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Africa Map / Map of Africa - Facts, Geo


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A)ri*a, the planet7s &nd largest *ontinent and the seco nd m ost-populo us co ntinent
(a fter Asia) includes ( 4) indi&id(al *o(ntries+ and 8 este rn 1a hara , a m e m be r sta te of the African 9nion whose state hoo d is disputed by :oro cco. %o te tha t 1outh 1udan is the co ntinent7s ne west country. 8 ith a &'!! populatio n o f !,'3&, 3&,;"4, it a cco unts fo r $ust o ve r !4< of the world7s hum an populatio n. -t a lso contains the Nile Ri&er system , the wo rld7s lo ngest, and the m a ssive ahara %esert+ the world7s la rge st. Africa is surrounde d by the Mediterranean ea to the north, both the (e, Canal a nd the Red ea along the 1ina i 2 eninsula to the northe ast, the Indian "*ean to the ea st and southea st, a nd the A tlanti* "*ean to the west.

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>>> LA RGER (printable) A FRICA MA P

As for Africa, scientists ha ve form e rly co ncluded that it is the birthpla ce o f m ankind, as large num be rs o f hum an-like fo ssils (discove red no where e lse) we re fo und on the contine nt, som e dating back 3. m illion ye ars. About !." m illion ye ars ago, ea rly m a n spre ad throughout parts o f Africa. #hey be cam e aggressive hunte rs, live d in ca ve s and used fire a nd their a bility to crea te stone too ls $ust to survive. #he %ea nde rthals arose so m e &'',''' ye ars ago a nd inhabited re gions in no rthern Africa and across parts of southern (urope. #here is also cle ar e vide nce tha t they ha d co ntro l of fire , lived in ca ves, a s well as o pen-a ir structures of stone a nd ve geta tion. ) ne o f the m ost im portant deve lo pm e nts of prim itive m an was the crea tio n of stone too ls. *y ''' *+ farm ing was so m ewhat com m on in the northe rn are as of Africa , a s peo ple we re gro wing crops a nd herding live stock . ,uring tha t tim e the ahara %esert wa s a fertile a re a. -n 3&'' *+ the (gyptia n culture em e rge d along the lowe r reache s o f the Nile Ri&er' it was a m ong the e arliest civili.ations a nd their to ols a nd wea pons were m ade of bro n.e. #hey a lso pionee re d the building of m assive pyram ids and tem ples. (gyptia ns also de velo pe d m a them atics, an inno vative syste m of m edicine, irriga tio n and a gricultural production techni/ue s, writing a nd the first ships. -n sho rt, the (gyptians left a lasting lega cy upon the world. Around 0'' *+ the use of m e tal to ols spread acro ss sm all po pulation base s a nd fa rm ing groups in %orth Africa , and their use gradually spre ad south into what is now calle d 1o uth Africa. #he 2ho enicians were a n e nterprising m a ritim e trading culture from Lebanon who sprea d across the Mediterranean fro m ! ' *+ to 3'' *+ . -n 3!4 *+ , the y fo unded the city of + arthage in wha t is no w !(nisia in north Africa5 o nly to be destroye d by the 6 om a ns in !40 *+ .


=or additional geo graphy de tails please use the yellow na viga tion ba r a t the to p of this pa ge. A l-eria is A )ri*a.s lar-est *o(ntr/ !he e/*helles are A )ri*a.s smallest *o(ntr/

Ni-eria is A )ri*a.s lar-est *o(ntr/ b/ pop(lation !he e/*helles are A )ri*a.s smallest *o(ntr/ b/ pop(lation

A )ri*a.s hi-hest point is Mt 0iliman1aro in !an,ania A )ri*a.s lo2est point is La3e A ssal in %1ibo(ti


#wo of Africa 7s m o st inte resting ge ogra phica l fe ature s a re the %ile 6 ive r 1ystem a nd 1a hara ,esert5 both im pressive in so m any ways. Nile Ri&er /stem$ #he %ile is a north-flo wing rive r co nsidered the longest rive r in the wo rld a t 0,0 ' km (4,!3' m i) long. -t is share d by a nd bene fits eleven co untries. #he 8 hite %ile and *lue %ile a re its m a $o r tributa rie s. #he 8 hite %ile is lo nge r and rises in the >re at ?ak es region of ce ntral Africa, flowing north fro m !an,ania to o(th (dan. #he *lue %ile is the source o f m ost of the wa ter and bo th rive rs $oin ne ar @hartoum , (dan #he no rthern se ction o f the rive r flows alm ost entirely through dese rt, from 1udan into E-/pt4 #he %ile e nds in a large de lta that em ptie s into the Mediterranean ea4 ahara %esert$ -t7s the world7s hotte st desert, the third lar-est desert after Antarctica and the Arctic, and alm o st a s large as + hina . + overing a lm o st one -third o f the co ntinent, the 1a ha ra is the la rgest de sert in the world at approA im ately 3, '',''' s/. m ile s (;,'0 ,''' s/. k m ) in to ta l si.e . #opography includes a reas o f ro ck -strewn plains, rolling sa nd dune s and num erous sand seas. -t ra nge s in e le vatio n from !'' ft. below sea leve l, to peak s in the Ahaggar a nd !ibesti Mo(ntains+ that eA ce ed !!,''' ft. (3,3 'm ). 6 e gio na l de serts include the ?ibyan, %ubian and the 8 estern dese rt o f (gypt, $ust to the west of the %ile. Alm o st com pletely without ra infa ll, a few undergro und rivers flo w from the A tlas Mo(ntains+ he lping to irriga te iso late d oa ses. -n the e ast, the waters of the %ile help fertili.e sm alle r parts of the la ndscape .



