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February 2011 Master of Computer Application (MCA) Semester 5 MC0083 b!

ect riente" Analysis # $esi%n usin% &M' ( Cre"its

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Assi%nment Set 1 (.0 Mar*s

3/ 01plain 2umbau%3 et al/4s ANS:

b!ect Mo"elin% 5ec3ni6ue ( M5) in "etail/

Rumbaugh et. al.s Object Modeling Technique (OMT) The ob!ect7mo"elin% tec3ni6ue ( M5) is an object modeling language fo soft!a e modeling and designing. "t !as de#elo$ed ci ca %&&% b' Rumbaugh( )laha( * eme lani( +dd' and ,o ensen as a method to de#elo$ object-o iented s'stems( and to su$$o t object-o iented $ og amming OMT desc ibes a method fo the anal'sis( design( and im$lementation of a s'stem using an object-o iented technique. OMT consists of fou $hases( !hich can be $e fo med ite ati#el': . . . . %. Analysis. The esults a e objects and d'namic and functional models. /. System design. The esult is a st uctu e of the basic a chitectu e of the s'stem 0. Object design. This $hase $ oduces a design document( consisting of detailed objects and d'namic and functional models. 1. Implementation. This acti#it' $ oduces eusable( e2tendible( and obust code. 3 OMT se$a ates modeling into th ee diffe ent $a ts: . %. An object model( $ esented b' the object model and the data dictiona '.

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/. A dynamic model( $ esented b' the state diag ams and e#ent flo! diag ams. 0. A functional model( $ esented b' data flo! and const aints.

b!ect Mo"el The object model e$ esents the static and most stable $henomena in the modeled domain. Main conce$ts a e classes and associations( !ith att ibutes and o$e ations. Agg egation and gene ali4ation (!ith multi$le inhe itance) a e $ edefined elationshi$s. 3 5esc ibes st uctu e of objects in s'stem . . . . 3 "dentit' Relationshi$ to othe objects Att ibutes O$e ations

Re$ esented g a$hicall' !ith object diag am . . . 6ontains classes inte connected b' association lines +ach class e$ esents a set of indi#idual objects Association line e$ esents set of lin7s f om objects of one class to objects of anothe class M5 b!ect Mo"el of a )an* System

M5 $ynamic Mo"el The d'namic model e$ esents a state8t ansition #ie! on the model. Main conce$ts a e states( t ansitions bet!een states( and e#ents to t igge t ansitions. Actions can be modeled as occu ing !ithin states. 9ene ali4ation and agg egation (concu enc') a e $ edefined elationshi$s. OMT state t ansition diag am is a net!o 7 of states : e#ents . . . 5e$ict states( t ansitions( e#ents( actions +ach state ecei#es one o mo e e#ents at !hich time it ma7es the t ansition to the ne2t state Ne2t state de$ends on e#ents ; cu ent state

State 5ransition $ia%ram for )an* Application &ser +nterface

M5 Functional Mo"el, The functional model handles the $ ocess $e s$ecti#e of the model( co es$onding oughl' to data flo! diag ams. Main conce$ts a e $ ocess( data sto e( data flo!( and acto s. OMT is a $ edecesso of the <nified Modeling ,anguage (<M,). Man' OMT modeling elements a e common to <M,.

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5esc ibes business $ ocess !ithout focusing on com$ute s'stems details OMT data flo! diag am sho!s flo! of data bet!een diffe ent $ ocesses in business * ocesses . function $e fo med 5ata flo! . di ection of data element mo#ement 5ata sto e . location !he e data a e sto ed +2te nal entit' . sou ce8destination of data element M5 $F$ of A5M System

