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Leitura e interpretao de texto Grammar: Simple Past Tense/Past Continuous Tense THE JAPANESE TALE

1) Take a look at the text and answer these questions.

a) Em que pas provavelmente se passa a histria? b) Quem so os personagens? c) O ambiente urbano ou campestre? d) Que instrumento a personagem toca? e) Qual o nome do esprito da flor?

2) Encontre a expresso usada no texto para:

a) b) c) d) e)

a mais preciosa_________________________________________ sentia falta de uma mulher ________________________________ apareceu diante dele ______________________________________________ sou aquela que ___________________________________________________ uma resposta para as oraes do jovem _______________________________

3) D as qualidades :

a) Do homem:______________________________________________________ b) Da mulher: ______________________________________________________

4) Assinale a alternativa correta:

1) No primeiro pargrafo, o autor procura: a) Mostrar que o rapaz tinha dificuldade por se pobre. b) Narrar o conflito que vai desencadear a histria. c) Apresentar o rapaz dentro do ambiente da histria. 2) No segundo pargrafo, o autor: a) Mostra o que faltava na vida do rapaz. b) Descreve o cenrio da histria. c) Introduz a segunda personagem. 3) O que o rapaz estava fazendo quando a mulher apareceu?

4) Um recurso da narrativa literria a ironia. Explique a ironia usada no texto. 5) Esse texto tem caractersticas de lenda porque recorre ao sobrenatural. Qual o elemento sobrenatural? 6) TRUE or FALSE a) b) c) d) e) ( ( ( ( ( ) The woman came from a city miles away. ) She liked to listen when he was playing the flute. ) The man had a metal flute and a garden. ) He wanted to give the flower to his wife. ) The woman died.

7) Supply the simple past tense or the simple present tense of the verbs in parentheses. a) Bob ______________(see) that movie the day before yesterday. b) My mother ______________ (tell) me a beautiful story last night. c) We ___________ (gave) a nice present to Mr. Swam yesterday. d) My sister __________ (take) her children to school every morning. e) They never ___________(wait) for the bus here. This is a dangerous area. f) Frank ____________ (tell) us stories about sailors.

8) Answer the question. Follow the example. Ex.: Did he take a bus or a taxi? He didnt take a bus. He took a taxi. a) Did he find a dollar or a picture? b) Did you carry a table or a box? c) Did they read a book or the newspaper? d) Did you write a letter or a card? 9) Supply the past continuous of the verbs in parentheses. a) b) c) d) e) Susan __________________ (help) her mother in the kitchen. We ____________________(run) to school at 8:00 this morning. The children ___________________(look) for the cat in the garage. Father __________________(drive) home at 6:00 yesterday. Dennis and Tom __________________(solve) the problem in the classroom.

10) Rewrite the sentences into the past continuous. a) She sleeps upstairs. b) They called Dr. Harris again. c) I dont talk to the teacher in the classroom. d) Do you play video game in your fathers computer? 11) Complete the sentences. a) Nobody _______________ (work) When I ____________ (arrive) there. b) She __________________ (sleep) while you ___________(study). c) The children ___________ (have) fun while their parents ____________ (work). d) I _______________ (watch) TV When I _____________ (see) Uncle Larry on the screen. e) It _______________ (start) raining when we _____________(sleep) in our tent in the garden. f) We______________ (have) lunch when Susan _________________(ring) the bell. 12) Several children ___________ in the park when the accident happened. a) Plays b) is playing c) were playing 13) Alice _____________up when the telephone rang. a) Gets b) is getting c) was getting Have a nice job!

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