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School Code : _______________________ Seat No.:______________________ Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation COLLEGE OF ENGINEE ING Lucena City Saturday!

March. "! #$"% ":$$ &.'. ( ):$$ &.'. ELEC* ONIC S+S*EM ,N- *EC.NOLOG+ SE* , INS* UC*ION : Select the correct ans/er 0or each o0 the 0ollo/ing 1uestions. Mar2 only one ans/er 0or each ite' 3y shading the 3o4 corres&onding to the letter o0 your choice on the ans/er sheet &rovided. S* IC*L+ NO E ,SU ES ,LLO5E-. NO*C 'eans ( None o0 the three choices. NO*E : " &t 0or correct ans/er on o36ective ty&e o0 1uestion 7 " &t o0 correct co'&utation 7 " &t 0or correct choice o0 letter 0or &ro3le's that need co'&utation. MUL*I8LE C.OICE : ". 9Every o36ect in the universe attracts every other o36ect /ith a 0orce directly &ro&ortional to the &roduct o0 their 'asses and inversely &ro&ortional to the s1uare o0 the distance se&arating the':. *his state'ent is 2no/n as: a. La/ o0 conservation o0 energy c. la/ o0 conservation o0 'o'entu' 3. Law of universal gravitation d. la/ o0 conservation o0 i'&ulse #. *he gravitational 0orce o0 the earth on an o36ect varies o0 the _______ the distance o0 the o36ect 0ro' the center o0 the earth. a. Inversely as b. inversely as the square of c. directly as d. directly as the s1uare o0 ;. , rotating 3ody has 2inetic energy. *his state'ent is _______. a. So'eti'es true 3. so'eti'es 0alse c. always true d. al/ays 0alse %. 5hat ty&e o0 energy is usually trans'itted 3y rotary 'otion< a. =inetic energy 3. &otential energy c. mechanical energy d. rest energy ). ,ngular 'o'entu' is the &roduct o0 ________. a. Mo'ent o0 inertia and linear s&eed c. moment of inertia and angular speed 3. Mo'ent o0 area and angular s&eed d. 'o'ent o0 area and angular s&eed >. 95hen the su' o0 the e4ternal tor1ues acting on a syste' o0 &articles is ?ero! the total angular 'o'entu' o0 the syste' re'ains constant:. *his state'ent is 2no/n as: a. Conservation o0 energy c.conservation o0 linear 'o'entu' 3. Conservation o0 i'&ulse d. conservation of angular momentum @. *he 'a4i'u' dis&lace'ent o0 an o36ect undergoing har'onic 'otion on either o0 its e1uili3riu' &osition is called the _____ o0 the 'otion. a. Fre1uency 3. oscillation c. &eriod d. amplitude A. 5hat re0ers to an oscillatory 'otion that occurs /henever a restoring 0orce acts on a 3ody in the o&&osite direction to its dis&lace'ent 0ro' its e1uili3riu' &osition! /ith the 'agnitude o0 the restoring 0orce &ro&ortional to the 'agnitude o0 the dis&lace'ent< a. -a'&ed har'onic 'otion c. simple harmonic motion 3. 8endulu' d. da'&ed har'onic oscillation B. In0rasound re0ers to sounds /hose 0re1uencies are 3elo/ a. #$.? 3. ;$.? c. %$.? d. )$.? "$. 5hat occur /hen the individual &articles o0 a 'ediu' vi3rate 0ro' side to side &er&endicular to the direction in /hich the /aves travel< a. Longitudinal /aves b. transverse waves c. /ave 'otions d. shoc2 /aves "". 5hat occurs /hen the resulting co'&osite /ave has an a'&litude less than that o0 either o0 the original /aves< a. Local inter0erence c. constructive inter0erence 3. Ordinary inter0erence d. destructive interference "#. 5hat re0ers to a negligi3le 3ody /hen co'&ared to the distances involved regarding its 'otion< a. Particle 3. ato'ic su3stance c. ele'ent d. 1uar2s ";. *he resulting 0orce o0 a distri3uted load is al/ays acting at: a. *he center o0 the 3ea' su36ected to the distri3uted load 3. The centroid of the area of the loading curve c. *he "C; &oint 0ro' the higher intensity side o0 the loading curve

