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Career Commercial Coaching Institute

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

( a)


a n b = n ab a n a = b b
a = mn a = n

n n

m n

ap = m n ap

( )

= mn a pm

a + b a + b + 2 ab = ab a b a b a + b 2 ab = ab a+ b a+ b a b 2 ( a + b) + = a b a b a+ b
a m a n = a m+n


8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

a m a n = a m n if m>n

am an =
m n

1 a
n m

If m<n

(a ) = (a )
a m =

n m

= a mn

a0 = 1 when a 0
1 1 or a m = m m a a

(a b )m = a m b m
am a = m b b
an = n a

(a + b )2 = a 2 + b 2 + 2ab (a b )2 = a 2 + b 2 2ab a 2 b 2 = (a + b )(a b )

a 2 - b2 a+b = a -b a2 b2 ab = a+b

2 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

Shot Cut Methods

(a + b )2 + (a b )2 = 2(a 2 + b 2 )
(a + b )

( a b ) = 4 ab

a+b = ab =

a3 + b3 a 2 + b 2 ab a 3 b3 a 2 + b 2 + ab a 3 + b3 + c3 3abc a 2 + b 2 + c 2 ab bc ca

a+b+c =

a+b+c = 0 Then a3+b3+c3=3abc

a 4 1 = (a 1) a 3 + a 2 + a + 1

(a + b )3 = a 3 + b 3 + 3a 2 b + 3ab 2
a 3 b 3 = a 3 b 3 3a 2 b + 3ab 2 Dividend = ( Divisor x Quotient) + Remainder When sum and difference of two nos. are given,
Pr oduct =

(sum + difference)(sum - difference)

4 2

Ist no =

(sum + difference )
(sum difference)

IInd No = 34. 35. 36. 37.

Difference of two digits of a number =


Difference in original & interchanged nos 9


( p ) Permutation or arrangement of n different things taken r at a time

r n

pr =

n! ( n r )!

p r = n c r r!

Combination n c r denotes the no of combination of n different things taken r at a time. The letter C
n stand for combination Cr = r !( n r )!


Probability of an event (E) is denoted by P(E) and is defined as

P(E) = n(E) number of desired events = n ( s ) total no. of events ( i.e. no. of Sample Space )


If a : b, c : d ( I, II, & III are quantities) then the ratio among the first, second, third quantities is given by ac:bc:bd a : b, c : d , c : f ( I,II, III, & IV are quantities) then the ratio among the first, second, third and fourth quantities is given by ace:bce:bde:bdf




Career Commercial Coaching Institute 41.

If in x liters mixtures of milk and water, the ratio of milk and water is a:b, the quantity of water to be added in order to make this ratio c:d is x (ad bc) c(a + b )


A mixture contains milk & water in the ratio a:b. If x literes of water is added to the mixture, milk & water become in the ratio a:c. Then the quantity of milk in the mixture is given by by
bx . cb
ax and that of water is given cb

43. 44. 45.

In any two dimensional figure, if the corresponding sides are in the ratio a:b then their areas are in the ratio a2:b2 In any two 3 dimensional figure, if the corresponding sides or other measuring lengths are in the ratio a:b. then their volumes are in the ratio a3:b3 The ratio between two numbers is a:b. If each number be increased by x, the ratio becomes c:d. Then Sum of two numbers =
x (a + b )(c d ) ad bc
x (a b )(c d ) ad bc

Difference of two numbers =

And the two numbers are given as Xa ( c d ) Xb ( c d ) & ad bc ad bc 46. The incomes of two persons are in the ratio a:b and their expendutures are in the ratio c:d. If each of them saves Rs.X, then their incomes are given by
xa (d c ) xb(d c ) ad bc ad bc


If the ratio of quantities be a:b:c;d then the ratio of other quantities which are inversely proportional to that is given by
1 1 1 1 : : : a b c d


A man sold TV sets for the Rs.20,000 each one he gains 16 % while on the other he loses 16 %. How much does he gain or lose in the whole transactions? Sol: Loss %
16 Loss % 10

common loss & gain % 10

64 25

2.56 %

49. 50.

