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A project report on finance of Maruti cars at Kiran Motors Limited Submitted to : NRIBM, in partial fulfillment of MBA-course.

Submitted b : Nilofer ajmeri

!ate: "ul #$, #%%&

'oda (s modern )orld is pro*ressin* b leaps and bounds. In t+is fast c+an*in* )orld mana*ement of business is ,er important p+ase. '+e course of MBA *i,es *reat -no)led*e to t+e students. Summer trainin* is also a part of t+e MBA course. '+e trainin* enables t+e student to understand +o) t+e can appl t+eir t+eoretical -no)led*e in practical )orld. It +elps us to de,elop our leaders+ip s-ills, communication s-ills, anal tical s-ills and so presents a unified picture of )+at mana*ement is and +o) it is applied to ,arious forms of +uman endea,or. I *ot t+e opportunit to )or- )it+ Kiran Motors Limited, t+e second lar*est dealer of Maruti Su.u-i in India. '+is project report *i,es details about maruti ud+ o*. It also *i,es detailed information about car finance. An o,er all ,ie) of finance industr presented in t+e report *i,es better idea about different options a,ailable to customers. Also t+e current scenario of automobile industr is reflected in t+is report. After readin* t+e project report one )ill be able to -no) +o) small firms underta-es it(s operations.

'+is project report +as been prepared )it+ t+e +elp of man people )it+out )+ose support and co-operation t+is report could not +a,e been accomplis+ed full . I am deepl t+an-ful to Mr. An-it !esai t+e Branc+ mana*er of Kiran Motors Ltd / Rajpat+ for +is *uidance in preparin* t+is project. I am also t+an-ful to Mr. Baiju 01ecuti,e of Standard 2+artered Ban- )+o pro,ided detailed information about t+e financial facilities a,ailable to different t pes of customers. Last but not t+e least I )ould li-e to t+an- all t+e sales e1ecuti,es, counter e1ecuti,es, receptionist, and insurance a*ents )or-in* at Kiran Motors Ltd. 3+o +elped me a lot b pro,idin* me minute details about t+e )or-in* of KML. Ajmeri Nilofer M. Roll No.: - %$%%#.


PARTICULARS IN'R4!52'I4N 2AR 6INAN20 7R02A5'I4NS 7R46IL0 46 KIRAN M4'4RS L'!. 7R46IL0 46 MAR5'I 5!894: L'!. 6INANA20 A' MAR5'I 5!894: L'!. A3AR!S A28I0;0M0N'S A28I0;0M0N'S 46 KIRAN M4'4RS L'!. 24N2L5SI4N


Car f nance
0,er since t+e Indian passen*er car industr )as de - licensed in <==$, t+e mar-et +as )itnessed a ,eritable e1plosion of innumerable car models , in* for our attention in an attempt to )oo t+e customer. Almost e,er car manufacturer / till date / is offerin* ,arious permutations and combinations of t+eir model product portfolio, resultin* in a plet+ora of ,ariants, )+ic+ at times can be prett be)ilderin* for / t+e / a,era*e / car / bu er. 3+en a customer )al-s into an car s+o)room +e )ill find ,arious models. An sin*le model )ill +a,e at least > to ? different ,ariants / distin*uis+ed b e@uall cr ptic soundin* trim le,el names / suc+ as LA, ;A, !A, 7S, 0L, 6S, S7, L1i, 0AB, !i / it ma-es t+e customer feel t+at t+ere is somet+in* different in eac+ model and t+e customer can ma-e comparison on t+e basis of it. Manufacturers )ill tell t+at t+e are offerin* t+e customer c+oice. '+e )ill tell t+at t+e +a,e a model and a trim le,el for eac+ and e,er customers( tastes / to suit e,er bud*et, to cater to an le,el of customer taste. But t+e main point +ere is, +a,e t+e dealers+ips and most importantl - dealer sales staff / -ept pace )it+ t+e rapidl c+an*in* d namics of t+e car mar-etC Are t+e in a position to clearl ma-e t+e customer understand and to differentiate to t+em as to )+ic+ model carries )+at attributeCC

