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Marie 3os4phe 0ridel -ead of International Relations Department

Leonard de Vinci International Relations Department is proud to present its XIIth International Week from the 17th to 21st of March 2014 A few figures on the 2014 International Week: 350 students 140 hours of courses 28 visiting professors Durin! this e"ent# students from the Vinci schools $ill attend a selection of conferences# and L%onard de Vinci facult& $ill meet $ith their international counterparts 'his selection of conferences includes ( - Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Denmark) # - Effect on Social Media on a Brand (USA), - Strate ic Marketin of innovative products (USA), - !nline Marketin (Austria), - Marketin in the Social Era (USA), - "loud "omputin (#erman$) ) and man& more $hich could pro"ide useful skills in the field of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 'his $ill *e a focal point for our International Week 2014# as $ell as for our future Mana!ers # +n!ineers and We* Desi!ners 'he ,LDV research team has a natural "ocation for pu*lication in the domains of Entrepreneurship and Innovation -ostin! a *usiness incu*ator ./++012 $ith start up companies from our three schools# it maintains a dail& interaction $ith inno"ati"e ideas from &oun! entrepreneurs in the domains of *usiness# internet and en!ineerin!# $hich it con"erts into research material

International Relations Department

'he complementar& nature of the three schools makes it possi*le to in"esti!ate *oth the mana!erial and technolo!ical aspects of ne$ "enture creation 1ne such pro5ect in"ol"es understandin! the perceptions of students and facult& around ke& success factors for *usiness incu*ators in institutions of hi!her learnin! in 6rance 'he ,LDV research team has also recentl& finished a case stud& on one of its start7ups# to *e pu*lished as a *ook chapter In addition# the& are interested in *etter understandin! the traits of successful entrepreneurs# as discussed in a recent article presented in the 8Marketin! 9 +ntrepreneurship8 conference in :oston# $hich $ill *e pu*lished in the ;eptem*er edition of the 8Independent 3ournal of Mana!ement 9 /roduction8 /rofessors 'hierr& 6a*iani# Marcos Lima and Laila <amaci are currentl& $orkin! on this research $ith /rof ;andro =a*ral from the >ni"ersidade 6ederal da :ahia >6:, . :ra?il2# a 86ul*ri!ht Visitin! /rofessor8 at <e$ @ork >ni"ersit& 'he& $ill present their $ork to our "isitin! professors and discuss this $ith them durin! the traditional cheese and $ine part& on March 1Ath

We $elcome the professors from our partner uni"ersities in the >;,# ,ustria# 6inland# 0erman&# Lithuania# Denmark# and the >B 6rom >B# $e are "er& pleased to $elcome facult& from =o"entr& >ni"ersit&# *ut also a special !roup of 2C students $ho $ill attend the conferences In the follo$in! pa!es &ou $ill find the complete catalo!ue of "isitin! professors alon!side L%onard de Vinci facult&# $ho also en5o& takin! part in international teachin! mo*ilit&

Enjoy and get inspired by the international week to e plore new e !iting opportunities" #e the world $

Marie 3os4phe 0ridel -ead of International Relations Department

International Relations Department

Innovation and entrepreneurship: What !hara!teri%es su!!essful fir&s' #y (rofessor (eter #e!ker )openhagen #usiness A!ade&y" *en&ark

Abstra!t 'he lon!7term competiti"e position of most or!ani?ations is tied to their a*ilit& to inno"ate 'he purpose of the lectures is to understand( ,2 'he strate!ic processes# *oth formal and informal# throu!h $hich product inno"ation takes place in or!anisationsDcorporations :2 'he characteristics of inno"ation $inners in hi!h7technolo!& markets =2 'he factors that dri"e a firmEs ne$ product performance D2 'he determinants of ne$ product success and timeliness 'he participants $ill !et thorou!hl& understandin! of the "arious factors that characterises inno"ati"e firms that creates lon!7term success About the professor
Durin! /eterEs academic and international *usiness career he has !ained a thorou!h kno$led!e $ithin most disciplines of =orporate and 0lo*al ;trate!ic Mana!ement -e o*tained his : ;c and M ;c at =openha!en :usiness ;chool ;ince 2002 he has *een emplo&ed as a senior lecturer and ad"isor at =openha!en :usiness ;chool and ad5unct at =openha!en :usiness ,cadem& from 200C /eterEs primar& research interest lies $ithin Internationali?ation# 0lo*ali?ation# =orporate De"elopment throu!h Bno$led!e Mana!ement and =orporate Mer!er ;trate!ies -is latest researchF 8'he internationali?ation process of Icelandic corporations 7 Interpretations from theoretical and empirical research8 is an in"esti!ation and literature re"ie$ on the ;ta!e 'heor& and the :orn 0lo*al concept includin! an anal&sis of empirical data on Icelandic corporations $ith an internationali?ation track record aimin! to anal&?e mana!erial moti"es for internationali?ation

*ay Wednesda& 'hursda&

+i&e 14(00717(00 14(00717(00

,oo& 10AD110 11GD11H

+he ,ole of #ig *ata in Enterprise )o&puting #y (rofessor ,einhard #ernsteiner -)I Innsbru!k" Austria
Abstra!t 'his course eIplores mana!erial and technical issues rele"ant to desi!nin! and implementin! *i! data *ased solutions from a holistic "ie$point 'his course $ill co"er the follo$in! aspects( <e$ reJuirements for +nterprise =omputin! Recent de"elopments in +nterprise ,pplication =haracteristics 'he future of +nterprise ,pplication =haracteristics 'he future of +nterprise =omputin! 1"er"ie? on implications for ,pplication De"elopment 'he role of =loud =omputin! :i! data *ased solutions and Information Mana!ement About the professor Reinhard :ernsteiner is /rofessor in the academic department of Mana!ement =ommunication 9 I' at M=I# Mana!ement =enter Inns*ruck -e holds de!rees in :usiness ,dministration and =omputer ;cience from Bepler >ni"ersit& Lin? and >ni"ersit& of Inns*ruck# ,ustria -e attended post!raduate certificate courses at the 'echnical >ni"ersit& of Vienna# ,ustria -e is a ;enior 6acult& Mem*er /rofessor :ernsteinerKs main research fields co"er support of colla*orati"e $ork *& I'7*ased tools# Information +n!ineerin! and Information Mana!ement $ith a focus on I' tools for Bno$led!e Mana!ement and Decision Makin! -e teaches in different de!ree pro!rams at the M=I as $ell as in other uni"ersities :esides his academic eIperience# /rofessor :ernsteiner also $orked in industr& for se"eral &ears *efore he returned to academia -e !ained professional eIperiences in national and international pro5ects in !lo*al companies
*ay 'hursda& 6rida& +i&e 0A(L0712(L0 0A(L0712(L0 ,oo& ,mphi + ,mphi +

.nline -arketing and its (erfor&an!e -easure&ent #y (rofessor )laudia #rauer" (h* -)I Innsbru!k" Austria
Abstra!t 'he internet and other information technolo!ies ha"e created interestin! and inno"ati"e $a&s to pro"ide customer "alue Important strate!ies include $e*sites for marketin! communication and customer support# one7to7one communication to man& different recei"in! de"ices# consumer *eha"iour insi!hts *ased on offline and online data com*ination# and in"entor& optimisation throu!h =RM7;=M inte!ration ;ocial media pro"ides platforms for connectin! $ith toda&Ks consumers Readership *lo!s# social net$orks .such as 6ace*ook and LinkedIn2# and online communities .such as @ou'u*e# '$itter and ;econd Life2# !a"e consumers the opportunit& to *e heard in lar!e num*ers# and smart marketers ha"e learned ho$ to tap into these Mciti?en 5ournalistsK for impro"in! products and marketin! communication ,*o"e all# the performance measurement of different online marketin! acti"ites .We* ,nal&tics2 is "er& important for companies to e"aluate their online marketin! strate!& ;tudents $ill !ain a !reater kno$led!e in the field of online marketin!

About the professor I ha"e comprehensi"e teachin! eIperience and I ha"e $orked for a num*er of different -+I institutions# e ! M=I Inns*ruck# 6- =ampus Wien# 6- Wien# 6riedrich7;chiller >ni"ersit&# and Danu*e >ni"ersit& M& research and teachin! topics areF e7:usiness# online marketin!# social media marketin!# mo*ile marketin!# $e* anal&tics and academic $ritin! Durin! m& career I also $orked for different companies e ! <or$e!ian =ruise Line# ,*ekin! 9 Ramussen# '>I# and ;par to eItend m& practical kno$led!e

*ay Wednesda& 'hursda&

+i&e 14(00717(00 0A(L0712(L0

,oo& 1G2D1GL 1G2D1GL

Approa!hes to /isual )ulture #y (rofessor *eborah )ibelli" (h* 0i!holls 1tate 2niversity" 3ouisiana" 21A
Abstra!t 'his course addresses methodolo!ies for the anal&sis of ima!es and teIts related to "isual culture 'he presentations and class discussions $ill introduce students to topics from the histor& of art and popular and consumer culture# and $ill encoura!e students to anal&se ima!es and teIts 'he presentations $ill address issues of st&le( semioticsF structuralismF post7structuralismF post7modernism and multiculturalism 'opics include Western definitions of art and *eaut&F aesthetics and ideas a*out non7Western artF theories of artistic eIpression and aesthetic eIperienceF the relationship *et$een art# ethics# and politicsF the relationship *et$een fine art# consumer and popular cultureF and Juestions of authorship and ori!inalit& =ourse presentations $ill discuss seminal readin!s for "isual culture and cultural studies includin! $ork *& ,melia 3ones on feminism# Roland :arthes on m&tholo!ies# and Ro*ert Venturi on post7modernism About the professor De*orah =i*elli recei"ed her /hD in art histor& from the ;tate >ni"ersit& of <e$ @ork at :in!hamton ;he is currentl& the R + M:o*K 3ones +ndo$ed /rofessor of -onors ;tudies at <icholls ;tate >ni"ersit& in 'hi*odauI# Louisiana ;he has *een a recipient of the /residential ,$ard for 'eachin! +Icellence at <icholls -er research has *een presented nationall& at =olle!e ,rt ,ssociation conferences and internationall& at Renaissance ;ociet& of ,merica conferences and other "enues -er pu*lications include contri*uties to Italian Dra$in!s from the ;iIteenth =entr&( , =orpus of Dra$in!s in Mid$estern =ollections# -eart of fact the "isionar& en"ironment of Benn& -ill on the sculpture !arden in =hau"in# Louisiana# and +kphrasis in the ,!e of =er"antes on art and literature ;he has also conducted research on Renaissance sources for ;&m*olist art of the nineteenth centur& and is a foundin! mem*er of ,LM;D( ,rt# Literature and Music in ;&m*olism and Decadence
*ay 'hursda& +i&e 14(00717(00 ,oo& ,mphi 6

