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Quynh Nguyen Lab 5 ECEN 449 March 3, 2014

Introduction The objective of this weeks lab is to enable non-volatile file system for data story on XUP linux system. The CF card will be used and the user will implement a hello world on the CentOS workstation and load module on XUP board. Procedure The process deals with the recompilation of the lab 4prior to configuring the kernel. This time, the user is taken through a different path through the filesystems to enable the support of MSDOS fs and VFAT fs. The CF is then mounted to store the hello world C file and then unmounted in order to not corrupt the system. After the card is done, it is inserted into the board and then the file can be run. Results As far as results are concerned, there was an issue with compiling the file. This might have to do with not sourcing the file at the beginning. Conclusion Questions: (a) If the board was reset, then one would need to remount the directory again. No need to remake the directory unless the reset was done prior to saving the directory. (b) The CF card is mounted in step 2, after the directory is created. (c) The filename of the hello.o would be changed during the makefile so that hello is replaced by whatever the user changed. On the other hand, the directory of lab5 is used during the makefile because the user uses the kernel_source_directory found in lab 5 folder.

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