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Exercise 6: Primary Products of Photosynthesis

TFCD2- Group 1- (Castillo, Aquino, Bitonio, Lomibao, Ocat)


The process that converts carbon dioxide into organic compounds, using the energy from sunlight. Sunlight is changed into chemical energy that make up the plants body.

Photosynthesis allows the plant to:
Build organic compounds from CO2 and H2O The suns energy is converted to a biological usable form of chemical energy The chemical energy is stored in the plants organic compound

This experiment aims to identify the primary products of photosynthesis that may be of importance in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products. This experiment was conducted in order to help the student determine and familiarize themselves with these photosynthetic products through the use of various chemical tests and help them describe the pharmacological uses of the products.

These photosynthetic products include:



Plant and Plant materials:
Molasses, cane sugar, raisin, corn syrup, banana, potato, cassava, mongo seeds, soya, corn, peanut, coconut, cocoa Reagents: IKI, Fehlings soln, concentrated nitric acid, 10% NaOH, acetone Water bath, tong, test tube holder, mortar and pestle, filter paper, test tubes, stopper



Carbohydrates are organic compounds that include both sugars and polymers of sugars. The simplest carbohydrates are the monosaccharides, also known as simple sugars. Disaccharides are double sugars, consisting of two monosaccharides joined by a covalent bond. Carbohydrates also include macromolecules called polysaccharides, polymers composed of many sugar building blocks.

Presence of Sugar in a Leaf Extract

1. Cut up a leaf which has been exposed to bright light and crush it well with a little water. 2. Filter the liquid into a test tube about 1/3 filled. 3. Add about 3 mL of Fehlings solution. 4. Boil it for a minute.

Presence of Sugar in Molasses, Cane Sugar, Raisin, Corn Syrup

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Get 5 test tubes and label A, B, C, D, and E. In test tube A, put 1 mL of molasses, and 2 mL of water. In test tube B, put a few crystals of cane sugar and 3 mL of water. In test tube C, mash a raisin and put in 3 ML of water. In test tube D, put 1 mL corn syrup and 2 mL of water. Shake the test tubes well until the materials are mixed well. In test tube E, put 3 mL of distilled water. In all the test tubes, add 3 mL of Fehlings solution. Boil for a minute.

Starch in Various Plan Materials Such As Banana, Potato, Cassava, Kamote 1. Make thin sections of the plant materials. 2. Mount in water in a slide and examine with a low power objective under the microscope. 3. Place a drop of IKI solution on the slide at the edge of the cover glass.


Proteins are organic compounds made of amino acids arranged in a linear chain and folded into a globular form. The amino acids in a polymer are joined together by the peptide bonds between the carboxyl and amino groups of adjacent amino acid residues.

Presence of Proteins in Various Plant Materials

1. Soak a small amount of mongo, soya, and corn seeds in water overnight. 2. Ground these materials separately with a mortar and pestle. 3. Add water and let stand for 30 minutes. 4. Filter the materials and test for the presence of proteins using the Xanthoproteic test.

The xanthoproteic test is a test for the detection of proteins in which concentrated nitric acid reacts with the proteins to form a yellow color that is intensified to orange-yellow by the addition of alkali

Xanthoproteic Test
1. Put 3 mL of the filtrate to separate test tubes. 2. To each test tube, carefully add 1 mL of concentrated nitric acid and boil in a water bath for 5 minutes. 3. Cool the solution and add 8-10 mL of 10% NaOH to make the solution alkaline.


Test for Fatty Acids in Various Seeds: Coconut, Corn, Cocoa

1. Get a 10 x 10 cm filter paper. 2. Rub a peanut seed on one corner, coconut meat on another corner, cocoa powder on another corner. 3. Put a drop of vegetable oil on the fourth corner. 4. In the center of the paper, put a drop of water. 5. Make the grease spot test. 6. Hold the paper over a flame for a few seconds.

Paper chromatography is an analytical chemistry technique for separating and identifying mixtures that are or can be colored, especially pigments.

Terpenes and Chlorophyll Pigments: Separation of Pigments by Means of Paper Chromatography

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Chop up a handful of grass cuttings or leaves of any tree. Put into a flask with about 25 mL of 85% acetone. Shake the flask and allow to stand until the color has passed into the acetone. When the acetone has become deep green, view the solution by reflected light. Prepare the chromatograph paper by cutting a strip of filter paper. The length of the paper should exceed a 25 mL test tube while the width should be less than the diameter of the test tube. Drop a spot of the solution about 1 cm from the bottom of the strip of filter paper. Dry and put another drop on the same spot. Repeat procedure for about 3 times.

6. 7. 8.

9. Completely dry the filter paper. 10. In the meantime, put a test tube on the stand and pour 2 mL of acetone. 11. Cover the test tube with a stopper. 12. When the sides of the test tube are dry, carefully insert the strip of filter paper until the lower edge reaches the acetone. 13. Cover the test tube with a stopper. 14. Do not disturb the set-up and allow the solution to spread upward the filter paper. 15. Observe the colors that appear as the acetone rises up the paper strip.


