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"#$% "'( )*+'(

,-.. -' /0$ 1."'2%
A bus is moving towaius a huge wall with a velocity of Sms
. The uiivei sounus a hoin of fiequency 2uuBZ. The
fiequency of the beats heaiu by a passengei of the bus will be.... Bz. (Speeu of sounu in aii=S42ms
) 345567

A cylinuiical iesonance tube open at both enus has funuamental fiequency F in aii. Balf length of the tube is uippeu
veitically in watei. The funuamental fiequency to the aii column now is.... 345587

The amplituue of a wave uistuibance piopagating in the positive x-uiiection is given by y=1 (1+x
) at time t =u anu
by y=1(1+(x-1)
j at t=2seconus wheie x anu y aie in meteis. The shape of the wave uistuibance uoes not change
uuiing the piopagation. The speeu of the wave 345597

A point souice emits sounu equally in al uiiections in a non-absoibing meuium. Two points P anu Q aie at a uistance
of 9 m anu 2S m iespectively fiom the souice. The iatio of the amplituues of the waves at P anu Q is.....345:57

In a sonometei wiie, the tension is maintaineu by suspenuing a Su.7kg mass fiom the fiee enu of the wiie. The
suspenueu mass has a volume of u.uu7Sm
The funuamental fiequency of vibiation of the wiie is 26uBZ. If the
suspenueu mass is completely submeigeu in watei, the funuamental fiequency will become......BZ. 345:;7

Sounu of fiequency 66uBZ fall noimally on a peifectly ieflecting wall. The shoitest uistance fiom the wall at which
the aii paiticles have the maximum amplituue of vibiation is....m. 345:67

A tiaveling wave has fiequency v anu the paiticle uisplacement amplituue A. Foi the wave the paiticle velocity
amplituue is....... anu the paiticle acceleiation amplituue is...... 345:<7

=>+$ "'( ?".%$@
A souice of sounu with fiequency 2S6 BZ is moving with a velocity v towaius a wall anu an obseivei is stationaiy
between the souice anu the wall. When the obseivei is between the souice anu the wall he will heai beats. 345:A7

A plane wave of sounu tiaveling in aii is inciuent upon a plane watei suiface. The angle of inciuence is 6u
. Assuming
Snell's law to be valiu foi sounu, it follows that the sounu wave will be iefiacteu into the watei away fiom the
noimal. 345:67

The iatio of the velocity of sounu in Byuiogen gas (y=7S) to that in Belium gas (y=SS) at the same tempeiatuie
. 345:<7

A man stanus on the giounu at a fixeu uistance fiom a siien which emits sounu of fixeu amplituue. The man heais the
sounu to be louuei on a cleai night than on a cleai uay. 345:97

BCDE)-'F.$ C*>>$G/
A stuuent is peifoiming the expeiiment of iesonance Column. The uiametei of the column tube is 4 cm. The
fiequency of the tuning foik is S12 BZ. The aii tempeiatuie is S8
C in which the speeu of sounu is S6ms. The Zeio
of the metei scale coinciues with the top enu of the Resonance Column tube. When the fiist iesonance occuis, the
ieauing of the watei level in the column is
(A) 14.u cm (B) 1S.2 cm (C) 16.4cm (B) 17.6 cm 389487

A police cai with a siien of fiequency 8 KBZ is moving with unifoim velocity S6kmhi towaius a tall builuing which
ieflects the sounu waves. The speeu of sounu in aii is S2ums. The fiequency of the siien heaiu by the cai uiivei is
(A) 8.SuKBZ (B) 8.2SKBZ (C) 7.7SKBZ (B) 7.SuKBZ 389447

A hollow pipe of length u.8 m is closeu at one enu. At its open enu a u.S m long unifoim stiing is vibiating in its
seconu haimonic anu it iesonates with the funuamental fiequency of the pipe. If the tension in the wiie is Su N anu
the speeu of sounu is S2u ms
, the mass of the stiing is
(A) S giams (B) 1u giams (C) 2u giams (B) 4u giams 389497

The x-t giaph of a paiticle unueigoing simple haimonic motion is shown below. The acceleiation of the paiticle at t =
4S s is

A vibiating stiing of ceitain length l unuei a tension T iesonates with a moue coiiesponuing to the fiist oveitone
(thiiu haimonic) of an aii column of length 7S cm insiue a tube closeu at one enu. The stiing also geneiates 4 beats
pei seconu when exciteu along with a tuning foik of fiequency n. Now when the tension of the stiing is slightly
incieaseu the numbei of beats ieuuces 2 pei seconu. Assuming the velocity of sounu in aii to be S4u ms, the
fiequency n of the tuning foik in BZ is
(A) S44 (B) SS6 (C) 117.S (B) 1u9.S 3899:7

