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Georeferencing is one of the most needed processes in Geographic Information System. The Wikipedia definition of Georeferencing is to define somethings existence in physical space. Georeferencing may be applied to any kind of object or structure which can reasonably be related to a geographical location, such as Points of Interest, roads, places, bridges, or buildings. A geographical location represents a spatial reference within a geodetic reference system such as WGS-84. By relating an object to a location, it is possible to uniquely identify the object in physical space (Wikipedia, Wikipedia, 2014). To Georeference a particular data or information one must use a software or tool to do such process. There are three types of software that can be used and one of these is the Quantum Geographic Information System (QGIS). Quantum GIS is a user-friend freeware program that enables us to manipulate and make an output data from a raw data given by our instruments. With this tool we can georeference image maps to form a precise tangible map that could be used in different situations. Another particular Georeference program is the ENvironment for Visualizing Images or ENVI. It is a software application used to process and analyse geospatial imagery. It is commonly used by remote sensing professionals and image analysts. (Wikipedia) These two softwares are the main software use to create an image file projected in different projections.

II. Methodology
For this exercise we split the methods and processes into two parts: A. Georeferencing Using Geographic Information System (QGIS) Software The materials used for this part of exercise were the topographic map of Butuan (4146IVButuan.jpg), the satellite image of Butuan (Landsat8_Butuan_B23.jpg), a shape file from Butuan (Butuan.shp) and the Quantum Geographic Information System. Using QGIS as the software for georeferencing, the topographic map of Butuan was georeferenced by the use of a QGIS plugin the Georeferencer GDAL. In the georeferencer, the map was georeferenced by adding, identifying the coordinates, adjusting and refining the GCPs (Ground Control Points) of the map as seen in Figure 1. It is then transformed with transformation setting of transformation type as projective, resampling method as cubic and target SRS as Luzon 1911/Philippines zone V.

Figure 1. Georeferencing the Topographic Map of Butuan

The satellite image of the Butuan was georeferenced by the same processes as the topographic map was georeferenced except the coordinates of the GCPs of the map will be based on the georeferenced topographic map, this can be seen in Figure 2, and with transformation settings of transformation type as linear, resampling method as nearest neighbour and target SRS as Luzon 1911/Philippines zone V.

Figure 2. Georeferencing the Satellite map of Butuan Based from the Georeferenced Topographic Map of Butuan The georeferenced maps are then overlaid by the shape file Butuan.shp and are projected to different coordinate reference systems namely WGS84 Geographic Coordinate System, UTM Zone 51N and World Mercator. The produced projections are then used to make a standard map through the use of map composer in QGIS. B. Georeferencing Using an Image Processing (ENVI) Software The materials used for this part of exercise were a MODIS Aqua Surface Temperature Level 2 image (A2011364003500.L2_LAC_SST) and the ENVI Software. Using ENVI as the image processing software, the MODIS Aqua Surface Temperature Level 2 image was opened as an .HDF file and from the its HDF Data Selection the Sea Surface Temperature was selected. To view the input image, in the available band list window double click the sea surface temperature band. The image was georeferenced through ENVIs Georeference MODIS with parameters Geographic Lat/Lon, WGS84 datum and others as default. All parameters in the Registration Parameter were also set to default. The output image was viewed by right clicking the georeferenced image in the available band list window and select Load Band to New Display. Two more output images were created by changing the parameters Geographic Lat/Lon, WGS84 in the Georeference MODIS parameters with UTM Zone 34 and with Sample Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area. To visualize more the output images, the Color Mapping of the images were change into Red Temperature from ENVI Color Tables. After all that, the images were all Link Displayed to compare the 4 images, 1 input image and 3 output images.

III. Results and Discussions

Visually comparing the non-georeferenced and georeferenced topographic map of Butuan it can be seen that the tilt effect in the original map is fixed in the georeferenced map. Also the extents and the scale from the two maps, shown in figure 3, are completely different. This shows that the coordinates between maps are changed and are completely different. This is true since the initial addition of raster layer in the QGIS sets it in an arbitrary coordinate system with arbitrary coordinates and after georeferencing it we chose to set what the new coordinate system is.