Apart from a +andful of dealers in India, t+e bul- of t+em / cannot differentiate bet)een a steerin* )+eel and a spare )+eel / for*et about con,incin* t+e customer enou*+ to ma-e +im )rite out a c+e@ue to bu a +i*+er priced model or a +i*+er trim le,el ,ariation of t+e same model / on product attributes alone. '+e lac- of incisi,e and in - dept+ sales -no)led*e on t+e part of dealer staff is )orr in* to sa t+e least. Apart from mout+in* t+e usual banalities / most of )+ic+ ou find on t+e product leaflet an )a / dealer sales personnel offer precious little addition to t+eir sales blabber to in,ite t+e customers( attention enou*+.

'+us )+at +appens is t+at t+e customer decides on a model / )+ic+ probabl +as been drilled into +is mind because +is friend or mec+anic +as su**ested t+at model to +im / and +e proceeds to )rite out t+e c+e@ue for t+at car onl . '+e bar*ainin* t+en boils do)n to t+e most competiti,e financin* pac-a*e and t+e amount of upfront discount t+e dealer can *i,e as )ell as an freebies alon* )it+ it. It(s about time car manufacturers in India understand t+at in a mar-et alread facin* o,ersuppl and idle production capacit / t+e last differentiator / t+e last bastion of inno,ation - is in t+e area of ,e+icle retailin*. !ealers are t+e first point of contact t+e customer +as )it+ a car compan and no effort must be spared to ma-e sure t+at dealer personnel are some of t+e best +uman talent t+at t+e compan recruits. Merel plantin* prett ladies in its / bits s-irts and flas+in* D'oot+paste / Ad( smiles / are not *oin* to )in t+e sales s)eepsta-es.

3+at is needed is -no)led*eable indi,iduals / possessin* not merel sellin* s-ills / but )it+ t+e capabilit to conceptuali.e, strate*, implement and finall e1ecute a )ell rounded sales plan. 3+ t+e bul- of car dealer sales personnel lac- t+ese @ualities are @uite eas to e1plain. Most car dealers+ip sellin* acti,it in India suffers from a perceptual problem. It is still ,ie)ed as Dinfra / di*( b people / especiall b fres+er and B- sc+ool *rads / as +a,in* not enou*+ *lamour appeal to )or- t+ere. 8ence t+ere is a lac- of proper personnel e,en )antin* to )orat t+ese places. Secondl / almost all car dealers+ips in India are closel +eld famil o)ned businesses / and t+e promoters of t+ese businesses lac-s t+e professional ,ision )+ic+ t+e ideall s+ould posses. '+us t+e offer pat+etic pa pac-ets to sales personnel / translatin* to inade@uate incenti,es / )+om are not enou*+ to retain and or recruit ne) -no)led*eable people. And lastl / one +as to reali.e t+at sellin* cars is a ,er , ,er speciali.ed tas-. Its not similar to sellin* fast mo,in* consumer *oods suc+ as soaps and toot+pastesEE 2ar retailin* re@uires a deep understandin* of t+e industr , t+e tec+nicalities in,ol,ed in t+e product as )ell as a certain de*ree of affection for t+e automobile to ma-e a con,incin* sales pitc+. 7roduct -no)led*e - of t+e car salesperson - is per+aps t+e most indispensable tool )+ic+ +e F s+e can possess at all times and s+ould utili.e it to its fullest potential.

'+e car industr in India toda is at a crossroad. 3it+ a mar-et si.e )+ic+ +as still a fair )a to *o before +ittin* t+e million units mar-, and )it+ @ualit and reliabilit le,els of cars rapidl con,er*in* / t+e onl area left in )+ic+ to inno,ate is in t+e sp+ere of effecti,e retailin* / and t+e sooner t+e manufacturers do somet+in* about t+is t+e better.