A tiansveise sinusoiual wave moves along a stiing in the positive x-uiiection at a speeu of 1u cms. The wavelength
of the wave is u.S m anu its amplituue is 1u cm. At a paiticulai time t, the snap-shot of the wave is shown in figuie.
The velocity of point P when its uisplacement is S cm is Figuie:
!ms (B)!
!ms (C)
!ms (B) !
!ms 3899:7

A massless iou is suspenueu by two iuentical stiings AB anu CB of equal length. A block of mass m is suspenueu fiom
point 0 such that B0 is equal to 'X". Fuithei, it is obseiveu that the fiequency of 1
haimonic (funuamental
fiequency) in AB is equal to 2
haimonic fiequency in CB. Then, length of B0 is
(A) LS (B) 4LS (C) SL4 (B) L4 3899H7

An open oigan pipe iesonates with fiequency !"!
anu 2
haimonic. Now one enu is closeu anu the fiequency is
slowly incieaseu till it iesonates with fiequency f2 anu nth haimonic then
(A) n=S, f2=
(B) n=S, f2=
(C) n=S, f2=
(B) n=S, f2=!

A souice emits sounu of fiequency 6uuBZ insiue watei. The fiequency heaiu in aii will be equal to (velocity of sounu
in watei=1Suu ms, velocity of sounu in aii = Suums)
(A) SuuuBZ (B) 12uBZ (C) 6uuBZ (B) 6uuuBZ 389967

A pipe of length !
closeu at one enu is kept in a chambei of gas of uensity!
. A seconu pipe open at both enus is
placeu in a seconu chambei of gas uensity!
. The compiessibility of both the gases is equal. Calculate the length of
the seconu pipe if fiequency of fiist oveitone in both the cases is equal.

(C) !

(B) !


A peison is iiuing a motoicycle at a speeu v towaius a stationeiy cai opeiating its siien at 16S BZ. A police cai is
chasing the peison at a speeu 22ms with its siien opeiating at 176 BZ. If the motoicyclist uoes not heai beats, the
speeu v (ms) is (speeu of sounu in aii=SSums)
(A) SS (B) 22 (C) 11 (B) Zeio 3899<7

A cylinuiical glass tube is paitially filleu with watei to cieate an aii column of length u.1 m. The aii column is in
iesonance, in its funuamental moue, with a tuning foik. The level of the watei is now loweieu anu the next iesonance
is obseiveu at u.SS m. The enu coiiection is
(A) u.u2S m (B) u.u2u m (C) u.u1S m (B) u.u1u m 3899<7

A sonometei wiie iesonates with a given tuning foik foiming stanuing waves with five antinoues between the two
biiuges when a mass of 9 kg is suspenueu fiom the wiie. When this mass is ieplaceu by a mass N, the wiie iesonates
with the same tuning foik foiming thiee antinoues foi the same positions of the biiuges. The value N is
(A) 2Skg (B) Skg (C) 12.Skg (B) 12S kg 389987

A siien placeu at a iailway platfoim is emitting sounu of fiequency S kBz. A passengei sitting in a moving tiain A
iecoius a fiequency of S.S KBz while the tiain appioaches the siien. Buiing his ietuin jouiney in a uiffeient tiain B
he iecoius a fiequency of 6.u KBz while appioaching the same siien. The iatio of the velocity of tiain B to that tiain A
(A) 2422S2 (B) 2 (C) S6 (B) 116 389987

The enus of a stietcheu wiie of length L aie fixeu at x=u anu x=L. In one expeiiment, the uisplacement of the wiie is
y1 =A !"#!!!!!! !"# !"anu eneigy is E1anu in anothei expeiiment its uisplacement is y2= A !"#!!"!!!! !"#$ !"anu
eneigy is E2. Then
(A) E2=E1 (B) E2=2E1 (C) E2=4E1 (B) E2=16E1 389947

Two pulses in a stietcheu stiing whose centeis aie initially 8 cm apait aie moving towaius each othei as shown in
the figuie. The speeu of each pulse is 2cms. Aftei 2 seconus, the total eneigy of the pulses will be
(A) Zeio (B) puiely kinetic (C) puiely potential (B) paitly kinetic anu paitly potential 389947

