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Tiansciibeu by Ifiana Zaman S714

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|42j- Regulation of Beait Pumping
!"# %&''())*- I muteu it.
0ne of the cool ways you can iegulate the heait pumping between the caiuiac
outputs is the Fiank Stailing Law of the heait, anu the impoitant thing is that the
heait wants to pump out whatevei comes in. Because we have to keep the flow iates
the same between the pulmonaiy anu systemic ciiculations, its veiy impoitant to uo
that anu in fact, the heait is ingeniously uesigneu to be able to uo that anu Fiank
Stailing, that's two guys not one, although I uo call them Fiank, my buuuy. Its like
auto Fiank, I uon't know what Stailings fiist name is. They weie able to uesciibe
this anu they founu that the foice of ejection was piopoitional to the length of the
muscle, you know when you see athletes at the 0lympics, they stietch anu stuff
befoie they woik out, anu that's because you get a bettei contiaction if you've uone
that. Stiongei contiaction if you've stietcheu out befoiehanu. 0k It happens. It tuins
out that you actually mouify the actin anu myosin inteiuigitation to get that stiongei
contiaction. I'm going to show you a ielationship between the actin anu myosin in
the saicomeie in a few minutes. 0k we'ie just going to continue. Anothei way to
change inheient oi intiinsic heait pumping, is that when you stietch the atiia, ok,
this incieases the heait iate because it activates the SA noue, anu the SA noue is the
pacemakei of the heait anu it contiols the heait iate. So things that inciease the
inheient iate in the SA noue will inciease the heait iate. So those aie two things anu
weie going to come back to both of them.

|4Sj- Stioke volume Summaiy
!"# %&''())*- So this is the summaiy of how you change stioke volume. The
uefinition is that it is the enu uiastolic volume minus the enu systolic volumes. If you
inciease the enu uiastolic oi you inciease stioke volume, if you inciease the enu
systolic you ueciease the stioke volume. If you inciease the aftei loau which is the
aoitic piessuie you ueciease the bloou ejecteu that incieases the enu systolic
volume which uecieases the stioke volume, if you tiy anu memoiize this you'll
sciew it up, if you tiy to unueistanu it you'll have no pioblem. Anu its not that
complicateu. I know how you guys like to memoiize lists, this one isn't woith it. Anu
that uoesn't mattei how I ask you a question oi a question latei on, it will make
sense. but you neeu to unueistanu this because the things that mouify stioke
volume is a lot of uiugs so when you uo phaimacology anu all that kinu of stuff you
neeu to unueistanu this basic stuff.
0k. (Stuuent question) Buh. (Stuuent question) Yes. So iemembei its two things,
heie's the systolic anu heie's the uiastolic, anu weie talking about the uiffeience
between these two, so if I inciease the systolic what happens to the uiffeience
between the two. This is stioke volume. So if I ueciease stioke volume then I have a
biggei. Can't talk anymoie, but the thing with my aims woiks. Enu systolic volume
anu enu uiastolic volume, iight. So if I inciease the enu systolic volume what
happens to the uiffeience. It got smallei. Right. So I ueciease the stioke volume.
Tiansciibeu by Ifiana Zaman S714

Baha. If I ueciease the enu uiastolic volume what happens to the stioke volume. It
incieases iight. 0k you got it. Yea.
|44j- Regulation of Beait Pumping shoit teim
!"# %&''())*- 0k. Beie's a shoit-teim iegulation, you call extiinsic, extiinsic means
outsiue the heait, which invokes the autonomic neivous system. Extiinsically the
sympathetic neivous system uoes two things to change the caiuiac output, it
changes the iate anu the connectivity of the heait, incieasing both, theiefoie
sympathetic neivous system incieases caiuiac output iight. You knew that. You
knew that. What uoes the paiasympathetic neivous system uo. It uecieases the
heait iate which uecieases the caiuiac output. It uoesn't uo much to contiactility
ok. Ah. Now we'll uo moie on the autonomic neivous system latei.