d. *he #C; &oint 0ro' the higher intensity side o0 the loading curve "%. *he su' o0 individual 'o'ent a3out a &oint caused 3y 'ulti&le concurrent 0orces is e1ual to the 'o'ent o0 the resultant 0orce a3out the sa'e &oint. *his state'ent in 2no/n as ____. a. 8a&&us theore' 3. -D,le'3ert theore' c. Varignons theorem d. Ne/ton "). */o 0orces acting on a &article 'ay 3e re&laced 3y a single 0orce called resultant /hich can 3e o3tained 3y dra/ing diagonal o0 &arallelogra' /hich has the sides e1ual to the given 0orces. *his state'ent is 2no/n as ________. a. 8a&&us *heore' 3. &rinci&le o0 trans'issi3ility c. parallelogram law d. Earignon ">. In the analysis o0 0riction! the angle 3et/een the nor'al 0orce and the resultant 0orce _____ the angle o0 0riction. a. May 3e greater than or less 3. is greater than c. is less than d. is e1ual to "@. 5hat is the 'agnitude o0 the resultant 0orce o0 the t/o 0orces /hich are &er&endicular to each other< *he t/o 0orces are #$ units and ;$ units res&ectively. a. 36 3. %# c. #) d. )$ "A. , ro&e is stretched 3et/een t/o rigid /alls %$ 0eet a&art. ,t the 'id&oint! a load o0 "$$ l3s /as &laced that caused it to sag ) 0eet. Co'&ute the a&&ro4i'ate tension in the ro&e. a. !6lbs 3. ")$ l3s c. #A$ l3s d. #%$ l3s "B. 5hat is the e00ective co'&onent a&&lied on the 3o4 that is 3eing &ulled a ;$N 0orce inclined at ;$ /ith the hori?ontal< a. 36. "# 3. #).BAN c. ").;#N d. #$.>#N #$. , &ost is su&&orted 3y a guy /ire /hich e4erts a &ull o0 "$$N on the to& o0 the &ost. I0 the angle 3et/een the /ire and the ground is >$ ! /hat is the hori?ontal co'&onent o0 the 0orce su&&orting the &ole< a. A>.>N b. $!.!# c. @>.>N d. BA.)N #". *he resultant o0 t/o 0orces in a &lane is %$$N at "#$ . I0 one o0 the 0orces is #$$l3s at #$ ! /hat is the 'agnitude o0 the other 0orce< a. ;%@.@@N 3. %;).@@N c. ;@).@@N d. %$3.&&# ##. e0erring to &receding &ro3le'! /hat is the angle o0 the other 0orce 'a2es /ith the &ositive 4F a4is< a. ""%.A) 3. "$%.;@ c. "#%..;% d. "%%.3' #;. -eter'ine the resultant o0 the 0ollo/ing 0orces: , G >$$N at %$ ! H G A$$N at ">$ and C G ;$$ a. );#.@AN 3. %;).B%N c. $ .6'# d. >#@.ABN #%. Fro' the &receding &ro3le'! 0ind the angle o0 the resultant that 'a2es /ith the I4Fa4is. a. )).;# 3. #;)."# c. """.$& d. ##).A" #). , ;$$N 3loc2 is at rest on an inclined &lane having a slo&e o0 ":;. I0 the coe00iecinet o0 0riction 3et/een the 3loc2 and the inclined &lane is $."A! solve the hori?ontal 0orce neede that /ill cause the 'otion to i'&end u&< a. "%;.)N 3. #;".%N c."63.'# d. #$%.AN #>. , 'an cli'3s at the 'iddle o0 a ")$N ladder leaned against the /all. *he to& &ortion o0 the ladder is %' 0ro' the ground and its 3otto' is #' 0ro' the /all. ,ssu'ing s'ooth /all and a sto&&er at the 3otto' o0 the ladder to &revent sli&&ing! 0ind the reaction at the /all. a. "3&.$# 3. "%).@N c. #%).