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BW Query Performance Question: 1. What kind of tools are available to monitor the overall Query Performance? Answers: o BW Statistics o BW Workload Analysis in ST03N (Use Export Mode! o !ontent o" Ta#le $S%%STAT Question: . !o " have to do somethin# to enable such tools? Answer: o &es' yo( need to t(rn on t)e BW Statistics: $SA*' c)oose Tools +, BW statistics "or -n"o!(#es (!)oose ./A0 and W1M "or yo(r rele2ant !(#es Question: $. What kind of tools are available to analyse a s%ecific &uery in detail? Answers: o Transaction $S$T o Transaction $S$T$A!E Question: '. !o " have a overall &uery %erformance %roblem? Answers: o Use ST03N +, BW Syste3 load 2al(es to reco4ni5e t)e pro#le36 Use t)e n(3#er 4i2en in ta#le 7$eportin4 + -n"o!(#es:S)are o" total ti3e (s 7 to c)eck i" one o" t)e col(3ns 8./A0' 8%B' 89rontend s)ows a )i4) n(3#er in all -n"o!(#es6 o &o( need to r(n ST03N in expert 3ode to 4et t)ese 2al(es Question: (. What can " do if the database %ro%ortion is hi#h for all &ueries? Answers: !)eck: o -" t)e data#ase statistic strate4y is set (p properly "or yo(r %B plat"or3 (a#o2e all "or t)e BW speci"ic ta#les o -" data#ase para3eter set (p accords wit) SA0 Notes and SA0 Ser2ices (EarlyWatc) o -" B(""ers' -:.' !0U' 3e3ory on t)e data#ase ser2er are ex)a(sted;

o -" !(#e co3pression is (sed re4(larly o -" %ata#ase partitionin4 is (sed (not a2aila#le on all %B plat"or3s Question: ). What can " do if the *+AP %ro%ortion is hi#h for all &ueries? Answers: !)eck: o -" t)e !0Us on t)e application ser2er are ex)a(sted o -" t)e SA0 $:3 3e3ory set (p is done properly ((se T< ST0= to "ind #ottlenecks o -" t)e read 3ode o" t)e >(eries is (n"a2o(ra#le ($S$$E0%-$' $S%%STAT' !(sto3i5in4 de"a(lt Question: ,. What can " do if the client %ro%ortion is hi#h for all &ueries? Answer: o !)eck w)et)er 3ost o" yo(r clients are connected 2ia a WAN !onnection and t)e a3o(nt o" data w)ic) is trans"erred is rat)er )i4)6 Question: -. Where can " #et s%ecific runtime information for one &uery? Answers: o A4ain yo( can (se ST03N +, BW Syste3 /oad o %ependin4 on t)e ti3e "ra3e yo( select' yo( 4et )istorical data or c(rrent data6 o To 4et to a speci"ic >(ery yo( need to drill down (sin4 t)e -n"o!(#e na3e o Use A44re4ation ?(ery to 4et 3ore r(nti3e in"or3ation a#o(t a sin4le >(ery6 Use ta# All data to 4et to t)e details6 (%B' ./A0' and 9rontend ti3e' pl(s Select: Trans"erred records' pl(s n(3#er o" cells and "or3ats Question: .. What kind of &uery %erformance %roblems can " reco#ni/e usin# S01$2 values for a s%ecific &uery? Answers: (Use %etails to 4et t)e r(nti3e se43ents o 1i4) %ata#ase $(nti3e o 1i4) ./A0 $(nti3e o 1i4) 9rontend $(nti3e

