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Translation 3

4th Class Module 6

Adrian Budianto

Universitas Terbuka
Korea Selatan

English is not a foreign language. It is an international language. Remember basic principles of translation (dynamic equivalence)
Sense-to-sense, convey same meaning Native readers must have similar conclusion / response No literal translation (formal equivalence), except in law / legal documents Flow must be smooth

Introduction (2)
Steps in translating :
Read and understand the original language. Use dictionaries and encyclopedia as necessary. Write the message in target language, pay attention to target languages format (MD-DM, SPOK). Dont get carried away by source languages format. Read the translation. It should give the same sense and conclusion. Flow should be smooth.

Bahasa Indonesia
D-M law : baik dalam kata majemuk maupun dalam kalimat, segala sesuatu yang menerangkan selalu terletak di belakang yang diterangkan (Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana, 1949)
Red pen = pulpen merah <> merah pulpen Cellphone = telepon seluler <> seluler telepon
Subjek (pelaku) 1. Jawaban atas Pertanyaan Apa atau Siapa kepada Predikat. 2. Biasanya disertai kata itu,ini,dan yang (yang ,ini,dan itu juga sebagai pembatas antara subyek dan predikat)

Sentence elements

Predikat (tindakan/aksi yang dilakukan) 1. Menimbulkan Pertanyaan apa atau siapa. 2. Kata Adalah atau Ialah 3. Dapat Disertai Kata-kata Aspek atau Modalitas
Objek (penderita) 1. Langsung di Belakang Predikat 2. Dapat Menjadi Subjek Kalimat Pasif 3. Didahului kata Bahwa Pelengkap 1. Di Belakang Predikat 2. Hasil jawaban dari predikat dengan pertanyaan apa. Keterangan 1. Dapat dipindah pindah posisinya (awal atau akhir kalimat)

Bahasa Indonesia (2)

Sentence patterns
S-P : Desi belajar S-P-O : Desi menonton drama S-P-Pel : Mita tertawa terbahak-bahak S-P-K : Budi pergi ke Korea S-P-O-Pel : Adji sedang mencarikan ikan untuk kucingnya Nino S-P-O-Pel-K : Setiap pagi Adji senam bersama Budi S-P-O-K : Anto memancing ikan setiap sore S-P-Pel-K : Mita tertawa terbahak-bahak ketika melihat Desi tercebur ke dalam kolam ikan

Art 1 Par 1
S=? P = Membantu O = Anak-anak dengan kebutuhan khusus Paraphrase = Bantuan Untuk Anak-anak Dengan Kebutuhan Khusus

1st sentence
S = Penanganan perilaku bermasalah P = adalah / merupakan O = prioritas utama K = di banyak sekolah

2nd sentence
S = Para guru P = berusaha menemukan Pel = sedang / tengah O = cara-cara untuk menangani anak dengan permasalahan perilaku K = di sekolah umum

1st sentence, present perfect
S = Komentar awal dalam Buku Pintar Pendidikan tentang Kebutuhan Pendidikan Khusus (SEN), Excellence For All Children, P = menitikberatkan O = sebagian kecil anak-anak dengan SEN yang memiliki permasalahan perilaku K = Karena ini merupakan persoalan utama

2nd sentence, simple present

S = Buku Pintar Pendidikan P = memuat O = beberapa proposal khusus

Anak kalimat 1, simple present

S = dukungan P = bagi O = sekolah-sekolah dasar yang memiliki anak-anak dengan permasalahan perilaku

1st sentence, future tense
S = kami P = (mulai) mengembangkan O = sekolah khusus bagi anak bermasalah K = bulan depan

2nd sentence, present perfect

S = kami P = (juga telah) mengumumkan O = 20 juta ponsterling dari Standards Fund K = untuk membantu mengatasi permasalahan siswa yang dikeluarkan dari sekolah dan siswa yang bolos

Anak kalimat, future tense

S = kami P = (akan segera) menganjurkan O = otoritas pendidikan lokal K = cara-cara untuk menangani permasalahan perilaku

Main sentence
S = (akan tetapi) Buku Pintar Pendidikan P = berurusan dengan O = kelompok yang lebih besar

Anak kalimat
S = satu dari lima anak P = (yang) memiliki O = kebutuhan khusus, mulai dari autisme hingga kebutaan, cacat fisik hingga kesulitan belajar K = selama masa sekolahnya

