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Citra Ceria September 26 at 1:14pm

Ceritanya agk panjang sih but I'll make it simple n coba buat ngurutin smua.. cc udah berhub ma co
krg lbh 6 thn n sygnya g direstui sm fam. Qt terus berusaha bhkan thun2 terakhir ini. tp ttp aja. Dia
di jur n angktan yg sm dg cc, di fkip UNLAM tp karena dia terlalu byk kegiatan i organisasi,
sering pergi k luar kota, jdiny kul ketunda 2th an n cc lulus duluan taun lalu. sampai cc kerja n kul
skarg, qt msih backstreet dg baik. he trusts me and i try 2 trust him too. Then last March cc saranin
dia ikut pertukaran pemuda n dia behasil ke MLYSIA July lalu, kurang lbh satu bln ninggalin BJM.
Trus balik krg lbh sbulan yg lalu. Yesterday, biasa cc k kos nya dia n tb2 aja kepengn buka
handphone dia, trus iseng aja buka inbox, n saat itu jg jantung ini rsanya mo copot, meski bukan yg
prtma kalinya (krn dulu2 jg kmi slalu py masalh, tp sk jg putus nymbung, ya mgk krn g bs pisah).
trus ada skitar ratusan sms yg isinya mesra bgt, ky orng pcaran aja, dari seseorang bernama
BUNDA. syg cc g bs baca smua sms itu, krn bc satu aja udah shock bgt. cc mndadak pulang n d
jlan cc behenti buat nenangin diri... then i called him and askd 4 some expalnation tyta jawabnnya g
karuan n boong smua, krn hari ini cc dah tau kebnarannya. Jd ce itu ktnya seorang tmen di
pertukaran pemuda , dia org JKT yg nembak dia d JKT, dia blg dia g neria ce itu. Tp sms itu dh jd
bkti kuat buat cc. Dia ttp ngelak n blg ce itu emg sms tp g tllu dia blas, krn dia jg g suka. tp cc tanya
ko sms smpai segitu byknya ga penh dihapus??? dia cm jwb mls.. to b continued

Citra Ceria September 26 at 1:27pm

dia pengen cc ga ptusin dia. trus cc sruh aja ce itu nelp cc untuk mint maaf, eh malh dia g mo n g
ngasih no hp nya trus blg jg ce itu g py fb. Tp hri ini, td malm cc dpt temuin fb nya ko n tyat jg ada
foto mereka bergandengan. cc tambh shock n g bs tdur td malam. cc kecewa n skt hti bgt. dia mash
g bs mo ngaku n blg klo mrka g pya hub apa2. tp g bs jg ngejelasin knp bergandengan, knp msih
mblas smsny bhkn sampai hri kmrn, dll.smpai hri ini dia ttap ngotot klo dia g bohong, tp c dah
putusin dia. meski berat bgt Ded...:'( berat bgt... smua perasaan dah jd satu, cinta, benci, marah,
kecewa, bhkn pngen dia mati aja.. cc dah sering sabr sm dia Ded, kli ini puncaknya n I cant stand....
cc pengen beri dia kesempaan untuk kesekian kalinya lg, tp cc jg berat.. lalu terpaksa cc putusin dia,
meski dia g bnr2 stuck n ga tau lg hrs gmn. senin dan mulai krja n kul lg tp cc
dah bnar2 g pny smangat lg to run this life.... T_T

Deddy Darham September 26 at 1:37pm

maaf lahir bathin ya cit...
maaf sbelomnya,,gwe ga mau di bilang ikut campur ato apa..ini ceritanya lo juga butuh komen dan

Deddy Darham September 26 at 2:04pm

ok2...sorry,,gwe baru baca part 2 nya...
wahh sedih juga yah...

well, thats love...beside its feeling that makes u fly but also that when u fall in it means that u have
to be ready to be hurt...that is why, never put ur heart 100% into someone...because u'll never know
what he's gonna do to u, eventhough u knew him for years...i know it is hard hard but it happened to
me once so i can feel what u feel right now, mine was worst than urs (i think)...

kalo gwe jadi lo, i will put all the angers and sadness into good works,,misalnya lo selesin kuliah lo
dengan hasil yang sangat memuaskan,, get promotion atau mempunyai prestasi yang baik di
kantor...ato lo bisa hunting2 beasiswa di luar negeri ato kerjaan diluar negeri...i think that would be
better and interesting instead of u r grieving on someone that doesnt deserve u...

you'll be totally fine without him...that was just the way of God to show u that is he really mean for it is all up to you to measure it up...can u imagine, in the future when both of u already
bonding in a family and he does the same thing again??????? mmhh...i guess it would be a total
catastrophe, right?...

rise and to ur family that u r someone !!!!

and i bet there is someone outhere that deserve u and exactly mean to u...
dry your eyes !! u gonna be just fine...


Deddy Darham September 26 at 5:47pm

sorry yee,,gwe bales nya di sini lagi..tuts hp kecil2 males..enakan pake pc klo ngetik banyak...
heheh..and secondly, sorry klo gwe banyak pake bahasa inggris, sometime it helps me a lot to
express what i would like to say instead of using the record, my english is totally
crap...i dont use that much anymore these days..huuppfff...fuck!

i understand what do u wanna say to me...yeaaah yeahh yeahh...we are not kids anymore...shit
happens! hey...we are just made of flesh, we are human...we did mistakes and sins...dont u forget
that?? i did terrible things as well but one more time i'd like to remind u...what u did is a 'past
tenses' and grieving is not a good choice to is how u try to stand again on ur feet,,,walk
and run as fast as u can!!!

okay, im gonna let u know one of my story of life..i had this kind of relationship before and we
lived together for 1 year under one roof and on one bed..we get along for 3 years and she just left
me marrying someone else...i moved on, i met some new good persons but until now she still own
my heart...

so, what i can tell u that what u've done is what u've done...dont look back...
LOOK FORWARD...see and explore what is ahead waiting for you...make this precious experience
for u to be more careful in the future

masa sih aku masih sama kyak yang dulu waktu sd? bukannya waktu sd aku masih suka makan es
kero yah? hahahahahahah

ps: nabi adam pas jatuh kebumi tidak menangis !

Between Deddy Darham and You

Citra Ceria September 29 at 7:05pm

Ded,so sorry coz I share 2 u again. 2 days ago he explained 2 me by phone. Dia blg klo itu g sperti
yg cc pikir. But it's still hard 4 me to believe meskipun rada masuk akal, tp dikit. U know, Cc smpe
4 mlm berturut2 g karuan tidur n mpmi bruk ttg merka 2. He asked me to trust him again n said will
be waiting 4 me.. n I dont know now. I think there's no guarantie that he wont do the same again...I
really dont know what to do, he tried to convince me bt Im still not so sure...What should I do do u

Deddy Darham September 29 at 7:10pm

ini saran aja yah,,masalah keputusan di tangan lo...
i think that it is better that u move on...i know it is a hard time for u but u'll get through this one...lo
cuma terbiasa sama dia aja beberapa tahun belakangan,,ini cuma sebuah
time u'll realize what im saying...

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