Question: 11. What can " do if a &uery has a hi#h database runtime? Answers: o !)eck i" an a44re4ate is s(ita#le ((se All data to 4et 2al(es @selected records to trans"erred records@' a )i4) n(3#er )ere wo(ld #e an indicator "or >(ery per"or3ance i3pro2e3ent (sin4 an a44re4ate o !)eck i" data#ase statistics are (pdate to data "or t)e !(#e:A44re4ate' (se T< $S$A o(tp(t ((se data#ase c)eck "or statistics and indexes o !)eck i" t)e read 3ode o" t)e >(ery is (n"a2o(ra#le + $eco33ended (1 Question: 11. What can " do if a &uery has a hi#h *+AP runtime? Answers: o !)eck i" a )i4) n(3#er o" !ells trans"erred to t)e ./A0 ((se @All data@ to 4et 2al(e @No6 o" !ells@ o Use $S$T tec)nical -n"or3ation to c)eck i" any extra ./A0+processin4 is necessary (Stock ?(ery' Exception A44re4ation' !alc6 #e"ore A44re4ation' Airt(al !)ar6 Bey 9i4(res' Attri#(tes in !alc(lated Bey 9i4s' Ti3e+dependent !(rrency Translation to4et)er wit) a )i4) n(3#er o" records trans"erred6 o !)eck i" a (ser exit Usa4e is in2ol2ed in t)e ./A0 r(nti3e; o !)eck i" lar4e )ierarc)ies are (sed and t)e entry )ierarc)y le2el is as deep as possi#le6 T)is li3its t)e le2els o" t)e )ierarc)y t)at 3(st #e processed6 Use SE*C on t)e incl(sion ta#les and (se t)e /ist o" Aal(e "eat(re on t)e col(3n s(ccessor and predecessor to see w)ic) entry le2el o" t)e )ierarc)y is (sed6 + !)eck i" a proper index on t)e incl(sion ta#le exist Question: 1 . What can " do if a &uery has a hi#h frontend runtime? Answers: o !)eck i" a 2ery )i4) n(3#er o" cells and "or3attin4s are trans"erred to t)e 9rontend ( (se @All data@ to 4et 2al(e @No6 o" !ells@ w)ic) ca(se )i4) network and "rontend (processin4 r(nti3e6 o !)eck i" "rontend 0! are wit)in t)e reco33endation ($AM' !0U M)5 o !)eck i" t)e #andwidt) "or WAN connection is s(""icient
1. What are the extractor types? Application Specific o BW Content FI, HR, CO, SA CR!, "O Coc#pit o C$sto%er&'enerate( )xtractors "IS, FI&S", CO& A Cross Application *'eneric )xtractors+

o ,B -ie., InfoSet, F$nction !o($le /. What are the steps in0ol0e( in "O )xtraction? 1he steps are2 o RSA3 Select the ,ataSo$rces o "BW) !aintain ,ataSo$rces an( Acti0ate )xtract Str$ct$res o "BW' ,elete Set$p 1a4les o 5"I6BW Set$p ta4les o RSA7 Chec# extraction an( the (ata in Set$p ta4les o "BW8 Chec# the extraction 9$e$e o "BWF "o: for "O )xtract Str$ct$res o RSA; BW ,elta 8$e$e !onitor 7. Ho. to create a connection .ith "IS InfoStr$ct$res? "BW5 Connectin: "IS InfoStr$ct$res to BW <. What is the (ifference 4et.een O,S an( InfoC$4e an( !$lti ro0i(er? O,S2 ro0i(es :ran$lar (ata, allo.s o0er.rite an( (ata is in transparent ta4les, i(eal for (rill(o.n an( RRI. C=B)2 Follo.s the star sche%a, .e can only appen( (ata, i(eal for pri%ary reportin:. !$lti ro0i(er2 ,oes not ha0e physical (ata. It allo.s to access (ata fro% (ifferent Info ro0i(ers *C$4e, O,S, InfoO4>ect+. It is also preferre( for reportin:. 3. What are Start ro$tines, 1ransfer ro$tines an( =p(ate ro$tines? Start Ro$tines2 1he start ro$tine is r$n for each ,ata ac#a:e after the (ata has 4een .ritten to the SA an( 4efore the transfer r$les ha0e 4een exec$te(. It allo.s co%plex co%p$tations for a #ey fi:$re or a characteristic. It has no ret$rn 0al$e. Its p$rpose is to exec$te preli%inary calc$lations an( to store the% in :lo4al ,ataStr$ct$res. 1his str$ct$re or ta4le can 4e accesse( in the other ro$tines. 1he entire ,ata ac#a:e in the transfer str$ct$re for%at is $se( as a para%eter for the ro$tine. 1ransfer ? =p(ate Ro$tines2 1hey are (efine( at the InfoO4>ect le0el. It is li#e the Start Ro$tine. It is in(epen(ent of the ,ataSo$rce. We can $se this to (efine 'lo4al ,ata an( 'lo4al Chec#s. @. What is the (ifference 4et.een start ro$tine an( $p(ate ro$tine, .hen, ho. an( .hy are they calle(? Start ro$tine can 4e $se( to access Info ac#a:e .hile $p(ate ro$tines are $se( .hile $p(atin: the ,ata 1ar:ets. ;. What is the ta4le that is $se( in start ro$tines? Al.ays the ta4le str$ct$re .ill 4e the str$ct$re of an O,S or InfoC$4e. For exa%ple if it is an O,S then acti0e ta4le str$ct$re .ill 4e the ta4le. A. )xplain ho. yo$ $se( Start ro$tines in yo$r pro>ect? Start ro$tines are $se( for %ass processin: of recor(s. In start ro$tine all the recor(s of ,ata ac#a:e is a0aila4le for processin:. So .e can process all these recor(s to:ether in start ro$tine. In one of scenario, .e .ante( to apply siBe C to the forecast (ata. For exa%ple if %aterial !1 is forecaste( to say 155 in !ay. 1hen after applyin: siBe C*S%all /5C, !e(i$% <5C, "ar:e /5C, )xtra "ar:e /5C+, .e .ante( to ha0e < recor(s a:ainst one sin:le recor( that is co%in: in the info pac#a:e. 1his is achie0e( in start ro$tine. D. What are Ret$rn 1a4les? When .e .ant to ret$rn %$ltiple recor(s, instea( of sin:le 0al$e, .e $se the ret$rn ta4le in

