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8204 8alLlmore Ave., vlew l unlL 9268 ! College ark, Mu, 20740 ! 301-783-3230 ! adavld17[
.4+*%5"+6& 78 9)5&$)4, College ark, Mu
8achelor of ArLs, CommunlcaLlon and uance LxpecLed May 2014
CA: 3.6

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9)5?%6+4@ )4, /7AAB4+C)6+74" 146%54 WashlngLon, u.C.
!"#$%&'() +,$ -.# !$-) !anuary 2014-presenL
CreaLe MarkeLlng lan for Cnllne 8ooksLore, WrlLe plLch emall abouL Amerlcans for Lhe ArLs Annual ConvenLlon
urafL soclal medla conLenL for ArL ln Lhe news sLorles, A81Sblog posLs and Lhe 8ooksLore MarkeLlng lan
1rack and analyze 2013 analyLlcs on MagneL Mall for four dlfferenL eblasLs
WrlLe news Summarles for ArL ln Lhe news sLorles, manage blog posLs for A81Sblog, edlL web and prlnL conLenL such as ArLs Llnk
magazlne and varlous eblasLs
9%,+) 146%54 vlrLual
/0'(&#$)1,$2 !anuary 2012-presenL
MalnLaln, formaL and blog for 4dancers webslLe uslng Wordress
Manage soclal medla: lacebook and 1wlLLer
neLwork and llnk bulld wlLh oLher dance blogs
WrlLe performance revlews and conducL lnLervlews wlLh sLudenLs/arLlsLs for web feaLure sLorles
>5%""D-,+675+)$ 146%54 8eckeL, MA
3'&,45) 6%77,8 0'(&# 9#)-%:'7 May 2013-AugusL 2013
Managed medla relaLlons for Lhe uorls uuke 1heaLre as llalson for [ournallsLs vlslLlng Lhe lllow
urafLed and edlLed press releases, show programs and medla advlsorles, creaLed press packeLs
Worked ln box offlce Lo earn more Lhan $2 mllllon ln LlckeL sales
Cave hlsLorlcal Lours Lo paLrons and creaLed lnLeracLlve kld's Lour for communlLy days
;%"%)5C# !""+"6)46 College ark, Mu
;(%:#$)%-< ,+ ='$<7'(>? 0#@'$-"#(- ,+ A,""B(%&'-%,( !anuary 2013-May 2013
AsslsLed h.u. candldaLe wlLh focus groups by vldeo and audlo recordlng
1ranscrlbed more Lhan 30, 1- 1.3 hour lnLervlews
ueLermlned common Lrends and Lhemes beLween conLenL dlscussed ln lnLervlews
>BE$+C ;%$)6+74"D 9)5?%6+4@ 146%54 WashlngLon, u.C.
A%-<0'(&# May 2012-SepLember 2012
ueslgned and wroLe conLenL for markeLlng and press maLerlals such as press releases, medla advlsorles and newsleLLers
CreaLed press klL and dlglLal medla archlve
CeneraLed monLhly eblasLs vla ConsLanL ConLacL
uanced ln lall 2012 ClLyuance laculLy Show, C9DEFG HIFIJKFL B(>#$ ,(# B"4$#77'M
.4,%5@5),B)6% !""+"6)46 67 (+5%C675 78 9)5?%6+4@ )4, /7AAB4+C)6+74" College ark, Mu
A,77#2# ,+ !$-) '(> GB"'(%-%#) uecember 2011-uecember 2013
updaLed College of ArLs and PumanlLles webslLe: news, evenLs, phoLos and vldeos
WroLe news Leasers, press releases, feaLures and announcemenLs
Managed soclal medla: lacebook, 1wlLLer, lllckr and vlmeo, lmplemenLed
ConducLed medla relaLlons ln Lhe WashlngLon u.C. area for all of Lhe College's evenLs

>5%"+,%46J ;= ;(N,B(> 0'(&# O#'" May 2013-presenL
/7AA+66%% 9%AE%5J ='$<7'(> F-B>#(-) +,$ -.# !$-) !>:%),$< A,B(&%7 !anuary 2013-presenL
>%5875A%5J Maryland uance ueparLmenL !anuary 2013-presenL
HK%C+)$ -*%46" /775,+4)675 )4, ()4C% 14"65BC675J 0#7-' A.% P% G,(,$'$< 0'(&# 9$'-#$(%-< I(&1 Q'""' A.'@-#$ May 2012-presenL
146%54)$ (%*%$7KA%46 975)$% /)K6)+4J O#$@ O.,( SepLember 2010-presenL
H%C5%6)5&! 6B47%& D#7'-%,() F-B>#(- F,&%#-< ,+ !"#$%&' ;=0 A.'@-#$ May 2012-May 2013
!AE)""),75 )4, (%)4L" !,*+"75& M7)5, 9%AE%5J ;=0 A,77#2# ,+ !$-) '(> GB"'(%-%#) AugusL 2011-May 2013
07B5 FB+,%J ='$<7'(> I"'2#) lebruary 2011-uecember 2012

8erman MasLers Scholarshlp for LnLrepreneurshlp ln Lhe erformlng ArLs SepLember 2013-May 2014
Cmlcron uelLa kappa naLlonal Leadershlp Ponor SocleLy March 2014-presenL
uean's LlsL of CuLsLandlng SLudenLs lall 2010 and 2012, Sprlng 2013

H<1OOH !3( !M1O101-H
A SLyle
MlcrosofL Cfflce SulLe, Adobe lnueslgn and hoLoshop, lMovle, Carage 8and, ConsLanL ConLacL, MagneL Mall, and Clslon
lacebook, 1wlLLer, PooLSulLe, lnLeresL, vlmeo, vlne, ?ou1ube, lllckr, SmugMug, lnsLagram, lcasa, 1umblr and Wordress
1heaLre Manager sofLware and 1he 8alser's Ldge daLabase

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