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This is a work of fiction.

Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

by Matthew Temple

Pussy be rampant. They be so much pussy at this school they has to haul in dicks from out of town just to fuck it all. The female to male ratio be somethin! like three to one. "n weekends# !uys be dri$in% in from &oun!stown# Abilene# as far away as 'e(ter. )irls want dick. They is droolin! for it. Ei!hteen year old hunnies with nothin! better to do than spread and !et a hot spike in they cooch. *chool is just a pretense. +o one care about classes or !rades. ,n class we !et our dicks sucked while the prof is doin% his thin!. , once came in this !irl -enny%s hair while she sucked me off in ,ntro to Philosophy 1.1. The main way to !et pussy be in the club. )et a bitch drunk# !o to her place# fuck her. *he wake up in the mornin! like what the hell happened to me# her cooch achin! like she had a rollin! pin up there. *he ask her !irlfriends# and they be like# /&ou remember that one !uy0 &ou took him home.1 Then you fuck her friends. 2itches lo$e dick. They is no 3uestion about it. *ome bitches pretend they ain4t into all that5but they is. Trust me# they is. , met this one bitch# she likes to ha$e two dicks inside her at once. *he told me this when , was fuckin! her. *o me and my buddy -ames fucked her. Two dicks in her pussy at the same time! That !irl had a bi! cooch. *ometimes , like to brin! a !un with me to a !irl%s house and stick that in her when she%s passed out. 6ith the bullets in it and e$erythin!. , like to think about what would happen if , pulled the tri!!er# that bullet would !o up throu!h her pussy and throu!h her cer$i( and up throu!h her baby makin! pouch and then throu!h her lun!s and out her head. , want to cum like that# throu!h a bitch%s head. , like to cum in a bitch%s mouth when she asleep. )et her nice and stoned and then !et on top of that bitch like ,%m ridin% a 7ebra. Then stick my dick in her mouth and rub it a!ainst her !ums. , like when a bitch has !ood dental work. &ou can !et off just by rubbin! on her cheeks. A bitch%s ton!ue rolls back when she%s passed out. 2ut the inside of a bitch%s

cheeks is soft as hell. &ou can cum there. 6hen a bitch is passed out# you ha$e to hold her down a bit because she%s not completely passed out. *omewhere# below the twel$e -8!ermeisters# that bitch is still awake. *he !ot certain refle(es intact. *he can still kick your nuts when you%re on top of her. *o you !rab her neck and choke that bitch a little. 9er eyes will !o !ray. Then you know you !ot her ready for some prime# prime fuckin!. 2itches lo$e fuckin!. *ome act like they don%t# but those are the ones that need it the most. :uiet ones. The friend of the friend with the librarian !lasses. *he%s fantasi7in! about me !i$in! it to her# from the first moment she sees me. &ou know she is. *he !oes home and jerks off that little cunt thinkin% about my cock slidin! into her and ticklin% her inside parts. The cute librarian ones need it the most. , once met this !irl who didn%t want me. *he acted like she didn%t. , !ot her drunk and fucked her with my !un in her mouth. 2ut mostly they easy !oin!. They want you to come o$er. That%s one rule. +e$er brin! a bitch to your place. Always !o to hers. &ou don%t want that bitch trackin! you down. Plus that%s part of the thin!; you want to cum on her sheets# let her pussy juice make a wet spot in her bed. ,t helps me !et off when ,%m in the !irl%s bed. , usually like to steal a !irl%s panties. , keep <em in a jar# s3uished down real ti!ht# as a reminder of all the places ,%$e been. , keep <em on my desk# as an e(ample to less fortunate males. Males who don%t !et pussy. Males who are into /relationships.1 *ome males think that females are out of they reach. They do they pathetic little to reach them. They te(t. They call. They play out the little !ames they mother tau!ht <em and hope that will !et <em laid. There are only two ways to !et laid; !et her drunk or ha$e her like you. The first is foolproof whereas the second is hit or miss. ,f you wait around for a !irl to like you# you could be waitin% a lon! time. 6hen you !et a bitch drunk# results are immediate. &ou !o out with your boys# lookin! sharp in a nice shirt or somethin!. 9air slicked back# plenty of product. =2itches like product.> &ou select a nice club preferably on *tate *treet. Then you sit back and wait. The bitches will be on you like peanut butter on jelly. 6hen they dance# you mi!ht be tempted to !o to them. 2ut don%t. 2itches like when you stay put. &ou watch them dance. &ou check out the way they mo$e. &ou think; is this the kind of bitch who is likely to ha$e a li$e pussy0 ,s she likely to be too stuck up0 Too resistant to force0 'oes she ha$e mace0 6atch the warnin! si!ns. A bitch who thinks too much is likely to ha$e friends who think too much. &ou want an academic bitch# no doubt 5where%s the fun in fuckin! a dotard0 &ou want a bitch in hi!h le$el classes but who likes to drink like your uncle. A bitch who likes to party too much for her own !ood. A bad bitch. A bitch who likes to !et in trouble. 2

The best is a submissi$e bitch. 6ho sucks your dick as soon as you in the dorm room# kneelin% on the floor and shit. ?uck# , lo$e when a bitch sucks my balls. 2ecause you know they don%t want to do that shit. 2ut the fact that they%ll do it anyway# with all that hair in they mouth..well..some bitches are truly desperate for cock# what can , say0 , tells you about a !irl named Mary. Mary be%s a freshman# she has they librarian !lasses and e$erythin!. True scholar. , mean seriously# she was like a Rhodes *cholar or somethin!. 2iolo!y major. About @%A1. 2i! ass titties. Mary comes up to me in the dorm. Asks me if ,%ll lick her pussy. , said# Mary# you know ,%m not !oin! to lick your pussy. *he says 6hy not. , say# 2ecause# , can smell your nasty pussy from here and , don%t lick stinky pussy. *he says she%ll wash it# and come back# and will , lick her pussy. *o , said# "k# you wash it# and ,%ll meet you in your room in half an hour. *o half an hour passes. , peruse some porn , ha$e on my computer to try and !et in the mood5nothin! special# just some $ideo of a woman !ettin! fucked by a horse. Then , !o up to Mary%s room. Bnock on the door. *he answers in some sort of nineteenth century ne!li!e# like we%re !oin! to make lo$e or somethin!. , said Mary this isn%t that kind of party. Then , pull out my !un. , put it in her face and , say# /)et down on your knees and suck my cock.1 *he says# /,s this a joke01 And , say# /+o# do you wanna !et shot in the head01 *o she sucks my cock. , !et hard. Then , say# /Mary# !et on your stomach on the floor# ,%m !onna fuck your ass. 9a$e you e$er been fucked in the ass before01 *he says no. , say# /6ell# you%re !onna like this. -ust like openin! presents on Christmas mornin!. 'on%t scream too loud or ,%ll shoot you in the fuckin! head# understood01 That%s my story about Mary. Mary , fucked in the ass. 2ut ,%m almost e(clusi$ely a pussy man. Ass fuckin! is more of a no$elty to me# somethin! to do when you don%t e$en respect a !irl enou!h to fuck her cunt. , like a pussy that%s nice and clean# no hair# thou!h ,%ll fuck a hairy pussy5in a pinch. , prefer bi! pussy lips# no roast beef# nice and ti!ht and plenty of moisture on the inside but no drips. Beep that shit to yourself# you don%t need to be flowin! all out on the sheets and shit. , like to spank a pussy with a fly swatter# to fatten it up before , fuck it. )et that pussy red with some hard spanks. Then spit on my hand# stick my fin!ers inside it# then come in with the dick# spreadin% those lips with my dickhead# then sweet# sweet fuckin!. &ou mi!ht disa!ree with my style of fuckin!. ?or instance# you mi!ht prefer the !irl to be awake. 2ut , prefer <em passed out# hi!h on -8!ermeister# with their le!s spread and my !un in their mouth# fin!er on the tri!!er so that , could accidentally shoot them throu!h the skull in a moment of passion. , like to hold back a little# stop a few times ri!ht before , cum so the cum builds up and shoots up into they cer$i( like a bullet# just like a bullet from a !un. ?uckin! is !ood. , know a lot about fuckin!. &ou could say ,%m 3

sort of a specialist. 6hen it comes to smackin! a pussy with a fly swatter# those are just some of the tricks , can teach you. , know a lot of tricks# and someday maybe , can tell you about those# but to tell you the truth my fa$orite trick is !ettin! a !irl to fuck me when she really don%t want to.

, was !oin! to see my boy. My man%s name is *herman. 6e call him Tic Toc because that%s how he is with the only a matter of time# see0 "nly a matter of time before he !ets in they sweet panties. My man was up in the joint sippin! pumpkin lattes. )irls like that. *hows your sensiti$e side. +either me or *herman liked pumpkin lattes# but you do what you !otta do# know what ,%m sayin%0 , came in throu!h the side door. /6hassup01 /6hassup01 /My man. Tic Toc. 6hat are you up to01 /-ust chillin%.1 /'rinkin! your pumpkin latte.1 , smile. Tic Toc lifts his cup. , sit on the couch across from him. *tart scopin% out the hunnies. Couple of potentials o$er by the front door. , turn around. *ly hunny at the counter# orderin! her drink. *hort skirt. *ome bumpa!e on the le!s but that can be fi(ed with any number of skin creams. *ometimes you ha$e to fi( a bitch up before you fuck her. /*o listen.1 That was *herman talkin!. 'idn%t he see , was checkin! out the hunnies0 /*hut up#1 , say. Then , whisper# /*hut your fuckin! mouth.1 That bitch at the bar was lookin! around. 9ere she she , turn around to *herman. /&ou know what , want to do to that bitch01 /6ho01 /Check out the fly hunny at the bar.1 , point my fin!er. *herman%s eyes bri!hten. /&ou like her01 /Mmm.1 /6ell here%s what ,%m !onna do to her. ?irst ,%m !onna eat that bitch out. )et her real horny.1 /6here are you !onna do this01 /,n the bathroom. *hut up. *o ,%m !onna !et her in the stall back there. Dock the door. )et that bitch all up on the toilet with her le!s spread and eat that bitch out51 /6hy do you like eatin% bitches out so much01 /, eat a bitch out..because it !ets the bitch horny. That way they don%t mind when you stick your dick in them. Especially when you

stick it in their ass.1 /6hy you want to stick it in they ass01 /, don%t. , do it for my health. 9a$e you e$er ass fucked a !irl# *herman01 *herman is silent. Then he says# /+o.1 /6ell. ?irst of all use a condom. And ne$er ass fuck a bitch when she has diarrhea.1 /9ow does you know if she has diarrhea01 /Tic Toc. *herman. 'o you want to hear my story0 &ou only ass fuck a bitch when she doesn%t ha$e diarrhea and you know she doesn%t ha$e diarrhea because you clock what the bitch eats.1 /9ow do you clock what the bitch eats01 /6hat do you think , be doin% in the cafeteria0 6hy do you think we be sittin% close to where the fly hunnies sit0 'o you see the notebook , be carryin% around with me0 6hat do you think is in that0 My chemistry homework0 +o. That%s records# my man. "f e$erythin! a bitch eats. *tay away from bitches who eat citrus# or bitches who smoke# as that can cause diarrhea. &ou want a bitch who eats yo!urt with e$ery meal. *tay away from $e!ans5their farts stink. 9a$e you e$er smelled a $e!an%s farts01 /+o.1 /6ell try it sometime.1 /9ey.1 /6hat01 /*he%s lea$in!.1 , look o$er at that bad skin bitch who was at the counter. *he%s !oin! out the side door. /, didn%t want her anyway.1 /6hat was you !onna do to her01 /After , ate that bitch%s pussy out01 , say this real loud# by accident# and some hunnies behind *herman look o$er. /6hat are you lookin% at01 They turn back around. /Mind your own fuckin! business#1 , say. /*o after , ate that bitch%s pussy out#1 , say e(tra loud# /, was !onna thump her in the mouth with my fat cock. *lap that bitch till she has marks on her face. )et that bitch%s face real red then cum in her mouth. Then make her spit my cum in the toilet between her le!s and then T9R"6 that bitch out of the bathroom. +asty bitch. *houldn%t be drinkin% pumpkin lattes in the first place.1 The !irls behind *herman are startin! to look our way a!ain. /Any bitch who drinks pumpkin spice lattes is askin! to !et fucked in the mouth. 9a$e you e$er met a bitch who drank pumpkin spice lattes who didn%t deser$e to !et fucked in the mouth01 , wait for *herman%s answer. 5

/+o.1 /*herman. Take a look behind you and tell me whether you think these freshman bitches up in this piece deser$e to !et fucked in the mouth.1 *herman turns around. "ne of the !irls behind him looks directly at me. The rest keep their heads down. /6hat are you lookin% at01 , stand up. *he keeps lookin! at me# this sweet lookin! face with lipstick. *he looks like a bitch that probably keeps a ferret as a pet. En!lish major# somethin! in the humanities. Probably a $ir!in. /'o you let your ferret lick your ass01 , say. /6hat01 /'o you let that pet ferret of yours lick your asshole01 /, don%t ha$e a pet ferret.1 /<Cause you look like a bitch with a ferret.1 *he turns away from me. , can only see her boobies from the side now. *he and her friends are talkin! low. "ne of her friends is packin! up her books. /+o#1 the !irl says. /6e%re stayin!.1 *he puts a hand on her friend%s book# flattenin! it on the table. Then she looks at me. *he !i$es me a look of such dis!ust my dick starts to !et hard. , sit down. *herman and , shake our heads. /2itches#1 he says. , lau!h. 6e lean in to!ether# heads abo$e the table between us. *herman says# /,%m !ettin% into some trouble up at 2runo%s later on# you wanna come.1 , smile. /6hat kind of trouble you !ettin! into01 /6ell#1 *herman says# /Macro knows this bitch from his polisci class that wants to fuck him# so ,%m !oin! up there to be his win!man.1 /,f she already wants to fuck him# why does he need a win!man01 /*he doesn%t know she wants to fuck him.1 /"h!1 /9e%s takin! it won%t be awkward. *o he%s not like alone !oin! to a bar.1 /, see.1 /&ou could come alon! and be my win!man.1 /,s this bitch hot01 /,%$e ne$er seen her.1 /6ell is they hot bitches at 2runo%s01 At this point that little defiant bitch at the ne(t table looks o$er at me and doesn%t break eye contact. 'o you belie$e that shit0 , wish , had my !un. Pop that bitch dead and !o on with my con$ersation. 6

*he says# /6ould you mind keepin! it down01 , breathe out# tryin! to calm myself. , say# /6hat%s your name01 /, ain%t tellin% you my name.1 /6ell..whate$er your name is..why don%t you mind your own ?ECB,+) 2E*,+E**01 At this point she !ets up and !oes to the mana!er. , see her pointin! o$er at me and *herman%s table and her sweet forehead lookin! all concerned. /That bitch just ratted us out#1 *herman says. /+o shit.1 Then the mana!er comes o$er. , !i$e him a real sweet look# like the look of an an!el. /,%m !onna ha$e to ask you to keep it down.1 /Eh# officer#1 , say# /, swear , didn%t see the si!n.1 /*till# this is a study bar# so , need you to respect the en$ironment.1 /"h# , didn%t reali7e this was a study bar.1 9e just stands there. /Are people re3uired to study# , mean is that like an imperati$e01 /6e like to keep a study atmosphere.1 /*o you don%t mind if , sit here and not study# mindin! my own business with my man here# drinkin! pumpkin spiced lattes01 /Actually# you%re not drinkin! anythin!# and since you ha$en%t ordered ,%m !oin! to ha$e to ask you to lea$e.1 /,%ll !et somethin!. "h# ,%ll !et somethin!. ,%ll !et somethin!# , was just talkin! with my man here.1 /6ell you%re talkin! too loud.1 /'uly noted# my brotha. 6e will not speak loud in The Establishment. +ow let%s !o up there and take care of that pumpkin latte problem.1 9e looks at me like he doesn%t like my particular fla$or of the lan!ua!e# but he !oes# and , follow. , !et my pumpkin spiced latte and , !et henceforth back to my seat. The !irl has her head in her books. *he%s pretendin! to study. *he%s thinkin! about me. ,%m the kind of !uy a !irl has trouble !ettin! out of her head. 2ecause she knows ,%m bad. And she knows ,%ll be bad for her. 2ut she can feel me# in her panties# from the moment she meets me. , make her wet# , make her want to fuck. 6hen a !irl meets me she%ll be rushin! for fresh panties fi$e times a day. /"k#1 , say. /"k what01 /,%ll !o with you toni!ht. To 2runo%s.1 /)ood.1 /'on%t be dra!!in% me to no sausa!e bar.1 /There%s !irls# don%t worry.1 7

/'o you !uarantee it01 *herman sips his latte. /, want a !uarantee. ,n blood# preferably. , want you to !uarantee that there will be pussy comin! out the walls of this bar you%re takin! me to. 'on%t make me walk your ass home. , want to be fishin! out tampons of bleedin! bitches and suckin! on those motherfuckers with my teeth.1 *herman looks at me. /,%m serious. , want some studious freshman pussy with red lipstick be!!in! to !i$e it up.1 ,%m lookin! at the freshman !irl. /There better be bitches so ti!ht , can%t e$en !et my little fin!er up in that motherfucker.1 The freshman !irl turns around. *he%s burnin! into me with these hateful eyes. /&ou%re re$oltin!#1 she says. And that%s when , fell in lo$e.

,t was a while lon!er before , a!ain saw Dittle Miss 'efiance. *he had to do her thin!s and , had to do mine before we were to meet the second time. 6hile she was masturbatin! to my ima!e and stickin! all manner of $e!etables into her pussy# , was han!in! with my boys# Tic Toc and Macrobiotik. 6e were at 2runo%s. /,s this it01 Macrobiotik looked at me. /6hat do you mean# is this it01 /*herman# you promised me this wouldn%t be a sausa!e fest.1 /,t isn%t.1 *herman motions toward the dance floor. /There%s like..a se$en to one ratio out there.1 /&es# but all those bitches are sas3uatches. *as3uatches don%t count.1 /*how me one sas3uatch.1 , point to a $ery lar!e !irl with hairy armpits. /*as3uatch.1 /-ust <cause there%s one sas3uatch doesn%t mean they%re all sas3uatches.1 /&es it does. They infect. ,%m !oin! to take a piss.1 , !et up. , can see those motherfuckers later. 'ra!!in! me to this hellhole..sas3uatch breedin! motherfucker. 2runo%s huh0 , think 2runo has a pink dildo up his ass. , !o down this lon! hallway leadin! to the bathroom. There%s a !uy and a !irl makin! out. 9e%s this academic lookin! type# and she has on fishnets# is sli!htly taller than him# and has a purse slun! from her shoulder. ,t%s open. As , walk by , look in the purse and it%s littered with condoms. , say# /6hat%s up01 They both kind of turn and look at me. /, said what%s up# baby01 , do this little motion with my hands

that%s desi!ned to make a bitch !o cra7y. The !uy is lookin! at me like he%s really an!ry. , say# /Tell your man to stop lookin! at me.1 The !uy says# /-ust lea$e us alone# ok01 , keep my eyes on the !irl. /Tell that motherfucker to stop lookin! at me.1 *he puts her hands on his cheeks and turns his head to her. /*top lookin! at him.1 9e turns and they%re lookin! each other in the eyes. /6hat%s your boy%s name01 /?rancis.1 /9e fuck you in the ass01 *he doesn%t say anythin!. ,%m lookin! at her body. *he%s !ot fly le!s. ?ly tits. And a fly ass face. /?rancis# what do you think you%re doin! with a !irl like that0 &ou can%t handle her.1 /And you could01 the !irl says. /&eah#1 , say# and smile. /6hat kind of tampons you use# bitch0 Bote(0 Playte(01 /Det%s !o#1 the !uy says. 2ut , flash my !un. /, wouldn%t do that#1 , say. /, use "2 alri!ht.1 /*uper protection0 E(tra !lide01 /*uper protection.1 /6hat si7e01 /'on%t answer that#1 ?rancis says. , put my !un to his head. /Det her answer.1 /E(tra smalls#1 she says. /E(tra smalls01 , start to !et hard. /6hat dorm you li$e in01 /'on%t tell him.1 /?rancis# do you want to !et shot in the head01 /Crawford. , li$e in Crawford.1 /)ood. &ou two can !o. 2e !ood and don%t do anythin! , wouldn%t do# ok# ?rancis01 Then this bitch says# /'on%t you want to know the room number01 /6hy# do you want me to know it01 ?rancis says# /Det%s !o.1 /'o you want me to come and $isit you at ni!ht0 , can suck the blood off those e(tra smalls and stick my dick in your e(tra small pussy. ?rancis# would that be ok with you01 The !irl says# /-ust let us !o.1 /+o ,%d like to hear him say it. 6ould it be ok with you# ?rancis# if , sna! your !irlfriend%s small si7e fishnet cunt and drop a load in it01 /&es# it%s fine# can we !o now01 &ou can tell by the look on fishnet%s face that she%s not happy. 9

?rancis says# /6hat01 /&ou%d let him drop a load in my pussy01 /, wouldn%t really let him drop a load in your pussy# , just want him to !et the !un out of my face and let us !o on with our e$enin!.1 /,%m !onna let you do that# ?rancis. 2ut , want you to promise me one thin!. 6hen you%re fuckin! this bitch# , want you to know that ,%m there somewhere# o$er your shoulder maybe# waitin! to take o$er when little miss fishnet here !ets tired of your pencil dick. "k. )o on. )o on! ,%m tryin! to take a piss here! )et the fuck out of my face.1 And# !un in hand# , un7ip ri!ht there and take a piss in the hallway. "n the way back to the bar# this Poinde(ter lookin! dude sees me and he sees the pile of piss. , !i$e him this hard look and he just keeps !oin!. /Thou!ht so#1 , say. ,t%s just Tic Toc# sittin! alone. /6here is Macro01 /'ancefloor#1 *herman nods. , look to the dancefloor. ,ndeed there is Macrobiotik# dancin! with some a$era!e lookin! !irl. /,s that the !irl from his polisci01 /&ep.1 /That%s the !irl from his polisci.1 /&ep.1 /That%s the reason we came out here01 /&ep.1 /*herman. Tic Toc. 6hat the fuck. 6e !otta !et out of here.1 /6hy01 /<Cause , flashed my piece.1 *herman turns. /6hat01 , shru!. /6hat happened01 /There was this fishnet !irl with this !entleman named ?rancis. ?rancis is# shall we say# a cake boy. ?rancis has no ri!ht bein! with this piece of hotness. And then there%s me. , found out where she li$es. *he wears e(tra small tampons# super protection.1 /6hat does that ha$e to do with you flashin! your piece01 /They were actin% up.1 /6ell we ha$e to lea$e this bar.1 /That%s what ,%m sayin%.1 /2efore the police !et here.1 /E(actly.1 /,%ll !et Macro.1 *o *herman heads o$er to ye olde dancefloor and tu!s on Macro%s shirt. , see them ar!uin! and Macro%s !irl looks unhappy so , fi!ure it%ll be a while. , turn to the bar to order a shot. 10

/6hatcha ha$in%01 /,%ll ha$e the !unslin!er%s special.1 , lau!h. /That%s a special..for !unslin!ers51 /There%s no !uns allowed in the bar.1 /, know that# , was just sayin!51 /6hat are you ha$in!0 , don%t ha$e all ni!ht.1 /A cup of )oldschl8!er.1 /A cup01 /&eah.1 /&ou can ha$e a shot.1 The bartender lea$es. ,%m tappin! my hands on the bar and *herman and Macro and Macro%s !irl come up behind me. /*o let%s !et outta here.1 /,%m ha$in! a drink.1 /6e%re lea$in! because of you. *kip your drink.1 /, already paid.1 /+o you didn%t.1 The bartender comes back. 9e tells me the price and , put it on my card. /Can%t you pay with cash so we can !et out of here01 /, ne$er carry cash.1 /6hat kind of policy is that0 &ou ne$er carry cash0 Psychopath.1 /Thank you#1 , say. /6hy do we ha$e to lea$e01 Macro%s !irl says. /2ecause ,%$e been a bad bad boy.1 /6hat did you do that%s bad01 /'on%t worry your pretty little head about it#1 , say. Macro puts his arm around the !irl. /Macro# what the fuck is this bitch%s name01 , say. *herman says# /'rink your drink.1 /,%ll drink a minute. , don%t like to be around a bitch and not know the bitch%s name. <*pecially if the bitch is the bitch of a friend of mine.1 /,%m Belly.1 /+ice to meet you# Belly.1 And , do my shot. Then , si!n my name on the credit card receipt with a scrawl that in no way resembles my si!nature. /Det%s !o.1 "utside# the four of us walk down *tate *treet. There are many hunnies# bitches# and hoes# as well as a few $i(ens# some fo(es# and an intolerable number of dykes walkin! hand in hand and flauntin! e$erywhere that they had released themsel$es from their dan!erous dependency on dick. 6hen dykes pass , think of how ti!ht their pussies must ha$e become after such a lon! $acation from dick# or in some cases a complete lack of dickly intruders. To turn a dyke is the ultimate 11

accomplishment for a strai!ht !uy. "r# let%s just say it is one of the ultimate accomplishments# for their are many ultimate accomplishments. /*o# Belly# when you suck Macro%s dick does he precum a lot01 /6hy do you want to know01 /2ecause ,%m concerned about my man here. 9e%s showin! a lack of pro!ress# academically. All he wants from you is your polisci notes.1 /,s that ri!ht01 /That%s ri!ht.1 , smile at Macro. /+ow about this precum.1 /6hy are you always so interested in e$erybody%s se( life01 *herman asks. /2ecause it%s my specialty.1 'uh. 6e walk a while# and , think the subject is dropped. 2ut then Belly says# /, ha$en%t sucked his dick yet.1 And she looks at Macro. , felt like a proud mother# hearin! this /yet.1 Bnowin! Macrobiotik sperm would be lod!in! themsel$es between the teeth of this a$era!e lookin! !irl as she !ulped down his cock. , mean# hey# if he wanted to date down with this mutt lookin! !irl Belly# she better be suckin! his cock. /*he better be suckin! his cock hard#1 , say. And e$erybody looks at me for sayin! that. /Me# , like a !irl with a pretty face. Dike that !irl we met at the coffeehouse this mornin!. 6asn%t she pretty# *herman01 /,f you like mice.1 /Mice0 &ou think the looked mousy0 *he wasn%t mousy# you just like a lon! face# Ticky Toc# where , like a round one. *he had a round face# it wasn%t mousy. ,f by mouse you mean she had a small pussy# then , bet you%re ri!ht. , bet that !irl%s pussy is just as defiant as she was. *he was like holdin! her fist up in the air in protest.1 /*he wasn%t holdin! her fist up.1 /2ut it was like she was holdin! her fist up. Dike she was Che )ue$ara and , was the Cuban emperor.1 /Eh# dude# Cuba doesn%t ha$e an emperor.1 /*hut up# ni!!a.1 /Can you not say the n word01 That was Belly. , stop walkin!. Then e$erybody else stops walkin!. /6hat0 , just don%t like that word.1 , look at Macro. Then , look at Belly. , pull out my !un. /6hy don%t you shut the fuck up# bitch.1

/Put your !un away man.1 /&eah# put it away.1 /Macro# watch yourself.1 /&ou%re !oin! to !et us arrested.1 /+o one%s !oin! to !et arrested. ,%$e !ot a permit to carry this.


*top makin! a bi! deal.1 /,t is a bi! deal.1 /2iotik.1 /6hat0 6ere you !oin! to say somethin!01 /&eah. -ust. *tick to what you know# man.1 /6hat%s that supposed to mean01 /,t means you don%t know shit about firearms. , had to take a weapons safety trainin! course to !et this permit. *o , know shit about firearms.1 /-ust keep it away# man.1 /-ust watch your mouth# Macro# or ,%ll thump your !irl.1 /&ou ain%t !onna thump shit.1 /Macro# you%re pissin! me off. ,f , wanna thump your !irl ,%m%onna thump your !irl. +ow why don%t you two !et on with your date. *herman and , are !onna find us some pussy.1 *o Macro and his do! bitch !irl wandered off into the ni!ht# to ha$e u!ly se( between u!ly people which e$eryone knows is shit. And *herman lectured me on the anti merits of 9oldin! a )un 6hen "ne )oes "ut *electin! Pussy and the Pitfalls of Aimin! a )un at a 2itch 6hen &ou 'on%t ,ntend to *hoot and the like. *herman was !ettin! $ery professorial# and , wondered when he was older if he would be like the ancient schoolmarms which tra$ersed our school and tau!ht our classes. /&ou need to lea$e your piece at home.1 /2ut how will , make bitches all scared like01 /, don%t know. 2ut sooner or later# if you brin! your !un out# someone%s !oin! to call the police.1 And what do you know# he was ri!ht. The $ery ne(t mornin! my roommate who was a stinky fa!!ot woke me with a start. The stinky fa!!ot informed me that the police were at the door and behold# as , looked up from my co$ers there were the old black and blues# peekin! into our dorm room door. My !un was on my desk chair# fully loaded. , threw a pair of bo(ers o$er it# $ery casual# and pushed the stinky fa!!ot out of my way. /'o you mind waitin! outside# you stink#1 , said# and the stinky fa!!ot complied. As he pushed open the door , could see there were two of them# short cop and tall cop# and they were no doubt ready to play all sorts of !ames with little old me. /Can , help you01 They spoke my name. /,s that you01 /&es. 6hat%s this about01 /May we come in01 /Come ri!ht in# come ri!ht in brothers. Can , interest you in a cold brewski01 13

/6e%re on duty. 9a$e a few 3uestions for you about last ni!ht.1 /Dast ni!ht eh0 Can%t say , know much about it.1 /Can%t say you know much about what01 /About anythin!# really.1 /6ere you at 2runo%s on *tate *treet last ni!ht01 /,ndeed , was!1 /'o you own a weapon# sir01 /, own a wee )lock.1 /A )lock.1 /A wee )lock.1 /6hat makes it a wee )lock01 /,t%s $ery small.1 /'id you take your )lock with you to 2runo%s01 /My wee )lock0 +o , did not.1 /6here do you keep your wee )lock01 /, keep my wee )lock in a safe back in 2urlin!ton.1 /,n 2urlin!ton.1 /&es.1 /Mind if we search your room01 /2e my !uest.1 *o they start rumma!in! throu!h my closet and that of the stinky fa!!ot. , make sure they know that one%s not mine. /6hat are you lookin! for01 /Det us ask the 3uestions.1 /"h. 'uly noted# my !ood man.1 /6hat was that01 , enunciate. /'uly noted# my !ood man!1 /'o you think this is funny01 /Am , lau!hin!01 /6hat were you doin! at 2runo%s01 /*copin! out bitches.1 /6hat01 /Me and my cronies were scopin! the fly hunnies. 2itches. *ir.1 /&ou know you%d !et more pussy if you stopped callin! women bitches# don%t you01 /, be! to disa!ree. *ir!1 /'id you point your !un at a Miss An!eline 2rewster01 /,%$e ne$er met a Miss An!eline 2rewster. *ir!1 /'id you point your !un at anyone01 /My !un is in 2urlin!ton. *ir!1 /'o you know what the mandatory minimum sentencin! is for felony assault with a firearm01 /+o sir!1 /And you weren%t out pointin! your firearm at any women last ni!ht01 14

/, was simply lookin! for a little pussy# sir! , had started out earlier with my boy Tic Toc. 9is name is *herman but , call him Tic Toc sir! 6e headed out of the crib and met up with Macrobiotik at 2runo%s# sir!1 /6hat is macrobiotic01 /Macrobiotik is my homeboy# sir!1 /&our homeboy%s name is Macrobiotik01 /Macro for short. *ir!1 /&ou can 3uit with the <sir.% &ou could spend a lot of time in jail if this lady%s accusations are true.1 /, don%t want to !o to jail# sir! *orry about the sir! ,%$e heard people !et ass fucked in jail# not sir! ,%d like to die an asshole $ir!in sir! , can%t help it sir! ,%m not ready to be fucked by a ni!!er in prison sir!1 /&ou ha$e a bad attitude# son.1 /, know# sir!1 /&ou%re actin! like somebody who has somethin! to hide.1 /My story is complete# sir! There was no harassment at 2runo%s. -ust a lot of bitches lookin! to !et ass fucked by a carrot. 9a$e you e$er ass fucked a woman with a carrot sir!1 /6hy don%t you sit o$er there while we search your place.1 *o , sit at my desk# on top of the bo(ers co$erin! my !un. And , feel that !un pressed into my ass and , think of what it must be like to ha$e a )lock Hmm stuck up your ass by some psychopathic fa!!ot who wanted re$en!e for all the times ,%$e used the /f1 word. These cops were thorou!h# but they weren%t searchin! under my butt. They worked their way throu!h the room# openin! drawers# lookin! on top of the closets# then they made me sit there while they went up and down the hall 3uestionin! my hallmates. 6hen they came back they asked me if , was sure my !un was in 2urlin!ton. /*cout%s honor.1 /Are you e$en a *cout01 /,t%s an e(pression. 6hat0 &ou think that just <cause , said <*cout%s honor% without bein! a *cout that that makes me a liar on the point of my !un bein! in 2urlin!ton0 My !un is in 2urlin!ton# rest assured. -ust because my bitch ass hallmates say otherwise doesn%t MEA+ *9,T!1 Then they ask me if ,%m on any medication for psychiatric illnesses. /+o. +ot that , know of.1 /Are you aware of the uni$ersity health ser$ice01 /They treat scabies and *T's# ri!ht0 , don%t ha$e any *T'%s. , fuck clean bitches.1 /And what do you mean when you say <fuck bitches0%1 /&ou%re kiddin!# ri!ht0 , stick my pee pee in they cooch. 6hat the 15

fuck you think , mean01 /'o you e$er !et rou!h with a bitch01 /6hy would , !et rou!h with a bitch0 Maybe , slap <em in they mouth when they act up. , mean , mi!ht do that from time to time.1 /&ou know that%s assault# ri!ht01 /,%m not admittin! to anythin!.1 /&ou need to treat bitches ri!ht# ok0 6hen you !et a bitch to suck your dick# that ain%t no license to fuck her# and when a bitch lets you fuck her# that ain%t no license to hit on a bitch.1 /+ow wait a minute# who e$er said , be rou!hin% up on bitches0 'id they say that01 , point to the hall. /6e%$e had reports. 2itches be callin% us and lettin% us know what you%$e been up to# bro! 6hen you stick yo% dick in a bitch# and she don%t want you to# sometimes bitches be callin% us the ne(t day and !ettin% they insides swiped. 6e find you spunk inside a bitch that didn%t want to be fucked# you could !o to jail. 2itches% insides be they own. &ou can%t fuck a bitch ain%t !ot no permission.1 /Respek.1 /+ow# did you take your piece to 2runo%s last ni!ht or not01 /+ah# man.1 /&ou didn%t pull your piece out on some bitch named An!eline01 /+ah# man. 2ut that bitch was actin% up.1 /6hat did she do01 /*he was lookin% all fly and shit. *he was wearin% ti!hty fishnets and , could see her ma(i pad between her le!s and shit. ,t was stickin% out. , was thinkin% about that bitch%s pussy and shit. 2ettin% she had a fly pussy. 6anted to do a fin!er test with ye olde pinky# if you catch.1 The officers were comin! closer# and , s3uirmed me butt around the )lock# tryin! to conceal that , wasn%t sittin! on flatness. /6hat%s a fin!er test01 the one officer asks. /6hen you !et a bitch capti$e#1 , say# /you want to perform &e "lde ?in!er Test. This is where you fin!er a bitch pro!ressi$ely with one fin!er# two fin!ers# three fin!ers# four. *tart with your pinky. ,deally you want a bitch who passes the one fin!er test# meanin! that when you stick yo% pinky up that bitch%s cooch that bitch is ti!ht as hell.1 /6hat happens if she fails the test01 /&ou mo$e on# my brotha# you mo$e on.1 /6ell# we%re !oin! to be keepin! an eye on you. ,f it turns out you%re hidin! your )lock on campus there will be serious conse3uences.1 /)ood# my brotha# ri!ht with you.1 , !i$e them the old thumbs up. /And take it easy on the bitches. , know you like to fuck but bitches be ha$in% feelin!s. ,t%s important that e$eryone be treated with respect.1 /Respek.1 /+o. Respect.1 16

/Respect.1 /That%s ri!ht.1 The officer !i$es me the thumbs up. /And you boys take it easy on the road. &ou ne$er know with these uni$ersity brothas# when someone mi!ht !o ballistic on ya# jump out !uns blarin!# like maybe if he had a personal !rud!e or somethin!. *o anyway take care# , doubt we%ll be seein! much of each other after today.1 Then those black and blues took their smu! faces and they left me be. And , stood up from sittin! on my )lock# and strai!htened out my ass cheeks.