Two vibiating stiings of the same mateiial but lengths L anu 2L have iauii 2i anu i iespectively. They aie stietcheu
unuei the same tension. Both the stiings vibiate in theii funuamental moues, the one of length L with fiequency
v1anu the othei with fiequency v2. The iatio v1v2 is given by
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 8 (B) 1 389997

A tiain moves towaius a stationeiy obseivei with speeu S4ms. The tiain sounu a whistle anu its fiequency
iegisteieu by the obseivei is f1. If the tiain's speeu is ieuuceu to 17 ms, the fiequency iegisteieu is f2. If the speeu of
sounu is S4u ms then iatio f1f2 is
(A) 1819 (B) 12 (C) 2 (B) 1918 389997

A stiing of length u.4m anu mass 1u
kg is tightly clampeu at its enus. The tension in the stiing is 1.6 N. Iuentical
wave pulses aie piouuceu at one enu at equal inteivals of time, !! which allows constiuctive inteifeience between
successive pulses is
(A) u.uS s (B) u.1u s (C) u.2u s (B) u.4u s 3455:7

A tiaveling wave in a stietcheu stiing is uesciibeu by the equation y = A !"#!!" ! !"!. The maximum paiticle
velocity is
(A) A! (B) ! k (C) u!uk (B) !! 3455;7

An open pipe is suuuenly closeu at one enu with the iesult that the fiequency of thiiu haimonic of the closeu pipe is
founu to be highei by 1uuBz than the funuamental fiequency of the open pipe.
(A) 2uuBz (B) SuuBz (C) 24uBz (B) 48uBz 3455H7

The extension in a stiing, obeying Booke's law, is x. The speeu of sounu in the stietcheu stiing is v. If the extension in
the stiing is incieaseu to 1.S x, the speeu of sounu will be
(A) 1.22 v (B) u.61 v (C) 1.Su v (B) u.7S v 3455H7

A sounu wave of fiequency f tiavels hoiizontally to the iight. It is ieflecteu fiom a laige veitical plane suiface moving
to left with a speeu v. The speeu of sounu in meuium is c
(A) The numbei of wave stiiking the suiface pei seconu is f=

(B) The wavelength of ieflecteu wave is

(C) The fiequency of the ieflecteu wave is f

(B) The numbei of beats heaiu by a stationaiy listenei listening to the ieflecting suiface is

An object of specific giavity ! is hung fiom a thin steel wiie. The funuamental fiequency foi tiansveise stanuing
waves in the wiie is SuuBz. The object is immeiseu in watei so that one half of its volume submeigeu. The new
funuamental fiequency in Bz is
(A) Suu(
(B) Suu(
(C) Suu(

(B) Suu(


The uisplacement y of a paiticle executing Peiiouic motion is given by y=4cos
!! !"#!!"""!!
This expiession may be consiueieu to be a iesult of the supeiposition of ....inuepenuent haimonic motions
(A) two (B) thiee (C) foui (B) five 345587

An oigan pipe P1closeu at one enu anu vibiating in its thiiu haimonic, anu anothei pipe P2, open at both enus anu
vibiating in its fouith haimonic, aie in iesonance with a given tuning foik. The iatio of the length of P1 to that of P2 is
(A) 8S (B) S8 (C) 12 (B) 1S 345::7

A wave iepiesenteu by the equation y=a!"#!!" ! !"!is supeiposeu with anothei wave to foim a stationaiy wave
such that the point x =u is a noue. The equation foi the othei wave is
(A) a!"#!!" ! !"! (B) -a !"#!!" ! !"! (C)-a !"#!!" ! !"! (B) - a!"#!!" ! !"! 345::7

A tube, closeu at one enu anu containing aii, piouuces, when exciteu, the funuamental note of fiequency S12Bz. If
the tube is open at both enus, the funuamental fiequency that can be exciteu is (in Bz)
(A) 1u24 (B) S12 (C) 2S6 (B) 128 345:H7

A tiansveise wave is uesciibeu by the equation Y = Yu!"# !!!!" !
!. The maximum paiticle velocity is equal to foui
times the wave velocity if
(A) ! !
(B) ! !
(C)! ! !!
(B)! ! ! !!