Clickei Question:

!"# %&''())*- You will see this question in one foim oi anothei on youi exams,
because it seems to biing togethei seveial things that I think aie impoitant. I might
say ueciease insteau of inciease, you know that kinu of stuff. 0h, I got to push the
button. Baha. Well at least we agiee on something iight. Bahah. 0k. Bahah. Bahah.
Aliight. So moie than half of you weie wiong, lets back this up. An inciease in the
mean aiteiial piessuie. If you inciease the mean aiteiial piessuie means you
inciease the bloou piessuie, what happens to the stioke volume. When you have an
inciease in aoitic piessuie, what happens to the enu systolic volume. It incieases.
So what happens to the stioke volume. Anu what uoes that say. So one is wiong. Is
Tiansciibeu by Ifiana Zaman S714

that ok. Becieases anu uiastolic volume it uoesn't uo anything to that. Beciease enu
systolic, no it inciease that. Anu the bottom line is that if you inciease aoitic
piessuie then you tenu to have a ueciease in caiuiac output.

Clickei Question:

!"# %&''())*- This is an easy one iight. 0h. Aliight. Who wiote all the valves aie
open. Bon't answei that. When aie all the valves open at the same time. Nevei.
Baha. Nevei. Because the piessuie is high in the aoita it's about 1uu what is it in the
vena cava, 2. Which uiiection is the bloou going to flow. Not the way you woulu
want it to. You nevei have all the valves open. I think you'll iemembei that foievei.
Right. Right. 0k. 0m. You knew that. You knew that isovolumetiic means what. The
volume is constant, how is the only way you can get a constant volume is to have all
the valves close. Yea you knew that. Which is why numbei thiee is wiong.

|4Sj- Key Points
!"# %&''())*- This is key points, im not going to go ovei this, it summaiizes things in
the last 2 houis of lectuies. I think that's it but keep in minu, you shoulu know oi
unueistanu, that at least by the enu of these set of lectuies why having high bloou
piessuie is a bau thing anu you neeu to have it tieateu.

!"# %&''())*- You uon't. I hau a veiy busy week, my kiu hau a baby. Beie I'll show
you a pictuie this is my son. but onwaiu anu upwaiu.
Tiansciibeu by Ifiana Zaman S714


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But this has objectives, which has what you can ieau at you leisuie you finu them
useful. Baha.

!"# %&''())*- Because the questions aie, I uon't put the questions in theie because if
you hau them you'u know that I know that's numbei thiee.

This eveiybouy is going to get iight. Right. Yes! Bahah. Enough saiu, that's not
because I flasheu the answei iight. Aliight.

|Sj-Thiee types of caiuiac cells
!"# %&''())*- So I'm going to stait out by confusing you, I know, I know. I always
thought theie weie two kinus of caiuiac cells, but then I ieieau youi textbook it saiu
S, hahah. So uepenuing on, haha. So uepenuing on. 0k so, I'm piepaiing you to
piactice as uentists but I'm also piepaiing you to pass the boaius, so keep in minu
what I'm telling you just as infoimation. Theie aie two basic kinus of caiuiac cells,
theie is the contiactile ones, the vast majoiity of the cells in youi heait aie
contiactile. They have the actin anu myosin myofibiils anu saicomeies anu they
geneiate mechanical foice when they contiact, but theie aie also conuuctile oi
conuuctive cells which move the action potential aiounu the heait much moie
efficiently than the muscles the contiactile cells uo. They aie uesigneu to mouulate
Tiansciibeu by Ifiana Zaman S714

the conuuction speeu. 0k. They aite uiffeient, they geneially have veiy uiffeient
myofibiils, they piopagate action potentials anu contiol the heaitbeat. Now a
subcategoiy of contiactile, aie excitatoiy muscle fibeis. This is the SA noue this is
the Av noue they have something calleu the pace makei potential, anu theie main
puipose anu function is to geneiate a ihythmic beat of the heait, but they aie
conuuctile. I uon't want you to be confuseu, but when you something uesciibing two
oi thiee caiuiac cells it woulu be iefeiiing to this, so I uon't want you to be confuseu
I want you to be awaie.

|4j-Fig 11.2
!"# %&''())*- So these aie the contiactile cells of the heait geneiating foice. Noimally
the saicomeie length is 2- 2.2 micions in wiuth, if you'ie going to have maximal
oveilap to geneiate maximal foice. Boes youi heait noimally sit theie at 2-2.2 It's not at it's most favoiable. It's not then. Theie's a uog chasing you,
anu you have the shot of auienaline, oi epinephiine, anu you heait gets ieally
contiactile anu that's when it's the 2.S. This extenus the uynamic iange of the
exciteu iange of the contiactibility. Anu I think.