5/ $escribe t3e %oals an" scope of &M' 8it3 suitable e1amples/ A9S, : A'S,
The $ ima ' design goals of the <M, a e : %. * o#ide use s !ith a ead'-to-use( e2$ essi#e #isual modeling language to de#elo$ and e2change meaningful models. * o#ide use s !ith a ead'-to-use( e2$ essi#e #isual modeling language to de#elo$ and e2change meaningful models "t is im$o tant that the Object Anal'sis and 5esign (OA:5) standa d su$$o t a modeling language that can be used =out of the bo2 to do no mal gene al-$u $ose modeling tas7s. "f the standa d me el' $ o#ides a meta-meta-desc i$tion that equi es tailo ing to a $a ticula set of modeling conce$ts( then it !ill not achie#e the $u $ose of allo!ing use s to e2change models !ithout losing info mation o !ithout im$osing e2cessi#e !o 7 to ma$ thei models to a #e ' abst act fo m. The <M, consolidates a set of co e modeling conce$ts that a e gene all' acce$ted ac oss man' cu ent methods and modeling tools. These conce$ts a e needed in man' o most la ge a$$lications( although not e#e ' conce$t is needed in e#e ' $a t of e#e ' a$$lication. S$ecif'ing a meta-meta-le#el fo mat fo the conce$ts is not sufficient fo model use s( because the conce$ts must be made conc ete fo eal modeling to occu . "f the conce$ts in diffe ent a$$lication a eas !e e substantiall' diffe ent( then such an a$$ oach might !o 7( but the co e conce$ts needed b' most a$$lication a eas a e simila and should be su$$o ted di ectl' b' the standa d !ithout the need fo anothe la'e . /. >u nish e2tensibilit' and s$eciali4ation mechanisms to e2tend the co e conce$ts. OM9 e2$ects that the <M, !ill be tailo ed as ne! needs a e disco#e ed and fo s$ecific domains. At the same time( !e do not !ant to fo ce the common co e conce$ts to be edefined o e-im$lemented fo each tailo ed a ea. The efo e( !e belie#e that the e2tension mechanisms should su$$o t de#iations f om the common case( athe than being equi ed to im$lement the co e modeling conce$ts themsel#es. The co e conce$ts should not be changed mo e than necessa '. <se s need to be able to : 3 build models using co e conce$ts !ithout using e2tension mechanisms fo most no mal a$$lications( 3 add ne! conce$ts and notations fo issues not co#e ed b' the co e( 3 choose among #a iant inte $ etations of e2isting conce$ts( !hen the e is no clea consensus( 3 s$eciali4e the conce$ts( notations( and const aints fo $a ticula a$$lication domains.

0. Su$$o t s$ecifications that a e inde$endent of $a ticula $ og amming languages and de#elo$ment $ ocesses. The <M, must and can su$$o t all easonable $ og amming languages. "t must also and can su$$o t #a ious methods and $ ocesses of building models. The <M, can su$$o t multi$le $ og amming languages and de#elo$ment methods !ithout e2cessi#e difficult'. 1. * o#ide a fo mal basis fo unde standing the modeling language. )ecause use s !ill use fo malit' to hel$ to unde stand the language( it must be both $ ecise and a$$ oachable? a lac7 of eithe dimension damages its usefulness. The fo malisms must not equi e e2cessi#e le#els of indi ection o la'e ing( use of lo! le#el mathematical notations distant f om the modeling domain( such as set-theo etic notation( o o$e ational definitions that a e equi#alent to $ og amming an im$lementation. The <M, $ o#ides a fo mal definition of the static fo mat of the model using a meta model e2$ essed in <M, class diag ams. This is a $o$ula and !idel' acce$ted fo mal a$$ oach fo s$ecif'ing the fo mat of a model and di ectl' leads to the im$lementation of inte change fo mats. <M, e2$ esses !ell-fo med const aints in $ ecise natu al language $lus Object 6onst aint ,anguage e2$ essions. <M, e2$ esses the o$e ational meaning of most const ucts in $ ecise natu al language. The full' fo mal a$$ oach ta7en to s$ecif' languages such as Algol-@A !as not a$$ oachable enough fo most $ actical usage. B. +ncou age the g o!th of the object tools ma 7et. )' enabling #endo s to su$$o t a standa d modeling language used b' most use s and tools( the indust ' benefits. Chile #endo s still can add #alue in thei tool im$lementations( enabling inte o$e abilit' is essential. "nte o$e abilit' equi es that models can be e2changed among use s and tools !ithout loss of info mation. This can onl' occu if the tools ag ee on the fo mat and meaning of all the ele#ant conce$ts. <sing a highe metale#el is no solution unless the ma$$ing to the use -le#el conce$ts is included in the standa d. @. Su$$o t highe -le#el de#elo$ment conce$ts such as com$onents( collabo ations( f ame!o 7s and $atte ns. 6lea l' defined semantics of these conce$ts is essential to ea$ the full benefit of object-o ientation and euse. 5efining these !ithin the holistic conte2t of a modeling language is a unique cont ibution of the <M,.