Figure 3. (a)Left Non-georeferenced Topographic Map of Butuan (b) Right. Georeferenced Topographic Map of Butuan These are can be also be said true to the non-georeferenced and georeferenced satellite map of the Butuan. The differences are all can be seen in figure 4.

Figure 4. (a)Left. Non-georeferenced Satellite Map of Butuan. (b)Right. Georeferenced Satellite Map of Butuan For the overlay of the shape file, after transforming the shape file the resulting image is can be shown in figure 5.

Figure 5. Shape file, Satellite map, Topographic map Overlay The 3 projections, WGS84 Geographic Coordinate System, UTM Zone 51N and World Mercator, at which the overlay is projected are can be seen in the figure below.

Figure 6. (a)Upper Left. WGS84 Geographic Coordinate System Projection (b)Upper Right. Universal Transverse Mercartor Zone 51N Projection (c)Lower Center. World Mercator Projection

The difference between these projections is that their extents are all changed or different. Meaning the significance of changing the projection of a small area is its change in coordinates. Also, examining the map in the projection of UTM Zone 51N, the map exhibit a small shift in tilt that is significant compared to other maps.

Using the map composer in QGIS, these projections are mapped in a standard layout which can be viewed in the succeeding pages. For the ENVI Software, the MODIS Aqua Surface Temperature Level 2 image has a sea surface temperature band image, which is a non georeferenced map, is shown below.

Figure 7. The Sea Surface Temperature Band of MODIS Aqua Surface Temperature Level 2 image

In this band when the Cursor Location/ Value is used, there are no coordinates given or available. The only given data are shown in the Figure 8.

Figure 8. The Cursor Location/Value of the Band

After the band is georeferenced into different projections, we could see that in figures 9, 10 and 11 the image was deformed and sometimes change its orientation to better suit the projection. Also in these figures, we could see that their corresponding Cursor Location/ Value contain additional data compared to the non-georeferenced image.

Figure 9. Geographic Lat/Lon Projection Sea Surface Temperature Band with Cursor Location/ Value

Figure 10. UTM Zone 34N Projection of Sea Surface Temperature with its Cursor Location/ Value

Figure 10. Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area Projection of Sea Surface Temperature Band with its Cursor Location/ Value

From the 3 figures, we could clearly identify the differences between the 3 projections used. The importance in these 3 projections is now we have coordinates assigned throughout the image which will make our map more useful compared to the original image.

IV. Conclusions
The result of this activity only shows that we can georeference a map using a QGIS and ENVI softwares. This activity also gives us the idea that in georeferencing, one must particularly know some of the functions the software could do and one must know how it affects the outcome. The transformations we have encountered in doing this activity simply shows us that one can freely select any transformation we like as much us it fits the surface of the study area. Also in considering transformation, one must know the location of the place and what is the fitted reference datum for the said location.

V. Questions and Answers

A. GEOREFERENCING USING GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (QGIS) SOFTWARE Question 1. What coordinate values does the map display? Does it need georeferencing? Briefly discuss what georeferencing is. The coordinate values that the map 4146-IVButuan.jpg displayed in the QGIS were arbitrary coordinate values. The QGIS set the upper left corner of the map to the origin, (0, 0). It is needed to be georeferenced to establish the real spatial system for more precise output Geo-Referencing- is converting screen pixels to a map of an area. It is also connecting maps and images with other spatial data set that needs to be digitally located. Each pixel of a map has in its original form only a reference according to the whole image which you can translate in to a geographic coordinate and therefore real spatial system is produced by using the defined coordinate system which the map is based on. (Digital-Geography) Question 2. What are GCPs? Enumerate at least two (2) other possible methods for obtaining GCPs for georeferencing maps and images Ground Control Points could be defined as a point on the surface of the earth of known location (i.e. fixed within an established co-ordinate system) which is used to georeference image data sources, such as remotely sensed images or scanned maps. (Joint Research Centre) Methods of Obtaining GCP's: Topographic Survey Mapping GPS survey, using appropriate equipment. Standalone, non-differential corrections will not be sufficient; code differential may just meet the requirement but is a risk. Phase (dual or single carrier) differential is the preferred approach. [In a few cases this year we may be able to undertake the survey ourselves] LPIS aerial orthophotos primary control (i.e., that surveyed for the aerotriangulation) Pass-points, where these are from a reasonable air survey (say, of 1:20,000 scale or larger), where they have been quality controlled, and where their expected RMSE is close to 0.8m, could be used. (Joint Research Centre)