Preca!t on" #efore tak ng f nance

Before t+e customer start s+oppin* for a finance sc+eme t+e customer need to do t)o t+in*s: 2+ec- +is ban- balance and decide on +o) muc+ do)n pa ment +e. Remember t+at itGs al)a s better to pa a +i*+er do)n pa ment if t+e customer can afford it since it turns out to be c+eaper in t+e lon* run. Loo- at t+e income stream and *et a fi1 on t+e instalment t+at +e )ill be able to pa Hmont+l or @uarterl I )it+out disturbin* +is current lifest le and for +o) lon*. Armed )it+ t+ese fi*ures t+e customer can start loo-in* for a financier, eit+er b respondin* to t+eir ads, or b si*nin* up on some of t+e )ebsites t+at offer matc+ ma-in* ser,ices bet)een financiers and potential clients. 8a,e enou*+ time on t+e customer(s +ands )+ilst searc+in* for t+e customer finance sc+eme. Rus+in* into* a sc+eme is a cardinal sin and t+e customers are li-el to end up pa in* more. 2all from @uotes for as man financiers as possible. S+ortlist a set of at least $ financiers based on t+e initial @uote and t+en ne*otiate )it+ t+em on eac+ component of t+e sc+eme. Armed )it+ t+e rudimentar -no)led*e about car financin* t+e customer )ill be able to as- t+e ri*+t @uestions and *et t+e best deal. Remember not to fall for lon*er tenure lo)er installment sc+emes, because e,entuall t+e customer pa a +i*+er interest amount and more often t+an not, t+e mar-et ,alue of t+e customer(s car depreciates muc+ faster, t+an t+e rate at )+ic+ t+e customer +a,e been retirin* t+e principal. Also, do not fall for t+e %J interest sc+emes, since if t+e customers are not pa in* t+e interest, t+en someone else is and it is usuall t+e manufacturer in t+e form of a

discount to t+e financier. 4nce t+e customers are able to *et a +andle on t+e discount amount, t+e customer can )or- out a sc+eme better suited to t+e customer(s re@uirements.

In toda Gs )orld, t+e consumer is Kin*. ')o indi,iduals a,ailin* a finance sc+eme from t+e same source can *et different deals. So ne*otiations can *o a lon* )a to *et t+e customer better deals.

$ ran motor" l m ted

Kiran motors limited is one of t+e bi**est Maruti dealers in India. '+e first branc+ of Kiran Motors Limited )as started b Mr. Kiran. It +as = branc+es in :ujarat. Kiran Motors Limited deals )it+ t+e product of MAR5'I S5K5KI. !ifferent cars of Maruti are sold at -m. In A+medabad it +as *ot si1 branc+es, one )are+ouse and t)o ser,ice stations. '+e details about Kiran Motors Limited are as follo)s.

A+medabad:- Kiran Motors Limited +as *ot si1 branc+es )it+ one +ead office in a+medabad. Its branc+es are : Mit+a-+ali Branc+ Bapuna*ar Branc+ Ne+runa*ar Branc+ Rajpat+ Branc+ Manina*ar Branc+ Na,ran*pura Branc+ Baroda:- Kiran Motors Limited +as *ot one branc+ at Baroda. Surat:- Kiran Motors Limited +as *ot t)o branc+es at Surat.

'rgan "at on c%art

Mana*in* director

:eneral mana*er

Branc+ mana*er


2ounter e1ecuti,e

In@uir e1ecuti,e

Receptionist mana*er

O#(ect )e" and o*erat ng *r nc *le"+

A compan +as to -no) )+at it )ants to accomplis+. 3+at are mana*ement(s real *oalsC A first step, t+erefore, is to de,elop and set fort+ clearl t+e compan (s mana*ement p+ilosop+ and objecti,es. 4bjecti,es: - 4bjecti,es of Kiran Motors Limited are 'o pro,ide customer )it+ better ser,ices. 'o build and maintain lon* term customer relations+ip. 'o sale t+e product at most competiti,e prices. 'o increase co-operation bet)een different departments. 'o build and maintain *ood relations+ip )it+ t+e financers.