the =p(ate Ro$tine. )xa%ple2 If .e ha0e total telephone expense for a Cost Center, $sin: a ret$rn ta4le .e can :et expense per e%ployee. 15. Ho. (o start ro$tine an( ret$rn ta4le synchroniBe .ith each other? Ret$rn ta4le is $se( to ret$rn the -al$e the exec$tion of start ro$tine 11. What is the (ifference 4et.een -1, -/ an( -7 $p(ates? -1 =p(ate2 It is a Synchrono$s $p(ate. Here the Statistics $p(ate is carrie( o$t at the sa%e ti%e as the (oc$%ent $p(ate *in the application ta4les+. -/ =p(ate2 It is an Asynchrono$s $p(ate. Statistics $p(ate an( the ,oc$%ent $p(ate ta#e place as (ifferent tas#s. o -1 E -/ (onFt nee( sche($lin:. SerialiBe( -7 =p(ate2 1he -7 collecti0e $p(ate %$st 4e sche($le( as a >o4 *0ia "BW)+. Here, (oc$%ent (ata is collecte( in the or(er it .as create( an( transferre( into the BW as a 4atch >o4. 1he transfer se9$ence %ay not 4e the sa%e as the or(er in .hich the (ata .as create( in all scenarios. -7 $p(ate only processes the $p(ate (ata that is s$ccessf$lly processe( .ith the -/ $p(ate. 1/. What is co%pression? It is a process $se( to (elete the Re9$est I,s an( this sa0es space. 17. What is Roll$p? 1his is $se( to loa( ne. ,ata ac#a:es *re9$ests+ into the InfoC$4e a::re:ates. If .e ha0e not perfor%e( a roll$p then the ne. InfoC$4e (ata .ill not 4e a0aila4le .hile reportin: on the a::re:ate. 1<. What is ta4le partitionin: an( .hat are the 4enefits of partitionin: in an InfoC$4e? It is the %etho( of (i0i(in: a ta4le .hich .o$l( ena4le a 9$ic# reference. SA $ses fact file partitionin: to i%pro0e perfor%ance. We can partition only at 5CA"!OG1H or 5FISC )R. 1a4le partitionin: helps to r$n the report faster as (ata is store( in the rele0ant partitions. Also ta4le %aintenance 4eco%es easier. Oracle, Infor%ix, IB! ,B/?7D5 s$pports ta4le partitionin: .hile SA ,B, !icrosoft S8" Ser0er, IB! ,B/?<55 (o not s$pport ta4le portionin:. 13. Ho. %any extra partitions are create( an( .hy? 1.o partitions are create( for (ate 4efore the 4e:in (ate an( after the en( (ate. 1@. What are the options a0aila4le in transfer r$le? InfoO4>ect Constant Ro$tine For%$la 1;. Ho. .o$l( yo$ opti%iBe the (i%ensions? We sho$l( (efine as %any (i%ensions as possi4le an( .e ha0e to ta#e care that no sin:le (i%ension crosses %ore than /5C of the fact ta4le siBe. 1A. What are Con0ersion Ro$tines for $nits an( c$rrencies in the $p(ate r$le? =sin: this option .e can .rite ABA co(e for =nits ? C$rrencies con0ersion. If .e ena4le this fla: then $nit of Hey Fi:$re appears in the ABA co(e as an a((itional para%eter. For exa%ple, .e can con0ert $nits in o$n(s to Hilos. 1D. Can an InfoO4>ect 4e an Info ro0i(er, ho. an( .hy? Ies, .hen .e .ant to report on Characteristics or !aster ,ata. We ha0e to ri:ht clic# on the