4lobal 4ates in 5inan!ial -arkets #y (rofessor (etras *ubinskas International #usiness 1!hool at /ilnius 2niversity" 3ithuania

Abstra!t 'he course $ill discuss the *arriers that are currentl& !ro$in! in the !lo*al financial market 'he first part of the course $ill anal&se the reasonin! of !lo*al !ates 'he second part $ill focus on the conseJuences of these e"ents e ! the re"erse of !lo*al financial inte!ration# capital mo"ements 6inall&# the future prospects of !lo*al financial markets $ill *e re"ie$ed

About the professor /rofessor Du*inskas has 1L &ears of practical eIperience in the *ankin! and finance industr& -is current position is as a credit anal&st at /oh5ola :ank /lc -is scientific career $as launched in 2007 and he is currentl& a lecturer at the International :usiness ;chool at Vilnius >ni"ersit& ;cientific interests include artifical intelli!ence and in"estment mana!ement# financial en!ineerin!# financial econometrics ;ince 200A /rofessor Dru*inskas has made approIimatel& 20 pu*lications

*ay 'uesda& Wednesda&

+i&e 14(00717(00 0A(L0712(L0

,oo& 1G2D1GL 1G2D1GL

+he 6u&ani%ing Effe!t of 1o!ial -edia on a #rand: 1ports 5ans7 0ew Abilities to Intera!t with (eople they Idoli%e #y (rofessor )hristina 4ipson" (h* 2niversity of 4ra&bling" 3ouisiana" 21A
Abstra!t 'he purpose of this lecture is to criticall& eIamine *rands and social media 'his t$ofold lecture $ill *e!in $ith a discussion on *randin!F emphasi?in! ho$ *rands are de"eloped# $hat *rands mean to a compan&# the relationship *rands de"elop $ith the consumers# and $a&s in $hich *rands can *e impacted 'he second part of the lecture $ill focus on the !ro$th of social mediaF primaril& the use of '$itter and 6ace*ook 'hrou!hout this portion of the lecture# I $ill illustrate ho$ companies and *rands use the social media platforms to *e con"ersational $ith their follo$ers I $ill address ho$ and $h& platforms should *e used 'hrou!hout the lecture I $ill use eIamples from professional sports in the >nited ;tates to illustrate ho$ teams and pla&ers interact $ith their consumers and fans ;tudents $ill *e en!a!ed *& a small acti"it& $here the& $ill *e reJuired to *rand a product and de"elop a fan pa!e on 6ace*ook

About the professor I am !oin! into m& third &ear as an assistant professor in ;port Mana!ement at 0ram*lin! ;tate >ni"ersit& I teach a ran!e of classes( sport marketin!# research in sport mana!ement# introduction to personnel mana!ement# sport finance# social issues in sport# and sport !o"ernance I teach *oth online and in traditional classroom settin!s M& research interests focus on !ender issues in sport# race and sport# and "olunteerism in sport or!anisations I ha"e presented m& research on sport "olunteerin! at numerous academic coferences around the $orld I completed m& doctoral $ork at :runel >ni"ersit& in London# +n!land I ha"e a lar!e interest in international colla*orations and academic $ork

*ay Monda& 'uesda&

+i&e 0A(L0712(L0 0A(L0712(L0

,oo& 111D112 4H1

1ustainability (rin!iples for Engineers (rofessor -alay 4hose86ajra 231 2niversity of 0ew .rleans" 21A
Abstra!t 'his course $ill introduce students to the concept and application of ;ustaina*ilit& principles in the field of +n!ineerin! 'opics include ;ustaina*ilit& concepts and definitions# +n!ineerin! +conomics# 0lo*al =limate ;cience# Life7=&cle ,ssessment# Re"ie$ of 0reen Desi!n ;tandards# Discussion of Rene$a*le +ner!& Resources# ;ocial ;ustaina*ilit& Indicators and /erformance Measures# -uman Dimension of ;ustaina*ilit&# ;ustaina*ilit& Ratin! 'ools .L++D# +n"ision# and ;ustaina*le ;ites2 ,t the completion of this course students $ill *e a*le to( Descri*e and eIplain definition and *asic principles of ;ustaina*ilit& Identif&# assess# and Juantif& implications of en!ineerin! decisions on resource eItractions# reuse# life7c&cle# natural c&cles and other factors /lan# 5ustif&# and conduct a life7c&cle assessment .L=,2 ,ppl& principles of +n!ineerin! +conomics Discuss the histor& of climate science and the impacts of political# cultural# and societal institutions on acceptance of climate theories Discuss approaches for incorporatin! en"ironmental and social impacts in the plannin!# desi!n# and operation of en!ineerin! pro5ects Discuss the impact of histor&# culture# and +n!ineerKs ethical conduct on application of sustaina*ilit& principles Identif& and descri*e common sustaina*ilit& ratin! tools used in the industr& About the professor Edu!ation /hD# =i"il +n!ineerin!# Ma& 200# Bansas ;tate >ni"ersit&# Bansas# >;, M 'ech# =i"il +n!ineerin!# 3ul& 1AAC# Indian Institute of 'echnolo!& .I I ' 2 : + # =i"il +n!ineerin!# ,u!ust 1AAH# >ni"ersit& of <orth :en!al# India (rofessional E perien!e ,ssistant /rofessor in 0eotechnical +n!ineerin!# ,u!ust 2011N/resent# Dept of =i"il and +n"ironmental +n!ineerin!# >ni"ersit& of <e$ 1rleans# L, /ro5ect Mana!er# Re!ional 0eotechnical +n!ineer# 1ct 200LNDec 2011# /rofessional ;er"ice Industries ./;I2# Inc # <e$ 1rleans# Louisiana 0eotechnical /ro5ect Mana!er# 3an 2002N1ct 200L# 0eotech +n!ineerin! and 'estin!# -ouston# 'X
*ay Monda& 'uesda& +i&e 0A(L0712(L0 0A(L0712(L0 ,oo& L20C L20C

+he E!ono&i!s of 1ustainable *evelop&ent and ,enewable Energy #y (rofessor 9ay 9ohnson" (h* 1outheastern 3ouisiana 2niversity
Abstra!t Rene$a*le ener!& and sustaina*le de"elopment are compleI topics $hich are stron!l& influencin! pu*lic polic&# economic de"elopment# and *usiness practices <e$ policies *ased on these concepts $ill ha"e a si!nificant influence on future economic $elfare# *ut are often supported $ithout a proper foundation of kno$led!e , *etter understandin! of perspecti"es and tradeoffs related to sustaina*le de"elopment and ener!& $ill lead to impro"ed polic& formation and *usiness models that promote de"elopment $ithout creatin! unnecessar& risks or costs 'he session $ill !i"e students a chance to eIplore in more depth the histor& of the econom& related to ener!& use and competin! "isions of ho$ sustaina*le de"elopment is "ie$ed and could *e pursued It $ill include discussion and de*ate $ith some eIamples to illustrate ho$ policies ma& affect *usiness strate!ies and social $elfare

About the professor Dr 3a& 3ohnson is an associate professor of economics at ;outheastern Louisiana >ni"ersit& -is education includes a : ; in chemistr& .1AC12# an M : , concentratin! in mana!ement information and decision support s&stems .1AC72# and a /h D in economics .20022 -e $orked as a chemist and sales mana!er in the oil 9 !as and petrochemicals industries *efore completin! his doctorate and mo"in! to an academic position -is research interests include ener!& markets# en"ironmental issues# economic and market de"elopment# and impro"in! methods of teachin! economic issues -e has pu*lished in the =ato 3ournal# International 3ournal of :usiness and ;ocial ;cience# and +thics# /lace and +n"ironment -e has tau!ht courses in macroeconomic principles# ener!& economics# en"ironmental economics# and mana!erial economic decision7 makin! at *oth the under!raduate and !raduate le"els Dr 3ohnson $as also a participant in the 2012 International Week at /Ole >ni"ersitaire L%onard de Vinci
*ay Monda& Wednesda& +i&e 14(00717(00 0A(L0712(L0 ,oo& 10AD110 10AD110

6u&an ,esour!e -anage&ent and )o&&uni!ation in the (ubli! 1e!tor #y (rofessor -ar!us 9ones 0orthwestern 1tate 2niversity of 3ouisiana# 0at!hito!hes" 21A

Abstra!t 'his presentation $ill educate students a*out mana!ement practices in the /u*lic ;ector $ith special focus on <on70o"ernmental 1r!anisations .<012# 0o"ernment a!encies and the le!al aspects of human resource mana!ement as it relates to <01s and 0o"ernment a!encies While man& of the mana!ement strate!ies a*out $hich students learn in mana!ement courses are successful in the pri"ate sector# human resource mana!ement in pu*lic entities reJuires a different set of skills and kno$led!e 'his presentation $ill share information re!ardin! the $a&s in $hich students can transport mana!ement skills from the pri"ate to the pu*lic sectorNthe sessions $ill in"ol"e case studies# anal&sis of interactions# and creati"e pro*lem sol"in!

