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Earth-Keeper Chronicles Monthly Newsletter ~Earth-Keeper.

com[12/2/2013 8:45:10 AM]
Earth-Keeper Chronicles

Issue # 91 December 1, 2013
" Quantum Consciousness & The Nature of Time" ~ Part 2
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

"Greetings Masters !
Now, as we continue part two of this interesting topic on Quantum Consciousness and the nature of time, we will speak first of
the genesis of time as you know it within your duality sojourns.
In the earlier phases of Atlantis and LeMuria, you were not in the duality school of the earth-plane.
You were present as androgynous 'thought-forms' and manifested at will. You did not reincarnate into physical biological
matter. As such you were not in linear measured time.
Genesis of Time
The first earthplane entry experienced by the souls of light that later became humanity was through the Arcturian Star-Gate
via the original grid (The Firmament) that provided the non-polarity plane .Linear space-time did not truly exist in that phase
of the 'Omni-Earth'. Experience was a mental projection, a lucid dream of sorts.
This mental plane manifestation began approximately 12 million years ago from your current stance, but an exact timing
within the firmament earthplane is speculative as that experential beginning had no sequential chronology. Both LeMuria and
Mu were gestalt composite templates of this existence for hundreds of thousands of years in the firmament projection.
The first true venture into time and space in fully physical incarnations came with the dissolution of the Firmament Grid and
the formation & placement of the first Polarity Magnetic Grid approximately 106,000 years ago.
In reference to the Firmament & Polarity Magnetic grids, we wish to briefly explain that grids are the geometric polyhedrons
that enable the physical-matter experience. Sacred geometry is the fabric of the Cosmos. Grids encapsulate the Omni-Earth
and allow for life expression. In analogy for explanation, think of grids as computer operating systems that contain & allow for
programs of life expression. The original grid in non-polarity earth was the firmament. It was a sphere containing 12
concentric spheres. The original grid of duality was an icosahedron grid containing within it all of the 'platonic solids', which
are life codes. After the 'Fall of Atlantis' the gravity-magnetic grid, a dodecahedron, became dominant. In 2012 a new grid,
the Crystalline Grid came into full operation. It is a double penta-dodecahedron with 144 vertices. It is also called the
'Ascension Grid'. It expanded the earth from 3 to 12 dimensions.Think of it as 'Windows 2012'. In 2038 a new Firmament will
Duality - The 1st Eden & University of Polarity-Free Will
The placement of the 1st magnetic grid allowed for polarity- duality, enabling free will expression.
This was the original 'Eden' in which souls were gendered, male and female, and the Laws of Cause and Effect came into play,
as the Earth became the 'school of growth' as a means to master physical reality.
So when we speak of simultaneous incarnations of the earth, this is the beginning point of the time holograms that measure
your progress as an incarnate human in the reincarnational cycle. You do reincarnate in space- time holograms in order to
complete the process. Physical death and reincarnation is the pattern, and while death is quite apparent to you, reincarnation
is not.
Understanding the certitude of this process is an important comprehension because one truth opens the door to the next.
When your beliefs match the true nature of reality, achieving your purpose in this cycle is far less arduous. What is even
harder for many of you to understand is that all lifetimes occur at once.
Your sojourns in duality are simultaneous, and that is an even more important realization because you are nearing the
completion of this cycle. In Year Two of the New Earth, multidimensional consciousness is more accessible for a reason. You
have the ability and eventual requisite of harmonizing all simultaneous lives.
Four Major Planes
We spoke in part one of this channel about your existence being multidimensional. In terms of your earthplane sojourns this
can be divided into 4 major planes in a simplification to make it somewhat easier to visualize. But keep in mind from the
greater aspects, these are all one. The four major parts for purposes of explantion are then the physical dimension, mental
Earth-Keeper Chronicles Monthly Newsletter[12/2/2013 8:45:10 AM]
dimension, dream dimension and antimatter realm, which may be considered the Angelic realm and the source of your
plurality core essence.
Only one of these four planes is within what you term as the space-time continuum.
