ and i#nore so e speci!ic $ea3nesses, It ay also happen that they disli3e a !e$ attributes and rate the ad bad o'erall, This tendency( called the halo e!!ect( distorts the ratin#s,

0, Which o! these ads $ould you

ost li3ely read i! you sa$ it in a


1, Which o! these headlines $ould interest you the !urtherP 2, Which ad con'inces you ser'iceP buyP 5, Which ad did you li3e bestP 6, Which ad did you !ind ost interestin#P

ost in readin# the ad

ost o! the "uality or superiority o! the product or ost e!!ecti'e in persuadin# you to

4, Which layout do you thin3 $ould be

In spite o! li itations( since ad'ertisers ris3 hu#e su s o! oney on a ne$ ad ca pai#n( they $ant to be "uite sure that the ad or co ercial $ould attract attention( is interestin#( li3eable( belie'able( e orable and builds the brand i a#e,

Met-od& for %re,te&ting ad'erti&ing:

Print Ad'erti&ing V )irect "uestionin#, The researcher usin# this speci!ic "uestions about the ads, ethod as3s respondents oderated but

V *ocus #roup, A #roup o! < to 0? people participate in a !ree$heelin# discussion and inter'ie$,

V -ort!olio test, Cne #roup o! respondents is e>posed to a port!olio o! test ads interspersed a on# other ads and editorial atter, Another #roup sees the port!olio $ithout the test ads, V -aired co parison test, Respondents co pare each ad in a #roup, V Crder8o!8 erit test, Respondents see t$o or arran#e the in ran3 order, ore alternati'e ads and a#a+ine $hich

V Moc3 a#a+ine test, Ads to be tested are "stripped into" a is le!t $ith respondents !or a speci!ied ti e,

V )irect8 ail test, T$o or ore alternati'e ads are ailed to di!!erent potential custo ers on a ailin# list to test $hich ad attracts ore orders,

"ele'i&ion and Radio Ad'erti&ing V %entral location test, Respondents see test co location( such as a shoppin# centre, ercial !il in a central

V %lutter test, Test co ercials alon# $ith non8co petin# control co ercials are sho$n to respondents to deter ine their e!!ecti'eness( easure co prehension and attitude shi!ts and detect any $ea3 points, V Trailer test, Respondents see or listen to co ercials in trailers at shoppin# centres and recei'e coupons !or the ad'ertised products, V Theatre test, Respondents use electronic e"uip ent to indicate $hat they li3e or disli3e as they 'ie$ TH co ercial sho$n in a theatre settin#, V .i'e telecast test, Test co ercials are sho$n on closed circuit or cable TH and subse"uently respondents are inter'ie$ed by telephone, V 9ales e>peri ent, Alternati'e TH or radio co ar3ets, ercials run in t$o or ore

P-y&iological "e&ting V -upillo etries de'ice, )ilation o! the respondentBs pupils is presu ably to indicate respondentBs interest, easured(

V Eye8 o'e ent ca era, The route the respondentBs eyes tra'eled is superi posed o'er an ad to sho$ the areas that attracted and held attention, V Gal'anic s3in response @Electroder al responseA, A ild electrical current easures respondentBs s$eat #land acti'ity to easure the tension an ad creates, V Hoice8pitch analysis( A custo erBs 'oice response is taped and a co puter is used to easure chan#es in 'oice8pitch caused by e otional responses, V Brain8pattern analysis, A scanner brain, V De ispheric lateralisation, This distin#uishes bet$een alpha acti'ity in the le!t and ri#ht side o! the brain, onitors the reaction o! the respondentBs

Ad'ertisin# a#encies

Function& of Ad'erti&ing Agency: The ser'ices o!!ered and !unctions per!or ed by a#encies 'ary, We ha'e already discussed ho$ so e co panies handle ad'ertisin# and other pro otion related !unctions $ithin the co pany,

Full,&er'ice agencie&: E'en a relati'ely s all a#ency ay eet the "uali!yin# criteria o! a !ull8ser'ice a#ency, Abo'e all else( the !unction o! ad'ertisin# a#ency is to see that its clientBs ad'ertisin# leads to #reater pro!its in the lon# run than could be achie'ed $ithout the a#ency, Most such a#encies are usually lar#e in si+e and o!!er their clients a !ull ran#e o! ser'ices in the area o! ar3etin#( co unications and pro otions, These include plannin#( creatin# and producin# the ad'ertisin#L edia

selectionL and research, A thorou#h 3no$led#e o! the co panyBs products( their stron# and $ea3 points co pared to co petition( ho$ the ad'ertiser $ishes to position the product in the %onsu ersB ind( past ad'ertisin# bac3#round and present ar3et conditions( is i portant to do an e!!ecti'e job, Cther ser'ices o!!ered ay include strate#ic ar3etin# plannin#L sales trainin#L pac3a#e desi#nL sales pro otionsL e'ent ana#e entL trade sho$sL publicity and public relations,

