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2009 - 2014

20.03.2014 AMENDMENTS 1-3 Pilar Del Castillo (A7-0000/0000) Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Coun il la!ing do"n mea#ure# on erning the European $ingle %ar&et for Ele troni Communi ation# Proposal for a regulation C'%(2013)0)27 - 2013/030*(C'+)

Amendment# reated "ith

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Amendment 1 Marietje Sc aa!e on .ehalf of the A/+E ,roup Proposal for a regulation Article " - Definitions Text proposed by the Commission 12)a (new) "net neutrality" means the principle that all internet traffic is treated equally, without discrimination, restriction or interference, independent of its sender, receiver, type, content, device, service or application;

Amendment " #ens $o de on .ehalf of the A/+E ,roup Proposal for a regulation Article " % Definitions

Text proposed by the Commission (14) 0internet a e## #er1i e0 mean# a l! a1aila.le ele troni ommuni ation# #er1i e that pro1ide# onne ti1it! to the internet2 and there.! onne ti1it! .et"een 1irtuall! all end point# onne ted to the internet2 irre#pe ti1e of the net"or& te hnolog! u#ed3 (14) 0#pe iali#ed #er1i e0 mean# an ele troni ommuni ation# #er1i e or any other service that provides the capability to access specific content, applications or services, or a combination thereof, and whose technical characteristics are controlled from end-to-end or provides the capability to send or receive data to or from a determined number of parties or endpoints; and that i# not mar&eted or "idel! u#ed a# a #u.#titute for internet a e## #er1i e3

Amendment (14) 5internet a e## #er1i e6 mean# a l! a1aila.le ele troni ommuni ation# #er1i e that pro1ide# onne ti1it! to the internet in accordance with the principle of net neutrality, and there.! onne ti1it! .et"een 1irtuall! all end point# of the internet2 irre#pe ti1e of the net"or& te hnologie# or terminal equipment u#ed3 (1 ) 5#pe iali#ed #er1i e6 mean# an ele troni ommuni ation# #er1i e optimised for specific content, applications or services, or a combination thereof, provided over lo!ically distinct capacity, relyin! on strict admission control, offerin! functionality requirin! enhanced quality from end to end and that i# not mar&eted or u#a.le a# a #u.#titute for internet a e## #er1i e3


Amendment 3 #ens $o de& Marietje Sc aa!e on .ehalf of the A/+E ,roup Proposal for a regulation Article "3 - 'reedom to pro(ide and a(ail of open internet access& and reasona)le traffic management Text proposed by the Commission 1. End-u#er# #hall be free to a e## and di#tri.ute information and ontent2 run appli ation# and u#e #er1i e# of their hoi e via their internet access service" #nd-users shall be free to enter into a!reements on data volumes and speeds with providers of internet access services and, in accordance with any such a!reements relative to data volumes, to avail of any offers by providers of internet content, applications and services" 2. #nd-users shall also be free to a!ree with either providers of electronic communications to the public or with providers of content, applications and services on the provision of specialised services with an enhanced quality of service" $n order to enable the provision of specialised services to end-users, providers of content, applications and services and providers of electronic communications to the public shall be free to enter into a!reements with each other to transmit the related data volumes or traffic as specialised services with a defined quality of service or dedicated capacity" %he provision of specialised services shall not impair in a recurrin! or continuous manner the !eneral quality of internet access services" 3. %his &rticle is without pre'udice to (nion or national le!islation related to the lawfulness of the information, content, application or services transmitted" 4" %he e)ercise of the freedoms provided for in para!raphs 1 and 2 shall be facilitated by the provision of complete information in accordance with &rticle Amendment 1" End-u#er# #hall have the ri!ht to a e## and di#tri.ute information and ontent2 run and pro1ide appli ation# and #er1i e# and u#e terminal# of their hoi e2 irrespective of the end-user*s or provider*s location or the location, ori!in or destination of the service, information or content, via their internet access service" +2nd subpar deleted, 2" -roviders of internet access, of electronic communications to the public and providers of content, applications and services shall be free to offer specialised services to end-users" .uch services shall only be offered if the networ/ capacity is sufficient to provide them in addition to internet access services and they are not to the detriment of the availability or quality of internet access services" -roviders of internet access to end-users shall not discriminate between functionally equivalent services and applications" +2nd subpar deleted, +0rd par deleted, 4" #nd-users shall be provided with complete information in accordance with &rticle 21(2), &rticle 21(0) and &rticle 21a of 2irective 21123223#4, includin! information on any (deletion) traffic mana!ement measures applied that mi!ht affect access to and distribution of information, content, applications and services as specified in para!raphs 1 and 2 of this &rticle" " -roviders of internet access services 3/4

2 (1), &rticle 25 (2), and &rticle 26 (1) and (2)" 4. 7ithin the limits of any contractually a!reed data volumes or speeds for internet access services2 pro1ider# of internet a e## #er1i e# #hall not re#tri t the freedom# pro1ided for in paragraph 1 .! .lo &ing2 #lo"ing do"n2 degrading or di# riminating again#t #pe ifi ontent2 appli ation# or #er1i e#2 or #pe ifi la##e# thereof2 e7 ept in a#e# "here it i# ne e##ar! to appl! reasonable traffi management mea#ure#. 8easonable traffi management mea#ure# #hall .e tran#parent2 non-di# riminator!2 proportionate and ne e##ar! toa) implement a le!islative provision or a ourt order2 or pre1ent or impede #eriou# rime#3 .) pre#er1e the integrit! and #e urit! of the net"or&2 #er1i e# pro1ided 1ia thi# net"or&2 and the end-u#er#8 terminal#3 c) prevent the transmission of unsolicited communications to end-users who have !iven their prior consent to such restrictive measures; d) minimise the effe t# of temporar! or e7 eptional net"or& onge#tion pro1ided that e9ui1alent t!pe# of traffi are treated e9uall!. 8easonable traffic mana!ement shall only entail processin! of data that is necessary and proportionate to achieve the purposes set out in this para!raph"

and end-users may a!ree to set limits on data volumes or speeds for internet access services" Pro1ider# of internet a e## #er1i e# #hall not re#tri t the freedom# pro1ided for in paragraph 1 .! .lo &ing2 #lo"ing do"n2 alterin!, di# riminating or degrading #pe ifi ontent2 appli ation# or #er1i e#2 or #pe ifi la##e# thereof2 e7 ept in a#e# "here it i# ne e##ar! to appl! traffi management mea#ure#. :raffi management mea#ure# #hall .e tran#parent2 non-di# riminator!2 proportionate and ne e##ar! toa) implement a ourt order3 .) pre#er1e the integrit! and #e urit! of the net"or&2 #er1i e# pro1ided 1ia thi# net"or&2 and the end-u#er#8 terminal#3 d) prevent or miti!ate the effe t# of temporar! and e7 eptional net"or& onge#tion pro1ided that e9ui1alent t!pe# of traffi are treated e9uall!. %raffic mana!ement measures shall not be maintained lon!er than necessary" 7ithout pre'udice to 2irective 9 345, traffic mana!ement measures shall only entail such processin! of personal data that is necessary and proportionate to achieve the purposes set out in this para!raph, and shall also be sub'ect to 2irective 21123 :, in particular with respect to confidentiality of communications" -roviders of internet access services shall put in place appropriate, clear, open and efficient procedures aimed at addressin! complaints alle!in! breaches of this &rticle" .uch procedures shall be without pre'udice to the end-users ri!ht to refer the matter to the national re!ulatory authority"


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