If the sum of two numbers is Aand their difference is a, then the ratio of number is given by at A+a:A-a. A number which, when added to the terms of the ratio a:b makes it equal to the ratio c:d is
ad bc cd

Shot Cut Methods

bc ad cd


A number which when subtracted from the terms of the ratio a:b makes it equal to the ratio c:d is
A's capital A's time in partnershi p A ' s profit Patnership = B's capital B's time in partnershi p = B' s profit



If two values are respectively x % & y % more than a third value, then the first is the second.

100 + x 100% of the 100 + y

54. 55.

If A is x % of C and B is y % of C, then A is

x 100 % of B y

x % of a quantity is taken by the first, y % of remaining is taken by the second and z % of the remaining is taken by third person. Now, if A is left in the final, then these was required initial. 100 100 100 amount = A 100 x 100 y 100 z


x % of a quantity is added. Again, y% of the increased quantity is added. Again z% of the increased quantity is added. Now, it becomes A, then the initial amount is given by

A 100 100 100 (100 + x )(100 + y )(100 + z )


If the original population of a town is P and the annual increase is r % what will be the population is n years.
r The population inn years. P = 1 100 Note: If the annual decrease be r%, then the population in n years r = 1 100 The population of a town is P. It increases by x % during the first year, increases by y % during the second year and again increases by z % during the third year. The population after 3 years will be:
n n



100 x 100 y 100 z 100 100 100 When Population increases for one year and then decreases for the next year. As mentioned in Q.58. When the population decreases by y % during the second year while for the first and third year, it follows the same. the population after 3 years will be: P 100 x 100 y 100 z 100 100 100 If the price of a commodity increases by r% then the reduction in consumption so as not to increase the expenditure:
r 100 % 100 + r


Career Commercial Coaching Institute 61.

If the price of commodity decreases by r%, then increase. in consumption so as not to decrease expenditure on this item is
r 100 % 100 r


r 100 % less than the first If the first value is r % more than the second value, then the second is 100 + r value.

r 100 % more than the If the first value is r% less then the second value then, the second value is 100 r first value 64. If the value of a number is first increased by r % then later decreased by r % the net change is always


r2 decrease which is equal to r % of r or 100 65.

xy If the value is first increased by x % and then decreased by y% then there is x y % increase or 100 decrease, according to the +ve or _ve sign respectively.

66. 67.

xy If the value is increased successively by x % and y % then the final increase is given by x + y + % 100 (a) If the price of a commodity is diminished by x % and its consumption is increased by y %

(b) or, if the price of a commodity is increased by x % and its consumption is decreased by y %. Then the effiect on revenue Increase % value Dec% value =
Inc % Value Dec% value 100 The value is increased or decreased according to the +ve or ve Sign obtained.


(a) it becomes y x (b) it becomes x y

xy 100


xy 100 The pass mark in an examination is x %. If a candidate who secures y marks fails by z marks, then the


100 ( y + z ) x A candidate scoring x% in an examination fails by a marks while another candidates who scores y % marks gets b marks more than the minimum required pass marks. Then the maximum marks for that Maxium marks, M = examination are: M =

100 ( a + b ) yx 70. In measuring the sides of a rectangle. One side is taken x % in excess and the other y % is deficit. The error
per cent in area calculated from the measurements is x y ve sign.
xy in excess or deficit according to +ve or 100

6 71.

Shot Cut Methods If the sides of a triangle, rectangle, square, circle, rhombus ( or any 2-dimentional figure) are increased by

x (x + 200) x2 % or 2x + % x% its area is increased by 100 100

72. In an examination, x % failed in English and y % failed in Maths. If z % of students failed in both the subjects, the perctange of students who passed in both the subjects is 100-(x+y+z) or ( 100-x) + (100-y) +z. Number of passed candidates = Number of failed candidates = 74. 75. Total candidates ( Passed average - failed average) Passed average - failed average


Total candidates ( Total avearage - total average) Passed average - failed average Age of new person = Age of removed personNo. of persons x decrease in average age. If a person travels a distance at a speed of x km/hr and the same distance at a speed of y km/hr, then the average speed during the whole journey is given by 2 xy km/hr. x+ y


