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[Page hyperlinked from text Kindergarten under Elementary on Math standards & assessments page]


Standard 1: Number and Operation
Goal 1.1: nder!tand and u!e number!.

!"e#ti$e %
K.M.%.%.% /emonstrate kno0ledge of our numeration system !y #ounting for0ard !y ones to at least '%. 1&)+.2%.a3 K.M.%.&.% 7se #on#rete o!"e#ts to illustrate the #on#epts of addition and su!tra#tion. 1&)+.2&.a3 K.M.%.'.% 7se estimation to identify a num!er of o!"e#ts. 1&)+.2'.a3

!"e#ti$e &
K.M.%.%.& 4ho0 the $er!al5 sym!oli#5 and physi#al representations of a num!er up to %2. 1&)+.2%.!3 K.M.%.&.& 7se appropriate $o#a!ulary. 1&)+.2&.!3

!"e#ti$e '
K.M.%.%.' 6dentify a penny as a $alue of money. 1&)+.2%.#3

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K.M.%.%.( 4ele#t strategies appropriate for sol$ing a pro!lem. 1&),.2%.a3

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K.M.%.%.) 7se appropriate $o#a!ulary.

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Goal 1.": #er$orm %omputation! a%%uratel&.

Goal 1.': E!timate and (ud)e rea!onablene!! o$ re!ult!.

K.M.%.'.& 7se estimation to e$aluate the reasona!leness of an ans0er. 1&)+.2'.!3

K.M.%.'.' 7se appropriate $o#a!ulary. 1&)+.2'.#3

Standard ": Con%ept! and #rin%iple! o$ Mea!urement

Goal ".1: nder!tand and u!e .S. %u!tomar& and metri% mea!urement!. Goal ".": Appl& t*e %on%ept! o$ rate!+ ratio!+ and proportion!. Goal ".': Appl& dimen!ional anal&!i!.

!"e#ti$e %
K.M.&.%.% 8ompare the lengths or si9es of o!"e#ts 1e.g.5 longer5 shorter5 larger5 smaller3. :o o!"e#ti$es at this grade le$el. :o o!"e#ti$es at this grade le$el.

!"e#ti$e &
K.M.&.%.& Estimate measurement using #on#rete o!"e#ts. 1&)-.2%.!3

!"e#ti$e '
K.M.&.%.' :ame the day of the 0eek and the day;s date using a #alendar.

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K.M.&.%.( 7se appropriate $o#a!ulary. 1&)-.2%.#3

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[Page hyperlinked from text Kindergarten under Elementary on Math standards & assessments page]


Standard ': Con%ept! and ,an)ua)e o$ Al)ebra and -un%tion!
Goal '.1: !e al)ebrai% !&mboli!m a! a tool to repre!ent mat*emati%al relation!*ip!. Goal '.": E.aluate al)ebrai% e/pre!!ion!. Goal '.': Sol.e al)ebrai% e0uation! and ine0ualitie!. Goal '.1: nder!tand t*e %on%ept o$ $un%tion!.

!"e#ti$e %
K.M.'.%.% 7se #on#rete o!"e#ts to identify and sho0 a solution to pro!lems. 1&),.2&.a3 :o o!"e#ti$es at this grade le$el. :o o!"e#ti$es at this grade le$el. K.M.'.(.% =epli#ate and extend simple repeating patterns 1e.g.5 >?>?3. 1&*'.2%.a3 :o o!"e#ti$es at this grade le$el.

!"e#ti$e &
K.M.'.%.& 8ompare sets of o!"e#ts using $o#a!ulary 1less than5 greater than5 and same as3. 1&*2.2%.a3

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K.M.'.(.& 7se appropriate $o#a!ulary. 1&*'.2%.#3

Goal '.2: Repre!ent e0uation!+ ine0ualitie! and $un%tion! in a .ariet& o$ $ormat!. Goal '.3: Appl& $un%tion! to a .ariet& o$ problem!.

:o o!"e#ti$es at this grade le$el.

Standard 1: Con%ept! and #rin%iple! o$ Geometr&

Goal 1.1: Appl& %on%ept! o$ !i4e+ !*ape+ and !patial relation!*ip!.

!"e#ti$e %
K.M.(.%.% =e#ogni9e5 name5 #ompare5 and sort t0o@ and three@ dimensional shapes 1triangle5 re#tangle5 sAuare5 #ir#le5 #one5 #u!e3. 1&*%.2%.a3 :o o!"e#ti$es at this grade le$el. K.M.(.'.% /es#ri!e the lo#ation of an o!"e#t relati$e to another 1e.g.5 next to5 under5 o$er5 !ehind3.

!"e#ti$e &
K.M.(.%.& 4ort and #lassify o!"e#ts.

!"e#ti$e '
K.M.(.%.' >pply appropriate $o#a!ulary. 1&*%.2%.d3

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Goal 1.": Appl& t*e )eometr& o$ ri)*t trian)le!. Goal 1.': Appl& )rap*in) in t5o dimen!ion!.



[Page hyperlinked from text Kindergarten under Elementary on Math standards & assessments page]


Standard 2: Data Anal&!i!+ #robabilit&+ and Stati!ti%!
Goal 2.1: nder!tand data anal&!i!.

!"e#ti$e %
K.M.).%.% 6nterpret information from real o!"e#t graphs and simple pi#tographs. 1&*&.2%.a3 K.M.).&.% 8reate a graph using real o!"e#ts or pi#torial representations. 1&*&.2&.a3 :o o!"e#ti$es at this grade le$el. :o o!"e#ti$es at this grade le$el. :o o!"e#ti$es at this grade le$el.

!"e#ti$e &
K.M.).%.& 7se appropriate $o#a!ulary. 1&*&.2%.!3

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Goal 2.": Colle%t+ or)ani4e+ and di!pla& data.

Goal 2.': Appl& !imple !tati!ti%al mea!urement!. Goal 2.1: nder!tand ba!i% %on%ept! o$ probabilit&. Goal 2.2: Ma6e predi%tion! or de%i!ion! ba!ed on data.



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