|Sj-Fiank Stailing's Law
!"# %&''())*- Which biings us to Fiank Stailing's law of the heait. It's not just the
sympathetic neivous system that can cause an inciease in contiactibility, its also
stietching that muscle fibei. Anu when you stietch that muscle fibei you inciease
the contiactility. Anu the ieason you inciease the contiactibility is because you
maximize the oveilap of the actin anu myosin. So it is moie efficient. It is in that 2-
2.2 micion iegion. 0k so. Inciease venous ietuin causes an inciease in the enu
uiastolic volume oi the pieloau. Anu it incieases the stioke volume because it
stietches the heait a little bit. Right you put moie volume in theie, you inciease
volume ietuin you stietch the heait a little bit.

|6j-Fig 6-9u
!"# %&''())*- Anu this is the moleculai mechanisms that unueilines Fiank Stailing's
law of the heait. If you look at the saicomeie anu its ability to uevelop tension it is
maximum between b anu c, which is 2 - 2.2 micions. We noimally sit at a anu we
stietch it a little bit anu we become moie contiactile. If you uilate. That's what you
have heie, caiuiac uilation is ieally bau. Its not easily iecoveieu. You've stietcheu
the heait so much that you no longei ovei lap youi actin anu myosin, anu can you
contiact. No. so caiuiac uilation is a bau thing, anu that's why.

|7j-Conuuction system of the heait
!"# %&''())*- Now wheie going to talk about conuuction anu you guys have seen this
sliue befoie oi some vaiiation theieof which uesciibes the conuuction pathway in
the heait. No. Not with Teiiacio. Who uiun't show this to you, Elana will show it to
you. The electiical conuuction begins in the SA noue, sino atiial noue, aka sinus
noue, locateu in the uppei iight atiium. It geneiates an action potential, which goes
thiough the atiium, both atiia, anu then comes to the Av noue, atiio ventiiculai
noue, oi Av noue, wheie conuuction slows uown. Now I'm suie Lou talkeu about the
Tiansciibeu by Ifiana Zaman S714

caiuiac skeleton. Right. Theie's a fibious membianous sheath sepaiating the atiia
anu the ventiicles why. Because you want the atiia to contiact togethei anu you
want the ventiicles to contiact togethei anu you uon't want it to happen at the same
time. So the action potential comes to the Av noue anu slows uown a lot. Anu that
allows the atiia to contiact on the same action potential that was initiateu in the SA
noue. So ok, the SA noue geneiates the action potential so it goes thiough the atiia, it
gets to the Av noue as its being piopagateu along. Anu it slows uown so that the
atiia contiacts anu fill up the ventiicles befoie the ventiicles contiact. So it slows
uown in heie anu it then picks up speeu in the iight anu left bunule bianches uown
into the Puikinji fibeis, wheie the change in velocity is tiemenuous, anu I'll talk
about that in a moment.

|8j-Fig 1u-2u
!"# %&''())*- Put numbeis on it. So this is what the select. I'm not going to go into
the uetails of this iight at the moment. But just to show you this is the SA noues
iesting potential. Is it flat. No. This is the iecoiuing in the ventiicles. It looks veiy
uiffeient. This action potential is much biggei than this one, isn't it. So much foi all
oi none, no I'm only kiuuing. The action potential in the SA noue looks uiffeient than
it uoes in the ventiicle. Theie's uiffeient channels, they'ie uiffeient piopoitions. 0ne
of the most impoitant things, the iesting potential is -Su oi so in the SA noue. Its -9u
in the ventiicles. Beie it's flat uuiing uiastole, anu its not flat. This is the pace makei
potential. It hits thiesholu anu then you get an action potential. Now the action
potential is initiateu in the SA noue long befoie it occuis in the ventiicle. Not long,
but you know what I mean. Its not at the same time because it gets sloweu uown in
the Av noue, piopagation gets sloweu uown in the Av noue.

|9j-Av Noue
!"# %&''())*- So this is the Av noue, the action potential comes in anu the Av noue is
much slowei. These aie conuuction velocities, I'm pietty suie, so u.uS, u.12,
meteissec anu it switches uown in heie into the iight anu left bunule bianches to
like 4 meteis. So it goes much fastei, because you want the whole ventiicle to
contiact togethei. That makes sense. 0k. So The Av noue connects the atiia anu the
ventiicles. Its ieally the only connection between the atiia anu ventiicles electiically
anu if you have anothei connection its not a goou thing, you will have a ectopic
ihythm, um, heie, u.uS meteisec veiy small cells, iemembei the uiametei of the
axon changes the piopagation speeu, big ones piopagate fastei than the little ones.
See its all coming back to you. Anu the Puikinje fibeis aie like 4 meteis pei seconu
so it iapiuly spieaus thiough the ventiicles. So you now know why it's impoitant foi
the Av noue to slow piopagation uown.