A cylinuiical tube, open at both enus, has a funuamental fiequency f in aii. The tube is uippeu veitically in watei so
that half of it is in watei. The funuamental fiequency of the aii column is now
(A) f2 (B) Sf4 (C) f (B) 2f

Two tiains A anu B aie moving with speeus 2u ms anu Su ms iespectively in the same uiiection on the same
stiaight tiack, with B aheau of A. The engines aie at the fiont enus. The engine of tiain A blows a long whistle.
Assume that the sounu of the whistle is composeu of components vaiying in fiequency fiom f1=112uBz, as shown in
the figuie. The spieau in the fiequency (highest fiequency-lowest fiequency) is thus S2uBz. The speeu of sounu in
still aii is S4u ms.

The speeu of sounu of the whistle is
(A) S4u ms foi passengeis in A anu S1u ms foi passengeis in B
(B) S6u ms foi passengeis in A anu S1u ms foi passengeis in B
(C) S1u ms foi passengeis in A anu S6u ms foi passengeis in B
(B) S4u ms foi passengeis in both the tiains 3899;7

The uistiibution of the sounu intensity of the whistle as obseiveu by the passengeis in tiain A is best iepiesenteu by
The spieau of fiequency as obseiveu by the passengeis in tiain B is
(A) S1uBz (B) SSuBz (C) SSuBz (B) 29uBz 3899;7

In the expeiiment to ueteimine the speeu of sounu using a iesonance column,
(A) piongs of the tuning foik aie kept in a veitical plane
(B) piongs of the tuning foik aie kept in a hoiizontal plane
(C) in one of the two iesonances obseiveu, the length of the iesonating aii column is close to the wavelength of
sounu in aii
(B) in one of the two iesonances obseiveu, the length of the iesonating aii column is close to half of the wavelength
of sounu in aii 3899;7

C*IJ>$0$'%-*' E44
Two waves y1= A !"#!!!!!" ! !""!"! anu y2 = A !"#!!!!"!" ! !"!"! aie tiavelling in a pipe placeu along x-axis.
Finu the numbei of times intensity is maximum in time inteival of 1 sec.
(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 8 (B) 1u 3899H7

Finu wave velocity of louuei sounu
(A) 1uu ms (B) 192 ms (C) 2uu ms (B)96 ms 3899H7

Finu the numbei of times y1+y2 =u in 1 sec
(A) 1uu (B) 46 (C) 192 (B) 96 3899H7

BCDEB+./- C*>>$G/
A peison blows into open-enu of a long pipe. As a iesult, a high piessuie pulse of aii tiavels uown the pipe. When
this pulse ieaches the othei enu of the pipe,
(A) a high-piessuie pulse staits tiavelling up the pipe, if the othei enu of the pipe is open.
(B) a low-piessuie pulse staits tiavelling up the pipe, if the othei enu of the pipe is open.
(C) a low-piessuie pulse staits tiavelling up the pipe, if the othei enu of the pipe is closeu.
(B) a high-piessuie pulse staits tiavelling up the pipe, if the othei enu of the pipe is closeu. 389487

As a wave piopagates,
(A) the wave intensity iemains constant foi a plane wave
(B) the wave intensity uecieases as the inveise of the uistance fiom the souice foi a spheiical wave.
(C) the wave intensity uecieases as the inveise squaie of the uistance fiom the souice foi a spheiical wave.
(B) total intensity of the spheiical wave ovei the spheiical suiface centieu at the souice iemains constant at all
times. 345557

Stanuing wave can be piouuceu
(A) on a stiing clampeu at both the enus
(B) on a stiing clampeu at one enu anu fiee at the othei
(C) when inciuent wave gets ieflecteu fiom a wall
(B) when two iuentical waves with a phase uiffeience of aie moving in the same uiiection. 345557

In a wave motion y = a !"# !" ! !"!, y can iepiesent
(A) electiic fielu (B) magnetic fielu (C) uisplacement (B) piessuie 345557

Y(x, t) =u.8 |(4x+St)
+Sj iepiesents a moving pulse, wheie x anu y aie in metei anu t in seconu. Then
(A) pulse is moving in +x uiiection (B) in 2s it will tiavel a uistance of 2.S m
(C) its maximum uisplacement is u.16 m (B) it is a symmetiic pulse 345557

A tiansveise sinusoiual wave of amplituue a, wavelength ! anu fiequency f is tiavelling on a stietcheu stiing. The
maximum speeu of any point on the stiings is v1u, wheie v is the speeu of piopagation of the wave. If a =1u
m anu
v=1u ms, then ! anu f aie given by
(A) ! = 2x1u
m (B) ! = 1u
m (C) f=1u
(2) Bz (B) f=1u
Bz 3455:7

