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Caraga State University

Cabadbaran Campus, Cabadbaran City Department of Industrial Technology and Teacher Education Course Syllabus in Information Technology I (IT 1)

Part I:

Vision !ission "oals and #$%ectives

A premier institution of higher learning in Caraga Region committed to global excellence in science and technology, and humanities towards sustainable development !ission: Caraga State "niversity is committed to the four#fold functions $%uality instruction, research, extension, and production& of higher education by: 'roviding %uality and relevant education in science and technology, and humanities( *oals: .b/ectives: +o provide a dynamic and %uality education thru efficient delivery of instruction in all curricular programs +o expand relevant curricular programs, which are in line with the current re%uirements to complement the needs of industries +o enhance scholarly activities and research capability of faculty and students +o produce degree and ladderi,ed program graduates who are technologically s)illful and globally competitive +o develop lin)ages and partnerships with the local and national communities, lin)ages of Research and -xtension and -xternal Affairs and university alumni +o create a culture of environmental consciousness, strong sense of values and responsiveness +o adopt an attractive admission and retention policies to effect enrollment increase +o support in the promotion of production of goods and services Developing competent individuals who are scientifically trained, technologically s)illed, and morally upright( Contributing in the creation of an eco#friendly and healthy environment( 'articipating actively in transnational collaboration, industry lin)ages and global networ)s

+o facilitate an ongoing faculty development and close monitoring system of faculty performance +o review 0 offer programs focusing on the needs of the region and global mar)et +o expose the faculty and students to seminars and mentoring in research in Science, +echnology and other disciplines to increase their s)ills

+o e%uip the faculty with ade%uate )nowledge, s)ills thru trainings, scholarships and seminars and ac%uire modern facilities to insure high percentage of 1-+ and +-SDA competency passers +o establish lin)ages in 2ndustries, 1*", -ducational 2nstitutions and other -stablishments to support in the implementation of programs li)e 2nformation +echnology, +ourism 0 3otel and Restaurant !anagement and -ngineering +o promote a clean, green and bloom premises and eco#friendly environment +o expand student scholarship opportunities by allocating appropriate funds and generate grants 4 supports from lin)ages +o encourage livelihood activities for socio#economic development of the community

Part II: Subject Details COURSE COURSE TITLE COURSE DESCRIPTION IT 1 Computer Concepts and Fundamentals This course ser es as an introduction to computers as data processin! tools" This includes the discussion on the capa#ilities and limitations o$ computers% classi$ication o$ computer s&stem% and $unctions o$ each component% the Internet% and the latest trends in the in$ormation technolo!&" 'ost o$ the time is de oted to de elopin! the students( technical s)ills in o$$ice automation tools" * Units .t the end o$ the course% the students 2ill #e a#le to3 1" 4no2 and appreciate computers as a tool to automate o$$ice 2or)s and sol in! pro#lems $or people $or manipulatin! it correctl&" 2" .c5uire technical s)ills in manipulatin! the #asic operations o$ the computer" *" De elop manual de6terit& in 2ord processin!% spreadsheets% and sur$in! Internet" 7" .dapt to the 2or)in! en ironment in the in$ormation technolo!& Time Instructional 'ode o$ E aluati e Frame Speci$ic O#;ecti es 'aterials and 1alues Instructions 'easures 89ours: Resources Oral Recitation Personal dri e 2 1" 'emori<e The Lecture=Discussi Course S&lla#us and hard2or) Institute 'ission and on usin! Slide Determination 1ision Presentation 2" Relate to personal !oals and o#;ecti es


Topic I" Orientation ." 'ission and 1ision o$ the Institute /" Colle!e -oals and O#;ecti es C" Course S&lla#us

D" Class Policies II" O er ie2 o$ Computers and In$ormation Technolo!& ." De$inition o$ Terms /" Electronic Data Processin! and their Components C" 9ard2are and its $unctions D" So$t2are E" People2are F" Capa#ilities and limitations o$ computer -" Computer Net2or)s 9" Client ser er and the #ene$its o$ computer net2or)s III" Num#er s&stem ." /inar& num#er s&stem o Si!ned o Unsi!ned /" Octal num#er s&stem C" 9e6adecimal num#er s&stem 1II" Num#er s&stem con ersion ." Decimal to /inar& /" Decimal to Octal C" Decimal to 9e6adecimal D" To an& num#er s&stem E" Shortcut 'ethod o$ con ersion 1" Presentation ." Usin! the .pplication



1" De$ine and Di$$erentiate Data and In$ormation 2" Discuss the Data Processin! Concepts *" E6plain the Computer S&stem Components

Lecture=Discussi on usin! Slide Presentation

Te6t#oo) E+#oo) Researched materials $rom internet

Oral Recitation ,ui<<es

Perse erance 9ard 2or)

Midterm 12 Learnin! the lan!ua!e o$ computer To learn num#er s&stem"

Lecture=Discussi on usin! Slide Presentation Demonstration lecture

Te6t#oo) E+#oo) Researched materials $rom internet

Oral Recitation ,ui<<es La#orator& E6ercises

Perse erance 9ard 2or)