If half of the journey is travelled at a speed of x km/hr and the next half at a speed of y km/hr then average speed during the whole journey is 2 xy km/hr x+ y


or If a man goes to a certain place at a speed of x km/hr. and returns to the original place at a speed of y km/ 2 xy km/hr. x+ y 300 gm of sugar solution has 40% sugar in it. How much sugar should be added to make it 50% in the solution? hr then the average speed during up and down journey is Quantity of Sugar added = =
solution ( required % value present % value )


(100 required % value )


300 ( 50 40 ) = 60 gms 100 50 In what ratio should milk and water be mixed so that after selling the mixture at the cost price a profit of
2 16 % is made? 3 2 Water : Milk = 16 :100 = 1.6 3


No. of 4 legged creatures =

No. of 2 legged createres =

Total legs 2 Total heads 2

4 Total heads Total legs 2


729 liters of a mixture contains milk & water in the ratio 7:2. How much water is to be added to get a new mixture containing milk and water is the ratio 7:3. Required quantity of water to be added
= Solution ( Re quired fractional value Pr esent fractionalValue ) 1 ( Re quired fractional value )

Career Commercial Coaching Institute 3 2 729 3+ 7 2+ 7 = 3 1 3+ 7 3 2 729 10 9 = 3 1 10 7 729 90 = 729 = 81liters = 7 9 10 82.

If x glasses of equal size are filled with a mixture of spirit and water. The ratio of spirit and water. The ratio of spirit and water in each glass are as follows. a1:b1, bn . If the contents of all the x glasses into a single vessel, then proportion of spirit and water in it is given by:
a ax b1 b a2 b2 = 1 + + .... + + .... x : ax + bx a1 + b1 a2 + b2 ax + bx a1 + b1 a2 + b2


If M1persons can do W1 works in D1 days and M2 persons can do W2 works in D2 days then M1D1W2=M2D2W1 If working hours T1 and T2 for two groups are included M1D1T1W2 =M 2 D 2 T2 W1 If the efficiency E1& E2 of the persons in two groups is different then the relationship is M1D1T1E1W2 =M 2 D 2 T2 E 2 W1


If A can do a piece of work in x days and B can do it in y days then A & B working together will do the same work in xy days. x+y


If A, B & C can do the work in x, y & z days respectively then all of them working together can finish the work in x yz xy+yz+zx


If 3 men or 4 women can reap a field in 43 days, how long will 7 men & 5 women take to reap it?
1 M2 W2 + N o of days M 1 N o . of days taken w1

Required number of days = 7 + 5 43 3 43 4

= 43 3 4 = 12 days 7 4 + 5 3

8 87.

Shot Cut Methods A certain number of men can do a work in 60 days. If there were 8 men more it could be finished in 10 days less. How many men are there? Men1 No. of days Work2 = Men2 No. of days Work1 (M1) (D1) (W2) (M2) (D2) (W1) M X 60 X 1= (M+8) x 50 x1 60M-50M=400 10 M = 400 M = 40 Men Original No.of Works= No. of more workers No. of days taken by the IInd group No. of less days


8 ( 60-10 ) 8 50 = = 40 men 10 10 If a pipe can fill a tank in x hours and another pipe can empty the full tank in y hours, then the part filled = in 1 hour, when both the pipes are opened = 1 1 x y xy yx

Time taken to fill the tank when both the pipes are opened = 89.

If a pipe can fill a tank in x hrs. & another can fill the same tank y hrs, then the net part filled in 1 hr, when both the pipes are opened = Time taken to fill the tank = = 1 1 + x y xy x+ y


If a pipe fills a tank in xhrs. and another fills the same tank in y hrs., but a third one empties the full tank 1 1 1 in z hours and all of them are opened together, the net part filled in 1 hr = + or x y z Time taken to fill the tank =
Distance Time

xyz hrs yz + xz xy


(a) Speed=

(b) If the speed of a body is changed in the ratio a:b then the ratio of the time taken changes in the ratio b:a
5 (c) x km/hr= x m / s 18
18 d. x metres/sec = x km / hr 5


If a certain distance is covered at x km/hr and the same distance is covered at y km/hr then the average speed during the whole journey is 2 xy km/hr x+ y

Career Commercial Coaching Institute 93.

