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1. Research is systematic because it follows a procedure. It should be organized when it comes to the process of conducting one.

. A researcher could not proceed with the methods before he/she has a research problem in mind. Nor he/she could not state the conclusions and recommendations without the methods being applied. Also, it is systematic in terms of organization of information gathered. No matter how plenty the information is, it would make no difference and sense at all if one would not be able to come up with an organized flow of these information. All things in research should be done in a manner by which the procedures will be followed. Research is scientific because it relies on imperial evidence and it utilizes the relevant concepts. 2. Four basic stages in research, they are: a. Selecting problem Determine the problem that you want to take and make sure that you are interested and you have capacity (knowledge, skills, time, and fund) with the problem. It will carry you over the difficulties, delays, and irritations that most researchers will experience. b. Preliminary study Studying related literature is very helpful in research. Its roles are: 1. A knowledge of related research enable investigators to define the frontiers of their field, 2. A thorough review of related theory and research enables researchers to place their, questions in perspective, 3. Reviewing related literature helps to limit their question and to clarify and define the concept of the study, 4. A critical review of related literature often leads to insight into the reasons for contradictory result in an area, 5. Through studying related research, investigators learn which methodologies have proven useful and which seem less promising, 6. A thorough search through related research avoids unintentional replication of previous studies, and 7. The study of related literature places researchers in a better position to interpret the significance of their own research. c. Formulating problem The way we formulate the problem by making into a question or research question d. Formulating assumption An assumption is basically a hunch or feeling. This has no evidence, or not enough behind it, to be fully regarded as a valid theory.

3.Menurut saya tindakan tersebut kurang tepat karena: Ia menyalahi aturan dalam melakukan melakuka riset secara sistematis seharusnya ia memilih masalah terlebih dahulu Ia akan mengalami kesulitan karena harus memilih masalah berdasarkan metode riset yang dia ambil

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