Anda di halaman 1dari 4 December 19-22nd 2013. !piritual "esponsibility.

by #l$a %hompson

&ccult science teaches that the #arth is a sentient' li$ing being that breathes once a year. %he in-breath ta(es place o$er the )our days o) the *inter !olstice' and the out-breath ta(es place at the !ummer !olstice +une 19-22.

*hate$er the #arth breathes in' in terms o) )re,uency at the winter solstice' she will breathe out at midsummer.

%he !atanic control grid.

rchonic consciousness is well aware o) the inbreath and its importance to their satanic control grid. -n the days leading up to' and during the *inter !olstice' the elite will be conducting satanic rituals and blood sacri)ice on a massi$e scale across the planet. ncient sites' pyramids' stone circles' temples o) the sun' all the places where the electromagnetic pulse o) earth is strongest and most $ibrant' will be utilised )or satanic purposes. %he poisonous )re,uencies created by these demonic rituals )lood into #arth.s electromagnetic meridians' ley lines and energetic grid' bathing all li)e in a matri/ o) hate and )ear. !atanic rituals are practised throughout the year in accordance with the satanic calendar' new and )ull moons' eclipses and auspicious planetary alignments. %his constant negati$e charge into the electromagnetic grid (eeps the planet and all li)e on #arth in a constant state o) an/iety' )ear' war' chaos and disease.

%he energetic )arm.

rchonic beings created the separate reality o) the third dimension as a trap )or consciousness' and the success o) their mission depends upon the )re,uency o) the grid. #arth is an energetic )arm' and people who cannot raise their consciousness abo$e the )irst three cha(ras: security' se/ and sel)' are the )ood source )or these creatures. %hrough the se/ dri$e' bodies are continuously replicated' creating a ne$er ending )ood supply )or

the archons.

ll o) us' and e$erything around us' is a piece o) computer so)tware' and as long as we are instinct and pleasure dri$en' we will remain rchonic )ood. %o de)eat the beast we ha$e to smash its programme in oursel$es. %o do this' we ha$e to mo$e into the )ourth cha(ra' the 0eart)ield and the seat o) ir. %he $ibrations o) lo$e are an anathema to these creatures1 they cannot stand within its presence' somewhat li(e sunlight to a $ampire.

2any o) us ha$e heard the mystical call o) lo$e' the small $oice within' and are awa(ening to our true nature. *e are being summoned to )ul)ill spiritual agreements that were made in another space and time3a summons to ta(e energetic action on behal) o) our beleaguered planet.

Dec 19-22 is )our days' and that.s a long time to stay in lo$e with li)e in this competiti$e and stress)ul' dog eat dog world' but we must do our best to (eep our thin(ing heart based and guard our thoughts.

4et the #arth breathe in our lo$e' 5oy and happiness on these sacred days.

6or e$ery laugh and e$ery lo$ing word' is another nail in the co))in o) the beast.

"emember' we are the *arrior 2agicians o) this ge3and no matter how dar( our )uture loo(s' we will pre$ail.

4o$e to all.



- !ee more at:;<=,">4,.dpu)

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