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TheAmerican Friends oJLafalelte

<lw*.liiSdlal]lfardqsC> is a historical andpatriotic society dedicated to lhe memoryofMajor Geneml,the Marquis de Lafayette, andhis to the studyofhis life andtimes in Americaand Prdnc, contdbotionsto our own nation's strugglefor libeny. A goalof lhe (AFL) is to foster andpromotethe Amalcaa F.iends oflnto!.lt traditional fiiendship between Aherica andFnnce tlrough studyand resarch of the Ameictr War for Indepndence andthe life of General Lafayetle. ,{IZ was forl1dedby StuartWels Jackson andJudgeWalter P, Oardne.,leodingtrfayette collectoN.With elevenother edthusiastic admirersof Gnralkfayette , tlrcy fo'lx,ed TheAmz.tca,| Frtendsof L4tfette o May 20, 1932at l,afayetteCollege,Easton,PA. The AFL collectionofhbtodcal documents andmemombili4 along with addilional itemsacquiredby the Collgo,is now housd at tafayette Collegeas TheMarquitdeLafalette Co ecnon <htQ:// y/sp.ial.ft on|c.pip>. snd spcialpublicatjonsare The cazett ofThe America, F.iendsoflafavett is publishedperiodically foi all members, issuedfrom time-to-time. AFL'Sannualmeetingis conducledaxa locationofhistorical significance to Genmllalayenq suchas Valley Forge, tour RevolutioneryWar sitesand localionsin Americavisited by Lafayetle Williamsbu& andNewportRL Attendes and shsreresearch andlnowledge throughdiscussions conceminglafayett's confibulions to Americandemocracy, panicipatesin two othervery importantannualevents: TheAnaicon hierrds of Lalaydte orgdnir,'tion ^lso l) AFL is one ofthe thirteenoriginal associations that sponsoBth Forkrvr Dal Celebrationon October l9th of CeneralCeorywashington'sAlid American eachyear in Yo.kown, Virginia. Yoddown Day conmemorates andFrenchtroops'victory over Comwanison Oatobr19, I 7812) Since 19146, AFL hasparticipared in the amual July 4d cercmonyat PicpusCemetery in Paris.At this time, the by a n.w flag, anddte Society, Americanflag; which flics over Lefiytte's thoughout th year, is rEplacd placesa n'reathon his tomb. along*ith a few otherdignitariesand socities, to bcome mmbers!!

All who shar the qoals ofthe Societv arc cordiallv invid Yes,eDmll me as a memberToday! Addrcss Email: Add'l Info./Rema*s: Please circle one: Activ Mmber S3oannua[y SusbiningMemb. $40 annually Family Membership $50 aDnualy Checkfor $ Sendto: Name City




InstitutioMl (nod-profit) Lif Mmborship $250 CoryorateMmbqship $250 .nnually Benefactor $1,000 or Indivitual Life M6mbr 5200

payableto "ftr ,lmc.lco!, Fri.tds of Laltleltd' enclosed

MembNhip Chairpnod TheAntetlcanFrrends oJLoJalefre Farinon Center P.O.Box9463 Coleg Lafayetre Fastor!PA 18042-1798

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