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Kensho Reiki Treatment of Depths [Reiki practitioners I]

The Kensho Reiki treatment is evidenced through the concept of the depths. The depths are a healing tool practical and simultaneous, a means to understand how we came into existence and how we stand united with the Source of Life. We can understand the depths and dimensions of Being, each one responsible for a specific set of functions within the body, mind and spirit. This dimensions interact and are interdependent. Furthermore, each dimension is based directly to the next. The depths also describe the process by which the energy so acquired, the spirit turns on and, in each stage of creation, builds on the previous stage. From the sixth to the first depth, the vital energy condenses into various aspects of the human form. Itself, each of these depths covers all functions spiritual, physical and psychological aspects of our human experience. On the physical plane, for example, each depth is responsible for the creation and maintenance of a specific set of bodily functions. Each of these six depths also has correspondence with a specific attitude. Kensho Reiki treatment in the term attitude refers to an emotional reaction constant, such as fear or anger often. The inflexible nature, obstinate attitude is the main cause of disharmony.

Attitudes - simple method of operation

Each of the six depths must also match a specific attitude. Consequently, when a determined attitude becomes predominant depth to which it is connected becomes unbalanced. This imbalance, of course, can adversely affect the function of the particular organ that is governed by that depth. Fortunately, for us, the reverse is also true: when we balance a depth, also free ourselves from the burden of attitude that is associated with you, which can in turn, correct any discord, which may be affecting the body connected with it. As the first six depths can be regulated by a specific area in our hand, balancing depth is simply to connect with one of our fingers or palm.

Treatment Kensho Reiki six depths (causes and effects)

1. Gassho position (prayer position) and Reiji-Ho (intention) asking, Kensho Reiki that flows to our Highest Good. 2. Start Chiryo (treatment) consisting of: Put your hands in accordance with the following pictures. Start the First Depth, about 3 minutes or until when the vibration energy to finish and move on to the following depths, invoking Kensho Reiki sequentially three times. 3. Finish the treatment with the breath of Kensho Reiki inspiring him by the nose and all the chakras and exhaling all negative emotions, the mouth and all the chakras, repeat three times. In the end, thank Kensho Reiki.

The First Depth:

It corresponds to the skin surface, the respective feeding and processing (spleen and stomach).

The Second Depth:

It corresponds to deep skin and breath of Life (lung and intestine).

The Third Depth:

It corresponds to the essence of blood and harmony within the body (liver and gallbladder).

Attitude: Concern.
It unbalances the First Depth.

Attitude: Sadness.
It unbalances the SecondDepth.

Attitude: Anger.
It unbalances the Third Depth.

Wrap the thumb with the other hand.

Wrap the finger with the other hand.

Wrap the middle finger with the other hand.

The Fourth Depth:

It corresponds to the muscular system and the fluidity of movement (kidney and bladder).

The Fifth Depth:

It corresponds to the skeletal system and the intuitive knowledge (heart and small intestine).

The Sixth Depth:

It corresponds to the Source of Life and the Harmonization Total (diaphragm and navel).

Attitude: Fear.
It unbalances the Fourth Depth.

Attitude: Pretense (shame, low self-esteem).

It unbalances the Fifth Depth.

Attitude: Total Dismay.

It unbalances the Sixth Depth.

Wrap your index finger with the other hand.

Wrap your little finger with the other hand.

Touch the center of a hand with the thumb of the other hand.

Very important note: the right hand (the right side) represents the "here now" and the left hand (the left side) the "past".

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