A man covers a certain distance between his house and office on Scooter. Having an average speed of 30 km/hr, he is late by 10 minutes. However, with a speed of 40 km/hr he reaches his office min earlier. Find the distance between his house and office. Required distance = Product of two speeds Difference between arrival times Difference of two speeds

30 40 10 + 5 = 30 km 40 30 60


A boys goes to school at a speed of 3 km/hr and return to the village at a speed of 2 km/hr. If he takes 5 hrs in all, what is the distance betwen the village and the school?
Required distance = Total time taken
3 2 = 6 km. 3+ 2

Product of two speeds Addition of two speeds

= 5


A motor car does a journey in10 hrs., the first half at 21 km/hr and the second half at 24 km/hr. Find the distance
Distance= 2 timeS1S2 S1 +S2

S1= Speed during first half S2 = Speed during second half

Distance= 2102124 = 224 km 21+24


A train travelling 25 km an hour leaves Delhi at 9 a.m. and another train traveling 35 km an hour starts at 2 pm in the same direction. How many km from Delhi will they be together? Meeting points distance from starting point = S1= Speed of first train S2= Speed of second train Required Distance= 2535 ( 2p.m.-9a.m.) 35-25
S1 S 2 Difference in time Difference in speed

25 35 5 1 = 437 km 10 2


Two men A & B walk from P to Q, a distance of 21 km, at 3 and 4 km an hour respectively. B reaches Q, returns immediately and meets A at R. Find the distance from P to R.
a (a) Distance travelled by A = 2 x Distance of two points a+b

b (b) Distance travelled by B = 2Distance of two points a+b 3 Thus, distance travelled by A = 221 = 18 km 3+4

Shot Cut Methods


Two runners cover the same distance at the rate of 15 km and 16 km per hour respectively. Find the distance travelled when one takes 16 minutes longer than the other?
Distance= Multiplication of speeds Difference in time to cover the distance Difference ofspeed

15 16 16 = 64 km 16 15 60


A man leaves a point P at 6 a.m. and reaches the point R at 10 a.m. Another man leaves the point Q at 8 a.m. and reaches the point P at 12 noon. At what time do they meet? They will meet at

= First's starting time

+ ( Time taken by first )( 2nd's arrival time-1st's starting time ) Sum of time takne by both
=6 am+

(10.00-6.00 )(12.00 6.00 ) (10.00 6.00 ) + (12.00 8.00 )

=6 am+ 4 6 = 9a.m. 4+4

100. Without any stopage a person travels a certain distance at an average speed of 80 kmph and with stoppage he covers the same distance at an average speed of 60 kmph. How many minutes per hour does he stop?
Time of rest per hour = Difference of speed Speed without stoppage

80 - 60 1 = hr = 15 min . 80 4

101. A man rode out a certain distance by train at the rate of 25 km an hour and walked back at the rate of 4 km per hour. The whole journey took 5 hrs and 48 minutes. What distance did he ride ?
Distance= Total timeMultiplication of two speed Sum of Speeds


48 25 4 29 25 4 = = 20 km 60 25 + 4 5 29

102. A person travels for 3 hrs at the speed of 40 km/hr. and for 4.5 hrs at the speed of 60 km/hr. At the end of it, he finds that he has covered remaining distance in 4 hrs.
3 of the total distance. At what average speed should he travel to cover the 5

Career Commercial Coaching Institute


1 The average speed for the remaing distance = ( R 1T1 +R 2 T2 ) 1 = f

= 390 2 = 65 km / hr 4 2

( 40 3 + 60 4.5 )

5 1 3

103. A man cover a certain distance on scooter. Had he moved 3 kmph faster, he would have taken 40 minutes less. If he had moved 2 kmph slower, he would have taken 40 minutes more. Find the distance ( in km) and original speed? Speed = 2 ( Increase in speed Decrease in speed ) Difference in increase & decrease in speeds

2 (3 2) = 12 km / hr 3 2

104. A man takes 8 hrs to walk to a certain place and ride back. However, he could have gained 2 hrs, if he had covered both ways by riding. How long would he take to walk both ways? Both ways walking = One way walking and one way riding time + Gain is time = 8+2 = 10 hrs. 105. Two trains start at the same time from Hyderabad and Delhi and proceed towards each other at the rate of 80 km and 95 km per hour respectively. When they meet, it is found that one train has travelled 180 km more than the other. Find the distance between Delhi & Hyderabad. Dis tan ce = Difference in dis tan ce = 180 175 = 2100km 15 Sum of speed Diff . in speed