InfoArea an( select JInsert characteristic as (ata tar:etJ. For exa%ple, .e can %a#e 5C=S1O!)R as an Info ro0i(er an( report on it. /5. What is Open H$4 Ser0ice? 1he Open H$4 Ser0ice ena4les $s to (istri4$te (ata fro% an SA BW syste% into external ,ata !arts, analytical applications, an( other applications. We can ens$re controlle( (istri4$tion $sin: se0eral syste%s. 1he central o4>ect for exportin: (ata is the InfoSpo#e. We can (efine the so$rce an( the tar:et o4>ect for the (ata. BW 4eco%es a h$4 of an enterprise (ata .areho$se. 1he (istri4$tion of (ata 4eco%es clear thro$:h central %onitorin: fro% the (istri4$tion stat$s in the BW syste%.

/1. Ho. (o yo$ transfor% Open H$4 ,ata? =sin: BA,I .e can transfor% Open H$4 ,ata accor(in: to the (estination re9$ire%ent. //. What is O,S? Operational ,ataSo$rce is $se( for (etaile( stora:e of (ata. We can o0er.rite (ata in the O,S. 1he (ata is store( in transparent ta4les. /7. What are BW Statistics an( .hat is its $se? 1hey are :ro$p of B$siness Content InfoC$4es .hich are $se( to %eas$re perfor%ance for 8$ery an( "oa( !onitorin:. It also sho.s the $sa:e of a::re:ates, O"A an( Wareho$se %ana:e%ent. /<. What are the steps to extract (ata fro% R?7? Replicate ,ataSo$rces Assi:n InfoSo$rces !aintain Co%%$nication Str$ct$re an( 1ransfer r$les Create an( Info ac#a:e "oa( ,ata /3. What are the (elta options a0aila4le .hen yo$ loa( fro% flat file? 1he 7 options for ,elta !ana:e%ent .ith Flat Files2 o F$ll =ploa( o Ge. Stat$s for Chan:e( recor(s *O,S O4>ect only+ o A((iti0e ,elta *O,S O4>ect E InfoC$4e+ 8+ =n(er .hich %en$ path is the 1est Wor#4ench to 4e fo$n(, incl$(in: in earlier Releases? 1he %en$ path is2 1ools & ABA Wor#4ench & 1est & 1est Wor#4ench. 8+ I .ant to (elete a B)x 9$ery that is in ro($ction syste% thro$:h re9$est. Is anyone a.are a4o$t it? A+ Ha0e yo$ trie( the RSK,)")1) transaction? 8+ )rrors .hile %onitorin: process chains. A+ ,$rin: (ata loa(in:. Apart fro% the%, in process chains yo$ a(( so %any process types, for exa%ple after loa(in: (ata into Info C$4e, yo$ roll$p (ata into a::re:ates, no. this rollin: $p of (ata into a::re:ates is a process type .hich yo$ #eep after the process type for loa(in: (ata into C$4e. 1his rollin: $p into a::re:ates %i:ht fail. Another one is after yo$ loa( (ata into O,S, yo$ acti0ate O,S (ata *another process type+ this %i:ht also fail.

8+ In !onitor&&&&& ,etails *Hea(er?Stat$s?,etails+ L =n(er rocessin: *(ata pac#et+2 )0erythin: OH L Context %en$ of ,ata ac#a:e 1 *1 Recor(s+2 )0erythin: OH &&&& Si%$late $p(ate. *Here .e can (e4$: $p(ate r$les or transfer r$les.+ S!35 L ro:ra%?!o(e L ro:ra% L ,e4$::in: E (e4$: this .or# process.

