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University Of Asia

Family Planning, its Methods, Advantages, and Benefits.

To be submitted to Mrs. !e"ile Bani#ued $ubmitted by %oanna Marie Bangit & Mary !laren"e Arsenio $e"tion 'MT(O)

*+$+*!, OUT-./+ To0i" Family Planning Thesis $tatement To inform 0eo0le on family 0lanning, its methods, advantages, and benefits. ...ntrodu"tion A. Ba"1ground of the study B. $tatement of the 0roblem !. $"o0e and delimitation +. 2efinition and terms ... !olle"tion of *eadings A. 3hat is Family Planning B. Family Planning Methods '. .ntrauterine "ontra"e0tive 2evi"es 4. The !ondom 5. Oral !ontra"e0tive ). The $u00ository 6. $urgi"al !ontra"e0tion !. ,o7 Family Planning ,el0s +veryone '. 3omen 4. !hildren 5. Men ). Family 6. /ations

8. +arth 2. Prevent $e9ually Transmitted 2iseases '. ,.: 4. A.2$ .... !on"lusion A. $ummary B. !on"lusion !. *e"ommendation

!,APT+* . ./T*O2U!T.O/ Ba"1ground of the $tudy The health and ha00iness of families all over the 7orld de0ends greatly on the number of "hildren has. $ome 0arents 7ant as many babies as 0ossible. .n other families, health must be the first "onsideration. Most 0arents feel they should limit the number of babies they have so there 7ill be enough food for the "hildren already born and so that they "an give ea"h "hild ade#uate "are. $0a"ing t7o to three years a0art adds to their health as 7ell as the mother;s. .n these days of very ra0id 0o0ulation gro7th the number of "hildren 0arents have ta1en on signifi"an"e beyond the family "ir"le. This is es0e"ially true in areas already over0o0ulated su"h as .ndia, Pa1istan, +gy0t, areas of .ndonesia, et". .n .ndia the government is stressing this 0oint by 0o0ulari<ing the slogan, t7o "hildren is enough. 3hat "an you, a health 7or1er = 7hether do"tor, nurse, mid7ife, health edu"ator, or so"ial 7or1er = do to hel0 0arents fit the si<e of their families to their health needs and their e"onomi" "ir"umstan"e> The ans7er is this you are in "lose "onta"t 7ith the 0arents. They have "onfiden"e in you. Often they;ll as1 your hel0 in solving their most intimate 0roblems. Be"ause of this you "an tell them about family 0lanning, 0oint out its advantages to them and hel0 them 7ith it. This relatively ne7 health servi"e is also "alled "on"e0tion "ontrol, "ontra"e0tion, birth "ontrol, and 0lanned 0arenthood. .t 7or1s in t7o dire"tions ?'@ it enables fertile "ou0les to s0a"e and limit 0regnan"ies a""ording to their health needs and desiresA ?4@ it hel0s "hildless "ou0les 7ho 7ants babies to have them.

$tatement of the Problem '. 3hat are the benefi"ial effe"ts of family 0lanning to "ou0les health>

4. 3hat is the advantage and disadvantages of "ontra"e0tive methods the "ou0le uses> 5. .s there an effe"t on regards to the family;s e"onomi" "ir"umstan"es> ). ,o7 family 0lanning method "an hel0 "hildless "ou0le> 6. ,o7 "an family 0lanning "an hel0 "ou0les ho7 to si<e s0a"e their "hildren> $ignifi"an"e of the $tudy This study "an hel0 "ou0les to 0lan the si<e of their family and ho7 to s0a"e their "hildrenA also it "an hel0 them in regards the 7hat 7ill be the effe"t in their so"ioe"onomi" status. The resear"hers, by this study, "an also 1no7 the advantages and disadvantages of family 0lanning so that they "an also edu"ate and inform their family, friends, "lassmates, tea"hers, and the so"iety. their family and