106. A train passes by a stationary man standing on the platform in 7 seconds and passes by the platform completely in 28 seconds. If the length of the platform is 330 metres, what is the length the train?
Length of train = Length of platform Time taken to cross a stationary pole or man = 330 7 = 110m Difference in time 21

107. Two stations A&B are 110 km apart on a straight line. One train starts from A at 8 a.m. and travels towards B at 40 km per hour. Another train starts from B at 40 km per hour. Another train starts from B at 10 a.m. and travels towards A at 50 km per hour. At what time will they meet? 8 A.M . 110 10 A.M . 8 A.M . 40 50
10.20 A.M .


8 A.M .

210 90

108. A train overtakes two persons who are walking in the same direction as the train is moving at the rate of 2 km/hr and 4 km/hr and passes them completely in 9 & 10 seconds respectively. Find the speed and the length of the train?

2 km/hr = 2 5 5 5 10 = m/s, 4 km/hr = 4 = m/s 18 9 18 9

Shot Cut Methods

Length of train =

Difference in speed of two men T1 T2 (T2 - T1 )

10 5 9 10 9 9 = = 50 m 10 9 109. A train passess a pole in 15 seconds and passes a platform 100m long in 25 seconds. Find its length. Length of train = Time to pass a pole Length of platform Diff. in time to cross a pole & platform

15 100 = 150 km 25 15

110. A train leaves Delhi for Amristar at 2:45 p.m. and goes at the rate of 50 km an hour. Another train leaves Amritsar for Delhi at 1:35 p.m. and goes at the rate of 60 km per hour. If the distance between Delhi & Amristsar is 510 km, at what distance from Delhi will the two trains meet? = The meeting point from Delhi ( first trains staring point)

Total Dist S2 (T1 T2 ) = S1 S1 + S 2

440 510 60 7 = 50 = 50 = 200 k .m. 110 60 + 50

111. Two trains A & B start from Delhi & Patna, towards Patna & Delhi respectively. After passing each other they take 4 hours 48 minutes & 3 hours & 20 minutes to reach Patna & Delhi respectively. If the train from Delhi is moving at 45 km/hr then final speed of the other train. Speed of other train = Speed of first train 4 24 3 36 = 45 5 = 45 = 45 1 5 10 25 3 3 4
= 45 6 = 54 km/hr 5

Time taken by first train after meeting Time taken by second train after meeting

112. A man can row x km/hr in still water. If in a stream which is flowing at y km/hr, it takes him z hrs to row to a place and back the distance at y km/hr, it takes him z hrs to row to a place and back distance between the

Career Commercial Coaching Institute two places is z ( x2 y2 ) 2x


(x y )km/h = Man' s Speed Upstream

( x + y ) km / h = Man ' s speed downstream
Let the required distance be A km then


A A + ( x y) x + y
z ( x2 y2 ) 2x

Required distance =

Example: A man can row 6km/h in still water. When the river is running at 1.2 km/hr, it takes him 1 hour to row to a place and back. How far is the place?
2 2 1 ( 6 ) - (1.2 ) Required distance= 26

36-1.44 = 3 0.12 = 2.88 km 12

113. A boat covers 24 km upstream and 36 km downstream in 6 hours, while it covers 36 km upstream and 24 km downstream in 6.5 hrs. Find the velocity of the current? US 24 36 DS 36 24 Time 6 6.5
24 24 36 36 24 6 36 6.5
72 0 = 8km / hr 90

Upstream speed of boat =


Downstream speed of boat =


24 24 36 36 24 6.5 36 6 720 = 12 km/hr 60

Speed of current

12 8 = 2 km / hr. 2

114. A man row certain distance downstream in x hours and returns the same distance in y hrs. If the stream flows at the rate of z km/hr. then the speed of the man in still water is given by

z ( x + y) km / h yx


Shot Cut Methods Example: Ramesh can raw a certain disance downstream in 6 hrs and return the same distance in 9 hours. If the stream flows at the rate of 3 km per hour, find the speed of Ramesh in still water. Rameshs speed in still water. 3(9 + 6) = 15 km / hr. 96