O*erat on" at $ ran ,otor" L m ted


Lines of aut+orit and responsibilit '+ere are to be definite, non-o,erlappin* lines of aut+orit. '+ere must be no

crossin* of t+e lines of aut+orit . At Kiran Motors Limited t+e line of aut+orit is ,er clear. '+e branc+ mana*er, t+e sales e1ecuti,es, t+e insurance people, super,isor at ser,ice station, t+e counter e1ecuti,es, etc. -no)s t+e area in )+ic+ t+e can ta-e some decisions related to t+eir )or-. #. one and onl one person is to be responsible for t+e implementation of e,er indi,idual decision. At Kiran Motors Limited t+e branc+ mana*er is responsible for t+e implementin* t+e decisions at +is or +er branc+. <. 2ooperati,e mana*ement A number of properl or*ani.ed, acti,el functionin*, permanent committees must meet promptl at re*ular, specified inter,als, )it+ additional meetin*s )+ene,er re@uired. At Kiran Motors Limited mana*in* director, branc+ mana*er, insurance department(s +ead, in,entor controller, super,isor of ser,ice station and e1ecuti,es of maruti ud+ o* limited meet re*ularl to discuss t+e present )or-in* of t+eir respecti,e departments. #. 0ac+ di,ision +ead s+all +old staff meetin*s. At Kiran Motors Limited )+ate,er is decided in t+e meetin* is discussed )it+ ot+er e1ecuti,es of Kiran Motors Limited after t+e meetin* *ets o,er. $. !ecisions b indi,iduals and b *roups are to be made promptl . At Kiran Motors Limited t+e e1ecuti,es at junior le,el discuss about t+e decisions ta-en in t+e meetin* and if t+e a*ree )it+ t+e decision t+en prompt implementation is made. And if t+e don(t a*ree, t+en t+e decisions are discussed a*ain and c+an*es are made, if necessar . -e)elo*ment Of Leader"% *


0,er e1ecuti,e must +a,e, at all times, a clear understandin* and a complete listin* of t+e compan (s *eneral and specific objecti,es and policies, as )ell as t+e objecti,es and policies )+ic+ appl to +is o)n di,ision or department. At Kiran Motors Limited t+e sales e1ecuti,es -no)s about t+e *oal of Kiran Motors Limited and t+eir indi,idual *oals. '+e -no)s ,er )ell about t+eir tar*et to be arc+i,ed. 4n an a,era*e a sales e1ecuti,e is *i,en tar*et of ei*+t to ten cars per mont+ dependin* on t+eir capacit and t+e mar-et condition.


0,er e1ecuti,e must consciousl a,oid )aste of time. Meetin*s, inter,ie)s, telep+one calls, appointments, ,isits, and trips must be -ept as s+ort as possible consistent )it+ ade@uate results. Sales e1ecuti,es at Kiran Motors Limited are *i,en t+e job to complete an in@uir )+ic+ is )aitin* to be completed. A record of customers is maintained and dail )or- to sales and mar-etin* people are *i,en.


01ecuti,es s+ould maintain a cooperati,e spirit and a,oid jealousl *uardin* t+e prero*ati,es of t+eir offices to satisf personal pride. At Kiran Motors Limited t+e mar-etin* people and ot+er e1ecuti,es +elps ne) emplo ee to ac+ie,e +is tar*et. Sometimes t+e out side )or- li-e passin* of ,e+icles are also done for ne) e1ecuti,e b t+e e1perienced e1ecuti,e. 0,en t+e absenteeism of one emplo ee is ta-en care b ot+er emplo ees.


0,er e1ecuti,e s+ould establis+ and maintain a di*nified friendliness )it+ eac+ member of +is di,ision or department. At Kiran Motors Limited t+e )or- en,ironment is informal, t+e emplo ees at Kiran Motors Limited calls t+eir peers and superiors b t+eir first name. 0,en people from t)o different departments be+a,e li-e friends.


0,er e1ecuti,e is to enforce strict discipline t+rou*+out +is or*ani.ation. Alt+ou*+ t+e e1ecuti,es be+a,e in an informal )a t+e enforce strict discipline in t+eir )or-. '+e e1ecuti,e comes on time, +e starts +is )or- immediatel , +e a,oids absents, and also does not lea,e before time.