, knew , needed to hide my )lock# so , headed strai!ht away to the bank. , knew from past e(perience that banks be keepin% safes# and therein lie bo(es for the rental. , just needed somethin! yay bi!# for stora!e of me ole piece. , strolled down *tate *treet to the ?irst +ational and , placed my piece on the counter in front of this fly little bitch with a bob haircut. /, need to !et a safety deposit bo(.1 /&ou need to speak to a customer ser$ice representati$e.1 /6ell isn%t you a customer ser$ice representati$e01 /,%m a teller.1 /6ell where can , find me one of these <customer ser$ice representati$es0%1 /9a$e a seat. "$er there0 And take your piece with you.1 /, be takin% a piece of you with me# sweet hunny. , be rin!in% bells like a clock tower. 9ow%s about you !i$e me your number.1 *he said /, don%t think so#1 but she be blushin%. *o , sat down to wait in the area and while , was there , was makin% eyes with the fly bob haircut hunny# and between customers she be lookin% o$er at me and , strut my le!s out so she can see my packa!e. , lay the )lock ri!ht ne(t to it# to indicate its si7e like. And that bitch be !ettin% wet in her coochie area# you could tell by the way a bitch stand! *he be rockin% back and forth on her e(cellent le!s and , be ima!inin! me dick ticklin% her pussy and !eneral pussy area. Then we fuck like rabbits and she ha$e my babies. , could see her bob haircut on a slob of boys and !irls that would come out that bitch%s pussy once we fucked. , didn%t like the thou!ht of her pussy !ettin! distended from ha$in% such a majority of kids# but , liked the thou!ht of my seed inside her. /*ir01 /&o.1 /*ir# come this way.1 /6hy0 6hy you want me to come this way01 /&ou wanted to rent a safe deposit bo(01 /Ah yes. Me does. Me wants to rent a bo(y for me )locky piece.1


, flash the piece. The customer ser$ice representati$e is lookin! at me )lock. /,s me not allowed to ha$e )locks inside a bank01 /6e don%t care what you put in your bo(# sir# as lon! as it%s not ille!al.1 /6ell me )lock is fully le!al# belie$e that. ?ully le!al. )ot me papers and e$erythin!.1 /Then why don%t you come this way and we can !et you set up.1 /6hate$ers you say# miss. As lon! as it%s le!al.1 , smile at the bitch but she has her back turned to me# so , follow that bitch to her desk. /9ow lon! has you worked here01 /About ei!ht months.1 /'oes you like it here01 /Mmm hmm#1 she says. Me likes bitches who say /Mmm hmm.1 /And. 6hy does you like it here01 , open my mouth a bit.., /part my lips.1 Then , flick my ton!ue a little. 2itches like that. *he doesn%t understand. *he%s lookin! at me mouth. *he says# /6hat are you doin!01 /, is flickin% my ton!ue at you. *ee01 , do it a!ain. /"h#1 she says# then she !oes to typin% on her computer. *he has me fill out a bunch of forms. )eneral disclaimers# some affida$its# a couple of noncompetes. *tuff to make sure , isn%t tryin% to knock o$er the bank with the contents of my bo(. E$entually , ask her# /,s that bitch at the front desk sin!le01 /6ho01 /Constance# , think her name ta! said. The teller. &ou is a customer ser$ices representati$e and she is a teller# ri!ht01 /Ri!ht.1 /*o tell me# Renee# is that bitch sin!le01 /Constance01 /&eah. The one with the bob.1 /, ha$e no idea.1 /6ell you should find out. ,t%s !ood to know your coworkers.1 Renee is kind of at a loss for words. =, do that to people.> /Renee# let me ask you somethin!.1 /*hoot.1 /,f , was to ban! your sweet pussy with a spiked dildo# ban! it in there like , was workin% on the railroad..and if that plastic dick was filled with little nubbins that rubbed on your pussy all nice like..and let%s say that dildo was powered by a car battery# jumper cables and shit# none of this double A shit..and lets say , had lubricated that pink neon dildo with none other than me $ery own ,%m askin! you..would you consider that the act of a !entleman01 , sit back in me chair and cross me hands behind me head. Det 18

her chew on that one. , see her thinkin!. , smile# knowin! that ,%$e stumped her. A society bitch like this would ne$er know what to say to me. This the type of bitch wears full briefs# instead of bikini ones. *he opens her mouth# about to say somethin!# then she closes it. , be winnin% this bout. 2ut then she just opens her mouth and says# /Det%s show you your bo(.1 And , know ,%m dealin% with a 3uality bitch. *he shows me my bo( and it%s the perfect si7e for me )lock. 6e each ha$e a key in this nice arran!ement like. 6hen me and the customer ser$ice representati$e put our keys in to turn them# we !et real close and , can feel the heat comin! off her. *he wears this nice woman perfume# , think Clini3ue 9appy5%cause , used to fuck this bitch who wore Clini3ue 9appy. And , can see down this customer ser$ice representati$e%s shirt# and see that she wears a bra by Playte( or Bote( or somethin!. ,t has this cross my heart desi!n and it makes me think of my !randmother but in a way that makes me want to lay this Renee down on the floor of the safe and make sweet lo$e ri!ht there ne(t to millions of dollars. /Take your key.1 /6hat# Renee01 /Take your key.1 /Renee# tell me# would you e$er consider a threesome between you me and Constance0 'o you like !irls01 /, think that%s about all , ha$e to show you. &ou can access your bo( anytime the bank is open. "ur hours are listed in the information card , !a$e you.1 /That%s all e(cellent# Renee. 2ut ,%m a feeler# not a thinker. , like to !et below the surface. ?or instance into a sweet pair of panties.1 /,f you%ll follow me# , think we%re done for today!1 , could tell Renee was !ettin! all hot and bothered by my se( talk# so instead of lettin! her cool down , decided to turn up the heat. /6hy don%t you let me take you into your break room and ,%ll hand fuck you. ,%d like to !et to know your clit with my thumb and show you how deep my fin!ers can !o. 'id you e$er !et hand fucked in your break room0 Then , be spittin% on your pussy and !ettin% you warmed up for some thick neck action. &ou want turkey neck0 , !ot turkey neck all lined up and in parallel for these bitches. 9a$e you and Constance both cummin% at the same time# propped up on the table# le!s like whaaa!1 6hen Renee sat back at her desk , could see she was ready to cry. *o , took a tissue out of her bo( and offered it. /Clean your face# bitch.1 *he wipes her face and her mascara is fadin!# all se(y like. *he puts the tissue in her trash. 19

/,s there anythin! else we can help you with today01 , look around. /+ah# like. *orry for the hassle. 2itch#1 , add. /6e%ll be seein% you soon. Tell Constance if she doesn%t !i$e it up ,%ll open it up with a pry bar. 2itches ain%t !ot nothin% on me.1 And then , left. 2ut , couldn%t help !oin! up to Constance and askin! her a few 3uestions. , wished , had my notebook but , would just ha$e to do this with the ole mentality. /*o Constance. , couldn%t help but notice you%re about a 2 cup. , was wonderin%# do you like those titties pinched# slapped# or spanked01 /6hat01 /,f , was to pinch you# slap you# or spank you# which would you like best01 /Can , help you with somethin!01 /&ou are helpin! me. ,%$e !ot a bit of a thicky if you know what ,%m sayin!.1 /Can , help you with some bank business01 /&es. ,s you a notary01 /A notary01 /A notary public# eh. <Cause ,%$e always wanted to do it with a notary.1 /,%m not a notary. , can help you find a notary.1 /Maybe you could let me put my dick inside your panties from the side all sly like# and you could just push <em o$er to the side and let me taste your pussy juice with my cock# while , hold you by that little bob of hair. , could show you how to swallow a cock while you%$e !ot a pair of hands around your fuckin! neck# bitch. Then your head be bouncin% up and down on my thickness and , be pullin% your hair# bitch. , know you !ot that haircut for me# ri!ht0 <Cause you knew , was comin%0 6hatsa matter# you don%t like your hair pulled0 , train a bitch to like that shit. A bitch !ets with me# she don%t know what she like. 2y the time ,%m done with her# bitch a freak. Cuttin% off chunks of her hair with cum in <em# be eatin! the cum and hair and e$erythin!. 9ead look like a ra! doll. Eatin% her own $omit and shit. That the kind of bitch you are0 2itch that want to be tau!ht0 <Cause , can be your daddy# just say the word.1

After that , strolled the lane# lookin! this way and that# takin! in the si!ht of all the !lorious pussy around me. *tate street was lined with !irls who were struttin! their stuff# dressed as whores to show off delicious le!s and scrumptious asses. , felt li!hter without my !un# and , strutted my stuff# too# pimp walkin! in a !ait desi!ned to attract ladies like a moth to a flame. 2itches were prominent. They took up all the attention on *tate *treet# outshinin! their !ents so as to be displayed like prime cuts of


meat. 2itches wore hunny shorts# cut to the ass. &ou could see their butt cheeks. And low cut tops# so low in fact that their breasteses were dan!lin! outside of their shirts. , saw freshman !irls in yo!a pants# their labia showin!# in$itin! all to ima!ine what it would be like to fuck their tiny coochies. &ou tell me this# when a !irl wears pants that show her labia# what is she sayin!0 *he is sayin! she wants to !et fucked# am , ri!ht0 ,t%s all , can do but walk up to her and run my fin!ers throu!h her crack# send all sorts of sensations runnin! between her pussy lips. +e(t they will ha$e clear pants that show the labia# all plush and soft# in$itin! e$ery !entleman on the street to know her. , passed the intersection of *tate and Enion# and all this pussy was o$erloadin! my senses# so , took a detour down Enion and then onto the 3uickest side street that would take me away from the onslau!ht of pussy. ,t wasn%t really the way home but , wasn%t relishin! an afternoon spent with the stinky fa!!ot so , decided to take the scenic route. There was still pussy here# in the form of two youn! $i(ens wearin! booty shorts that said /-E,C&1 across they butts. +ow that%s somethin! , could !et into# a nice juicy asshole. "r maybe the -E,C& was meant to refer to they cooch# to they !eneral ass. , consider the coochi part of the ass5does you0 As , approached these two ladies , could hear they con$ersation. They were talkin! about !uys% dicks. /, don%t care about !irth#1 this one !irl says. /, want a dick so lon! he can fuck me from the ne(t room.1 )i!!les. /+ah#1 this other !irl says# /, like a nice thick dick. , want it to feel like he%s stickin! his hand inside me.1 /6hy choose0 6hen you can ha$e both!1 , say# and , walk up beside them. , !rab my packa!e# s3uee7e it# pull it up a little. /, !ot !irth and len!th# ladies. *o why don%t we stop up at this Taco 2ell parkin! lot and let me run you throu!h the paces.1 /6ith you0 ?or!et it.1 /)et lost# dude.1 /"h# is that how it is01 /&eah# that%s how it is.1 /&ou%re !onna diss me like that01 /Beep walkin!# asshole!1 /+ow why is it that when a !uy says somethin! nice to a pair of ladies such as yoursel$es that he is immediately an asshole01 /Talkin! about your dick isn%t a nice thin! to say.1 /6ould you rather me talk about your !enitals01 /+o!!1 /6ell that sounds to me like a double standard. ,f a !uy talks 21

about a !uy%s !enitals# he is !ross. ,f a !irl talks about a !uy%s !enitals# as you two were# it%s acceptable con$ersation.1 The !irls look at each other. /+ow# if you%ll allow me# ,%d like to introduce myself.1 /6ell don%t e(pect us to tell you our names.1 /'on%t e(pect me to tell you mine# either#1 , say# and , un7ip my shorts and whip my dick out. /Ewww!1 ,%$e !ot the chicken head in my hand# and ,%m pointin! it at my ladies# one# then the other. /*ee0 Dike , said. )irth and len!th.1 /)et the fuck away!1 /&ou ladies want to touch it01 /+o!1 /Put it away!1 /Put your dick away!1 /2ut why would , put it away# when , is airin% it out01 /"h !od.1 /Dea$e us alone# dude. 6e don%t want to see your dick!1 /*ome thin!s in life we don%t !et to choose#1 , say. /+ow who wants to !i$e it a lick01 /E6!1 /)uaranteed to taste like raspberries! 6hy don%t you lay down o$er there# and we will see how juicy you really is.1 /Come on# Me!an#1 the one says# and she !rabs her friend%s hand# and pulls her 3uickly ahead# away from me. , stand there for a moment# and this !uy is walkin! down the other side of the street. 9e looks o$er and sees my dick. /6hat are you lookin! at01 , 7ip up. , yell# /2ye# Me!an!1 and , continue down the street. , take corners at random# mar$ellin! at the beauty of the day# ima!inin! my dick planted firmly between Me!an%s labia# suckers !rippin! me like a pair of pliers. , like a !irl with bi! labia. 6ell soon enou!h , come to this house which has a si!n out front. ,t says# /'") ?"R *ADE1 and , think to meself# wouldn%t it be nice if me has a do!0 , knock on the door. /&es01 /,%m here about your si!n. The one for the do!01 /,%m just about to brin! him out. 9old up here# ok01 , sit on the porch. ,n time# my man brin!s out his do!# which looks like a hound do!# a setter or somethin!5the type of do! you use for huntin!. And the first thin! , notice about this do! is he has an enormous cock. ,t%s laid up a!ainst his belly and it%s contracted and e$erythin!# but 22

you can tell# this do! is hun!. 2i! boy. , like him already. /This do! ha$e any kids01 /+ot that , know of.1 /2ut he likes the bitches# ri!ht01 /6hat do you mean01 /The do!%s not !ay# ri!ht01 /+o# as far as , know he likes bitches.1 /9ow much are you sellin! this do! for01 /Three hundred.1 /*eems a little hi!h.1 /, ha$e all his paperwork# he%s had shots# we only feed him Premium Purina Chow.1 /6hy# is that !ood stuff01 /The best.1 /9e%s not a $e!etarian# is he0 <Cause , couldn%t be ha$in% no do! that%s a $e!etarian.1 /9e eats meat.1 /'oes he eat yo!urt01 /, don%t know. 6e could maybe !o two fifty.1 /9old back with the business# my man. Det me !et to know you. &ou a Eni$ersity !raduate01 /&eah. &ou !o here now01 /&eah# my man. , !oes to this shithole of a school. *o is you married0 "r is you a cake boy# eatin! fud!e off the tip of your weinus after you%s sticks it in the anus of your hubby hubby like01 /&ou want to meet my !irlfriend01 /+o# , don%t needs to meet your !irlfriend# unless you ha$e some idea of the three of us !ettin% freaky in the bedroom. , don%t care what you and your wife do behind closed doors. E$en if you fuck her in the ass then fuck her in the mouth ri!ht afterward. That%s your business. ,%m just interested in the do!.1 /&eah# so we%$e had this do! two years. 9e%s fully !rown. 9e !ets kind of a!!ressi$e sometimes but usually a !ood walk cures that. 9e%s yours for two fifty if he%s !oin! to a !ood home. 6here do you li$e0 'o you li$e in the dorms01 /&eah# but we%s about to remedy that.1 /9e needs to be walked twice a day.1 /, be walkin% him twice a day# no doubt.1 /9e needs a !ood space to run.1 /9e be runnin% on the !reen# with me. *ettle yourself about that# my man. , be needin% to ask you a few 3uestions.1 /*hoot.1 /*o you say he has his papers01 /?ully.1 /*o when you fuck your !irlfriend# do you lea$e bruises0 &ou were 23

serious about ha$in! a !irlfriend# weren%t you01 /Marcy!1 /+o# , don%t need to meet your bitch. 2est you keep that ho to yourself. ,%m an off the chain motherfucker when it be comin% to bitches# , be showin% <em my dick and shit# so unless you want me poppin% it out to show your wife51 /)irlfriend.1 /Enless ye want me poppin% it out to tempt that bitch# you best be keepin% that bitch inside that house. All , needs to know from you# my friend# is do you lea$e bruises on that bitch when you fuck0 ,%m askin% as a youn! man to an older one. 2ecause when , fuck , like to lea$e a bitch black and blue# you know what ,%m sayin%0 And , is wonderin%# from a place of ine(perience to a place of more e(perience# is that shit normal01 /9ow old are you01 /, is twenty two.1 /&ou a senior01 /&es , is.1 /9ow many !irlfriends ha$e you had01 /, has lost count.1 /And you want to know if it%s ri!ht to lea$e a !irl black and blue after you fuck her01 /That%s ri!ht sir.1 /9ow many !irls ha$e you left black and blue01 /More than one# sir.1 /6ell , would say that%s between you and her# you know0 , mean if she likes to be hit# there%s nothin! wron! with you lea$in! a few marks..but only if it%s decided upon beforehand# and you ha$e limits# like a safe word. 'o you know what a safe word is01 /That%s when you be beatin% a bitch and she has a special word she can tell in your ear so that maybe you stop beatin% the shit out of her# ri!ht01 /*ort of.1 /6ell is you !onna sell me your do!01 /,f you want him.1 /'oes he ha$e a name01 /*eymour.1 /6ell we%s !onna ha$e to chan!e that.1 /&ou%re welcome to name him whate$er you want. 9e comes to *eymour.1 /, was thinkin% more like Me!a 'o!.1 /That works. *o how does two fifty sound01 /, don%t think me be payin% more than two hundred for a do! named *eymour.1 /2ut you can chan!e it.1 /Two hundred is all me ha$e in me pocket.1 24

/Can%t you !o !et more01 /Then , mi!ht be losin% interest and ne$er come back to this house.1 /"k. Two hundred.1 *o we shake hands and , !i$e him cash and , take that do! *eymour off his hands.

, decide ri!ht then and there ,%m !onna rename him. +o do! of mine is !onna ha$e a !ay ass name like *eymour. *eymour is a name for fa!s. ,%m thinkin! of names as , !o back to the !reen. Me!a 'o! is a definite possibility. 2a(ter# or somethin! like that. This do! is a killer. , come up on the !reen and see there is a bunch of students !atherin! at the fountain. *o , walk my do! up to show him off. ?irst there is little interest# and then# what do , see0 Dittle Miss 'efiance# sittin! on the ed!e of the fountain with a te(tbook. , walk my do! ri!ht up. /6ell# if it ain%t Dittle Miss 'efiance.1 *he doesn%t look up. /9ey there# Dittle Miss '. ,%m talkin% to you.1 *he looks up. /"h# you.1 /6ell# doesn%t you like me do!01 *he looks back at her book. /*o# Dittle Miss '. 9ere%s how this works. 6hen , talk to you# you%s looks at me and talks back.1 /6hy would , want to talk to you01 /<Cause me%s a charmin% motherfucker.1 /,%m tryin! to read here. Can%t you see that01 /6ell ,%s tryin% to walk me do!# can%t you see that01 /6hat01 /E(actly.1 /&ou don%t make any sense.1 /, makes e(actly as much sense as you wants me to# if you catch me meanin!.1 /6hat%s that supposed to mean01 /,t means if you open your ears# you hear.1 /,%$e !ot homework to do. 'on%t you ha$e any homework0 "r do you e$en !o here01 /"h# me%s !oes here.1 /, doubt that.1 /&e can doubt anythin! thee like# Dittle Miss. ,t doesn%t make it so.1 /Anyway# , ha$e to read this for tomorrow# so.1


/6ell , wouldn%t want to keep you from your studies. 2ut me do! would like it if you would acknowled!e him.1 Dittle Miss '. !i$es me this hard look# like she been played e$ery which way from *unday by e$ery player ima!inable# and , is the last in a lon! line of players she about to take lip from. /6hat%s her name01 /,t%s a he. *ee0 9is dick.1 /6hat%s his name then01 *he%s shakin! her head. /*till lookin% for a name.1 /That%s shameful.1 /6ant to find the perfect one# see01 /&our do! doesn%t e$en ha$e a name0 6hat kind of pet owner are you01 /, is the kind of pet owner who would rather wait a few weeks to find the perfect name than to jump into a name prematurely. That%s the kind of pet owner , is.1 *he pets me do!. And he takes to her. 9e licks her hand. /*ee# *eymour# she%s nice.1 /, thou!ht he didn%t ha$e a name.1 /*eymour is his temporary fa!!ot name.1 /&ou know when you talk like that you just turn off e$ery !irl in a ten mile radius.1 /Me doesn%t e$en ha$e a could me measure a ten mile radius01 /,t%s not attracti$e.1 /,f you say so.1 /And when you disturb my study !roup that doesn%t in!ratiate you to me. People are drinkin! their coffee. Tryin! to study. And you come throu!h with your loud ass stories about bitches you like to fuck. ,t%s dis!ustin!.1 /2ut you wasn%t drinkin% coffees. &ou was drinkin% pumpkin spice lattes.1 /Dattes are coffee# retard.1 /&ou know , hear in some circles retard ain%t such a cool word to say anymore. ,n that it sti!mati7es the retards.1 /Am , done meetin! your do! now01 /,f you decides you is done# then , !uess you is done.1 /6ell. 2ye do!!1 *he !i$es a little wa$e. *he is wearin! short shorts and a t shirt so ti!ht it shows her 2 cup titties. , ima!ine meself tweakin! her nips# twistin! <em# !ettin! <em hard. /'o you mind if me%s asks you a personal 3uestion01 /"nly if you stop talkin! in that ridiculous accent.1 /, can talks anyway you like.1 /6ell. Talk normal.1 /"k. And can , point out that that isn%t an accent. ,t%s a dialect.1 26

/)ood for you.1 /+ow can , ask my personal 3uestion01 /,f you must.1 /'o you want to accompany me and my nameless do! on a walk across the !reen01 /, ha$e a boyfriend.1 /That%s not what , asked you.1 /, ha$e to study..see this book01 /*urely you ha$e time for a walk. -ust..across the !reen and back. &ou%d be back in twenty minutes.1 /, don%t think so.1 /*ee how much *eymour likes you0 9e%ll be lonely if you don%t come.1 /9e%ll ha$e you.1 /2ut me%s not $ery !ood company.1 /, a!ree.1 /Take a walk with me.1 /+o.1 /, insist.1 /&ou insist0 , don%t !i$e a !ood !oddamn if you insist! ,%$e !ot to do my readin!.1 /&ou can read as we walk.1 /+o. , can%t. , like to be stationary when , read.1 /&ou is a fascinatin! !irl. 6hat%s your name01 /*top talkin! like that!1 /Alri!ht! 6hat# is# your# name01 /, ain%t tellin% you.1 /Dook! &ou be doin% it too!1 /6hat01 /<Ain%t.% &ou be talkin% just like me.1 /6ell let%s both stop.1 /, be stoppin% if you will.1 /Then. &es. )o. *top.1 /6hat%s your name01 /,%m supposed to tell you my name when your do! doesn%t e$en ha$e a name0 Det%s all just proceed..without names.1 /*o we%s be proceedin% then.1 /,f you don%t stop talkin! like that ,%m !oin! to stop talkin! to you.1 /6hate$er you say# Dittle Miss '.1 /'on%t call me Dittle Miss.1 /6ell what should , call you01 /-ust call me <hey you% for now.1 /6ell# 9ey &ou# would you like to take a walk with me and my do!01 27

/+o.1 /6hat can , do to make you say yes01 /+othin!.1 /6hat if , offer you to walk the do!01 /, ain%t walkin% no do! without a name.1 /Ah ah ah! A deal%s a deal.1 /,%m not walkin! a do! without a name.1 /Det%s name him# then.1 /&ou%re a punk# you know that0 , came out here to ha$e a 3uiet place to read. ,%$e !ot to finish this for class tomorrow. +ow you come alon! and e$erythin! falls to shit.1 /6hat do you think about 6illiam as a name01 /?or your do!01 /+o# for our firstborn. 6hat do you think , mean01 *he considers *eymour. /+o. 9e doesn%t look like a 6illiam.1 /6ell what do you think about !i$in! him a !irl%s name0 , think this do! mi!ht be !ay.1 /There you !o# ruinin! it a!ain.1 /Ruinin! what01 /6e were makin! pro!ress. , don%t belie$e ,%m sayin! this about you# but we were. Then you !o and say a thin! like that.1 /6hat# that my home is open and affirmin! to !ay do!s01 /?or!et it.1 /6hat01 /'on%t worry about it.1 /6orry about what01 /Can%t you see ,%m busy01 /Too busy for a walk on a beautiful day01 /)o away!1 *he closes her book when she says it. People are lookin! at us. , bend to *eymour. /9ey# buddy. "ur Dittle Miss '. is not amused. , need your help# buddy. *how her your !ood side# show her there%s nothin! wron! with the 2i! 2ad 6olf.1 , !rab his paw and reach it upwards. /9e wants to shake with you.1 *he won%t look. *he%s !ot her book pressed a!ainst her chest and she%s starin! sideways. /9e wants to shake with you.1 *he makes no motion. /9ello# beautiful !irl# my name is *eymour# and , want to take a walk with you.1 , shake his paw. The !irl looks down. /,f , take this walk with you# will you lea$e me alone01 /Most definitely.1 /6e%re !oin! to the ed!e of the !reen and back.1 /Precisely.1 28

/&ou won%t say anythin! stupid.1 /, will try my best.1 /&ou won%t talk like a !an!ster.1 , do the *couts% 9onor pose. /, will not talk like a !an!ster.1 /, don%t belie$e ,%m doin! this.1 /&es! *uccess!1 , raise my arms in the air and it fri!htens *eymour. /&ou will not touch me at any point durin! this walk.1 /Ri!ht.1 /&ou will not touch me at the conclusion of this walk.1 /+ot a bit.1 /&ou will not ask personal 3uestions.1 /, will try not to ask personal 3uestions.1 /&ou will not ask personal 3uestions.1 /, will not ask a sin!le personal 3uestion. , will restrict my talk to the weather# the !eneral en$ironment# any people we see# fly hunnies51 /+o fly hunnies.1 /"k.1 /, would hate to see what you think is fly anyway.1 /6ell# you. , think you is fly.1 /6atch it.1 /*eymour# we%re !oin! to on a walk!1 /, hope you understand that this walk in no way indicates that , like you or am at all attracted to you. 6e are not sleepin! to!ether. There will not be a second walk. This is purely to !et you off my back so , can do my homework.1 /?eisty. , like that.1 /*top it. , mean it. At any time if , feel like ,%m not ha$in! fun , will turn around and lea$e you and your do! where$er we are.1 /*o many rules. ,s this how you li$e the rest of your life01 /+o# these are special rules for you. 'ammit. &ou probably lo$ed hearin! that# didn%t you01 /, did.1 /&ou ha$e a sickness..that ,..can%t 3uite put my fin!er on. 6hat%s your name0 ,f ,%m !onna walk with you , need to know your name. , don%t need to know it. 2ut , would like to know it# for the purposes of this dubious walk.1 /&ou%re a $ery wordy !irl.1 /, bet you ha$e a thin! for wordy !irls# ri!ht01 /+ot particularly.1 /"h that%s nice. &ou like dumb ass whores01 /, think if , answer that 3uestion honestly you will not like me.1 /*mart mo$e. 6hat%s your name01 /&ou !o first. 6hat%s your name01 /Daely. And , don%t belie$e ,%m doin! this.1 29

/*o..Daely. 6hat brin!s you to this town01 /Eh.., !o to school here.1 /2ut why this school# if you catch my meanin!01 /Are you askin! that <cause this is a party school01 /6ell you must like to party if you came here.1 /Maybe it%s all , can afford.1 /*o you is from within the state then01 /,%m from Mel$ille.1 /Mel$ille. , has been there many times.1 /+o !an!ster talk# or ,%m out.1 /, ha$e been to your lo$ely town of Mel$ille many times.1 /'id you like it01 /, liked what , saw.1 /6hat%s that supposed to mean01 /,t means the parts that , saw.., liked.1 /+e$ermind.1 /Are you mad at me01 /, hardly know you# how could , be mad at you0 'o you want me to be mad at you01 , looked at this !irl# seein! her bra throu!h her shirt and ima!inin! those 2 cups in my face with her sittin! on top of me# my dick upri!ht between her pretty le!s stickin! into her ri!hteous cunt5for , was becomin! surer by the minute that this bitch had a ri!hteous cunt5and , thou!ht of us makin! lo$e# wild puppy lo$e# yippin! and yappin! our pleasure at each other like do!s. To this fine bitch , said# /+o. , do not want you to be mad at me.1 *he said# /2ecause , thou!ht you mi!ht think that if , was mad at you# that would mean we were closer.1 /, suppose it would mean that.1 /2ut you didn%t want that01 /+o. , doesn%t want you to be mad at me# Dittle Miss '.1 /Call me by my name.1 /"k# Daely# , calls you by your name.1 /Talk strai!ht.1 /&ou ha$e so many demands# seein! how you just met me#1 , say. /, bet you like that#1 she says. /, likes spendin! time with you# it doesn%t matter if you make demands or not.1 /2ut , bet you%re !ettin! off on the fact that , make so many demands on you5aren%t you01 /, ain%t !ettin! off on anythin!# Dittle Miss D.1 /,t%s just Daely!1


/?ine. Daely. 2ut , prefer to call you Dittle Miss D.1 /, prefer you don%t. ,t%s miso!ynistic.1 /+o it ain%t# Daely. ,t%s affectionate.1 /That%s just as bad. , don%t want you to be affectionate towards me. *o stop ima!inin! that we !et to!ether..%cause we don%t. After this walk you !o on with your pathetic life and , !o on with mine.1 /,s you sayin% that your life is pathetic too01 /,t%s pretty pathetic.1 /, can%t ima!ine your life bein! pathetic.1 /9ow do you ima!ine it01 /Dike an an!el.1 /'on%t bullshit me.1 /6ell not e(actly like an an!el# but me%s ima!ines that you ha$e the world pretty much at your fin!ertips# !uys wantin% to be with you and all# and you%s ha$in% your pick of the lot of datin% at your whim# , ima!ine..not !i$in% a fuck about nobody..!ettin% buck wild with your !irlfriends dancin% around in your underwear5!1 /*top. , don%t dance buck wild in my underwear. , don%t date5, don%t ha$e time for it. ,%m a full time student51 /,%s a full time student too.1 /'o you date01 /, do my thin!.1 /That just means you fuck random !irls.1 /, don%t fuck random !irls. , likes to !et to know someone before , fuck them.1 /&eah ri!ht.1 /6hy do you think , don%t ha$e feelin!s# too0 &ou ha$e feelin!s# ri!ht0 Ri!ht01 /&eah.1 /Then why do you think that , don%t ha$e them0 , be catchin% feelin%s before , fuck a ho.1 /Lery nice.1 /6hat0 ,sn%t you a ho0 'on%t you be !i$in% it up01 /+one of your business.1 /"h. *o you isn%t a ho. &ou like to be !i$in% it to one !uy# special like.1 /, lied before. , don%t ha$e a boyfriend.1 /6hy did you lie to me01 /2ecause. , wanted you to lea$e me alone.1 /&ou lied to me01 /'on%t act surprised.1 /*o you doesn%t e$en ha$e a boyfriend01 /, had one in hi!h school. , don%t ha$e time for one now. ,%m in the honors dorm. All honors classes. ,%m here to learn# not to ha$e se(.1 /2ut you likes se(# ri! ain%t no..lesbian01 31

/?rankly# it%s none of your business.1 /*o it%s frankly now# is it. &ou like to keep me at a distance with <frankly.%1 /, don%t like to keep you anywhere. &ou%re just another !uy who wants to !et in a !irl%s pants and is willin! to do anythin! to accomplish your !oal# includin! brin!in! her a cute do!.1 /&ou think me%s bou!ht this do! just to impress you01 /Maybe.1 /&ou think me%s doesn%t e$en lo$e this do!01 /9ow do , know. ,t%s probably not e$en your do!.1 /&ou%s thinks this do! is a rental.1 /, wouldn%t be surprised.1 And with e$ery time she disbelie$ed me# , fell deeper and deeper in lo$e. , needed a !irl to deny me# to disbelie$e me# to hold me at bay. ,t was !ood for me. This bitch wasn%t buyin% a word of what , said# and somewhere deep down# it did me !ood. /, think you is a hard nut to crack#1 , said. /6ell don%t try to crack me.1 /6hy not0 That%s what a nut is for# isn%t it01 /,%m not a nut.1 /&ou is like a walnut# all wrinkly and hard on the outside but all smooth and soft on the inside.1 /Ew! )ross! 'o you reali7e you just compared me to a walnut0 That%s like pa!e one in the 9andbook of 9ow +ot to ,mpress )irls.1 /They has a handbook on how nots to impress !irls01 /'on%t act stupid.1 /9as you e$er eaten a walnut01 /*ure.1 /,sn%t they !ood01 /They%re alri!ht.1 /6ell that%s you.1 /&ou%re sayin! ,%m just alri!ht01 /, don%t know yet <cause , hasn%t tasted the meat.1 /'o these comple( analo!ies work with other !irls01 /, don%t use analo!ies with other !irls. -ust you.1 /And ,%m supposed to be blessed for this0 Dook# let%s walk back. This has been an interestin!..e(periment..but ,%m ready to continue with my readin! and ,%m sure you and *eymour ha$e better thin!s to do.1 /*eymour prefers to stay here with you.1 /'oes he.1 , kneel beside *eymour and pet him# rub his ears. Daely kneels too. *he pets his face. /Disten# my man. &ou and , are on two different tar!ets..tracks. 6e e(ist in different worlds. &ou like to harass women and make a nuisance of yourself. , like to spend 3uiet e$enin!s studyin! and readyin! myself for a career. 6e don%t e(ist 32

to!ether. 6hen , said , had a boyfriend# earlier# that was true; my studies are my boyfriend. 6e !o to bed to!ether# wake up to!ether# spend all day to!ether. 6e%re e$erythin! to each other. And there just isn%t room in that kind of lifestyle for me to be ca$ortin! offense..but the likes of you. &ou dis!ust me. , hate the way you talk. The only thin! !ood about you is your do!# and somehow , doubt that he%s !oin! to be around lon!. &ou don%t e(actly strike me as a pet owner# if you know what ,%m sayin!.1 /+o# , don%t know what you is sayin!.1 /, just don%t see you takin! care of a do!.1 /&ou don%t think , can take care of a do!.1 /+o.1 /9as you e$er had a do!01 /+o.1 /Then that%s the pot callin! the kettle black. , has had a do! and you hasn%t51 /That%s not the pot callin! the kettle black.1 /,f , says , ha$e had a do! and you says you ha$en%t51 /, think you%re mistakin! that for another e(pression.1 /, is not mistaken.1 /&es. &ou is.1 /6ell , !uess we%re at an impasse.1 /, !uess so# maestro.1 /6hy is you callin% me maestro all of a sudden01 /?or!et , said anythin!.1 /+o , can%t for!et. &ou is callin% me maestro. 6hat does you mean01 /?or!et it. The o$er.1 /&ou said you would walk me to the ed!e of the !reen and back.1 /6ell. , chan!ed my mind.1 /&ou is an ,ndian !i$er.1 /That%s racist.1 /+o51 /+ice meetin! you. 2ye *eymour. 9a$e a nice life bein! a menace.1 /At least walk me back5let me walk you to the fountain! ,%ll walk you back and you can continue your readin!# and you%ll ne$er see me a!ain.1 /,s that a promise01 /"f course it%s a promise. , promise you after we !et to the fountain you will ne$er see me a!ain.1 /E$er01 /Enless you see me by accident around campus.1 /*omehow , think that%s increasin!ly likely.1 /,f , sees you in the future , brin!s me do! up to you for a 3uick 33

pet and then me lea$es you alone.1 /, ha$e to finish my readin!.1 /Me knows that! Trust me# me is more than respectful of your readin! time. Me%s needs me%s readin! time as well.1 /"h yeah0 6hat do you read01 /Me%s reads the internet.1 /Porn doesn%t count as readin!.1 /,t doesn%t0 *ometimes bitches be holdin% si!ns in fine print abo$e they heads as they be !ettin% fucked from behind# and me%s has to read the fine print before me%s can !et off.1 /9a$e you e$er been laid in your whole life01 /,%s been laid a few times.1 /+ot countin! internet !irlfriends# how many times ha$e you been laid01 /&ou is askin% into me $ery pri$ate life.1 /Aren%t you tryin! to !et down my pants0 As someone you%re tryin! to fuck# , would like to know. 9ow many !irls ha$e you been with01 /,s you sayin% there is a chance of you and me%s !ettin% to!ether01 /+o. , am not sayin! that. , just want to know how diseased you are.1 /, is disease free.1 /9ow do you know01 /2ecause ,%s only fuck disease free hoes.1 /"k. Thanks. 6e%re done. ,t%s been amusin!. , think you%ll a!ree we%re sufficiently near the fountain that this walk is o$er. *o it%s been $ery nice bein! assaulted by your constant stream of ne!ati$isms a!ainst women. 9a$e a nice life. *eymour; !ood luck. Please feed your do!.1 Then she flips me off. *he opens her te(tbook with one hand and puts up a middle fin!er with the other. ,t%s not e$en aimed at me# it%s just in my !eneral direction.

