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INTRODUCTION Every human endeavor become a success only by a proper planning. Especially fiscal matters need good planning. A concrete precise picture of the total operation of an enterprise in monetary terms is called budgeting. Budget is a list all planned expenses and revenue for fixed period usually one year. Budget is a fundamental tool for an event director to predict with reasonable accuracy whether the event will result in a profit, a loss or will break even. A budget can also be used as pricing tool, forecast of revenue and expenditures BUDGETARY PHILOSOPHY,OBJECTIVES AND ACTION. PHILOSOPHY.1 We believe that the competencies of student nurses depends on ability to demonstrate critical thinking in decision making and proficiency in handling sophisticated equipments for patient care. OBJECTIVES: o equip the present laboratory with simulator and other advanced equipments. o provide clinical exposure for students in other multi specialty health care institutions according to their learning ob!ectives. ACTION: "urchase simulator for fundamental laboratory. Arrange outside posting for students.

PHILOSOPHY.2: We believe that students should have easy accessibility to latest technologies for its effective utili#ation ,so that their knowledge can be updated. OBJECTIVES: o equip all the laboratory with computer and internet accessibility. o extent the library working facilities up to $%p.m. o avail &'( pro!ector in every class room. ACTION: "urchase latest books and !ournals. Equip every class with &'( and internet facility and secure it with pass word. )otivate students to utili#e library facilities. PHILOSOPHY.3. We believe that professionally skilled teaching faculty can mould competent students, for that every faculty of the institution should have adequate skill and opportunity in teaching individuals and groups in clinical setting. OBJECTIVES: o conduct staff development programmes in hospital. o make use of services of experts from various specialty. o arrange mentorship programmes for B.*c nursing students. ACTION: Arrange external classes from various experts from specialties. Appoint mentors for clinical supervision.

Arrange staff development programme.

BUDGET FOR COLLEGE OF NURSING FOR A FOUR YEAR B.Sc NURSING PROGRAMME +ur college of nursing is attached with ,%% bedded speciality hospital. he various specialities available in our hospital are -eneral medicine -eneral surgery "ediatric medicine "ediatric surgery E. +phthalmology (ermatology "sychiatry .eurosurgery +rthopedics As obstetrics, gyanecology, neonatal and oncology clinical facilities are not available in our hospital, we are arranging out side clinical posting for these clinical exposures. We have / batches of B *c nursing program with 0% students in each batch. *o totally we have 1%% students. We are equipped with all types of physical infra structure and transport facilities.

We have planned a budget for the next year. 2ere we have done an estimate of annual income and expenditure EXPECTED ANNUAL INCOME FOR THE YEAR 2011

S.N $. 1. 4. /. 0. ,. 5. 6. 7. $%. $$. $1. $4

INCOME Application form for 3st year entry Admission special fees (onation *tudent tuition fees &ibrary fees *ports fees ransport fees ranscript fees +utside clinical posting ransfer or migration fees Exam fees 8ine -rand in aid TOTAL

BUDGET !"# R$%&&'( $10%% 10%%% 10%%%%% 410%%%% 1%%%%% 1%%%% 10%%%% 10%%% 1%%%%% 50%%% 0%%%% 0%%% $0%%%% ))00000


S.N $.

EXPENDITURE *alary for an academic year A9 eaching *taff "rincipal :$9 ;ice principal :$9 "rofessor :$9 Associate "rofessor :$9 &ecturer :09 'linical 3nstructor :$/9 ;isiting professor B9 .on eaching *taff "ersonal Assistant 'omputer assistant

BUDGET!"# R$%&&'(

7%%%%% ,,%%%% /6%%%% /1%%%% $0%%%%% $1,%%%% 1%%%% ,%%%% /6%%% 51%%% 1%%%%

1. 4.

At tenders :19 &aboratory equipments maintenance &ibrary Books

$0%%% $%%%% $%%%%

/. <ournals 0. Audio ;isual Aids

1%%%% 8unctions 4%%%% ,. +ath taking -raduation $0%%%

5. ransport )aintenance 6. Building )aintenance 7. 8urniture )aintenance $%. *tationery $$. Electricity $1. Water $4. "ostal charges $/. )edical check up $0. *cholarships *ponsorship for staffs $,. $5. $6. $7 1% 'onference 2igher education +bservation visit elephone charges 3nsurance =nexpected expenses

0%%%% 1%%%% $%%%% $%%%%% 50%%% 0%%% 1%%%% 1%%%%

$%%%% 1%%%%% $%%%% 1/%%% $%%%% 0%%%%

)1**000 TOTAL

TOTAL : INCOME EXPENDITURE BALANCE : : : ))00000+, )1**000+, *-)000+,

CONCLUSION Budget serves as a guide for action in the organi#ation. "lanning of budget is only the initial step only. *uccess of institution depends on the implementation of planned budget. *o appropriate, planning and implementation is mandatory for success.

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