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International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

ISSN- 0975-1491 Vol 2, Issue 4, 2010



*DepartmentofPharmaceutics,PRISTUniversity,Tanjavur613402.(T.N.)India,1DepartmentofPharmacology,NandhaCollegeof Paramedicalsciences,erode.(T.N.)India,2DepartmentofPharmaceutics,SCBT,SASTRAUniversity,Thanjavur613401.T.N,India., Received:05May2010,RevisedandAccepted:06Jun2010 ABSTRACTS Bioavailabilitycanbeincreasedbychangingindisintegration anddissolutiontheaqueoussolubilityislesserthan1g/mlwilldefiantlycreatea bioavailabilityproblemandtherebyaffectingtheefficacyofthedrug.Therearenumberofmethodsthroughwhichaqueoussolubilityofthedrug canbeincreasedinwhichsoliddispersionsisoneoftheeffectiveandacceptedtechniqueinthepharmaceuticalindustry.Thepurposeofthestudy was to improve the physicochemical properties of celecoxib a poorly water soluble drug by forming dispersion with mannitol as water soluble carrier.Thesoliddispersionofcelecoxibbyphysicaltriturating,solventevaporationandfusionmethodwerepreparedusing1:1,1:3and1:5ratios of drugandpolymer(mannitol). Theprepared dispersionsshowedmarkedincrease inthesaturationsolubilityand dissolutionrateof celecoxib thanthatofpuredrug.Thedispersionswithmannitol(1:5)byfusionmethodshowedfasterdissolutionrate(82.46%)ascomparedtoothersolid dispersions with mannitol (1:1 and 1:3) whichever prepared by physical mixture And solvent evaporation method. The FTIR shows the complexation and there were no interactions. Finally, solid dispersions of celecoxib: mannitol prepared as 1:5 ratio by fusion method showed excellent physicochemical characteristics and was found to be described by dissolution kinetics and was selected as the best formulation in the study. Keywords:Soliddispersion,Celecoxib,Mannitol INTRODUCTION Celecoxib (CXB) is an antiinflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic drug used in treatment rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthiritis 1. The aqueoussolubilityofCXBis3to7g/mlwhendeterminedatpH7.0 at 40o C. The peak plasma concentration is reported three hours afteroraldosing.CXBisevenlydistributed invivoandhasavolume of distribution of 455 166 in humans2. This larger volume of distribution and low aqueous solubility may be related to the lipophilic nature of CXB and be reflective of low bio availability. Differentapproachesarereportedtoimprovethesolubilityof CXB. Useofcosolventlikeethanol,ethyleneglycol,propyleneglycoland polyethylene glycol has been tried3. Deposition of drug on the surface of an inert carrier leads to reduction in the particle size of drug. There by providing faster rate of dissolution. Various hydrophilic materialswithhighsurfaceareacanbeutilizedtodepositthedrug ontheirsurface.Theselectionofcarrierandmethodofpreparation are critical factors influencing the properties of the drug incorporatedinthesoliddispersion.Soliddispersiontechniquescan be used to increase dissolution and bioavailability of several insoluble drugs4,5 Dissolution rate of griseofulvin was increased by depositingitonthesurfaceofdisintagrantssuchasprimogel,starch, Nymcel6,7. Solvent deposition technique was used to enhance the dissolutionrateandantiinflammatoryeffectofpiroxicam.Thepoor aqueous solubility of the drug gives rise to difficulties in the pharmaceutical formulation of dosage forms and may lead to variable bio availability. The solid dispersion approach has been widely and successfully applied to improve the solubility, dissolution rates and consequently improve the bio availability of poorly soluble drugs. The drug is dispersed in molecular form in a pharmacologically inert carrier which freely water soluble with intrinsic rapid dissolution properties. This technique improves the poor aqueous solubility and low dissolution rates by solubilising effectofcarriers,reductioninparticlesize,reductioninaggregation ofhydrophobicdrugsduetoimprovedhumectation. MATERIALSANDMETHODS Materials Celecoxib by Zydus Cadila, Ahmedabad. Mannitol from Nice chemicalsPvt.Ltd.,Cochin,Sodiumlaurylsulphatewas donated by S.D. chemicals Ltd., Boisar and Methanol obtained from Qualigens, Mumbai. Preparationofsoliddispersions Solid dispersion of Mannitol and CXB were prepared in the molecular ratios of 1:1, 1:3, 1:5 of drug: carrier. Three techniques usedforpreparationwere Physicalmixture8,9 Physical mixtures were prepared by homogeneous blending of previously sieved and weighed celecoxib and mannitol in a mortar andpestle.Thephysicalmixturesweresubsequentlystoredatroom temperatureindesiccatoroveranhydrousCaCl2untiluse. Solventevaporation8,10,11 TherequiredamountsofCXBandcarrierwasdissolvedinmethanol and allowed to stand overnight. The solvent was removed at 60 C under vacuum until the solid dispersion was dry. The dried mass was pulverized, passed through 44mesh sieve and stored in a desiccatoroveranhydrousCaCl2untilusedforfurtherstudies.This masswashandfilledintozerosizehardgelatincapsulesjustbefore thedissolutionstudies. Fusionmethod10 Thesoliddispersionswerepreparedbyheatingaccuratelyweighed amounts ofmannitalanddruginaclosedtefloncontainerinan oil bathat80C.Themixtureswerestirredrepeatedlyandafter10min cooledeitheratroomtemperature. Evaluationofsoliddispersions Phasesolubilitystudies Phase solubility studies were performed according to the method reportedbyHiguchiandConnors12.Solubilitystudiesonpuredrug, physical mixture and solid dispersions were conducted in thermostaticshakerbath(Labline,Chennai)for96hrsat37 o C5o C, finally the solutions were filtered using whatmann filter paper (grade 41 Himedia) and the filtrate was diluted (10g /ml) for determining drug concentration by spectrophotometrically (Elico S.C164), the absorbance was measure at 254 nm. All solubility measurementswereperformedintriplicate. FTIRspectroscopy IRspectrumofpowder CBanditsdifferentsoliddispersionsofthe ratios1:1,1:3and1:5drugandpolymerrespectively,wererecorded using Jasco FT/IR 5300 infrared spectrophotometer by KBr disc