6ell , couldn%t just stand there all day talkin! to my new friend. , yelled# /Dater bitch!1 and took *eymour down the hill. Dittle Miss '. continued in my mind after , had left her. 9er hair# her face..all su!!ested a fine pussy. , needed to know what was underneath those shorts# to see that puss and see if it was fine or not. 9opefully she wouldn%t surprise me with an unsha$ed puss or too much roast beef. 2itches need to tuck that shit in. , shi$ered. *he mi!ht be unsha$ed. Considerin! the horrors of Dittle Miss '. with an unsha$ed pussy# , also thou!ht about her other 3ualities. A certain wry intelli!ence# if , did say so myself. And , had called it initially; 'efiance. This wasn%t one


to take it from anybody# and that made me want to !i$e it to her all the more. Dittle Miss '.# with her le!s spread# pussy out. , would sha$e that motherfucker if , had to. ?reshly sha$ed pussy# stick my dick in# ha$e my way. ?uck her from the inside out. 2e rin!in% that bitch%s bells. 9a$e her be!!in% for more. &ou ne$er know when a youn! bitch like that may not ha$e enou!h sense to sha$e her own pussy. &ou would think any bitch abo$e the a!e of twel$e would ha$e sense enou!h to sha$e her own pussy. 2ut you ne$er know with certain bitches. *ome of them ain%t !ot no sense. *eymour and , came to the dorm. 6e%re standin! outside my door. *eymour barks. The door opens. ,t%s the stinky fa!!ot. /9ey!1 /9ey buddy! 6ho%s this01 /This is *eymour. ,%m probably !oin! to rename him5, mean , am !oin! to rename him , just don%t know what to rename him yet.1 /6ho%s is he01 /6ell# buddy# he%s ours!1 , !o into the room# let *eymour%s leash !o. 9e jumps all o$er the stinky fa!!ot. /6hoah boy! 9e%s beautiful. 9e%s a beautiful do!.1 /, thou!ht you would think that. 6e%re !oin! to make a beautiful home here# you me and him.1 /6hat do you mean01 /, mean nothin!. 9e can sleep with me. 9e%s dynamite with the bitches..not that you%d care about that.1 /6e can%t ha$e a do!.1 /And yet..we do!1 /6here did you !et him01 /*ome !uy. Esed to !o to school here. )ot him for two hundred bucks!1 /That%s a !ood price for a do!. 6hat kind is he01 /9e%s a huntin! do!. Dook at <im. Biller.1 /6ere you walkin! him on the !reen01 , nod. /2itches loooo$e this do!# roomie! &ou should see this bitch , met. ?ine. 2 class titties. ?ly ass pussy.1 /9ow do you know anythin! about her pussy01 /?rom my facial reconstructi$e analysis. &ou can tell e$erythin! you need to know about a bitch%s pussy51 /?rom her face. Ri!ht. &ou know that%s a load of bullshit# ri!ht01 /,t ain%t a load of bullshit. A bitch%s pussy and a bitch%s face bear a uni3ue resemblance consistin! of se$eral different feature a$ailability sets.1 /6hat the fuck is a feature a$ailability set01 35

/6ell , can%t e(pect you to know.1 /6hy not01 /<Cause you is a fa!.1 /, don%t know how you !ot it in your mind that ,%m a fa!# but ,%m not a fa!# not that there%s anythin! wron! with that.1 /That is e(actly the kind of thin! a fa! would say.1 /6hate$er.1 /, know it%s <whate$er.% <Cause you is a fa!.1 /Det%s talk about the do!.1 /6hy# <cause you is thinkin% that he be !ay too01 /+o# because , be thinkin% that we can%t keep a do! in a dorm room.1 /"f course we is !onna keep <im. &ou want me to lea$e <im by a !arba!e bin01 /6hy don%t you take him back where you !ot him01 /And put my tail between my le!s0 That is just the kind of thin! a fa! would su!!est.1 /,%m just su!!estin!..this isn%t the best home for a do!.1 /9is name is *eymour and , would appreciate it if you refer to him by his name.1 /*eymour would be better off where he came from.1 /9ow do you know0 9e may ha$e had a horrible home.1 /6ell# it doesn%t matter# <cause we%re not allowed to keep do!s on campus# so you ha$e to !et rid of him.1 /Me didn%t reali7e fa!s were so opposed to animals.1 /6hy do you need me to be !ay0 6hy does that make you more comfortable01 /Ew! , doesn%t need you to be !ay. &ou just happens to be the most !ayest do! hatin! roomie that , has e$er had!1 /6ere you abused as a child# is that why51 /+o , wasn%t abused! 6hy0 ,s you thinkin% about abusin% me# you bi! stinky fa!!ot01 /,%m just askin!51 /The answer is no. , was ne$er abused. And ,%m thinkin% about !ettin% reassi!ned to a non stinky# non fa!!ot roommate selection# if you catch me meanin!. +ow are you !oin! to help me take care of *eymour or not01 /Are you !oin! to threaten me01 /+o# , is askin% you like a ci$ili7ed motherfucker.1 The stinky fa!!ot sits back in his desk chair# ponderin% and shit. /6ell# is you01 /,s , what01 /,s you !oin! to help me take care of this do!01 /, don%t know yet. &ou can%t just sprin! a do! on a person. The time to talk would ha$e been before you !ot the do!.1 36

/2lah blah blah. Decture lecture lecture. &ou should see the fly bitch , !ot with this do!. This do! can work for you# too# you know. )et you some ti!ht freshman fa! you can cornhole when , isn%t in the room.1 /Come on..1 /'oesn%t you want to fuck the butt of some ti!ht freshmans that you lured into the room with ole *eymour here# fuck them ri!ht up the butts01 /,%m not !ay.1 /,f you want to fuck butts# that%s your business5what am , !oin! to say about it0 ,%m tryin! to do you a ser$ presentin! you..with a do!..who can help further your pursuits.1 /Accordin! to you my pursuits are cornholin! unsuspectin! freshmen.1 /*tickin% your doodad up their butts.1 /Ri!ht. , don%t know how to tell you this# but ,%m not !ay. , like !irls too.1 /&ou like they pussy01 /&es.1 /Then why is you so afraid to say it01 /,%m not.1 /Then say it. Ri!ht now.1 /Pussy01 /-ust <cause you can say it don%t make you strai!ht# brah. 6hen , talk about a strai!ht !uy , mean a !uy who throu!h and throu!h likes pussy. Di$es it. 2reathes it. Do$es it. ,s you that kind of !uy01 /, like pussy.1 /2ut you be soundin% so tentati$ is you sure you likes it0 ?or instance# do you likes it hairy or sha$ed01 /, !uess..either way.1 /That sound like a fa! thin! to say# my friend. And you can see how# with an answer like that# , am uncomfortable with you sleepin% in the same room as me. ,%m not sure , can trust you sleepin% in the same room as *eymour.1 /6hat do you think ,%m !oin! to do to him01 /, doesn%t know# my man. , just doesn%t know. 2ut ,%s wouldn%t want to risk it.1 /6ell , !uess you can%t keep him here# since you can%t trust me alone with your do!.1 /&our words# not mine. , ne$er said anythin! about you%s bein% alone with him. ,f you was alone with him# what kind of thin!s would you do01 /+othin!! , don%t e$en want your do! here!1 /,s you sure01 /, think you should sell him as soon as possible.1 /6ell , !uess it isn%t true.1 37

/6hat01 /About fa!s ha$in! warm hearts.1 /6hat001 /, thou!ht you people had a soft spot for animals.1 /)et it throu!h your head..,%m not !ay!1 /, ne$er sees you with a woman.1 /,%$e been with se$eral women this year.1 /6hy doesn%t , see them01 /2ecause you%re always out..doin!..whate$er you do.1 /, fuck bitches.1 /?uckin! bitches# then.1 /?ly bitches.1 /,%m sure.1 /&ou say that like you be doubtin% a motherfucker and , feel your doubt.1 /+o# ,%m sure you do.1 /, do. , let a bitch know who%s who. 2e takin% my own sha$in! cream alon! just in case they pussies ain%t sha$ed..sha$in% those motherfuckers# !et <em real smooth# you be eatin% off these motherfuckers. *eymour knows. 9elped me !et this fly bitch who , know ,%m%onna bed. Dittle Miss '.1 /&ou call her that <cause she has a dick01 /+o# , call her that because she%s 'efiant. Dittle bitch had the stuff to stand up to me when , was makin% noise in a cafe# disturbin% her study !roup talkin! about bitches and hoes and so forth. Dittle Miss '. stood up to me. And ,%m !oin! to drop that bitch%s panties and stick my dick in. *how that bitch what happens when you stand up to me# teach her what defiance !ets you. ,t !ets you a cock in the $.# is what it !ets you# whether you like it or not. ,%m !onna ban! that bitch till she feel it in her teeth# she be usin% my cum as toothpaste.1 /*ounds romantic.1 /To you it wouldn%t# fa!. That%s <cause you don%t know anythin! about pussy5real pussy. &our three !irls a think that teaches you about real pussy0 , bet they be fat lesbians you be fuckin%# hairy upper lip# don%t sha$e they armpits. ,%m talkin% about fresh# clean pussy. Race car pussy. &ou be fuckin% old jalopy pussy. This is that kind of pussy you !et when you%re si(teen5%cept , be !ettin% that e$ery day. , be fuckin% Dittle Miss '.5you see. +ow , need this *eymour to help keep that bitch%s attention# so is you !oin! to let me keep this do! or what01

*tinky fa!!ot said he%d ha$e to think about that# and he left to !et some lunch. , locked the door. ,t seemed like a perfect time to $iew some porn# if you catch my drift. *o , stashed *eymour in the corner and did some


searches. The first thin! , searched for is /!irls whose fathers didn%t lo$e them.1 ,t was a bunch of ima!es of sorry lookin! chicks who had been abandoned by they fathers# and these !ot me hard ri!ht away. Poor little unlo$ed !irls sittin! in the corner with their arms crossed# bruises on they faces# lookin! all pouty like. , thou!ht about !ettin! off to one of those bitches ri!ht there# but , was too smart for that. , knew the internet had more to offer me. , could always come back to these pouty bitches later. , typed in a strin! of words somethin! like /cum slut hentai bitch boobs cums real hard 1..M real or!asms1 and , !ot a bunch of junk. *o ,%s narrowed my search. , typed /1..M real panty !irls teens cummin! in they britches#1 thinkin! that e$en thou!h britches was an archaic word the internet would know what , mean. This time , !ot some fine ass pictures of bitches creamin% they panties# some real 1..M bitches includin! this one bitch who had pink panties and was sittin% in a feather bed playin% with that bitch%s own pussy with feathers and a clear dildo bi!!er than any dick , had e$er seen. ,t made me mad to think of this bitch !ettin! off on that clear dildo# when really it should ha$e been my cock she was !ettin! off with. *he almost !ot me off but then , started thinkin% about how that bitch was probably a real life lesbian and me%s started !ettin! an!ry about that bitch bein% a lesbian and me started to punch me computer screen and *eymour be !ettin% hyped up so me fi!ured me should tone it down a bit. Another of the real panty !irls , found was this ballet dancer# be wearin% a leotard with white thin!s stickin! out of her pussy area in case that bitch%s pussy be splashin% out when that bitch !et e(cited. The camera was all up in her pussy area and , was thinkin% how that bitch had been a bad# bad bitch5be disobeyin% her dance instructor and shit# be breakin% all the rules# and that bitch%s pussy need punishin!# and me%s the one they sent to do it. <Cause sometimes when a ballet dancin% bitch !et out of line they like to send in a 1..M American !an!sta# to 3uiet that bitch down. *he needs her pussy punished# and , is the pussy punisher. , start ima!inin% her teachin% ballet steps to me while , fucks her bad# bad# pussy and then , starts wonderin% if , is !ay <cause ,%s ima!inin% her teachin% me ballet steps. *urely no 1..M strai!ht dude would ima!ine a ballet bitch teachin% him dance steps! ,%s must be a certain percenta!e !ay! 'o you think stinky fa!!ot knows0! , search for /1..M strai!ht !irls with ti!ht pussies no !ay stuff1 and feel a si!h of relief. This search don%t be ha$in% no !ay stuff in it5me specified 1..M strai!ht! Me specified no !ay stuff. *urely me fantasies this time around won%t be includin% no !ay ass fantasies about ballet dancers teachin! me to dance! 2ut , don%t !et anythin! !ood with this search so , ha$e to !o a!ain. /super ti!ht bitches be ha$in% pliers in they pussy1 !i$es me nothin!. /!ator !rip twat1 !i$es me nothin!. 39

, decide to !o back to my pre$ious tack. /bitches who be dama!ed in they mind and will let you cum in they face1 !i$es me some more sad lookin! bitches includin! one about fi$e years old sittin% in her parents% kitchen lookin% like she just !ot beat with a chain. 6elts and shit on her arms. 2ruised face. *he has all she clothes on# but you can ima!ine what she !rows up like5become one of these colle!e bitches don%t care what the fuck you do to <em# lon! as it%s $iolent. /bitches who like $iolence1 !i$es me some bitches who like to inflict $iolence# and they is not the kind of bitches , is lookin% for. , try just /sad lookin! bitches1 and !et a jackpot. , !et some do!s# some pictures of pi!s. 2ut , also !ets middle a!ed bitches who is just sad# and , almost jerk off o$er some bitch looks like 9illary Clinton. Then they is some pathetic bitches# in they twenties# who looks depressed. They looks like they need medication. "ne of these bitches has brown hair and looks like this actress who was famous when , was a kid. , can%t help it but this thou!ht of me sucklin! at her titties flashes into my head. Dike she was old enou!h to be my mom and shit. , can%t help it if sick shit comes into my head. That%s just the way ,%m built. *o ,%m strokin% it lookin! at this bitch old enou!h to be my mom# and she%s breastfeedin% me in my mind# and , almost cum# but not 3uite. Put that bitch away. , need some prime bitches. /prime bitches in they prime who has fly skin bi! titties =all natural> and ti!ht coochies between they le!s =must include detailed shots of pussy> send!1 That !i$es me some papers written by colle!e professors. , just type# /bitches in they prime.1 Autocorrect comes back su!!estin! , meant# /bitches in their prime.1 /+o# bitch#1 , say# and *eymour stands up. /6e ain%t ready to !o yet# Mr. *. , !ots to !et my junk off# ya di!0 6e%s !onna be here another minute so you mi!ht as well !et settled.1 The poor fuckin! do! looks hun!ry. Maybe stinky fa!!ot is ri!ht; this is no place to hold a do!. , do a search for /!irls bein! tortured1 and !et a lot of stuff back. Man# you are some dis!ustin! fucks. ,t%s all fake but there%s this one on a boat that looks like it%s real. *ome stuff , ne$er would ha$e thou!ht to search for# a !irl with a manual blender up her puss and they%re turnin! the handle. )irls !ettin! cut with ra7or blades5looks real. , try to think of myself cuttin! a bitch with a ra7or blade but , can%t.., like strai!ht se(. &ou ha$e to be really bored to !et off on cuttin! a bitch up# but respect# if that%s what !ets you off. , do a search for /bitch with a baseball bat up her cooter1 and , !et it# one hit. *ome sick fucks stuck a baseball bat up a bitch%s cooter and put that picture on the internet. , try a search for /hittin! a bitch in the head with a baseball bat1 and find some ?aces of 'eath stuff# just a woman%s face bein! bashed in with a baseball bat# nothin! interestin!. &ou could see her brains comin! 40

out her eye sockets# but , didn%t see how you could masturbate to that. ,t was !ood for an entertainment# that%s it. *eymour barks. /9old on# little man. , !ots to !et my rocks off before we take you out for a walk.1 9e barks a!ain. /*ettle down# ok0 *ee what ,%m doin! here01 )otta !et off 3uick. Any lon!er and stinky fa!!ot is liable to come walkin! throu!h that door. Think of a !ood search. /white pussies with massi$e black cocks1 /electric torture pussies =wires and shit>1 /!erbil in ass1 /!erbil in female ass1 /medical e(amination =medical !lo$es> male hand e(aminin! female pussy with hard porn elements and full soundtrack1 +othin! would !et me off. , hated to do it but , went for my old standby. /colle!e !irls !ettin! fucked a!ainst their will hardcore1 ,t%s the only thin! that !ets me off. A few clicks and , was in paradise# ti!ht pussied chicks !ettin! thrown a!ainst beds# walls# pressed to the floor. Chicks !ettin! beaten in the face for not !i$in! it up. Chicks dru!!ed and fucked while they were passed out. Chicks !ettin! fucked by their colle!e professors. ?reshman chicks !ettin! fucked by seniors. *in!le chicks !ettin! done by fi$e !uys. Chicks losin! their $ir!inity. Chicks !ettin! ban!ed so hard their teeth chatter to!ether. Chicks !ettin! tied up in the back of a pickup truck# fucked# and left in the woods. ?or creepy crawly thin!s to eat them# !o inside their ears and infect their pussies. 'iscarded pussy. Pussy thrown aside after it was used. ,t had to be colle!e !irls# too. , !uess <cause ,%m in colle!e. "ld ass bitches weren%t much !ood e(cept for a titty milkin! fantasy. *ome white trash hi!h school !irl0 ?or!et it. 'umb ass bitches. , need to belie$e they%re smart# need to !et with my librarian fantasy. Dittle Miss 'efiance was perfect..for now. Dittle freshman bitch0 2ook smart. 'oesn%t take shit. 9ad the ner$e to stand up to me in the coffee shop when , was with my boy. That%s the kind of !irl it%s hard to !et inside her panties. Prob%ly doesn%t drop <em for just any !uy. 6hich means that !irl has a ti!ht pussy. Prob%ly can%t e$en !et two fin!ers inside it. 6hen she fin!ers it she prob%ly does it with her pinky. 2e rubbin% her clit with that other pinky fin!er. )et those pussy juices flowin%. That%s the kind of bitch ,%d like to tie to her motherfuckin% bed# put that bitch%s le!s in the air and fuck. )et her wearin% some white ti!hts like that ballet dancin% bitch# !o ri!ht up to her cooch. Co$er that bitch%s face up with my hands so she can%t talk# then drop a load in that bitch. Ri!ht smack dab in the middle. *he%s !onna make me cum! Ti!ht little Daely# 41

,%m !onna rub my dick in your pussy# Daely. "h oh oh!

6ell , had to bust out of there before stinky fa!!ot came home and found my ji77 stains all o$er his desk. , ne$er jerk off at my own desk. That%s what stinky fa!!ot%s desk is for. , headed up to the fountain to see if Daely was there# but she wasn%t. ,t was all !raduate hoes. &ou can ne$er !et pussy off a !raduate ho. They%re too smart for that. &ou need you a freshman. , looked and looked but all the freshman must ha$e had classes to !o to. They wasn%t a sin!le freshman in si!ht. The ne(t few days , kept !oin! back to the fountain. , fi!ured Daely had to !o back there# and she did. ,t was on a 6ednesday that , found her. /9ow%s it !oin%01 /6here%s your do!01 /9e%s back in the dorm. , can take you to see him if you like.1 /+o thanks.1 /,s you ready for our second walk01 /+o# , ha$e to study.1 /6hat is you studyin%01 /Are you really interested01 /6hat is the alternati$e01 /That you want to !et down my pants.1 /9ow ,%s be fittin% down your pants0 &ou look like about a si7e..small.1 /,f you don%t mind# ,%m really not in the mood today.1 /6hat isn%t you in the mood for01 /&ou.1 /,%s is not !oin! to take that personally# <cause ,%s don%t think you really mean it. 2ut ,%s !oin! to let you make it up to me.1 /2y what01 /2y suckin% me cock.1 /"h -esus. Really. ,%m readin!. ?ind somewhere else to be.1 /, prefer to be%s here.1 /, prefer you didn%t.1 /&ou is a stallion. ,s you aware that you is a stallion01 /&ou%re comparin! me to a horse.1 /,%m not sayin% in your face. , mean some bitches they be lookin% like horses all up in they faces. 9orse bitches# me%s calls them. ,%$e known me some horse bitches in my day. Could introduce you to some horse bitches# if you like. 2ut that%s not what ,%m sayin% about you. ,%m sayin%5ha$e you e$er seen the mo$ie The 2lack *tallion01 /6hen , was a kid.1


/6ell has you read the book01 /+o.1 /6ell me likes the book. And the horse# when she !ets wild# she reminds me of you. &ou is a wild bitch.1 /,%m pretty sure the horse in The 2lack *tallion is a !uy.1 /To me she was always a !irl.1 /That%s because you%re obsessed with !irls.1 /9ow does you know that01 /,t%s ob$ious. ,t comes out in e$erythin! you say.1 /&ou is $ery obser$ant.1 /,%m not stupid.1 /Me%s doesn%t think you are. :uite the opposite. Me thinks you be an e(traordinary bitch.1 /"h yeah0 6hat do you think is e(traordinary about me01 /To start with# you%s ha$e an e(traordinary face. And you%s ha$e an e(traordinary body# , mean fine# fine body# any !uy be wantin% you.1 /,s that it0 My face and my body01 /+o sir! &ou be thinkin% me skin deep. Me likes you personality# ho. &ou%s !ot a ban!in% sensibility. *ome call you Daely. , call you Dittle Miss '. ,t%s that defiance that first !ot me attracted to you# when you stood up to me in the coffeehouse.1 /&ou liked that# did you01 /&es.1 /6ell ,%m standin! up to you now# tellin! you to !et out of my face and let me !et back to my readin!.1 /6hy you !otta be like that01 /6hy is anyone the way they are01 /&ou know what , mean. ,%m standin% here complimentin% you and you !otta !o and do me like that.1 /, appreciate the compliments. , can see that you%re interested in me.1 /, is.1 /,%m just not interested back. *orry.1 /&ou ain%t !otta be sorry. ,t ain%t a bitch%s responsibility to like e$ery !uy that likes her. , understand. &ou in hi!h demand. 9ot pussy like that can do whate$er it wants. &ou don%t need to be !i$in% it up e$ery time a !uy say so. 2ut ,%s different. , don%t just be wantin% to !et in your pants.1 /That%s e(actly what you want.1 /+ah# ,%s be likin% you for who you are# deep down.1 /&ou don%t e$en know me.1 /2ut what , sees# , likes.1 /My face# my body.1 /And yo% defiance.1 /My defiance. That%s funny you call it that# my sister always said , 43

was defiant.1 /*he was ri!ht.1 /&ou can%t just walk up to a !irl and start talkin! about pussy and hoes and brin! your stupid do! up to impress her. &ou !ot to show a !irl you really care# take her places51 /, take you places.1 /And don%t interrupt her. Disten when she talks. )et to know her. 'idn%t anyone e$er teach you this01 /, didn%t ha$e no pops# so ,%s been learnin% on my own.1 /6hat happened to your pops01 /9e ain%t ne$er pay no attention to me.1 /,s he dead or in jail or somethin!01 /+o.1 /'id he li$e with you01 /&es.1 /Then how can you say you had no pops0 &ou had a pops he just didn%t care.1 /That%s ri!ht.1 /Then be accurate. *ay you had a pops and he didn%t care. &ou can%t just tell people you had no pops.1 /, !uess you ri!ht. , is corrected.1 /,t%s no problem.1 /, know it%s no problem.1 /Are you ar!uin! with me01 /+o.1 /'on%t ar!ue with a bitch!1 /Dook who%s !ettin% feisty now!1 /&ou don%t e$en know. ,%m the feistiest bitch you%ll e$er meet.1 /<Cause you seem like more of a schooly type.1 /, am schooly! That don%t mean ,%m not feisty. E$eryone in my family is feisty.1 /Tell me about you%s family.1 /'o you really care01 /+o# ,%s just wants to !et down your pants. &es , care!1 /"k. My sister# is older. *he%s the risk taker. My mom is a nurse. My dad is a pilot. My sister raised me# we ate Ramen noodles and watched old mo$ies. Dike black and white ones. Dots of musicals. 6e used to sin! the son!s at the top of our lun!s until Mom !ot home. +ow tell me about your family.1 /6ell. 6e is raised in the !hetto. Me pops# he was a serial assassin51 /+o he wasn%t.1 /6hy you wanna know about my family01 /This is what people do. 6hen they meet each other.1 /,s we meetin% each other01 44

/+o. ,%m just showin! you how.1 /&ou is a !ood teacher.1 /-ust shut up and tell me what your father does.1 /,t%s somethin% in real estate# me%s not e(actly sure.1 /And your mom01 /*he teaches yo!a.1 /*o how did you !et into the !an!sta shit01 /Me be!s your pardon01 /?or!et it. ,f you want to play !ames# find some other !irl. ,n fact# find some other !irl anyway.1 /, !uess , just heard it on the records# you know.1 /Dike Eminem and shit01 /9im. And others. ,s you really interested or do you just want to !et down me pants01 /&ou know what# for!et it. ,%$e spent way too much time already.1 /+o. *how me. 9ow people meet people.1 /6ell. They don%t talk about !ettin! down each other%s pants all the time.1 /+o01 /+o. They talk about normal thin!s. Dike we were doin!. Dike what kind of music they like and what they study and where they%re from. Then they pro!ress to the more intimate topics.1 /6hat is these more intimate topics01 /*e( and lo$e. &ou and , are not !oin! to be discussin! these thin!s.1 /*o we stick to the more..superficial..shall we say01 /, think you%re smarter than you let on.1 /, think a person don%t often be rewarded for bein! smart# what do you think01 /, think you%re ri!ht. 2ut , think a person doesn%t ha$e to hide their smarts just because people don%t understand. -ust be yourself.1 /, is bein% myself# ,%s is just bein% a certain $ersion of myself.1 /6ell keep it up. 2ut , think the !an!sta talk is unnecessary.1 /,%s be takin% what you sayin% under consideration. 2ut ,%s be askin% you to consider somethin! in return.1 /6hat01 /That you%s be comin% out on a date with me. A proper date. 6e%s be !oin% up in the club# a club of my choosin%# and we interact in the ritualistic matin% acti$ities of the +orth American species.1 /&ou want to dance01 /&ep.1 /Can you e$en dance01 /,%s !i$es it me best.1 /That%s cute.1 /*o is we !oin%01 45

/+o.1 /&ou%s is turnin% me down01 /,%m busy.1 /&ou%s is busy e$ery ni!ht01 /,%m busy in !eneral. 6hy don%t you !o out and find some other !irl who suits your particular pussy fancy# !et her drunk and fuck her brains out01 /6hy doesn%t , do that01 /6hy don%t you do that# yes.1 /,%s doesn%t do that because that other !irl won%t be you.1 /Please. &ou just met me. ?ind some other <bitch% who has less on her plate and doesn%t mind bein! smacked around by your !an!sta ass.1 /,%s don%t smack bitches.1 /"h# ,%m sorry. &ou treat <bitches% real well# startin! with callin! them bitches. ,%m sorry if , offended your delicate shell.1 /6hy won%t you come on a date with me01 /2ecause ,%m scared. ,%m scared of meetin! you in the dayli!ht. ,%m scared that you won%t take no for an answer in a little matter of me needin! to do my readin!# but instead ,%m here with you !oin! throu!h the A 2 Cs of the matin! ritual. ,s that reason enou!h for you01 /+o# because me isn%t scary. Me is a nice !uy who wants to take you on a date to a public place where we could drink and dance and do thin!s that normal colle!e students do.1 /, just don%t want to. "k01 /6hat is the chances of you chan!in% your mind01 /+one.1 /6ell do you mind if , sit down ne(t to you01 /+o. , ha$e to read.1 /, can%t just sit here 3uietly while you read01 /, don%t know# can you sit here 3uietly01 /,t will be difficult sittin! ne(t to you.1 /Then don%t sit down.1 /'o you%s mind if , meet you here tomorrow01 /"h# man# this is my fa$orite readin! spot. &ou%re tellin! me you%re !oin! to ruin it by comin! here e$ery day01 /*o you is !oin! to be here tomorrow01 /, mi!ht be.1 /6ell ,%s mi!ht be too. Det%s just lea$e it at that.1

*he was there the ne(t day. , had brou!ht me book. , went up to her and sat down beside. Then , opened me book. /6hat are you doin!01 /Me is readin!.1


/6hat is you readin!0 )ee7 you%$e !ot me doin! it.1 /'oin! what01 /Talkin! like an idiot.1 /Me%s don%t wants to interrupt you# so you !o ahead and me%s just sits here and read me%s book.1 /6hat is your book0 A 2rief 9istory of Anta!onistical Politics for the 'iscernin! Reader0 ,s this your major01 /+o# this is me%s pet subject area. Me unofficial area of concentration. 6hat be your area of concentration# Dittle Miss01 /Political theory. 'id you !et that book just to impress me01 /+o# and , don%t e(pects this book to impress you.1 /'oes it impress you01 /,t be mar!inal.1 /Then why are you readin! it01 /2ecause me wants to ha$e a more complete picture of the subject area# and this be an important author. 'on%t lets me interrupt you# thou!h# me%s has no intention of !ettin! on your bad side# Dittle Miss. )oes forth with your readin! and ,%s !oes forth with mine. 6e%s be two little peas in a pod sittin% on this beautiful fountain with these other people. 6e%s all be academians# and it be%s ri!ht and proper.1 *he look me o$er# and it be like she not know what to be thinkin%. *he had a mi(ture of emotions flowin! out of her and , knew that she was feelin% the special feelin%s between her le!s. *he had a kitty cat down there and as you well know cats like to be pet. Rawr rawr! , wants to pet that kitty and treat it nice# then train it to jump when , say jump# train it to open its mouth and take me in. , be stuffin% that cat full of dick with a plumpness. 2e !ettin% its belly full. Pettin% that cat like meow! Meow! 'an!er cat. ?reaky cat. , was startin% to wish that that pussy had the sli!htest bit of hair on it# not sha$ed like , usually like <em. +ot hairy thou!h5, turn a bitch away for ha$in% hair on her pussy. /<*cuse me Dittle Miss.1 /&es01 /6hat you readin% o$er there01 *he shows me. /2enjamin 2arber. Been. Been stuff. , like 2enjamin 2arber. 9a$en%t read his later work. 2ut yeah# !ood !uy.1 /&ou%$e read 2enjamin 2arber01 /"f course , has read him. 6hat the fuck you think , be doin% around here# playin% with me dick01 /"k# ok. Take no offense brother. ,t just doesn%t seem like the sort of thin! you would read.1 /6hat do you think , be readin%0 Playboy and Ma(im01 /, don%t know what you read. , barely know you.1 /6ell !ets to know a brotha.1 /"k.1 47

