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9. JOSEPH ALOYSIUS SCHUMPETER= innovator. Products and services a citystate for achievement to do a job demand into supply incremental productivity prime mover

1. CARL MENGER - economic agent who transforms resources into products and services

IBNU KHALDUN (ABDUL RAHMAN MOHAMED KHALDUN)knowledgeable individual and is instrumental in the development of a citystate


8. JOHN STUART MILL- prime mover in the private enterprise


3. DAVID MCCLELLAND person with a high need for achievement RICHARD CANTILLON person who undertakes to do a job 4.

7. JEAN BABTISTE SAY- a person who shifts resources from an area of low productivity to high productivity

6. ALFRED MARSHALL- process of entrepreneurship or business development is incremental or evolutionary

5. ADAM SMITH- person who acts as agent in transforming demand into supply


1C, 1I, 1D, 1R, 2A, 3J

Innovative creation of opportunity Example: Portable phones linked to faxes and laptop will turns cars, train, and airport terminal into offices.


Entrepreneurship is synonymous to creation of new venture and small businesses. - SMIs have been important contributors to local economic growth.

Entrepreneurship not only affect our lives through innovation but represent the working future for many of us due to lays off by large organization and shrinking of job opportunities for graduates.

Int Islam religion, Human, Motivation, Ibadah, Pos bus in Islam, Eco Sys, Princip al-Quran Hadith, Ethics based conducts of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W) 1. Entrepreneurship is an Integral part of Islamic religion = Islam is a complete way of life = separation between business and religion = has its own entrepreneurship culture and guiding principles based on the Al-Quran and Hadith to guide business operation 2. Human nature (The Fitrah of human being) = person must firstly be a Muslim = not solely for profit, but above all, to fulfill the fardhu kifayah 3. Motivation - success formula by al-qurtubi ( Hang Qan Tau Sapa Jannah) Halal livelihood that are in accordance to what is being outlined by Allah SWT and syariah. Qanaah be pleased and thankful with ones earning Taufiq - Asking for the blessing of Allah in proportion to ones expectation Saadah- Spiritual happiness Jannah Worldly success should act as the bridge to the ultimate success in the life hereafter (paradise). - Seven steps towards a success in life according to imam al-ghazali (Kno Tau Tem Obs Mo HandPT) o Level of Knowledge o Level of Taubat or repentence o Level of Temptation o Level of Obstacles o Level of Motivation o Level of Handicap o Level of Praise and Thankfulness - Possession of wealth is allowed based 4. Ibadah 5. Position of Entrepreneurship and business in Islam 6. Islamic Economic System 7. Qan) Guiding Principles of Islamic Entrepreneurship is by the al-Quran and al-Hadith Muslim entrepreneurship ethics the ethical behavior of Muslim entrepreneurship (MaliBeh Squad Stingi Al Trus Pray Taw Pat To avoid Malicious behavior To avoid Squandering To avoid Stinginess To pay Alms (zakat) Trustworthy To Pray consistently Tawakkal Patience Qanaah Entrepreneurial Ethics based on exemplary conducts of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W



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