Account Ser'ice&: Account ser'ices or account ana#e ent is responsible !or the relationship bet$een the a#ency and the client, Cne or ore account e>ecuti'es are assi#ned to ser'e as liaison( dependin# on the clientBs si+e and the ad'ertisin# bud#et, Account e>ecuti'eBs job re"uires hi#h de#ree o! diplo acy and tact as isunderstandin#s ay lead to loss o! account, 9heIhe represents the client by e>plainin# the !ir Bs point o! 'ie$ to all the a#ency personnel $or3in# on the account and also represents the a#ency point o! 'ie$ to the client, The account e>ecuti'e is responsible to #ain 3no$led#e about the clientBs business( pro!it #oals( ar3etin# proble s and ad'ertisin# objecti'es, The ideal account e>ecuti'e has a stron# ar3etin# bac3#round and a deep understandin# o! all aspects o! ad'ertisin# process, The account e>ecuti'e is responsible to help !or ulate the basic ad'ertisin# strate#y reco ended by the a#ency and obtain the client appro'al !or edia schedules( bud#et and rou#h ads or storyboards, The ne>t tas3 is to a3e sure that the a#ency personnel produce the ad'ertisin# to the clientBs satis!action, The bi##est contribution o! account e>ecuti'e is 3eepin# the a#ency ahead o! its clientBs needs throu#h !ollo$8up and co unications, Marketing Ser'ice&: The use o! ar3etin# ser'ices has dra atically increased in the last couple o! decades, Research has #ained increased attention because a#encies are ost concerned about the need to co unicate e!!ecti'ely $ith tar#et audience o! the client, The research depart ent is aintained by !ull8ser'ice a#encies to #ather and interpret data !or situation analysis( $hich is use!ul in de'elopin# ad'ertisin# !or their clients, This is done throu#h the use o! published in!or ation @secondary dataA( or ay re"uire research by the depart ent to #ather pri ary data( or ac"uirin# data !ro independent research !ir s( or consultants, The research personnel interpret the data and the in!or ation is !urnished to those $or3in# on the account, The de'eloped ad pro#ra e by the a#ency is o!ten pre8tested to assess the e!!ecti'eness o! ad'ertisin#, *or e>a ple( the Ba#ency conducts copy testin# to learn ho$ the essa#es de'eloped by the creati'e specialists are li3ely to be interpreted and percei'ed by the tar#et audience, The responsibility o! the a#encyBs edia depart ent is to de'elop a edia plan to reach the tar#et audience e!!ecti'ely in a cost8e!!ecti'e anner, The sta!! analyses(

selects( and contracts !or edia ti e or space that $ill be used to deli'er the ad essa#e, This is one o! the ore i portant decision areas as a si#ni!icantly lar#e part o! clientBs bud#et is spent on edia ti e andIor space, Media specialists ust consider the edia reach and !re"uency( their rates and ho$ $ell the edia atch the tar#et audiencesB edia pre!erences and habits be!ore actually purchasin# the ti e and space, The edia depart ent has ac"uired increasin# i portance in an a#encyBs business as lar#e ad'ertisers see ore inclined to consolidate edia buyin# $ith one or !e$ a#encies thereby sa'in# oney and i pro'in# edia e!!iciency, Bradley Johnson has reported that Nestle $as usin# 00 a#encies to purchase edia $orth R15? to R2?? illion and subse"uently consolidated edia buyin# into one a#ency, This #a'e Nestle increased clout in the edia ar3et and the co pany sa'ed considerable a ount o! oney, 9i ilarly( as reported by 9ally Go00 Beatty and Ke'in Gold an( %oca8%ola and General Motors are8 other lar#e spenders on edia $ho ha'e consolidated their edia buyin# $ith one or t$o a#encies, 9o e !ull8ser'ice a#encies o!!er additional ar3etin# ser'ices and ha'e depart ents such as sales pro otion depart ent that specialises in contests( pre iu s -C- aterials( etc,( and -RIpublicity depart ent( interacti'e edia depart ents to create $ebsites !or clients( The a#ency ay ha'e specialists in the area o! direct8 ar3etin# and pac3a#e desi#n, In the last !e$ years inte#rated ar3etin# co unications has #ained uch popularity and so e a#encies ha'e started o!!erin# this ser'ice too,