/Me is sorry. Me%s doesn%t want to bother Dittle Miss '. Please continue with your readin!. Me%s be 3uiet# me%s promise.1 /+o problem.1 /,s you sayin! that me%s bein! here is not causin! a problem for you01 /+o# not at the moment.1 /Me is !lad to hear that.1 *o , lets her read. And , lets her absorb her 2enjamin 2arber. ,%s dabble in a little political philosophy from time to time# ,%s can keep up with that bitch. , look around. There are plenty of fly bitches at this fountain but me has found the one. Dittle Miss Daely '.# reader of 2enjamin 2arber and possessor of the ti!htest pussy in the land =presumed>. , presumes that bitch has a ti!ht pussy and , presumes that she keeps it ti!ht with runnin! and yo!a and Be!el e(ercises. , can%t abide a bitch with a loose pussy. Dittle Miss '. wouldn%t do that to me# after all the work ,%m puttin% in. *he wouldn%t. /Daely01 /&es01 /'oes you ha$e a ti!ht pussy01 /'on%t worry about my pussy.1 /Me%s is just curious.1 /Read your book.1 *o me%s opened me book and read. ?irst , read about Anthropolo!ical Misfits and Their Relation to the Common 6hole =that was a chapter>. Then , was startin! to look at the pictures of females protestin! with their breasteses han!in! out and , was thinkin! of why it%s +ot Appropriate to Masturbate in Public when Monkeys 'o ,t and then , had this elaborate fantasy of fuckin! Daely in the fountain ri!ht behind us and water !oin! in and out of her pussy as , fucked it. , wanted to make her cum a!ainst her will# because , knew she didn%t want me to do it to her but , wanted it to be so !ood that she came anyway. , wanted to see her face !o throu!h the pleasurable contortions of clima( and her whole body be in my control. , wanted her pussy to be so ti!ht it !ripped me like a !ator !rip twat# like some beast wrasslin! my dick to the !round. 2ut , would win# pounce on that bitch with a stiff cock and beat her into mush# until she was all s3uishy parts and female juices. That%s a bitch%s job; to be soft and wet. , closed my book and looked at Daely. , didn%t make any facade that , wasn%t lookin! at her. , just looked. /6hat are you lookin! at01 /&ou.1 /6ell# don%t.1 /6hy you don%t want me lookin% at you01 /2ecause ,%m worried about what you mi!ht be thinkin!.1 48

/-ust normal thou!hts.1 /,%m sure.1 *o , looked some more. /*eriously# what are you lookin! at01 /, is lookin% at you.1 /Please don%t.1 /'oes , make you uncomfortable01 /&es. Lery.1 /6hat is you afraid , is !onna do0 6e is in public. +othin!%s !oin! to happen.1 /,%m not afraid of you.1 /<Cause you is Dittle Miss 'efiance. &ou is not afraid of anyone.1 /Are you done with your book01 /, is done with it for now.1 /Then maybe it%s time for you to !o find a new one.1 /, brin!s another one tomorrow.1 /Tomorrow0 &ou%re tellin! me there%s !oin! to be a tomorrow01 /, hopes so.1 /, mean with us. , don%t think , can deal with there bein! a tomorrow.1 /6ell you is !oin! to ha$es to deal with it.1 /6hat do you want from me01 /, wants to be with you# , said that.1 /*e(ually01 /That too.1 /&ou e(pect me to belie$e that you really like me.1 /, do really likes you. 6hat%s so hard to belie$e01 /6hat if , told you , like women01 /, would say that%s hot.1 /As in; , don%t like you. , like pussy# not cock. )et lost.1 /, don%t belie$e you.1 /6hy not0 , could be a lesbian.1 /And me thinks lesbians are hot.1 /2ut they don%t want to ha$e se( with you.1 /2ut , wants to ha$e se( with them.1 /&ou%re off in your fantasy land about lesbians who really like cock. ,%m talkin! about real lesbians# muff di$ers# !irls who like !irls.1 /, don%t think you%re a lesbian.1 /9ow would you know01 /2ecause of the way you respond to me.1 /?irst of all; , don%t respond to you. ,%m repulsed by you.1 /+o you isn%t.1 /'on%t tell me who ,%m repulsed by# ok0 That%s my business.1 /&ou want me.1 /6hat0 +o , don%t.1 49

/&ou want to be touched by someone. , can see it in your eyes.1 /Maybe , want to be touched by someone but it sure isn%t you.1 /&ou think , can make you happy. 6hen , touch you. That , could touch you just ri!ht.1 /&ou just don%t stop# do you0 , don%t want to be with you. 6e%re ne$er !ettin! to!ether. ,%m toleratin! you out of the !oodness of my heart because you seem pathetic and you ob$iously don%t ha$e any friends. &ou carry around that book which you ob$iously ha$en%t read51 /, has read this book# bitch.1 /"k# you read it. Can you lea$e me alone now01 /, think you likes me.1 /Maybe# , find some charm in your ridiculous way of talkin! and the fact that under that shell you don%t seem to be a complete idiot.1 /*o you does like me.1 /+ot in the way you want.1 /Me can li$e with that.1 /6hich is pathetic. *houldn%t you be with a !irl who listens to Tupac and lets you fuck her in the ass0 *omeone with a hair wea$e and a crack habit the si7e of Montana01 /&ou is really smart# isn%t you0 &ou thinks that , ha$e a dru! problem because , talks this way. , don%t do dru!s# bitch. &ou don%t know anythin! about me e(cept for me do! *eymour and that me likes to read and that me likes you. , ain%t for discriminatin%# bitch. , like e3ual opportunity hoes. , want to mess up your pussy like somethin! bad.., mean bad. &ou%s a hot ho. , ain%t playin% about that. , want a piece of that ass like Martha *tewart want a piece of cherry pie. , thinks you and me would be !ood to!ether. 2ut , know you ain%t down with all that. *o ,%m sittin% here with you readin%. &ou don%t want to fuck me# ok. , can handle that. 2ut let me sit here with you <cause , think you%re beautiful. 6e can e$en do some con$ersation. , be readin% what you be readin%# bitch. Check that.1 /*top callin! me bitch.1 /, be callin% you whate$er you want to be called# ho.1 /Call me Daely.1 /Daely you is.1 /, just want to sit here 3uietly.1 /Then we sit here 3uietly.1 /&ou don%t tell me any more about how you want to ha$e se( with me. , don%t want to hear that.1 /+o more se( talk.1 /)ood.1 /Daely01 /6hat.1 /Can we%s meet here tomorrow01 *he looks up. 50

/'on%t !et cold on me..Daely.1 /,f we meet here tomorrow you brin! a new book so you ha$e somethin! to read.1 /, brin!s a new book.1 /Then yes we can meet here tomorrow.1

/9ello.1 /9ello. Me not bu!s you today. Me reads.1 /6hat are you readin!01 /Polemical Africa; A Retrospecti$e in *tran!eness.1 /6ho wrote that01 /,t%s anonymous.1 /,t%s anonymous0 That%s stran!e.1 /&es it say ri!ht here; A Retrospecti$e in *tran!eness.1 /, mean it%s stran!e that it%s anonymous.1 /, knows what you mean. ,s we readin% now or what01 /6e can talk for a little while if you want to.1 /?ine. 2ut only if you chooses the subjects <cause all me subjects are off limits.1 /That%s <cause your only subject is se(.1 /6e%s could talk about Polemical Africa.1 /, don%t know anythin! about that.1 /*o you%s don%t knows e$erythin!.1 /, ne$er said , did.1 /&ou just acts like it.1 /"uch.1 /*orry. -ust me obser$ation.1 /, didn%t mean to act like that. , know you..know thin!s.1 /&ou think you on a different le$el# thou!h. A le$el that could ne$er touch me. Dike ,%m down here..and you up there.1 /, don%t think that.1 /,s you sure01 /&es# , is sure. , don%t think you%re on an untouchable le$el. , think you ha$e a stran!e way of presentin! yourself but you do seem smart.1 /*o ,%s seems smart to you.1 /&es# you do# after some con$ersation.1 /*o ,%s takes some !ettin! to know# haha. 2ut you !ettin! to know me now!1 /?or whate$er reason.1 /*ee..why do you do that0 &ou cast me off.1 /6ell you ha$e a way of forcin! your intimacy# it makes me uncomfortable from time to time.1


/,%s sorry. ,%s not do that anymore.1 /&ou will# thou!h. &ou will.1 /,%s try not to.1 /, appreciate that. &ou just ha$e a !ratin! way about you.1 /Maybe you%s not need to tell me about all me flaws.1 /,%m sorry. &ou%re ri!ht. ,%m choosin! to interact with you and as lon! as ,%m choosin! that , owe you the respect of not criti3uin! you to your face.1 /*ometimes friends be helpin% each other by criti3uin%.1 /2ut sometimes people be hurtin% each other by criti3uin%# dude.1 /6hy you call me dude01 /2ecause. ,%m tryin! to !et into your whole !an!sta thin!.1 /)an!sta thin! and dude thin! be two separate thin!s# dude.1 *he lau!hs. , makes Daely lau!h. , is makin% pro!ress. /Maybe you lets me take you out for drinks# dude.1 /9old it ri!ht there# dude.1 /6hat# dude01 /'rinks# dude01 /'rinks# Daely# let a brotha take you out for drinks.1 /, don%t think we%re 3uite there yet.1 /6hat more does we need to !et there01 /, don%t know. A lot. 6e mi!ht ne$er !et there.1 /Dike e$er e$er01 /Dike e$er e$er.1 /6hat is drinks0 6e is practically ha$in% drinks ri!ht now. E(cept we isn%t in a bar. That%s the only difference.1 /And we%re not drinkin! alcohol.1 /That%s the other difference. *ee0 9a$in% drinks be not much different than what we doin% anyway. ,f we be drinkin% we lea$e the books at home of course.1 /, don%t know that ,%m ready to ha$e drinks with you.1 /6ell if you !ets ready# please know# , is ready to ha$e drinks with you.1 /That%s sweet. ,t really is sweet. &ou%re a sweet person.1 /&ou don%t like to ha$e drinks with sweet people01 /, do. , ha$e !one out for drinks before.1 /And. This lucky !entleman who had drinks with you..where did you meet him01 /6ho says it was a !entleman01 /6hat0 &ou is into the muff01 /"k. &es. ,t was a !entleman. And , met him in class# since you want to know.1 /*o if you and , has classes to!ether# we would be ha$in% drinks by now01 /+ot necessarily. ,t depends on a $ariety of factors. The most 52

important of which is where my heart takes me. 'o , feel it with a particular !uy. 'oesn%t your heart !uide you01 /My heart !uided me to you.1 /Thanks# but ,%m talkin! about when you really like someone.1 /, do really likes you.1 /+o you don%t.1 /&es , do. , likes you since the moment , met you.1 /,n the coffeehouse when , became Dittle Miss 'efiance.1 /&es. 6hen you became Dittle Miss 'efiance. , like when a !irl defies me. ,t turn me on. &ou is the first !irl to turn me on in a lon! time.1 /&ou%re talkin! about bein! turned on. ,%m talkin! about where your heart leads you.1 /6hat%s the difference01 /&ours is purely se(ual. Mine includes aspects of the emotional self# the social self# the spiritual self.1 /My spiritual self is se(ual.1 /That%s deep.1 /,%m serious. Ain%t se( spiritual to you0 6hen , be makin% lo$e# that shit be spiritual as fuck. , be seein% an!els and shit# be ha$in% se( with an!els and seein% the 9oly *pirit come down to me and be spreadin% li!ht and happiness on me and the bitch , be ha$in% se( with. ,t be profound.1 /, bet.1 /, could shows you if you want.1 /+o thanks.1 /'on%t you want to be seein% an!els and ha$in% your bells run! and shit01 /2y you01 /&es# by me.1 /, appreciate the offer# but , don%t want to ha$e my bells run! just now.1 /&ou is an upti!ht bitch.1 /2ecause , won%t fuck you01 /&ou won%t e$en talk about it. This is lame.1 /6ell ,%m sorry if ,%m so lame to you.1 /,%s be wantin% to ha$e fun with a bitch. &ou be wantin% to shut a brotha down.1 /,%m sorry if this isn%t fun for you.1 /,t be more fun if you let me lick your pussy.1 /&eah# let me just take my pants off.1 /9as you e$er had your pussy licked before01 /All the time. , lick it myself. ,t%s a !reat trick.1 /,%s be likin% to see that.1 /,%m kiddin!! &ou think a !irl can lick her own pussy# you really are dumb.1 53

/,%s be tryin% to suck my own dick.1 /, bet you do.1 /, do.1 /Any luck with that01 /+ot so far.1 /6ell keep it up# ,%m sure you%ll !et there.1 /,%s keeps it up# then.1 /&eah# do that.1 /&ou could help a brotha out# you know.1 /9ow%s that01 /*uck on a ni!!a%s bone.1 /, can%t ima!ine a less appealin! way to state that.1 /6hat0 9as you e$er sucked on a ni!!a%s bone before01 /Please# make it stop.1 /Make what stop01 /&our mouth.1 /6ould you like to suck on my bone# Daely01 Daely lau!hs. /That%s a sincere offer!1 /,%m sure it is. 6hat do , !et in return01 /, licks your pussy.1 /+o thanks.1 /&ou don%t want to ha$e your pussy licked0 , hear it feels real !ood.1 /, think you ha$e to ha$e the ri!ht person lickin! it for that to be the case.1 /, bet , licks you so !ood you thinks ,%s the ri!ht person.1 /&ou had a lot of e(perience with this01 /, licks pussy all the time!1 /,%m not !onna lick your bone# ni!!a. ,s that clear enou!h for you0 6e ha$e a sittin! by the fountain thin!# not an oral se( thin!# not a real se( thin!# not a se( thin! at all. ,%m uncomfortable with this con$ersation.1 /Then , stops.1 /Thank you.1 /&ou is welcome# Daely. Me doesn%t want to makes you uncomfortable.1 /Maybe it%s time we stop our session for today.1 /Me likes to ha$e sessions with you.1 /,%m happy for you.1 /'oesn%t you like it01 /+o. +ot really.1 /, tries harder# then.1 /6hy don%t you just find some other defiant bitch01 /2ecause you !ot that special somethin!.1 54

/6hat are the chances0 6hat are the chances that , meet you0 ,f , hadn%t !one to the coffeehouse that day we ne$er would ha$e met.1 /, thinks we would ha$e met either way. 6e was meant to be to!ether.1 /+ow you%re scarin! me a little bit.1 /Come out for drinks with me toni!ht# Daely.1 /*orry but it%s just not !oin! to happen.1 /"ne drink.1 /Eh uh.1 /"ne drink we share between us5half a drink.1 /+o thank you.1 /Come for a walk with me# to my dorm. 6e can meet *eymour.1 /,%m not !oin! to your dorm.1 /?ine. 6e can !o to your dorm.1 /+o! Det%s just..keep it at the fountain. That%s what ,%m comfortable with.1 /6hat if , brin!s me boys alon! while we ha$es our drink# so there is# like# other people there01 /That would be a step in the ri!ht direction.1 /And you brin!s you !irls# that way it%s like..a whole bunch of people# all ha$in! drinks# and it isn%t so much pressure on you and me to be like a couple and shit.1 /6e are not a couple.1 /, knows.1 /&ou would be willin! to ha$e your boys there and , could brin! my friends01 /Absolutely. ,%s is just lookin% for a !ood time.1 /6hat bar01 /,s you a!reein% to me proposal01 /+o# ,%m just talkin! theoretically. ,f we were to !o out# what bar01 /Any bar you choose.1 /*milin! *kull01 /6hate$er# bitch.1 /'on%t call me bitch# remember01 /,%s is sorry.1 /'o you think you can remember# for a whole ni!ht# not to call women bitches01 /?or you%s , try.1 /, don%t need you to try. , need you to do it. , can%t stand hearin! you talk that way. ,t turns me off# understand01 /'oes that mean that sometimes you is turned on01 /+o# it does not mean that!1 /, is just playin%.1 /"k. 9aha. Lery funny. -ust don%t call women bitches# ok01 55

/"k. Me%s try for a whole ni!ht.1 /Try for your whole life.1 /That be kinda e(treme and me is !onna i!nore that you say that.1 /&ou%re ri!ht. ,%m not tryin! to chan!e you.1 /, is my own person.1 /That%s true.1 /*o is we doin% this01 /"k.1 /?or reals01 /&eah# for reals.1 /*hould , brin! my boys01 /+o# just the fact that you%re willin! to is ok.1 /&ou want me to meet you at your dorm01 /Det%s meet at the bar.1 /"k# !irl# you ain%ts !oin! to re!ret this.1 /"ne drink.1 /"ne drink# bitch! That%s all , be askin% for in the first place!1 Daely !i$es me a !ra$e look. /"ne drink#1 , say.

, shows up early and there be fly bitches e$erywhere. , be%s ha$in% trouble keepin% me dick in me pants. There was part of me that wanted to head on o$er to the bar and see if , could pick me up some strai!ht hoes for the e$enin!. 2ut then there was part of me who knew that Daely was comin%# so , waited by the door. 6hen Daely be !ettin% there# me eyes came out of me sockets. That bitch wore a red dress# ti!ht as hell# short all the way to her little ass. /6ell01 /6ell what01 /Are we !oin! inside01 , opened the door for Daely. *he went in and said# /Dook who%s 3uiet all of a sudden. &ou didn%t think , could dress up01 /, didn%t think you was !oin! to dress up for me. ,s me..under dressed01 /&ou%re fine.1 /&ou is fine too# Daely# you is a fine bitch.1 *he put her hand out to me. *he was bein% all flirty and shit# and , thou!ht# this is the real deal. Me%s hit the jackpot. Lir!in freshman pussy =for , was suspectin! this bitch to be a $ir!in>. 9ere in the palm of my hand. , e(tended my hand out to her. /2uy me a drink#1 she says. /, buys you whate$er you want.1


/2uy me a Tom Collins.1 /My bitch be drinkin% Tom Collins%s! &o sir! )et me two Tom Collins%s# stat. My bitch be needin% a drink!1 /Det%s find a table.1 /&ou prefer we be sittin% at a table01 /&es.1 /9ere is a table ri!ht o$er here!1 /That%s fine.1 /, !o !et our drinks. &ou wait ri!ht here.1 /,%ll be here.1 *o , wents to !et me drinks and when the man was makin% <em me decided to tell him me !ood fortune. /&ou see my bitch o$er there0 That be a bad academic defiant son of a motherfuckin% bitch. And ,%m pretty sure that bitch be a $ir!in# too. That bad bitch is my bad bitch. , be knockin% boots. )i$e her drink e(tra alcohol# ok0 , need to !et this bitch in bed. &ou think she !ot panties on0 , like a bad bitch wear no panties. Take her out back of the buildin! and slip my dick in# fuck that bitch like ain%t !onna be no second chances# you know what ,%m sayin%0 )imme my motherfuckin% drinks.1 /That%ll be twenty dollars.1 /?uck you. 9ere%s ten.1 , took my Tom Collins%s back to Daely and , set hers in front of her. /Daely# you look fine# you do. &ou really outdid yourself.1 /,%m !lad you like it. Thanks for the drink.1 /&ou is welcome.1 /,%$e been lookin! for a chance to wear this dress.1 /6ell ,%m !lad you took a chance on me.1 /Mmm! This is a !ood Tom Collins!1 /&ou think so0 , thou!ht he was a shitty bartender.1 /&eah it%s !reat!1 /&ou know# it%s !reat when a !irl really lets you know what she%s thinkin!. , like when a !irl is open like that# not all closed off with her feelin%s and shit. , like to know what a !irl is thinkin%.1 /6hat am , thinkin!01 /That you%re !lad to be here# that you like your drink# that you !lad to be with me and that you like bein% se(y all out on the town and shit# not just readin% by the fountain like you always is.1 /,t is nice to be out.1 /,s you !lad to be out with me01 /, is.1 /,s you makin% fun of me01 /A little..but it%s not a bad thin!.1 /*o it ain%t no bad thin!# no01 /+o.1 57

/&ou just like to make fun of the way , talk.1 Daely smiles. *he has this knock out beautiful smile. /&ou wants another drink01 /+ot 3uite yet.1 /2ut you is ha$in% another drink01 /Probably. 'o you want to dance01 /&ou want to be dancin% with me01 *he nods. *he%s !ot the straw in her mouth. /Det%s !o.1 *he lau!hs. /Det me finish my drink.1 /&ou be doin% whate$er you wants# Daely. &ou takes your time with that shit. , just be chillin%# lookin% at you.1 , watches her finish her drink# and at least once she has that straw in her mouth and she%s lookin% at me with those bi! eyes and , knows that she wants my bone in her mouth. *he be si!nallin% me! This bitch want to !et fucked! 6hy else would she be drinkin% like that# <cept to dri$e me mad!0 Mad hips# mad le!s# mad pussy yo! /Are you ready01 she says around the straw. /*trai!ht.1 *o we !oes to the dance floor# and she leads me with one hand yo# and ,%m thinkin%# am , the luckiest man in the world that toni!ht ,%m !onna !et to sleep with this bitch0! This be one fine sensiti$e bitch! This ain%t be yo% re!ular type ho# with a nasty cooter and an attitude. This be a pure and kind# ti!ht pussy ha$in%# nice !irl student with a F.. !rade point a$era!e5maybe hi!her! This be the kind of bitch ain%t ne$er sucked a dick in her life! *he starts dancin%# and that !irl has mo$es! *he%s dancin% all se(y like and so , put it into !ear and do what , can. All the times , just want to scream# /This bitch is with me!1 And then me starts thinkin% about kissin! her# !ettin! all slobbery and stickin! my ton!ue down her throat. 9er boobs brush up a!ainst me on the dancefloor and , wonder if she feel it in her nipple. Then my dick starts !ettin! hard. 6e%re dancin! and , be lookin% at her crotch# thinkin% what she !ot under the hood and , de$elop this real fat woody woodster. , !rab my cock# tryin% to play it off real cool. /*top !rabbin! your cock.1 /6hat01 /*top !rabbin! your cock!1 /&ou !a$e me wood.1 *he looks down# and , hopes she is impressed. /'o you wanna sit down01 /, think , need ice.1 /Aww# poor baby. Det%s sit down.1 *o we sit down# and my wood !oes away# and we ha$e drink after drink after drink. Pretty soon we is all shits and !i!!les. 58

/To by drinkin! buddy#1 Daely says. /+o wait , mean my readin! buddy. To the award !i$en for number of consecuti$e days that a person is !i$en for sittin! by the fountain and harassin! a freshman while sportin! a do! and a fake !an!sta accent.1 /My accent ain%t fake yo. Daely# , !otta ask you somethin%.1 /6hat do you !otta ask me01 /,s you a $ir!in01 /6hat the fuck do you care if ,%m a $ir!in0 ,t has absolutely no rele$ance.1 /6ell# when we%re fuckin! later# , want to know if , should !o easy on you# so it is rele$ant.1 /D o el! &ou%re funny. There%s not !oin! to be any fuckin!. Maybe some dick suckin!. 2ut that%s it.1 *he points at me. /2ut how does you know..that once we !et started# you won%t wants to fuck01 /6hy don%t you buy me another drink and we%ll talk about it# readin! buddy.1 *o , buys that bitch another drink. /To readin! buddies!1 /To my readin! buddy. Also soon to be my dick suckin! buddy.1 /'o you need your dick sucked# is that the problem01 /That%s the problem.1 /6hy don%t you !et a !irlfriend01 /&ou is my !irlfriend.1 /6e%re readin! buddies# my friend# and that%s all we are.1 /6ell now we%re dancin! buddies and drinkin! buddies too.1 /True.1 /And soon you is !onna ha$e my dick in your mouth.1 /6e%ll see# we%ll see. , ha$en%t been known to ha$e too many dicks in my mouth so the chances aren%t !ood when it comes to yours. +othin! personal.1 /+othin! personal taken.1 /Althou!h you seem to ha$e a bi! one. +ice job.1 /Thank you. 6ould you like to touch it01 /+ot now.1 /*o maybes later then01 /Maybe.1 /"nce you !et the tip of it in your mouth you%re !onna want to swallow the whole thin!# , can promise you.1 /,s this what you think readin! buddies talk about01 /This is e(actly what theys talk about.1 /"h# readin! buddy.1 *he reaches her hand out to mine# and we%re touchin! while she talks. /&ou took me by surprise# , admit. And you%re the last person , thou!ht ,%d be attracted to. 2ut underneath your comical e(terior# there%s a certain honesty that means somethin! to me. My 59

!irlfriends would think ,%m cra7y5to !o out with someone who refers to women as bitches. 2ut , can see that you do it in kind of an endearin! way.1 /*o is we !oin% out now01 /6e%re out. 6e went out. 9ow <bout this; if we !o out a second time# then we%re !oin! out. Entil then# the jury%s still out on that one.1 /6oulds you like another drink01 /9ow much money ha$e you spent on us already0 +o# let%s !o buy a forty# or some cou!h syrup.1 /,s you kiddin%01 /Me is kiddin%. 6hy don%t you come to my place0 , ha$e a bottle of Absolut and my roomie%s out !ettin! wasted. &ou can come to my place on the condition that you continue bein! as !ood as you ha$e been toni!ht. , ha$e mace.1 *he lau!hs. Me lau!hs back. /, ha$e mace# too# bitch. And when you be jumpin% my bones , be sprayin% that shit all in your hair and shit.1 /&ou%re supposed to spray it in my eyes.1 /Alri!ht. Then , be sprayin% it in your eyes.1 /*eriously# just be !ood.1 /, will be.1 /, mi!ht e$en suck your cock.1 /6ell let%s not !et ahead of oursel$es. , mi!ht be wantin% to suck on your pussy first.1 /"h no# that%s not !oin! to happen.1 /6hy not01 /A !irl suckin! a !uy%s cock!. The other way around0 ,t%s much more intimate.1 /Accordin! to you.1 /E(actly! Accordin! to me. 'o you wanna ar!ue or do you want to come to my place01

"n the way to that bitch%s house Daely could hardly stand up. Those Tom Collins%s had really done a number on her and she had to lean on yours truly to be able to walk home. *he li$ed in 2a(ter# one of the academic dorms# and that bitch li$ed on the second floor. 6hen we !ot to her door she turned to me. /&ou promise to be !ood.1 /, promises. At the rate we !oin% ,%s just !oin% to ha$e to tuck you in and !o home# you is so slopped.1 /, is sorry#1 she says deliberately. /, is tryin% to be a !ood !irl. 2ut ,%s a bad !irl at heart.1 This !ot my dick hard. , was ima!inin% placin% me fin!ers between that !irl%s le!s and feelin% how wet she be !ettin% at the thou!ht of me


cock. 2e slippin% me fin!ers inside her# all sly like. *he opens the door. /&ou say your roomie is out for the e$enin!01 /&es she%s out !ettin! sloshed.1 /'oes you two like to !et sloshed to!ether and do like lesbo thin!s to!ether in the bottom bunk01 /6e%re both strai!ht.1 /2ut how is you sure01 And do you know what that bitch did0 That bitch reaches out and she !rabs me cock..well# kind of cups me cock in her hand# then pulls her hand back. /,%m sorry. , shouldn%t ha$e done that.1 /Daely# you is a bad bitch. &ou is a bad bitch at heart. 6ithout the Tom Collins%s# , think you be ha$in% too much of what they call conscience# but you is a fun bitch to han! out with# belie$e that.1 /&ou wanna ha$e some $odka01 /,%s always wanna be ha$in% $odka with you.1 *o Daely hands me the bottle. ,%s takes the cap off and swi!s a little bit of Absolut# then passes that bottle back to that bitch. *he takes a bi! ole swi!# puttin% me to shame# and , ha$e to !o in for another pass. Pretty soon that bitch%s eyes be rollin% back in her head. *he be lyin% back on her bed and her panties be showin% up between her le!s. , reaches out and touches her between her le!s. *he mo$es my hand away. /6hat01 me say. /'on%t do that.1 /'on%ts you want me to !i$e you pleasure01 /+o# , don%t want you to !i$e me pleasure.1 /Then why dids you in$ite me here01 /To drink with me.1 /Then let%s drink# bitch.1 *o we drinks some more. Daely stands up so , don%t touch her pussy no more. *he smooths her dress down so she ain%t e(posed. 2ut ,%s seen <em# ,%s seen her panties# and ,%s know they there# and , knows ,%s !onna ha$e <em. *o she can stands howe$er she wants# <cause , knows that underneath that dress is a fresh little twist# waitin! to be cum upon. /Daely# why don%ts you ha$e another drink01 /6hat do you think this is01 /, don%t knows.1 /This is another drink.1 /"h# , sees.1 /Det%s !et really fuckin! wasted.1 /, a!rees. 6e !et wasted and then , sits on your face.1 /*top talkin! like that.1 /,s you !onna be suckin% on me bone this e$enin%01 61

/, doubt it. -ust drink with me. Det%s talk about what we%re readin!.1 /, think you may ha$e a drinkin! problem.1 /,t%s colle!e.1 /*o%s01 /E$eryone has a drinkin! problem.1 /, think you has had too many Tom Collins%s.1 /*hut up. &ou were drinkin! <em too.1 /2ut , think with you body type# Daely# that you should watch what you drink.1 /, drink what , want. &ou !ot a problem with it01 /, !ot a problem with you dra!!in% me all the way back here and then lea$in% me cold# !irl.1 /Dea$in! you cold01 /6hy don%t you be suckin% on a ni!!a%s bone01 /"h# !et the fuck out of here with that.1 /+o# &"E !et the fuck out of here with that!1 And , slapped that bitch. *he !rabs her face. *he !oes for the door. Me%s runs on top of her and !rabs that bitch by the hair. /9EDP!1 she starts to yell5 2ut ,%s clocks that bitch in the back of the head and she falls to the floor. That bitch%s face hits the floor5it !oes *MACB! There she is# lyin%# Daely face down with her red dress# her le!s spread apart# she brin!s a hand to her mouth and !ets blood on it. Then she tries to !et up and , CRACB my foot into the back of that bitch%s head. *he !oes limp. , check her pulse. *he%s ali$e# just passed out like a stupid lush. Turn that bitch o$er. 9er eyes are half open# and there%s a trickle of blood comin! out that bitch%s mouth. , kick that bitch. *he don%t mo$e. , take another swi! of the Absolut. Call my boy. /Tic Toc. &o. 6hat you up to0 Disten# homie# ,%$e !ot the opportunity of a lifetime for you# fool. )ot this bitch knocked up in 2a(ter# A11. 6hat0 +o# not pre!nant. +o# she knocked out. &eah! )et your ass up here homie. 2rin! Macro. 'id you hear me0 )et Macrobiotik%s dumb ass up here# !et him some real pussy for a chan!e. &eah# 2a(ter# A11. 'on%t be takin% your time and shit# this a limited time offer.1 , check that bitch a!ain# and she be calm. *eem like the Tom Collins%s be puttin% that bitch to sleep. *o , check around that bitch%s apartment# , be lookin% throu!h her drawers and shit. *he !ot tons of books. Then , find her panty drawer# and that bitch be ha$in% some se(y panties. 2ut what0 6hat%s this0 ,n 62

the bottom of her panty drawer be a little white $ibrator. This bitch not be a $ir!in after all! 9a$e the white plastic dick passin% between her pussy lips and !oin! inside! , throw that dildo on that bitch%s body. /*tupid ho! 2e cheatin% on me with no dildo!1 , kneel by that bitch%s body and pulls up her dress. ,t%s just her sweet pussy ness# co$ered with them white panties. , pull them panties off and stuff <em in my pocket. 2itch be sha$ed clean as a baby. ,%m ready to !o# but , want to wait for Tic Toc and them. ,%m killin% time !oin% throu!h that bitch%s desk and , find a tube of pumpkin spice fla$ored yeast infection cream. , be startin% to think this not be such a !ood deal. ,f this bitch has yeast infections. ,s it worth it to ha$e your dick fall off0 Then Tic Toc and Macrobiotik !et there. 6hile ,%m lettin% <em in the door this !uy comes out of the room across the hall and he sees the body lyin% on the floor of A11. /6hat be your name# man01 /Be$in.1 /Be$in# your !irl be !i$in% it up01 /6hat01 /&ou be !ettin% laid toni!ht# Be$in01 /My !irlfriend sucks dick# but that%s it.1 /6ell !et your ass inside# Be$in# and catch a piece of this clean academic pussy.1 The four of us went inside. /, be !oin% first# since , disco$ered this bitch. +ow !et your dicks out and be !ettin% ready <cause we%s !ots to make this 3uick.1 /6here did you find this bitch# man01 /*he%s that bitch from the coffeehouse! &ou remember that bitch01 /"h# yeah# that defiant bitch.1 /*he ain%t so defiant now!1 My dick was already hard from seein% her lay there like that with all her power !one out of her and , !ot down between her le!s and put the tip of my dick ri!ht at the entrance to her pussy and , be sho$in% and pushin% and holdin% onto that bitch%s neck to !et her to come around me. Daely was wakin% up and makin% the sli!htest sounds and , had to slap that bitch as a warnin!. /&ou keep 3uiet# bitch# or ,%m%onna kill you.1 , was ri!ht in her face. And my dick went inside her and , felt her all warm and wet around me. And , fucked. , fucked that bitch so !ood , could feel her cer$i(. And then when she had me !oin! !ood and , was lookin! in her bloody face , came in that bitch real !ood# splashed my cum up inside her. Then , !ot off her and looked at Tic Toc. /'o your thin!# man.1 63

/That bitch is bleedin%.1 , looked down. *he was bleedin! from the pussy. /6e breakin% this bitch in!1 *o *herman fucked her# then Macrobiotik# then Be$in# and all the while we could hear the little whimpers comin! from Daely%s mouth# and she held her arms to!ether o$er her chest# hands clasped like she was a little !irl prayin!. /'id you%s cum0 'id you%s cum inside that bitch0 *he feel !ood# don%t she0 That%s a prime cut of E*'A pussy# e(tra pasteuri7ed# !rade A meat. They don%t make <em like that anymore# boys. ,f that bitch mo$es just kick her.1 6hen e$eryone was done and sufficiently tired out# we sat around her room drinkin! $odka. Daely passed out. *urprised she didn%t piss herself. 6e undressed her# took off her dress and her bra and her shoes and , found a fatty fat Ma!ic Marker and we wrote all o$er her body. 6e wrote thin!s like CE+T and *DET and P"R+ *TAR. , found her labia and wrote "PE+ 9ERE with arrows pointin! at her cunt# with them clean pussy lips. 6e wrote on her face CEM 'EM*TER. That was on her forehead. Then we colored in that bitch%s lips. 6hen we was done# that bitch%s entire body was co$ered with te(t. , stuck the Ma!ic Marker in her pussy. Then , made those sla!s take out their dicks once more with the intention of cummin! in her face. /, can%t cum a!ain# man!1 /*troke your fuckin! dick! Cum on that bitch%s face!1 Macrobiotik shot a fat load in her eye. /)ood job man!1 /, can%t do it a!ain this 3uick.1 /Can you pee01 /&eah.1 /Then piss all o$er that bitch%s face.1 *o Be$in and Tic Toc pissed in that bitch%s face# runnin! in her eyes and down the side of her face till the room smelled like a 7oo. Clothes were e$erywhere# the contents of her drawers emptied# Ma!ic Markers all o$er the floor# Daely lyin! on her back stark naked# the red dress crumpled at her head. , !rab the bottle of Absolut and we 3uietly let oursel$es out of the room. , pull the door to and it locks. /&ou%re stealin% that bitch%s $odka01 , take a swi!. /2itch drinks too much anyway.1