Punithaetal. IntJPharmPharmSci,Vol2,Issue4,109111 method. The scanning range was 4000 to 450 cm1 and the resolutionwas4cm1 Drugcontentanalysis Anaccuratelyweighedquantityofsoliddispersionequivalentto100 mg of celecoxib was taken into a 100 ml volumetric flask and dissolvedinacetonitrile.Fivemlofthefiltratewasdilutedto100ml with 1 % sodium lauryl sulphate solution and assayed for drug contentusingadoublebeamUV/Visspectrophotometerat245nm. Allthedispersionscontained1005%ofthedrug. Invitrorelease Invitrodissolutionstudieswereconductedin900mlofwaterwith 1%sodiumlaurylsulphatesolutionusingUSPXXIIdissolutiontype IIapparatus(Electrolab)at37oC0.5oCatspeedof50rotationsper minute for the different ratios of solid dispersion. At the specific Table1:PhasesolubilitystudyofCelecoxib Methods Physicalmixturemethod Solventevaporationmethod Fusionmethod Puredrug266.499.8013g/ml Table:2EffectofconcentrationofDrug:Carrierratioon%drugcontentofCelecoxibfrompreparedsoliddispersions Method Physicalmixturemethod Solventevaporationmethod Fusionmethod Drugcontentanalysis Thedrugcontent13 ofdifferentconcentrationsofdrugandpolymer was estimated spectrophotometrically at 254 nm as was tabulated table:2 Spectroscopystudies IR spectra of pure drug and different solid dispersions were compared to confirm the presence of drug. Absorbance at 3288.4 cm1 and 3340.5 cm1 showed the presence of drug. These bands wereshiftedinthesoliddispersionmethod(fusionmethod)dueto possible hydrogen bonding between the carrier and drug which showed that complex has been formed and indicates that the drug wasnotdegradedinthepresenceofmannitolorsoliddispersionsor incomplex. Invitrodrugrelease The dissolution profile of celecoxib the different solid dispersions and physical mixture were studied. The dissolution rate was significantly increased when the celecoxib: Mannitol ratio was 1:5. The mean percentage of drugs for the pure drug after 60 minutes was 28.99% (SD=1.5) physical mixture (36.05 %, 45.78% and 49.68% ), solvent evaporation (51.25%, 63.34% and 72.84%), and fusion method 68.43%, 72.46% and 82.46%) for the ratios of 1:1, 1:3and1:5respectively.Thedispersionsshowincreaseddissolution thatis2,3and9foldincreaseindissolutionrespectivelyattheend of 1hour. Invitro drug dissolution was 49.68% (SD= 4.5) for the ratioof1:5fromphysicalmixturewhereassolventevaporation(1:5) and fusionmethod (1:5) dispersion dissolved 72.80% (SD=00)and 82.46%(SD=00)ofCXBrespectively.(Fig.1)anditwasadoptedin variouskineticmodels(Table.3). 1:1 100.130.016 101.050.020 99.980.016 1:3 100.040.030 99.930.032 99.80.016 1:5 99.990.020 100.610.032 100.250.020 Drug:Mannitol(Conc.g/ml) 1:1 1:3 1:5 237.095.22 230.207.23 230.047.00 272.262.42 245.132.50 260.102.59 289.095.00 268.142.90 275.654.92 predetermined time intervals 5ml samples were withdrawn by replacing the equalent quantity of fresh medium to maintain sink condition. The aliquots were diluted and analyzed by spectrophotometricallyat254nm. RESULTSANDDISCUSSION Solubilitystudies The solubility of different concentrations of drug and polymer was observed that the prepared with mannitol 1:5 presented higher dissolutionconcentrationascomparedwithotherformulations1:1, 1:3.Whenmannitolconcentrationwasincreased,thesolubility was also increased in fusion and solvent evaporation method. But maximum solubility was in fusion method, 1:5 (drug: Mannitol) (289.09 g /ml) when compared with pure drug (226.49 g /ml) Table1.