8+ SA Cleansin:. A+ Io$ #no. ho. to e(it SA. I (onFt thin# yo$ can (elete sin:le recor(s. Io$ ha0e to (elete entire SA (ata for a re9$est. 8+ Can .e %a#e a (ataso$rce to s$pport (elta. A+ If this is a c$sto% *$ser&(efine(+ (ataso$rce yo$ can %a#e the (ataso$rce (elta ena4le(. While creatin: (ataso$rce fro% RSO/, after enterin: (ataso$rce na%e an( pressin: create, in the next screen there is one 4$tton at the top, .hich says :eneric (elta. If yo$ .ant %ore (etails a4o$t this there is a chapter in )xtraction 4oo#, itFs in last pa:es $ fin( o$t. 'eneric (elta ser0ices2 &

S$pports (elta extraction for :eneric extractors accor(in: to2 1i%e sta%p Calen(ar (ay G$%eric pointer, s$ch as (oc$%ent n$%4er E co$nter Only one of these attri4$tes can 4e set as a (elta attri4$te.

,elta extraction is s$pporte( for all :eneric extractors, s$ch as ta4les?0ie.s, SA 8$ery an( f$nction %o($les 1he (elta 9$e$e *RSA;+ allo.s yo$ to %onitor the c$rrent stat$s of the (elta attri4$te

8+ Wor#4oo#s, as a :eneral r$le, sho$l( 4e transporte( .ith the role. Here are a co$ple of scenarios2 1. If 4oth the .or#4oo# an( its role ha0e 4een pre0io$sly transporte(, then the role (oes not nee( to 4e part of the transport. /. If the role exists in 4oth (e0 an( the tar:et syste% 4$t the .or#4oo# has ne0er 4een transporte(, an( then yo$ ha0e a choice of transportin: the role *reco%%en(e(+ or >$st the .or#4oo#. If only the .or#4oo# is transporte(, then an a((itional step .ill ha0e to 4e ta#en after i%port2 "ocate the Wor#4oo#I, 0ia 1a4le RSRWBIG,)M1 *in ,e0 an( 0erify the sa%e exists in the tar:et syste%+ an(

procee( to %an$ally a(( it to the role in the tar:et syste% 0ia 1ransaction Co(e FC' && A"WAIS $se control c?control 0 copy?paste for %an$ally a((in:N 7. If the role (oes not exist in the tar:et syste% yo$ sho$l( transport 4oth the role an( .or#4oo#. Heep in %in( that a .or#4oo# is an o4>ect $nto itself an( has no (epen(encies on other o4>ects. 1h$s, yo$ (o not recei0e an error %essa:e fro% the transport of F>$st a .or#4oo#F && e0en tho$:h it %ay not 4e 0isi4le, it .ill exist *0erifie( 0ia 1a4le RSRWBIG,)M1+. O0erall, as a :eneral r$le, yo$ sho$l( transport roles .ith .or#4oo#s.

8+ Ho. %$ch ti%e (oes it ta#e to extract 1 %illion *15 lac#hs+ of recor(s into an infoc$4e? A. 1his (epen(s, if yo$ ha0e co%plex co(in: in $p(ate r$les it .ill ta#e lon:er ti%e, or else it .ill ta#e less than 75 %in$tes.

8+ What are the fi0e ASA !etho(olo:ies? A2 ro>ect plan, B$siness Bl$e print, RealiBation, Final preparation E 'o&"i0e & s$pport.

1. ro>ect reparation2 In this phase, (ecision %a#ers (efine clear pro>ect o4>ecti0es an( an efficient (ecision %a#in: process * i.e. ,isc$ssions .ith the client, li#e .hat are his nee(s an( re9$ire%ents etc.+. ro>ect %ana:ers .ill 4e in0ol0e( in this phase *I :$ess+. A ro>ect Charter is iss$e( an( an i%ple%entation strate:y is o$tline( in this phase. /. B$siness Bl$eprint2 It is a (etaile( (oc$%entation of yo$r co%panyFs re9$ire%ents. *i.e. .hat are the o4>ects .e nee( to (e0elop are %o(ifie( (epen(in: on the clientFs re9$ire%ents+. 7. RealiBation2 In this only, the i%ple%entation of the pro>ect ta#es place *(e0elop%ent of o4>ects etc+ an( .e are in0ol0e( in the pro>ect fro% here only. <. Final reparation2 Final preparation 4efore :oin: li0e i.e. testin:, con($ctin: pre&:o&li0e, en( $ser trainin: etc. )n( $ser trainin: is :i0en that is in the client site yo$ train the% ho. to .or# .ith the ne. en0iron%ent, as they are ne. to the technolo:y. 3. 'o&"i0e E s$pport2 1he pro>ect has :one li0e an( it is into pro($ction. 1he ro>ect tea% .ill 4e s$pportin: the en( $sers.