About the professor

Marcus 3ones# 3 D is Vice /resident for >ni"ersit& ,ffairs and a full professor in the ;chool of :usiness -e earned his la$ de!ree from ;outhern >ni"ersit& La$ =enter# :aton Rou!e# L, and a masterEs de!ree in International :usiness and 'rade from 0ram*lin! ;tate >ni"ersit& ;ince *e!innin! his career at <;># he has tau!ht courses in :usiness La$# Internationl :usiness# /u*lic ;chool La$# Microeconomics# and /ersonal 6inance Marcus has numerous refereed 5ournal pu*lications and has presented his research at international and national conferences

*ay Monda& 'uesda&

+i&e 0A(L0712(L0 0A(L0712(L0

,oo& 10AD110 1G2D1GL

Attra!t your )usto&ers$ )usto&er E perien!e -anage&ent 1trategy" 1ervi!e *esign and 1o!ial -edia are the key words to do that #y (rofessor (ia :iviharju" -s) 3aurea 2niversity of Applied 1!ien!es" 6elsinki" 5inland
Abstra!t 'he $inner in *usiness is a compan& $ho is a*le to attract and ser"e its customers the $a& that it produces $ord7of7mouth +"er& compan& en!a!es in some sort of =ustomer +Iperience# =ustomer Relationship and Lo&alt& Mana!ement 'he main o*5ecti"e is to ha"e profita*le# lo&al and lon! lastin! customers =ompanies can use ;er"ice Desi!n tools to create ser"ices that attract customers# produce *etter customer eIperience and as a result enhance satisfaction and lo&alt& 'o maIimise customer eJuit&# companies must de"elop the Relationship ;trate!& and /rocess for identif&in!# attractin! and retainin! hi!h "alue customers 'o attract people toda& is a compleI process >nderstandin! the po$er of social media is a "er& important tool for companies for en!a!in! directl& $ith *oth potential and current customers With the use of social media it *ecomes more than 5ust a $a& to diffuse ne$s and !ather information a*out consumer opinions It is a*out influencin! $ord7of7mouth to *uild lo&alt& and *rand perception About the professor +ducation( M ;c .+con 2# -elsinki ;chool of +conomics =urrent position( ;enior Lecturer in :usiness Mana!ement# Laurea >ni"ersit& of ,pplied ;ciences 1ur :usiness Mana!ement pro!ram is called Laurea :usiness Ventures $here all students choose their o$n pro5ects and plan their o$n studies indi"iduall& I act as their mentor In e"er& pro5ect $e $ork $ith real companies sol"in! their *usiness pro*lems# creatin! and de"elopin! ne$ plans# tools and processes or $a&s to do their *usiness more effecti"el& I ha"e a 227&ear *usiness *ack!round I ha"e $orked in se"eral companies as a *usiness mana!er :efore Laurea I spent 10 &ears $orkin! at 'elia ;onera Ltd # one of the *i!!est telecommunication operators in 6inland# as a marketin! Director :efore that I $orked for12 &ears in an ad"ertisin! a!enc&# a cosmetic import and eIport compan&# and an I' compan& in *usiness mana!ement positions
*ay Monda& 'uesda& +i&e 0A(L0712(L0 0A(L0712(L0 ,oo& 212D21L LH1

Inter!ultural )o&&uni!ation in #usiness

#y *r -ara 3oeb 2niversity of 3ouisiana -onroe" 21A

Abstra!t Despite the la$s of ph&sics# the $orld seems to *e 8!ettin! smaller8 e"er& da& In spite of the *lendin! influence of mass communications# indi"idual cultures still ha"e a po$erful influence at the core le"el of "alues# *eliefs# and communication st&les 'hese ha"e a dominant influence on impression mana!ement# conflict st&les# and decision7makin! 'his seminar $ill eIplore the culture "alue dimensions of -ofstede# and -allsE hi!hDlo$ conteIt dimensions on information sharin! as $ell as eIpectations for ne!otiatin! st&les# etiJuette# and ethical responsi*ilities ,sian# <orthern +uropean# ;outhern +uropean# Middle +astern# ,frican# and ;outh and <orth ,merican eIpectations for initital contact# usin! !o7*et$eens# formalit&# and other issues that impact intercultural understandin! $ill *e eIplored ,ll these factors influence marketin! approaches# contract ne!otiations# and personal relationships 'he course $ill use lecture# readin!s# $e* search assi!nments# and oral !roup presentations .class si?e allo$in!2 About the professor I recei"ed m& /h D from ;outhern Illinois >ni"ersit& in 1AAH Durin! m& career as an educator I ha"e tau!ht a "ariet& of =ommunication courses includin! Intercultural =ommunication# =ommunication and =onflict# Pualitati"e Research Methods# and Interpersonal =ommunication In addition# I $as the Director of International ;tudent /ro!rams and ;er"ices at 'he >ni"ersit& of Louisiana at Monroe from 20017201L# $orkin! $ith students and facult& from o"er HG countries M& pu*lications center on stor&tellin! as a meanin!7makin! and culture7sharin! process

*ay Wednesda& 'hursda&

+i&e 14(00717(00 14(000717(00

,oo& 212D21L 10AD110

Engineering E !ellen!e /alue )ontribution #y (rofessor .laf -aeder ,eutlingen 2niversity" 4er&any

Abstra!t In the ne$s $e can read a lot of articles a*out en!ineerin! pro5ects $hich are *ehind schedule or ha"e failed 6or eIample( 1 :oein! Dreamliner 70C 2 ,ir*us ,400M L :ritish aircraft carrier 4 =ar!olifter G ;,/ M:usiness *& Desi!nK 6urthermore# nearl& 7GQ of future production costs are defined in the en!ineerin! phase :ased on this e"idence# the M+n!ineerin! +IcellenceK approach $ill sho$ ho$ mana!ers can control the *usiness function M+n!ineerin!K in order to increase the final B/I M=ompan& ValueK

About the professor 'hirteen &ears as an 1fficer in the 0erman ,irforce '$o &ears at a consultin! *ranch( pro5ect leader at /rice$aterhouse=oopers technolo!& team 6our &ears as Mana!erD;enior Mana!er of 6inance and =ontrollin! at +,D; March 201L7present( /rofessor for =ontrollin!# particularl& /ro5ect =ontrollin!# at Reutlin!en >ni"ersit&

*ay 'uesda& Wednesda&

+i&e 14(00717(00 0A(L0712(L0

,oo& +211 +211

Infor&ation 1yste&s 1trategy ;I11< #y (rofessor 1ukhvir -anak )oventry 2niversity" 2nited :ingdo&

Abstra!t 'he main research focuses on the Information ;&stems ;trate!& .I;;2 $ithin the >B -i!her +ducation Institutions .-+Is2 $ith particular reference to information strate!ies and s&stems $ithin the educational frame$ork Information strate!ies for the purpose of this research *ein! seen as a di"ision# of an Information s&stems strate!& 'he ke& moti"ation for this desi!n comes from internal pressures and si!nificantl& from -+6=+s , ma5orit& of research in this field has *een carried out in the pri"ate sector in particular# $ith limited e"idence and literature in the pu*lic domain

About the professor ;ukh"ir Manak !raduated from =o"entr& >ni"ersit& $ith a de!ree in :usiness ;tudies# and then $ent on the !raduate $ith an M:, from DeMontfort >ni"ersit& ;he has *een a ;enior Lecturer in the :usiness ;chool for 17 &ears# teachin! a $ide ran!e of specialised and *usiness related modules /rofessor Manak is currentl& the =ourse Director fir :, International :usiness Mana!ement de!ree and $orks closel& $ith the International office# facilitatin! places for &ear a*road and o"erseas placements $ith partner institutions ,dditionall&# she participates as a Link 'utor for a partner institution in L&on .;ML2 for the smooth runnin! of :, :usiness and De"elopment /rior to 5oinin! =o"entr& >ni"ersit&# /rofessor Manak has $ork in the commercial retail industr& specialisin! in merchandisin! and *u&in! for <eIt /lc# -eadoffice -er role in this field focused on stren!thenin! supplier and *u&er relationshipsF stock in"entor& control# and marketin! acti"ities

*ay Wednesda& 'hursda&

+i&e 14(00717(00 14(00717(00

,oo& L411 L411

5lying like a bird: the aerodyna&i!s of low speed air!rafts #y (rofessor Andreas -ehrle -anage&ent )enter Innsbru!k" Austria

'he fli!ht of *irds fascinates mankind since the antiJue times 'his m&ster& is sol"ed *ut still stran!e idees are around ho$ a $in! $orks In this course $e $ill learn the scientific *ack!round of fli!ht# itEs most important la$s and ho$ to calculate the lift and dra! of lo$ speed aircrafts 6urther some important phenomena related $ith fli!ht are tackled in order to shed li!ht on one of the oldest en!ineerin! challen!es

About the professor 7 !raduated at 3B> Lin? in mechatronics 7 /hD in aerod&namics 7 compan& eIperience at ,VL 0ra? in en!ine de"elopment 7 since 200A head of department and studies 8mechatronics8 at M=I Inns*ruck

*ay 'hursda& 6rida&

+i&e 0A(L0712(L0 0A(L0712(L0

,oo& L411 L411

0egotiating 1kills #y (rofessor 1tefan -usiol )oventry 2niversity" 2nited :ingdo&

Abstra!t ,re &ou fleIi*le and a*le to adapt to an e"er chan!in! *usiness en"ironmentR =an &ou assess a *usiness situation Juickl& and ne!otiate to &our ad"anta!eR 'his interacti"e session $ill !i"e students the opportunit& to see ho$ !ood the& are at( Dealin! $ith unforeseen pro*lems in a *usiness <e!otiatin! as part of a team Makin! successful *usiness decisions 1*5ecti"es and Learnin! 1utcomes( 0et an opportunit& to impro"e ne!otiatin! skills and appreciate the importance of strate!ic plannin!# *ar!ainin!# and trust to !ain the ad"anta!e in *usiness relationships About the professor ;tefan Musiol is +rasmus and ;tud& ,*road Mana!er at =o"entr& >ni"ersit&# +n!land -e is particularl& keen to eItend opportunities for international eIperience to all students# especiall& those on de!ree courses that traditionall& ha"e not included a placement a*road and to non7 lin!uists# promotin! a placement a*road as a ke& factor in enhancin! student emplo&a*ilit& -e seeks to facilitate an international dimension to e"er& sta!e of an under!raduate de!ree pro!ramme# *& follo$in! a model for pro!ression $hich offers students the opportunit& to en!a!e in an online 5oint pro5ect $ith partner -+Is in &ear 1# leadin! to field trips in &ear 2# $ith full &ear mo*ilit&Noften throu!h +rasmusN*ein! the icin! on the cake in &ear L ;tefan has also *een a mem*er of the +Iecuti"e =ommittee of -+>R1# the >B ,ssociation of -i!her +ducation +uropean 1fficers# since 2011
*ay Monda& 'uesda& +i&e 14(00717(00 14(00717(00 ,oo& 212D21L LH1