Test for Carbohydrates

Test Reagent Leaf from any plant
Leaf (gumamela) exposed to bright light was crushed w/ little water. Liquid was squeezed to a test tube. About 3 ml of Fehlings solution was added to the liquid then it was boiled.

Positive Result Dark orange precipitate (of small amounts)

Fehlings solution

In a test tube, 1 mL of molasses was mixed w/ 2 mL of water, shook until mixed well then 3 mL of Fehlings solution was added.

Fehlings solution

Red precipitate

Test for Carbohydrates

Test Reagent Cane Sugar
In a test tube, few crystals of cane sugar was put with 3 mL of water then mixed well. 3 mL of Fehlings solution was added later on.

Positive Result Brick red precipitate

Fehlings solution

A raisin was mashed then put in 3 mL of water in a test tube. 3 mL of Fehlings solution was added later on.

Fehlings solution

Brick red solution

Test for Carbohydrates

Test Reagent Corn Syrup
1 mL of corn syrup and 2 mL of water was put in a test tube. 3 mL of Fehlings solution was added later on. (In another tube, 3mL of distilled water is mixed 3mL of Fehlings solution. It stayed blue.)

Positive Result

Fehlings solution

Dark brown precipitate

Thin sectioned was obtained. Mounted w/ water on a slide and examined under LPO. A drop of IKI was placed and stained the starch grains.


Blue-Black color (few)

Test for Carbohydrates

Test Reagent Potato
Thin sectioned was obtained. Mounted w/ water on a slide and examined under LPO. A drop of IKI was placed and stained the starch grains.

Positive Result Blue-Black color


Thin sectioned was obtained. Mounted w/ water on a slide and examined under LPO. A drop of IKI was placed and stained the starch grains.


Blue-Black color

Test for Proteins

Test Reagent Mongo
Soaked overnight, ground w/ mortar & pestle, mixed w/ water then left for 30 mins. Xanthoprotein test: 3mL of the filtrate was put in test tube. 1 mL of concentrated nitric acid was added, then boiled in water bath for 5 mins. White precipitate forms, then heated again. NaOH was added upon cooling

Positive Result White to Yellow orange solution


Obtained from chocolate-flavored soya milk drink, ground w/ mortar & pestle, mixed w/ water then left for 30 mins. Xanthoprotein test: 3mL of the filtrate was put in test tube. 1 mL of concentrated nitric acid was added, then boiled in water bath for 5 mins. White precipitate forms, then heated again. NaOH was added upon cooling

Concentrated nitric Yellow orange to rust-colored solution acid

Test for Proteins

Test Reagent Corn
Soaked overnight, ground w/ mortar & pestle, mixed w/ water then left for 30 mins. Xanthoprotein test: 3mL of the filtrate was put in test tube. 1 mL of concentrated nitric acid was added, then boiled in water bath for 5 mins. White precipitate forms, then heated again. NaOH was added upon cooling

Positive Result Dirty white to dark yellow solution


Test for Fats and Fatty Acids

Positive Result Corn
Corn seed was rubbed against a corner of a paper. Stain held against flame.

Positive Result Cocoa

Piece of cocoa was rubbed against a corner of a paper. Stain held against flame.

Stained (grease)

Stained (grease)

Peanut seed was rubbed against a corner of a paper. Stain held against flame.

Stained (grease)

Water was dropped on the paper

Dried up

Small piece of coconut meat was rubbed against a corner of a paper. Stain held against flame.

Stained (grease)

Paper Chromatography
Chopped papaya leaves were put in a flask w/ 25 ml of 85% acetone. Flask was shook very well. There was blood red fluorescence was visible through reflected light. An empty Gatorade bottle was 1/10-filled w/ acetone. A strip of paper for chromatography was rolled. A small drop of the shaken solution was placed near the end of the rolled paper. Then, it was placed inside the Gatorade bottle. After sometime, the paper was retrieved from the bottle. The running colors were observed.

Describe the colors formed in the paper chromatograph. What do these colors indicate?


Guide Questions
1) The ff. Are some common drugs or pharmaceutical products w/c are used prescribed by doctors. Indicate what is asked for: Medicine Dextrose Main ingredient D-glucose monohydrate (glucose) Glycerin/Fatty acids Calamine/ Fatty acids Glucose Risonoveic acid Test Reagent Fehlings Solution Function of drug Source of energy

Laxatives Calamine lotion Caramel Castor oil

Grease spot test Grease spot test Fehlings solution Grease Spot Test

Induce bowel movement Anti-puritic

Treatment of ulcers

Papain Trypsin

Protein Protein

Gelatin Gelatin
Camphor, Phenol

Treatment for stings Hydrolyses proteins

Stomach ache

2. Why have plants been used as sources of many pharmaceutical products? How is this related to photosynthesis?

3. Give the importance of using chemical tests in determining plant constituents.

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