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Stanley M.

Origem: Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre. Stanley M. Horton, Th.D., um telogo do movimento Pentecostal e o autor de inmeros livros. Ele Distinguished Professor Emeritus de Bblia e Teologia do Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, Springfield, Missouri. Sua graduao inclui um M. Div. de Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, um S.T.M. da Universidade de Harvard, e um Th.D. do Central Baptist Theological Seminary.[1]

Um escritor produtivo, Horton foi autor e coautor de inmeros livros: - Systematic Theology a Pentecostal Perspective - What the Bible Says About the Holy Spirit, 1976. Revised edition (2005), ISBN 9780882433592 - Bible Doctrines: A Pentecostal Perspective (com William Menzies), 1993. Logion Press. ISBN 978-0882433189 - The Holy Spirit a Pentecostal Perspective (com Anthony Palma) - Elements of a Christian Worldview (com Michael Palmer) - Ministerial Ethics: A Guide for Spirit Filled Leaders (com T. Burton Pierce) - They Spoke from God: A Survey of the Old Testament (com Willian Williams) - Isaiah: A Logion Press Commentary (com Roger D. Cotton) - The Book of Acts: The Wind of the Spirit - Our Destiny: Biblical Teachings on the Last Things - Tongues and Prophecy: How to Know When a Gift of Utterance is in Order - Acts: A Logion Press Commentary - Perspectives On Spirit Baptism: Five Views (com Ralph Del Colle, H. Ray Dunning, and Larry Hart) - Missions in the Age of the Spirit (com John York), 2000. Logion Press. ISBN 9780882434643

- Psalm in Your Heart (com George Wood) - A Commentary on I and II Corinthians - The Ultimate Victory: An Exposition of the Book of Revelation - Into All Truth: A Survey of the Course and Content of Divine Revelation

Ligaes externas

Jesus will return, Interview with Stanley Horton, Today's Pentecostal Evangel magazine, August 14, 2005 [Esconder]


Telogos Pentecostais
Gordon Fee, Ph.D. Stanley M. Horton, Th.D. Jackie David Johns, Ph.D. Rufus Hollis Gause, Ph.D. Morris Golder Steven Jack Land, Ph.D. Rickie D. Moore, Telogos Pentecostais Ph.D. John Christopher Thomas, Ph.D. French L. Arrington, Ph.D. Harold D. Hunter, Ph.D. Donald Gee Bernie L. Wade, Th. D., Ph. D. Amos Yong, Ph.D. Rickie D. Moore, Ph.D. John Christopher Thomas, Eruditos Bblicos Pentecostais Ph.D. Historiadores Pentecostais H. Vinson Synan, Ph.D. J. Rodman Williams, Ph.D. S. David Moore, Ph.D. Jay Telogos Carismticos N. Forrest, Min.D. Rick Watts, Ph.D. David Pawson, M.A. Derek Prince, M.Phil. Eruditos Bblicos Carismticos Graham Twelftree, Ph.D. Wayne Grudem, Ph.D. Jack Deere, Th.M., Th.D. C. Telogos Neocarismticos Peter Wagner, Ph.D. Guy Chevreau, Th.D. Charles H. Kraft, Ph.D. James Goll, Ph.D. Esta classificao foi elaborada conforme o padro norte-americano. Pode haver diferenas com a realidade brasileira.


Telogos pentecostais Pentecostais dos Estados Unidos

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