The (x, y) co-oiuinates of the coineis of a squaie plate aie (u, u), (L, u), (L, L) anu (u, L). The euges of the plate aie
clampeu anu tiansveise stanuing waves aie set up in it. If u(x, y) uenotes the uisplacement of the plate at the point
(x, y) at some instant of time, the possible expiession(s) foi u is (aie) (a=positive constant)
(A) a!"#!!"!!! !"#!!"!!!) (B) a !"#!!"!!! !"#!!"!!!
(C) a !"#!!"!!! !"#!!!"!!! (B) a!"#!!"!!! !"#!!"!!!) 3455:7

A wave uistuibance in a meuium is uesciibeu by y (x, t) =u.u2!"#!!"!" !
! !"#!!"!"! wheie x anu y aie in metie
anu t is in seconu
(A) A noue occuis at X = u.1S m (B) An antinoue occuis at X = u.S m
(C) The speeu wave is S ms
(B) The wave length is u.S m 3455A7

Two iuentical stiaight wiies aie stietcheu so as to piouuce 6 beats pei seconu when vibiating simultaneously. 0n
changing the tension slightly in one of them, the beat fiequency iemains unchangeu. Benoting by T1, T2 the highei
anu the lowei initial tension in the stiings, then it coulu be saiu that while making the above changes in tension,
(A) T2 was uecieaseu (B) T1 was incieaseu (C) T2 was incieaseu (B) T1 was uecieaseu 345547

A wave is iepiesenteu by the equation y = A !"#!!"!" ! !"!" ! !!!! wheie X is in meteis anu t is in seconus. The
expiession iepiesents
(A) a wave tiavelling in the positive x-uiiection with a velocity 1.Sms.
(B) a wave tiavelling in the negative x-uiiection with a velocity 1.Sms.
(C) a wave tiavelling in the negative x-uiiection having a wavelength u.2m.
(B) a wave tiavelling in the positive x-uiiection having a wavelength u.2m. 345597

velocity of sounu in aii is S2u ms. A pipe closeu at one enu has a length of 1m. Neglecting enu coiiections, the aii
column in the pipe can iesonate foi sounu of fiequency:
(A) 8u Bz (B) 24uBz (C) S2uBz (B) 4uuBz 345:57

The uisplacement of paiticles in a stiing stietcheu in the x-uiiection is iepiesenteu by 'y'. Among the following
expiessions foi y, those uesciibing wave motion aie:
(A) !"# !" !"# !" (B) k
(C) cos
(kx+!"! (B) !"#! !! !! ! !
! 345:;7

An aii column in a pipe, which is closeu at one enu, will be in iesonance with a vibiating tuning foik of fiequency
264Bz if the length of the column in cm is
(A) S1.2S (B) 62.Su (C) 9S.7S (B) 12S 345:A7

A wave equation which gives the uisplacement along the y-uiiection is given by y =1u
!"#!!"! ! !!!, wheie x anu y
aie in m anu t is time in seconus. This iepiesents a wave.
(A) tiavelling with a velocity of Su ms in the negative x-uiiection.
(B) of wavelength .
(C) of fiequency Su Bz.
(B) of amplituue 1u
m tiavelling along the negative x-uiiection. 345:87

B"/G0 /0$ ?*..*K-'F@
Column i shows foui systems, each of the same length L, foi piouucing stanuing waves. The lowest possible natuial
fiequency of a system is calleu its funuamental fiequency, whose wavelength is uenoteu as !
Natch each system
with statements given in Column ii uesciibing the natuie anu wavelength of the stanuing waves.
Column (i) Column (ii)
(A)Pipe closeu at one enu (p) Longituuinal waves
(B) Pipe open at both enus (q) Tiansveise waves
(C) Stietcheu wiie clampeu at both enus (i) !
(B) Stietcheu wiie clampeu at both enus anu at miu-point (s) !
=4L 389447

Each of the piopeities of sounu listeu in the column A piimaiily uepenus on one of the quantities in column B. Wiite
uown the matching paiis fiom the two columns.
Column A Column B
Pitch wavefoim
Quality fiequency
Louuness intensity 345:97
When two piogiessive waves y1 =4!"#!!" ! !"!anu y2 =S!"#!!" ! !" !
! aie supeiimposeu, the amplituue of the
iesultant wave is 389497

A stationeiy souice is emitting sounu at a fixeu fiequency fu , which is ieflecteu by two cais appioaching the souice.
The uiffeience between the fiequencies of sounu ieflecteu fiom the cais is 1.2% of fu . What is the uiffeience in the
speeus of the cais (in km pei houi) to the neaiest integei. The cais aie moving at constant speeus much smallei
than the speeu of sounu which is SSu ms
. 389497