destroye d by the 6 om a ns in !40 *+ .

Africa Map / Map of Africa - Facts, Geo

:ea nwhile, the (gyptians continue d to spread their culture acro ss %orthe rn Africa , and kingdom s were cre ate d in Ethiopia and (dan4 #he then-growing 6 o m an (m pire co ntinue d to eA pa nd its influe nce , and in 3' *+ (gypt be cam e a province of 6 om e 5 :o rocco the sam e in 4& A,. *efo re the :iddle Ages be gan, the 6 om an (m pire co lla pse d and the Arabs /uick ly to ok their pla ce on the co ntinent. -n 0;3-"'' they invaded !(nis a nd + a rthage and soon controlled all of coastal %o rth Africa. #he Arabs were :uslim s, and m o st of %o rth Africa conve rte d to -sla m 5 Ethiopia was the eAception. 1oo n kingdom s em e rged in Africa 5 they trade d with the Ara bs using gold plus a va luable com m odity - sla ves. ) ne of the first kingdom s was Ghana+ loca ted in wha t is no w southea ste rn :a uritania and western :ali. #he em pire grew rich from the trans-1a ha ran tra de in go ld and salt, but then lo st its power in the !!th century. Additiona l kingdom s deve loped acro ss the co ntinent, including tho se in :enin a nd Mali4 *o th be ca m e rich by tra ding in gold, horse sa lt, and o f course , slave s. And lik e m o st kingdom s be fore them o n any continent, they we re inva de d and in the end destro ye d. :ogadishu, the no w large st city in omalia+ was settled by Arabs who tra veled a nd tra de d on the e ast co ast of Africa. #he Arabs7 reach e Atended to >an,ibar+ which was use d as a base for voyages be twee n the Middle East and India. As othe r orga ni.ed k ingdo m s were form e d in ce ntral and southern Africa , the 2ortugue se be gan to eA plore the we ste rn coast of Africa . *y !44 they rea che d the Cape ?erde Islands and the coast o f ene-al+ a nd the m o uth o f the Ri&er Con-o in !43&. #he y even sailed around the Cape o) Good Hope4 #he contine nt-cha nging !0th + entury began with (urope ans tra nspo rting African slave s to the Am erica s fo r profit. A sla ve purcha sed o n the African coa st fo r the e/uivale nt of !4 (nglish po unds in bartere d go ods could se ll fo r 4 pounds in the Am e rica n m a rket. #he best-kno wn m etho d of com m erce at the tim e was called the #ria ngula r #rading 1ystem . -t invo lved :ritish a nd o ther (uro pe an countrie s7 m a nufa cture d goo ds which were shippe d to Africa , then slave s fro m there to the West Indies and then suga r and othe r products ba ck to (urope. At the sa m e tim e, *arba ry pira te s along the %orth African coast captured thousa nds o f ships. =ro m the !0th to !;th ce ntury, an estim ated 3'',''' to !.& m illio n pe ople were ta ken captive a s slave s. #he pira te s7 im pa ct on the contine nt, ho weve r, pea ked in the early to m id-!"th century. As tales of African riches spre ad north, the (uro pea ns founde d the ir first re al colonies in the early !0th century, when the Port(-(ese settle d in what is no w A n-ola4 ?ater, the ,utch founde d a colo ny in what is no w o(th A )ri*a4 1trong m o ve m e nts to end sla very be gan in the late !3th century. Fran*e beca m e one of the first countrie s to abolish slavery in !";4. *ritain ba nned slave trade in !3'", but it wa s not officially abolishe d for go od until !343. -n som e pa rts of Africa, sla ve-lik e pra ctices co ntinue to this day a nd have proven difficult to elim inate . 8 ho lesa le coloni.ation o f Africa by (uro pe an countrie s began in !3!4 whe n the :ritish snatched the ,utch + olony o f 1outh Africa. + a rve d up like a la rge pie, the *rits, %(t*h+ Fren*h+ Germans and Port(-(ese grabbed all of the availa ble pie ce s. *y the e nd o f the !;th century, fro m A l-eria to >imbab2e+ and from :ots2ana to Ni-er+ the contine nt was now all but controlled by (uro pea n po we rs. -n the early &'th century the land gra b co ntinue d as the *ritish to ok contro l of E-/pt4 *y !;&', the force d o ccupa tion of African lands be ga n to sour in E(rope+ and cha nge wa s in the wind. Africa ns we re also driven by their passiona te de sire fo r independence a nd the m o ve m e nt for sam e be cam e unstoppable. *y m id-century m ost of the co ntinent was inde pende nt, with Angola finally free in !;" . 1elf-go vernm ent brought m o re tha n its share o f civil wa rs, coup d7Bta ts a nd e thnic conflicts to the newly em erge d countries. Add to that m iA som e ho rrible geno cides, alo ng with fa m ines a nd o ut-o f-contro l disease (C-DEA-,1), and Africa wa s teete ring on the edge, a nd in m a ny are as still do es today. Although Africa rem a ins the wo rld7s poo rest inha bite d co ntinent, there a re m a ny bright spo ts in this la nd o f over one billio n pe ople a nd its &,''' F la nguages. 1ignifica nt econom ic and socia l ga ins have ta ke n place ove r the la st few ye ars, with o(th A )ri*a+ Ni-eria+ Moro**o and E-/pt lea ding the wa y. #he largest segm ents o f m odern Africa7s e conom ies are agriculture and m ining, with tourism gro wing in som e area s. :anufacturing industries have grown large eno ugh to ship pro ducts acro ss the planet, and the oil eA port re ve nues of A n-ola+ Lib/a and Ni-eria have the po tential to change the live s of m illions. #oday the 4 countries o f Africa ha ve gre at po tential, but this /ue stio n m ust be aske dG H+ an it cha nge soo n enough to m eet the ne eds o f its pe opleIH 8 e ca n only hope so. A to pographic m ap highlights hills, m o untains and valleys of a specific la nd a rea by eA aggera te d sha ding ra ther than by using co ntour lines. #his topo m a p clea rly sho ws the flatness of the 1ahara ,e sert, the depre ssion that La3e Chad sits in, the high m o unta ins o f the >rea t 6 ift Da lle y, and it also highlights La3e ?i*toria+ all but surrounded by m ountains.