Question 3: If you are going to interpolate the values of the coordinates in the topographic map, which tools in QGIS will be most helpful? Why do you think there are cases where interpolating the values of GCPs is better than selecting the corners or tick marks on the map? Spatial Analysis: Triangulated Irregular Network Selecting corners will only allow you to fix the map or image to fix with the geographic coordinate to the points you selected, while using interpolated GCP's will allow us for a more precise fix of the map/image with the coordinate. The more points the lesser the error in the fixing the map/image with the coordinate. Question 4: What is the reason for choosing the above mentioned projection? Luzon 1911/ Philippines Zones I-V are the Local Reference System that will match the given Coordinates. Question 5: What are the other available transformation types? What are the differences among these transformation types? The Linear algorithm is used to create a world-file, and is different from the other algorithms, as it does not actually transform the raster. This algorithm likely wont be sufficient if you are dealing with scanned material. The Helmert transformation performs simple scaling and rotation transformations. The Polynomial algorithms 1-3 are among the most widely used algorithms introduced to match source and destination ground control points. The most widely used polynomial algorithm is the second order polynomial transformation, which allows some curvature. First order polynomial transformation (affine) preserves colliniarity and allows scaling, translation and rotation only. The Thin Plate Spline (TPS) algorithm is a more modern georeferencing method, which is able to introduce local deformations in the data. This algorithm is useful when very low quality originals are being georeferenced. The Projective transformation is a linear rotation and translation of coordinates. (QGIS) Question 6: What is the importance of the resampling method? Briefly discuss the available resampling methods. It is important for it defines the statistics of the image/map with the given coordinate. It provides the method of how the coordinates will fit the image/map pixels. It also determines how the pixels are output for our new Georeferenced map, determining how they are converted from one pixel array to another. (Visualising Urban Goegraphies) Methods: Nearest neighbour- resampling method which assess the level of clustering in a point vector layer Cubic - resampling method which provides a more smooth output Bilinear - resampling method similar to linear which treats the given data bilinear to fit the pixels Question 7: Why should the error be less than that the size of a pixel in the image being georeferenced? The error must be less than so that we could have a precise fittings of the GCP's and the pixels being Geo-Referenced. Question 8: What happened to the image after the transformation when you compare it to the original scanned map? The resulting output of tends to warp with respect to the points and the coordinates were change and it is due to the transformation that we apply. Question 9: What coordinate values does the map display after the processing? The Coordinate Values are based on the Transformation type that we chose. If we change the Transformation type, coordinate values changes.

Question 10: Is the satellite image already georeferenced? Why do you say so? Yes, because it has a geographic coordinates that is from the ground control points we have acquired which make it a georeferenced image. Question 11: What happened to the coordinates in the georeferenced satellite image? The coordinates from the georeferenced satellite image tied-up with georeferenced map of 4146_butuan. B. GEOREFERENCING USING AN IMAGE PROCESSING SOFTWARE Question 12: What is an HDF file? Enumerate the information contained in the file you are trying to open. HDF or Hierarchical Data Format is the name of a set of file formats and libraries designed to store and organize large amounts of numerical data. (Wikipedia) Information Contained: scan year scan day of year scan-line time tilt angle for scan line scan start-pixel longitude scan center-pixel longitude scan end-pixel longitude scan start-pixel latitude scan center-pixel latitude scan end-pixel latitude scan center-pixel solar zenith angle longitudes at control points latitude at control points sea surface temperature quality level Level-2 Processing flags wavelengths pixel control points scan control points vicarious calibration gain vicarious calibration offset mean solar flux ozone absorption coefficient Rayleigh optical thickness Question 13: Briefly describe the image you see in the display. Differentiate the three image display windows that appear. There are three windows displaying the image in different sizes. These windows are called Scroll, Warp and Zoom. In the Scroll window, the scan image is in full display, showing the larger effect of projection in the image. The Warp window shows the regional/sectoral distortions in the image. The Zoom window only shows the detailed pixel point that has a tied coordinate and other data information. When each pixel is pointed by the cursor in the zoom window, it shows the information on that particular pixel. Question 14: What information is available from the Cursor/Location Value? Is your image georeferenced? The information available in the Cursor/Location Value is the following:

File x,y coordinates (in pixels) Data value(s) for the bands displayed. You can change the precision of floating-point data values using the Data Precision in Cursor Value preference, and you can change the reporting of data values from floating-point to scientific notation using the Data Notation in Cursor Value preference. Class names for classification images Data acquisition time, if defined in the 'acquisition time' field of the associated header file. NO, because it does not display the following: Latitude and longitude values Map x,y coordinates Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) coordinates Map projection and datum, and whether the file contains rational polynomial coefficient (RPC) information File x,y coordinates (in pixels) Data value(s) for the bands displayed Data acquisition time, if defined in the 'acquisition time' field of the associated header file. Question 15: What are the parameters needed to georeference the MODIS image? Briefly discuss these parameters. Geographic Latitude of a point on the Earth's surface is the angle between the equatorial plane and the straight line that passes through that point and is normal to the surface of a reference ellipsoid which approximates the shape of the Earth. Its range is from 90 deg south to 90 deg north. (Wikipedia) Geographic Longitude of a point on the Earth's surface is the angle east or west from a reference meridian to another meridian that passes through that point. Its range is from 0 deg to 360 deg. (Wikipedia) Question 16: What is the Bowtie Correction? This is a correction applied because of the presence of the bow tie effect due to the larger ground-sampled size of the edge pixels with respect to the ground-sampled size of the image pixels located in the center of the scan. (Exelis) Question 17: Why do you need to apply this specific correction to MODIS images? We need to apply this specific correction because the entire scan image is influenced by the bow tie effect which is the distortion of image that makes the edge pixels of image scan to appear larger than at the center pixel of the image. Question 18: Differentiate the input image and the output image. The input image has different data information in each band. Each band is categorized as the following: Longitudes at control points, Latitude at Control Points, Sea Surface Temperature, Quality Levels Sea Surface Temperature and Processing Flags. These data are being processed then to make the output data which is georeferenced and has the above mentioned data merged in one image file. The output file shows a pixel image that has the data previously mentioned tied in. Question 19: Where is your image located? (Hint: You may use Google Earth to input the latitude and longitude of your image) The Image is located at the Central Europe showing its extent from the northern waters of Arctic Ocean to the southern sea of Mediterranean, from the Balkan lake to the western Atlantic Ocean. Question 20: Using the Cursor Location/Value, compare the three images. The First image has a UTM Zone 34 North projection and the Northings and Eastings of the point selected are: 379748.3600 E, 4403001.8750 N. The second Output image has a

Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection and has a coordinate value with respect to the same point of: 6173027.4003 E, 6376961.3941 N. The last Image has a Geographic Lon/Lat Projection has a coordinate of 19.59399737 E, 39.76061653 N.

VI. References
(n.d.). Retrieved March 18, 2014, from Digital-Geography: Exelis. (n.d.). Exelis Visual Information Solution. Retrieved March 19, 2014, from Exelis VIS: (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2014, from Visualising Urban Geographies: Geographies, V. U. (n.d.). Visualising Urban Goegraphies. Retrieved March 18, 2014, from Visualising Urban Geographies: GIS, Q. (n.d.). Retrieved March 18, 2014, from QGIS: Sustainability, I. f. (n.d.). Retrieved March 18, 2014, from Joint Research Centre: Wikipedia. (2014, March). Wikipedia. Retrieved March 19, 2014, from Wikipedia: Wikipedia. (n.d.). Wikipedia. Retrieved March 19, 2014, from Wikipedia: Wikipedia. (n.d.). Wikipedia. Retrieved March 19, 2014, from Wikipedia:

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