The Enigma
Time and space remain an enigma to man, even within the dawn of the New Earth. Humanity queries time travel and space
travel in the present from the aspect of physical laws. You will never reach areas of remote 'space' or hyper-space in fueled
rockets. Nor will you effectively travel in time in constructed locomotive apparatus. We tell you it is a frequencial
multidimensional 'Torus' concept, and not one contrived from only 3d laws of physics as you currently conceive them .
If you consider that in the Earthplane you are seemingly fixed in linear time and able to move about in space, then the
opposite would occur at a specific Torus effect flip into parallel , where you would be somewhat 'fixed' in space and able to
move about in time.
Humanity began re-experimenting with teleportation and time travel over eight decades ago, albeit for the wrong reasons. This
was idea was ignited by the works of HG Wells in the era of Tesla and Edison. The infamous event termed the Philadelphia
experiment did in fact occur in an effort of warfare technology. However what occurred is not what your movies and media
speculate. The awry results, while covert, disastrous and misapplied, did reveal stunning revelations regarding magnetic
fields, gravity fields, and the potentials of dimensional teleportation and time-space effects. Research into telportation
continued covertly in what you term the Montauk project, albeit largely unsuccessful.
Teleportation & Time Travel
Time travel has absolutely occurred in both your future and past. Although there are contemporary instances in which people
have temporarily passed into different time holograms, there are very few cases where the transition was permanent. Your
Admiral Byrd did in fact temporarily view a very real passing into a different time epoch during his infamous polar flight. Most
of the flight disappearances that are so publicized over the area you term the Bermuda Triangle were not permanent
transferals. Time disruption did briefly occur, but the airplanes did not fully disappear into another epoch of time. The space-
time gravity field was breached and this provoked confusion and fear, as well as navigational instrument failure. But true
time-space transfer did not occur. Rather the disappearances were caused by the related instrument malfunctions that led to
misdirection and radio silence, and the disappearances were simply crashes into the sea.
Certain of your governments working in classified tandem with covert corporations have already developed crude mechanisms
of time travel. These are not on the right path of discovery and not at a truly manageable level. The stress that results on the
human 'tempornaut' is considerable, stress-aging the human body approximately 10 years on each journey. At present they
are only able to move forward in time about 20 years, and are unable to navigate into the past. In time, when the apparatus
utilized is converted from magnetic forces to crystalline bio-plasmic field this will be improved considerably, and time
navigation will be deliberate and not by random mishap. However this research will not be allowed to advance effectively until
humanities light quota is much higher.
More advanced societies of your Earth, and indeed those termed the benevolent extra terrestrials have been capable of
manipulated teleportation through the process of frequencial 'dematerialization' of particulate matter to antimatter and back.
There are in fact teleportation bases established and utilized benevolently by the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance (In league with the
Ahstar division of the Galactic Federation) beneath the infamous Area 51 in Nevada and in remote subterranean areas of the
Grand Canyon. Your government inner factions are aware of these, and there is an ongoing interaction. However the interface
is limited and the technology is not fully shared at this time.
Matter spectra harmonic dematerialization was the process used in building the great Pyramids in Egypt. This then the ability
to upshift matter into a field above electromagnetic and gravity influence. The ability to make dense molecules float and swim,
and then re-solidify into physical matter. Such teleportation was utilized by the Atlanteans with the technology of the Sirian-
Pleiadean-Arcturian groups. Specialized Phi Crystals combined with specific sound vibrations were used to shift the coherent
frequencies of matter from its physical form to its antimatter vibratory quantum-wave state. The transport was then
processed through a crystalline coherent 'laser-type' beam conduit by targeting the precise energetic signature of the
destination vector.
You are only now beginning to see evidence of matter to antimatter in the harmonic cycle. Your current academic studies of
fullerenes; allotrope Carbon-60 Spherical fullerenes termed 'Bucky-Balls', reveals that the molecular truncated icosahedrons of
fullerenes revert from nano-matter particulate to quantum wave in certain conditions. Your scientists have noted for decades
that electrons appear and disappear in atomic orbits. When you discover the physics of such actions you will be on the cusp of
understanding and 'rediscovering' the muti-dimensional science of teleportation. But as stated this will not occur before
humanity is at a higher level of consciousness.