A 2u cm long stiing, having a mass of 1.u g, is fixeu at both the enus. The tension in the stiing is u.S N. The stiing is
set into vibiations using an exteinal vibiatoi of fiequency 1uuBz. Finu the sepaiation (in cm) between the
successive noues on the stiing. 389957

A tiansveise haimonic uistuibance is piouuceu in a stiing. The maximum tiansveise velocity is S ms anu maximum
tiansveise acceleiation is 9u ms
. If the wave velocity is 2u ms then finu the wavefoim. 3899A7

A whistling tiain appioaches a junction. An obseivei stanuing at junction obseives the fiequency to be 2.2 KBz anu
1.8 KBz of the appioaching anu the ieceuing tiain iespectively. Finu the speeu of the tiain (speeu of sounu = Suu
ms) 3899A7

A unifoim stiing is clampeu at X=u anu x=L anu is vibiating in its funuamental moue. Nass pei unit length of the
stiing is , tension in it is T anu the maximum uisplacement of its miupoint is A. Finu the total eneigy stoieu in the
stiing. Assume A to be small so that changes in tension anu length of the stiing can be ignoieu. 3899<7

In a iesonance tube expeiiment to ueteimine speeu of sounu, aii column in the pipe is maue to iesonate with a given
tuning foik of fiequency 48uBz. The uiametei of the pipe is S cm anu it is open at one enu. The smallest iesonating
length is obseiveu to be 16 cm. Calculate the speeu of sounu in ms fiom the given expeiimental uata. 3899<7

Two naiiow cylinuiical pipes A anu B have the same length. Pipe A is open at both enus anu is filleu with a
monatomic gas of molai mass NA. Pipe B is open at one enu anu closeu at the othei enu, anu is filleu with a uiatomic
gas of molai mass NB. Both gases aie at the same tempeiatuie.
(a) If the fiequency of the seconu haimonic of the funuamental moue in pipe A is equal to the fiequency of the thiiu
haimonic of the funuamental moue in pipe B, ueteimine the value of NANB.
(b) Now the open enu of pipe B is also closeu (so that the pipe is closeu at both enus). Finu the iatio of the
funuamental fiequency in pipe A to that in pipe B. 389987

A boat is tiavelling in a iivei with a speeu 1u ms along the stieam flowing with a speeu 2 ms. Fiom this boat, a
sounu tiansmittei is loweieu into the iivei thiough a iigiu suppoit. The wavelength of the sounu emitteu fiom the
tiansmittei insiue the watei is 14.4S mm. Assume that attenuation of sounu in watei anu aii is negligible.
(a) What will be the fiequency uetecteu by a ieceivei kept insiue the iivei uownstieam.
(b) That tiansmittei anu the ieceivei aie now pulleu up into aii. The aii is blowing with a speeu S ms in the
uiiection opposite the iivei stieam. Beteimine the fiequency of the sounu uetecteu by the ieceivei. (Tempeiatuie of
the aii anu watei = 2u
C; Bensity of iivei watei = 1u
; Bulk mouulus of the watei = 2.u88 x 1u
Pa; uas
constant R =8.S1 }mol - K; Nean moleculai mass of aii = 28.8 x 1u
Kgmol;CpC foi aii =1.4) 389947

A S.6 m long veitical pipe iesonates with a souice of fiequency 212.S Bz when watei level is at ceitain heights in the
pipe. Finu the heights of watei level (fiom the bottom of the pipe) at which iesonances occui. Neglect enu coiiection.
Now, let the pipe is filleu to a height B ( ! !!! ! ! A small hole is uiilleu veiy close to its bottom anu watei level in
the pipe as a function of B. If the iauii of pipe anu hole aie 2 x 1u
m anu 1 x 1u
m iespectively, calculate the time
inteival between the occuiience of fiist two iesonances. Speeu of sounu in aii is S4u ms anu g = 1u ms

A long wiie PQR is maue by joining two wiies PQ anu QR of equal iauii. PQ has length 4.8 m anu mass u.u6 kg anu QR
has length 2.S6 m anu mass u.2 kg. The wiie PQR is unuei a tension of 8u N. A sinusoiual wave-pulse of amplituue S.S
cm is sent along the wiie PQ fiom the enu P. No powei is uissipateu uuiing the piopagation of the wave-pulse.
(a) the time taken by the wave - pulse to ieach the othei enu R of the wiie, anu
(b) the amplituue of the ieflecteu anu tiansmitteu wave-pulse aftei the inciuent wave pulse cioss the joint Q. 345557