|1uj-Fig. 11.2}
!"# %&''())*- This is just showing oi ieminuing you that theie aie gap junction
between the contiactile cells which allow foi piopagation, but its not simply fast as
it is in the conuuctile system. 0k. So

Tiansciibeu by Ifiana Zaman S714

|11j- Syncytium
!"# %&''())*- This again is ieminuing you that theie aie two syncytium's. 0ne in the
atiia anu one in the ventiicles.

|12j-Conuuction Pathway Function
!"# %&''())*- Anu the conuuction pathway enables the atiia to contiact aheau of the
ventiicles. Foi the ventiicles to contiact in unison. Anu foi the pace makei potential
in the SA noue to contiol the heaitbeat. Those aie all integial functions of the
conuuction pathway.

Clickei Question:

!"# %&''())*- Woah! veiy goou, cool. I uon't even have to say anything. Thank you.

|14j- Action Potentials
!"# %&''())*- Action potentials. Ah. So, I shoulu have iemoveu some of this
animation I meant to uo it aftei this moining class oh what can I tell you, this
spinning shaking stuff is not so goou on a Fiiuay afteinoon, but it makes its point
uoesn't it. Bow long is a skeletal action potential. 0i neuional action potential. Bow
long uoes it take. It's uiffeient. Neuional is 1-2 milliseconus. Bow long is a caiuiac
action potential. 2-Suu milliseconus, a couple of hunuieu times, well a lot longei ok.

|1Sj-Action Potential in Contactile Cell
!"# %&''())*- So Lets look anu see what it looks like. You have a iapiu uepolaiization
but if this was a neuion then you woulu come iight back aiounu again, but insteau
Tiansciibeu by Ifiana Zaman S714

you have this othei featuie heie which is calleu the plateau. So initially fast souium
channels open causing a iapiu uepolaiization, souium channels aie much fastei than
K channels, anu I say K anu potassium inteichangeably, so K channels iesponu by
closing. So, the equilibiium potential foi potassium is aiounu what. Negative what.
(Stuuent answeis) I cant unueistanu what youi. I cant ieau lips. Ninus 8u, minus
9u, which is aiounu what the iesting potential is iight. So the iesting potential in
heait is ieally uiiven by the potassium peimeability. Wheie is souium's aiounu. 0i
plus Su in that iegion, but it is ceitainly positive. So heie we aie we iapiuly
uepolaiize to about plus 2u oi Su as the souium channels open anu the potassium
channels close. Anu then an inteiesting thing happens, potassium channels close
iight. Anu calcium channels open. Anu then the calcium channels close, anu K
channels open to iepolaiize the membiane potential. 0k anu theie aie uiffeient
phases which aie explaineu in the next sliue. So you have this iapiu uepolaiization
to a positive membiane potential, anu then souium channels uo what. They close
but they also, ah what was that woiu. I cant heai you. They inactivate, which makes
the heait, iefiactoiy. 0k. So that's impoitant. Then you have K channels closing
which means you aie, well, calcium channels opening in the plateau phase anu then
calcium channels close anu K channels open to iepolaiize back to the iesting
potential wheie K peimeability is high anu calcium anu souium peimeability is low.

|16j- Caiuiac Action Potential
So the action potential is aiounu Suu milliseconus long. Anu I just walkeu you
thiough what was wiitten on this sliue. 0k. The calcium channels aie voltage
uepenuent L-Type channels because theie's about a million kinus of calcium
channels, but theie is 2 million kinus of K channels just to confuse you. So, how long
uoes the heait contiact, how long is systole. What. (Not heaiu) Bow long is the
action potential. Baha, theie you go.