8+ What is lan(scape of R?7 E .hat is lan(scape of BW. "an(scape of R?7 not s$re. 1hen "an(scape of 4?.2 $ ha0e the (e0elop%ent syste%, testin: syste%, pro($ction syste% ,e0elop%ent syste%2 All the i%ple%entation part is (one in this sys. *I.e., Analysis of o4>ects (e0elopin:, %o(ification etc+ an( fro% here the o4>ects are transporte( to the testin: syste%, 4$t 4efore transportin: an initial test #no.n as =nit testin: *testin: of o4>ects+ is (one in the (e0elop%ent sys.

1estin:?8$ality syste%2 9$ality chec# is (one in this syste% an( inte:ration testin: is (one. ro($ction syste%2 All the extraction part ta#es place in this sys. 8+ Ho. (o yo$ %eas$re the siBe of infoc$4e? A2 In no of recor(s. 8+. ,ifference 4et.een infoc$4e an( O,S? A2 Infoc$4e is str$ct$re( as star sche%a *exten(e(+ .here a fact ta4le is s$rro$n(e( 4y (ifferent (i% ta4le that are lin#e( .ith ,I!Fi(s. An( the (ata .ise, yo$ .ill ha0e a::re:ate( (ata in the c$4es. Go o0er.rite f$nctionality O,S is a flat str$ct$re *flat ta4le+ .ith no star sche%a concept an( .hich .ill ha0e :ran$lar (ata *(etaile( le0el+. O0er.rite f$nctionality. Flat file (ataso$rces (oes not s$pport 5recor(%o(e in extraction. x 4efore, &after, n ne., a a((, ( (elete, r re0erse 8+ ,ifference 4et.een (isplay attri4$tes an( na0i:ational attri4$tes? A2 ,isplay attri4$te is one, .hich is $se( only for (isplay p$rpose in the report. Where as na0i:ational attri4$te is $se( for (rillin: (o.n in the report. We (onFt nee( to %aintain Ga0i:ational attri4$te in the c$4e as a characteristic *that is the a(0anta:e+ to (rill (o.n. 8. SO!) ,A1A IS = "OA,), 1WIC) IG1O IGFOC=B). HOW 1O CORR)C1 I1? A2 B$t ho. is it possi4le? If yo$ loa( it %an$ally, then yo$ can (elete it 4y re9$estI,. 8. CAG = A,, A G)W FI)", A1 1H) O,S ")-)"? S$re yo$ can. O,S is nothin: 4$t a ta4le. 8. CAG G=!B)R OF ,A1ASO=RC)S HA-) OG) IGFOSO=RC)? A+ Ies of co$rse. For exa%ple, for loa(in: text an( hierarchies .e $se (ifferent (ata so$rces 4$t the sa%e InfoSo$rce. 8. BRI)F 1H) ,A1AF"OW IG BW. A+ ,ata flo.s fro% transactional syste% to analytical syste% *BW+. ,ataSo$rces on the transactional syste% nee(s to 4e replicate( on BW si(e an( attache( to infoso$rce an( $p(ate r$les respecti0ely. 8. C=RR)GCI COG-)RSIOGS CAG B) WRI11)G IG = ,A1) R=")S. WHI GO1 IG 1RAGSF)R R=")S? 8+ WHA1 IS ROC),=R) 1O = ,A1) ,A1A IG1O ,A1A 1AR')1S? F="" an( ,)"1A. 8+ AS W) =S) S4.nn, s4i.1, s4i./ for (elta $p(ate in "IS 1H)G WHA1 IS 1H) ROC),=R) IG "O&COCH I1? Go "IS in "O coc#pit. We .ill ha0e (ataso$rces an( can 4e %aintaine( *appen( fiel(s+. Refer .hite paper on "O&Coc#pit extractions.

8+ Why .e (elete the set$p ta4les *"BW'+ E fill the% *O"I6BW+? A+ Initially .e (onFt (elete the set$p ta4les 4$t .hen .e (o chan:e in extract str$ct$re .e :o for it. We r chan:in: the extract str$ct$re ri:ht, that %eans there are so%e a((e( fiel(s in that .hich r not 4efore. So to :et the re9$ire( (ata * i.e.O the (ata .hich is re9$ire( is ta#en an( to a0oi( re($n(ancy+ .e (elete n then fill the set$p ta4les.