The aii column in a pipe closeu at one enu is maue to vibiate in its seconu oveitone by a tuning foik of fiequency
44uBz. The speeu of sounu in aii is SSu ms
. Enu coiiections may be neglecteu. Let Pu uenote the mean piessuie at
any point in the pipe, anu !!
the maximum amplituue of piessuie vaiiation.
(a) Finu the length L of the aii column.
(b) What is the amplituue of piessuie vaiiation at the miuule of the column.
(c) What aie the maximum anu minimum piessuie at the open enu of the pipe.
(u) What aie the maximum anu minimum piessuie at the closeu enu of the pipe.
A banu playing music at a fiequency f is moving towaius a wall at a speeu vb. A motoiist is following the banu with a
speeu vm. If v is the speeu of sounu, obtain an expiession foi the beat fiequency heaiu by the motoiist. 3455;7

The fiist oveitone of an open oigan pipe beats with the fiist oveitone of a closeu oigan pipe with a beat fiequency of
2.2 Bz. The funuamental fiequency of the closeu oigan pipe is 11u Bz. Finu the lengths of the pipes. 3455;C7

A whistle emitting a sounu of fiequencies 44u Bz is tieu to a stiing of 1.S m length anu iotateu with an angulai
velocity of 2u iaus in the hoiizontal plane. Calculate the iange of fiequencies heaiu by an obseivei stationeu at a
laige uistance fiom the whistle. 3455H7

A metallic iou of length 1m is iigiuly clampeu at its miu-point. Longituuinal stationaiy waves aie set up in the iou in
such a way theie aie two noues on eithei siue of the miu- point. The amplituue of an anti noue is 2 x 1u
m. Wiite the
equation of motion at point 2 cm fiom the miupoint anu those of the constituent waves in the iou.
(Young's mouulus = 2 x 1u
, uensity = 8uuu kgm

Two iauio stations bioaucast theii piogiams at the same amplituue A, anu at slightly uiffeient fiequencies!
anu !

iespectively !
! !
! !"
Bz. A uetectoi ieceives the signals fiom the two stations simultaneously. It can only
uetect signals of intensity > 2A
(i) Finu the time inteival between successive maxima of the intensity of the signal ieceiveu by the uetectoi.
(ii) Finu the time foi which the uetectoi iemains iule in each cycle of the intensity of the signal, if the uetectoi is at x
= u. 345:<7

A stiing 2S cm long anu having a mass of 2.S gm is unuei tension. A pipe closeu at one enu is 4u cm long. When the
stiing is set vibiating in its fiist oveitone anu the aii in the pipe in its funuamental fiequency, 8 beats pei seconu aie
heaiu. It is obseiveu that uecieasing the tension in the stiing uecieases the beat fiequency. If the speeu of sounu in
aii is S2u ms, finu the tension in the stiing. 345587

The uisplacement of the meuium in a sounu wave is given by the equation y1= A !"# !" ! !" ! wheie A, a anu b aie
positive constants. The wave is ieflecteu by an obstacle situateu a x = u. The intensity of the ieflecteu wave is u.64
time that of the inciuent wave.
(a) What aie the wavelength anu fiequency of inciuent wave.
(b) Wiite the equation foi the ieflecteu wave.
(c) In the iesultant wave foimeu aftei ieflection, finu the maximum anu minimum value of the paiticle speeus in the
(u) Expiess the iesultant wave as a supeiposition of a stanuing wave anu a tiavelling wave. What aie the positions of
the antinoues of the stanuing wave. What is the uiiection of piopagation of tiavelling wave. 345547

A souice of sounu is moving along a ciiculai oibit of iauius S meties with an angulai velocity of 1uiaus. A sounu
uetectoi locateu fai away fiom the souice is executing lineai simple haimonic motion along the line BB ( see fig)
with an amplituue BC = CB = 6 meties. The fiequency of oscillation of the uetectoi is S pei seconu. The souice is at
the point A when the uetectoi is at the point B. If the souice emits a continuous sounu wave of fiequency S4uBz, finu
the maximum anu the minimum fiequencies iecoiueu of the tiain. Finu
(a) the fiequency of the whistle as heaiu by an obseivei on the hill.
(b) the uistance fiom the hill at which the echo fiom the hill is heaiu by the uiivei anu its fiequency. velocity of
sounu in aii = 12uu kmhi) 345597