$"o0e and 2elimitation Family 0lanning allo7s 0eo0le to attain desired number of "hildren and determine the s0a"ing of 0regnan"ies. .t is a"hieved through use of "ontra"e0tive methods and the treatment of infertility. Promotion of family 0lanning = and ensuring a""ess to 0referred "ontra"e0tive methods for 7omen and "ou0les = is essential to se"uring the 7ell(being and autonomy of 7omen, 7hile su00orting the health and develo0ment of "ommunities. There are advantages and disadvantages of using "ontra"e0tive methods. .U2 some advantage is that you don;t have to remember to ta1es 0ills, the disadvantage is that our 0eriods may be"ome heavier or more 0ainful. Barrier there are no serious medi"al ris1s or side effe"t, "ondom also hel0s to 0rovide 0rote"tion from se9ually transmitted infe"tion, but they are not #uite reliable as other method, they need to used 0ro0erly be"ause male "ondoms o""asionally s0lit or "ut off. $terili<ation is effe"tive and you don;t have to thin1 further about "ontra"e0tion but this is very diffi"ult to reverse and female sterili<ation usually needs a general anestheti". Pat"h is very effe"tive and easy to use, your 0eriods are often lighter, less 0ainful and more regular and if you have vomiting or diarrhea, the "ontra"e0tive 0at"h is still effe"tive, for the disadvantages, some 7omen have s1in irritation, des0ite its dis"reet design, some 7omen still feel that the "ontra"e0tive 0at"h "an be seen and et". A 7omen;s e"onomi" "ir"umstan"es "an strongly influen"e 7hether and 7hen she "hooses to have a "hildren and therefore 7hether and 7hen she needs to use "ontra"e0tion. For instan"e, a 7omen 7hose Bob 0rovides no 0aid family leave might not be able to afford time off from her Bob to bond 7ith her ne7born and to re"over from "hildbirth. For the "hildless "ou0le, 0lanning the si<e and s0a"ing of families is only 0art of family 0lanning. Thousands of husbands and 7ives, intelligent and 7ell able su00ort "hildren, long des0erately for the sond and daughters they do not have. Must they remain "hildless throughout life> .n many "ases, no. given the medi"al hel0 that is available in most 0art of the 7orld today, a third "hildless "ou0les "an bear normal, healthy babies. 2efinition of Terms '. Family Planning. The 0ra"ti"e of "ontrolling the number of "hildren in a family and the intervals bet7een their births, 0arti"ularly by means of artifi"ial "ontra"e0tion or voluntary sterili<ation. 4. A"#uired .mmune 2efi"ien"y $yndrome ?A.2$@. A disease in 7hi"h there is a severe loss of the body;s "ellular immunity, greatly lo7ering the resistan"e to infe"tion and malignan"y. 5. ,uman .mmunodefi"ien"y :irus ?,.:@. .s a disease of the human immune system "aused by infe"tion 7ith human immunodefi"ien"y virus.

). $e9ually Transmitted 2isease ?$T2@. .llness that have signifi"ant 0robability of transmission bet7een humans by means of se9ual behavior, in"luding vaginal inter"ourse, anal se9 and oral se9. 6. $urgi"al !ontra"e0tion ?$terili<ation@. The a"t of ma1ing an organism barren or infertile