1st sentence
S = kami P = (ingin) mengidentifikasi O = permasalahan anak2 pada saat memulai pendidikan

2nd sentence, future tense

S = Penilaian kemampuan membaca dan berhitung atas anak-anak berumur lima tahun P = (akan) mengidentifikasi O = dyslexia dan kesulitan belajar tertentu K = sedini mungkin

1st sentence
S = sembilan belas dari dua puluh anak dengan kebutuhan khusus P = sudah berada O = di sekolah umum

2nd sentence
S = Anak-anak di sekolah khusus P = (juga bisa) mendapat O = keuntungan dari sekolah umum K = secara pendidikan dan secara sosial S = Teman-teman sekelas mereka P = (juga akan) mendapat O = keuntungan K = asalkan ada dukungan yang sesuai

3rd sentence

1st sentence, negative sentence
S = Ini P = (bukan) merupakan O = pendekatan dogmatis

2nd sentence
S = Kami P = Ingin O = yang terbaik K = bagi siswa

Anak kalimat
S = Kami P = Ingin O = orangtua dan keluarga Pa = memperoleh Oa = informasi pilihan yang tersedia Ka = sejak awal

Increasing inclusion will therefore be continuing process: inspiration for it will come for those schools that demonstrate that including wide range of children with special needs and improving academic standards go hand in hand Main sentence :
S = peningkatan keterlibatan P = (akan) menjadi O = proses berkesinambungan

Anak kalimat :
S = inspirasi P = (akan) datang ke O = sekolah-sekolah K = bahwa melibatkan banyak anak dengan kebutuhan khusus akan meningkatkan standar akademik

There is a continuing and vital role for special schools. They will remain the most appropriate place for some children but not always for the whole of their school career. I also want to see specialist schools, centres of excellence with their facilities and teachers expertise used to support children with special needs in mainstream schools.
1st sentence (paraphrase)
S : sekolah khusus P : memiliki O : peran penting dan berkesinambungan S : Mereka / sekolah-sekolah tersebut P : (akan selalu) menjadi O : tempat yang paling sesuai K : bagi sebagian siswa, tetapi tidak selalu pasti dalam kehidupan sekolah mereka S : saya P : (juga ingin) melihat O : (keberadaan) sekolah-sekolah spesialis, pusat-pusat studi dengan fasilitas dan keahlian guru yang digunakan untuk mendukung anak dengan kebutuhan khusus K : di sekolah umum

2nd sentence

3rd sentence

In the new year, we shall draw up an action programme to drive forward improvements during this Parliament. It will be phased to avoid placing too heavy a burden on schools. This is a priority area for the Government as more money becomes available.
1st sentence
S : Kami P : (akan) membuat / merumuskan O : suatu rencana aksi untuk mendorong peningkatan selama masa kerja parlemen ini K : di tahun baru S : Rencana aksi ini P : (akan) dibuat O : bertahap K : untuk menghindari penumpukan beban yang terlalu berat bagi sekolah S : Hal ini P : merupakan O : prioritas utama pemerintah K : sembari dana semakin memadai

2nd sentence

3rd sentence

Formative Test
Translating is an active process, not passive. Lets try to apply the steps in formative test. Dont be afraid to make mistakes. No mistakes, no progress. Per paragraph, 3-5 minutes. When stuck, ask me.

FT 1-1a
What is Distance Education? Within a context of rapid technological change and shifting market conditions, the American education system is challenged with providing increased educational opportunities without increased budgets. Many educational institutions are answering this challenge by developing distance education programs.
Rapid = cepat, pesat Shifting = berubah Budget = dana , anggaran distance = jarak jauh

FT 1-1b
At its most basic level, distance education takes place when a teacher and student(s) are separated by physical distance, and technology (i.e., voice, video, data, and print), often in concert with face-to-face communication, is used to bridge the instructional gap. These types of programs can provide adults with a second chance at a college education, reach those disadvantaged by limited time distance or physical disability, and update the knowledge base of workers at their places of employment.
Separated = terpisah face-to-face = tatap muka In concert with = bersamaan dengan gap = celah / jurang

FT 1-2
How is Distance Education Delivered? A wide range of technological options are available to the distance educator. They fall into four major categories.