A tiain appioaching a hill at a speeu of 4u kmhi sounus a whistle of fiequency of S8u Bz when it is at a uistance of 1
km fiom the hill. A winu with a speeu of 4u kmhi is blowing in the uiiection of motion of the tiain. Finu
(a) the fiequency of the whistle as heaiu by an obseivei on the hill,
(b) the uistance fiom the hill at which the echo fiom the hill is heaiu by the uiivei anu its fiequency. velocity of
sounu in aii=12uu kmhi) 345::7

The following equations iepiesent tiansveise waves:
Z1= A !"#!!" ! !!!! Z2 = !!"#!!" ! !!!! ZS = !!"#!!" ! !!!!
Iuentify the combination(s) of the waves which will piouuce (1) stanuing wave (s), (11) a wave tiavelling in the
uiiection making an angle 4S
with the same speeu. The obseivei heais beats of fiequency S Bz. Finu the speeu of
the tuning foik. 345:;7

Two tuning foiks with natuial fiequency S4u Bz each moves ielative to a stationaiy obseivei. 0ne foik moves away
fiom the obseivei, while the othei moves towaius him at the same speeu. The obseivei heais beats of fiequency S
Bz. Finu the speeu of the tuning foik. 345:H7

The vibiations of a stiing of length 6u cm fixeu at both enus aie iepiesenteu by the equation y = 4!"#!
! !"#!!"#!!
Wheie x anu y aie in cm anu t in seconus
(A) what is the maximum uisplacement of a point at x = S cm.
(B) wheie aie the noues locateu along the stiing.
(C) what is the velocity of the paiticle at x=7.S cm at t =u.2S sec.
(B) wiite uown the equations of the component waves whose supeiposition gives the above wave. 345:A7

A steel wiie of length 1 m, mass u.1 kg anu unifoim cioss-sectional aiea 1u
is iigiuly fixeu at both enus. The
tempeiatuie of the wiie is loweieu by 2u
C. If tiansveise waves aie setup by plucking the stiing in the miuule,
calculate the fiequency of the funuamental moue of vibiation. |y = 2 x 1u
! !!!" ! !"

A unifoim iope of length 12 m anu mass 6 kg hangs veitically fiom a iigiu suppoit. A block of mass 2 kg is attacheu
to the fiee enu of the iope. A tiansveise pulse of wavelength u.u6 m is piouuceu at the lowei enu of the iope. What is
the wavelength of the pulse when it ieaches the top of the iope.

A sonometei wiie unuei tension of 64 N, vibiating in its funuamental moue, is in iesonance with a vibiating tuning
foik. The vibiating poition of the sonometei wiie has length of 1u cm anu a mass of 1gm. The vibiating tuning foik is
now moveu away fiom the vibiating wiie with a constant speeu anu an obseivei stanuing neai the sonometei heais
one beat pei seconu. Calculate the speeu with which the tuning foik is moveu is moveu if the speeu of sounu in aii is
Suu ms. 345:<7

A stiing 2S cm long anu having a mass of 2.S gm is unuei tension. A pipe closeu at one enu is 4u cm long. When the
stiing is set vibiating in its fiist oveitone anu the aii in the pipe insists funuamental fiequency, 8 beats pei seconu
aie heaiu. It is obseiveu that uecieasing the tension in the stiing uecieases the beat fiequency. If the speeu of sounu
in aii is S2u ms, finu the tension in the stiing. 345:87

A souice of sounu of fiequency 2S6 Bz is moving iapiuly towaius a wall with a speeu of S ms. Bow many beats pei
seconu will be heaiu if sounu tiavels at a speeu of SSu ms. 345:47

A metal wiie of uiametei 1 mm is helu on two knife euges sepaiateu by a uistance of Su cm. The tension in the wiie is
1uu N. The wiie, vibiating with its funuamental fiequency anu a vibiating tuning foik togethei piouuce S beatssec.
The tension in the wiie is then ieuuceu to 81 N. When the two aie exciteu, beats aie heaiu again at the same iate.
(i) the fiequency of the foik. (ii) the uensity of the mateiial of the wiie. 345:97

A tube of ceitain uiametei anu of length 48 cm is open at both enus. Its funuamental fiequency of iesonance is founu
to be S2u Bz. The speeu of sounu in aii is S2u ms. Estimate the uiametei of the tube. 0ne enu of the tube is now
closeu. Calculate enu of the tube is now closeu. Calculate the lowest fiequency of iesonance foi the tube. 345:97

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