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9820912677A Catalogue of Visual Textile Defects

No. 3.01

Genre Spinning Name/ Description Slub Yarn: !arn "hich is thic#er than the $esire$ count or has a thic# place in it. Possible Cause Due to han$ %oint in ro&ing or re%oining of !arn in ring spinning. Classification/ Comments Slubs $epen$ing on fre'uenc! an$ si(e are a ma%or $efect. )n this case a slub has been $eliberatel! incorporate$ in a lo" gra$e fabric. *n its o"n if it occurs $ue to the gi&en reasons+ it is a $efect. Photograph



-oles in interloc#e$ fabric.

.ea# place in !arn "hich coul$ ha&e resulte$ in brea#age.

/his is usuall! a minor $efect. -oles in interloc#e$ fabric $on0t ha&e the ten$enc! to open up. Depen$ing on the si(e an$ color of fabric the! can e&en be men$e$ b! se"ing an$ hi$$en to a consi$erable $egree.



Puc#ere$ an$ $iscolore$ ban$ in $enim trouser along the "eft $irection.

)nsertion of "eft "ith $ifferent shrin#age an$ color change characteristics $ue to further treatment.

1a%or $efect as it foils garment appearance.



3ro#en pic#s in "arp face$ t"ill

/he pic#s bro#e most probabl! because of abrasion on the bac# si$e of the fabric.

Depen$s on the location of the $efect. )f it is close to the sel&e$ge it0s $efinitel! minor. /he fre'uenc! of such $efects is normall! not high unless the fabric is se&erel! mistreate$ or one of the treatment machines has pointe$ parts.



5oop in "arp

Due to a slac# en$+ the "arp might get pulle$ an$ form a loop in the construction of the fabric.

1inor $efect+ the loop can be cut an$ remo&e$ from the fabric surface "ithout lea&ing an! trace behin$.



.eft 7loat: "eft !arns "hich ha&en0t been o&erlappe$ for a particular region of the fabric an$ %ust lie abo&e the fabric in the form lose !arns.

Series of "arp !arns getting stuc# in their bottom position resulting in the !arns not being lifte$ $uring "eft insertion.

Depen$ing upon fre'uenc! an$ &isibilit!+ this coul$ be ma%or or minor. -ere it seems li#e a minor $efect.



5oose construction

Se&eral slac# en$s in the "arp can lea$ to a loose construction of the fabric.

/his is a ma%or $efect as it foils the appearance of the fabric lea&ing open spaces in the construction an$ also ma#es it "ea#.



3ro#en Supplementar! .arp

/he fabric in the image is fol$e$ to sho" the front as "ell as bac# si$es of a &ertical strip of fabric. )t sho"s a missing en$ in the moti&e along the entire length. /his has occurre$ $ue to a bro#en supplementar! "arp !arn.

/his is a ma%or $efect as the missing en$ affects the entire length of fabric.



Supplementar! .arp has become a part of fabric construction.

*ne of the supplementar! "arps has become a part of the fabric foiling the appearance of the $esign. /he reason coul$ be insertion of a bro#en supplementar! "arp in an incorrect he$$le e!e.

/his is a minor $efect as it $oes not hea&il! influence the motif. )f it is &er! fre'uent it can be ma%or.



1issing "arp: .arp float on bac# si$e.

.hen a frame gets stuc# an$ lea&es a particular "arp $o"n for successi&e pic#s.

minor $efect in this case as it is barel! &isible. -o"e&er+ $epen$ing on fre'uenc! an$ si(e+ hence &isibilit! it can become ma%or.



Double pic#: "hen t"o pic#s are mista#enl! inserte$ instea$ of one.

Characteristic feature of certain rapier looms. /he !arn is not transferre$ to the recei&ing rapier lea$ing to a $ouble pic# in half the "i$th of the fabric an$ no pic# in the remaining half.

/his is a ma%or $efect as it appears throughout the "i$th of the fabric



3ro#en an$ missing pic#: /he pic# seems to ha&e bro#en o&er a short number of "arps an$ then continue$

Perhaps this "as a float "hich has bro#en or been pluc#e$ out.

/his is a minor $efect. -o"e&er+ it coul$ ha&e been ma%or $epen$ing on the fre'uenc! an$ &isibilit!.



1issing Supplementar! .arps

/he motif has lost its inten$e$ $esign because of missing "arps. Supplementar! "arps shoul$ be stitche$ to bac# of fabric. *ther"ise the! can easil! be pluc#e$ out from the fabric $ue to entanglement $uring processing or subse'uent use.

/his is a ma%or $efect as it foils the motif. )f the "arps are not stitche$ the fre'uenc! of occurrence is normall! high.



5ashing;in is the 5ashing in / term use$ to Dragging in 5ashing;in is the $escribe bits of e<tra "eft !arn foun$ term use$ to tuc#e$ into the $escribe bits of sel&e$ge of the e<tra "eft !arn fabric foun$ tuc#e$ into the sel&e$ge of the fabric



-ole in sulfur $!e$ fabric $ue to ten$ering

/his hole appeare$ in the le&is $enim article soon after )t "as purchase$. /he hole appeare$ on "ashing the garment.

/his is a ma%or $efect. Consumers "ant their purchase to retain the characteristics the! bought+ unless state$ other"ise.



Color &ariation in !arn.

5ac# of agitation in the $!e bath.

/his is a ma%or $efect. /he !arn "as suppose$ to be uniforml! blue in color.



-ole in sulfur $!e$ fabric $ue to ten$ering

/his hole appeare$ in the le&is $enim article soon after )t "as purchase$. /he hole appeare$ on "ashing the garment.

/his is a ma%or $efect. Consumers "ant their purchase to retain the characteristics the! bought+ unless state$ other"ise.


D!eing/ Stitching

Staining of fabric $ue to blee$ing.

Poor "et fastness of $!e+ ina$e'uate "ashing of fabric after $!eing.

/his is a ma%or $efect if the fabric is stitche$ on a garment of lighter sha$e. /he fabric can+ ho"e&er+ be use$ alone but care must be ta#en "hen "ashing. )t shoul$ be "ashe$ separatel! or "ith $ar# colors =see also $efect no. <<>.


D!eing/ Poor fiber selection

Poor light fastness: 7a$ing of inner lining of roll up blin$s "here it is e<pose$ b! light.

/he $!e for inner lining shoul$ be teste$ for light fastness an$ chosen accor$ingl!.

/his is a ma%or $efect "hich becomes &isible "hen the blin$ is rolle$ up.



Color &ariation in acr!lic fabric $ue to improper $!e le&eling.

cr!lics crease easil!. Creasing can cause unle&ele$ penetration of $!es.

1a%or $efect. 7abric "ith unle&ele$ $!eing can not be use$ for originall! inten$e$ soli$ sha$e pro$ucts.


D!eing/ 7inishing

Decolori(e$ patch on fabric along "ith brea#age of !arn

Chemical spillage of fabric coul$ ha&e cause $e;coloration an$ "ea#ening of the fabric.

1a%or $efect unless it is locate$ at a place from "here it can be easil! cut out.

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