4lobal #usiness -anage&ent *oes E&otional Intelligen!e &ake so&eone a better 3eader' #y (rofessor )esar (eluso )oventry 2niversity" 2nited :ingdo&
Abstra!t Does +motional Intelli!ence make someone a *etter LeaderR 'his Juestion has preoccupied scholars and scientists for the past decade .-i!!s# 200L2 , num*er of factors ha"e *een identified as important to leadership# such as co!niti"e a*ilit& .;tern*er! 9 Vroom# 20022 and conscientiouness With little e"idence# people ha"e also proposed that +motional Intelli!ence .+I2 is an important predictor of leadership performance 'he purpose of this presentation is to criticall& e"aluate this claim I $ill specificall& eIamine the eItent to $hich different +I measures predict leadership# e"en after controllin! for traditional measures of personalit& and co!niti"e reasonin! About the professor
=esar /eluso !raduated from ,n!lia >ni"ersit& $ith de!rees in :usiness and =omputer ;cience -e is no$ a Lecturer and /ro!ramme =oordinator at =o"entr& >ni"ersit& London =ampus /rior to 5oinin! => London# =esar spent some 1G &ears $orkin! for man& multinational or!anisations# almost a third of them in ;outh ,merica -e li"ed for lon! periods in ei!ht countries and undertook shorter assi!nments in a do?en others 'he first half of this career $as spent in technocratic roles# ran!in! from li"in! and $orkin! in tropical s$amp and *ush en"ironments to coordinatin! and directin! cuttin!7ed!e pro5ects for de"elopment of I=' /ro5ects in :ra?il# >B and Ital& 'he second half of his international career in"ol"ed !eneral mana!ement of ma5or *usiness "entures# includin! interfacin! $ith !o"ernments# other companies and host communities =esar held man& senior positions# includin! Mana!in! Director# /ro!ramme Director# /ro!ramme Leader# and -ead of I=' in +urope and in :ra?il In the latter countr& he $as responsi*le for mana!in! an in"estment fund of S1 2 *illion in three &ears -is last role in :ra?il# from 2004 to 200A# $as =ourse Director for a presti!ious pri"ate uni"ersit& $ith links to ma5or multinational or!anisations such as ;chlum*er!er .the leadin! oilfield ser"ices pro"ider# trusted to deli"er superior results and impro"ed +9/ performance for oil and !as companies around the $orld2# Mahle# and -eli*ras( a position specificall& reJuested *& him so that he could plou!h *ack and institutionalise the eIperience he had !ained in I=' "entures in challen!in! en"ironments and implement his *elief that T people are the most important asset e"er& or!anisation hasU *ay Wednesda& 'hursda& +i&e 14(00717(00 14(00717(00 ,oo& 2H0D2H1 111D112

2rban Agglo&eration in )hina and International )o&parisons: A )ase of =angt%e *elta ,egion #y (rofessor >iu #in 1outheast 2niversity" 0anjing
Abstra!t 'he formation of ur*an a!!lomeration in @an!t?e Delta Re!ion in =hina is an irre"ersi*le trend of re!ional economic and social de"elopment -o$e"er# compared to the eIperiences of mature ur*an a!!lomeration in the $orld# =hina still has a hu!e !ap in man& aspects In the process of marchin! to$ard a mature ur*an a!!lomeration# there eIist a lot of pro*lems and conflicts includin!( 12 the partin! of ur*an administration leads to a failure in the coordination of cities in @an!t?e Delta Re!ionF 22 similar industrial structure results in the core cit& ha"in! relati"el& $eak influences on other cities in the re!ion L2 the am*i!uit& of di"ision of la*our amon! the cities leads to o"er7competition in the re!ion 42 the repetitions in infrastructure constructions and the lack of co7sharin! of those infrastructures leads to a $aste in resources G2 ;ome common pu*lic issues especiall& en"ironmental protection issues ha"e emer!ed 'he a*o"e mentioned issues ha"e !reatl& hindered ur*an a!!lomeration in @an!t?e Delta Re!ion in =hina from up!radin! to a hi!her sta!e 'his course discusses the eIperiences of the ur*an a!!lomerations in the :oston7Washin!ton D= re!ion# ;an 6rancisco re!ion# and 0reater 'ok&o re!ion About the professor ;eptem*er 201LN/resent( Dean# =olle!e of International +ducation# ;outheast >ni"ersit&# <an5in! 3anuar& 1AA7N/resent( /rofessor in +conomics# ;chool of +conomics and Mana!ement# ;outheast >ni"ersit&# <an5in! 3ul& 2012N3anuar& 2011( Visitin! ;cholar in the Department of +conomics# =olum*ia >ni"ersit&# <e$ @ork ;eptem*er 2004NMa& 200C( /ost7doctoral Research 6ello$# 'he =hinese ,cadem& of ;ocial ;ciences# :ei5in!

*ay 'hursda& 6rida&

+i&e 14(00717(00 0A(L0712(L0

,oo& 1G2D1GL 1G2D1GL

+rust" 1e!urity and (riva!y in )yberspa!e #y (rofessor /assil ,oussev 2niversity of 0ew .rleans
Research sho$s that the "ast ma5orit& of people usin! the Internet# includin! those that ha"e !ro$n up entirel& in the Internet ,!e# ha"e scant concept of ho$ it actuall& $orks 'his leads them to appl& intuiti"e concepts of trust# securit& and pri"ac& that ha"e little !roundin! in realit& 'he purpose of this course is to pro"ide an accessi*le and technicall& accurate frame$ork that allo$s students to reason a*out trust# securit&# and pri"ac& in c&*erspace In particular# it $ill eIplain in plain terms a2 the essential mechanisms *& $hich the Internet functionsF *2 the different t&pes of c&*er securit& and pri"ac& threats to indi"iduals# *usinessesDor!ani?ations# and to ci"ic societ&F c2 the *asic technical mechanisms .such as cr&pto!raph&2 $hich can support trust and securit&F d2 the relationship *et$een a"aila*le polic& choices and likel& outcomes We $ill use a lar!e num*er of eIamples# includin! recent eIamples on lar!e scale securit& *reaches and !o"ernment intelli!ence pro!rams# to illustrate the discussion ,s $ell# $e $ill eIplain a num*er of fashiona*le concepts such as =loud concept# Internet of 'hin!s# and uni"ersal connecti"it&# and uni"ersal connecti"it&# and eIplain their implications for online trust# securit& and pri"ac&

About the professor Dr Vassil Rousse" is an ,ssociate /rofessor in =omputer ;cience at the >ni"ersit& of <e$ 1rleans .><12# and is the Director of the <et$orkin! and ;ecurit& La* at ><1 -e completed his /h D at the >ni"ersit& of <orth =arolina# =hapel -ill# and holds "arious industr& certifications Dr Rousse" is an internationall& reco!ni?ed researcher in the field of di!ital forensics and c&*er securit& $ith o"er 40 pu*lications and o"er 10 funded research pro5ects in the area 1"er the last decade# he has continuousl& tau!ht courses on computer net$orkin! and related su*5ects -is *ack!round in di!ital forensics# $hich *rin!s to!ether pro*lems of computer science# securit&# and la$# affords him a rare perspecti"e on c&*er securit& and pri"ac& issues Dr Rousse" is co7 founder of the D6RW; non7profit# $hich supports di!ital forensic research and education
*ay Monda& 'uesda& +i&e 0A(L0 7 12(L0 0A(L0 7 12(L0 ,oo& ,mphi 6 ,mphi 6

International (roje!t -anage&ent #y (rofessor 9ohn 1aee ,eutlingen 2niversity" 4er&any

Abstra!t 'his course deals $ith the decisions and actions related to plannin!# or!ani?in!# leadin! and controllin! pro5ects $ithin an international conteIt at all le"els ,fter completion of this module# students are a*le to appl& their understandin! of an o"erall pro5ect mana!ement $ithin or!ani?ations operatin! $ithin national and international conteIts includin!( V;trate!&# or!ani?ation and leadership in mana!in! pro5ects( VIdentif&in! the cross7cultural challen!es associated $ith pro5ect mana!ement $ith reference to political# economic and social dimensions $hile competentl& mana!in! pro5ect *ased on cultural di"ersit&

About the professor /rofessor Dr 3ohn ;aee is /rofessor of International :usiness +conomcs and Intenraitonal /ro5ect Mana!ement at +;: Reutlin!en >ni"ersit& /rofessor Dr 3ohn ;aee has held senior line mana!erial and leadership roles in industr& and academia internationall& Whereas# his academic leadership roles co"er three continents .,ustralia# ,sia and +urope includin! 6rance# and 0erman& $here /rof Dr 3ohn ;aee has held a num*er of senior academic positions In his tenure as an academic he has earned an international reputation for his achie"ements as author# researcher and scholar /rofessor Dr ;aee has authored more than t$o hundred and fift& pu*lications made up of *ooks and research articles# $hich ha"e *een pu*lished !lo*all& inclduin!# in ,ustralia# +urope# ,sia and the >;, /rof Dr ;aee has pro"ided for more than t$ent& &ears in +Iecuti"e education and mana!erial consultancies to leadersDmana!ers and captains of di"erse industries in ,ustralia and ,sia as $ell as in +urope
*ay 'hursda& 6rida& +i&e 0A(L0712(L0 0A(L0712(L0 ,oo& 10AD110 1H2D1HL

)loud )o&puting #y (rofessor (hilipp 1!haible 2niversity of applied s!ien!e" 6of 4er&any

Abstra!t 'he course T=loud =omputin!U pro"ides an introduction into this Juite popular topic +"er&*od& talks a*out the cloud# *ut not man& can differentiate it from other internet7*ased technolo!ies In this course $e *e!in $ith the <I;' Definition of =loud =omputin! $ith its +ssential =haracteristics# ;er"ice Models and Deplo&ment Models +Juipped $ith the definition# $e $ill ha"e a closer look at popular pro"iders of Iaa;# /aa; and ;aa; ser"ices and their products 'he second part of the course deals $ith challen!es# techniJues and tools for s&stem de"elopment in the cloud usin! the most common eIamples( 0oo!leKs *i!'a*le# D6;# MapReduce# -adoop# etc 'he course $ill end $ith an outlook and a discussion on the future of cloud computin! and its impact on $a&s to create and pro"ide soft$are in the &ears to come