!,APT+* .. !O--+!T.O/ OF *+A2./C$ Family 0lanning allo7s individual and "ou0les to anti"i0ate and attained their desire number of "hildren and the s0a"ing and timing of their births. .t is a"hieved through use of "ontra"e0tive methods and the treatment of involuntary infertility. A 7oman;s ability to s0a"e and limit her 0regnan"ies ha a dire"t im0a"t on her health and 7ell(being as 7ell as on the out"ome of ea"h 0regnan"y. Family 0lanning methods 7ill be most su""essful in hel0ing your 0atients or "lients 7hen you 1no7 them 7ell, and "an tea"h 7ithout hesitation the "ontra"e0tive methods they "hoose as best for their families. .ntrauterine "ontra"e0tive devi"e ?.U2@ in a relatively ne7 method of family 0lanning a s0e"ially trained 0erson, 7ith "areful sterile te"hni#ue, 0la"es a small 0olyethylene 0lasti" or stainless steel devi"e inside the "avity of 7oman;s uterus. !ondom is a balloon(li1e sheath, usually made of late9, is 0la"ed over the ere"t 0enis before inter"ourse. .t "at"hes the s0erms and thus 0revents them from entering the vagina and travelling in the 7omb. Oral "ontra"e0tion li1e 0ills have been develo0ed that 0revent 0regnan"y as long as a 7omen ta1es them. After she sto0s ta1ing them, she is again able to "on"eive. The su00ository is a small, solid "one of gelatin or "o"oa(butter "ontaining a s0erm destroying substan"e. 3hen 0la"es to vagina, the "one soon melts, 0roviding a s0ermi"idal fluid that has the same effe"t as a Belly or "ream. $urgi"al "ontra"e0tion is a method that is available for both man and 7oman, has the advantage that, on"e the 0ro"edure has been done, the 0atient does not need to do anything at the time of inter"ourse and "an be assured of "on"e0tion "ontrol. Family 0lanning 0roviders "an be 0roud of their 7or1 be"ause family 0lanning hel0s everyone. Family 0lanning hel0s 7oman themselves from un7anted 0regnan"ies. $in"e the 'D8Es family 0lanning 0rogram have hel0ed 7oman around the 7orld avoid )EE million un7anted 0regnan"ies. Family 0lanning save the lives of "hildren by hel0ing 7oman s0a"e births. Bet7een '5 and '6 million "hildren under age 6 die ea"h year. .f all "hildren 7ere born at least 4 years a0art, 5 to ) million of these deaths 7ould be avoided. Men around the 7orld say that family 0lanning their families hel0s them to 0rovide a better life for their families. !ou0les 7ith the fe7er "hildren are better able to 0rovide them 7ith enough food, "lothing, housing, and s"hooling. .t also hel0s nation develo0. .n "ountries 7here 7omen 7here having far fe7er "hildren than their mothers did, 0eo0le;s e"onomi" situations are im0roving faster than in most "ountries. And if "ou0les have fe7er "hildren in the future, the 7orld;s "urrent 0o0ulation of 6.D billion 0eo0le 7ill avoid doubling in less than 6E years. Future demands on natural resour"es su"h as 7ater and fertile soil 7ill be less. +veryone 7ill have a better o00ortunity for a good life.

$e9ually transmitted disease ?$T2s@ are disease that "an s0read from 0erson to another by se9ual "ontra"t. $T2s "an "ause 0ain, and some "an "ause infertility and death if not treated. $ome "ommon "urable $T2s are gonorrhea, tri"homoniasis, "hlamydial infe"tion, and sy0hilis. A.2$ refers to A"#uired .mmunodefi"ien"y :irus ?,.:@. ,.: "an be transmitted by se9ual "onta"t, by blood, and by a 0regnant 7oman to her "hild during 0regnan"y, "hildbirth, or, o""asionally, by breastfeeding. As of 'DDF A.2$ has no definite "ure. Treatments have im0roved the #uality and length of life for 0eo0le 7ith ,.:GA.2$, ho7ever. Family 0lanning 0roviders should 1no7 about $T2 $T2s are "ommon. They "ause mu"h suffering and disability. All health "are 0roviders have a res0onsibility to do 7hat they "an about $T2s. Family 0lanning "lients may as1 about "hanges or "onditions of their se9 organs. These "ould be signs of $T2s or other re0rodu"tive tra"t infe"tions. To hel0 "lients, 0roviders should re"ogni<e signs of $T2s and either 0rom0tly treat or refer for treatment. Provider "an re"ogni<e $T2 ris1, and they "an re"ommend and tea"h $T2 0revention. 3omen 7ho "urrently have an $T2 or are li1ely to get an $T2 should not use .U2s. Providers should diagnose and treat 1no7n $T2s before inserting an .U2. Men and 7omen 7ho have several se9 0artners have more "han"es of getting $T2s. $e9 7or1ers and the "lients of se9 7or1ers are most li1ely to get $T2s. Female se9 7or1ers also usually 7ant to avoid 0regnan"y, and so they may "ome to family 0lanning 0roviders. *ea"hing the 0eo0le at greatest $T2 ris1 is an im0ortant 7ay to limit the s0read of these diseases.