0,er e1ecuti,e is to train and encoura*e +is subordinates to de,elop initiati,e. At Kiran Motors Limited t+e subordinates are trained b t+eir superiors. Sometimes e,en branc+ mana*er *i,es t+e trainin* to +is e1ecuti,es. Ne) e1ecuti,es )+o +as to do field )or- are *uided b e1perienced e1ecuti,es, t+e ta-es t+e ne) e1ecuti,e )it+ t+em in field before t+e start )or-in* alone.


7raise is to be *i,en )+ere,er justified. At Kiran Motors Limited t+e e1ecuti,e )+o performs outstandin*l are *i,en some monetar re)ard for t+eir e1tra efforts. 0,en t+e are *i,en +i*+ position in t+e compan .

$ ran ,otor" L m ted. ac% e)ement

Kiran Motors is one of t+e lar*est dealers of Maruti Su.u-i. All t+e products of Maruti are a,ailable at Kiran Motors. '+e follo)in* result s+o)s Kiran Motor(s performance durin* t+e last ear. Kiran Motors Limited(s performance from April #%%$-Marc+ #%%&

All India domestic sales

Rank < # $ & >

-ealer name 7opular-coc+in 2ompetent-!el+i Indus-coc+in Sai-bomba Kiran-a+medabad

No+of )e% cle" "old <#M#> <#$&= <%>#% <%$=? =$=L

,ar!t /en

Ran< # $ & >

!ealer name S)ami-amritsar 2ompetent-del+i 7opular-coc+ine Sai-bomba Kiran-a+medabad

No.of ,e+icles sold #<?< #<># <=&> <M?= <L=>

,ar!t 0''

Ran< # $ & >

!ealer name 7opular-coc+in Indus-coc+in ;e+cl-pat+ancot Kiran-a+medabad Ro+an-*a.iabad

No.of ,e+icles sold >?%> &=M# &>%# $=>= $?>?

'+e insurance of maruti ,e+icles is pro,ided b national insurance all o,er India for bot+ domestic sales as )ell as e1port of cars. 1arrantee It is a feature t+at ma-es t+e custpmer more satisfied about t+e e1penses related to meet t+e une1pected brea-do)ns. No) t+e dealers+ip )ill be t+e contact point for insurance of ne) policies, ma-in* endorsements and rene)al of old polic . Additionall , in case of an accident, t+e customer doesn(t need to pa upfront for an repairs He1cept to)ards depreciation and compulsor e1cessI. 8ence it )ill be near cas+less settlements for t+e customers. Moreo,er, t+e dealer )ill be responsible for initialin* of carr in* out all t+e accident related acti,ities includin* arran*in* of t+e sur,e and repair of t+e ,e+icle. '+e repairs are done usin* Maruti :enuine 7arts, ad+erin* to strict @ualit standards Hconditions appl I. In case t+e ,e+icle is rendered immobile, t+e dealer )ill pro,ide to)in* free of cost cup to Rs. <>%%F-I. All t+ese ser,ices are a,ailable to t+e customer seamlessl across t+e entire MAR5'I S5K5KI !ealers+ip net)or-. Pr ce 7rice of Maruti are ,er competiti,e on t+e road cost in A( bad is s+o)n in t+e *i,en price list. Also t+e 01. Stoc- ard price, R'4 'a1, Insurance, 4ctroi, Re*istration fees, Municipal 'a1, etc. are also *i,en in t+e price list. Pa2ment