About the professor /rof Dr /hilipp ;chai*le# *orn in 1A71# studied =omputer ;cience at the >ni"ersit& of Baiserslautern# 0erman& ,fter !raduatin! in 1AA7 $ith a diploma# he $orked as research assistant at /rof Dr 0ot?heinKs !roup .>ni"ersit& of Baiserslautern2 dealin! $ith net$orked s&stems until 2002# then o*tained a /hD on the topic of TReuse7*ased de"elopment of communication s&stemsU 6rom 200L to 2010# he $as emplo&ed as product mana!er and later as head of de"elopment at ;1LI<+' 0m*- Durin! this time he $as responsi*le for the desi!n and de"elopment of conformance testin! and simulation tools ;ince 2011# he has *een teachin! at the >ni"ersit& of -of as professor of =omputer ;cience $ith a focus on soft$are en!ineerin! and de"elopment of distri*uted s&stems
*ay Monda& 'uesda& +i&e 14(00 7 17(00 14(00 7 17(00 ,oo& L411 L411

-arketing in the 1o!ial -edia Era #y (rofessor 6yunju 1hin" (h* -!0eese 1tate 2niversity

Abstra!t 'his course eIamines the implications of the e"olution of communication on marketin! strate!& in the ne$ landscape $here traditional and ne$ media coeIist and interact While ne$ media pro"ides su*stantiall& more ineIpensi"e and eas& $a&s to reach and interact $ith tar!et customers# these ne$ communication channels present si!nificant challen!es to marketin! in selectin! the *est strate!ies to maIimi?e returns 'he course co"ers a num*er of topics includin! the differences and interaction *et$een traditional and online media# online consumer *eha"ior .e ! # influence# diffusion# and conta!ion2# social media marketin!# e7commerce marketin!# mo*ile marketin!# $e* anal&tics# etc 'he course format includes lectures# case studies .e ! # >nited :reaks 0uitarsF , Video /rank at DominoEs# etc 2# and discussion

About the professor I am a ne$l& minted /hD in Marketin! from the >ni"ersit& of ,la*ama# $here I acJuired fi"e &ears of teachin! eIperience at the colle!e le"el I am an enthusiastic marketin! teacher $hose o"erall teachin! !oal is to create en!a!in! learnin! eIperiences throu!h $hich students *ecome acti"e participants in !eneratin! kno$led!e and de"elopin! a sound appreciation of marketin! ,t Mc<eese# I am currentl& teachin! marketin! principles# e7commerce marketin!# and personal sellin! courses M& primar& areas of research interest center on retailin! and ser"ices marketin! In particular# m& research focuses on mana!erial issues related to ho$ firms can effecti"el& enact social media marketin! as a communication tool# ho$ retailer *rand should *e mana!ed in crisis# and ho$ firms should desi!n their relationship mana!ement pro!rams to enhance firm performance in the domain of retailin! and ser"ices I ha"e pu*lished in respected peer7re"ie$ed academic 5ournals and presented m& $ork in se"eral > ; and international conferences

*ay 'hursda& 6rida&

+i&e 0A(L0 7 12(L0 0A(L0 7 12(L0

,oo& 11GD11H 2H0D2H1

-aking )orporate 4overnan!e effe!tive in banking #y )arolina /aliente 3ondon 1outhbank 2niversity
Re!ulators around the $orld ha"e tar!eted the stren!thenin! of re!ulation for controllin! the efficienc& and soundness of *ankin! institutions ha"e failed to deli"er Re!ulators ha"e focused on issues considered pi"otal in the recent *ankin! crisis( control of remuneration# rin! fencin! and 8too *i! to fail8# super"ision# mechanisms for resolution and distri*ution of losses What is the role of shareholders and in"estors in this ne$ frame$orkR =an the 8market mechanism8 *e enhanced to make it $orkR ;u!!ested Puestions for the De*ate( 7 What are the most important components of a !ood =orporate 0o"ernance ;&stem that failed in the recent crisisR 7 -o$ $ill the ne$ ;in!le Resolution Mechanism .;RM2 and other similar re!ulations affect shareholders and creditors position $ith re!ards to their acti"it& in the *oard of *anksR 7 -o$ $ill shareholders and in"estors effect the cultural chan!es necessar& in order to re*uild confidence in *anks mana!ementR -o$ can shareholders enhance and *alance the impact of re!ulationR 7 What are the crucial Juestions that an& *oard should *e askin! and !ettin! clear decisions onR -o$ can shareholders increase their effecti"eness $ith re!ards to handlin! the chan!in! nature of *ank risksR 7 What mechanisms and le"ers shouldD$ill *e used *& shareholders to enhance and assess *ankEs risk and performance in practiceR

About the professor

Dr =arolina Valiente is a Reader# =olurse Director and /ro!ramme Mana!er for /0 courses at the Department of ,ccountin! and 6inance ;he had t$el"e &ears of eIperience as a professional mana!er and researcher prior to her arri"al at L;:> in 1AA7 ;he has pursued an acti"e academic de"elopment of post!raduate courses# as $ell as international colla*orations and other a!reements $ithin the +> ;he has t$o Masters of /hilosoph& De!rees W Monetar& +conomics and International 6inance .>ni"ersit& of 0las!o$2# and a /hD in International :ankin! .>ni"ersit& of the West of ;cotland2 -er $ork includes the super"ision of under!raduate# masters and /hD dissertations# and lecturin! International 6inance and :ankin! units ;he is a mem*er of the Research 6ello$ship =ommittee# a mem*er of the ,ssociation of =orporate 'reasurers .,='2# a mem*er of the ,cademic :oard and the 6acult& 1perations 0roups at the I6; >ni"ersit& =olle!e and a 6ello$ mem*er of the Ro&al ;ociet& of ,rts Dr Valiente has *een the L;:> coordinator of the +>7 Intensi"e /ro!ramme takin! place in +stonia and Lat"ia annuall& since 200H707 till 2010 ;he has also *een in"ited as a "isitor lecturer to a num*er of different uni"ersities in +urope# *een an acti"e participant in +>7;ocrates academic eIchan!es ;he is also a Lecturer at the I6;7;chool of 6inance

*ay Wednesda&

+i&e 0C(L0 7 11(1G

,oo& ,mphi +

*igital -arketing ? *igital )o&&er!e: #ig *ata" @* (rinting" the AEdge ,ank7 and the )rowd #y (rofessor Andreas Wagener" (h*
Abstra!t 'he on!oin! process of di!itilisation affects deepl& the $a& in $hich $e do *usiness toda&( ne$ *usiness models ha"e *een esta*lished# eIistin! marketin! strate!ies ha"e to *e ad5usted to the ne$ en"ironment# ne$ instruments ha"e *een created# and a ne$ understandin! of customers and their needs is reJuired While usin! a short theoretic approach at first# the course $ill focus thereafter on the operational options that companies and entrepreneurs are facin!N*& referrin! to man& practical eIamples 'he follo$in! Juestions $ill *e ans$ered( What are the !eneral principles of the di!ital econom&R -o$ ha"e 6ace*ook or '$itter and M'he La$ of the 6e$K chan!ed the $a& in $hich $e do marketin! toda&R What is the M+d!e RankK and $hat is its connection to ;+1 and 0oo!leR What is the understandin! of M=ro$d WisdomKR What are the success factors of mo*ile marketin!R -o$ do $e deal $ith M*anner *lindnessK# Mthe Lon! 'ailK and the Mattention econom&KR -o$ is Mopen inno"ationK and M*eta launchin!K done properl&R What is crucial to esta*lish an effecti"e social media strate!&R ,nd is M=&*or! Marketin!K the future that $e must faceR About the professor /rofessor of 1nline Marketin!# ;ocial Media 9 e=ommerce since March 2012 7/artner at Lecta Media since March 2012 .consultin!# pro5ect 9 interim mana!ement# Mdi!ital chan!e mana!ementK# media product de"elopment2 71G &ears .1AA17AL# 1AAA720122 of professional *usiness eIperience .media *usinessDmedia mana!ement2F .online2 marketin! 9 sales# .di!ital2 product de"elopment 711 &ears .2001720122 of *usiness mana!ement eIperience .e ! as Mem*er of the :oard# -ead of ;ales 9 Marketin!D=M1# -ead of International ;ales# -ead of :usiness De"elopmentD/roduct De"elopment2 Last 10 &ears in further detail( 73anuar& 200H76e*ruar& 2012( -ead of Markets 9 Re"enues .=M12 at Vo!el *usiness Meda and Department -ead of MVo!el 6uture 0roupKD:usiness De"elopment .3anuar& 200H73une 20072 7;eptem*er 200L7Decem*er 200G( ;enior =onsultant at ;tein =onsultDinterim mana!ement 6ink /u*lishin! 0roup .=11D-ead of :usiness De"elopment2
*ay Wednesda& 'hursda& +i&e 0A(L0712(L0 0A(L0712(L0 ,oo& 2H0D2H1 111D112

-arketing 1trategies for Innovative (rodu!ts and 1ervi!es #y (rofessor *awna Waterbury 2niversity of 3ouisiana at 3afayette" 21A
Abstra!t ;trate!ic marketin! of inno"ati"e products or ser"ices is "ital to the success and !ro$th of or!ani?ations *oth lar!e and small ;ince the !round*reakin! frame$ork on inno"ation mana!ement *& ,ustrian economist 3oseph ;chumpeter in the 1AL0Ks# indi"iduals and or!ani?ations ha"e sou!ht to understand the role of marketin! strate!ies of inno"ati"e products and ser"ices as the& relate to the creation of ne$ markets# !ro$th# and profita*ilit& .bje!tives Identif& ke& elements necessar& to facilitate inno"ati"e marketin! strate!ies $ithin or!ani?ations ;ummari?e the role of strate!ic marketin! in the de"elopment of inno"ati"e products and ser"ices Discuss the importance of en"ironmental anal&sis# ;W1' anal&sis# and the product life c&cle in the role of strate!ic marketin! of inno"ati"e products and ser"ices +Iamine the Disrupti"e /roduct Inno"ation ;trate!& and the 6our ,ctions 6rame$ork as the& relate to the *irth of inno"ati"e products and ser"ices About the (rofessor Dr Water*ur&Ks eIperience is steeped in strate!ic marketin! and entrepreneurial "entures ;he is the 0eneral Mana!erD=11 of Le 'riomphe 0olf and =ountr& =lu*# one of the southEs premier pri"ate clu*s# located in :roussard# L, /rior to 5oinin! Le 'riomphe# she $as the +Iecuti"e Vice /resident of /erformance :enefits# Inc and $orked as marketin! consultant on pro5ects ran!in! from ;trate!ic /ositionin! for computer soft$are companies to We*site >sa*ilit& ;tudies for an eIclusi"e international retailer

*ay Monda& 'uesda&

+i&e 14(00N17(00 14(00N17(00

,oo& 111D112 4H1

-onday 1B -ar!h
/ Bi"ihar5u = 0ipson M 3ones# L ,*ne& V Rousse" ,ttract @our =ustomers ;ocial Media on a :rand -R in /u*lic ;ector =&*erspace( 'rust# /ri"ac& 9 ;ecurit& 0A(L0712(L0 0A(L0712(L0 A(L0712(L0 A(L0712(L0 Room 212D21L Room 111D112 Room 10AD110 ,mphi +

M 0hose7-a5ra

;ustaina*ilit& /rinciples for +n!ineers


Room L20C

; Musiol

<e!otiatin! ;kills


Room 212D21L Room 111D112 Room 10AD110 Room L411

D Water*ur& 3 3ohnson / ;chai*le

;trate!ic Marketin! ;ustaina*le De"elopment =loud =omputin!