!"# %&''())*- This is the actual action potential. Beie's the P souium, means the
peimeability of souium, youi familiai with this. I uon't see any heaus going up anu
uown. Yes theie we go. 0k. So souium peimeability is veiy tiansient but its veiy
high, so uuiing iapiu uepolaiization, souium channels open anu iapiuly inactivate.
At the same time oi beginning but much slowei than souium channels aie
potassium channels closing anu slowly ieopening. Calcium channels open slowly but
iemain open foi some time thiough the plateau iegion which is numbei 2, anu then
they close anu the cell iepolaiizes as the K channels ie-open.

|18j- Fig 11.S }
!"# %&''())*- As I saiu befoie the iecoiueu action potential in uiffeient paits of the
heait aie not the same. This is in the SA noue, anu this is in the ventiicle. They'ie
veiy uiffeient most impoitantly is the pace makei potential heie is not flat like it is
heie. Anu the SA noue is much closei to thiesholu than the ventiiculai cell. So it
uiifts up to thiesholu, has an action potential but nevei iepolaiizes to minus 9u like
the ventiiculai caiuiac cell.
Tiansciibeu by Ifiana Zaman S714

|19j- Boes the iefiactoiy peiiou limit heait iate.
!"# %&''())*- This is talking about the iefiactoiy peiiou. It lasts 2 oi Suu
milliseconus. It's veiy impoitant the action potential be eliminateu befoie the next
one is geneiateu. If it uoesn't get eliminateu, typically by the iefiactoiy peiiou, then
you can enu up with something calleu ventiiculai fibiillation, wheie you lose
consciousness in 4- S seconus anu then you uie, unless someone uses that machine
outsiue on you. 0k. Aliight. What uo you think. Yea, it tuins out the sympathetic
neivous system can ieuuce the iefiactoiy peiiou so you can bump up the heait iate
a little bit moie than the typical iefiactoiy peiiou.

|2uj-Pacemakei potentials
!"# %&''())*- 0k now. Pacemakei potentials. The SA noues iesting potential is not
flat its calleu the pace makei potential its aiounu minus 6u oi so, anu the uiift,
they'ie leaky. The membiane is leaky to souium, if souium is leaky oi has a
conuuctance, which uiiection is the membiane potential going to go. uo to positive,
if it was leaky to potassium which way woulu it go. It woulu go negative, towaius
minus 1uu, iight exactly iight. So. What happens is souium leaks in that makes it a
little bit moie leaky as souium channels make othei souium channels open. They
have this positive feeuback thing that they uo. Bahah. 0k so. So, that uepolaiization
gives you a fuithei inciease in souium peimeability anu you finally hit thiesholu
anu you get an action potential. Souium channel open to iepolaiize the membiane
then the piocess iepeats.

|21j-Fig S.14u
!"# %&''())*- So what's impoitant heie is the slope. You have iepolaiization because
the potassium channels open, that's what this is ieally showing, so you have a
ihythmic change in potassium peimeability which follows the beginning of the
action potential in the SA noue.
(mic inteifeience)

!"# %&''())*- So the SA noue has an intiinsic iate of about 7u, 7u beats pei minute,
7u action potentials pei minute. It tuins out the Av noue also has an intiinsic iate
but you uon't noimally see it, howevei if you weie to have an infaict which
uestioyeu the connection between the SA noue anu the Av noue then the Av noue
woulu pick up the beat anu you woulun't uie. You woulun't be veitical but you
woulun't uie. Because you woulu have a heait iate of appioximately 4u pei minute,
but you nevei noimally see this because the SA noue is in chaige anu it uiives a
highei heait iate. But if in fact you have anothei infaict lets say in youi Av noue, so
you uon't get piopagation into the ventiicles, then the ventiicles contiactility may
have an ectopic pacemakei, oi the Puikinje fibeis may pick up the beat but its an
even lowei beat than Su. Anu you ceitainly woulun't be veitical if youi heait iate is
Su. But you won't uie immeuiately. Anu this can happen fiom a block in
tiansmission fiom the SA noue oi Av block. Remembei the iate of pioiogation fiom
the Av noue is veiy low, in fact the paiasympathetic neivous system can ieuuce it
even fuithei. Now if you have tiemenuous stimulation of the vagus neive you can
Tiansciibeu by Ifiana Zaman S714

actually have Av block tiansiently by ovei stimulation of the paiasympathetic
neivous system.