'+e pa ment of nice of cars is ,er eas in t+e Maruti. It can be done in t+e follo)in* )a s. <. #. 2as+ 7a ment 7a ment b loan. '+e loan facilit is pro,ided to customers of Maruti b se,eral ban-s, t+ese ban-s also *rants t+e customer discounts on loan. Loan can be a,ailable from L% to =>J if t+e customer ma-es pa ment t+rou*+ loan t+an +e )ill +a,e to pa t+e amount of do)n pa ment, )+ic+ includes R'4 'a1, 4ctroi, Re*istration 6ees, Insurance, Mar*in Mone , N municipal 'a1 etc. FINANCING OPTIONS& Maruti +as partnered )it+ t+e top 6inance companies in India, so t+at its customers *et t+e best possible ser,ice and rates. '+e alliance partner 6inance companies for Maruti 6inance are 2iticorp Maruti 6inance Ltd. , Maruti 2ountr )ide, I2I2I ban-, 8!62 ban-, KotaMa+indra, ABN Amro ban-, Standard 2+artered ban- and Sundaram 6inance '+ere are essentiall t+ree basic financin* options a,ailable to t+e customer. borro)er. LOAN: 3+en t+e customer ta-e a loan to bu a car, t+e customer is t+e re*istered o)ner of t+e car and t+e financier creates a lien on t+e same as a securit . '+e customer repa s t+e loan HprincipalI alon* )it+ interest o,er a pre-a*reed period HtenureI in t+e form of periodic instalments. In case of a default in pa ments t+e financier +as t+e option of in,o-in* t+e lien clause. BusinessmenFself-emplo ed persons and companies t+at use suc+ a car for business purposes can treat t+e interest paid on t+e loan as a business e1pense and also a,ail of ta1 Loan, 8ire purc+ase and Lease. 0ac+ of t+ese options +as indi,idual merits to suit a particular -ind of

deductions a*ainst depreciation, in an accountin* ear. Loan a*reements attract stamp dut dependin* on t+e state in )+ic+ t+e are e1ecuted. 3IRE PURC3ASE : In t+is met+od of financin*, t+e financier purc+ases t+e ,e+icle on t+e customerr be+alf. '+e customer +ire it out from t+e financier )it+ t+e intention of bu in* it from +im at t+e end of a pre-determined period. In +ire purc+ase, alt+ou*+ t+e customer are t+e re*istered o)ner, t+e car is + pot+ecated to t+e financier Han endorsement is made in t+e RF2 Boo-I t+ereb *i,in* t+e financier t+e le*al o)ners+ip of t+e car. '+e + pot+ecation is remo,ed b a special procedure Hmentioned under documentation later in t+is articleI after t+e instalments are full paid off. 6or businessesFself-emplo ed personsFcompanies, a car ta-en on +ire purc+ase appears on t+eir Balance S+eet as an asset and t+e can *et ta1 deductions a*ainst t+e interest paid, alon* )it+ t+e depreciation, in an accountin* ear. 7lease be a)are t+at a +ire purc+ase transaction attracts additional sales ta1, turno,er ta1, ,alue-added ta1, stamp dut , etc. dependin* on t+e state in )+ic+ t+e a*reement is bein* si*ned. LEASE: In a lease, t+e financier leases out a car to t+e customer for a certain time-period, after )+ic+ t+e financier can eit+er ta-e bac- t+e car or sell t+e car to a t+ird part . In effect, t+e customer )ill not be t+e o)ner of t+e car eit+er durin* t+e tenure of t+e lease or e,en after t+e lease +as been terminated. '+is is t+e tec+nical definition of a lease and t+e customer ma come across se,eral ,ariants dependin* on t+e financier t+e customer are dealin* )it+. Lease is an attracti,e option for companies )+o are ac@uirin* cars in t+e name of t+e compan

to be *i,en out to t+eir emplo ees, )it+ t+e emplo ees +a,in* an option of bu in* t+e car on a later date at a nominal ,alue. '+is +elps t+e compan is t)o )a s. 4ne t+e cars do not appear as assets on t+e Balance S+eet of t+e compan Hcars are usuall treated as unproducti,e assets and best -ept off t+e Balance S+eetI, and t)o, t+e compan can treat t+e entire lease rentals paid Hprincipal B interestI as a business e1pense and a,ail of substantial ta1 deductions. 8o)e,er, under a lease, t+e financier, not t+e customer, claims MAR5'I S5K5KI t+e depreciation on t+e car. Li-e +ire purc+ase, a lease transaction attracts additional sales ta1, turno,er ta1, ,alue-added ta1, stamp dut , etc. dependin* on t+e state in )+ic+ t+e a*reement is bein* si*ned.

