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Only share personal information that you are comfortable discussing! What did you learn about yourself?

Which parts of the wheel were easiest to fill out? Which parts of the wheel were the hardest to fill out? Are there important aspects of your identity that dont fit on the wheel. Were you surprised by any of the categories on the wheel?



Social Identifiers are those qualities visible or hidden that describe who we are. For example; race, gender, age, nationality, religion etc are all social identifiers. ic! one social identifier that is important to you "that you identified on the wheel overleaf#. $hen complete the following sentences% Social Identifier% &&&&&&&&&&

'ne thing I love about being &&&&&&&&&& is%

'ne thing that is hard about being &&&&&&&&&& is%

'ne thing that I want others to !now about being &&&&&&&&&& is%

'ne thing that I never want to hear again about being &&&&&&&&&& is%



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