Creati'e Ser'ice&: To a lar#e e>tent( the success o! an a#ency depends on the creati'e ser'ices depart ent responsible !or the creation and e>ecution o! the ad'ertise ents, The creati'e specialists are 3no$n as copy$riters, They are the ones $ho concei'e the ideas !or the ads and $rite the headlines( subheads and body copy, They are also in'ol'ed in deter inin# the the e or basic appeal o! the ad'ertisin# ca pai#n( and o!ten prepare the rou#h layout o! the print ad or story board !or TH co ercial, %reation o! ad essa#e is the responsibility o! copy$riters and the art depart ent decides ho$ the ad should loo3, The art director and the #raphic desi#ners coordinate their $or3 and prepare the layouts !or a print ad, These s3etches or dra$in#s o! the ad sho$ $hat it $ill loo3 li3e $hen !ully co pleted, The layout prepared !or TH co ercial is a se"uence o! !ra es sho$in# the co ercial in still !or and is called a storyboard, The a#encyBs creati'e director is responsible !or all the ad'ertisin# produced by the a#ency and super'ises the $or3 o! copy$riters and artists, The creati'e director sets the creati'e philosophy o! the a#ency and its artistic standards and #enerates a

sti ulatin# en'iron ent that attracts the best talent see3in# association $ith the a#ency, A!ter co pletion and appro'al o! the copy( layout( illustrations and echanical speci!ications( the ad is handed o'er to the production depart ent, Generally( a#encies do not actually produce !inished ads( instead they hire printers( photo#raphers( en#ra'ers( typo#raphers and others to co plete the !inished ad,

Management and finance: an ad'ertisin# a#ency is in the business o! pro'idin# ser'ices and ust be ana#ed that $ay, There is an ad inistrati'e head $ho ta3es char#es o! !unction such as( !inance( accountin#( hu an resource( and o!!ice ana#e ent,


Analy+in# the abo'e all !acts and !i#ures it can be said that -%9 sho$s the co panyBs unstable position in respects o! the EMar3etin# strate#ies, At initial sta#e it depicts a picture sho$in# that co pany can Mar3etin# and Ad'ertise ents )urin# this period sales and !uture !ro aintain a healthy situation, But in year to year in respects o! ne>t phase o! analysis it is !ound that the 'ariation !ro

ay !luctuate its publicity as $ell as operational

acti'ity, Ad'ertise ent in The -%9 sho$s re ar3able 'ariation since 1?0?81?01, ar3etin# increases due to a #reat e>pectation o! bri#ht debtors, The e>pectation ar3et a ne$ project as $ell as less reali+ation !ro

yielded so e positi'e result in subse"uent years, But due to ne#ati'e constraints as $ell as $orld$ide proble out the bene!it o! or#ani+ationSs and so!t$areSs, It can also be project by utili+in# its in!or ationSs, oderni+ation and establish ent o!

o! sca s( the or#ani+ation !ailed to hold ore IT units the abo'e

entioned that the or#ani+ation still tryin# to re'i'e the

ar3etin# strate#ies $hich is 'ery pro inent !ro

.o$ de and o! application and so!t$are in a utili+ation o! sales and ar3etin#


ay a!!ect the operational

e!!iciency o! the or#ani+ation, At the sa e ti e lo$ price -rojects $ith hi#her ay a!!ect the or#ani+ation, Both the bad e!!ects( ay su!!er a #reat loss due to the abo'e reasons as ay certainly a!!ect the -%9 operations as a part o! the total project at the sa e ti e, 9o the project as a $hole analy+ed in the earlier part o! this report,


What are the policies o! -%9 to pay the creditors and to recei'e !ro


Who are the

ajor debtors and creditors o! -%9P

It is considered that -%9 has a lo$ ad'ertise ent, Do$ this can be o'erco eP

Do$ do the re"uire ents o! additional

ar3etin# strate#y !ul!ilP


uch cash is allocated by the corporate o!!ice o! -%9P

Do$ the sales !orce be e!!ecti'eP

The -%9 is a core sector industry, Do$ the currently less re"uire ent o! so!t$areSs ay a!!ect or has a!!ected its businessP

What are the steps ta3en to control the do$n!alls o! -%9 P

What are the opportunities !or -%9 and $hat are its

ajor threatsP

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