-oc!ment" re4! red for t%e loan f!nd ng are a" follow"& 5
!ifferent documents are re@uired for different t pe of customers. '+er customer can be of t+e follo)in* t pe. 6or salaried: -

A. ;anilla Sc+eme. :eneral !ocuments I' returns of last # ears or 6orm / <L of last # ears Ban- statement of sa,in*s of last L mont+s. Ma1imum Loan: 6or <,# N $ rs O :ross Salar 1 <.>

& rs. > rs.

O :ross Salar 1 # O :ross Salar 1 #.>

B. -

8i*+ 0@uit :eneral !ocuments I' returns if P L%,%%% or proof of job )+ic+ s+ould s+o) t+at t+e person is emplo ed from more t+an last # ears i.e. appointment letter, or 0lectricit bill, or 6orm / <L of last # ears Ban- statement

Ma1imum Loan: -

Loan is a,ailable for ma1imum & ears and ma1imum of M%J of t+e amount can be *i,en to candidate. 2. upto =% J for > ears. 6or a 7roprietor or 7roprietor firm A+ 6an lla Sc%eme+ 7ri,ile*e. :eneral !ocuments 2redit card of Standard 2+artered Ban- or trac- record of anot+er ban- )+ic+ s+o)s t+e transaction )it+ ban- )it+ respect to pre,ious loan. Ma1imum loan :-

:eneral !ocuments I' returns of Q L%, %%% last # rs. Ban- st. of current account of last L mont+s. Loan a,ailable Ma1imum Loan O *ross Income 1 > B. 8i*+ 0@uit :eneral !ocuments I' returns if P L%,%%% of # rs. 4r continuit proof / )+ic+ s+o)s t+e business is runnin* bill, or telep+one bill

from last # ears i.e. 0lectricit -

Re*istration certificate if Income 'a1 certificate is not a,ailable Ban- statement of current account of last L mont+s.

- Loan amount Ma1i. M% J of total amount for ma1imum of $ ears.

B. -

7re,iled*e :eneral !ocuments

2redit card of Standard 2+artered Ban- or trac- record of anot+er ban-

7artners+ip: - If partner purc+ases )it+ +is o)n c+ec-s A.;anilla Sc+eme. :eneral !ocuments I' returns of Q L%, %%% last # rs. Ban- statement of t+e firm of last L mont+s. 7artners+ip deed. B.8i*+ 0@uit :eneral !ocuments I' returns or continuit proof s+o)in* # ears continuit of partner. Ban- statement of t+e firm of last L mont+s. 7artners+ip deed. 2.7re,iled*e :eneral !ocuments 2redit card of Standard 2+artered Ban- or trac- record of anot+er ban7artners+ip deed

If 7artner purc+ases )it+ firm(s c+ec-s. A. B. 2. etc. on loanI 7artners+ip deed ;anilla :eneral !ocuments I' returns of partner of last # ears. Q L%,%%%. Ban- Statement of sa,in*s AFc 7artner s+ip deed Aut+orit Letter I' returns of firm N parter(s capital AFc N 'radin* AFc, N 7NL AFc, N BFS or Audited Balance S+eet " N S 7aper 8i*+ 0@uit :eneral !ocuments Income 'a1 Returns of last # rs. Hpro,in* continuit I 7artners+ip !eed Aut+orit Letter I' return of t+e firm, 7artner(s capital AFc, 'radin* AFc 7NL AFc, Balance S+eet, or Audited Balance s+eet "oint N se,eral paper 7re,iled*e :eneral !ocuments 2redit card of S2B or trac- record of old Hpurc+ase of ,e+icle, +ome

Partner "% * f rm
A. ;Sc+eme :eneral !ocuments I' returns of firm of last # rs. Ban- st. of current AFc of firm of last L mont+s