>N d. "%;.)N ; # #@. *he 'otion o0 a &article is de0ined 3y the relation 4 G J"C;Kt ( ;t I At I# /hre 4 is the distance in 'eters and is the ti'e in t seconds. 5hat is the ti'e /hen the velocity is ?ero< a. sec 3. ; sec c. )sec d. @ sec # ; #A. , &article 'oves along a straight line /ith the e1uation 4 G ">t I %t ( ;t /here 4 is the distance i0 0t and t is the ti'e in second. Co'&ute the acceleration o0 the &article a0ter # sec. a. ( 'ft)s 3. F;$0tCs# c. F"@0tCs# d. F#%0tCs# #B. */o cars , and H traveling in the sa'e direction and sto&&ed at a high/ay tra00ic sign. ,s the signal turns green car a accelerates at a constant rate o0 "'Cs #. */o seconds later the second car H accelerates at constant rate o0 ".;'Cs#. 5hen /ill the second car H overta2es the 0irst car ,< a. "6. &sec 3. ;$.%)sec c. #$.;#sec d. "$.%)sec ;$. 5hat is the ratio o0 the transverse strain to the corres&onding a4ial strain o0 a 3ody su36ected to unia4ial stress< a. Poissons ratio 3. EulerDs ratio c. re0ractive inde4 d. dielectric inde4 ;". 5hat is a structural 'e'3er su&&orted hori?ontally and carries transverse loading< a. *eam 3. colu'n c. arch d. sha0t

;#. 5hat re0ers to a slender 'e'3er /hich &revents &arts o0 a structure 'oving to/ards each other under co'&ressive 0orce< a. *ie b. column c. arc d. sha0t ;;. 5hich o0 the 0ollo/ing structural 'e'3er is used in the trans'ission o0 tor1ue and t/ist< a. *u3e 3. colu'n c. &anel d. shaft ;%. 5hat re0ers to the &oint in /hich the 3ending 'o'ent changes sign through a ?ero value< a. Critical &oint 3. &oint o0 in0lection c. point contrafle+ure d. &oint o0 ?ero stress ;). 5hat &hysical &ro&erty o0 a 'aterial re0ers to the highest &otential di00erence JvoltageK that an insulating 'aterial o0 given thic2ness can /ithstand 0or a s&eci0ied ti'e /ithout occurrence o0 electrical 3rea2do/n through its 3ul2< a. *her'al e4&ansion 3. conductivity c. dielectric strength d. resistivity ;>. 5hat &hysical &ro&erty o0 a 'aterial re0ers to the ratio o0 the a'ount o0 heat re1uired to raise the te'&erature o0 a unit 'ass o0 a su3stance " degree to the heat re1uired tl the sa'e 'ass o0 /ater to " degree< a. ,pecific heat 3. latent heat c. heat o0 0usion d. heat o0 0ission ;@. 5hat &hysical &ro&erty o0 a 'aterial re0ers to the te'&erature at /hich a &oly'er under a s&eci0ied load sho/s a s&eci0ied a'ount o0 de0lection< a. Curie te'&erature 3. s&eci0ic heat c. heat distortion temperature d. ther'al conductivity ;A. 5hat 'echanical &ro&erty o0 a 'aterial re0ers to the no'inal stress at 0racture in a tension test at constant load and constant te'&erature< a. Cree& strength 3. stress rupture strength c. co'&ressive yield stressd. hardness ;B. 5hat 'echanical &ro&erty o0 a 'aterial re0ers to the resistance to &lastic de0or'ation< a. igidity b. plasticity c. ductility d. hardness %$. 5hat &ara'eter is de0inesd as the te'&erature at /hich the toughness o0 the 'aterial dro&s 3elo/ so'e &redeter'ined value! usually ")0tF0t< a. #il ductility temperature c. ther'al conductivity 3. Curie te'&erature d. heat distortion te'&erature %". 5hat is o3tained 3y re&eatedly loading a s&eci'en at given stress levels until it 0ails< a. Elastic li'it 3. endurance limit c. cree& d. all o0 the choices %#. 5hat di'ensional &ro&erty o0 a 'aterial re0ers to the deviation 0ro' edge straightness< a. Lay 3. out o0 0lat c. camber d. /aviness %;. 