6e went our separate ways# Tic Toc and Macrobiotik disappearin! down


the hill and Be$in !oin! up toward *tate *treet. And , was all alone# walkin% back to me room in the middle of the ni!ht. Me thou!ht of that bitch we had left in 2a(ter# A11. That bitch had asked for it. *he had !rabbed me crotch and was ob$iously dressed for the occasion. *ome bitches don%t know when to stop. They !et theysel$es into these type of messes# drinkin% and actin% like a motherfuckin% cocktease. They in$ite this shit. , ain%t !ot no sympathy for a fuckin% cocktease. That bitch was born a whore. Di$ed e$ery day of her life as a whore. -ust didn%t know it yet. *ome bitches is like that. They don%t know theysel$es. They think they be little an!els. ,n reality they be whores. Takes someone like me to teach <em. A whore will be! for cock. 2e! you for it like that bitch back there be!!ed for it. 'ressin% with her panties all stickin% out her le!s# dress half on5she be!!in% for cock. A bitch like that want to !et fucked. Ain%t ne$er been fucked in her life. 2ut needs cock# needs it like you or , needs air. *he be playin% around with dildos but a bitch like that wants the real thin!# hard and hot between her le!s. , ain%t !ot no sympathy for a whore. A whore like that whore back there !et e$erythin! she ask for. *he prob%ly be wakin% up now# takin% that Ma!ic Marker out her pussy# be like# what the fuck just happened0 6hy am , naked0 Then she look in the mirror. Then she reali7e; , is a whore. , attracts the worst class of men. , deser$es to !et fucked e$ery which way to *unday# <cause , is a motherfuckin% whore. +e(t time don%t drink so much# bitch. , ima!ines that bitch walkin% throu!h her hall# tryin% to !et to the bathroom to clean that shit off. E$erybody be lookin% at that bitch like why you !ot CEM 'EM*TER written all o$er your forehead0 2itches be lau!hin%. Then she try to scrub that shit off. And it don%t work. 6e used Ma!ic Marker bitch! That shit%s !onna be on you for about a week. +o amount of scrubbin! is !onna remo$e my label "PE+ 9ERE ri!ht ne(t to your cunt# bitch! 2ut for real# thou!h# ,%m !onna ha$e to ha$e a talk with that bitch. +e$er let stran!ers in your mothrfuckin% room! Me is ok but bitch be lettin% Macrobiotik and Tic Toc%s ass in that motherfucker! And what about Be$in0 &ou let perfect stran!ers fuck your pink ass0 Be$in mi!ht ha$e A,'*! , be !ettin% home and , come into the room. *tinky fa!!ot not be here. , sit at me desk and pull out them white panties# stuff <em in the jar. -ar be !ettin% about full by now. Pretty soon time to empty it out and start a!ain. , be thinkin% about lookin% up some hard torture porns# somethin! 65

like a !uy be electrocutin% bitches in his basement# but before ,%s can type in the search# stinky fa!!ot comes in with some !irl. *he is the homely type# real kinda sour lookin! with brown hair and , !uess a pretty face# if you%re into that sort of *altine lookin! bitch. Me fa!!ot roommate introduces her as 'onna. /6ell hellos 'onna. 6elcome to our humble abode.1 /And who%s this01 /This is our do! *eymour.1 /9e%s lo$ely!1 /6hy thank you. And what has you two been !ettin% into this e$enin!01 /-ust out drinkin!.1 /*o you has been drinkin!# famous pastime of colle!e students far and near. 6hat a surprise.1 /6hat ha$e you been up to0 -ust been here01 my roommate asks. /+o# , has been out and about# just fillyin! and frolickin! amon! the# shall we say# less worldly of our little freshman !irls. Teachin! them lessons# as it were# about !ettin! fucked in the puss and such.1 /"h# that%s..!ood.1 /,t is !ood# roomie# it is $ery !ood. 6hy stick your dick in the sourest of pusses when you can stick it in the sweetest of pusses# as , say!1 /Ri!ht.1 , pull the white pair of panties out of my jar. /This be a trophy to show for my e$enin!. 6ould you like to smell01 /+o.1 /&ou%re missin! out# !ood brother! These are the panties of a heretofore $ir!in playthin! which , happened upon toni!ht. 9a$e you smelled a $ir!in pussy toni!ht0 2ecause if you ha$en%t# here is your chance! A $ery nice $ir!in playthin!# who !a$e up little complaint when her fruit was popped! 'oes your 'onna complain when you nibble on her little cherries0 "r does she take it like a !ood woman should01 /6e ha$e a $ery satisfyin! se( life# actually.1 /6ill your 'onna testify to that01 /, lo$e him. &es. 6e%re $ery happy.1 /6ell !ood for you. And what does this happiness entail01 /6ell. 6e eat meals to!ether. *ometimes we study to!ether. +ot like with each other but just in the same place at the same time. And we walk down by the ri$er.1 /More of a creek than a ri$er# if you ask me.1 /And we make lo$e.1 /&ou make lo$e with my fa!!ot roommate01 /&es.1 /And what is it like makin! lo$e with a fa!!ot01 /6ell# he%s not a fa!!ot first of all. And it%s $ery sweet. 6e%re learnin! each other%s bodies. Dearnin! to make each other cum.1 66

/'oes you use your mouth when you make him cum01 /Mouth# pussy# e$erythin!.1 /Ass#1 my fa!!ot roommate ads. /&ou let him fuck your ass01 /Mmm hmm.1 /And you ain%t afraid that encoura!e his fa!!ot tendencies01 /+ot at all. , like to be fucked in the ass# and he finds it a nice alternati$e to frontal se(. 'o you like ass fuckin!01 /6oulds , likes it with you# you means01 /, mean in !eneral. 'id you ass fuck the !irl you were with toni!ht01 /+o# me stuck to the pussy.1 /6hat a shame. Maybe you can try ass fuckin! with her ne(t time.1 /,f there is a ne(t time.1 /6hy wouldn%t there be a ne(t time0 , ne$er understand that. ,f you connect enou!h with the person to fuck once# why not do it a!ain0 'o you a!ree01 Me fa!!ot roommate nods. /*o#1 'onna says# /tell us about the !irl you were with toni!ht.1 /6ell#1 me says# /she was normal si7ed# maybe a little on the petite side# well learned in the areas of political theory# and she%s a bit of a lush# which turns me off. Also she had a nice pussy# $ery muscular and felt !ood on me dick# only bled a little when we fucked her51 /&ou had a threesome01 /&eah# we had a threesome# that was it.1 /That%s somethin! we%$e ne$er done.1 /6ell you should try it sometime. Threesomes is $ery nice.1 /6hat do you think01 *he%s lookin! at me roomie. /,f it%s somethin! you want# ,%d be willin! to try it with you.1 /2ut not with me#1 , say. /+o# that would be awkward.1 /, means we can talk about se( to!ether but we shouldn%t do it because you%s is a sour ho and , ha$e a !eneral rule a!ainst threesomes with fa!!ots# so. ,s you two !oin! to be wantin! the room toni!ht01 /-ust for a little while.1 /"h# so you%s !oin! to make it 3uick01 /,%ll come and !et you# how%s that01 /"k# me%s be in the common room# contemplatin% me life# so when you%s wants to come and !et me# ,%s be%s there.1 /Thanks roomie.1 /&ou%s welcome# roomie. &ou%s would do the same for me.1 /,f you e$er brou!ht !irls home , would.1 /'on%t eat where you shit# that%s what , say.1 /"k.1 67

/*o ,%s be in the common room.1 /Thanks buddy.1 /-ust one 3uestion. ,s you !oin! to put a brown ba! o$er that bitch%s face because that is one u!ly bitch.1 , !rab me pair of white panties and lea$e the room. *tinky fa!!ot be fuckin% that u!ly bitch in my room. 2etter not use my bed. And , hope *eymour watches your ass# too. , be findin% a couch in the common room to sleep on. Mi!ht not e$en be returnin% to my room toni!ht..must let the se( smell dissipate. There%s nothin! worse than the smell of a fa!!ot%s semen. That combined with an u!ly bitch%s pussy smell is more than , can take. , twirl those panties around my hand# then press it to my face# makin! sure the crotch is ri!ht ne(t to my nose. Daely smell like a salty rose !arden mi(ed with that a3uarium smell , had from me childhood. Me dick !ets hard. Me thinks about jerkin! off with Daely%s panties in the common room but me thinks better of it. *omebody likely to be comin! alon! in that time and catch me ejaculatin! into that silky pair of panties# then e$erybody !ettin! weird about me and shit. People !ettin! the idea that ,%s some kind of scumba!. *hit# , earned these panties. 2e con$ersatin% with that bitch and shit. Took me days of listenin% to that bitch%s shit to !et this pair of panties. Me earned <em fair and s3uare. 'o whate$er me want with <em. , put <em on me face and , don%t e$en mo$e when some asshole comes in and starts watchin! The )oonies. My dick !ets hard and , think of that bitch passed out on her floor with my labels all o$er her cunt.

, dreams of pussy. , dreams of a fat bitch# fuckin! from behind# her rat hole of a pussy on my dick# and that bitch almost yankin% my dick off she fucks so hard. , dreams of a skinny bitch# pussy so sick it be like fuckin! an old woman# all frail and shit. , be reachin% my whole hand inside that skinny bitch and feelin% her or!ans and shit. Me wish me had some !lo$es. Then , dream of rat pussy# rats fuckin! and fuckin!# makin! more babies# and how tiny rat pussy must feel to a rat. They be up in that shit with a $en!eance. 'itto rabbits# those fuck whores. Then me dreams of a pussy so nice , can%t e$en describe. ,t be pink when , spreads it with me hands# , open that shit up and just mar$el at how !lorious it is. , mean !lorious. *hit be pink below the surface# in$itin% me in. 2e rubbin% my dick inside that shit collectin% samples of pussy juice from the walls. 'oin% a little e(plorin%. ?uck that bitch she be ha$in% me cum so 3uick , be like /*orry# ma%am.1


*ome pussy you ne$er for!et. Dike this !irl Camille. ,%ll ne$er for!et that bitch%s pussy. , was like ei!hteen. 2itch was just beautiful# , mean like they en!ineer it in the porno ma!s. +atural Photoshop. And the feel of it. , s3uirted all o$er that bitch after two strokes. *ome pussy haunts you. Dike this little !irl , fucked. *he couldn%t ha$e been more than twel$e. 6e was in church to!ether. ?in!ered that bitch in the parkin! lot then went in for the kill. Dittle !irl !a$e it up like a li!ht. )ot me in there and took what , could. Came 3uick with that bitch# too. A twel$e year old will !et you off. There be more to life than fuckin% twel$e year olds# thou!h. Me be !rowin% up# me be !raduatin% to more ad$anced forms of pussy. Pussy with academic de!rees# pussy with a mind attached. Daely was that for me. Dittle bitch had come upon me with a 3uickness# wrapped her le!s around me head and s3uee7ed as ti!ht as she could. Daely , hadn%t seen comin!5that bitch had !otten under my skin. , actually enjoyed talkin! to that bitch. 2ut e$ery bitch has her day# and Daely had had hers# chalked up with Marks A Dot in room A11. That bitch was !onna ha$e to learn to keep her !uard up# you can%t just be partyin% with people like me. People like me%ll tap that sweet ass when you ain%t e(pectin%. Rush up and slip you the '. *he lucky , ain%t fuck her ass5a bitch can%t walk for days. And that blood..comin% out her pussy. 2itch had been a $ir!in. *er$es her ri!ht# thou!h# comin% to this colle!e as a $ir!in. *he shoulda take care of that shit in hi!h school. , was tryin% to remember the last time , fucked a $ir!in# for sure knew , fucked one. 2ut all that was comin% to mind was the feel of Daely%s sweet pussy. *mooth slide# ti!ht !rip# perfectly wet. A bitch that wet# you know she wanted it. *he !ot wet when she !rabbed my dick. And what was that bitch doin% !rabbin% my dick anyway if she didn%t want to !et fucked0 'on%t be !rabbin% a ni!!a%s dick. ,%ll fuck your ass into ne(t week. Daely%s sweet puss. 2e chewin% that shit like bubble !um. Poppin% bubbles and shit. "ooh. A !irl like that !onna !et fucked and , mean fucked a lot in her life. That typa pussy don%t !o unnoticed. *oon she%ll ha$e a man# and then these youn! upstarts%ll be tryin%a insert themselfs into their shit# !oin% to war and shit# all o$er a piece of pussy. *till# it be Daely% fault. That and her parents%. 6hen they !et to!ether# that perfect sperm and that perfect e!! be producin% a !irl with mad pussy !enes. *tart ri!ht there with conception. 2lame 'arwin if you ha$e to. /Can you hear me0 Can you hear me0 6e need to talk with you. Can you wake up for us# son01 , be reali7in% , still !ot Daely% panties on my head. /6e need to ha$e a word with you# son.1 , pull them panties off me head. 69

/Mind if , sit down01 /)o ri!ht ahead sir.1 /)i$e him a second to wake up.1 /'o you always sleep in the common room# son01 /+ah# but my roommate be bonin% his u!ly !irlfrien% so ,%s be chillin% out here till they%s done.1 /6hat%s with the underwear01 /These0 This my !ood luck charm. Ese <em before e(ams.1 /6here%d you !et <em01 /They my mom%s.1 /&ou sniff your mother%s panties01 /, don%t know if , be likin% your tone# man# what y%all here for01 /6e%re here because there%s been some disturbance.1 /And what , !ot to do with e$ery disturbance01 /6here were you last ni!ht# son01 /, ain%t your son# man. *how some respect.1 /6here were you last ni!ht01 /Chillin% ri!ht here# with me panties o$er me head# watchin! The )oonies.1 /6atchin! The )oonies# huh01 /That%s ri!ht.1 /'id anyone see you here01 /*ome nerd , was watchin% The )oonies with# man# he saw me.1 /'o you know a !irl named Daely 'onaldson01 /'onaldson0 +ah. , know a lot of !irls named Daely.1 /&ou know a lot of !irls named Daely. 9ow many01 /,%o%know. *i( or se$en maybe.1 /&ou know se$en Daelys01 /, know a lot of people# man.1 /'id you !o to Daely 'onaldson%s room last ni!ht01 /Daely 'onaldson0 +ah# man# ,%on%t think so.1 The officers look at each other. /6hy0 'id she say somethin%01 /+o. 2ut her roommate did.1 /,%on%t e$en know her roommate. "f any of the Daely 'onaldson%s , know.1 /9er roommate called in a report that Daely had been harassed by some !entlemen. 'rawn on with a marker. Daely was drunk. *he has some bruises on her neck# on her face.1 /6ell that show how important it is not to !et drunk# don%t it.1 /Are those Daely%s panties01 /Pretty sure these don%t belon! to anybody named Daely.1 /2ecause Daely was found naked. A Ma!ic Marker had been stuck in her..1 /,n her cunt01 70

/&es# in her cunt. 6hat made you say# <in her cunt0%1 /,t%s ob$ious# ain%t it0 )irl found naked with shit written all o$er her body# naturally she%s !onna ha$e a Ma!ic Marker stuck in her cunt.1 /&ou didn%t stick it there01 /*tick a Ma!ic Marker in that bitch%s cunt0 ?uck no. That%s not where a Ma!ic Marker !oes.1 /6here does it !o01 /,n her ass0 Me kiddin!. ,t !oes in one of those little holder thin!s on her desk.1 /6ere you in Daely%s room last ni!ht01 /, was not.1 /'o you at least know Daely01 /, knows se$eral Daelys.1 /6hat about Daely 'onaldson01 /, is on a first name basis with me friends.1 /*how him the picture.1 The other officer holds out a picture. ,t be Daely. /&ou know her01 /Ri!ht on# brotha# that be Daely.1 /'onaldson.1 /,f you say so! Me%s only knows her as Daely.1 /'id you ha$e se(ual relations with Daely01 /Dast ni!ht01 /At any time.1 /Det me thinks.1 Me looks at the picture a!ain. /, thinks me would remember ha$in! se(ual relations with her. ,s this the best picture you ha$e0 &ou ha$e somethin! more re$ealin! maybe0 ,n a different outfit0 2ecause , don%t always reco!ni7e a !irl until she take all her clothes off. 'o you has a picture of her pussy01 /As a matter of fact we do# but51 /&ou keepin% that one for yourself01 /9ow many pairs of panties do you ha$e in your jar01 /&ou noticed me jar01 /6e noticed.1 /6hen did you notice01 /The last time we were here.1 /, thou!ht you looked familiar.1 /6e%re !oin! to keep comin! to see you until this problem !ets resol$ed.1 /6hat e(actly problem is that01 /)irls !ettin!..harassed. Assaulted. Taken ad$anta!e of.1 /Me no take ad$anta!e of !irls. Me can only !et off if the object of desire is willin!. These panties are from a !irl named Baren. *he likes to be fucked in the pussy. *he comes o$er last ni!ht and me !i$es her a bit of the double action# one in the ass and one in the puss at the same time!1 71

/9ow is that possible0 'id you ha$e a friend01 /Me has two dicks! 'oes you want to see0 This !irl Daely is just me study partner. 6e read to!ether! ,f someone rou!hed her up me is as mad as the ne(t !uy. Me tickle Daely% pussy with a feather# that%s all!1 /&ou tickled Daely%s pussy with a feather01 /A matter of speech! Me%s sayin% that me%s would ne$er harm her! Daely be special to me. *he a nice and carin! person!1 /Can we check in your room01 /6hat you be checkin% for01 /6e%re not sure yet.1 /Me stinky fa!!ot roommate is in there bonin% his u!ly !irlfriend# so , su!!est you look there later!1 /&ou wouldn%t happen to be hidin! a do! in your room would you01 /6e ain%t hidin% nothin!! 6hat ,%s sayin! is why would you want to smell fa!!ot semen if you don%t ha$e to0!1 /, kind of like the smell of fa!!ot semen. 'on%t you01 9is partner says# /, lo$e it.1 /Det%s !o.1 *o ,%s !ets up and puts the Daely panties in me pocket. Me be wantin% more time to sniff them# maybe !o throu!h my whole collection and re$iew the different smells of the different !irls# but these officers be meanin% business. 6e !et to the hallway outside me door. /Are we !oin! to find a do! inside your room# son01 /, don%t know what the fuck you be meanin%.1 /6hen we open this door# are we !oin! to find a do!01 /Dook# me roomie be into some weird shit. *ometimes me find cockatiels# serpents# spaniels# cor!ies# be all sorts of weird shit in there.1 The one officer pushes me toward the door. /"pen it#1 he says.

, opens the door and lo and behold there is nothin% inside. +o *eymour. +o stinky fa!!ot. , turns to the officers and say# /6ell01 They !rab my arms. /&ou%re comin! with us.1 /6hat for01 /Ah ha!1 the one officer says. 9e shines his li!ht on *eymour%s food bowls. /6hat is this01 /That is where me roomie takes his meals. 9e be into some weird dominantNsubmissi$e stuff and me makes him eats from a do! bowl because that%s how submissi$es !ets off. 'on%t you know that01


/6e%re !onna nail you for the do!# son.1 /9e must be out for a walk#1 the other cop says. They close the door and dra! me with them outside. /6here is we !oin%01 /6e%$e !ot someone we want you to meet.1 /6ho is it01 /&ou mi!ht already know her.1 /"h so this be like a mystery person , has to fi!ure out.1 /&eah# a mystery.1 /Me likes mysteries.1 /&ou mi!ht not like this one.1 /6hy# is it like the 6i7ard of "7 where it turns out her sister was behind the whole thin!0 9as you e$er thou!ht of fuckin! 'orothy0 *he be pretty ti!ht for an old fashioned bitch. Me like to rip those stockin!s off and follow her yellow brick road! 'oes you think that 'orothy likes it up the butt0 Me like to take the 6icked 6itch broom handle and stick it up 'orothy%s ass. This be a mystery like that01 /+ot e(actly.1 /&ou ain%t takin% me to see an old friend who mi!ht not ha$e liked our last encounter# is you01 /6hy# you !ot any old friends like that01 /Me%s not at liberty to say.1 The police officers walked a little behind me. And , knew who they were takin! me to see. To ha$e me identified# no doubt. And these campus !oons# who were just uni$ersity police# nonetheless had the authority to arrest me# and hand me o$er to the re!ular police. 6e walked up the hill# passin! many students who were on their way to class. , saw a !roup of females standin! in a circle# ob$iously hi!h class females# with football sweaters and ponytails. "ne of them looked at me. /Eh there# would you mind escortin! me to the jailhouse0 &ou is ob$iously a bitch of class and , would be honored if you walked with me as the jaws of justice work their nasty ways5do you fancy that01 *he turned away. /,f our $ictim identifies you# you%re !oin! to jail#1 says the one officer. , put me arm around him and point at that classy bitch. /'o you think that bitch likes to be fucked in the face01 9e takes me arm out from around him. /,f our $ictim identifies you# other $ictims will likely come forward.1 /<"ur $ictim#% eh01 /That%s ri!ht.1 /And who is <our $ictim0%1 /"h you know her.1 /'oes her name start with an D01 73

The officer just lau!hs. 6e walk to the campus police station and !o inside. They lead me to a desk with a chair beside it. "ne of the officers lea$es. The other sits down at the desk. /9a$e a seat#1 he says. Me sits in the chair. Across from me at a similar chair at a similar desk is a youn! woman. /And what is you here for01 *he has bruises all o$er her face# she wears a pink dress and has one paw wrapped in a banda!e. /,s you a $ictim or a perpetrator01 /Dea$e her alone.1 /,%m just askin% if this lo$ely bitch is on the $ictim side of the law..or the perpetrator side of the law.1 /-ust lea$e her alone.1 , looks at this bitch. *he looks like a $ictim. 9er feets is crossed defensi$ely# and she looks away when , looks at her. My officer stands up. /Can , lea$e you here alone for a moment01 /, is fine.1 /,f you run out we%re just !oin! to come !et you.1 /, stays.1 /"k.1 The officer lea$es. , sit there for what seem like an hour# then finally this little bitch across from me says# /Are you01 /,s , what01 /A $ictim or a perpetrator.1 , leans back. ,%m not sure if this bitch means like philosophically# or what. /, is a $ictim#1 , say. /6hat happened01 she say. And , feel sorry for this !irl because of the way that she say it. *he seem !enuinely concerned. /,t%s too painful to talk about#1 , say. /,t%s ok#1 she say. /, was fucked.1 , blinks. /,n the puss or in the butt01 /,n the puss#1 she say. /2ut it wasn%t for fun. Dike , was fucked when , wasn%t supposed to.1 /"h# you means like you was fuckin% around in the !uys% dorm when you really was supposed to be in the !irls% dorm readin% ?aust and playin% with your pussy and shit01 /+o# a !uy came home with me and forced me to ha$e se( with him when , didn%t want to.1 /,s that where those bruises are from01 /&eah.1 /&our boyfriend be a bo(er01 /9e%s not my boyfriend. 9e ne$er punched me before. , thou!ht he was a nice !uy.1 74

/9e probably is a nice !uy# he just wanted to tap that ass.1 /6hate$er.1 /Me%s e(plains somethin! to you. 6hen a !uy wants a !irl%s puss# he be willin%s to do just about anythin! to !et it. That include buyin% a !irl flowers# puttin% up with a bitch who runs her mouth off# and# yes# punchin% a bitch in the mouth if he ha$e to. The need for puss runs stron! in men51 /They aren%t real men.1 /6hat is that01 /They aren%t real men# if they do that.1 /&ou can say they ain%t real men# but that ne!ate the +i!iri 9ypothesis.1 , sit back# satisfied. /6hat the fuck is the +i!iri 9ypothesis01 /,%m !lad you asked. The +i!iri 9ypothesis states that a man in disproportional function to a woman =or a man if he is !ay> will cross the desire hypotenuse e(actly twice on his way to the Riemann e3uilibrium..forthwith e(posin! himself to the beta null of an e3ual and opposite dia!ram! &ou can see the rele$ance of the +i!iri 9ypothesis to your case.1 /6hat e(actly are you here for01 /?or fuckin! a woman! , fucked when , wasn%t supposed to! *o you can see# little darlin!# that our cases are $ery much one and the same! My officer dear# o$er there# is !oin! to try to pin me to the crime! +ow why don%t you tell me the truth. 6hy are you really here01 /6hat , said.1 /'id your !entleman really fuck without permission0 "r did you re$oke permission after first !rantin! him permission01 /9e didn%t ha$e permission!1 /'o you a!ree# that a youn! lady can be rather misleadin! in the si!nals she sends a youn! !entleman0!1 /My si!nals weren%t mi(ed!1 /*ays you.1 /They weren%t. , told him no. 9e wouldn%t lea$e. 9e beat me in the face!1 /,s , supposed to feel sympathy toward you for those bruises01 /'id you bruise your woman# is that why you%re askin! me that01 /, don%t bruises women. , correct a bitch when a bitch !ets out of order.1 /Eh huh. And she%s out of order because she won%t fuck you01 /A bitch%s proper order is fuckin!# little miss. And a bitch who isn%t fuckin!# is out of order.1 /, hope they put you in jail.1 /And , hopes you !et fucked in your puss by a broom handle! "fficer! ,%m ready for your assistance. This bitch is dri$in! me cra7y!1 My officer sits back down. /,s there a problem here01 75

/+o problem. 6e is just discussin!.1 9e turns to little miss. /6as he botherin! you01 *he just looks away. /+ow#1 the officer says# /we%re still waitin! on your friend. *o , thou!ht this mi!ht be a !ood time to take a look at the book.1 9e takes out a white binder about three inch thick. /Take it.1 /"k.1 /?lip throu!h it.1 , does. /,t%s just a bunch of pictures of dudes.1 /That%s ri!ht. 6hat do you think they all ha$e in common01 /They cousins0 , don%t know.1 /+o# they%re not cousins.1 /,%ll bite. 6hat is they01 /The men in that book are suspected5or in some cases con$icted 5of fuckin! little !irls when they weren%t supposed to.1 /*o all these dudes like to fuck.1 /?uck what01 /Dittle !irls.1 /+o# they like to fuck when they aren%t supposed to.1 /Ah# , sees. )ood book.1 /6ould you like to see the other book01 /*ure.1 9e switches me out for a black binder. , flip throu!h that one. /6hat do you see01 /A bunch of bitches.1 /+ot just bitches. Dook closely.1 /A bunch of bitches and some dudes.1 /Ri!ht. And what do you think they ha$e in common01 /They like to fuck dudes01 /+o.1 /They socialists01 /+o.1 /, !i$e up. ,s they *ecret *er$ice or somethin!01 /+o# they%re not *ecret *er$ice. They%re people who !ot fucked when they didn%t want to !et fucked.1 /Ah# , sees. )reat book. 6hat%s ne(t01 /6hat%s ne(t is we sees if we !ets to add a couple pictures to our books.1 /,s you talkin% like me to in!ratiate youself with me or somethin!01 /, is talkin% like you because , don%t think you%re a !ood influence on this campus and ,%s likes to see you !one.1 The !irl sittin% across from me smirks. 76

The other officer comes in. The two police are talkin%. They look at me e$ery once in a while. Then the other officer lea$es. /6ell# it%s your lucky day.1 /6hy# you%s !onna !i$e me the phone numbers of all the bitches in the black book01 /+o. &our little friend decided not to show up.1 /The !irl who%s name be!ins with an D01 /'on%t think this means you didn%t !et cau!ht. 6hen she comes to us# when she%s willin! to identify you# you could !et ten years.1 /*o is we throu!h here01 /&es.1 , stands up. The !irl in the chair twirls her hair and plays dumb. /6as all that shit about the +i!iri 9ypothesis just total bullshit01 , fle( in her face. /6hat do you think bitch01

6hen , !et home# *eymour is there with my roommate. /6here dids you take him01 /, took him for a walk.1 /6ell you%s picked a !ood time# the police are lookin! for *eymour.1 /They came by01 /They wants to put him in a kennel. They !ot no lo$e for do!s.1 /&ou%re !oin! to ha$e to find somewhere else to keep him.1 /9e%s my mascot. , can%t function without him. ,%m tellin! you# , can%t e$en jerk off without that little bastard lookin!.1 /*o where ha$e you been01 /'own at the police station.1 /6hy0 About *eymour01 /+ah# they wanted some bitch to identify me. *ome matter of fuckin! without permission.1 /'id you..fuck without permission01 /6hy# hasn%t you e$er fucked 'onna without her permission0 /&ou mean like a!ainst her will01 /&eah# like a!ainst her will.1 /+o# but..she%s fucked me a!ainst my will.1 /*he has01 /&eah. *he%ll be the first one to tell you. *ometimes , don%t want to do it and she does and she%s so horny that she does it anyway.1 /9ow is that e$en possible# mate0 , mean like physically.1 /-ust because she can !et me hard doesn%t mean , want to do it.1 /*o she !et you hard# then she fuck you# when you doesn%t want it.1


/,t has been known to happen.1 /'oes she hold you down01 /+o# but that still doesn%t mean , want to do it.1 /Are you sure you isn%t !ay01 /Pretty sure.1 /Det me ask you this. This is a serious 3uestion. 'o you think 'onna should !o to jail01 /?or what01 /?or !ettin% yo% dick hard and fuckin! you a!ainsts yo% will.1 /, don%t want her to !o to jail. , lo$e her.1 /2ut you a!rees what she%s doin% is a crime.1 /Technically# yes. 2ut51 /*ee that%s me problem. Me don%ts want to !o to jail o$er no technically. 'oes you a!ree that some bitches need to be held down a!ainst their will in order to cum01 /,n order for them to cum01 /&es. That some bitches# in order for they to cum# need to feel like they is !ettin% fucked by some fool robbin% they house stop by and !rab them a piece of that ass on they way out the door.1 /Are you talkin! about roleplayin! fantasy01 /, is talkin% about a bitch !ettin% fucked a!ainst her will# mate# and how that is the only way some of them can cum. 'oes you a!ree01 /2asically# no.1 /&ou ne$er met a bitch who liked it rou!h01 /'onna likes it rou!h.1 /'onna don%t look like a bitch who likes it rou!h# mate.1 /2ut she does.1 /Det%s say you is punchin% a bitch in the face5because she asked you to5and you cut up that bitch%s face in the process. 'oes you think that a crime01 /, don%t know.1 /That%s what ,%m sayin%. ,f it be between you and her in the bedroom# then what business does the police ha$e inter$enin%01 /*o are you like in bi! trouble01 /, doesn%t know. ,t depend on if this bitch identify me.1 /This !irl you fucked.1 /&eah.1 /A!ainst her permission.1 /6as it really a!ainst her permission if she be dressin% like a slut and !rabbin% me dick01 /'id she ask you to stop01 /*he ne$er ask me to stop!1 /'id you rou!h her up01 /&eah# , rou!hed her up a little.1 /A little or a lot01 78

/Man# what am , talkin% to you for0 &ou be fuckin% conser$ati$e campus bitches. That bitch don%t like it rou!h# mate. )imme my do!. Come on# *eymour. 6e headin% uptown# find us some hard porno bitches. &ou%s a fa!!ot# pure and plain. )o back to fuckin% some bitch named 'onna take you a!ainst your will. &ou be likin% that shit# don%t lie.1 Me and *eymour headed up the hill. Me was determined to find some hard porno bitches because me knew that *eymour would like it. 2ut alls the way# all me could think about be how sad me would be if me ended up in a cell. 6e came into the !reen# a$oided the fountain# and found a path to walk upon. *eymour was promenadin%5he was a fine specimen. +one of these other bitches had a do!. That%s because none of these bitches knew how to did it ri!ht. They be lea$in% lost potential and shit. 2ut me%s do it ri!ht# me%s wander the campus with me%s companion and look for some nai$e panty wearin% freshman5we%s find <em today. , sees a pair of bitches walkin% hand in hand and me%s shout out to them# /2eware of the muff!1 They turn and look at me. /Try some dick ladies!1 They continue on. Muff eatin% bitches need dick the worst. Then we%s come upon a solitary femme. *he be sittin% with her knees brou!ht up a!ainst her chest# wearin% co$eralls and blue Con$erse. /,s you a studyin% bitch01 /E(cuse me01 /,s you of the academic persuasion01 /,%m not of any persuasion.1 /'o you be !oin% to classes0 <Cause me%s cannot abide a bitch who don%t care about her education.1 /+ice do!.1 /That%s *eymour. 9e a pussy do!.1 /6hat do you mean# <he%s a pussy do!0%1 /9e a do! that like pussy. *niff it out for me. 9e sniff you out.1 /"k.1 /,s you wearin% panties under those co$eralls01 /Co$eralls01 /,sn%t that what you call them01 /Em..o$eralls01 /That%s what me mean.1 /&ou want to know what kind of panties ,%m wearin! under my o$eralls01 Me smile. /Are you some kind of per$ or somethin!01 /Me%s an honest !entleman who like pussy. ,s there somethin% wron! with that01 /+o# there%s nothin! wron! with that. 2ut , ha$e to !o.1 /2ye%s then!1 79