To learn ho2 to con ert num#er s&stem to an& num#er s&stem

Lecture=Discussi on usin! Slide Presentation Demonstration lecture

Te6t#oo) E+#oo) Researched materials $rom internet

Oral Recitation ,ui<<es La#orator& E6ercises

Perse erance 9ard 2or)

1" Create presentation slides o$ a topic



Oral Recitation

Perse erance

/" De elopin! Presentation C" Te6t and Ima!es D" Chart = -raphs = Dra2n O#;ects 1I" Spreadsheets ." Creatin! ?or)sheets /" Editin! 2or)sheets = cells C" Formattin! ?or)sheets D" Usin! Formula and Functions E" Creatin! and Printin! Charts F" 'ana!in! Data a" Sortin! #" Filterin! 1II" Internet ." O er ie2 and De$inition o$ terms /" Internet .rchitecture C" Internet Ser ices D" Internet Ser ice Pro ider E" ?e# /ro2sin! F" Findin! In$ormation on the Internet -" E+mail 1III" C&#er Securit& ." O er ie2 /" Net2or) Securit& Incidents C" Impro in! Securit& D" 9ome Net2or) Securit&


on usin! Slide Presentation Demonstration lecture 1" Create $iles that can store and compute data usin! spreadsheets such as class records Lecture=Discussi on usin! Slide Presentation Demonstration lecture

E+#oo) Researched materials $rom internet Te6t#oo) E+#oo) Researched materials $rom internet

,ui<<es La#orator& E6ercises

9ard 2or)


Oral Recitation ,ui<<es La#orator& E6ercises

Perse erance 9ard 2or)



1" Identi$& the parts o$ the 2e# #ro2sers 8Internet E6plorer% 'o<illa Fire$o6: 2" Create% Send and Repl& an E+mail

Lecture=Discussi on usin! Slide Presentation Demonstration lecture

Te6t#oo) E+#oo) Researched materials $rom internet

Oral Recitation ,ui<<es La#orator& E6ercises

Perse erance 9ard 2or)

1" De$ine Internet Securit& 11

Lecture=Discussi on usin! Slide Presentation Demonstration lecture

Te6t#oo) E+#oo) Researched materials $rom internet

Oral Recitation ,ui<<es

Perse erance 9ard 2or)

IA" In$ormation Ethics ." O er ie2 /" Intellectual Propert& C" Pri ac& D" The Ten Commandments O$ Computer Ethics E" Neti5uette


1" De$ine and Di$$erentiate Ethics and La2s 2" 'emori<e and E6plain the 1> Commandments o$ Computer Ethics

Lecture=Discussi on usin! Slide Presentation Demonstration lecture

Te6t#oo) E+#oo) Researched materials $rom internet

Oral Recitation ,ui<<es

Perse erance 9ard 2or)

A" Additional Resources3 Introduction o$ Computin! La2s" . aila#le Online The Neti5uette /asic" . aila#le Online" Equipment Personal Computer% LCD Pro;ector% ?hite /oard% and Pen References 1" The European Computer Dri in! License Foundation Ltd"% European Computer Dri in! License 'anual% Ireland% 2>>B 2" 'c Daniel -eor!e" I/' Dictionar& o$ Computin!" Ne2 Cor) 3 'c-R.?+9ILL Inc"% 1DD7 *" La2son% 0enn&" In$ormation Technolo!&" En!land 3 .ddison ?esle& Lon!man% 1DDE 7" ?illiams% /rian 4" Sa2&er% Stace& C"% and 9utchinson% Sarah E" Usin! In$ormation Technolo!&" Chica!o3 Richard D" Ir2in% Inc"% 1DD@ XI. riteria for !radin"

Major E#aminations A ADEMI S$%&E 'S Major E#aminations S()P *A%)R+')R+ S$%&E 'S Prelim E6am 2>F Prelim E6am 1@F 'idterm E6am 2>F 'idterm E6am 1@F Final E6am 2>F Final E6am *>F .cti it&= Pro#lem Sets 7>F Pro;ect =Per$ormance *>F .cti it&=,ui<<es 1>F The $inal !rade correspondin! to the student(s !eneral a era!e is !i en in the ta#le #elo23 !E,ERA* A-ERA!E DE G 1>> FI,A* !RADE 1">

D7 G DB D1 G D* HH G D> H@ G HE H2 G H7 ED G H1 EB G EH E@ Conditional Incomplete Failed Dropped In Pro!ress Prepared #&3 &A.$E*)$ * *),') ) Lecturer

1"2@ 1"@> 1"E@ 2"> 2"2@ 2"@> 2"E@ *">> 7">> INC @">> DRP In pro!"

Chec)ed #&3

Recommendin! .ppro al3

.ppro ed3

*E),I*) M. DE*IMA Dept" Chairman

ARA E*I R. MA,DI,./Ed.D. *)*I'A P. MARA!A0AS./Ed.D. 9ead% .cademic .$$airs Campus% Dean

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