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roducL promouon ls one of Lhe necesslues for gemng your brand ln fronL of Lhe
publlc and auracung new cusLomers. 1here are numerous ways Lo promoLe a producL
or servlce. Some companles use more Lhan one meLhod, whlle oLhers may use
dlerenL meLhods for dlerenL markeung purposes. 8egardless of your company's
producL or servlce, a sLrong seL of promouonal sLraLegles can help posluon your
company ln a favorable llghL wlLh noL only currenL cusLomers buL new ones as well.
ConLesLs are a frequenLly used promouonal sLraLegy. Many conLesLs don'L even
requlre a purchase. 1he ldea ls Lo promoLe your brand and puL your logo and name ln
fronL of Lhe publlc raLher Lhan make money Lhrough a hard-sell campalgn. eople llke
Lo wln prlzes. Sponsorlng conLesLs can brlng auenuon Lo your producL wlLhouL
company overLness.

Soclal medla webslLes such as lacebook and Coogle+ oer companles a way Lo
promoLe producLs and servlces ln a more relaxed envlronmenL. 1hls ls dlrecL
markeung aL lLs besL. Soclal neLworks connecL wlLh a world of poLenual cusLomers
LhaL can vlew your company from a dlerenL perspecuve. 8aLher Lhan seelng your
company as "Lrylng Lo sell" someLhlng, Lhe soclal neLwork can see a company LhaL ls
ln Louch wlLh people on a more personal level. 1hls can help lessen Lhe dlvlde
beLween Lhe company and Lhe buyer, whlch ln Lurn presenLs a more appeallng and
famlllar lmage of Lhe company.

CusLomers who come lnLo your buslness are noL Lo be overlooked. 1hese cusLomers
have already declded Lo purchase your producL. WhaL can be helpful ls gemng
personal lnformauon from Lhese cusLomers. Cer a free producL or servlce ln
exchange for Lhe lnformauon. 1hese are cusLomers who are already famlllar wlLh
your company and represenL Lhe LargeL audlence you wanL Lo markeL your new
producLs Lo.

roducL glveaways and allowlng poLenual cusLomers Lo sample a producL are
meLhods used oen by companles Lo lnLroduce new food and household producLs.
Many of Lhese companles sponsor ln-sLore promouons, glvlng away producL samples
Lo enuce Lhe buylng publlc lnLo Lrylng new producLs.

olnL-of-sale and end-cap markeung are ways of selllng producL and promoung lLems
ln sLores. 1he ldea behlnd Lhls promouonal sLraLegy ls convenlence and lmpulse. 1he
end cap, whlch slLs aL Lhe end of alsles ln grocery sLores, feaLures producLs a sLore
wanLs Lo promoLe or move qulckly. 1hls producL ls posluoned so lL ls easlly accesslble
Lo Lhe cusLomer. olnL-of-sale ls a way Lo promoLe new producLs or producLs a sLore
needs Lo move. 1hese lLems are placed near Lhe checkouL ln Lhe sLore and are oen
purchased by consumers on lmpulse as Lhey walL Lo be checked ouL.
An ln-sLore cusLomer appreclauon evenL wlLh free refreshmenLs and door prlzes wlll
draw cusLomers lnLo Lhe sLore. Lmphasls on Lhe appreclauon parL of Lhe evenL, wlLh
no purchase of anyLhlng necessary, ls an eecuve way Lo draw noL only currenL
cusLomers buL also poLenual cusLomers Lhrough Lhe door. lzza, hoL dogs and soda
are lnexpenslve food lLems LhaL can be used Lo make Lhe evenL more auracuve.
Semng up convenlenL producL dlsplays before Lhe launch of Lhe evenL wlll ensure Lhe
producLs you wanL Lo promoLe are hlghly vlslble when Lhe cusLomers arrlve.

1he cusLomer referral lncenuve program ls a way Lo encourage currenL cusLomers Lo
refer new cusLomers Lo your sLore. lree producLs, blg dlscounLs and cash rewards are
some of Lhe lncenuves you can use. 1hls ls a promouonal sLraLegy LhaL leverages your
cusLomer base as a sales force.
ConLacung cusLomers by Lelephone or Lhrough Lhe mall aer a sale ls a promouonal
sLraLegy LhaL puLs Lhe lmporLance of cusLomer sausfacuon rsL whlle leavlng Lhe door
open for a promouonal opporLunlLy. Skllled salespeople make survey calls Lo
cusLomers Lo gaLher lnformauon LhaL can laLer be used for markeung by asklng
quesuons relaung Lo Lhe way Lhe cusLomers feel abouL Lhe producLs and servlces
purchased. 1hls serves Lhe dual purpose of promoung your company as one LhaL
cares whaL Lhe cusLomer Lhlnks and one LhaL ls always sLrlvlng Lo provlde Lhe besL
servlce and producL.


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