/2ye.1 *he !ets up and !oes away. Me%s thinks about Daely# and how if that bitch is to be an e(ample# more bitches in the future mi!ht call in to report me# and , mi!ht end up bein% identified by one of the bitches. And e$entually , be separated from me do!# and there be no more stinky fa!!ot roommate and no more con$ersations with borin! 'onna and no more walks alon! the lawn to meet little !irls in co$eralls with who knows what kind of panties underneath <em. That Daely was !onna ruin it all. Then , be thinkin% , could con$ince Daely not to say anythin!# maybe offer to eat her pussy or !i$e her a !ift or somethin!. Maybe then that bitch decide to keep 3uiet. The problem be how to approach that bitch. *he likely be not wantin% to see me after , cracked her head open. "r wrote all o$er that bitch%s body. "r sha!!ed her pink ass. That bitch likely be mad. 2itches often be mad after you fuck <em. 2ut , ne$er wrote all o$er a bitch%s body before. That be some special shit5Daely only. *he !et the icin! on the cake. *till# me missed her pussy. Daely be makin% special problems for me by reportin% this shit. The ner$e of that bitch. *he be askin% to !et fucked and then that bitch be cryin% it weren%t that way. That be a shady ass mo$e for a bitch to play. 2e likin% a motherfucker then be callin% the cops. , started thinkin% of !irls , had met in the past and how , had shut them up. 2e sneakin% up on a bitch on the jo!!in! path and tellin% that bitch you%ll kill her if she !oes to the police..that shit be workin% like a charm. Maybe Daely jo!. Maybe she like hikin% in the woods# and me be findin% her while she with her !irlfriends and me lettin% her know that if she !o to the cops me be findin% her alone in her room some ni!ht# and me be takin% a knife to her pussy. That be keepin% a bitch in line. Daely be the kind of bitch , mi!ht ha$e to take down completely. Put some deadly ni!htshade in her pumpkin spice latte# that typa shit. 'efiant bitch like that mi!ht not !et scared at no death threat. Mi!ht ha$e to take her out in the woods# just me her and the )lock. Put that motherfucker in her mouth and force her to suck my dick before , kill her. *tupid bitch. )oin% to the cops to report me. *he%s !onna ha$e to pay for that. *ometimes with a nau!hty bitch you ha$e to up the stakes. Det that bitch know that life and death is on the line. ,%m !onna ha$e to remind that bitch that she is not in char!e. *mack that bitch down a bit. 2itch thinks she%s !ot me! ,%$e !ot a jar of panties on my desk# motherfucker! 'o you think , !ot a jar of panties by bein! a schmoe0 +o# , !ot that jar of panties by knowin! how to play the !ame. , !ot that jar of panties by knowin! how to take a bitch down. 2itch after bitch after bitch after bitch# , won. )ot that sweet pussy. That%s how , do it. My phone rin!s. 80

/9i motherfucker.1 /6ho%s this01 /6e !ot you motherfucker.1 /6ho%s callin! please01 /,t%s your friends down at the uni$ersity police.1 /"h# hi friend.1 /9i# friend. &ou want to !et your ass down here# to meet your friend whose name starts with D.# so we can identify your ass01 /A bit busy ri!ht now# maybe later.1 /)et down here ri!ht now.1 /, ha$e class!1 /*kip it. &ou want us to come and find you01 /,%m fuckin! twel$e $ir!ins at the moment!1 /&ou%re not !oin! to be fuckin! any $ir!ins for a lon! time when we !et throu!h with you.1 /)reat# ,%ll see you in a few# then!1 /&ou better !et down here or ,%ll put out a warrant for your ass.1 /-ust my ass01 /)et down here.1

, wents strai!ht o$er to the campus police station. ?i!ured me mi!ht as well !et this o$er with. ,f they were !onna take me freedom and me life away just for ta!!in% that sweet Daely# then so be it. , trots ri!ht in throu!h the front door. /6hat%s this01 the officer asks. /This be *eymour.1 /The mysterious do! that wasn%t in your room when we checked earlier01 /+o# this do! not mysterious at all. This my uncle do!.1 /&eah01 /&eah. ,%s just walkin% him.1 /&our uncle li$es here01 /+aturally.1 /6hat%s his name01 /Me thinkin% my uncle name be none of your business.1 /6ell you can%t ha$e him here.1 /*eymour stays with me.1 /&ou can%t ha$e a do! in a police station.1 /6hat%s that0 *ome kind of rule0 <&ou can%t ha$e a do! in a police station0% 6hat about police do!s01 /6e don%t ha$e police do!s on this campus.1 /2ut ,%m sayin%# in !eneral# that police do!s would be allowed in a police station# so what is the problem with me brin!in% *eymour in here01


/6hat if he harasses a patron01 /Me do! don%t be harassin% no one.1 /Can%t you tie him to a pole outside01 /6hat if somebody steal him0 Then , be suin% you and then , be ownin% this police department.1 /,%d like to see that.1 /*omebody steals my do! you%re !onna see it# motherfucker. +ow does you want to see me about somethin% or not01 /&eah# fuck# brin! him with you. Demme take you to the holdin! cell.1 The holdin! cell# as they called it# was like a conference room with a whiteboard and a table with rollin! chairs and e$erythin!. There was a couple of other !uys in there when they brou!ht me in. /6ait here. 6e%ll be in shortly with the witness.1 The officer lea$es. /They let you brin! your do!01 /6ell# he was with me when they called# so.1 Then for a lon! time nobody says anythin!. , steal a couple of !lances at these !uys. "ne looks like Clark Bent# !lasses and e$erythin!# button down shirt. The other has mad tattoos and must be a bodybuilder or somethin!. 'efinitely kick my ass. /*o what you in for01 , ask. /*ame thin! as you# prob%ly.1 /,s you in for..fuckin!..without permission01 /6hat the fuck you care01 /Rela(# soldier. ,%s just makin% con$ersation. &ou don%t want to talk# fine# we endures without each other% company. 6hat about you# *uperman01 /, didn%t do anythin! wron!!1 /, don%t doubt it! , am with you# dear brother. , is not askin% what you did# , is askin% what they says you did. *o what about it01 Clark Bent looks at me. /My !irlfriend called the cops on me.1 /"b$iously. 9ence you bein% here.1 /*he says that , fucked her while she was sleepin!. *he was passed out5that%s what she says. *ays she didn%t know it was happenin!. Then she !ets all mad when she wakes up and , was..1 /&ou is fuckin% her.1 /Ri!ht. 6e were makin! lo$e. 2ut she says since , put it inside of her when she was sleepin! that it%s..a!ainst the rules.1 /"h , feel ya brotha! They is always makin% up rules like that# behind our backs# and then you find yourself cau!ht with your pants down!1 /E(actly! 6e%$e made lo$e a hundred times! 9ow can she say that this time was any different than the time before01 /, don%t know my dear brotha. , don%t know. 2ut you mi!ht want 82

to try some di$ersionary tactics to make sure that bitch is really out ne(t time you try to fuck her.1 /6hat do you mean di$ersionary tactics01 /'ru! her#1 the bodybuilder says. /That%s what , do.1 /'ru! her with what01 /Any kind of sedati$e. -ust5like he says5make sure that bitch is really out.1 The bodybuilder%s $oice is soft# !entle. 9e continues# /, like to dru! a dude with a mi(ture of hard li3uor and horse tran3uili7ers before , fuck him. )et that dude nice and sedate. Then , can ha$e my way with him for three# four hours before he wakes up. And by then# all he remembers is that we were drinkin!. , just tell him he passed out.1 /That%s brilliant#1 , say. /And if you don%t fuck a bitch%s cooch up too much she%ll ne$er suspect!1 /6here do you !et horse tran3uili7er01 /"h# man# if you want , can hook you up when we !et out of here.1 /Can you%s hook me up# too0 2ecause ,%s !ot a bitch that could use some of that.1 /&eah. -ust !i$e me your numbers. , !ot horse tran3uili7er# donkey tran3uili7er# stuff they use in 7oos51 /Det me ask you this. 9ow does you decide between donkey tran3uili7er and horse tran3uili7er for a particular bitch01 The bodybuilder looks at me. /,t depends on the bitch%s face!1 /Ah ha# you a hoot. ,t depend on the bitch%s face# , !et ya. &ou is sayin% that if the bitch%s face look more like a horse# then..yeah..that be hilarious. &ou has a future in stand up comedy but on a serious note# how much horse tran3uili7er does you need to kill a bitch01 /,t depends on the si7e of the bitch.1 /, !ot this particular bitch# she a pain in my ass ri!ht now. , !ot a feelin% we about to see her here in a minute. , think she here to identify me# and if , could disappears this bitch before she has time to testify in court# then , mi!ht be li$in% a lon!er life# you !et me01 /,%ll hook you up with dosa!es# dissol$e rates for $arious li3uids# e$erythin! bro. That bitch won%t be a problem!1 /E(cellent# mate. , mi!ht ha$e to do that. *o what is you in for01 /They say , held down this !uy and fucked him.1 /6ho say01 /The !uy.1 /And did you01 9e lowers his $oice. /6ell# yes. 2ut he wanted it. 6e had been workin! out to!ether all summer# and he kept !i$in! me these si!nals. 9e may act like he don%t want it but when a man sha$es his head he wants to be fucked in the ass.1 /And he sha$ed his head01 /2i! time.1 /6ell there you !o then. Remind me ne$er to sha$e my head. 2ut 83

you is justified# if he sha$ed his head. 6hat was he thinkin!01 /+ow they%re sayin! , could do time.1 /-ust for fuckin! a man in the ass01 The bodybuilder nods. /, mean what%s a man%s ass for# e(cept for bein! fucked by another man0 ,s you with me *uperman01 /&eah.1 /?uck.1 /*o what are you in for01 /"h# this bitch. Dittle pink ass bitch name of Daely. , fell in lo$e with this bitch one day in the coffeehouse. 'efiant little bitch. 6on%t take shit off nobody. ,nstantly liked this bitch. *pent weeks !ettin! to know her. 2ou!ht my do! *eymour here just to impress that bitch. And that worked for a while. 2ut it take more than a do! to !et into a bitch%s panties5most bitches anyway. This bitch be a special breed.1 /*o wha%d you do to her01 /6ell. Me and a couple of friends went o$er that bitch%s house. )ot her drunk. ?ucked her up a little.1 /?ucked her up how01 /, cracked that bitch in the back of the head# fucked up her lip a little. Mi!hta bruised her up some# , don%t remember. 6hat , do remember is !ettin% one of the sweetest pieces of cooch ,%$e e$er had. ,%m serious. That was a pussy to write home about. , only !ot to fuck her once# but , can%t !et that !irl off my mind. ,t%s like ,%m catchin% feelin%s an% shit. *tartin% to think about that !irl when , !o to sleep. , mean it%s only been one day..but..1 /&ou%re in lo$e# brotha. ,%$e been around a few dudes when they fall in lo$e and you are 1..M prime in lo$e with this bitch. &ou should hear yourself.1 /, can%t help it# man. *he special. , can%t think of anyone else ,%d rather ha$e passed out below me. ,f , was !onna ass fuck a !irl# it would be her. , hate to admit it# but crackin! that bitch in the skull sort of !ot me off.1 /Ain%t nothin% wron! with that# brotha.1 /'o you !et that0 'oes rou!hin% up a bitch make you hard01 /6ell# a dude in my case# but yeah. That%s the hottest part about it. , like holdin! a dude down and makin! him scream like a !irl# watch him stru!!le and not be able to do anythin!. ,t !ets me hard just thinkin! about it.1 /, be the same way. To watch a bitch stru!!le# and know she can%t do nothin%# that shit make me hard as a rock.1 -ust then my fa$orite uni$ersity police officer came in. 9e be ha$in% Daely in tow. /+ow# all of you# keep your mouths shut. ,f you harass my witness ,%ll arrest you. 6e don%t ha$e a proper line up room# so we%re stuck with 84

this# ok e$erybody0 +ow# sit up strai!ht. The witness can enter the room now.1 "fficer *omebody stood at the door with his hand on his !un. Daely came in the room and instantly *eymour reco!ni7ed her5he stood up and was wa!!in% his tail and shit. Daely went to the do!. *he kneels ri!ht in front of him and holds her hand out. *eymour licks her# and Daely smiles. 9er face is bruised# and her neck too# and she has a !ash on her lip. /6itness# do you reco!ni7e any of these men01 Daely look strai!ht up at me. 6e make eye contact. ,t stay locked there for about ten seconds. Then Daely stand. /+o.1 /+o0 &ou don%t reco!ni7e any of these men01 /+o.1 /"k then. 6itness# you can come with me. E$erybody else stay put.1 *o Daely lea$e. Me pet *eymour. And me wonder how me ended up in a room with these psychopaths.

,t be dis!ustin!# don%t ye think# to ponder a man fuckin! another man%s ass. , be thinkin% of me bodybuilder companion# and wonderin% if he has a bi! dick or a small one. 6hen a man fucks another man%s ass# there be shit particles comin% out on his dick# and e$en if you use a condom# that shit be dis!ustin!. Me thinkin% about this when yonder police officer comes in and tells us we can !o. "ther !entlemen be pettin% *eymour and shit# and we be e(chan!in% numbers so we can do dru! deals with donkey tran3uili7er. 6hen ,%s out in the clean air once a!ain# me%s thinks what a bullet me dod!ed. Me calls Tic Toc. /9ey# my boy!1 /<*%up01 /Det%s !et to!ether. 9ow be toni!ht01 /Toni!ht%s !ood. The Crash01 /A%i!ht. , be meetin% you at The Crash around ele$en.1 /"k brotha.1 Click. 2y the time me meet *herman at The Crash me has had time to chan!e clothes# drop *eymour by the house# and !ather me thou!hts about Daely. 6hen me !ets to The Crash Tic Toc is already there# with some ladies.


/6ho be these females# Mr. Tic01 /This is Disa. This is *andra.1 /Ah# $ery nice. Those be some nice dresses. Race inspired. &ou be beatin! land speed records , suppose.1 The ladies lau!h and flip their hair. /Toc# why don%t you be losin% these females. , !ot some ?or &our Eyes "nly shit to discuss.1 Tic Toc tells the ladies to lea$e. /9ow did you meet those ladies01 /, met <em here.1 /,s they about to put out01 /They mi!ht be.1 /6ell listen to this# Mr. Tic. , need like some counsellin% and shit. , be !oin% to the police station today.1 /6hat for01 /?or that bitch we fucked and drew all o$er. Daely. &ou remember her.1 /, remember her cooch!1 /9ow could you for!et# ri!ht0 That%s a fine ass cooch.1 6e slap hands. /Anyways# that bitch be reportin% that shit.1 /+o lie01 /+o lie. 9ad me called down to the campus police to do a line up.1 /6hat01 /,%m serious bro. Me and two other !uys. *ick fuckers. , mean the sickest. "ne dude# he fucks other dudes in the ass. 9olds <em down and watches <em scream. 2odybuilder# too. Can you ima!ine that shit0 &ou%re workin% out with a !uy and he jumps you in the locker room# holds your ass down and fucks you up the butt. *ome people are animals# man.1 /*o did she identify you01 /+o. That%s the thin!. +o she didn%t.1 /*he didn%t reco!ni7e you01 /"f course she reco!ni7ed me. *he knows me! Dooked me strai!ht in the eye and said it wasn%t me.1 Tic Toc sits back and considers. Then he says# /That bitch likes you.1 /&ou think01 /+o# , know. *he catchin% feelin%s. &ou better cut that bitch loose.1 /&eah.1 /,%m serious man. &ou !ot an old lady!1 /*he ain%t my old lady.1 /*he will be! ,f you let that bitch. *he will be. 6hat you need to do is set that bitch strai!ht. 2itches like that be brin!in% o$er a 86

toothbrush# then they be brin!in% o$er a few pair of clothes# then before you know it they li$in% in you room!1 /*he ain%t !onna be li$in% in my room.1 /2etter watch out! , bet that bitch is plannin% it ri!ht now. &ou !otta watch out for a bitch like that..she%ll take o$er your whole life!1 /9ow you think , need to set that bitch strai!ht01 /Tell that bitch strai!ht out; we are not to!ether. This is just an occasional thin!. &ou can%t be comin% o$er whene$er you need cock. This is a one way street. 6hen , need you# , call you. ,t don%t be !oin% the other way.1 /&ou think that bitch will listen01 /, doubt it. ,t sounds to me like she in lo$e with you.1 /?uck. That%s the last thin! , need# is some freshman cooch messin% up my !ame.1 /Cut her off before she thinks she owns you. That%s what bitches like to do. They slither in with they hands around your cock and they set up shop before you know it they be controllin% e$ery aspect of you life!1 /, hate bitches# man.1 /, hate <em too.1 /, mean , really do. My life was !oin% fine before , met this Daely. )ettin% re!ular cooch at the club. +othin% permanent. Then , meet this bitch and e$erythin! falls apart. , mean ,%m chasin% this bitch like , was a schoolboy. ,%m startin% to think , mi!ht actually like this bitch# do you belie%e that01 /&ou !oin% weak# man.1 /, think you ri!ht. 6e shoulda ne$er fucked that bitch.1 /*ome bitches just ain%t worth it.1 /+o they ain%t. *ome bitches it ain%t worth !ettin% inside they panties. Part of me wish , had ne$er tasted that sweet cooch. , had dreams about that bitch last ni!ht.1 /That%s how they do. They !et inside your mind# won%t let !o of you until they throu!h with you. Ruin your life# son. A cle$er bitch%ll !et her claws in before she e$en fucks you# by the time she !i$es up her cooch she own your entire life! 6atch that Daely# son# she sound like a killer.1 /&ou had her# you know.1 /2ut , ain%t be con$ersatin% with her like you.1 /That%s where , went wron!# man. Meetin% that bitch at the fountain day after day. , think , fallen in lo$e.1 /&ou !ot it bad. &ou want to fuck that bitch a!ain01 /,%d like to# yeah.1 /&ep. *he done fucked you. )ot her hooks in deep. This a sa$a!e bitch we dealin% with.1 /*he a sa$a!e alri!ht. *he a beast.1 /My only ad$ice for you is !et yourself a new bitch# ri!ht away. Dike Cassandra. *he be suckin% dick for fi$e dollars. After that lea$e you 87

alone. 'on%t fuck your life that way. &ou want me to call her back01 /That bitch sucks dick for fi$e dollars01 /&eah# she on scholarship.1 /All , can think about is Daely cooch. Me want to write on it a!ain# this time in 2ic pen. , want to write my name on that bitch%s cooch and write ?ECB ME inside that bitch%s body. 'o you think you can write with a 2ic pen inside a bitch%s body01 /&ou%re losin% it# man.1 /, want to open that bitch up throu!h the chest and write all o$er her or!ans and shit. Then , want to hold that bitch down and face fuck her while she screams my name. 'o you think you can fuck a bitch%s or!ans# , mean inside her body with your dick0 , wanna try that.1 /&ou wanna take a bitch apart and fuck her01 /&eah# , mean why can%t , just cut out Daely%s pussy and take that with me# lea$e the rest of her behind# just keep that shit in my pocket and fuck it whene$er , want to0 , don%t need the rest of that bitch. The rest of that bitch just cause me trouble. , need a bitch who is 1..M pussy.1 /&ou need Cassandra.1 /, need that other one.1 /+o no no# that other one%s mine.1 /"k# call them bitches o$er.1 Tic Toc calls them bitches o$er. /Cassandra# is it true you suck dick for fi$e dollars01 *he !i!!les. /, only suck *herman%s dick for fi$e dollars.1 /Det me ask you !irls a 3uestion. 'o females enjoy fuckin! up a dude%s life0 , mean when you wake up in the mornin!# do you just say# <Today ,%m !onna fuck up a dude%s life0% <Cause when a bitch be catchin% feelin%s# that e(actly what a bitch do. , !ot a bitch# maybe one of you bitches can help me out with her# but she be catchin% feelin%s at the most inappropriate times. 6hen you would think that bitch would hate my !uts# this bitch be de$elopin% a crush on my ass. 6hat do you say , do with a bitch like that0 &ou think , should slap her around# maybe show that bitch who%s boss0 "r do you think , need to face fuck that bitch# real hard# so that she taste me cum and maybe that cum be impartin% words of wisdom to that bitch0 , need a female perspecti$e on this shit# because this shit be hauntin% my ass. *o what does you bitches say01 /,%ll suck your cock for ten dollars!1 /&ou wills0 6ell that is $ery $aluable information Miss C. 6hy does you !o by *andra anyway# when you full name is all the more beautiful01 /*andra%s shorter.1 /That it be. That it be. Thank you for that insi!ht. 6here dids you find these bitches# *herman# in the entry pool for 9ar$ard Eni$ersity0 These bitches be some dumb bitches. +o offense# but you be some dumb bitches. 6hat is you )PAs01 88

/Em..1 /6ell..1 /&ou don%t know you own )PAs0 , bet you suck dick like a horse. , !otta !et out of here# T.T. 9a$e fun with those bitches.1 /Take *andra with you.1 /That horse ass bitch0 ?or!et it.1 /, like horses!1 /, know you do# honey# and you look like one. 6hy don%t you !o out to pasture and chew some hay.1 /Take her home with you and let her suck your dick.1 /,%$e seen the promised land. , don%t let hay munchin! bitches suck my dick anymore.1 /*andra. 6alk him home. And when you !et there# suck his dick# he%s lo$esick.1 /*andra. 'o you ha$e the sweetest pussy this side of the Mason 'i(on0 <Cause if you don%t# you mi!ht as well stay here and suck Tic Toc%s dick.1 /'on%t take no for an answer. 9e%s depressed! A conni$in! bitch is tryin! to destroy this man%s life# Cassandra! 'o the man a fa$or!1 Cassandra !rabs my arm and , throw her off. *he%s strai!htenin! her dress. /, don%t think so# horse. )oodni!ht Tic Toc. 9a$e those bitches !o tandem on you. ,%m done for.1

, !et home and *eymour and stinky fa!!ot are absent. Must ha$e !one on one of their soul searchin! walks. , sit at the computer and no sooner do , sit down than there%s a knock at the door. /Come in!1 Two !entlemen come in. They%re my a!e# but ,%$e ne$er seen them before. "ne comes ri!ht up to me and punches me in the face. The other has bun!ee cords. As ,%m reco$erin! from the shock of bein! punched in the face# they tie me to me chair with the cords. The door is still open. "ne of them !oes to close it. 6hen he comes back they dra! me chair into the middle of the room. /To what do , owe this lo$ely $isit01 /*hut up.1 /Are you !entlemen here on some sort of a sca$en!er hunt01 The one !uy punches me a!ain. , can taste blood. /,f you ruin me teeth me is !oin! to ha$e to send you me dental bill# and me%s doubtin% that you be likin% that.1 /-ust shut# the fuck# up.1 /*o you%s not be wantin% to talk.1


/6e%re !oin! to kill you.1 /Me doubts that.1 They !et in me face. /&ou doubt it0 -ust wait till Amos !ets here.1 /6hy# is Amos !oin! to do what you !entlemen aren%t willin! to01 /Amos is !oin! to fuck you up.1 /Ri!ht. Me waits for Amos then. ,n the mean time# want to loosen this cord a bit01 9e punches me a!ain. , feel my jaw crack. /'o you know why we%re here01 , look at them. /,s you here..because of..Miss 'onaldson01 /That%s ri!ht motherfucker. 6e%re here <cause of Miss. 'onaldson. 6ho you mistreated. Miss 'onaldson is one of our !irls. And we don%t like when people mistreat our !irls.1 /6hy she be your !irl01 /2ecause we follow the rules. 6e lick pussy when we%re supposed to lick pussy and we stick pussy when we%re supposed to stick pussy.1 /And by stick pussy you means stick yo% dick in pussy.1 /6hat the fuck you think , mean01 /*o you%s two !entlemen came here to lecture me on when to licks pussy and when to sticks it01 /-ust wait till Amos comes.1 /Ri!ht. , !ot that. 6e all be waitin% till Amos comes. Are you two !entlemen capable of doin! anythin! without Amos01 9e punches me in the stomach. ,t knocks the wind out of me. /&ou ain%t be talkin% too smooth ri!ht now# is you fa!!ot0 &ou mess with our !irls# you mess with us. 6e don%t like when people mistreat our !irls!1 /&ou said that.1 9e punches me a!ain. ,t really takes me out. /Disten# fa!!ot. Daely 'onaldson is from my home town. 6e went to *unday school to!ether. , was part of that !irl%s confirmation. *he didn%t come to school to be fucked with by fa!!ots like you. &ou don%t know when to keep your cock in your pants. &ou mess with Daely# you mess with me. +ow , wanted to kill you. 2ut Amos# he had a better idea. *o we%re just !oin! to sit ti!ht with you shuttin! the fuck up until Amos !ets here# and then we%re !oin! to take care of you.1 /&ou%s doin% a fine job of takin% care of me without Amos%s help. That%s just me opinion.1 /&ou fucked with the wron! !irl.1 /*o is you like ha$in% a crush on Daely and she ne$er !a$e it up to you back in *unday school and you is like jealous01 /Daely%s just a friend.1 /2ut doesn%t you want to bone her01 90

/"nly pi!s like you want to bone e$erythin! in a skirt.1 /+o# ,%m pretty sure that%s most e$ery !uy.1 /, respect Daely. , wouldn%t bone her unless she wanted to bone me!1 /*o you does want to bone her.1 /'o you wanna !et punched a!ain0 <Cause , will take out teeth.1 /*o you%s a dentist then01 *MACB! 9e punches me a!ain# and ,%m definitely bleedin! this time. Then the door opens. A dude walks in in a $arsity jacket. 9e%s !ot his hand behind his back. /,%m !uessin% you be Amos.1 /That%s ri!ht#1 he says# and he brin!s his hand to the front. 9e holdin% a butane canister with a flame throwin% attachment. Me lau!h. Then Amos inform me he !oin! to burn my dick off. /?irst of all# no one !oin! to burn anyone%s dick off.1 /+o01 Amos press a button on the side of the flame thrower and it li!ht. 2lue flame be shootin% out of the torch. Amos steps toward me. /,%m !onna tell you a little story#1 he says. /,%m jo!!in! the other day. ,%m on the sidewalk <cause ,%m tryin! to stay out of the way of traffic. Comin! towards me is this woman. *he%s jo!!in! too. *he sees me. And some distance away from me she crosses into the street. *tarts jo!!in! a!ainst traffic. *he stays in the street until we pass. Then , turn around. "nce she%s sufficiently past me# she crosses back so she%s runnin! on the sidewalk. +ow why does this story bother me0 2ecause what kind of world do we li$e in where a woman is afraid to jo! on the same sidewalk as a man..such that she crosses into the street to be farther away from him while they pass0 &ou see what ,%m sayin!0 , don%t want that woman to cross into the street. , want her to keep jo!!in! on the sidewalk ne(t to me. 2ecause , lo$e that woman# and not like you lo$e women# either. , lo$e her with my soul. , want !ood thin!s for her. , want her to feel safe. And ,# personally# ha$e ne$er done anythin! to make her feel unsafe. +o. ,t%s assholes like you who ruin it for e$eryone. 9a$e women runnin! scared. And# toni!ht# we%re !oin! to take care of one such problem. And we%re !oin! to do it by addressin! you in the only way , think you%ll understand.1 /6hich is to burn my dick off.1 /6e%re not necessarily !oin! to burn it off. 6e%re !oin! to burn it beyond reco!nition. *o that you%ll ne$er be able to do any fuckin! with it a!ain.1 , look at the blue flame. ,t be stron!. ,t ha$e about a four inch plume out the front of the torch. /6ith this woman jo!!in!# how does you know she crossed the 91

street because she was afraid of you01 /6hy else would she ha$e crossed the street01 /Maybe she was bein! polite. *he wanted to !i$e you the full berth of the sidewalk to jo! on.1 /Maybe. 2ut how many times do , walk down a sidewalk and see a woman afraid to make eye contact with me0 6hy are women ,%m talkin! to always on the defensi$e..based on nothin! , personally ha$e done. People like you ha$e created an en$ironment of fear for women wherein they%re now afraid of all men# by default# just because of a few animals like you.1 /, resent you callin% me an animal.1 /&ou are an animal! &ou fucked Daely! &ou think she wanted to be !an! fucked by you and your friends0!1 /'id Daely tell you about this01 /'on%t worry about who told us! 6orry about your dick# motherfucker!1 /Ri!ht. And has you e$er burned anyone%s dick off before01 /There%s a first time for e$erythin!.1 /That true# mate# that true. 2ut has you thou!ht about the fact that you be !ettin% cau!ht and !oin% to jail for burnin% a motherfucker% dick off01 /&ou didn%t !o to jail! 6hy should we! Are you !oin! to be man enou!h to !o to the police and tell them your dick !ot burned off01 /, cross that brid!e when , comes to it# friend.1 /'on%t call me friend. 6hat do you !uys think# should we start with his eyebrows01 Amos hold the flame close to me face. /Ain%t the eyebrows a bit irrele$ant0 , mean shouldn%t you stick to the main course01 /"k motherfucker. Take his pants off.1 The two boys mo$e in and start undoin! me pants! /Amos! 'on%t you think me and you be makin% a deal01 /Dike what01 /Dike , don%t be fuckin% no more of your !irls and you be lea$in% my dick alone!1 /&ou e(pect me to trust you to make that deal01 /, be feelin% pretty trustworthy ri!ht now!1 The !uys are takin! me belt off# unbuttonin! my pants. /'on%t you think this be a bit !ay01 /6hat%s !ay about it01 /&ou be takin% my pants off# about to be burnin% my dick. 'on%t you think people%s will find out you looked at me dick01 /, don%t care.1 They pull my pants off. They be on the floor. /Take his bo(ers off.1 To my horror# they start takin! me bo(ers off! They pull <em 92

halfway down. Me dick is e(posed# me balls han!in% out and e$erythin!. /Any last words01 /&es# why doesn%t you let me transfer to another school01 /&ou%ll just be fuckin% women there#1 Amos says# and he brin!s the torch to my balls. -ust then# thou!h# that torch run out! ?lame be spurtin% and !oin% blank. Amos be hittin% the canister tryin% to !et it started. 2ut it out. /?uck.1 9e throw it aside. Then they start kickin! my ass# while , is tied to my chair! All three of <em kickin!# spittin!# punchin! my self. , hear thin!s crackin%# and that be my bone. They be kickin% me in my dick and shit. , can feel my eyes !ettin% blackened# surprised they don%t pop my damn eyeballs. ,t be a $iolent# rou!hly beatin!. 2ut *eymour%s bark# and stinky fa!!ot be comin% in the room! Them thu!s be lookin% at stinky fa!!ot =who a bi! boy> and they be e$acuatin% lickety split. *tinky fa!!ot come o$er to me. *eymour be lickin% my wounds. /Thanks for sa$in! me# roomie!1 /6hat the fuck happened01 /*ome $i!ilante motherfuckers# out for $en!eance!1 *tinky fa!!ot touches my face. /6e%$e !ot to !et you to a hospital.1

, wake up to boobs in my face. /Are those real01 /6hat01 /Are those real.1 This woman%s shirt is unbuttoned# se$eral buttons down# and these beautiful titties are starin! out at me. /,%m askin% you if your titties are real.1 *he lau!hs. /They%re real alri!ht. 2ut they%re not for your pleasure. They%re for feedin! my kids.1 , is in a hospital. This woman be my nurse. /&our kids01 /&es. ?i$e# three# and ei!hteen months.1 /&our fi$e year old still breastfeed01 *he lau!h. /+o# but the other two still do.1 /&our three year old still breastfeed0 Ain%t that a little old01 /+o. People do it different ways. +ow. About you. 9ow are you feelin!01 /, feel like shit.1 /6ell# you ha$e three cracked ribs# a sprained ankle# a concussion#


amon! other thin!s.1 /9ow , !et a sprained ankle from some dudes kickin% my ass01 /They must ha$e bent your ankle. 'oes this hurt01 /Ah! &eah# that be hurtin%. 6here my roommate01 /, don%t know.1 /9e be brin!in% me here# where that fa!!ot !o01 /,%ll check and see if he left a messa!e.1 /9ow lon! , been here01 /*ince last ni!ht.1 /'amn. Those ni!!as be layin% a ni!!a out.1 /'o you know the people who did this to you01 /+ah.1 /'id they ha$e a reason for beatin! you up01 /They some $i!ilante scumba!s. , fucked one of they !irls and they decided to fuck me up. Motherfuckers. Motherfuckers had a blow torch# you belie%e that shit0 +i!!a named Amos be threatenin% to burn my dick off.1 /&ou ha$e suffered some injuries down there but , didn%t see any burns.1 /That%s because they torch be !oin% out.1 /&ou are bruised thou!h.1 /They be kickin% me in my dick.1 /,%m sorry this happened to you. ,f you want you can file a complaint with the campus police and maybe they can do somethin! about it. Maybe find the !uys. ,t was a bunch of !uys# ri!ht01 /&eah# it be three !uys. 2ut , ain%t be !oin% to no campus police. They already !ot my name and number for some other shit.1 /, don%t understand.1 /,%s in a little bit of trouble with the uni$ersity police on account of me $iolently fuckin! a se3uence of innocent little bitches who otherwise be roamin% the campus free with they panties intact.1 /, see.1 /&eah%s. *o you see%s my dilemma.1 /,%m !oin! to !i$e you somethin! for pain. ,t%s !oin! to put you to sleep for a while. ,f you need me# press this button# ok0 , or one of the other nurses will come check on you.1 /Miss0 6hat be your name01 *he points to her name ta!. +urse Paula. /A%i!ht%s +urse Paula. Beep them titties safe.1 *he hits me with the medicine. 6hen , wake up# +urse Paula !one. , hit that button. *ome other bitch comes o$er. This one% name ta! say +urse Charlene. /6here is +urse Paula01 /*he%s on break.1 94

/,s she comin% back01 /&eah she%s just smokin!.1 /2itch be breastfeedin% also be smokin%0 'oes that seem e(actly wise to you01 /'o you need anythin!01 /6hy ain%t you blouse undone like +urse Paula%s01 /This is just how , keep my shirt.1 /&ou titties ain%t hot in there01 /,%m here to help you if you need anythin!. Are you in pain ri!ht now01 /&eah# ,%s in pain all o$er my body.1 /'o you want somethin! else for your pain01 /+ah# nah# don%t put me out a!ain. , be sittin% chattin% with you.1 /Chattin! isn%t e(actly my job.1 /And does you always do your job by the pro$erbial book01 /6hat%s <pro$erbial0%1 /,t mean do you always follow the rules.1 /Esually.1 /Esually ain%t no way to li$e. )et me +urse Paula.1 /*o you%re ok for now01 /, want my old nurse.1 /,%ll send her o$er.1 /2etter# bitch.1 , say it 3uietly but she turn around5she hear me. +urse Paula must be takin% some lon! smoke breaks <cause , sit there for a lon! time. , remember stinky fa!!ot borrowin% some dude%s car and dri$in% me to the uni$ersity hospital. And he stayed with me for a while. That dude alri!ht# <cept that he a butt muncher. , can%t abide a dude that munch on another dude%s butt. And , remember them $i!ilantes# Amos and he friends. The way that blue torch be burnin%# and how if that torch not be !oin% out they be burnin% me balls off. Ain%t these dudes ne$er heard of the le!islati$e process0 That ain%t no way to be dealin% with thin!s. Then me think of Daely. The way we rocked her cooch# and how she ne$er be !ettin% four dicks in one ni!ht she ne$er be !ettin% any dick before# and we woke her up# woke up that little bitch%s se(uality all at once. 2itches be payin% for that pri$ile!e in certain parts of the world. And then that little bitch went to her $i!ilante *unday school partners who had always wanted to fuck that little bitch%s cooch but ne$er !ot to..and they cames to me to !et they rocks off. *ome bitches !et off on $iolence.., don%t understand it. E$entually +urse Paula comes back around. /6here you been keepin% them titties01 /9ow are you feelin!01 /, feels like , just !ot run o$er. 6hat kind of ci!s you smoke01 /Marlboro Reds.1 95

