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Info Base Innovations.

E-Gift Shoppe Title of the Project

Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Database Server: Microsoft SQL Server-2005

Software Requirements

Client: Microsoft Internet Explorer Tools: Microsoft Vis al St dio !"et-200# ser !nterface: $sp!"et wit% $&ax 'ode (e%ind) '*!"et Processor: Intel Penti + or More

"ar#ware Requirements

Ram: 5,2 M( -a+ "ar# Dis$: P' wit% 20.(


&'(ift Shoppe is a ver/ i+portant feat re sed in e-co++erce to assist people +a0in1 p rc%ases online2 si+ilar to t%e 3S En1lis% ter+ 4s%oppin1 cart5! 6%e 7 siness-to-cons +er aspect of electronic co++erce 8e-co++erce9 is t%e +ost visi7le 7 siness se of t%e World Wide We7! 6%e pri+ar/ 1oal of an e-co++erce site is to sell 1oods and services online! E-co++erce is fast 1ainin1 1ro nd as an accepted and sed 7 siness paradi1+! More and +ore 7 siness %o ses are i+ple+entin1 we7 site providin1 f nctionalit/ for perfor+in1 co++ercial transactions over t%e we7! It is reasona7le to sa/ t%at t%e process of s%oppin1 on t%e we7 is 7eco+in1 co++onplace! &'(ift Shoppe is a ver/ i+portant feat re +a0in1 p rc%ases an/ prod cts online! sed in e-co++erce to assist people

Info Base Innovations.

6%is pro&ect deals wit% developin1 an e-co++erce we7site for online different t/pes of 1ifts! It provides t%e ser wit% a catalo1 of different t/pes of 1ifts availa7le for p rc%ase in t%e store! In order to facilitate online p rc%ase a s%oppin1 cart is provided to t%e ser! 6%e s/ste+ is i+ple+ented sin1 a :-tier approac%2 wit% a 7ac0end data7ase2 a +iddle tier of Microsoft Internet Infor+ation Services 8IIS9 and $SP!"E62 and a we7 7rowser as t%e front end client! 6%e &'(ift Shoppe pro&ect %as 7een developed to allow 7 siness 1rows lar1er and faster! 6%is site will let c sto+ers to view and order prod cts online fro+ an/ part of t%e world! 6%e site sells different t/pes of .ifts! 3nder t%is we7site +an/ prod cts and services can 7e ordered! 6%e &'(ift Shoppe is expanded per+anentl/ t%ro 1% new prod cts and services in order to offer a prod ct portfolio correspondin1 to t%e +ar0et! Private c sto+er and 7 siness c sto+ers can order t%e selected prod cts of t%e &'(ift Shoppe Service online ; ic0l/ and co+forta7l/! 6ar1et 1ro ps of c sto+er of t%e &'(ift Shoppe are % 1e! 6%e c sto+ers can %ave a pa/+ent option t%ro 1% credit card onl/! In order to se t%e load writin1 proced re2 t%e c sto+er re1isters itself and receives a lo1in for its p rc%ases na+e! It is an Internet application! sers of the system: ' sto+er is t%e ser of t%e s/ste+! $n ad+inistrator of t%e we7site is t%e s per ser! W%en t%e ser t/pes in t%e 3-L of t%e we7site2 a Welco+e pa1e is s%own w%ic% %as a +en on t%e left %and side2 a 7anner at t%e top and an/ related lin0s to ot%er sites! 6%is site contains an online catalo1 for t%e ser! 3ser %as to lo1in to Welco+e Pa1e 7efore orderin1 an/t%in1! Lo1in f nctionalit/ s%o ld c%ec0 t%e a t%enticit/ of t%e ser fro+ t%e data7ase! P RPOS& O) T"& PRO*&CT : 6%e &'(ift Shoppe needs to sell different t/pes of prod cts to c sto+er livin1 in an/ part of t%e world! 6%e we7site will s%ow all prod cts in cate1ori<ed +anner! ' sto+er can 7rowse an/ prod ct for its price and ot%er details and can order t%e prod ct! =rders needs to acco+pan/ wit% s%ippin1 > 7illin1 details! ' sto+er %as to pa/ order a+o nt online t%ro 1% credit cards! Prod cts can 7e +ana1ed 7/ operators fro+ ad+in panel! =perator can 7e created 7/ ad+in! $d+in can 0eep trac0 of orders t%ro 1% ad+in panel! 6%e +ain p rpose of t%e s/ste+ is to ena7le c sto+ers to 7rowse and order fro+ an/ part of t%e world and %ence increasin1 7 siness scope!

+, &-!ST!.( S/ST&0 6%e existin1 s/ste+ is +an al s/ste+! "eeds to 7e converted into a to+ated s/ste+! -is0 of +is+ana1e+ent of data! Less Sec rit/!

Info Base Innovations.

"o proper coordination 7etween different $pplications and 3sers! ?ewer 3sers - ?riendl/! $cc rac/ not 1 aranteed! "ot in reac% of distant sers!

1, PROPOS&D S/ST&0 6%e develop+ent of t%e new s/ste+ contains t%e followin1 activities2 w%ic% tr/ to a to+ate t%e entire process 0eepin1 in view of t%e data7ase inte1ration approac%! ,! 3ser friendliness is provided in t%e application wit% vario s controls! 2! 6%e s/ste+ +a0es t%e overall pro&ect +ana1e+ent + c% easier and flexi7le! :! 6%ere is no ris0 of data +is+ana1e+ent at an/ level w%ile t%e pro&ect develop+ent is nder process! @! It provides %i1% level of sec rit/ wit% different level of a t%entication! 5! 3sers fro+ an/ part of t%e world can +a0e se of t%e s/ste+! A! "ew s/ste+ will process acc rate res lts! B! "ew s/ste+ will 7e + c% 7etter in perfor+ance as co+pared to existin1 one! 2, 0OD 3&S: ,! -e1istration Mod le 2! Prod cts (rowse Mod le :! Prod cts Searc% Mod le @! S%oppin1 cart Mod le 5! S%ippin1 > (illin1 Mod le A! Pa/+ent Mod le B! $d+in 3ser Mana1e+ent Mod le #! $d+in 'atalo1 Mana1e+ent Mod le C! $d+in =rder Mana1e+ent Mod le &ntities !nvolve# in the Project: ,9 29 :9 @9 59 ' sto+er Prod ct We7site $d+inistrator =perator =rder

Info Base Innovations.

Customer: 6%e tar1et ser of t%e s/ste+! $ ' sto+er is responsi7le for re1isterin1 t%e+ to t%e site2 7rowsin1 site2 placin1 orders and +a0in1 pa/+ents! Pro#uct: Prod ct is t%e entit/2 a c sto+er loo0in1 for! $ Prod ct will 7e sold to t%e c sto+er! 4ebsite %#ministrator: $n entit/ responsi7le for +ana1in1 privile1es! sers2 roles and roles

Operator: =perator is a person 8entit/9 responsi7le for +ana1in1 prod cts and orders! Or#er) =rder is an entit/ w%ic% descri7es t%e 7 siness transaction!

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