1o refresh the statistical (ata. 1he extraction set $p rea(s the (ataset that yo$ .ant to process s$ch as, c$sto%ers or(ers .ith the ta4les li#e -BAH, -BA + E fills the rele0ant co%%$nication str$ct$re .ith the (ata. 1he (ata is store( in cl$ster ta4les fro% .here it is rea( .hen the initialiBation is r$n. It is i%portant that ($rin: initialiBation phase, no one :enerates or %o(ifies application (ata, at least $ntil the ta4les can 4e set $p.

8+ SI'GIFICAGC) of O,S? It hol(s :ran$lar (ata *(etaile( le0el+.

8+ WH)R) 1H) SA ,A1A IS S1OR),? In SA ta4le.

8+ WHA1 IS ,A1A SIK)? 1he 0ol$%e of (ata one (ata tar:et hol(s *in no. of recor(s+

8+ ,ifferent types of IGFOC=B)S. Basic, -irt$al *re%ote, sap re%ote an( %$lti+

-irt$al C$4e is $se( for exa%ple, if yo$ consi(er rail.ays reser0ation all the infor%ation has to 4e $p(ate( online. For (esi:nin: the -irt$al c$4e yo$ ha0e to .rite the f$nction %o($le that is lin#in: to ta4le, -irt$al c$4e it is li#e a the str$ct$re, .hen e0er the ta4le is $p(ate( the 0irt$al c$4e .ill fetch the (ata fro% ta4le an( (isplay report Online... FII.. yo$ .ill :et the infor%ation 2 https2??....s( ?in(ex.s(n an( search for ,esi:nin: -irt$al C$4e an( yo$ .ill :et a :oo( %aterial (esi:nin: the F$nction !o($le

8+ IGFOS)1 8=)RI. Can 4e %a(e of O,SFs an( Characteristic InfoO4>ects .ith %aster(ata.

8+ IF 1H)R) AR) / ,A1ASO=RC)S HOW !AGI 1RAGSF)R S1R=C1=R)S AR) 1H)R). In R?7 or in BW? / in R?7 an( / in BW

8+ RO=1IG)S? )xist in the InfoO4>ect, transfer ro$tines, $p(ate ro$tines an( start ro$tine

8+ BRI)F SO!) S1R=C1=R)S =S), IG B)M. Ro.s an( Col$%ns, yo$ can create str$ct$res.

8+ WHA1 AR) 1H) ,IFF)R)G1 -ARIAB")S =S), IG B)M? ,ifferent -aria4leFs are 1exts, For%$las, Hierarchies, Hierarchy no(es E Characteristic 0al$es. -aria4le 1ypes are !an$al entry ?(efa$lt 0al$e Replace%ent path SA exit C$sto%er exit A$thoriBation 8+ HOW !AGI ")-)"S IO= CAG 'O IG R) OR1IG'? Io$ can (rill (o.n to any le0el 4y $sin: Ga0i:ational attri4$tes an( >$%p tar:ets. 8+ WHA1 AR) IG,)M)S? In(exes are (ata 4ase in(exes, .hich help in retrie0in: (ata fastly. 8+ ,IFF)R)GC) B)1W))G /.1 AG, 7.M -)RSIOGS. HelpN Refer (oc$%entation 8+ IS I1 G)SS)SARI 1O IGI1IA"IK) )ACH 1I!) 1H) ,)"1A = ,A1) IS =S),? Go. 8+ WHA1 IS 1H) SI'GIFICAGC) OF H IFS? H IFs in(icate the perfor%ance of a co%pany. 1hese are #ey fi:$res 8+ AF1)R 1H) ,A1A )M1RAC1IOG WHA1 IS 1H) I!A') OSI1IOG. After i%a:e *correct %e if I a% .ron:+ 8+ R) OR1IG' AG, R)S1RIC1IOGS. HelpN Refer (oc$%entation. 8+ 1OO"S =S), FOR )RFOR!AGC) 1=GIG'. S1//, G$%4er ran:es, (elete in(exes 4efore loa(. )tc 8+ ROC)SS CHAIGS2 IF = has =S), I1 1H)G HOW WI"" = SCH),="IG' ,A1A ,AI"I. 1here sho$l( 4e so%e tool to r$n the >o4 (aily *S!7; >o4s+ 8+ A=1HORIKA1IOGS. rofile :enerator 8+ W)B R) OR1IG'. What are yo$ expectin:?? 8+ CAG CHAR)C1)RS1IC IGFOOBP)C1 CAG B) IGFO RO-I,)R. Of co$rse 8+ ROC),=R)S OF R) OR1IG' OG !="1IC=B)S Refer help. What are yo$ expectin:? !$ltiC$4e .or#s on =nion con(ition

