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Copyright r9gr Revised edition, copyright 1948) by W. W. Norton & Co, First published by Victor Goltanc# Ltel., 1999 Reismsed April, 1959) Musical [hustrations drawn by MARIO CARMOSINO PRINTED Oh OMEAT mAITAIN BY Lows AND HAYEONE (PRINTERS CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Jt w we | hd SCALES AND INTERVALS ‘TRIADS HARMONIC PROGRESSION TONALITY AND MODALITY HARMONIG RHYTHM THE HARMONIC STRUCTURE OF THE PHRASE HARMONIZATION QF A GIVEN PART MODULATION CHORDS OF THE SIXTH—THE FIGURED BASS NONHARMONIC TONES THE SIX-FOUR CHORD CADENCES: THE DOMINANT SEVENTH CHORD SECONDARY DOMINANTS IRREGULAR RESOLUTIONS THE DIMINISHED SEVEN'T! THE INCOMPLETE MAJOR NINTH THE COMPLETE DOMINANT NINTH THE SEQUENCE NONDOMINANT HARMONY—SEV NINTH, ELEVENTH, AND THIRT THE RAISED SUPERTONIC AND SUB ‘CHORD eENTH CHORDS TH CHORDS DIANT rot 17 135 138 150 163 176 189 200 ana 239 255 BY THE SAME AUTHOR: OUNTERPOINT “A most admirable bee ric Blom (Observer) “A study of music in which every example comes from a fine score and sends the reader to it. No wonder it has been hailed by those who wish that such s book had be May it be widely read" —The Moate 7 vailable in our young days. ORCHESTRATION "T ean say without the slightest doubt that the main part of the book is very fine indecd and far and away better than anything I have seen before” —Sir Adri “First cate~—all it says bas such practical value and it isn’t chattered up with a lot of archaic information, I particularly like the wide wnuge DF illustrations’ —Estric Curnde “A valuable addition to the library of works on this subject, The author rightly insists that scoring i an art of creative imagina- tion and that bis examples are pot intended for imitation but rather to encourage the student to develop what originality he has in his own way, when anec he has taken a Girm grasp of fundamental rinciples "—Dr. Gordon Jacob “My only regrat is that this brilliant and stimulating bouk was not written in my awe student days, for ic would have saved wa through many volumes twice the size and not neatly so illuminating, The author has a rare gift for clear exposition Tyre or expert, composer, conductor, arranger or student, should all find the book invaluable, and the amateur musiclover with sufficient ity te read the cxamples would also fnd 31 a fascinating study h tich results te offer in enlargi Hicerpoot Post is musical horizon!’ — “A wonderful and inply workmanlike job. a buok which i so valuable ag to be indispensable 10 every student of the subject. . , The presentation has the direcencss and che chirity of the tue teacher"— The Music Teacher value to the “Its practic It book is the first rca) expos: technique, A most valuable book Maga zane, is very high. Professor Piston's of cwenticth-century orchestral — Humphrey Searle (B.B.C. Music HARMONY by WALTER PISTON PROFESSOR OF MUNTC, E

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