/That be a man%s ci!arette.1 /6ell , like them.1 /&ou be ha$in% a dick , don%t know about0 2e sucklin% them kids on that little pee pee01 /The doctor%s !oin! to come o$er in a little while to talk to you about your injuries. &ou%$e sustained a $ery serious head injury.1 /, ain%t bleedin%.1 /&ou were when you came in. And just because you%re not bleedin! doesn%t mean your injuries aren%t serious. 'id they hit you with somethin!01 /6ith they fists.1 /2elie$e it or not# that%s enou!h.1 /Enou!h for what01 /To !i$e you a concussion.1 /,s that !oin% to# like# se$erely impair my co!niti$e abilities and shit01 /,n this case# no. &ou may notice some memory loss around the timin! of the e$ent.1 /That be the e$ent of !ettin% my ass kicked.1 /&es. 2ut you should reco$er completely. The doctor will tell you more. 2ut you need to do whate$er possible to a$oid this kind of injury in the future.1 /*o don%t be fuckin% other ni!!as% bitches.1 /6hate$er you ha$e to do. ,t%s not your fault that you were attacked5and , can offer you some student counsellin! opportunities for sur$i$ors of $iolent crimes5but if you can do anythin! to a$oid head injuries in the future# that will be a !ood thin!.1 /,%s strai!ht on that front. Me be a$oidin% head injuries like the pla!ue. 'o you !et a lot of bitches in here who be !ettin% fucked in they pussies a!ainst they will01 /&ou mean women who ha$e been51 /Dike if four !uys fucked they pussy when they wasn%t e(pectin% and they !ot fucked up in the head about it# maybe <cause they !ot cracked in the face by somebody%s !et a lot of bitches like that01 /Enfortunately# yes# we do.1 /6hat about a bitch with writin% all o$er her body# and them words CEM 'EM*TER written on that bitch%s !et a bitch like that01 +urse Paula shifts on the bed. /6as that the !irl that you fucked with01 /&eah# that be the one. , was wonderin%..was that bitch be sustainin% any permanent injuries0 Anythin! to the head01 /,%m not supposed to talk about other customers.1 /2ut what if you was speakin% to like# a man who really cared about that bitch# and wanted to like# know how that bitch was doin%# so he 96

could like# !et it off his conscience about how bad he hurt her.1 Paula mo$es closer to me on the bed. /Are we talkin! about Daely 'onaldson01 /&eah# we is talkin% about Daely 'onaldson. , mean how many bitches you !et in here ha$e CEM 'EM*TER written across they foreheads01 /&ou%d be surprised.1 /*o how is that bitch01 /*he%s !oin! to be fine. 2ut she was hurt badly. 9er lip needed stitches.1 /And how%s that bitch%s pussy01 /,%m not !oin! to talk with you specifically about her injuries but you need to know that when you ha$e se( with someone a!ainst their will you can rip them# you can tear them in ways that will ne$er be undone.1 /*o we ripped that bitch !ood. That too bad. , liked that bitch.1 /*he%s ok. *he%s back at home and she was in !ood condition when she left here.1 /6as she like cryin% and shit01 /&eah# she cried.1 /, was afraid of that. , can%t stand when a bitch be cryin%. That shit be tu!!in% at my heartstrin!s and shit.1 /*he was shaken up by what you boys did. 6hen someone !oes throu!h somethin! as $iolent as what she went throu!h# it can put a person in shock. ,t takes them a while to accept what really happened.1 /6ell# thankfully that bitch was out for most of the proceedin!s.1 /*he remembers more than you think. *he confided in me when she was here# what it was like for her# while you all were fuckin! her. &ou created a terrifyin! e(perience for that !irl. *he%ll ne$er for!et it. ,t%s !oin! to affect the way she $iews se( for the rest of her life.1 , be silent. +urse Paula continue. /&ou%$e taken somethin! !entle# somethin! lo$in!# and turned it into an act of $iolence. *e( is supposed to be for e$eryone%s pleasure. And for you# it%s become an act of power. All you care about is holdin! the other person down5not liftin! them up# as se( can be when it%s lo$in!.1 /+urse Paula# does you know what it%s like to be a man# to ha$e a se( dri$e so powerful that you is willin! to kill a person to ha$e se( with them0 That you willin! to !o to jail to fuck a bitch. 'oes you know what it like to need pussy so bad that you willin! to do anythin!5anythin!5to !et into that bitch%s panties0 'oes you0 'oes you know about that01 /, !uess not. 2ut , do know what it%s like to be a woman# to be around that kind of male ener!y# and ne$er know if a !uy is !oin! to kiss you !oodni!ht or force his way into your house and hold you down and fuck you. , know what it%s like to be afraid of men. And , know what it%s like to ha$e a dau!hter# and be scared of her !rowin! up# because , worry# 97

e$ery ni!ht# about what men are !oin! to do to her.1

They be lettin% me out of that hospital the ne(t day. *tinky fa!!ot had class but me%s could walk. "nly me%s needed a pair of crutches the doctor had !a$e me. , headed strai!ht o$er to 2a(ter# room A11. *ome bitch , ne$er saw before answered the door. /6ho is you01 /6ho are you01 /,s Daely be in there01 /Daely%s busy#1 she say# and she come outside and close the door. /&ou is Daely%s roommate01 /,%m Anne.1 /,s you that bitch%s roommate01 /6hat do you want01 /, wants to talk to her.1 /*he has company.1 /6ho is her company01 /+one of your business. 'o you know Daely01 /&eah , knows her# in a matter of speakin!. ,%s her readin! buddy.1 Anne%s face chan!es. /&ou#1 she says. /6hat are you doin! here0 *he doesn%t want to see you.1 And Anne !oes for the door. /6ait. 6ait. ,%s really needs to see that bitch. , !ot somethin% , need to say.1 /*he%s !ot nothin! to say to you.1 /,%s need to speak to her myself.1 /)o. Away. 2efore , call the police.1 /'on%t call the police. Dook at me. ,%s not a threat. ,%s can hardly walk. Me not be here to hurt Daely.1 Daely% $oice come from inside the room. /6ho is it01 /,t%s nobody#1 Anne say. /+ow you listen to me. &ou%$e done enou!h. Daely%s just startin! to feel better and seein! you is the last thin! she needs. *o# please# before , call the campus police# !et the fuck away from our door.1 /,%s understand. &ou don%t be wantin% to see me. That make sense. 2ut , really need to talk to Daely. Me feel bad about what me%s did# and me%s need to tell that bitch. 'on%t be turnin% a ni!!a away when a ni!!a !ot somethin! on his heart to say.1 The door opens. Daely lean out. *he see me. *he step all the way out of the room. /Dook# Daely# Anne let me know you don%t want to see me. 2ut , !ot to !et this off my chest. , know you don%t want to be listenin%. 2ut you


!ots to let me say what , !ots to say.1 Daely !rab my wrist. /Come in. There%s some people , want you to meet.1 , crutch my way into the room. There be some old people in there. /This is my mom and dad#1 Daely say. /?rank and Mary. They came to $isit.1 /+ice to meet you.1 /)ood to meet you too# son. 6hat happened to your foot01 /Eh. , twisted it. 'amn stairs.1 /Tell them what really happened#1 Daely say. /, !ot beat up by some $i!ilante assholes out for re$en!e. *o# what brin!s you to our small town0 Are you here for the famous bouti3ue shoppin! opportunities01 /"ur dau!hter..just needed us.1 /"h.1 Daely looks at me. /That%s !ood she has you. Dife be hard# and ha$in% parents that care is an important piece of the pu77le. Daely be lucky she be ha$in% you. Me own parents51 /6e don%t need to hear about your parents#1 Daely say. /'ad was just tellin! stories about me as a !irl. 'ad# why don%t you continue.1 /6ell# , was just recallin! when Daely was in ballet. *he was in ballet from before she could e$en walk. *he knew she wanted to dance before she could e$en speak# it seems like. *o we put <er in classes# and she lo$ed <em. Daely# how many years ha$e you been in dance now01 /, lost count.1 /6ell# since she was this hi!h.1 /, didn%t know you danced.1 Daely nods. /, mean ballet danced. Daely and , went dancin! once.1 2oth Daely and Anne shoot me e$il looks. /2ut we%s be !ettin% back to your story. *o she was dancin% since she was this hi!h01 /Daely had many interests. *he was better with a bow and arrow than any of the boys# she liked to set traps and play ,ndiana -ones in the back yard.1 /&ou played ,ndiana -ones01 Daely nods. /*he lo$ed that mo$ie. Daely wanted to be a film director for most of her life. ,t%s only recently that she%s !otten into..what%s your major a!ain01 /Political theory.1 /Ri!ht. , don%t ha$e a clue what political theory is but , know what film directin! is. Daely would make mo$ies on our home $ideo camera# little short films about a bicycle runnin! o$er a loaf of bread# weird stuff 99

like that. 9er mother always thou!ht it was stran!e but , could see the !enius in it.1 /&eah# Daely a smart bitch.1 /&ou say a bunch of $i!ilantes !ot your foot01 /That be ri!ht.1 /6hat a time. 6hat a day and a!e to li$e in. "ur Daely recently e(perienced some $iolence. And you with your foot. 6hat you youn! people ha$e to endure today , just don%t know. ,s that a banda!e around your chest there01 /&es sir.1 /6hat happened to your chest01 /Me broke some ribs.1 /9ow many01 Daely ask. /Three.1 /And the $i!ilantes did that01 /That be ri!ht.1 /Daely# ha$e you encountered any of these $i!ilantes in your time here01 /'ad# don%t worry about it. 9e%s fine.1 /9e doesn%t look fine.1 /9e%ll li$e# ,%m sure.1 /,t just ain%t ri!ht#1 Daely%s mom say. /Mrs. 'onaldson# how are you enjoyin! your $isit01 /6ell# it isn%t under the happiest of circumstances. 2ut ,%m enjoyin! it just fine. ,%d feel better if Daely went to a safer school. 6e didn%t know when we si!ned her up here that there would be so much $iolence. ,t%s unconscionable. , mean we had the same thin!s happen when we were kids but today it%s worse. "r maybe it%s just that people talk about it now. 2ack then it was all hush hush# you know. Today you tell your family. 2ack then you didn%t tell anyone.1 /Tell anyone about what01 /About se(ual $iolence.1 /Mom!1 /,%m sorry dear# ,%m not tryin! to !i$e away your secrets but this !entleman deser$es to know what we%re talkin! about. 9e%s a friend of yours# ri!ht01 /,t be ok# Mrs. 'onaldson# , don%t need to know.1 /Tell him.1 /"h# , suspect it%s somethin! he%s heard all about. &ou tell your friends# youn! man# that if they do anythin! like what happened to Daely they%ll ha$e me to deal with. &ou tell them.1 /,%ll tell them# Mrs. 'onaldson.1 /&oun! men are too ca$alier. They think that just because a !irl !oes on a date with you that they want to !o to bed with them. 'o you ha$e a !irlfriend01 100

/+o.1 /6ell that%s too bad. There%s no more rewardin! relationship than the one between a man and a woman. "r a man and a man if you%re into that sort of thin!51 /+o ma%am.1 /6ell whate$er. That%s your business. 2ut when you !et your !irlfriend you treat her ri!ht# ok0 'o that for an old woman.1 /&ou aren%t that old# Mrs. 'onaldson.1 /'on%t lie to me# , know how old , am. 6e had Daely late# her and her sister. 2ut we lo$ed <em# we lo$ed each of them since the day they were born.1 /&ou ha$e a beautiful dau!hter.1 Daely !lares at me. /, mean that in the most wholesome way.1 , point with my crutch. /Dook# Daely# about anythin! that mi!ht ha$e happened the other day51 /-ust shut it.1 /'o you two want some time alone01 Daely%s dad asks. /+o.1 /Maybe the fi$e of us could !o to lunch.1 /+o!1 /"k# baby# it was just an idea. ,t%s always nice to meet Daely%s friends.1 /&es#1 Daely says# /it%s always nice. ,t%s always nice when my friends pop by unannounced# and when their friends pop by unannounced.1 Daely looks at me. /'o you want any more of my friends to pop by your place unannounced01 /+o.1 /&ou%$e had enou!h01 /&es# me%s had enou!h.1 /2ecause more can be arran!ed.1 /+o thank you.1 /, heard there was a little problem with the blow torch.1 /&es.1 /6e can fi( it.1 /, appreciates that. 2ut that not be necessary.1 /&ou sure01 /&es# ,%s is sure. ,f you wants me to !oes now..1 /+o , want you to stay and listen to my parents tell stories of me as a little kid in the hopes that that makes you see me as a person with a past and feelin!s and depth and not just as a se( object for you and your friends.1 /Are you sure you two don%t want some time alone01 /+o! Mom# stay. 6e%re just ha$in! a polemical discussion here. This boy be my readin! partner. 6e interested in the same subjects. &ou should see his do!. 9e !ot a really cute do!. 9e use it to !ather up little 101

pieces of pussy from his walks around the campus. 9ow many pieces of pussy you !otten in the last few days# there# readin! buddy01 /Eh..none.1 /+one0! Too bad! 9ow ha$e you been mana!in!0 *ince pussy is like air to you. 'id you find any pussy in the hospital01 /+o.1 /6hat0! &ou%re off your !ame# kemosabe. , would ha$e thou!ht you%d be fuckin! bitches with your crutch!1 *he !oes to the desk. /'oes that make you s3ueamish0 ,t%s shouldn%t!1 Daely take marker after marker out of her desk and throw it at me. /*tick these up a woman%s pussy! 9a! *tick a Ma!ic Marker up a woman%s puss and lea$e her for dead! ?uck! This be my readin! buddy# Mom! This be my readin! buddy# 'ad! 9e be respectin% women real !ood. Real !ood. , can%t ima!ine a more perfect specimen of manhood than this piece of shit. 6hat did you e(pect comin! o$er here0 9a$e you !otten what you came for0 &es0 6ell. , think it be time for you to be lea$in% now.1

*o , be lea$in%. Anne help me out the door and , be hearin% Daely% $oice screamin% and she ban!in% thin!s around the room. Me hope she ha$e a !ood $isit with she parents and me head down the stairs in 2a(ter with me crutches in one hand. , don%t see Daely for a few days. , be doin% the normal thin!s and wonderin% what that bitch be up to. Then one day me and Tic Toc be in the cafeteria. /There that bitch#1 Tic Toc say. , turn around. Daely be sittin% down with she friends. , turn back around to Tic Toc. /6e should ta! that bitch a!ain#1 he say. /, think it be 3uite difficult to ta! that bitch a!ain# seein% as how she hip to our !ame# T.T. ,t sort of re3uire the element of surprise.1 /6e still ha$e the element of surprise. 6e just !et that bitch in some place she not be e(pectin%# like when she comes out of class or somethin%.1 /Toc# when she comes out of class it be bri!ht as day.1 /'on%t that bitch ha$e any ni!ht classes01 , chew my mashed potatoes. The !ra$y is runny and cardboard tastin!. /, think# Toc# that we needs to find oursel$es another bitch.1 /2ut , like that one.1 /'on%t tell me you stuck on her too.1 /+ot like you. , ain%t in lo$e with that bitch or nothin%. 2ut that bitch did ha$e a fine cooch.1 /There%s fine cooch e$erywhere.1


/+ot like that bitch.1 /Tic Toc. Daely doesn%t ha$e a ma!ical pussy. &ou mi!ht like to think it%s ma!ical# but it%s not. ,t%s just a puss# $ery much like any other. 6e%re not !oin! out of our way to ta! a bitch we already ta!!ed just because you like her cooch. ,t%s just not !oin! to happen.1 /Tell me you don%t like that bitch%s cooch too.1 /Toc51 /Tell me. Tell me you don%t ha$e a special place in your hardened heart for Daely% little cooch. Cans you tell me that0 Cans you0 +o. , know you likes that bitch.1 /&es# , likes her# ok0! 2ut Daely off limits. *he out of bounds. That bitch !ot fucked !ood and we was the ones to do it. 2ut ain%t no more Daely fuckin% !oin! to be happenin!. That !irl is wise. *he ain%t !onna be lettin% no brothas in her room for nothin%. +or !oin% out for drinks allowin% she self to be corrupted by spirits. *he done for. *he smart now. That bitch was a one time opportunity.1 Tic Toc takes a swi! off his chocolate milk. /'on%t tell me you is !i$in% up. , know that bitch is ta!!able. *he ain%t as smart as you think.1 /, is !a$e up. , is done. &ou won%t find me ta!!in% no females for no while now.1 /&ou is !i$in% up0 &ou is done ta!!in%0 2ullshit. &ou can%ts stop ta!!in if ye wanted to. &ou%s a natural hound. 2e sniffin% out pussy in yo% sleep.1 /, done sniffed enou!h pussy for one lifetime.1 /&ou just in a slump# man. This Daely bitch !ot you down. 6hat you need is some upperclassman pussy. ?or!et all this freshman shit. )et a bitch knows what she doin%# no matter how loose her pussy.1 /,%m done with pussy# Toc.1 /6hat then0 'ick0 &ou be switchin% sides01 /+o# , don%t be switchin% sides. , be throu!h ta!!in% little innocent bitches who just came to school to be a film director or somethin!.1 /6hat you talkin% about01 /These bitches just be comin% here to !et they education. They don%t be comin% to !et Ma!ic Markers stuck up they pussy.1 /&es they do#1 Tic Toc smiles. /&es they do. That%s e(actly why these bitches come to this school. This be a party school. ,t be that for a reason. 2itches come here to !et they pussies reamed out by fools like us. That part of why they come here! ,f we wasn%t doin% what we%s do they wouldn%t be !ettin% they full e(perience! 6e as much a part of this campus as 'r. Pin!%s philosophy department or the !yro truck or the !reens. &ou cain%t take us out of the e3uation5wouldn%t be no school left!1 /Disten# Tic. &ou do whate$er you want. ,%m just sayin%# after Daely# ,%m done.1 /&ou mean after we does her a!ain.1 103

/+o , mean now.1 /6hat is so special about this bitch01 , lean in to Tic Toc. /*he hads the opportunity to turns me into the police ands she didn%t. That shit has me shaken# man.1 /*o unshake yourself.1 /,f that bitch had said# <yes , know him#% instead of <no#% then , woulds be in jail ri!ht now# motherfucker. ,%s don%t wants to !o to jail.1 /&ou%re not !oin! to !o to jail.1 /2itches be reportin%.1 /2itches ne$er be reportin%! That%s the whole point! 2itches be scared! 6e keep <em scared! &ou be the master of that technolo!y.1 /, doesn%t want to be the master of that technolo!y anymore.1 /6ake up. Daely was just one bitch who reported. +e(t bitch won%t be sayin% nothin%# and ne(t bitch after that won%t be sayin% nothin. Daely an outlier.1 /Daely could still ha$e my ass if she wanted to. , owe that bitch.1 /&ou don%t owe that bitch nothin%# man.1 /, met her parents.1 /&ou met her parents01 /&eah. They be talkin% about how they lo$e they dau!hter and shit. That shit shook me up.1 /&ou need to for!et about that shit.1 /, think maybe you should meet <em.1 Tic Toc shakes his head. /&ou losin% it# man. +eed to check out student counsellin! and shit. 9ow%s your foot01 /That shit still hurts. Cans you still see Daely01 /&eah. That bitch eatin% yo!urt.1 /Eatin% yo!urt# huh01 , turn around. /That bitch be primed for fuckin! up the ass.1 /Man don%t talk about Daely%s ass like that.1 /After , fucks her up the ass#1 Tic Toc says# /, be stickin% my dick in that bitch%s mouth !ettin! shit all o$er that bitch%s ton!ue. 6hat%s you !ot to say about that01 /'on%t be cra7y# man.1 /6hy , be%s cra7y0 &ou the one called me# sayin%# <yeah , !ots this bitch o$er in 2a(ter A11# come fucks this bitch and brin! Macrobiotik yo!% &ou be in$itin% random fools from across the hall ain%t be !ettin% no pussy from they !irlfriends..psycho motherfuckers be tearin% that bitch%s cunt and shit.1 /, tore her cunt.1 /&ou ain%t tear no bitch%s cunt# my friend. That was Be$in%s ass.1 /, tore it. , was fuckin! her first and we looked down and you said# <look there%s blood comin% from that bitch%s cunt#% and , looked down and there was blood comin% from that bitch%s cunt. ,t be ok to fuck a bitch but to be tearin% a bitch%s cunt0..that be some animalistic shit that , don%t 104

want to be ha$in% no part of.1 /A bitch%s cunt is liable to !et tore from time to time.1 /&eah but not by me. &ou see what ,%m sayin%01 /6hat happened to you# man0 &ou don%t sound like yourself.1 /This bitch just !ot me spooked.1 /2ecause she let you off with the cops01 /That# and..she don%t treat me like shit# man. *he treat me nice.1 /9aint you e$er been treated nice by no bitch before01 /+ot really# man. 9as you01 /6hen a bitch suck my dick# that be nice!1 /That%s not what ,%m talkin! about. ,%m talkin! about meetin! a really nice and true and !enuine person. 9as you e$er had that01 /, don%t know what you be talkin% about man.1 /,%m !oin! to talk to her.1 /Ri!ht. That be a !ood idea. 6hen you fuckin% that bitch ne(t you lean up and whisper into her ear and you tell her that you lo$e her.1 /,%m !oin! to talk to her now.1 /'on%t do it yo! That !irl be with her friends. They likely be hatin% on you# bro!1 /They should. They should hate on me. 6e5 6e fucked that !irl up# we deser$e their hate.1 /,s somethin% wron! with you# man.1 /, don%t know# Tic Toc# , just don%t want to be !oin! up to bitches on the bike path anymore scarin% they asses to death. Me thinks me mo$in% on.1 /&ou is mo$in% on from pussy# is what you doin%.1 /Maybe. 2ut our way ain%t the only way to !et pussy.1 /,t%s the only way to !et mad pussy. &ou be mo$in% on# you be cuttin% yo% supply down to a trickle.1 /, !otta !o.1 , !et up# put both crutches under one arm and carry my tray with the other. , !o toward Daely%s table# seein% all them bitches lau!hin% and eatin% yo!urt and doin% what bitches do. ,%m startin% to feel ner$ous# like talkin% to a !irl , like in the second !rade# and ,%m thinkin%# /,s this what lo$e is01 when Daely looks o$er and sees me and she !ets this !ra$e look on her face. ,%m just thinkin% ,%ll say what , ha$e to say to that bitch and mo$e on# and maybe her friends be lea$in% me alone# not be !i$in% me too much of a hard time for talkin% to her. *o , !et to the table# and ,%m crutchin! my way alon!# rest my foot on the floor and Daely stands up and throws her tray in my face. The plastic tray falls makin% a loud sound# the sil$erware falls and , ha$e mashed potatoes in my face and !ra$y runnin! down my arm and both of the crutches. Daely look terrified5like , just beat her up or somethin!. *he face tremblin!. *he about to cry. 105

/, don%t want to see you#1 she say# and she turn her back to me and run away. *he headin% for the cafeteria bathrooms and one of her friends be !oin% that way. , hop on one foot# leanin% down to !rab Daely% tray. , put it under me own and hobble off to put our dishes on the con$eyor belt.

Me !oes up the hill. ,t be slow !oin% with the crutches# but me be takin% in the si!hts# youn! bitches in they ti!ht panties likely walkin% with miniature dildos in they cooches. Remote control in they pockets# be $ibatin% theysel$es to or!asm on the walk to class. 6hen , !ets to the top of the hill# there be this superfly hunny li!htin% a ci!arette. *omethin% about seein% a bitch li!ht a ci!arette always !et me woody. Maybe it be the way she be partin% her lips allowin% for that slender jim of a cancer stick to !o inside her. 6hate$er it is# , !ots me some ele$ation seein% that bitch li!ht up. ,%s be thinkin! about that ci!arette li!htin% bitch as , walks throu!h the !reen. *he seem like an innocent bitch. Me be wonderin! if her parents know she smoke. Me like to be there when they find out# to see the look on that bitch%s face when she e(posed. Then me be fuckin% that bitch down to she toes# wa(in% that bitch up in lubricant and flippin% that bitch like a bur!er. ?uck that bitch up her asshole when she least e(pectin%. 2efore ,%s knows it ,%s at me and Daely%s spot; the fountain. ,%s hadn%t planned on !oin% here# e(actly# but this was like the only spot to !o# as of late. ,t be where Daely and , sit and talk about books# where we met and where she first pet me do!. , be missin% that bitch somethin% fierce# and be sad that we be comin% to the end of our ac3uaintance. , sits on the ed!e of the fountain# puttin% my crutches ne(t to me. , !et a dirty look from a bitch who must not like cripples5she mo$e away when , sit down. , be thinkin% about how cruel a world it be where a bitch don%t like a ni!!a just because he walk with a limp# that she mo$e away from him when he sit down ne(t to her# when it strike me that bitches ha$e it hard# too. To be a bitch in this world# comes with a special set of disad$anta!es. ?irst of all# bitches be weak. 6hich mean that any ni!!a that come alone can hold that bitch down and fuck her. 6hereas if you%re a !uy# and some !uy attacks you# you ha$e a fi!htin! chance. 2ut a bitch# no. Enless she a really bi! bitch# then she mi!ht be able to fi!ht a ni!!a off. 2ut no one wants to fuck a really bi! bitch anyway# so she don%t ha$e no problems. 2itches bein% weak also mean they can%t play the major sports5 you don%t see bitches playin% football. And it also mean that bitches run


weird. 9as you e$er seen a bitch run0 They run like a cross between an insect and a butterfly# with they arms flailin% about. &ou ha$e to think that does some dama!e to a bitch# psycholo!ically5the fact that they run like a mantis. Also# bitches be preoccupied with they looks. And of course we like that5we like a bitch to be lookin% fine. 2ut that has to take a toll on a bitch# her bein% always concerned with she hair and she toenails and she scent and shit. Me , just spray on some 'rakkar +oir and !et out the door# but a bitch..she !ots to be perfumed in all the ri!ht places. *he !ots to ha$e pumpkin spice fla$ored yeast infection cream# for chrissake. , mean a bitch !otta ha$e separate perfume for her hoo ha that be separate for her perfume for she armpits and that be separate for her perfume for she hair. That shit be tiresome. A bitch%s looks is $ery important# because without it a bitch has nothin!. ,t don%t matter how smart a bitch is if she don%t !ot looks# because nobody pay attention to an u!ly bitch. This a hard fact of life# but it be a fact bitches has to accept. A cute bitch can !o far in life. An u!ly bitch# not so much. That sucks for u!ly bitches. Maybe they should be a welfare pro!ram for u!ly bitches where each !uy a!rees to fuck an u!ly bitch once a month. That way they be !ettin% somethin% for theysel$es. , hates to see an u!ly bitch% pussy !o unused# e$en if she is an u!ly bitch. 2rown ba! that bitch# but !et that bitch%s pussy. Pussy has no face# as the e(pression !oes. , be sittin% at this fountain and they be a !roup of under!raduates like meself# and they be playin% some !ame where they be kissin% each other after they drop the ball# and , be thinkin%; is these just some kids bein% playful playin% with they ball# or is these some panty droppin% freaks like to !et freaky with each others between they classes0 2e se( cults up in this motherfucker# some of these kids. There be this bi! tittied brown haired !irl be wearin% a bunch o% necklaces and , be like# drop the ball# bitch# kiss these lips. , take you to the shower room and sha$es yo% pussy. A bitch !ots to sha$e her pussy. "therwise# it be like the Ama7on down there. Especially if a bitch wants her pussy eaten# she !ots to sha$e it. , don%t be eatin% no nasty pussy. Daely !ot it ri!ht; keep that ass clean# keep that pussy sha$ed. , think she be moisturi7in% her ass because when we was fuckin% her , !otst a couple fin!ers down there and that ass felt like watermelon seabree7e or some shit. Daely be keepin% her pussy ti!ht# be keepin% her hair done# breasts ridin% hi!h5always lookin% ri!ht. *he be seemin% like she lead a charmed life# if you ask me. 2ut then me thinks about what we dids to her. ,ma!ine it. &ou is !oin% out for drinks with a !uy and he intentionally !et you so drunk you%s can hardly walk home# such that you has to be leanin% on the !uy and shit. &ou !et home. That motherfucker ar!ues with your ass# then 107

kicks yo% ass across the room. &ou be hittin% the door and 2AM! you be !oin% down. 9alf conscious# you be lyin% in a pool of your own blood5 bleedin% from the lip. &our cooch be scared# because you know this ni!!a wants to bone. ,t be curlin% up in all its inside places# fearin% the cock that wants to ?ECB ,T! ?uck# you be scared. Then you almost be passin% out because of all them Tom Collins%s# and you be thinkin%# when , wakes up is , !onna be pre!nants0 ,s this ni!!a%s sperm !oin!s to !o inside me and makes a baby0 ,s , !oin! to ha$e to ha$e an abortion to terminate this motherfucker% seed0 ,s that baby !oin! to be an alien baby and comin% out throu!h my stomach with teeth and claws and shit0 Then that ni!!a calls his friends. &ou feel him pullin! off your panties and you see that ni!!a stuffin! them in his pocket! ,s this fool some kind of a collector or somethin!0 Then his friends arri$e. Then the fuckin! be!in. This ni!!a !et his dick hard and !rab your neck to pull on you while he sticks it in. &ou%$e !ot some !uy%s dick inside you that you ne$er intended to ha$e inside you! And he%s fuckin! hard. 9e fucks you so hard you feel it in your teeth. That ni!!a don%t care about about nothin% but makin% heself cum. And he !oin% to use your pretty pussy to do it. &our pretty pussy# that you was sa$in% to !i$e to the !uy you liked# some !uy in your political theory class with the Clark Bent hair and the dorky !lasses. &ou were protectin! your pretty pussy for that motherfucker# not this one# and now this one is s3uirtin! his dis!ustin! cum inside your cer$i( and rippin! you open. Then of course his friends fuck you. And your already burnin! pussy is ripped apart a!ain# and a!ain# by some !uys who think you%re a piece of shit# that you%re nothin! put a piece of ass. And you%re lyin! on the floor !ettin! your head ban!ed a!ainst the door# and your roommate is..out..ha$in! fun# probably with a decent !uy. &ou start thinkin! about swearin! off dick fore$er# then you pass out. 6hen you wake up# there%s a burnin! in your puss. ,t takes you a second to remember what happened. Then you do. Then you pull the Ma!ic Marker out of your pussy and you think# /6hat kind of animal would stick a Ma!ic Marker up my pussy01 Then you look in the mirror. And you see that you are not only a CEM 'EM*TER but a *DET and a P"R+ *TAR and that your clit is labeled and your cunt has arrows pointin! at it tellin! =whoe$er> to "PE+ 9ERE. &ou think about how you%re !oin! to !o to class with CEM 'EM*TER written across your forehead. Then you reali7e you aren%t !oin! to class. Then you reali7e you just !ot fucked by four !uys and it is so not cool. 108

And ,%m wonderin!# did Daely cry then0 'id she smash thin!s0 'id she reali7e her $odka was missin!0 That bitch seems tou!h but what must it be like to be a !irl# and to be fucked like that# and to wake up and li$e the rest of your day after that has happened0 And just as , am thinkin! that# who is comin! off the !reen and headed toward the fountain# but Daely. 'oes she see me0 *he has a bi! book in her arms and looks like she is ready to take on an army.