8+ )M "AIG 1RAG SOR1A1IOG OF OBP)C1S? ,e0&&&L8 an( ,e0&&&&&&&L

? W)at types o" partitionin4 are t)ere "or BW; T)ere are two 0artitionin4 0er"or3ance aspects "or BW (!(#e D 0SA ?(ery %ata $etrie2al 0er"or3ance -3pro2e3ent: 0artitionin4 #y (say %ate $an4e i3pro2es data retrie2al #y 3akin4 #est (se o" data#ase Edata ran4eF exec(tion plans and indexes (o" say .racle data#ase en4ine 6 B Transactional /oad 0artitionin4 -3pro2e3ent: 0artitionin4 #ased on expected load 2ol(3es and data ele3ent si5es6 -3pro2es data loadin4 into 0SA and !(#es #y in"opacka4es (E46 wit)o(t ti3eo(ts 6 ? 1ow can - co3pare data in $:3 wit) data in a BW !(#e a"ter t)e daily delta loads; Are t)ere any standard proced(res "or c)eckin4 t)e3 or 3atc)in4 t)e n(3#er o" records; A &o( can 4o to $:3 T!ode $SA3 and r(n t)e extractor6 -t will 4i2e yo( t)e n(3#er o" records extracted6 T)en 4o to BW Monitor to c)eck t)e n(3#er o" records in t)e 0SA and c)eck to see i" it is t)e sa3e D also in t)e 3onitor )eader ta#6 A $SA3 is a si3ple extractor c)ecker pro4ra3 t)at allows yo( to r(le o(t extracts pro#le3s in $:36 -t is si3ple to (se' #(t only really tells yo( i" t)e extractor works6 Since records t)at 4et (pdated into !(#es:.%S str(ct(res are controlled #y Update $(les' yo( will not #e a#le to deter3ine w)at is in t)e !(#e co3pared to w)at is in t)e $:3 en2iron3ent6 &o( will need to co3pare records on a *:* #asis a4ainst records in $:3 transactions "or t)e "(nctional area in >(estion6 - wo(ld reco33end enlistin4 t)e )elp o" t)e end (ser co33(nity to assist since t)ey pres(3a#ly know t)e data6 To (se $SA3' 4o to it and enter t)e extractor ex: =/-SG0=G1%$6 !lick exec(te and yo( will see t)e record co(nt' yo( can also 4o to display t)at data6 &o( are not 3odi"yin4 anyt)in4 so w)at yo( do in $SA3 )as no e""ect on data >(ality a"terwards6 1owe2er' it will not tell yo( )ow 3any records s)o(ld #e expected in BW "or a 4i2en load6 &o( )a2e t)at in"or3ation in t)e 3onitor $SM. d(rin4 and a"ter data loads6 9ro3 $SM. "or a 4i2en load yo( can deter3ine )ow 3any records were passed t)ro(4) t)e trans"er r(les "ro3 $:3' )ow 3any tar4ets were (pdated' and )ow 3any records passed t)ro(4) t)e Update $(les6 -t also 4i2es yo( error 3essa4es "ro3 t)e 0SA6 ? Types o" Trans"er $(les; A 9ield to 9ield 3appin4' !onstant' Aaria#le D ro(tine6 ? Types o" Update $(les; A (!)eck #ox ' $et(rn ta#le ? Trans"er $o(tine; A $o(tines' w)ic) we write in' trans"er r(les6

? Update $o(tine; A $o(tines' w)ic) we write in Update r(les ? W)at is t)e di""erence #etween writin4 a ro(tine in trans"er r(les and writin4 a ro(tine in (pdate r(les; A -" yo( are (sin4 t)e sa3e -n"oSo(rce to (pdate data in 3ore t)an one data tar4et its #etter ( write in trans"er r(les #eca(se ( can assi4n one -n"oSo(rce to 3ore t)an one data tar4et D and w)at e2er lo4ic ( write in (pdate r(les it is speci"ic to partic(lar one data tar4et6

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