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INTRODUCTION .Many people believe/think/feel that..., but is this really true? In y opinion, ... Molta !ent pensa "ue ..., per# $s a%# &e veres? 'n la eua opini( ... .I )stron!ly* think/believe/feel that ... an& therefore I +o pletely a!ree/ &isa!ree ,ith the i&ea that -o pense "ue ... i per tant esti+ +o pleta ent &.a+or&/ en &esa+or& a b la i&ea "ue ... .It is ,i&ely kno,n that ... Tot el (n sap "ue ..., .It is true that ..., $s veritat "ue ... ./or the !reat a0ority of people, this topi+ is )not* really i portant in their lives. 1er la i ensa a0oria &e !ent a"uest )no*$s un te a i portant en les seues vi&es. .2e live in a ,orl& in ,hi+h ... 3ivi en un on en el "ual... .4 proble /topi+/issue/"uestion that is often &ebate& no,a&ays is that of ... Un proble a, te a o "5esti( "ue es &is+utei6 olt hui en &ia $s... .It is easy enou!h to ake broa& !eneralisations about ..., but in reality the issue is a +o ple6 one. 7s f8+il parlar en !eneral &e... per# en realitat $s un te a +o ple6e. .No,a&ays everyone a!rees that ..., ho,ever it is open to "uestion ,hether 9ui en &ia tot el (n est8 &.a+or& "ue ... per# ens po&e pre!untar si ... .2e ust +onsi&er several points re!ar&in! this issue. 9e &e +onsi&erar &iferents punts respe+te a"uest te a. ....for a nu ber of reasons. ... 1er un no bre &e raons. :'COND 14R4;R419 .To be!in ,ith, /irstly, In the first pla+e, 1er +o en%ar, 'n pri er llo+ .<et.s start by +onsi&erin!... Co en+e per +onsi&erar ... .The first thin! to be sai& about the topi+ un&er +onsi&eration is that ... 'l pri er "ue +al &ir sobre el te a "ue ens o+upa $s "ue ... .The ain reason ,hy I believe ... is that ... <a ra( prin+ipal per la "ual 0o pense...$s "ue .The ain reason is that... <a ra( prin+ipal $s "ue ... .:e+on&ly, On the se+on& pla+e, 'n se!on llo+, .4n ar!u ent in support of this issue/topi+ is that.. una altra ra(... .4nother i portant fa+t is that, Un altre fa+tor i portant $s "ue .=ut, 9o,ever, Thou!h 1er# .Therefore, :o 1er tant T9IRD 14R4;R419 .4nother reason is ... Un altra ra( $s ... .2hat is ore/ 4lso/ In a&&ition/ Moreover/ /urther ore/ 4&&e& to that 4 $s a $s, .=esi&es, it ust be re e bere& that, 4 $s a $s, +al re+or&ar "ue ... .One i portant aspe+t of the issue is that ... Un aspe+te i portant &el te a $s "ue ... .4part fro this..., 4 ban&a &.a%# ... .This is be+ause.. a%# $s ai6> per"u$ ... .4s a result of this / =e+ause of this... , Conse"uently...Co a resultat &.a%# , Co a +onse"5?n+ia CONC<U:ION .My personal opinion on the atter is... <a eua opini( personal sobre el te a $s ... .1ersonally, I )stron!ly* believe that ... 1ersonale ent, 0o real ent +re+ "ue... .It is +lear to e that... / It see s to e that.../ In y opinion/ In y vie, / To y in& 4 i e se bla "ue ... 'n la eua opini( .'verythin! that has been sai& illustrates that this is not an easy "uestion. Tot el "ue s.ha &it abans pot ostrar "ue a"uest no $s un te a f8+il. .The final +on+lusion ,hi+h e er!es fro ,hat I have sai& is that <a +on+lusi( final "ue es &e&uei6 &e tot el "ue he &it, $s "ue ... .It shoul& never be for!otten that this is a +ontroversial atter no,a&ays. No s.ha &.obli&ar "ue a+tual ent a"uest $s un te a +ontrovertit .2hat is "uite +ertain is that... No hi ha +ap &ubte "ue ... ./inally / <astly ... 'n @lti



INTRODUCTION This is a very &iffi+ult "uestion. 4"uest $s un te a olt &if>+il. Many people say/ar!ue that ... Molta !ent pensa "ue ... Nearly everyone thinks that ... ho,ever, there are also &isa&vanta!es to ... Casi tot el (n pensa "ue ... per#, ta b$ hi ha in+onvenients a 4 lot of people are in favour of ... Molta !ent est8 a favor &e ... 4 lot of people are a!ainst/oppose& to ... Molta !ent est8 en +ontra &e ... 2e ust look at both si&es of the "uestion 9e &e veure les &ues +ares &e la "5esti( 2e ust &istin!uish bet,een the pros an& the +ons Cal &istin!ir entre pros i +ontres :'COND 14R4;R419 ar!u ents in favour of or a&vanta!es /irstly, To be!in ,ith, 'n pri er llo+, per +o en%ar, On the one han&, 1er una ban&a :o e people believe/ think that ... 4l!una !ent pensa "ue ... Those ,ho are in favour of ... 4"uells "ue estan a favor &e ... One aspe+t of the issue is that... Un aspe+te &el te a $s "ue ... One a&vanta!e is that ... Un avantat!e $s "ue ... 4nother a&vanta!e is ... Un altre avantat!e $s ... There is an a&&itional ar!u ent in favour of... that +annot be i!nore&. 9i ha una altra ra( a favor &e ... "ue no po&e &ei6ar a ban&a. :'COND 14R4;R419 ar!u ents a!ainst or &isa&vanta!es :e+on&ly, 'n se!on llo+, On the other han&, 1er altra ban&a Those ,ho are a!ainst 4"uells "ue estan en +ontra 4nother aspe+t of the issue is that... Un altre aspe+te &el te a $s "ue ... One &isa&vanta!e is that Un in+onvenient $s "ue ... 4nother &isa&vanta!e is Un altre in+onvenient $s "ue ... The ob0e+tion to these ar!u ents +oul& be that ... en +ontra els ar!u ents es pot ob0e+tar "ue There is an a&&itional ar!u ent a!ainst... that +annot be i!nore&. 9i ha una altra ra( a favor &e ... "ue no po&e &ei6ar a ban&a. CONC<U:ION On balan+e, I think that ... has/have &isa&vanta!es, but it/they also has/have a lot of attra+tions. 'n +on+lusi(, 0o pense "ue ... t$ olts in+onvenients, per# ta b$ t$ +oses bones. I a in favour of/ a!ainst/ oppose& to ... -o esti+ a favor &e / en +ontra &e ... In +on+lusion, there are a&vanta!es to both si&es of the ar!u ent, but I personally ,oul& prefer to ... 'n +on+lusi(, hi ha ventat!es en les &os opinions, per# personal ent preferiria ... To su up, I believe that there are both a&vanta!es an& &isa&vanta!es re!ar&in! this issue. 'n resu , 0o pense "ue hi ha tant avantat!es +o in+onvenients en a"uest te a. 4ll thin!s +onsi&ere&, Consi&erant tots els punts, If one ,ei!hs the pros an& the +ons, :i sospese +ui&a&osa ent els pros i els +ontres It is &iffi+ult to say ,ho is ri!ht about this atter, 7s &if>+il &ir "ui t$ ra(,

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