*he sees me. *he comes ri!ht up to me and says# /, want you dead.1 Then she turns around and turns back to me. /Are you seriously sittin! here0 Are you seriously# non ironically sittin! here01 , say nothin!. Daely walks around to the other side of the fountain. , can see her throu!h the water. *he sits# opens her book# and starts to read. *he has such a peaceful way about her. E$en after what just happened# she sits strai!ht# lips pressed to!ether# and follows the words. *he is a proper person# a person with a certain order5an order which should ha$e been destroyed. 2ut which wasn%t. , wonder if her pussy%s tore while she%s sittin! there. Poor !irl if she is. , mean if she tore. , would hate to think about a !irl%s pussy bein! tore while she try to read a book. ,t mi!ht distract her from the read. Me try to ima!ine Daely in hi!h school# when she more of a !irl. 6hat did her face look like when it was youn!er# when she was in *unday school. Me has thin!s to say to Daely# and me wait for what seem to be a !ood stoppin! point. Maybe when she come to the end of a chapter. "r when she !et up. 2ut she doesn%t !et up. *he read and read and read. Me be thinkin% readin! be a defense mechanism for bitches whose pussy !ot tore when Daely close her book. , !o o$er. /, was thinkin% this be a !ood time to talk to you.1 /,t isn%t.1 /,%s !ots somethin% ,%s !ots to say to you# Daely doll.1 /'on%t call me doll. 'o you hear me0 'on%t e$er call me doll.1 /"k# well..Daely.., !ots to say somethin%.1 /*ay it to someone else. 6e%re throu!h.1 /,%s understands that51 /'o you0 'o you understand that after what you did to me# there is no !oin! forward0 That%s the end. *o !o. )o away. ,%m busy.1 /6hat , !ots to tell you Daely is that ,%s sorry. ,%s means it. , !ots


to !et this off me chest. , is sincerely sorry for what ,%s and my friends dids to you the other day. ,t be eatin% me# Daely# and ,%s be needin% to tell you that.1 *he wipes a tear from her eye. /'o we ha$e to talk about this ri!ht now01 , looks around. There%s people all o$er the place. /,%s be sorry# D. , knows you%s be hatin% me.1 /, don%t hate you.1 /&ou don%ts01 /+o# , don%t hate you. , think you%re a mis!uided person and , think , don%t really want to discuss this with you now or e$er.1 /"k%s then. Thanks for listenin%. , !uess , be !oin% now.1 Daely has she head in she book and she don%t look up. , take one step back# lookin! at her# hopin! she%ll look at me# but she don%t. , looks around. 2e students e$erywhere. E$eryone comin% this way and !oin% that way and e$eryone li$in% their li$es. *trike me that Daely !oin% to mo$e on from this and for!et about me someday.., be just another shadow for her. , walk back up to that fountain and sit ne(t to her. *he keep readin%. , look at that bitch. And she look radiant. *he looks at me. /Really01 she say. /Really what01 /&ou%re really !oin! to sit here01 /6hy# is you be mo$in% if , sit here01 /+o# , ain%t mo$in%#1 she say. /6ell does you mind if , sit here01 *he blows air out her mouth and !oes back to her book. About a minute later she looks up. /'o you ha$e to look at me01 /, ain%t lookin%.1 /&es you were. &ou%re unbelie$able. , listened to your apolo!y# ok0 And , accept it. 2ut sorry isn%t !oin! to cut it. 'o you really ha$e to make thin!s worse by takin! o$er my readin! spot and starin! at me while , read01 /, stop starin!.1 /6hy don%t you lea$e.1 , turn to me left. Dea$e Daely behind. There be a skinny !irl makin! notes in a book. *he look like a model. , look into the book and it be some "lde En!lish type stuff. /6hat is you readin%01 /Abelard and 9eloise.1 /,s you a model01 *he flips her hair. /6hy do you ask01 /<Cause you is beautiful like a model. 'oes you ha$e your modelin! pictures with you01 110

/,%m not a model.1 /2uts you should be.1 , hear Daely make an /uh1 sound from my ri!ht. , turns to my ri!ht. /'oes you ha$e a problem01 *he just rolls her eyes and !oes back to readin!. , turns to my left. /*o you say you isn%t a model# but you had such beautiful eyes. 6here did you !et them01 /6here did , !et my eyes01 /&es# they are so rare.1 /&ou think my eyes are rare01 /, ha$e ne$er seen anythin! like them.1 /, !ot them from my parents.1 /"h# so you%s didn%t !et them as transplants or nothin%. Me just thou!ht there was no way eyes like these could come about natural like. Ands your nose..where did it come from01 *he lau!hs. /My parents.1 /*o you%s !ot all these beautiful features from your parents# eh01 /&es.1 /And does you like readin! about medie$al lo$e affairs01 /6hat01 /,sn%t you readin! about those two per$erts Abelard and 9eloise0 'idn%ts they ha$e se( when they wasn%t supposed to0 6asn%t they reli!ious pre$erts who made lo$e in churches usin! crucifi(es as dildos01 /Per$erts.1 /That%s what , say# pre$erts.1 /<Pre$erts%0 6hat%s a pre$ert01 /,t%s like a per$ert but sicker. ,%s a pre$ert# is you01 /Am , a pre$ert01 /&es.1 /, don%t know. , don%t belie$e that pre$erts e(ist.1 /"h they e(ist alri!ht. ,%s one.1 /&ou mentioned that.1 /'o you know what happens when a pre$ert and a per$ert !ets to!ether01 /+o.1 /'oes you wants to find out01 /+o. , ha$e to read.1 /Alri!hts. &ou does your readin% about pre$erts and ,%s sits here starin% at your beautiful features.1 Another scoff sound from Daely% side. , turn to Daely. /'oes you !ot a problem01 *he shakes her head. Daely look so beautiful today. /'oes you know you is one of the most beautiful women , has e$er seen01 Daely looks pained. /-ust lea$e me alone.1 111

, turn back to that per$erted bitch. , !rab her book. /, !ot a 3uestion for you. 'oes you think that modelin! bitches be ha$in% ti!hter pussies than re!ular bitches or does that just be a nasty rumor01 /, didn%t know that was a rumor.1 /6ell does you has a ti!ht pussy0 <Cause , can%t abide a bitch with a bi! pussy.1 Daely stands up and takes the book from me. *he hands it back to that modelin! bitch. /,%m sorry. 9e%s untrained. &ou. Come with me.1 *he !rabs my hand and dra!s me away from the fountain. *he still !ot she own book open and under she arm. *he dra! me to a tree. /?rom now on#1 she say# /no more talkin! to bitches about they pussies. That%s part of the new rules. &ou don%t ask a bitch about her pussy. &ou don%t talk about it# until you%re in bed with that bitch and she lettin! you touch it and you compliment her on how wonderful it is. )ot it01 /That be fine and well. 2ut bitches be talkin% about a ni!!a%s dick# about what si7e it is and shit. ,s that ok01 /+o. 6e%re not talkin! about what some bitches do that may or may not be ri!ht. 6e%re talkin! about what you%re !oin! to do from now on.1 /*o you is trainin% me01 /&es.1 /And what does , !et out of it01 /&ou !et to be a better person.1 /+o offense that worth it01 /&es. &es. ,t%s worth it. &ou won%t do to some other !irl what you did to me# and it%ll be worth it to you and her.1 /*o what%s me ne(t lesson01 /&ou ha$e to stop callin! women bitches.1 /6ell whats do , call them01 /6omen. +ot !irls. +ot hunnies. +ot bitches. 6omen.1 /6hat if , can%ts do that01 /Then we%re done. ,f you can%t learn that lesson then we%re done.1 /, thou!ht you saids we were done already.1 /6e are. , just can%t stand by while you harass that !irl o$er there about the si7e of her..thin!. &ou%re ha$in! an effect on other people emotionally. &ou need to take responsibility for not makin! other people feel bad.1 /, knows , make you feel bad and ,%s sorry# Daely.1 /,t%s ok. ,t%s not ok# but.., know you can%t help it. 2ut you ha$e to start helpin! it.1 /2ecause otherwise ,%m !onna end up in jail.1 /+o! ?uck jail! 2ecause you%re hurtin! people# asshole!1 /,%s is really sorry , hurt you. ,n a way ,%s ne$er been sorry before# 112

,%s feel like you is a !ood person and , came into yo% life and fucked around. ,f you%s wants your panties back ,%s !i$es <em to you.1 /, don%t want <em.1 /,f you%s wants me to lick your pussy to makes up for it ,%s do%s that.1 /,f you e$er talk about lickin! my pussy a!ain ,%ll kill you.1 /, think you serious# too.1 /, am serious. ,%ll rip your fuckin! throat out and ,%ll cut it up and feed it to your do!. 'on%t you e$er mention my pussy a!ain.1 /,%s !ot a 3uestion for you# Daely.1 /Please don%t make it nasty.1 /,t ain%t nasty. ,t this. 6hen you cames to the campus police to identifys me# and me was there with *eymour# why didn%ts you identifys me01 /&ou%re so stupid. 'on%t you know0 , didn%t identify you because , liked you. , liked you. And you ruined e$erythin!.1

, takes a step back. /6hat does you mean you likes me01 /, liked you. Past tense.1 /&ou mean you liked han!in! out with me by the fountain# readin% and shit.1 /+o. , mean , liked you. Dike liked you liked you.1 /&ou%s did01 Daely nod. /,t was stupid# , know# since you%re a steamin! piece of shit# but , did# , liked you.1 /'oes this mean..that we%s woulds ha$e !otten to ha$e se( anyways01 /Maybe.1 /&ou woulds ha$e had se( with me.1 /, was plannin! to# e$entually. ,%m not sayin! it was 1..M !uaranteed but there was a !ood chance# yeah.1 /'on%t fucks with my mind likes that.1 /,%m not fuckin! with your mind. ,%m tellin! you how it is.1 /2ut how woulds you likes me# when , is a piece of shit01 /&ou%re not a piece of shit.1 /&es , is. &ou was ri!ht when you saids that. All , e$ers wanteds from you was to fucks you# and not in a nice way. Me%s ne$er really had a nice relationship.1 /Are you !onna tell me about your childhood now01 /+o# ,%s is just wonderin% what you sees in me# with what , dids to you. , knows ,%s a rou!h customer.1


/6ell , don%t see it anymore. 2ut..before.., thou!ht you were kind of sweet. &ou had won me o$er with..whate$er. ,t doesn%t matter now. +ow we%re this.1 /6hat we is01 /A pathetic pair. <Cause ,%m still talkin! to you# because ,%m some kind of idiot. &ou%re one of my only friends. " used to be.1 /,%s sorry. , didn%t know we was friends.1 /*o what were you doin!0 6e were han!in! out. 6as that all to !et down my pants01 , looks at Daely. /&ou%$e !ot a one track mind. , understand. *e( is e$erythin! to you. &ou were probably raised that way. To hate women.1 /, doesn%t hate women. , lo$es them.1 /+o you don%t. &ou%re serious0 &ou think someone who lo$es women does what you did to me0 *e( for you is masturbatin! with a despised object.1 /, don%t understands.1 /&es you do. 'on%t play dumb with me. After what we%$e been throu!h. 'on%t lie to me o$er silly thin!s.1 /&ou say se( for me is masturbatin! with a despised object01 /&eah.1 /Me despises meself# Daely. Me hates meself. That why it so hard for me to belie$e that you likes me.1 /, belie$e that you despise yourself. That , ha$e no trouble belie$in!. 'id someone early in your life hate you01 /, don%ts know! , don%t think so. , think this is just the way , am!1 /That%s unacceptable! &ou ha$e to fi!ure it out. &ou ha$e to fi!ure out who you are so you can be a better person in the world.1 /,s you tryin% the tou!h lo$e approach with me01 /,%m just sayin! ,%m sorry for whate$er happened to you as a kid# but whate$er it is is makin! you into a person who hurts people# and that%s not ok!1 /, don%t know that anythin! happened to me as a kid.1 /"k. 6hate$er. 6hat were we talkin! about01 /My self hatred.1 /Dook. , don%t ha$e time to counsel you. ,%m your $ictim. ?or us to e$en be talkin! is sick.1 Daely starts away. /'on%t !o !irl. &ou is my only friend.1 *he stop. /6hat about Tic Toc and Macrobiotik01 /They ain%t be no kind of friends. Tic Toc still be talkin% about ta!!in% your ass# e$en after what we did to you. , cain%t be han!in% around me old friends when me makin% a total life chan!e.1 /,s that what you%re doin!# makin! a total life chan!e01 /Daely# come on a walk with me. 6alk with me up the a$e. Det us 114

catch the si!hts of birds and children !oin! to and fro. ,t be a nice way to spend twenty minutes.1 /Twenty minutes01 /-ust up the a$e and back.1 /And by the a$e you mean *tate *treet01 /*tate *treet# yeah. Put your arm around a ni!!a% arm and let us walk like ci$ili7ed people.1 /,%m%onna skip the arm in arm part but ,%ll walk you# ok.1 /&ou%s be walkin%s with me01 /A!ainst my better jud!ment.1 /&ou%s a fine chick# Daely.1 /Thanks for not callin! me a bitch.1 *o we walked up the a$e# and thou!h it wasn%t arm in arm# we stepped close to each other and held our faces hi!h. /My friends would kill me if they knew , was walkin! with you.1 /That be the same with my friends# truth be known.1 /6hy would they be upset with you01 /2ecause if they knew%d%s , was walkin% with you without the intention of !ettin! down you%s pants they would think they be somethin% wron! with me head.1 /, don%t belie$e that you ha$e no intention of !ettin! down my pants.1 /, doesn%t.1 /6hy don%t you0 6as the one time enou!h0 "h my !osh.1 /6hat01 /, just reali7ed. &ou mi!ht ha$e not e$en liked fuckin! me. 6hat if you went to all that trouble and , disappointed you. , know , shouldn%t care what you think. And , still hate you. 2ut tell me you at least liked doin! it with me.1 /'on%t worrys# Daely# , dids.1 /This is sick. This has to be the last time we see each other. , can%t e(plain it but you is comfortin! to me# e$en thou!h you make me feel really skee$y.1 /, is rubbin% off on you.1 /9ow so01 /&ou said# <you is.%1 /"h. , like the way you talk. ,t took me some !ettin! used to. Disten. 6e both need to !et counsellin! and ne$er see each other a!ain. Can you a!ree to that01 /Daely# ,%s !ot somethin! ,%s !ots to tell you.1 /, don%t think , can take any more of your confessions. &ou scare me. 6hat you say scares me.1 /Then why is you walkin% with me01 /2ecause. &our offer was so innocent# , wanted to encoura!e you. , think you need encoura!ement to act normal# to do normal thin!s with 115

!irls# etc. This walk is part of your trainin!.1 /, likes when you train me.1 /6ell stop. &ou%re not meant to like it.1 /, likes to be dominated by you.1 /, want to make somethin! $ery clear. This walk doesn%t mean that , like you. 6e%re not han!in! out. &ou need to find someplace other than the fountain to sit. And we are ne$er# e$er ha$in! se( a!ain. , still want you dead.1 /, doesn%t belie$e you.1 /-ust stop with your cutesy shit alri!ht. ,%m here out of the !oodness of my own heart# because , belie$e you can be a better person.1 /Me likes that you !ood.1 /&eah# you like it in some sick se(ual !et off way# like you%re !oin! to !o home and masturbate to the ima!e of me bein! !ood.1 /9ow dids you know01 /*omeone should arrest me for bein! so cra7y.1 /6hy is you cra7y01 /?or standin! ne(t to you.1 /Daely# , think you is a beautiful person.1 /+o you doesn%t.1 /&es , does. , wants us to be to!ether.1 /&ou had that. ,t didn%t work out for me so well.1 /+ot like that. Dike the way we would ha$e been if , hadn%ts !otten you drunk and taken you backs to your room. Dike if we had been to!ether natural like.1 /That%s ne$er !oin! to happen.1 /, would like it to.1 /,t can ne$er happen. , don%t see you like that anymore.1 /9ow does you see me01 /As a monster.1 /6hat kinds of monster01 /A really fucked up one. ,%ll walk you to the post office and back and that%s it.1 /Can , tempt you to walk me to the 'enny%s and back01 /+o.1 /6hat about the bank01 /Post office and back. That%s it. Then you let me read and you find another fountain to read at.1 /Daely# there%s somethin! burnin! on my mind that , be !otstin% to tell you.1 /<)otstin%%01 /,t be somethin% that , be hasin% to tell you%s real bad.1 /, !uess you better tell me.1 /,t be hard.1 /Tell me you%re not talkin! about your cock.1 116

/,%s is talkin% about what ,%s !otst to tell you.1 /6ell. ,%m here. ,%m listenin! to you for the moment.1 /, be somewhat embarrassed to tell you.1 /&ou stuck your dick in my cunt while , was passed out on my dorm room floor. 6hat could you possibly be embarrassed to tell me01 /,t be somethin% $ery personal.1 /,%m not sure , want to hear it.1 /,t be about me# not about you.1 /E$en more so. Maybe you should just keep..whate$er this yourself.1 /+o# , think , be%s tellin% you.1 6e stop walkin%. Daely be lookin% at me. /Daely.1 /&es01 /, thinks , lo$e you.1 Daely lau!hs. /&ou don%t# trust me.1 /, be serious. Daely# , thinks , is in lo$e with you.1 /, don%t e$en think..that you know what lo$e is!1 /,f it be a feelin% in your heart that make you feel all butterfly ey and shit..somethin% that be eatin% out your stomach and makin% you feel like you%re !onna puke..then , think , be ha$in% that feelin%.1 /Dook# you%re not in lo$e with me. 6e just had se(. 6e didn%t e$en do that. &ou just wanted my pussy and you took it. That doesn%t make us in lo$e.1 Then Daely !et this real sad look on she face# and , be thinkin% that my lo$e make her sad# so soon , be askin% her what is wron!. /,t%s just that..,%m standin! here thinkin!..and ,%m reali7in! that based on who you are# you mi!ht ne$er e(perience intimacy that isn%t forced. And what a sad life that is.1 /'on%t be sad for me# Daely.1 /That%s not what made me sad. , was thinkin! that the same mi!ht be true for me. Maybe you%re the only kind of intimacy ,%ll e$er know.1 6e be in front of the bank. /Det me show you somethin!# Daely.1 /&our cock01 /+o# not be my cock.1 , !rab her hand. /Come inside# , be showin% you somethin% that be cheerin% you up.1 *he take her hand back. /, think ,%m !oin! back by myself. Thanks for the walk.1 /Daely# not doll# !i$e me fi$e minutes. , be showin% you somethin! that be puttin% a smile on your face# for sure! )i$e a ni!!a a chance!1 *he !i$e me a skeptical look. /)i$e a ni!!a a chance# Daely not doll.1 /Alri!ht#1 she says# /,%ll !i$e a ni!!a a chance.1 117

6e%re in the bank# inside the $ault# and the attendant helps me !et my bo(. Then she lea$es and it%s just me and Daely starin! at it. /6hat%s inside01 she says. /)uess.1 /, like to ima!ine it%s a ton of cash# that you%re rich and you ne$er told me# that you%re about to !o on a trip o$erseas to a$oid !oin! to jail in case , told on you.1 /,t%s not cash. )uess a!ain.1 /Maybe a bomb. Dike you were plannin! on breakin! into the bank and you started by plantin! a bomb inside the safe. That way you could disable the alarm systems51 /,t%s not a bomb.1 /6ell open it# then.1 , lift open the lid# and Daely looks inside. 9er eyes bri!hten. /'oes it ha$e bullets in it01 , nod. Daely smiles. /Can , pick it up01 /)o aheads# Daely not doll.1 *he picks it up. /,t%s hea$y.1 /That <cause it real.1 /6hat do you use this for01 /+othin!s. , keeps it in me bo(.1 /2ut when it isn%t in the bo(.1 /Me uses it to shoot people.1 /Tell me you%$e ne$er shot anyone.1 /, has ne$er shot anyone.1 /,s that true01 /Maybes.1 /6hy are you showin! me this01 /To cheer you up.1 /To cheer me up# you%re showin! me a !un01 /, thou!hts it mi!ht be somethin! you had ne$er seen before.1 /&ou%re ri!ht. Are we takin! it with us01 /,f you wants to.1 /&eah. 2rin! it alon!. That way you can protect me.1 /?rom bi! bad mothers who mi!ht want to fuck you a!ainst your will.1 /E(actly.1 *o we take that !un out. , sticks it in my waist and co$ers it with my shirt. 6e !o past that Constance bullshit teller who won%t ha$es se( with me and we walks into the sunli!ht.


/*o whats now01 /, wouldn%t mind walkin! with you for a little lon!er#1 Daely says. /"k.1 *o we heads off down the hill. ,%m feelin% !ood with my piece# feelin% a!ain like nobody can touch me# and if we happen upon any shitheel bitches =or their dudes> who !et in my way..then 2AM! Daely takes my arm. ,t instantly calms me. /Pretend we met under different circumstances#1 she says. /Pretend we met as kids and nothin! bad e$er happened between us. *ay you and , ne$er had se(# and we were just out for a walk because we happen to !o to the same school.1 /Dike we met when we was kids# in the same *unday school and shit# and we was just friends01 /Ri!ht. Pretend that there%s nothin! ne!ati$e between us.1 /And , ne$er rocked your pussy01 /&es# you ne$er rocked my pussy or wrote all o$er me with Ma!ic Marker. 6hat if we had met and had a nice relationship# instead of the one we%$e had# what would the world be like then01 /, !uesses it would be better.1 /,t%s kind of a rhetorical 3uestion.1 /*orry.1 /,t%s ok. &ou still ha$e your piece01 /)ot it ri!ht here.1 /&ou !oin! to protect me01 /To the death# baby.1 Daely frown# , !uess <cause , called her baby. 6hate$er. &ou can%t please a bitch all the time. /Det%s !et *eymour.1 /&ou wants to see my do!01 /&es# is he a$ailable for a walk01 /That depend if my roommate !ot him out already.1 /Can we check01 /*ure# Daelys# we can checks. 6e head o$er in that direction and see if that bruiser be%s a$ailable for a little walk.1 /Thanks#1 she say# and she rest her head on my arm. 6e walks like that for a while# and ,%s thinkin% this must be what it%s like to ha$e a little !irlfriend. Takin% walks around the campus and bein% peaceful5with a !un in your belt just in case. +obody was !oin% to fuck with Daely# <cept for me. And e$en , mi!ht not fucks with that bitch too much5that bitch had had enou!h. A !ood bitch needs a rest from time to time. *he need to rest she pussy. )i$e it time to heal# until which time it be a$ailable for !rand slam fuckin! once a!ain. My poor little Daely% pussy needed time to heal# and me would !i$e it to her. /Daely01 119

/&eah01 /'oes you thinks you could e$er likes me a!ain01 *he took a lon! time to answer. /, don%t know. , mi!ht be able to. ,t depends on how !ood you are. &ou%re a bit wild. And , don%t like to ha$e wild thin!s around my pussy. +ot your type of wild anyway. &ou ha$e to understand what we%$e been throu!h# me and my pussy. &ou traumati7ed us. 6e%re dissociatin! now# talkin! about oursel$es in the third person.1 /*top fuckin! with me.1 /Alri!ht. 2ut still. ,t%s been a rou!h week# you know0 , don%t know if ,%ll e$er be able to like you a!ain# or that ,%ll want to. &ou can%t just fuck a bitch like that and e(pect her to like you. ,f you treat me real nice for a lon! time , mi!ht be able to.1 /Daely01 /&es01 /,f you wants , !i$es you a back massa!e.1 /That%s a nice offer. 6hen we !et to your room01 /&eah.1 /Det me think about it. Maybe if your roommate%s there , can come in for a back rub.1 /Alri!ht# you thinks about it.1 6e walks some more# and before you know it we at%s my apartment. /,s you comin% in01 /Can%t you just !et the do!01 /,%s really likes it if you comes in with me.1 /'o you promise to be !ood01 /,f my roommate%s not there we lea$es ri!ht away.1 Daely waits a while. /"k.1 /"k01 /"k# let%s !o.1 *o , takes her hand and we !oes inside the buildin!. 6e !oes down my hall. *tand in front of me door. , opens the door. *eymour jumps up on me and bark! There be nobody else inside. /Dooks like stinky fa!!ot ain%t here.1 /6hat%s stinky fa!!ot01 /That%s my roommate.1 /&ou call your roommate stinky fa!!ot01 /&es.1 /6hat%s his name01 /9is name be stinky fa!!ot.1 /6hat%s his real name01 120

/6hy you wanna know his real name01 /2ecause he%s a person# he has a name# and he deser$es to be called by his name.1 The do! jump on Daely and she pet his head. Then *eymour settle down a bit and , look at Daely. /*o what%s his name01 /9e name is -osh.1 /That%s a nice name#1 she say. /?rom now on , want you to call him -osh.1 /,s this part of my trainin!01 /&es. +o more stinky fa!!ot# ok0 -osh. 'o you promise01 , look away. /'o you promise01 /*ure# Daely. ?or you# , call him -osh.1 /)ood. +ow does *eymour want to come for a walk01 /, don%t know# *eymour# does you want to come for a walk01 *eymour bark. 9e bark! Dike it was meant to be! *o , !et his leash and we lock up the door. Daely insist on holdin! the leash. 6e promenade around the low lands and Daely leadin% us this way and that. , followin% the two of them# it seem like5Daely callin% the shots. /Daely# not bitch# what does you think about me lickin% your pussy 5just a little bit. Me be%s thinkin% that after the beatin% you took you%s could be usin% a little ton!ue lo$in% on yo% pussy. 6hat does you think01 /6ell#1 she say# /,%ll think about it.1 Then she silent for a lon! time. /Daely# not cunt# what about if , was to ton!ue your asshole for a little while. Me thinks you be likin% it and me%s would keep me dick far# far away from you%s sweet little pucker hole while me was doin% it. 6hat would you think about that sort of proposition01 /6ell#1 she%d say# /,%ll think about it.1 Then that bitch be silent for a lon! time. *o ,%d say# /Daely# not whore# when you is silent for a lon! time# do you be thinkin% about me suckin% on yo% titties while yo% pussy is propped open by my dick0 "r does you think , should put clothespins on yo% titties and prop open yo% pussy with my ton!ue0 2ecause ,%s thinkin% that if you let me try a!ain# that , be makin% you cum this time when we fucks and you be likin% it like !an!busters.1 /6ell#1 Daely say# /let me think about it.1 /'oes my nasty talk bother you01 /+o. Beep tellin! me what you want to do to me.1 *o , dids. , be thinkin% this bitch be beat or somethin% as a little kid and she likes to be punished by like ha$in% se( with her a!!ressor5 somethin% like that. *o , be%s tellin% her about these comple( fantasies , be ha$in% where Daely be fuckin% me on the hood of a car while we be dri$in% 121

down the hi!hway and shit# and all Daely be sayin% is /That%s nice.1 and /Alri!ht.1 and all this supple ass feminine responsi$eness rhetoric. And , be like; this is one supple ass bitch! *he be lettin% me back inside she panties real soon! Then Daely stop walkin!. /Det%s !o# bitch# ,%m !ettin% me e(ercise!1 /'o you see where we are01 /6here is we01 *he motions toward the dormitory buildin!. ,t be 2a(ter. /6hy is we here0 'oes you need to !o upstairs and chan!e panties01 /, want you to come up.1 , look in that bitch%s face. *he be sincere. /,f , be comin% up# , be lickin% your titties and shit.1 /+o# you won%t lick my titties without my permission.1 /"h. The trainin!.1 /Ri!ht. *o do you want to or not01 /"h , wants to. -ust let me tie up *eymour.1 /2rin! him.1 *he hands me the leash. /2rin! him upstairs01 /9e has to chaperone.1 /Alri!hts.1 , trot that do! up them stairs behind Daely# lookin% at Daely% fine ass# and , be thinkin% *eymour can chaperone all he wants# , still be ta!!in% that bitch if that bitch lets me.

,t be !ood to be back in Daely%s room. *he !ot ,ndian fabrics on the walls and it be nothin% but herbal teas in her micro frid!e. /Daely# you be one stylish bitch.1 /*top tryin! to butter me up.1 *he sit on her bed. , take the desk chair. *eymour sits between us. /6hy didn%t you be ha$in% se( with those *unday school !oons that you be friends with back in the day01 /6hat are you talkin! about01 /This motherfucker that came to my room and beat me up# he said he used to !o to *unday school with you# and he ain%t ne$er !ot to ha$e se( with you. *o why%s didn%ts you ha$e se( with that motherfucker01 /Probably because , was too youn!01 /6hy# how youn! was you when you firsts had se(01 /+one of your business. +e(t 3uestion.1 /'o you wants to know how youn! , was when , first had se(01 /+ot really.1 /, was%s ele$en. , fucked this !irl Tanya from my class. , couldn%t


e$en cum# , was so youn!# but , fucked that bitch anyways.1 /,%m assumin! she didn%t cum either.1 /Man# , don%t know if that bitch%s came. 6e was kinda in a hurry. 2ut , ta!!ed that bitch.1 /6here were you01 /At school. ,n the library. 6e were in this little closet off the library and that bitch took off all her clothes. A bunch of us fucked her.1 *eymour barks. /&ou sure you is ok with him bein% up here01 /+o# , want him up here#1 she says. /9e comfort you01 Daely nod. And , see what , think is fear in that bitch. *he look down at she lap and hold her fin!ers to!ether. 9er feet is pointed inward at each other. /&ou ain%t !otta be scared of me.1 /, know.1 /, mean , ain%t !onna do nothin%.1 /)ood. , don%t think , could take it.1 *he looks away. /,s you sure you don%t wants that back rub01 *he looks back at me. *he ready to cry. /Maybe later#1 she say. And , see that !irl as fra!ile# as somethin! that could be broke. And maybe , shouldn%t%a treated that bitch that way# robbin% she pussy and shit. /Daely# ,%m sorry51 /, know.1 /+o# , is sorry , stole your $odka.1 /&ou stole my $odka01 , nod. /, hadn%t noticed.1 *he looks at the spot where she keeps it. /&ou stole my $odka0 6hat a shitty thin! to do. 'id you steal anythin! else01 /&o% panties.1 /, know about that.1 /, did look around you room a bit.1 /&eah0 'id you find anythin! earth shatterin!01 /, did ha$e one 3uestion.1 /6hat.1 /6hy does you need pumpkin spice fla$ored yeast infection cream0 'oes you !et yeast infections a lot01 /,t%s just somethin! that happens. )ee7# you%$e ne$er had a !irlfriend# ha$e you0 They itch.1 /2ut why does you need pumpkin spice fla$or01 /2ecause , like pumpkin spice.1 /2ut does you eat it0 "r is you !ettin% it so that if a !uy eats you out while you is usin% it he !ets a nice pumpkin spice fla$ored puss01 /+either. , don%t eat it. And , don%t care what fla$or a !uy !ets 123

when he%s eatin! me out. , just like pumpkin spice. 9a$e you e$er eaten a !irl out01 /*ure# lots of times.1 /'on%t lie. 6e%re bein! honest with each other ri!ht now.1 /9as , e$er eaten a !irl out.1 /&eah.1 , looks at that bitch. *he wants me to spill my !uts and shit. /,%s eaten bitches out before# yeah.1 /9ow many times01 /Me lost count.1 /'o you like eatin! !irls out01 /&eah# , fuckin! lo$es it.1 /Dook# you can just !o if you%re !oin! to be like that. ,%m tryin! to ha$e a serious con$ersation with you.1 /"k# no# , hates it. 2itches be tastin% nasty. The first bitch , eats out taste like a fish factory. ?uck! Can%t bitches be cleanin% theysel$es01 /'id you smell my pussy when you fucked me01 /,%on%t wanna be talkin% about that time we fucked you.1 /6hy not0 'oes it bother you to think about0 'id my pussy smell when you fucked me01 /+o. &our pussy smelled fine.1 /6ell there you !o. &ou%re han!in! with the wron! bitches.1 /,f , had a bitch like you51 /'o you want to eat my pussy01 /Dike..for reals01 /&es# as a lesson. 'o you wanna learn how to eat pussy01 /Man# , know how to eat pussy.1 /'o you want to learn how to eat mine01 /"k.1 /Take your clothes off.1 /,s you serious01 Daely nod. /-ust !et down to your bo(ers# you can%t eat pussy while you%re fully dressed.1 /,s you !ettin% undressed01 Daely answer by takin% her shirt off. *he ha$in% this sweet criss cross bra on underneath. ,t be lookin% fine. My dick start !ettin% hard. *eymour mo$e toward the bed. Me pull him back. /D o l#1 Daely say. /'oes *eymour want to play01 /*eymour# stay back. &ou ain%t be playin% with Daely.1 Daely start takin! off her pants. *he be ha$in% them sweet si(teen lookin% panties on and my dick !et really hard. , start undressin%. , put my !un on Daely% desk and take off my shorts and my shirt and lea$e my shoes by the base of the chair. 124

Daely spread her le!s and , !et on the bed with her. /Put your head between my le!s.1 /,s you !onna take your panties off01 /Det%s start like this.1 *he push my head down between her le!s and ,%s starin% at Daely% crotch. /&ou want me to eat your pussy with your panties on01 /-ust start by lickin! me.1 , looks up at Daely. *he lookin% down at me all carin!# like Mother Theresa. , stick my ton!ue out and ton!ue her pussy throu!h her panties. ,t lea$e a wet mark and she feel warm to me throu!h the cloth. /9ow does that smell to you01 /,t smell !ood.1 /Dick me some more.1 *o , licks that bitch some more. , wasn%t thinkin% nothin% about it but then that bitch started moanin! and makin% all sorts of sounds and , be thinkin% , be doin% a !ood job on this bitch%s cunt. /Daely# take your panties off. , want to fuck you.1 /&ou want to fuck01 she whispers. My dick is hard a!ainst the bed. /, want to fucks you ri!ht this time. , want to make up for the other day.1 /&ou promise to fuck me ri!ht01 /, promise# bitch.1 /&ou promise to be a !ood boy01 /, be a !reat boy if you just lets me inside of you a!ain.1 /&ou like my pussy01 /, lo$es it.1 /&ou want me01 /, wants you# Daely. , wants you real bad.1 /, don%t know if it%s a !ood idea.1 /,t%s a !ood idea# it%s a !reat idea# we be happy to!ether.1 /'o you ha$e protection01 /'o , has what01 /'id you brin! a condom01 /+o. Can we%s do it natural style01 /6ait a minute# , ha$e one#1 she says# and she !ets out of bed. That bitch has a wet spot the si7e of Missouri on her panties and , can tell that bitch wants me. *he !oes to the desk. *he picks up the !un. /)et on the floor#1 she says. /6hat01 /)et. "n. The. ?loor.1 *he has that )lock pointed strai!ht at me. /6hat the fuck this be01 125

/The continuation of your trainin!.1 /6hat the fuck01 /Take off your bo(ers.1 /Daely# you be losin% it.1 /,f you don%t take off your bo(ers now ,%ll shoot you in self defense# no one will raise an eyebrow in your case.1 *o , takes off my bo(ers. /+ow lie down. ?ace down. Come here *eymour.1 , lies down on that bitch%s floor in nothin% but me socks. My dick start to be !ettin% soft on that cold floor. Then Daely be !oin% for her desk drawer. , can%t see what she doin% but , hear what sound like a roll of tape bein% e(tended. Then she tapin% on my butt cheeks. /6hat you doin%# Daely01 /*hut up.1 *he spreadin% me butt cheeks and tapin% them wide! , can feel that air seepin% into me asshole# and , be thinkin% she about to do some e(aminin% down there! /"k# *eymour. 'o your thin!.1 , see she kick me do!. /)o ahead# *eymour. )et busy.1 , start to !et up but feel the barrel of my )lock press into me head. /,t%s ok boy# you know what to do.1 Daely pats my ass. Then# to me horror# *eymour walk around out of me si!ht and , can feel he%s paws on my le!s. Then , feel he%s paws on my back! /)ood boy. )ood boy!1 Daely lau!hs. Then *eymour%s dick is on me butt! , can feel that do! rootin% around between me ass cheeks and his hot balls rubbin% a!ainst me ass. And then his dick !oes in! That flamin! do! dick with its e$il protrusion# that way that a do! dick juts out from itself to !et lon!er5and he%s fuckin!! Me own do!! , feel him humpin! me into the !round and Daely pressin% that !un into my face and lau!hin!. And the do! dick must be lubricatin! his self because he%s !oin! in further and further! , can feel him all the way inside me. And *eymour be barkin% and droolin% on me back and then he thrust inside me one final time and , feel his hot cum shoot inside me and then *eymour !i$e out a whimper. /+ow !et out.1 Daely throw the do! off me and , can feel his dick bein% ripped out of my ass. Daely kick my side. /)et out.1 , kneel# then stand# and my asshole is burnin!. Daely has the !un in my face# her arms strai!ht. /'on%t fuck bitches without they permission. 'on%t. ?uck. 126

2itches. 6ithout. They. Permission.1 *he adjusts the !un. /And by the way. The fountain is mine from now on.1 , stand speechless. /Enderstood01 , nod. *he !estures toward the door with my !un. , !o to the door. *he mo$es with me# forcin! me out. , open the door and stand# in just my socks# in the dormitory hallway. Daely closes the door. , hear it click. ,%m lookin! at all the doors# hopin! no one comes out. /, need my clothes!1 /?uck. "ff!1 /6hat about *eymour01 /,%m keepin! the do!!1 *o , co$er my dick and limp down the hallway# thinkin! about how ,%m !oin! to !et all the way across campus with no clothes. *eymour%s cum is drippin! out my ass and , ha$e Daely%s words runnin! throu!h my head. /'on%t fuck bitches without they permission.1 And whats can , say0 That bitch be ri!ht!


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