Note: If in the above case speed of man in still water is z km/hr. and if speed of stream is asked; it is equal to

z ( y x) km / h x+ y

115. A can row a certain distance down a stream in 6 hours and return the same distance in 9 hrs. If the stream flows at the rate of 2
1 km per hour, find how row in an hour in still water. 4

Speed in still water =

Rate of stream(Sum of upstream and downstream) Difference of upstream & downstream time

9 (6 + 9) 9 15 45 1 = 4 = = = 11 km / hr 96 43 4 4 116. Area of a rectangle= length x breadth 117. (Diagonal)2 of rectangle= (Length)2 + (Breadth)2 118. Perimeter = 2(length+breadth) 119. Area of square = (side ) =

1 (Diagonal )2 2

120. Perimeter of a square = 4 x side 121. Area of 4 walls of a room = 2 x ( Length+ Breadth) x Height 122. Area of equilater triangle =
3 (side) 2 4

123. Area of tringle = s ( s a )( s b )( s c ) or 124. Circumference of a circle = 2 r 125. Area of a Circle = r 2

1 Base Height 2

126. How many metres of a carpet 75 cm wide, will be required to cover the floor of a room. Which is 20 metres long and 12 metres wide? Length required =
Length of room breadth of room width of carpet

20 12 = 320m. 75

What amount needs to be spent in carpeting the floor if the carpet is available at Rs. 20/ per metre?

Career Commercial Coaching Institute Amount required = Rate per metre length of room
20 12 = Rs.6400 / 75

15 breadth of room width of carpet

= 20

127. How many paving stones each measuring 2.5m x 2m are required to pave a rectanglular courtyard 30 m long & 16.5 m wide? No. of tiles required =
30 16.5 =99 2.5 2

length breadth of courtyard length breadth of each title

Example: What amount needs to be spent if the tiles of the aforesaid dimension are available at Re.1 per piece?
Amount required = price per tile
30 16.5 = Rs.99 2 .5 2

length breadth of court yard length breadth of each tile

= 1

129. A hall room 39 m 10 cm long and 35 m 70 cm broad is to be paved with equal square tiles. Find the largest tile so that the tiles exactly fit and also find the number of tiles required. Side of largest possible tile = H.C.F. of length and breadth of the room = H.C.F. of 39.10 & 35.70m =1.70m
No of tiles required = length breadth of room (H.C.F. of length & breadth of the room) 2

39.10 35.70 = 483 1.70 1.70

Note:When the verandah is outside the room surrounding it. Area of Verandh = 2 (width of verandah) x [length + Breadth of room + 2 (width of verandah] 130. When the path is within the garden, surrounded by it. Area of path = 2(width of path ) [length + breadth of garden 2(width of path )] Example: A rectangular hall 12 m long and 10 m broad, is surrounded by a verandah 2 metres wide. Find the area of the verandah Area of verandah = 2 x 2 x (10+12+2x2) = 4 x 26 = 104m2 131. A path 2 m wide running all round a square garden has an area of 9680 sq.m. Find the area of the part of the garden enclosed by the path.
area of path 4 ( width of path )2 Example: Area of the square garden = 4 width of path


Shot Cut Methods

9680 4 ( 22 ) 9664 2 2 = = = (1208) = 1459264sq.m 4 2 8


132. If the area of square is x sq cm, then area of the cirlcle formed by the same perimeter is given by

4x 2 cm

Example:A cord is in the form of a square enclosing an area. of 22cm2. If the same cord is bent into a circle, then find the area of that circle.
= 4 22 7 = 28 cm 2 22

x 133. The area of the largest circle that can be drawn in a square of side x is 2

Example : Find the area of the largest circle that can be drawn in a square of side 14cm.
22 2 14 Area = = 7 = 154cm 2 2 7

134. Find the volume of a cuboid whose area of base and the adjacent faces are 180 sq. cm. 96 and 120 sq. cm. respectively. Example: Volume of cuboid = areaof base areaof one face areaof other face = 180 96 120 = Weight of wood = volume of wood x density of wood 135. Volume of water= height of water x base area. The annual rainfall at a place. is 43 cm. Find the weight in metric tonnes of the annual rainfall there on a hectare of land taking the weight of water to be 1 metric tonne for 1 cubic metere. Volume of water =
43 m 10000 sq .m . 100