14(00717(00 14(00717(00 14(00717(00

+uesday 1C -ar!h
/ Bi"ihar5u = 0ipson V Rousse" M 0hose7-a5ra M 3ones# L ,*ne& ; Musiol ,ttract @our =ustomers ;ocial Media on a :rand =&*erspace( 'rust# /ri"ac& 9 ;ecurit& ;ustaina*ilit& /rinciples for +n!ineers -R in /u*lic ;ector <e!otiatin! ;kills 0A(L0712(L0 0A(L0712(L0 A(L0712(L0 A(L0712(L0 A(L0712(L0 14(00717(00 Room LH1 Room 4H1 ,mphi + Room L20C Room 1G2D1GL Room LH1

D Water*ur& / Du*inskas / ;chai*le 1 Maeder

;trate!ic Marketin! 6inancial Markets =loud =omputin! +n!ineerin! +Icellence Value =ontri*ution

14(00717(00 14(00717(00 14(00717(00 14(00717(00

Room 4H1 Room 1G2D1GL Room L411 Room +211

Wednesday 1D -ar!h
, Wa!ener 3 3ohnson / Du*inskas 1 Maeder M Loe* = /eluso / :ecker = :rauer ; Manak = Valiente Di!ital Marketin! ;ustaina*le De"elopment 6inancial Markets +n!ineerin! +Icellence Value =ontri*ution Intercultural =ommunication +motional Intelli!ence Inno"ation 9 +ntrepreneurship 1nline Marketin! Information ;&stems ;trate!& Makin! =orporate 0o"ernance +ffecti"e in :ankin! 0A(L0712(L0 0A(L0712(L0 0A(L0712(L0 0A(L0712(L0 14(00717(00 14(00717(00 14(00717(00 14(00717(00 14(00717(00 0C(L0711(1G 2H0D2H1 10AD110 1G2D1GL Room +211 212D21L 2H0D2H1 10AD110 1G2D1GL Room L411 ,mphi +

+hursday 20 -ar!h
3 ;aee , Wa!ener = :rauer - ;hin R :ernsteiner , Merhle M Loe* = /eluso : Piu / :ecker ; Manak Intercultural /ro5ect Mana!ement Di!ital Marketin! 1nline Marketin! Marketin! in the ;ocial +ra :i! Data in +nterprise =omputin! ,erod&namics of Lo$ ;peed Intercultural =ommunication +motional Intelli!ence >r*an ,!!lomeration Inno"ation 9 +ntrepreneurship Information ;&stems ;trate!& 0A(L0712(L0 0A(L0712(L0 0A(L0712(L0 0A(L0712(L0 0A(L0712(L0 0A(L0712(L0 14(00717(00 14(00717(00 14(00717(00 14(00717(00 14(00717(00 10AD110 111D112 1G2D1GL 11GD11H ,mphi + Room L411 10AD110 111D112 1G2D1GL 11GD11H Room L411

5riday 21 -ar!h
3 ;aee : Piu - ;hin R :ernsteiner , Merhle Intercultural /ro5ect Mana!ement >r*an ,!!lomeration Marketin! in the ;ocial +ra :i! Data in +nterprise =omputin! ,erod&namics of Lo$ ;peed 0A(L0712(L0 0A(L0712(L0 0A(L0712(L0 0A(L0712(L0 0A(L0712(L0 1H2D1HL 1G2D1GL 2H0D2H1 ,mphi + Room L411

/eter :ecker


(artner 2niversity

p*ecXcph*usiness dk

5ren!h (rofessor
-:4EE). +hierry 5A#IA0I thierr& fa*ianaXde"inci fr -:4 0adia 9.2I0I nadia 5ouiniXde"inci fr 5I0 9ill WA0+I 5ill $ant?Xde"inci fr -?,6 -i!hel *A3-A1 michel dalmasXde"inci fr E).E,I 1ylvie -A+E33= s&l"ie matell&Xde"inci fr ,6 (hilippe 1(A)6 philippe spachXde"inci fr -:4 3aila 0A-A)I laila namaciXde"inci fr *3 Alphonsus 1+EWA,+ alphonsus ste$artXde"inci fr -:4 /irginie 5E,,.2I33A+ "ir!inie ferrouillatXde"inci fr -:4 -ar!os 3I-A marcos limaXde"inci fr 5I0 9ean8Etienne )A,3.++I 5ean7etienne carlottiXde"inci fr E).E,I #astien 0I/E+ *astien ni"etXde"inci fr -:4 -ar!os 3I-A marcos limaXde"inci fr 5I0 9ean8Etienne )A,3.++I 5ean7etienne carlottiXde"inci fr -:4 -ar!os 3I-A marcos limaXde"inci fr -:4 -ar!os 3I-A marcos limaXde"inci fr

=laudia :rauer


M=I Inns*ruck

=laudia *rauerXde"inci edu

/etras Du*inskas


Vilnius >ni"ersit&

infoXpdu*inskas lt

=hristina 0ipson


>L; 0ram*lin! ;tate >ni"ersit& !ipsoncX!ram edu

3a& 3ohnson


>L; ;outheastern ;tate >ni"er7 sit& >L; ;outheastern ;tate >ni"er7 sit& Laurea >ni"ersit&

3a& 5ohnsonXselu edu

Marcus 3ones 9 Lisa ,*ne& /ia Bi"iha5ru


marcus5Xnsula edu


pia ki"ihar5uXlaurea fi

Mara Loe*


>L; Louisiana at Monroe

loe*Xulm edu

;tefan Musiol


=o"entr& >ni"ersit&

stefan musiolXco"entr& ac uk

=esar /eluso


=o"entr& >ni"ersit&

cesar pelusoXco"entr& ac uk

:in Piu


;outheast >ni"ersit&


3ohn ;aee


Reutlin!en >ni"ersit&

3ohn ;aeeXReutlin!en7 >ni"ersit& D+ hshinXmcneese edu

- ;hin


>L; Mc<eese ;tate >ni"ersit&

= Valiente


London ;outh*ank >ni"ersit&

"aliencXls*u ac uk

,ndreas Wa!ener


-of >ni"ersit&

a$a!enerXhof7uni"ersit& de

Da$na Water*ur&


>L; Louisiana at Lafa&ette

d$ater*ur&Xletriomphe com

R :ernsteiner


(artner 2niversity
M=I Inns*ruck

reinhard *ernsteinerXmci edu

5ren!h (rofessor
I10 8 I5 9ero&e *A ,240A
5erome daYru!naXde"inci fr

)yril 4,201(A0
c&ril !runspanXde"inci fr M 0hose7-a5ra >;, >L; >ni"ersit& of <e$ 1rleans m!hosehaXuno edu

-01ali& #.2A#*A33A6
salim *oua*dallahXde"inci fr

-oha&ed 42E,I)6
mohamed !uerichXde"inci fr 1 Maeder 0erman& Reutlin!en >ni"ersit& olaf maederXreutlin!en7uni"ersit& de

-01ali& #.2A#*A33A6
salim *oua*dallahXde"inci fr

-oha&ed 42E,I)6
mohamed !uerichXde"inci fr ; Manak >B =o"entr& >ni"ersit& s manakXco"entr& ac uk

I10 9ero&e *A ,240A

5erome daYru!naXde"inci fr

, Merhle


M=I Inns*ruck

andreas merhleXmci edu

-01ali& #.2A#*A33A6
salim *oua*dallahXde"inci fr

-oha&ed 42E,I)6
mohamed !uerichXde"inci fr V Rousse? >;, >L; >ni"ersit& of <e$ 1rleans "assilXcs uno edu

I10 8 I5 9ero&e *A ,240A

5erome daYru!naXde"inci fr

)yril 4,201(A0
c&ril !runspanXde"inci fr / ;chai*le 0erman& -of >ni"ersit& philipp schai*leXhof7uni"ersit& de

I10 9ero&e *A ,240A

5erome daYru!naXde"inci fr

D =i*elli


(artner 2niversity
>L; <icholls ;tate >ni"ersit&

de*orah ci*elliXnicholls edu

5ren!h (rofessor
)arole 5A2,E
carole faureXde"inci fr

/isual ,e!ognition #y (rofessor 9Jro&e *a ,ugna E!ole d7IngJnieurs 3Jonard de /in!i" (aris 3a *Jfense

Abstra!t Visual reco!nition co"ers all techniJues and tasks usin! actual content of the ima!e or "ideo rather than metadata such as ke&$ords# ta!s and descriptions associated $ith the document 'he !oal of this course is to present the different "isual reco!nition tasks and the techniJues used to sol"e them ;ome ke&$ords( 6eatures# ima!e similarit&# scene understandin!# interest points# ;I6'# *a! of $ords# ima!e representation and learnin! models

About the professor 3%rOme Da Ru!na recei"ed his :;c in =omputer ;cience from +cole <ormale ;up%rieure de L&on# 6rance# in 1AA7 ,t >ni"ersit& of ;aint7+tienne he recei"ed his M;c in ima!e processin! in 1AAA and his /hd in =omputer ;cience and ima!e processin! in 2004 -e $orked 4 &ears at >ni"ersit& of ;aint7+tienne# 6rance# as assistant7professor ;ince 200C# he is lecturer and researcher at +;ILV in =omputer ;cience In 201L# he $as named head of +;ILV computer science department -e teaches o*5ect7oriented pro!rammin!# !raph theor& and al!orithms and multimedia information processin! -is research focuses on *i! data# ima!e data*ases and social net$orks