Time -Travel Influenced the Path of the 2012 Planetary Ascension
You may be quite surprised that carefully purposed time travel has been an important and major factor in insuring the
Ascension. Certain probable realities of your not so distant past had 'past' interventions that allowed for the planetary
Ascension to stay on track. Indeed, far more effort than you may imagine has been made in assuring the New Earth in which
you now reside. We tell you there have been envoys from the future than have come back in various time epoch holograms to
insure this, and many of you were part of this.
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It may seem like science fiction, but we tell you the defeat of the Spanish Armada (Inquisition) and the defeat of Nazi
Germany were two such events that were influenced in outcome by 'back from the future' envoys. Both the Inquisition and
Third Reich groups were manifested 'bleed-throughs' of the core energy of the Aryan Sons of Belial of Atlantis. Had the two
referenced outcomes not been influenced, the planet would have taken a vastly different path, and the planetary ascension
and unfolding ascension of humanity would have occurred much later in time and in a much different way. The cataclysms
that past seers foretold would have occurred between 1998 and 2012. The earth would have tilted on its axis and a complete
rebooting and replanting of humanity on the planet would have taken place to allow for a fresh start.
If you are a student of European history, you are aware of the great improbability of the Spanish Armada defeat. German
scientists and physicists in all probability would have developed the atomic bomb before 1944. Probable pasts were changed
and you were the co-creators of that change. We do understand how difficult this may be for you to accept, but it is indeed a
fact that many of you are aware of in higher mind. Indeed some of you are among these envoys now. Many advanced souls
are yet among the advanced soul groups that are navigating, in a manner of speaking, the expanded awareness necessary to
create the New Earth.
Some of the well known scientist of the past century including Nicole Tesla & Albert Einstein, were absolutely incarnated from a
'future' era, as were certain writers and visionary artists such as Stanley Clarke. They, like you, take on the filters of duality,
and were not truly 'frontal-brain' aware of this truth. Tesla became more aware of this later in his lifetime. He corresponded
with your Edgar Cayce, and shared that many of his inventions were 'given' to him in the dream state. This was indeed given
from a future portion of himself.
The Expansion of the Earth Matrix
In 2012, precisely on the 12-12-12 your Earthplane ascended into 12 dimensions. It is the crystalline coherency
transformation of the 'New Earth' matrix.. Creativity is amplified, and for many of you, the arc swing of duality is lessened
exponentially. This means multidimensional access is enhanced. But it does not mean 3d duality will disappear, rather that
tools are now in place that allow those of a certain light quotient to rise consciously into higher dimension.
As we have said, the 'human' Earthplane experience in duality is a credentialed and honored learning process though which
many varied Beings of Divine intelligence travel. Before you are 'allowed' by your higher-self into multi-dimensional and
parallel systems of reality that are far more complex, vastly more extensive and open, you must first learn to optimally and
responsibly master thought-creation energy. You are in the University of Earth for that see firsthand, through
physical materialization, the concrete result of your thoughts and emotions.
That is precisely why Time & Space are purposed illusions, and this vivid 'mirage' is so potently programmed by the Divine-Self
that you, by necessity, must focus your outer senses on the University of Duality, that termed physical reality. Such 'linear'
focus then is engineered, the perception filters that seem to block multi-dimensionality are beneficial in allowing humanity to
face and grow through Earthplane experience. But it is the ultimate goal of each of you in the process of mastery, to
transcend the filters at the time you achieve sufficient consciousness. Tools are in place in 2013 and beyond in the 'Aquarian
Shift' to allow for this process to more readily occur.
When the growth achieves a certain advanced level of 'light-quotient' then, and only then, do you choose to open & bridge into
more expansive multi-dimensional perception. This ability is what the 2012 matrix created and 2013 and beyond are about!
But keep in mind that you humans travel in space and time almost every time you sleep. And there is a great balancing effect
in the waking and sleeping experiences.