5hat is a &oly'er &roduction &rocess that involves 0or'ing a &oly'er chain containing t/o di00erent 'ono'er< a. -opolymeri.ation 3. 3lending c. alloying d. crossFlin2ing %%. 5hat is the generic na'e o0 a class o0 &ol+'er /hich is co''ercially 2no/n as 9 nylon:< a. 8olyacetals 3. polyamide c. cellulose d. &olyester %). 5hat re0ers to the tendency 0or &oly'ers and 'olecular 'aterials to 0or' /ith an ordered! s&atial! threeFdi'ensional arrange'ent o0 'ono'er 'olecules< a. ,tereospecificity 3. conductivity c. retentivity d. s&atial con0iguration %>. 5hat is the a'ount o0 energy re1uired to 0racture a given volu'e o0 'aterial< a. /mpact strength 3. endurance li'it c. cree& strength d. stress ru&ture %@. 5hat re0ers to the need! /ant or desire 0or a &roduct 3ac2ed 3y the 'oney to &urchase it< a. Su&&ly b. demand c. &roduct d. good %A. Under conditions o0 &er0ect co'&etition! the &rice at /hich any given &roduct /ill 3e su&&lied and &urchased is the &rice that /ill result in the su&&ly and the de'and 3eing e1ual. *his state'ent is 2no/n as the : a. Law of diminishing return 3. la/ o0 su&&ly c. la/ o0 de'and d. la/ o0 su&&ly and de'and %B. 5hat do you call any &articular ra/ 'aterial or &ri'ary &roduct such as cloth! /ool! 0lour! co00ee! etc.< a. Utility 3. necessity c. commodity d. stoc2 )$. 5hat is de0ined as the interest on a load or &rinci&al that is 3ased only on the original a'ount o0 the loan or &rinci&al< a. E00ective rate o0 interest 3. no'inal rate o0 interest c. co'&ound interest d. simple interest )". , solid sha0t #.$' long is trans'itting #@2N.' tor1ue. I0 the shear 'odulus o0 the sha0t 'aterial is A) G8a and the allo/a3le shearing stress is @$M8a! deter'ine the angle o0 t/ist 3et/een the t/o ends o0 the sha0t.

a. ".)# 3. ".$# c. ".%% d. ".;# )#. -eter'ine the 'a4i'u' shearing stress in a helical steel s&ring co'&osed o0 #$ turns o0 #$'' dia'eter /ire on 'ean radius o0 A$'' /hen the s&ring is su&&orting a load o0 #$ 2N. a. )#BM8a 3. ;@$M8a c. #)M8a d. "#"M8a , racing car travels around the hori?ontal trac2 that has a radius o0 ;$$'. the car increases its s&eed at a constant rate o0 @'Cs# starting 0ro' rest. );. 5hich o0 the give the ti'e needed 0or it to reach an acceleration o0 A'Cs #< a. ;.A@sec 3. %.A@sec c. ;.%"sec d. #.#;sec )%. 5hich o0 the 0ollo/ing gives the nor'al acceleration o0 the car at the ti'e re0erring to &revious &ro3le'< a. ;.@A'Cs# 3. %.@A'Cs# c. ;.%"'Cs# d. #.#)'Cs# )). , 'an can e4ert a 'a4i'u' &ull o0 "$$$N 3ut /ishes to li0t a ne/ stone door 0or his cave #$$$$N. i0 he uses a lever ho/ 'uch closer 'ust the 0ulcru' 3e to the stone than to his hand< a. "$ti'es nearer 3. #$ ti'es 0arther c. "$ ti'es 0arther d. #$ ti'es nearer )>. *he three concurrent 0orces acting on the 3ody as sho/n in 0igure # are in e1uili3riu'. 5hich o0 the 0ollo/ing gives the vertical co'&onent o0 the @@.A2N 0orce< a. @>.A 3. @$.# c. @;.# d. >).; )@. */o 'en are 6ust a3le to li0t a ;$$2g /eight /ith a cro/3ar /hen 0ulcru' 0or the lever is $.;' 0ro' the /eight. *he 0irst 'an e4erts his strength at $.B' /hile the second is at ".)' 0ro' the 0ulcru' res&ectively. I0 the 'en interchanged &ositions! they can raise a ;%$2g /eight. 