Alternative funding in video ga&e industry : fo!us on !rowdfunding #y (rofessor )arole 5aure Institut de lKInternet et du -ulti&Jdia 3Jonard de /in!i" (aris 3a *Jfense
Abstra!t ,lternati"e fundin! solutions like Bickstarter in >;, and >lule# M& ma5or =ompan& and Biss Biss :ank :ank in +urope pro"ed their efficienc&# as lon! as studios understand the lo!ic of the tool and ho$ to use it 7=ro$dfundin! is not onl& for *i! pro5ects ( G0Q of the pro5ects are under 20000 S 7World$ide Market for =ro$dfundin! $as around 2 *illions >;D in 201L 6or*es sa&s it should reach 100 *illion >;D in 4 to G &ears from no$ 7+urope offers !reat opportunities to launch ne$ pro5ects $ith alternati"e fundin! (cro$dfundin! is not the onl&one solution# itKs one of the solutions# $hich comes as a complement for other solutions

About the professor =arole 6aure is in char!e of "ideo !ame department at the Institute of Internet and Multimedia and director of "ideo !ame mana!ement speciali?ed M:, since 200A ;heEs teachin! since 2000 "arious courses ( pro5ect mana!ement# "ideo !ame market# mo*ile market ;heEs speciali?ed in entrepreneurship in mo*ile application and "ideo !ame ;heEs also co7founder of a mo*ile ad"er!amin! compan&# ellefan# since 2011 and or!ani?e each &ear an e"ent on ad"er!amin! .=onf%rence 5eu "ideo 9 marketin!2 ,fter *ein! /roduct mana!er for Info!rames .L &ears2# ;enior producer for ;on&7/s&!nosis .C &ears2# she $as =+1 9 co7founder of Baolink# a mo*ile !ames pu*lisher ;he mana!ed Baolink for C &ears *efore Minsdcape acJuisition in 200C ,*out IIM and ;peciali?ed M:, Video 0ame Mana!ement ( Institute of Internet and Multimedia $as created in 1AAG and is toda& the first multimedia school in 6rance $ith CG0 students in 201L 'he Video 0ame Mana!ement ;pecialised M:, is a professional pro!ramme $ithin the di!ital entertainement field 1ur students are $orkin! toda& as producers# product mana!ers or *usiness de"eloppers for international pu*lishers or "ideo!ames studio ;e"eral of them founded their o$n !ame studio

:nowledge -anage&ent for Engineering #y (rofH 9ean ,oh&er E!ole 1upJrieure d7IngJnieurs 3Jonard de /in!i" (aris 3a *Jfense (aris 3a *Jfense
Abstra!t Bno$led!e Mana!ement .BM2 as a concept and practice started in the earl& 1AA0Ks It follo$ed another kno$led!e7intensi"e acti"it&# +Ipert ;&stems# $hich emer!ed as part of ,rtificial Intelli!ence .,I2 earlier in the 1AC0Ks 3ean Rohmer $as instrumental in these t$o "entures( he conducted "er& lar!e eIpert s&stems pro5ects Wlike ;,=-+M for steel furnaces# then desi!end and marketed ID+LI,<=+# a semantic tool for kno$led!e representation 'he We* 2 0 era# $ith mo*ile communication de"ices and u*iJuitous information resources# tends to !i"e priorit& to real time# instant dialo!ue# $ith the risk of for!ettin! the past and i!norin! the future 'he lecture $ill eIpose the fundamentals of kno$led!e representation# the or!anisational and social aspects of kno$led!e acJuisition# formali?ation and sharin! It $ill stress the differences and complementarit& *et$een personal kno$led!e mana!ement# team BM# and corporate BM We $ill also consider the links *et$een BM and ;&stem +n!ineerin! approaches# like Model Dri"en +n!ineerin! and Model Dri"en ,rchitecture

About the professor 6irst a researcher at 0reno*le >ni"ersit& and I<RI, in /aris# speciali?ed in data*ases and parallel architectures# 3ean Rohmer# docteur dE+tat %s ;ciences7 created the ,rtificial Intelli!ence acti"ities .*oth research and *usiness2 in 0roupe :ull -e founded and mana!ed ID+LI,<=+ ;,# $hich deli"ered BM solutions for *lue chip companies -e then $orked $ith '-,L+;# in the field of Militar& Intelli!ence ,pplications -e $as chairman of the <,'1 Work!roup on information fusion

European 5inan!ial -arkets and -onetary (oli!y #y (rofH 9ean8Etienne )arlotti E!ole de -anage&ent 3Jonard de /in!i" (aris 3a *Jfense

Abstra!t 'he introduction of the euro has fundamentall& chan!ed the economic polic& of the euro area countries 'he introduction of a sin!le currenc& is a lon! process and is naturall& incomplete due to difficulties to !et political a!reements 'he economic and financial crisis and especiall& the de*t crisis ha"e accelerated the construction of the sin!le currenc& *& reor!ani?in! the fiscal s&stem and transformin! the ;ta*ilit& /act +=: implemented non7standard monetar& policies to support these institutional efforts 'his seminar aims to !i"e students a "ision of the structural pro*lems in the euro ?one includin! difficulties of mana!in! current account im*alances $ithin the euro area in the conteIt of a sin!le currenc& It also aims to eIplain the implemented measures to settle pro*lems and make dura*le the euro ?one 'he course can *e summari?ed in a *rief presentation .Gh2 of monetar& union pro*lems and ho$ to resol"e them It can also *e a"aila*le in a lon!er "ersion .up to 1Ch2 includin! the specific features of monetar& polic& and fiscal polic& in a sin!le currenc& conteIt , focus can *e done on eIchan!e rate polic& and re!imes

About the professor 3ean7+tienne =arlotti is a former =apital Market ;trate!ist on -;:= tradin! floor and $as a consultant for the Inter7,merican De"elopment :ank in Washin!ton D= -e is currentl& ,ssociate /rofessor in char!e of the master 6inancial Market at +cole de Mana!ement L%onard de Vinci D%fense .courses in Deri"ati"es# +conomics# ;tatistics2# lecturer at the >ni"ersit& of /aris7;ud 11 .courses in Macroeconomics# 6inancial Markets# +conometrics2 37+ =arlotti is also a consultant for -+= +Iecuti"e +ducation .6inancial Markets 9 +conomic situation2 and is often in"ited to lecture on 6inancial Markets# +conomics and ;tatistics *& =hinese >ni"ersities -is research focus is on monetar& and fiscal issues in the conteIt of sin!le currenc& and are carried out in colla*oration $ith >; economists at Washin!ton D=

1ales -anage&ent #y (rofH (hilippe )offre E!ole de -anage&ent 3Jonard de /in!i" (aris 3a *Jfense

Abstra!t ;ales trainin! starts $ith client disco"er&# usual resistances and ans$ers to difficult situations 'he students learn ho$ to mana!e o*5ections# *uild efficient sales calls and ne!otiate from traditional shopkeeper to an industrial purchaser Mana!ement of ke& accounts and sales plannin! $ill !i"e a strate!ic perspecti"e to the students 'his module presents different sales functions# their or!ani?ation and the correspondin! recruitment methods It sho$s the importance of moti"ation tools# team animation# sales lo!istics and salespeople e"aluation

About the professor 7 M:, Bello!! 0raduate ;chool of Mana!ement $ith <orth$estern >ni"ersit& .=hica!o2# /hD in Mana!ement from Dauphine >ni"ersit& and /hD in Mana!ement ;ciences from /ierre Mend4s 6rance >ni"ersit& in 0reno*le# former head of marketin! ser"ices $ith Merck ;harp and Dohme =hi*ret# LiJuid ,ir .human# animal and plant health health2# /rocter and 0am*le# co7founder of ,Z /romotions .*ecomen =/M then 1mnicom# $orld leader of ad"ertisin!2 7 /hilippe =offre is currentl& /ole >ni"ersitaire Leonard de Vinci ./aris 7 La Defense2 /rofessor# in char!e of :usiness and <e!otiation# 6rost 9 ;ulli"an speaker in London ,uthor of man& *ooks on ;ales and <e!otiation $ith eduitors such as Dunod# <athan# 6oundation 3 ./aridoc2 and Re? +ditoria for :ra?il and /ortu!al# he tau!ht $ith +<,# +cole =entrale# -+=F I+;+0# +;;+= and Dauphine >ni"ersit& ,*out <e!otiation# he is currentl& in"ited in ,ustralia# Indies# ,merica# +urope and /acific Islands *& :usinesses and >ni"ersities for =onferences 7 T+uropean ;cholar of the &ear 2007U *& the ,cadem& for 0lo*al ,d"ancement and ,sian Mana!ement ,ssociation 7 <amed =he"alier .Bni!ht2 in the <ational 1rder of the Le!ion of -onor *& /rime Minister de Villepin# 7 =ertificate of =ommendation for +Icellence in a research paper at the ,cadem& of World :usiness# Marketin! and Mana!ement De"elopment in :udapest# -un!ar&

/alues" -otivation" )o&&it&ent and Ethi!al -anage&ent #y (rofH -i!hel *al&as E!ole de -anage&ent 3Jonard de /in!i" (aris 3a *Jfense

Abstra!t -istoricall&# the stud& of *usiness ethics has taken a philosophical or normati"e approach addressin! the Juestion( TWhat is .un2ethical *eha"ior U More recentl&# scholars in the emer!in! field of *eha"ioral ethics .see 're"ino# Wea"er# 9 Re&nolds# 200H for a re"ie$2 take an empirical approach and eIamine the Juestion( TWhen and $h& are people .un2ethicalRU 0i"en the plethora of recent hi!h7profile corporate scandals# understandin! $h& people en!a!e in .un2ethical *eha"iour is of utmost importance to or!ani?ations and to societ& more !enerall& I tr& to stud& *oth unethical and ethical .e ! en"ironmental conser"ation2 *eha"iour as outcomes of interest

About the professor =ourse 1*5ecti"es( -uman Resource De"elopment# 1r!ani?ational :eha"iour# +thical mana!ement# Workin! =onditions Main fields of research( Indi"idual "alues and or!ani?ational =ulture#=orporate ;ocial Responsi*ilit&# +conomic de"elopment and human resource mana!ement# +thical Mana!ement# =ase $ritin! Durin! G &ars# he $as director of a medical compleI .1G0 persons2 7 Definition of the politic& of the association 7 Responsi*le for the recruitment process 7 =ommercial de"elopment 6irst at all# he $as eIecuti"e mana!er for '1',L ;, for G &ears 6iIation of prices in petrol and !as stations e"er& da& Marketin! in stations for customers 6ollo$ up of the Jualit& process I;1 A000