100 80 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 TIMES (min)

pure drug PM SE FM



Fig.1:Invitrodissolutionprofileofcelecoxib.(Ratio1:5)ofPMPhysicalMixture,SMSolventEvaporation,FMFusionMethod 110

Punithaetal. IntJPharmPharmSci,Vol2,Issue4,109111 Table3:Invitroreleasekineticsofratio(1:5)ofvarioussoliddispersionmethodsPure,(PM)Physicalmixture,(SE)Solvent evaporationand(FM)Fusionmethod Drug:carrier Zeroorder Firstorder Higuchi KorsmeyerPeppas HixonCrowell CONCLUSION ThesoliddispersionofCXBwaspreparedtoimprovethesolubility and dissolution rate. Analytical method of IR spectrum was conformedthedrugcarrierinteractionorcomplexandshowedthat thedrugwasnotdegraded.Amaximumincreaseindissolutionrates wasobtainedwiththeratioof1:5butfusionmethodshowedfaster dissolution rate when compared with that of the pure drug and othercomplexes. REFERENCE 1. Davies NM, McLachlan AJ, Day RO, Williams KM, Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of celecoxib: A selective cyclooxygenase2 inhibitor, Clin.Pharmacokinet 2000;38:225242. PaulsonSK,VaughMB,JessenSM,LawalY.GreskCJ,YanB,etal Pharmacokineticofcelecoxibafteroraladministrationindogs andhuman:Effectoffoodandsiteofabsorption.J.Pharmacol. Exp.Ther.2001;297:63845. SredharN,BhatiaS.Solubilityenhancementofcox2inhibitors usingvariossolventsystems.AAPS.PharmSci.Tech2003:E33. FordJL,Pharm.Cata.Helv.,61,69,1986.

0.9787 0.9967 0.9945

Pure 0.9963 0.8513 0.9933 0.9992 0.9991

PM 0.9971 0.8513 0.9872 0.9925 0.9858

SE 0.9851 0.8513 0.9951 0.9927 0.9968

FM 0.9664 0.8513

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.


3. 4.

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