5hat 0orce does the 0irst 'an e4ert< a. %$2g 3. )$2g c. >$2g d. ))2g )A. -eter'ine the reaction 3 on a si'&ly su&&orted 3ea' sho/n in 0igure ;. a. )"$l3 3. )#$l3 c. );$l3 d. )%$l3 )B. , tri&od /hose legs are each % 'eters long su&&orts a load o0 "$$$2g. *he 0eet o0 the tri&od are at the vertices o0 a hori?ontal e1uilateral triangle /hose side is ;.)'. deter'ine the load on each leg. a. ;>A.B"2g 3. ;%A.B"2g c. ;A>."B2g d. ;>%."B2g >$. , certain ca3le is sus&ended 3et/een t/o su&&orts at the sa'e elevation and )$$0t a&art. *he load is )$$l3s &er hori?ontal 0oot including the /eight o0 the ca3le. *he sag o0 the ca3le is ;$0t. Calculate the total length o0 the ca3le. a. )$;.#"0t 3. )$%.@>0t c. )$)."#0t d. )$>.$;0t >". *he /eight o0 a trans'ission ca3le is ".)2gC' distri3uted hori?ontally. I0 the 'a4i'u' sa0e tension o0 the ca3le is >$$$2g and the allo/a3le sag is ;$'! deter'ine the hori?ontal distance 3et/een the electric &osts su&&orting the trans'ission ca3le. a. AB@' 3. B#>' c. B>@' d. B@>' >#. , ca3le %).%' long is carrying a uni0or'ly distri3uted load along the s&an. I0 the ca3le is strung 3et/een t/o &osts at the sa'e level! %$' a&art! deter'ine the s'allest value that the ca3le 'ay sag. a. @."%' 3. A."#' c. B.@"' d. >."#' >;. , &i&eline crossing a river is sus&ended 0ro' the steel ca3le stretched 3et/een t/o &osts "#$' a&art. *he /eight o0 the &i&e is ")2gC' /hile the ca3le /eighs "2gC' assu'ed to 3e uni0or'ly distri3uted hori?ontally. I0 the allo/ed sag is ;'! deter'ine the tension o0 the ca3le at the &ost. a. B>%@.AA2g 3. B%@>.AA2g c. B@%>.AA2g d. BAA>.%@2g >%. , trans'ission ca3le is su&&orted 3et/een t/o &oints #$' a&art. *he ca3le is loaded /ith a uni0or'ly distri3uted load o0 #$2NC' throughout its s&an. *he 'a4i'u' di& o0 the ca3le is %'. i0 one o0 the su&&orts is #' a3ove the other! deter'ine the 'a4i'u' tension in the ca3le. a. %";.);N 3. %").);N c. %"@.);N d. %"B.);N >). , trans'ission ca3le >$$' long! /eighing ".)2gC' has a tension o0 @)$ 2g at each end. Find the distance 3et/een the su&&orting to/ers. a. ))%.)#' 3. ))>.AB' c. ))A.@#' d. ))B."#' >>. , 'an dro&&ed a stone into a /ell. Four seconds later the sound o0 /ater s&lash is heard. ,ssu'ing sound travels at a s&eed o0 ;;$'Cs deter'ine ho/ dee& is the /ell< a. >@."#' 3. >A.AB' c. >B.;#' d. @$.;%' >@. 5hat 0orce is necessary to accelerate a ;$!$$$ l3 rail/ay electric car at the rate o0 ".#)0tCs #! i0 the 0orce re1uired to overco'e the 0rictional resistance is %$$l3< a. "%>).ABl3 3. ")>%.)Bl3 c. ">@".#@l3 d. "@B$.$#l3 >A. , ;)$$2g car accelerates 0ro' rest. *he constant 0or/ard tractive 0orce o0 the car is "$$$N and the constant drag 0orce is ")$N. /hat distance /ill the car travel in ;sec.< a. $."B' 3. ".;' c. "."' d. ")'

>B. , )$Fl3 crate starting 0ro' rest slides do/n a &lane inclined at an angle o0 ;$ o /ith the hori?ontal. I0 the coe00icient o0 0riction 3et/een the crate and the inclined &lane is $.;! ho/ 0ar /ill the crate 'ove a0ter ; sec< a. ").%@0t 3. "B.>@0t c. "A.;;0t d. "%.#A0t @$. , s2ier starting 0ro' rest has 6ust 3egun descending a ;$ o slo&e. ,ssu'ing the coe00icient o0 2inetic 0riction is $."