7 7 7

-e is presentl&,ssociate /rofessor in the +cole de Mana!ement L%onard de Vinci at La Defense# in /aris# and is often in"ited to lecture on professional or!ani?ations .,<DR-# etc 2

Entrepreneurship #y (rofH +hierry 5abiani E!ole de -anage&ent 3Jonard de /in!i" (aris 3a *Jfense

Abstra!t =ourse 1*5ecti"es( De"elop the kno$led!e and skills necessar& to formulate# implement and control marketin! strate!ies# $ithin the conteIt of the eIternal en"ironment of ;M:s( 7 7 7 7 ,nal&sin! the market De"elopin! marketin! strate!ies /lannin! marketin! pro!rams De"elopin! marketin! strate!ies

About the professor /rof 'hierr& 6a*iani acted as the -ead of Marketin! at ><IL+V+R ,!ri!el# $here he $as in char!e of strate!& and marketin! action plans and the implementation of the =RM department -e $as in"ol"ed in the mana!ement of operational marketin! and mana!ed teams $ithin ><IL+V+R ,!ri!el himself# as $ell as creatin! the in7compan& centre for sales trainin! 'hierr& 6a*iani is -ead of the +ntrepreneurship Department at /Ole >ni"ersitaire Leonard de Vinci -e super"ises student entrepreneurship pro5ects and help them de"elop their marketin! and sales strate!& -e is currentl& researchin! the impact of *usiness incu*ators on the performance of start7ups

Web (roje!t -anage&ent #y (rofessor 0adia 9ouini E!ole de -anage&ent 3Jonard de /in!i" (aris 3a *Jfense
'his course is desi!ned to !i"e students an understandin! of the *asic principles of We* 2 0 and mo*ile marketin!# and of *uildin! and mana!in! +7commerce and M7commerce We*sites Learnin! outcomes( =o!niti"eDIntellectual skills .!eneric2 'he student is eIpected to( 7 >nderstand strate!ic and technical aspects of di!ital marketin! 7 Master the ke& principles of mana!in! We* pro5ects 7 De"elop a critical anal&sis of strate!ic and technical aspects of usin! ne$ technolo!ies 7 ,nticipate inno"ations# e"olutions and de"elopments on the Internet /ractical skills .su*5ect specific2 'he student is eIpected to( 7 Re"ie$ current $e*site de"elopment7specific techniJues and methodolo!ies 7 Master the ke& success factors for We* pro5ects and user adoption 7 >nderstand the role of er!onomics and user eIperience 7 Master some tools for creatin! We* desi!n Wireframes

About the professor ;ince 2010 7 <adia 31>I<I is an ,ssociate /rofessor in at +cole de Mana!ement L%onard de Vinci# $here she teaches We* /ro5ect Mana!ement# +7*usiness and Information ;&stems Mana!ement 0raduated from /aris Dauphine >ni"ersit& and currentl& a /hD candidate# her specialties are Information 'echnolo!ies +"aluation and Values# and =onsumer ,doption of 'echnolo!ies

*oing #usiness in #ra%il: )hallenges and .pportunities fro& an International -arketing (erspe!tive #y (rofH -ar!os 3i&a E!ole de -anage&ent 3Jonard de /in!i" (aris 3a *Jfense

Abstra!t :ra?il is amon! the most d&namic economies of the 21st centur& and is re!arded# alon! $ith Russia# India and =hina# as one of the hot*eds for !ro$th in the foreseea*le future -o$e"er# understandin! :ra?ilEs *usiness en"ironment can *e a dauntin! task 'he countr&Es historical tra5ector& is used as a *ack!round to understand :ra?ilian societ& and culture# as $ell as its economic# political and le!al en"ironments 'his course eIplores the *asic principles of international marketin! adaptation and standardisation to stimulate student discussions a*out the main *arriers and opportunities in ;outh ,mericaEs leadin! econom&

About the professor +ither as a consultant or as a *usiness lecturer in colle!es and uni"ersities# Marcos Lima has li"ed# $orked or studied in such different cultural en"ironments as :ra?il# the >;,# ,ustria# 0erman& and no$ 6rance 1"er the past t$ent& &ears he has $orked as a consultant and tau!ht under7 !raduate and M:, courses in the fields of 'echnolo!& and Inno"ation Mana!ement# 1r!ani?ational 'heor&# International Marketin! and Intercultural Mana!ement Durin! four &ears# he $as director of the ;al"ador 'echnolo!& /ark pro5ect in :ra?il# ha"in! or!anised hi!h le"el *enchmarkin! trips to inno"ation clusters in ,merica# +urope and ,sia -e founded and directed =licom =onsultin! Ltd# ha"in! $orked $ith such international companies as =arrefour and /i??a -ut -e is presentl& ,ssociate /rofessor and :2: Marketin! 1ption =oordinator in the +cole de Mana!ement L%onard de Vinci at La Defense# in /aris# and is often in"ited to lecture on Inno"ation# Marketin! and Intercultural mana!ement at partner institutions in 6rance

2nderstanding World E!ono&y after the 200C !risis: lessons fro& e!ono&i!s #y (rofessor 1ylvie -atelly E!ole de -anage&ent 3Jonard de /in!i" (aris 3a *Jfense
;ince the end of the ;econd World War# cross7*order mo"ements of !oods# ser"ice# technolo!& and capital ha"e !ro$n# increasin! economic interdependence of national economies across the $orld =onseJuentl&# markets# financial institutions# firms and the $orld econom& ha"e *een !lo*ali?in! In that frame$ork# economic !lo*ali?ation can *e "ie$ed as either a positi"e or a ne!ati"e phenomenon It has permitted a rapid and constant economic !ro$th in countries that ha"e taken part of the process *ut it has also accelerated the human consumption of resources multipl&in! scarcities and increased prices It has carried the mass7consumption de"elopment *ut it has also supported an unsustaina*le eIpansion of credit and the formation of speculati"e *u**les It has allo$ed the rise of emer!in! economies *ut also of ineJualities *et$een countries and $ithin them 'he present crisis is not onl& an economic or financial ones# it is also a s&stemic crisis It ma& lead us to Juestion to *etter understand the 0lo*ali?ation process# its stren!ths and $eaknesses *ecause our future depends on that understandin! +conomics !i"e us some eIplanations and trails 'he o*5ecti"e of the course is to assist students to understand .*& themsel"es2 the World +conom& and the lessons economics and economic anal&sis pro"ide to that understandin! Man& topics $ill *e approached( financial markets eIpansion and conseJuences# Multinational compan& strate!ies in a !lo*al econom&# ;tates and policies in an interdependent $orld# the +uro crisis# :RI=s and emer!in! countr& challen!es) 'he course ma& *e interacti"e# promotin! eIchan!e "ie$s and de*ates# illustrated *& audio and "ideo supports

About the professor ;ince 200A 7 /rofessor and Director of the Department of +conomics and International Relations 7 +MLV .+cole de Mana!ement L%onard de Vinci 2 7 /aris La D%fense In char!e to mana!e the Master in ;ustaina*le De"elopment 'eachin! in International econom& and mana!ement ;ince 2001 7 +conomist# ;enior Research 6ello$ 7 IRI; .Institut de Relations Internationales et ;trate!iJues2 7 /aris In char!e of researches and studies in International and Defence econom& In char!e of the IRI; Master TInternational +conom& and ;trate!ic Intelli!enc&U Mem*er of the +ditorial =ommittee of the TRe"ue Internationale et ;trat%!iJueU

#usiness in a globali%ed world Introdu!tion to the European 2nion #y (rofH #astien 0ivet E!ole de -anage&ent 3Jonard de /in!i" (aris 3a *Jfense
Abstra!t #usiness in a globali%ed world 'his course aims at raisin! the a$areness of students of the possi*le impact of !lo*ali?ation and international relations on the practice and e"olution of *usiness In so doin!# the skills tar!eted are( 7 ,cJuisition of a *asic kno$led!e and a$areness of the theoretical and operational de*ates on !lo*ali?ation# 7 ,$areness and kno$led!e of the multifaceted impacts of international trends and e"ents on *usiness( securit&# market e"olution# le!al constraints# etc 7 ,*ilit& to anticipate# unders7 tand and react to international e"olutions# e"ents and trends 'he main peda!o!ical o*5ecti"es are( 7 =apacit& of students to inte!rate the international arena into their dail& "ision# reflection and action on their professional field# 7 Bno$led!e and capacit& to inte7 !rate into a personal reflection the "arious implications of !lo*ali?ation on *usiness( securit&# *usi7 ness opportunities and threats# le!al opportunities and threats# etc

About the professor :astien <i"et holds a /hD in /olitics -e is lecturer in International relations and +uropean affairs at the +cole de mana!ement Leonard de Vinci ./aris2# and associate research fello$ at the /aris *ased Institute for international relations and strate!& .IRI;2 -e is the author of numerous polic&7 oriented or academic research and pu*lications on the +uropean >nion and international relations

#alan!ed 1!ore!ards #y (rofH 9ill +ynan Want% E!ole de -anage&ent 3Jonard de /in!i" (aris 3a *Jfense

Abstra!t More and more a$are that financial indicators are 5ust one facet of *usiness performance measurement and that strate!ic plannin! in"ol"es interaction *et$een customer satisfaction# optimisation of human resources and *usiness process impro"ement 'he :alanced scorecard# a mana!ement s&stem# ena*les or!ani?ations to clarif& their "ision and strate!& and translate them into action plans It pro"ides feed*ack around *oth the internal *usiness processes and eIternal outcomes in order to continuousl& impro"e strate!ic performance and results When full& deplo&ed# the *alanced scorecard transforms strate!ic plannin! from an academic eIercise into the ner"e center of an enterprise

About the professor ,ssociate professor at +MLV# department of finance# 3ill '&nan is responsi*le for the Master of Mana!ement =ontrol and Information ;&stems ;he has an international *ack!round ha"in! $orked in Du*lin# <e$ @ork and /aris as mana!ement controller :ilin!ual +n!lish76rench

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