!,APT+* ... !O/!-U$.O/ A. $ummary The resear"her;s found out that the benefits of the family 0lanning. By 0ro0er family 0lanning the family "an redu"e the ris1 of maternal deaths and hel0s in s0a"ing their "hildren. There are also many family 0lanning methods they "an "hoose a""ording to their li1ing and to 7here they are "omfortable, it may be .U2, "ondoms, oral "ontra"e0tives, su00ository, or surgi"al "ontra"e0tion. Also li1e all things it has its advantages and disadvantages. .t "an also hel0s in 0rote"tion against $T2G,.:. B. !on"lusion Family 0lanning is 0ra"ti"ed by some 0eo0le as early as 'H6E B.!. But it 7asn;t until this "entury that family 0lanning started as a 7orld(7ide movement. Then, the idea is not 7el"ome it seems to radi"al, the forerunners of family 0lanning 7as even arrested and 0ut to Bail. /o7, family 0lanning is an a""e0ted idea but some "onservatively o0t for the natural methods. The "ou0les "an no7 "hoose from a 7ide array of methods they are "onvenient and "omfortable to use. Family 0lanning "an hel0 "ou0les in term of e"onomi" "ir"umstan"es be"ause by 0lanning, they "an 0revent un7anted 0regnan"ies. They "an also fo"us to one "hild at a time by s0a"ing their "hildren.

.n 'DD6, the .nstitute of Medi"ine, !ommittee on Unintended Pregnan"y issued the follo7ing re"ommendations

IThe e9tent of unintended 0regnan"y and its serious "onse#uen"es are 0oorly a00re"iated throughout the United $tates. Although "onsiderable attention is no7 fo"used on teenage 0regnan"y and non marital "hildbearing, along 7ith "ontinuing "ontroversy and even violen"e over abortion, the "ommon lin1 among all these issues ( 0regnan"y that is unintended at the time of "on"e0tion ( is essentially invisible... A""ordingly, the "ommittee urges, first and foremost, that the nation ado0t a ne7 so"ial norm All 0regnan"ies should be intended ( that is, they should be "ons"iously and "learly intended at the time of "on"e0tion.I

This goal 0romotes 0lanning for 0regnan"y as mu"h as avoiding an unintended 0regnan"y. A"tivities to rea"h this goal in 3est :irginia 7ould in"lude the follo7ing

Provide 0ubli" funding ( federal, state, and lo"al ( for "om0rehensive "ontra"e0tive servi"es, es0e"ially those for lo7(in"ome 7omen and adoles"ents 7ho fa"e maBor finan"ial barriers in se"uring su"h "are. .n"rease a""ess to "ontra"e0tion

'. +90and the number of Family Planning Program sites in 3est :irginia. 4. +9tend Medi"aid "overage for all 0ost0artum 7omen for t7o years follo7ing "hildbirth for "ontra"e0tive servi"es, in"luding sterili<ation.

Im0rove 1no7ledge about "ontra"e0tion, unintended 0regnan"y, and re0rodu"tive health.

Family Planning is a 0reventive measure 7hi"h su00orts re0rodu"tive health "are, as 7ell as the emotional and so"ial health of individuals and families. Family Planning servi"es have had, and 7ill "ontinue to have, a signifi"ant im0a"t on maternal and "hild health and so"io(e"onomi" status of 3est :irginians.

*+F+*+/!+ -.$T BOOJ$ ,at"her, *obert. The essential of "ontra"e0tive te"hnology. Baltimore Po0ulatiob information 0rogram, 'DDF. 2e la Pa<, Ali"ia. Family Planning. /ational Media Produ"tion !enter, 'DF5 ./T+*/+T 777.7ho.intGmedia"entreGfa"tsheetsGfs56'GenG 777.0atient."o.UJG7ealthG"ontra"e0tive("hoi"es 777.ameri"an0rogress.orgGissuesG7omenGne7sG4E'4GE)G''5HFG"ontra"e0tion( is(an(e"onomi"(issue 777.7vdhhr.orgGb0hGm"hbGre"ommen.htm

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