$! calculate the s&eed she /ill reach a0ter > sec. a. #$'Cs 3. ##'Cs c. #%'Cs d. "A'Cs @". , &ro6ectile is 0ired at the to& o0 a ;$' 3uilding at an angle o0 #$ o /ith the hori?ontal. I0 the 'u??le velocity o0 the &ro6ectile is ;$$'Cs! ho/ long /ill it ta2e 0or the &ro6ectile to reach the ground< a. #$.>s 3. ##.@s c. #".#s d. "A.)s @#. , 3all is thro/n at an angle o0 ;$o to the hori?ontal and lands on the to& edge o0 a 3uilding )' high. I0 the 3uilding is #$' a/ay! deter'ine the initial velocity o0 the 3all< a. "B'Cs 3. #$'Cs c. #"'Cs d. ##'Cs @;. , 3ase3all 3atter hits his ho'e run 3all /ith a velocity o0 ""$0tCs at an angle o0 %) o a3ove the hori?ontal. I0 the 3all hits the to& o0 a screen at the ;$$0t 'ar2 and 3ounces to the cro/d! ho/ high a3ove the ground is the to& o0 the screen< a. )A.)0t 3. )B."0t c. >$.)0t d. >".A0t @%. Fro' the to& o0 a hill inclined at an angle o0 ;$ o! a &ro6ectile is 0ired /ith a velocity o0 )$ 0tCs. I0 the &ro6ectile is &ositioned &er&endicular to the sur0ace o0 the hill! deter'ine its range do/n the hill. a. "$;.)#0t 3. "$%.>)0t c. "$).AB0t d. "$>.@0t @). , gol0 3all leaves the gol0 clu3 at an angle o0 >$ o a3ove the hori?ontal re0erence /ith a velocity o0 #)'Cs . .o/ high does it go< a. #;.AB' 3. #%."#' c. #).B$' d. #>."#' @>. , &ro6ectile /ith a 'u??le velocity o0 )$$'Cs is 0ired 0ro' a gun on a to& o0 a cli00 %#$ ' a3ove sea level. I0 the &ro6ectile hits the /ater sur0ace %A sec a0ter 3eing 0ired! deter'ine the hori?ontal range o0 the &ro6ectile. a. #$.%A2' 3. #".;A2' c. ##."#2' d. ##.)A2' @@. , #$$ gra' o36ect attached to a ".)' long string is /hirled around a hori?ontal circle at a s&eed o0 >'Cs. deter'ine the centri&etal acceleration J'Cs #K o0 the o36ect. a. #" 3. ## c. #; d. #% @A. , 'an 2ee&s a "2g toy air&lane 0lying hori?ontally in a circle 3y holding onto a ".)' long string attached to the /ing ti&. *he string is al/ays in the &lane o0 the circular 0light &ath. I0 the &lane 0lies at "$'Cs! 0ind the tension in the string. a. #AN 3. >@N c. ")N d. "AN @B. , car is 'oving at a s&eed o0 #)'Cs around a level curve o0 radius "$$'. 5hat is the 'ini'u' value o0 the coe00icient o0 static 0riction 3et/een the tires and the road re1uired to &revent the car 0ro' s2idding< a. $.)%@ 3. $.;%> c. $.%@A d. $.>;@ A$. ,t /hat angular velocity 'ust the earth and a 'etal 3all rotate so that the 3all see's /eightless< ,ssu'e radius o0 earth G >;@$2'. a. $.$#";r&' 3. $.$%;#r&' c. $.$""Ar&' d. $.$;"#r&' A". , steel /ire is %.$' long and #'' in dia'eter. .o/ 'uch is it elongated 3y a sus&ended 3ody o0 'ass #$2g< youngDs 'odulus 0or steel is "B>!$$$M8a. a. "."#;'' 3. ".;A)'' c. ".;@%'' d. ".#@%'' A#. Fro' the 0igure % sho/n! deter'ine the total elongation o0 the co'&osite 3ody carrying a tensile load o0 )2N. ,ssu'e E" G "$M8a! and E#G ")M8a. a. ""A'' 3. "#$'' c. ""#'' d. "$A'' A;. , ;$F' long alu'inu' 3ar is su36ected to a tensile stress o0 "@)M8a. -eter'ine the elongation i0 E G >B"">M8a. a. @A'' 3. @>'' c. @%'' d. @#'' A%. , steel /ire is >.$' long hanging vertically! su&&orts a load o0 #$$$N. neglecting the /eight o0 the /ire! deter'ine the re1uired dia'eter i0 the stress is not to e4ceed "%$M8a and total elongation is not to e4ceed %.$''. assu'ed 'odulus o0 elasticity E G #$$!$$$M8a a. %.;@'' 3. %.#>'' c. %.%)'' d. %.">'' A). -eter'ine the load ca&acity in 2N on a #)'' dia'eter 4 "#$$'' long steel sha0t i0 its 'a4i'u' elongation shall not e4ceed "''. assu'e E G #$$!$$$M8a a. AA.#2N 3. @A.;2N c. A;.#2N d. A".A2N o A>. ,n iron stea' &i&e is #$$0t long at $ C. 5hat /ill 3e its increase in length /hen heated to "$$oC< coe00icient o0 linear e4&ansion is "$ 4 "$ F> &er oC. a. $."A0t 3. $."#0t c. $.#A0t d. $.#$0t