#his is a slice of a larger topogra phica l m ap that highlights the >re at 6 ift Da lley, a dra m atic de pre ssion o n the ea rth7s surfa ce, a ppro Aim ate ly 4,''' m iles (0,4'' km ) in le ngth, eAte nds fro m the Red ea area nea r @ordan in the Middle East+ , south to the African co untry of Mo,ambi<(e4 -n e sse nce, it7s a serie s of ge ologica l faults ca used by huge vo lcanic eruptions centuries back , that subse/uently cre ated wha t we now call the (thiopian Cighlands, and a se ries o f perpendicula r cliffs, m ountain ridge s, rugged valleys a nd ve ry deep la kes a long its e ntire le ngth. :any of Africa7s highe st m ountains front the 6 ift Dalley, including Mo(nt 0iliman1aro+ :ount @enya and :o unt :argherita. =or additional deta ils o n m a ny of the la ndfo rm s of Africa , this pa-e 2ill help





Africa Map / Map of Africa - Facts, Geo

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#his %A1A sa tellite view of Africa can be use ful in m any a pplicatio ns, including agriculture, ge olo gy, fore stry, m e teo ro lo gy, intelligence a nd warfare . -n a dditio n, it7s a gre at educa tio n too l as it provides a n ove rview of Africa, with the de sert area s of the no rth, the centra l fe rtile area s and the va ried topo graphy of the southern re gions o f the co ntinent cle arly visible.

Lin3s to A )ri*a in)ormation that are (pdated dail/4 A )ri*a )amo(s nati&e sons and da(-hters A )ri*a )a*ts and )i-(res+ *apital *ities and *(rren*/ A )ri*a *o(ntr/ )la-s A )ri*a land statisti*s+ hi-hest and lo2est points A )ri*a land)orms+ la3es+ mo(ntains and ri&ers A )ri*a latit(de+ lon-it(de and relati&e lo*ations A )ri*a lin3s to ma1or attra*tions and points o) interest 2olitical m aps are designe d to sho w governm ental bounda ries o f countrie s, sta tes, and counties, the locatio n of m a$o r cities, and they usua lly include significant bodie s o f wate r. ?ike the sam ple above, bright colors are often used to he lp the user find the bo rders. A large r versio n of this m ap here4 A )ri*a maps+ o(tline+ politi*al and topo-raphi*al A )ri*a s/mbols+ *oat o) arms and )la-s A )ri*a time ,ones and *(rrent times A )ri*a timeline o) e&ents and histor/

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5se)(l in)ormation on pop(lations and more that are (pdated 2ee3l/4 *apital *ities o) the 2orld ; b/ pop(lation *o(ntries o) the 2orld ; b/ pop(lation *o(ntries o) the 2orld ; listed b/ *ontinent 688 lar-est *ities ; b/ pop(lation

A )ri*a tra&el in)ormation+ air)ares+ *r(ises and train tra&el A )ri*a 2eather )ore*asts and *(rrent *onditions tm



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