While many of you do not realize this, we tell you that every night, in very deep sleep-dream state, you process daily
experience. In this 'sleeping' state your 'higher-self' examines very carefully those experiences you will manifest into your life.
You make the selection from an infinite menu of possibility, and create the experience of those that will allow your greatest
Your experiences & limited perceptions of the physical 3d-nature of space and time are to a large degree determined by your
neurological structure, and this 'designed' structure serves you well.
The singular linear time-line of your 'chosen' physical experience is the surface path along which your life seems to flow. In a
broader truth there are infinite paths both above and below your actualized progress that are part of one inconceivably
miraculous network....and you in higher aspect experience all of them..
Your lifetimes on Earth are by grand design, and carry grand purpose. We realize it is not easy. Yet even lifetimes that you
consider to be flawed provide tremendous lesson-growth potential.
Creation of Experience
The noble and essential truth is that all souls incarnate on the duality plane of free-will create their own circumstances and
experiences within earth dimensions. You are here to learn responsible creation. Many of you accept that you are here for that
purpose, but find it hard to believe that you also create your daily life scenario, especially when the events that occur are
We tell you that the very unfolding of the events you experience day by day is determined by your beliefs & attitude and the
expectations formed & projected by both. Period !
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Both positive and negative attitudes, conscious or not manifest into your reality. If you project a mentality of lack, you create
lack. If you dwell on worry and fear you draw them to you. Thus your beliefs and the projected thoughts that are projected
from core belief must be directed consciously in a consistently productive attitude. This takes effort. Accordingly the great
lesson of each life, each soul's journey is to learn how to direct thoughts in deliberated positive directions. Otherwise you will
find yourself in a difficult conundrum, a cage of your own construct. You are here to learn responsible creation, and that is a
great truth....and when you truly comprehend this, your path becomes more clear.
Process of Changing the Past
Now we have spoken briefly on the concept of changing your past. This is a mental, yet very valid process. Your memory of an
event is rarely the actual way it happened. You can theoretically alter your own past as you have known it, and this is a
valuable process especially if a past mis-action has caused you great concern and worry. This is especially important if the
erroneous action has lowered your self esteem and thus brought about a negative attitude. To dwell upon this negativity will
recreate the negativity in an repeating cycle.
The past exists as does your future in multiple probabilities. An error in your past can in fact be changed by choosing an
alternative outcome. One that you carefully deliberate.. By changing this past 'memory' in focused mental effort in the 'Now'
of the present, you can change not only its effect on you but also upon others involved. There is a great validity to this
process, and it is a mental one. But know that mind is the creator.
The process is while seemingly difficult for you to accept, is rather simple: focally imagine the specific untoward event that
happened as being replaced by another event of a better outcome. Intense concentration and emotion must be brought into
the visualization. Believe in the process.If there was a lesson to be learned, digest it and move forward, but do have faith in
the change. By doing so you gain what is needed and move forward. And we tell you this 'mental construct' is the building
block of the true nature of reality manifestation. The reconstructed event that you create will be the 'chosen' probable event,
recreated in projected mental energy, which in turn forms the 'new past' and therefore plays a powerful role in preventing the
repetition of the negative pattern. By confronting and facing the past issue and visualizing the new outcome, you transcend
time. We tell you that many of you do this in the dream state, but conscious projection in this process amplifies and
accelerates the desired result.
Belief is the key. As has been said, " Whether you believe you can or whether you believe you can't, both are true. Mind is the
builder !
Masters, When you achieve the knowledge of co-creation in any one lifetime, you have the ability to simultaneously merge this
belief, through concerted effort into all lifetimes. To remove negative bleed through of errors, traumas and unproductive
beliefs that co exist in other sojourns. This process is taught in the Metatronic Keys. By moving into theta coherent thought
you can enter the 'seat of the soul' and harmonize the energy of all lifetimes.
All in time !
I am Metatron and share with you these Truths."
And so it
The above channel is copyrighted J ames Tyberonn All Rights Reserved The 3d copyrights of this
Metatron message via J ames Tyberonn are the exclusive copyrights of Earth-Keeper publishing. We offer this message in love. It
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