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Nanoparticle Handling Guidelines Background Nanoparticles are ultrafine particles measuring between 1-100 nanometers (nm) in one dimension.

In addition to the novel size of nanoparticles or structures, uses are also derived from the composition of the nanoparticles, which can be chemical or biological. oncerns with safet! regarding the use of nanotechnolog! have arisen primaril! from the recognition of several uni"ue attributes of nanoparticles#

$he ultra-small particle size permits the particles to be carried deepl! into tissues. %articles ma! be deepl! respired into the lungs, ma! pass through the blood-brain barrier& or translocate between organs. $he molecular structure of nanoparticles and the relativel! greater surface area confer on these particles different chemical and biological reactivities than larger structures made from the same elements or molecules.

'lthough insufficient information e(ists to predict the heath hazard posed b! the e(posure to nanoparticles, and such effects will var! depending on the composition of the nanoparticles, current research indicates that e(posure via inhalation and s)in contact can result in these particles entering the bod!. *esults from human and animal studies show inhaled nanoparticles can deposit in the respirator! tract. 'nimal studies also show nanoparticles can enter the bloodstream and translocate to other organs. Nanoparticles have the greatest potential to enter the bod! if the! become airborne or come into contact with the s)in, e!es or mucous membranes. +ome evidence suggests that nanoparticles ma! be more to(ic to tissues than larger molecular structures. ,(posure to nanoparticles carr!ing genetic material ma! result in genetic or immunologic effects. ,(posure to nanoparticles carr!ing infectious agents ma! cause infectious diseases. NI-+., the NI., and the ,%' promote the incorporation of cautionar! measures in research to minimize or eliminate e(posures to nanoparticles. 'ccording to NI-+., the following wor)place tas)s ma! increase the ris) of e(posure to nanoparticles# $ $ $ $ /or)ing with nanoparticles in li"uid media without ade"uate protection (e.g., gloves, safet! glasses) will increase the ris) of s)in or e!e e(posure. /or)ing with nanoparticles in li"uid media during pouring or mi(ing operations, or where a high degree of agitation is involved, will lead to an increased li)elihood of inhalation of respirable droplets which ma! be formed. 0enerating nanoparticles in the gas phase in non-enclosed s!stems will increase the chances of aerosol release to the wor)place. .andling nano-structured powders will lead to the possibilit! of aerosolization.

Control Procedures /hile the health ris)s from e(posure to nanoparticles are not well )nown and will var! depending on the composition of the particles, wor) practices and engineering control procedures to prevent e(posure are well understood. $he following are minimum engineering, wor) practice and ventilation controls re"uired when handling nanoparticles to reduce potential e(posure#

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1ab coats must be worn. 1ab coats must be laundered using 2niversit! provided lab coat laundr! services. 1ab coats ma! not be ta)en to private homes and laundered. 0loves must be worn when handling nanomaterials. 3ecause s)in penetration is a concern, gloves must cover the wrist and an! s)in on the arm e(posed b! the lab coat. 'rm sleeves are re"uired where high levels of e(posure or splashes of solutions containing nanoparticles are anticipated. +tandard safet! glasses should be worn. /henever possible, wor) should be performed in a chemical fume hood or biological safet! cabinet. /hen wor) with nanoparticles must be performed outside a hood or cabinet, safet! goggles instead of safet! glasses should be worn to prevent e!e e(posure. *espirators ma! be re"uired for activities that cannot be controlled using ventilation. o 4r! nano-materials must be handled in a fume hood or biological safet! cabinet. /or) on the open bench with dr! nanoparticles is not allowed. o 'erosol producing activities (such as sonication, vorte(ing and centrifuging) ma! not be conducted on the open bench. o 'ctivities that are li)el! to release nanoparticles (such as the opening and empt!ing of tubes, weighing of dr! nano particles) shall not be performed on the open bench. o +olutions containing nanoparticles should be handled over disposable bench covers. $ransport of dr! nanoparticles should occur in closed containers. .and washing facilities must be provided in all labs. .and washing must be performed after handling nano-materials. 3ench tops and other surfaces should be cleaned after each wor) activit! using a cleaning solution suitable for the t!pe of nanoparticles being used. 'dministration of nanoparticles using needles5s!ringes should be done using a safe needle device whenever available. +uch devices minimize the potential for a needlestic) either b! having a sliding sheath or guard that covers needle after use or having a retraction feature which isolates the needle inside the s!ringe. -nl! needle-loc)ing s!ringes or disposable s!ringe-needle units (i.e., needle is integral to the s!ringe) ma! be used for the in6ection of nanoparticles containing recombinant 4N' molecules.

OUHSC Committee Approvals %rotocols involving the administration of nanoparticles to animals re"uires Institutional 'nimal are and 2se ommittee (I' 2 ) approval. 4epending on the composition of the nanoparticles, +ection 7 (for nanoparticles carr!ing genetic material) or +ection N (for all other nanoparticles) must be completed on the I' 2 form. +tandard -perating %rocedures (+-%s) for the preparation and administration of the nanoparticles must be developed and submitted in the appropriate section of the form. %rotocols involving the administration of nanoparticles containing genetic material to either animals or humans re"uires Institutional 3iosafet! ommittee (I3 ) approval. +-%s for the preparation and administration of the nanoparticles must be developed and submitted with the protocol. %rotocols involving the administration of nanoparticles to humans re"uires Institutional *eview 3oard (I*3) approval. $he guidelines given in this document are minimum precautions. 3ecause the composition and use of nanoparticles will var! from pro6ect to pro6ect, additional precautions or procedures ma!

be imposed b! these ommittees based on the review of the proposal and potential ris)s identified for that pro6ect.

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