= 4300 cu.m =1 hectare=10000 sq.m. Weight of water = 4300x1 = 4300 metric tonnes 136. A cubic metre of copper weighting 9000 kg is rolled into a square bar 9 metres long. An exact cube is cut off from the bar. How much does it weight?
Volume of original solid Volume of cube cut off = length of the solid

1 1 Volume = 9 = 27 Weight =
9000 = 333.30 kg 27

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137. 3 cubes of metals whose edges are 3,4 & 5 cm respectively are melted and formed into a single cube. If there be no loss of metal in the process, find the side of the new cube.

Side = 3 Sum of cubes of sides of all the cubes

= 3 33 + 43 + 53 = 3 27 + 64 + 125 = 3 216 = 6 cm. 138. A cube of sides 3 cm is melted and smaller cubes of sides 1 cm each are formed. How many such cubes are possible?
original length of side No. of possible cubes = new length of side
3 = = 27 1

139. A hollaw cylindrical tube open at both ends is made of iron 2 cm thick. If the external diameter be 50 cm and the length of the tube be 140 cm, find the volume of iron in it.
2 2 water radius ) ( inner radius ) ( Volume of metal = height

22 140 ( 252 232 ) = 42240 7

140. A rectangular sheet with dimensions 22m x 10m is rolled into a cylinder so that the smaller side becomes the height of the cylinder. What is the volume of the cylinder so formed?
Volume = height (other side of the sheet ) 4

10 (22 ) = 385 cm. 22 4 7

141. A copper sphere of diameter 18 cm is drawn into a wire of diameter 4mm. Find the length of the wire. Length of cylinder =
4 (90 ) = 2 3 (2 )

4 ( radious of sphere )

3 2

3 ( radius of cylinder )

= 243000 mm = 24300cm. 142. How many bullets can be made out of a lead cylinder 28 cm high and 6 cm radius, each bullet being 1.5 cm in diameter?
Volume of cylinder No. of bullets = volume of 1 bullet

= 6 6 28 4 0.75 0.75 0.75 3 = 1792

Shot Cut Methods

143. Find the number of lead balls of diameter 1 cm each that can be made from a sphere of diameter 16 cm.
No. of balls Volume of big sphere Volume of 1small sphere

4 888 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 3

= 4096

144. If length, breadth and height of a cuboid is increased by x%, y% and z% respectively then its volume is increased by:

xy + xz + yz xyz + % x + y + z 100 (100)2

145. For cube : If side of a cube is increased by x% then its volume increases by? Example: Each edge of a cube is increased by 50%. What is the perctange increase in its volume? Also find the % increase in it or surface area?

3x 2 x3 = 3x + + % 100 1002
increase in volume = 3 50 +

(50) 3(50 ) + 100 (100)2

2 3

3 x 1 100% = 150 + 75 + 12.5 = 237.50% 1 + 100

146. ( For Sphere): If the radius ( or diameter) of a sphere is changed by x% then its volume changes by

3x 2 x3 3 x + 100 + 1002
147. For cylinder -Ifi height is changed by x% and radius remains the same then its volume changes by x% Volume = r 2 h 148. If radius is changed by x% and height remains the same the volume changes by
2 x2 x 2 x + % or 1 + 1 100% 100 100

149. If radius is changed by x % and height is changed by y % then volume changes by

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x 2 + 2xy x 2 y + 2x + y + % 100 100 2

3x x3 + + % 3 x 150. If the height and radius both changes by x % then volume changes by 2 100 100
151. Each edge of a cube is decreased by 50%. Find the percentage decrease in its surface area & volume. Required % decrease in surface area = 2 ( 50 ) +

( 50 )

= 100 + 25 = 75%
%age decrease in volume 3 ( 50 ) ( 50 ) = 3 ( 50 ) + + 100 1002
2 3

= 150 + 75 12.5 = 87.5%

152. A rectangular sheet with dimensions 22m x 10m is rolled into a cylinder so that the smaller side becomes. The height of the cylinder. what is the volume of the cylinder so formed? Volume=

height ( other side of the sheet ) 4

10 ( 22 ) = = 385 22 4 7

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