A@. , steel railroad "$' long are laid /ith clearance o0 ;'' at a te'&erature o0 ") oC. at /hat te'&erature /ill the rails 6ust touch< I0 there /ere no initial clearance. ,ssu'e: al&ha G "".@ 'icro 'C' deg.C and E G #$$G8a a. %>.B$deg.C 3. )>.$>deg.C c. )$.;>deg.C d. %$.>%deg.C AA. , cylinder o0 dia'eter ".$c' at ;$oC is to 3e slide into a hole on a steel &late. *he hole has a dia'eter o0 $.BBB@$c' at ;$oC. *o /hat te'&erature the &late 'ust 3e heated< Coe00icient o0 linear e4&ansion 0or steel is ".# 4 "$F)&er oC. a. ># 3. >) c. %A d. )) AB. , certain steel ta&e is 2no/n to 3e "$$.$$0t long at a te'&erature o0 @$ oF. /hen the ta&e is at a te'&erature o0 "$oF! /hat ta&e reading corres&onds to a distance o0 B$.$$0t.< assu'e a coe00icient o0 ther'al e4&ansion e1ual to >) 4 "$ F@ &er oF. a. B$.$;)0t 3. AB.B>)0t c. B$.##)0t d. AB.@@)0t B$. , ".)c' solid sha0t rotates at "A$$r&'. I0 the allo/a3le torsional shearing stress is )$M8a! /hat &o/er in 25 the said sha0t can trans'it< a. ).))25 3. >.#%25 c. >.A#25 d. A.;;25 B". .o/ 'uch is the 'a4i'u' tor1ue that can 3e a&&lied to the end o0 a hollo/ circular sha0t having an internal radius o0 ".)c' and an outer radius o0 #.)c' i0 the shear stress o0 the 'aterial is not to e4ceed "$$M8a< a. #";>N.' 3. #$@>N.' c. #)%;N.' d. "A);N.' B#. 5hat &o/er in 2ilo/atts a "$'' dia'eter solid sha0t at ;$ r&s can trans'it i0 the allo/a3le torsional shearing stress is %$M8a< a. ".;) 3. #.#$ c. ".A# d. ".%A B;. Find the constant o0 an A"h& in a ;Finch cold rolled line sha0ting that is trans'itting at #"$r&'< a. "$$$ 3. B$$ c. B)$ d. A$$ B%. , solid sha0t #.$' long is trans'itting #@N.' tor1ue. I0 the shear 'odulus o0 the sha0t 'aterial is A)G8a and the allo/a3le shearing stress is @$M8a! deter'ine the angle o0 t/ist 3et/een the t/o ends o0 the sha0t. a. ".)#: 3. ".$#: c. ".%%: d. ".;#: B). -eter'ine the 'a4i'u' 'o'ent o0 the 3ea' loaded as sho/n in 0igure ). a. "#"$2N.' 3. "%#$2N.' c. "#)$2N.' d. ""#$2N.' B>. , &air o0 0orce e1ual in 'agnitude! o&&osite in direction! and not is the sa'e line is called _____. a. Mo'ent 3. tor1ue c. cou&le d. all o0 the a3ove B@. *he _____ e4erted 3y a 0orce on a 3ody is the 'easure o0 its e00ectiveness in turning the 3ody a3out a certain &ivot. a. Cou&le 3. tor1ue c. 'o'ent ar' d. all o0 the a3ove BA. , 3ody is said to 3e in 9rotational e1uili3riu': /hen: a. No net tor1ue acts on it c. its vector su' o0 the 0orces is ?ero 3. No net 0orce acts on it d. the 0orces acting on the 3ody are nonFconcurrent BB. , cou&le consists o0 t/o 0orces! ______ in 'agnitude! &arallel and o&&ositely directed. a. -irectly &ro&ortional c. inversely &ro&ortional 3. E1ual d. not e1ual "$$. *he ____ 3ody or syste' is the &oint a3out /ith the &roduct o0 the 'ass and 'o'ent ar' su's u& to ?ero. a. Center o0 gravity 3. center o0 'ass c. center&oint d. center o0 gravity

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