FT 1-3
Voice instructional audio tools include the interactive technologies of telephone, audio conferencing and short-wave radio. Passive (i.e., one-way) audio tools include tapes and radio. Short-wave = gelombang pendek

FT 1-4
Video Instructional video tools include still images such as slides, pre-produced moving images (e.g., film, videotape), and real-time moving images combined with audio conferencing (one-way or two-way video with two-way audio).
Still images = gambar-gambar tidak bergerak Moving images = gambar-gambar bergerak Pre-produced = praproduksi Real-time = langsung One-way = satu arah two-way = dua arah

FT 1-5
Data Computers send and receive information electronically. For this reason, the term data is used to describe this broad category of instructional tools. Computer applications for distance education are varied and include : Computer-assisted instruction (CAT) uses the computer as a selfcontained teaching machine to present individual lessons. Computer-managed instruction (CMI) uses the computer to organize instruction and track student records and progress. The instruction itself need not be delivered via a computer, although CAI is often combined with CMI. Computer-mediated education (CME) describes computer applications that facilitate the delivery of instruction. Examples include electronic mail, fax, real-time computer conferencing, and World Wide Web applications. Broad = luas, lebar varied = bervariasi track = melacak Records = rekaman instructional = pengajaran, pembelajaran Delivery = penyampaian

FT 1-6
Print is a foundational element of distance education programs and the basis from which all other delivery systems have evolved. Various print formats are available including : textbooks, study guides, workbooks, course syllabi, and case studies.
Foundational = mendasar basis = dasar Evolved = berkembang various = berbagai Print = cetakan syllabi = silabus

FT 1-7
Which Technology is The Best? Although technology plays a key role in the delivery of distance education, educators must remain focused on instructional outcomes, not the technology of delivery. The key to effective distance education is focusing on the needs of the learners, the requirements of the content, and the constraints faced by the teacher, before selecting a delivery system. Typically, this systematic approach will result in a mix of media, each serving a specific purpose.
Key role = peran kunci educators = tenaga pengajar outcome = hasil needs = kebutuhan Constraint = hambatan/halangan typically = biasanya Approach = pendekatan

FT 2-1
Key Players in Distance Education The following briefly describes the roles of these key players in the distance education enterprise and the challenges they face. Students Meeting the instructional needs of students is the cornerstone of every effective distance education program, and the test by which all efforts in the field are judged. Regardless of the educational context, the primary role of the student is to learn.
Briefly = secara singkat enterprise = perusahaan Cornerstone = dasar utama judged = dinilai Regardless = terlepas

FT 2-2
Faculty The success of any distance education efforts rests squarely on the shoulders of the faculty. In a traditional classroom setting, the instructors responsibility includes assembling course content and developing an understanding of student needs. Special challenges confront those teaching at a distance.
Effort = usaha/upaya squarely = secara jujur Assembling = menyusun/merancang content = isi Confront = berhadapan

FT 2-3
Facilitators The instructor often finds it beneficial to rely on a site facilitator to act as a bridge between the students and the instructor. To be effective, a facilitator must understand the students being served and the instructors expectations. Most importantly, the facilitator must be willing to follow the directive established by the teacher. Where budget and logistics permit, the role of on-site facilitators has increased even in classes in which they have little, if any, content expertise. At a minimum, they set up equipment, collect assignments, proctor tests, and act as the instructors on-site eyes and ears.
Beneficial = bermanfaat Directive = arahan Proctor = mengawasi expectation = harapan expertise = keahlian

FT 2-4
Support staff These individuals are the silent heroes of the distance education enterprise and ensure that the myriad details required for program success are dealt with effectively. Most successful distance education programs consolidate support service functions to include student registration, materials duplication and distribution, textbook ordering, securing of copyright clearances, facilities scheduling, processing grade reports, managing technical resources, etc. Support personnel are truly the glue that keeps the distance education effort together and on track.
Myriad = jumlah besar, banyak Copyright clearances = urusan hak cipta managing = mengelola duplication = penggandaan

on track = pada jalurnya

FT 2-5
Administrators Although administrators are typically influential in planning an institutions distance education program, they often lose contact or relinquish control to technical managers once the program is operational. Effective distance education administrators are more than idea people. They are consensus builders, decision makers, and referees. They work closely with technical and support service personnel, ensuring that technological resources are effectively deployed to further the institutions academic mission. Most important, they maintain an academic focus, realizing that meeting the instructional needs of distant students is their ultimate responsibility.
Influential = berpengaruh relinquish = melepaskan Referee = wasit resources = sumber daya Deployed = digunakan to further = untuk memajukan Maintain = mempertahankan/memelihara Ultimate = utama


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