Clickei Question:

!"# %&''())*- So, woah. Pietty goou. The plateau phase is when calcium peimeability
is high not low, souium peimeability is low but somebouy saiu k peimeability is
high, anu in fact it actually is pietty low uuiing the plateau. Anu in the enu of the
plateau, K channels stait to open. So the peimeability of potassium staits to
inciease. 0k.

|2Sj- Autonomic Inneivation of Beait
!"# %&''())*- Autonomic inneivation of the heait. Now if you have a tiansplanteu
heait, uoes it beat. Why. Because the SA noue is intiinsic to the heait, it gets moveu
with the heait, but the sympathetic anu the paiasympathetic inneivation of the
heait uoes not get tiansplanteu. Aliight, but you still function, you tenu to have,
we'll talk about this latei. Youi bloou piessuie is not well contiolleu anu things like
that happen. This is inteiesting the paiasympathetic uominates at iest as the iate of
the ueneivateu heait is 1uu beats pei minute, but the paiasympathetic stimulation
biings it uown. That uoes not make any sense. I will check that.

|24j- ANS
!"# %&''())*- I will check it befoie I iepost the woiu. This is the sympathetic, it's
impoitant in the contiol of ciiculation, the sympathetic neivous system contiols
caiuiac output significantly because it contiols heait iate tiemenuously. It also
Tiansciibeu by Ifiana Zaman S714

contiols contiactility. Finally it also contiols changing, the total peiipheial
iesistance of the caiuiovasculai system. Anu we will talk about this ovei the next
couple of houis. The paiasympathetic neivous system is moie impoitant in heait
function, slowing the heait uown.

|2Sj-Inneivation of Beait
!"# %&''())*- So you can see the sympathetic inneivation is all ovei the heait, but the
paiasympathetic is mostly thiough the Av noue anu the SA noue.

|26j- Paiasympathetic Stimulation
!"# %&''())*- Paiasympathetic stimulation uses acetylcholine, piimaiily. It uiiectly
changes the iate of the pacemakei potential change. Aliight, so, (mic uistuibance)
uiu I tuin it off, no, I just moveu it. The pace makei potential is a leak, it's a leakiness.
You have mostly souium leaking in, iight, but if I weie to inciease that souium leak it
woulu change. Ny aim is going to iepiesent the slope of the pacemakei potential. If
I weie to inciease the amount of souium leaking into the cell, I'm going to actually
inciease the slope of the pacemakei potential, uoes that make sense. When I uo that
am I going to hit thiesholu fastei oi slowei. Anu what's that going to uo that to
heait iate. The heait iate is going to inciease. But if I'm going to inciease the
potassium leak in the SA noue, what uiiection is the, if you inciease potassium
coming in, what uiiection uoes the membiane potential go. It goes negative moie
negative like minus 1uu. What its going to uo is its going to ueciease the slope of the
pace makei potential which means it takes longei to make thiesholu. So insteau of
being minus 6u oi minus 7u so it takes longei to get to thiesholu. (question) that's
what I just saiu. Accoiuing to youi book the slope can change. You have a
hypeipolaiization, but if you inciease the leak you shoulu ueciease the slope. I'm
not going to split haiis, but hypei polaiization will move it uown anu it will take it
longei to get to thiesholu. So insteau of being -6u it will go to -7u. So lets look at that

|27j-Paiasympathetic Stimulation
!"# %&''())*- Beie you go so this is just out of youi textbook, fiist of all you have
some hypeipolaiization. So youi beginning lowei in the beginning of uiastole so it
takes longei to get to thiesholu anu get youi action potential. 0k the inteival
between action potentials is incieaseu which uecieases the heait iate. Anu this is
befoie anu aftei acetylcholine, just to oiient you is that ok.

|28j-Sympathetic Stimulation
!"# %&''())*- Anu with sympathetic stimulation you also have. when you change the
iate its calleu chionotiopic. When you change the contiaction iate it's calleu

|29j-Sympathetic NS
!"# %&''())*- Beie you can see the change this is with anu without. This is with,
without, with without, epinephiine. Beie you have an inciease in souium
peimeability in these BCN channels. 0k
Tiansciibeu by Ifiana Zaman S714


So. We'ie going to stop heie, but that's just about the enu of this lectuie. (Stuuent
question) Inciease the leak of what. Exactly, because a souium leak will uepolaiize.
well inciease the slope because it uepolaiizes, wheieas incieasing the potassium
peimeability will hypeipolaiize anu ueciease the slope. Souium leaky noimal,
potassium leaky. 0k cool. So anybouy else have any othei questions. So ill see you
guys Nonuay.

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