D. "nteg ate best $ actices. A 7e' moti#ation behind the de#elo$ment of the <M, has been to integ ate the best $ actices in the indust '( encom$assing !idel' #a 'ing #ie!s based on le#els of abst action( domains( a chitectu es( life c'cle stages( im$lementation technologies( etc. The <M, is indeed such an integ ation of best $ actices. SC ;0 The <nified Modeling ,anguage (<M,) is a language fo s$ecif'ing( const ucting( #isuali4ing( and documenting the a tifacts of a soft!a e-intensi#e s'stem. >i st and fo emost( the <nified Modeling ,anguage fuses the conce$ts of )ooch( OMT( and OOS+. The esult is a single( common( and !idel' usable modeling language fo use s of these and othe methods. Secondl'( the <nified Modeling ,anguage $ushes the en#elo$e of !hat can be done !ith e2isting methods. As an e2am$le( the <M, autho s ta geted the modeling of concu ent( dist ibuted s'stems to assu e the <M, adequatel' add esses these domains. Thi dl'( the <nified Modeling ,anguage focuses on a standa d modeling language( not a standa d $ ocess. Although the <M, must be a$$lied in the conte2t of a $ ocess( it is ou e2$e ience that diffe ent o gani4ations and $ oblem domains equi e diffe ent $ ocesses. (>o e2am$le( the de#elo$ment $ ocess fo sh in7-! a$$ed soft!a e is an inte esting one( but building sh in7-! a$$ed soft!a e is #astl' diffe ent f om building ha d- eal-time a#ionics s'stems u$on !hich li#es de$end.) The efo e( the effo ts concent ated fi st on a common metamodel (!hich unifies semantics) and second on a common notation (!hich $ o#ides a human ende ing of these semantics). The <M, autho s $ omote a de#elo$ment $ ocess that is use-case d i#en( a chitectu e cent ic( and ite ati#e and inc emental. The <M, s$ecifies a modeling language that inco $o ates the object-o iented communit's consensus on co e modeling conce$ts. "t allo!s de#iations to be e2$ essed in te ms of its e2tension mechanisms. The <nified Modeling ,anguage $ o#ides the follo!ing: %. Semantics and notation to add ess a !ide #a iet' of contem$o a ' modeling issues in a di ect and economical fashion. /. Semantics to add ess ce tain e2$ected futu e modeling issues( s$ecificall' elated to com$onent technolog'( dist ibuted com$uting( f ame!o 7s( and e2ecutabilit'. 0. +2tensibilit' mechanisms so indi#idual $ ojects can e2tend the metamodel fo thei a$$lication at lo! cost. Ce dont !ant use s to di ectl' change the <M, metamodel.

1. +2tensibilit' mechanisms so that futu e modeling a$$ oaches could be g o!n on to$ of the <M,. B. Semantics to facilitate model inte change among a #a iet' of tools. @. Semantics to s$ecif' the inte face to e$osito ies fo the sha ing and sto age of model a tifacts.

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