B. -

7artners+ip deed Aut+orit Letter 6inancial documents H8ere, " N S 7aper )ill not comeI 8i*+ 0@uit :eneral documents I' returns of firm of last # ears or 27 proof Ban- st. of last L mont+s of firm 2ontinuit proof Hi.e. firm s+ould pro,e t+at it is in e1istence since last # rs. If it doesn(t +a,e I' returnsI 7artners+ip deed 6inancial documents of firm Hsuc+ as 7NL AFc, 7artner(s capital aFc, BFs, or Audited BFs )it+ $cb-$cd form if to &% lacs. Aut+orit Letter

2.7re,iled*e :eneral !ocuments H)it+ documents of si*nin* partnerI 2redit card of S2B or 'rac- record if an

- rector"& 5 w t% nd ) d!al c%eck"

A. B. ;anilla Sc+eme :eneral !ocuments I' returns Q L%,%%% or 6-<L form Ban- statement of last L mot+s of director(s account Memorandum of Association 8i*+- 0@uit :eneral !ocuments I' returns if not t+en continuit proof, )+ic+ can be M4AR 6orm / <L, or salar sleep of last # ears i.e. )+ic+ s+o)s t+at t+e person is emplo ed since last # earsI Ban- statement of last L mont+s M4A

2. -

7re,iled*e :eneral !ocuments 2redit card of S2B or old 'rac- record M4A

1 t% com*an2." c%eck"
A. ;anilla B. :eneral !ocuments I' returns or 6-<L Q L%,%%% Ban- statement of last L mont+s !irector(s report "oint N Se,eral papers 8i*+ 0@uit :eneral !ocuments I' returns or 6- <L form P L%,%%% Ban- statement of sa,in*s aFc of last L mont+s M4A Board resolution Audited BFs of last # ear H)it+ $2B-$2! form if turn o,er Q &% lacsI !irector(s report "oint N Se,eral 7aper

2. 7re,iled*e :eneral !ocuments 2redit card of S2B or 'rac- record if an M4A Board(s resolution "NS paper !irector(s report

7,t. Ltd. 4r Ltd.: - 3it+ its name Honl one possibilit I

A. ;anilla Sc+eme :eneral !ocuments S documents of one !irector si*nT 6inancial documents of t+e compan Board resolution !irector must ta-e responsibilit S "NS paper )ill come +ereT

B. 8i*+ 0@uit :eneral !ocument Sdocuments of one !irector si*nT I' returns PL%,%%% or continuit proof of last # rs. 6inancial documents of compan "NS paper M4A Board resolution

2. 7re,ile*e :eneral !ocuments Sdocuments of one !irector si*nT "NS 7aper M4A Board resolution 2redit card of S2B or 'rac- record if an .


<. #. $. &. >.

2ool 8unt 3al--in-In@uiries 'elep+one- In@uiries 6ield- In@uiries In@uires t+ou*+ reference H i.e. beco. of )ord of mont+ I

Cool 3!nt&5 In t+is pro*ram a mar-etin* e1ecuti,e of -ml ,isits t+e offices and residents of prospecti,e customers. '+e customer ma or ma not intended to bu t+e car but a simple approac+ m result in sales. 2ool +unt sometimes affects t+e brand ima*e of t+e compan . If not +andeled properl t+is pro*ram ma build ne*ati,e impact on prospecti,e customers. Kml a,oids t+e cool +unt pro*ram. It concentrates on t+e ot+er four )a s to find it(s customers. Reference"& 5 '+is )a of mar-etin* t+e product reall *ood, especiall in case )+en t+e e1istin* customers are satisfied t+e mar-etin* becomes eas . 3ord- of- mout+ pla s a major role in t+is case. '+e sales e1ecuti,e +as to con,ince t+e prospects in onl a fe) areas. Most of con,inced before t+e enter in t+e s+o) / room. :ood customer relation pla s major role in t+is Ad,ertisin*.

1alk5 n n4! r e"&5 Man of t+e customers come directl to t+e s+o)room to purc+ase t+e car. '+e customer ma be attracted b t+e ne)spaper ad,ertisement, or +e ma +a,e decided earlier to purc+ase t+e maruti car from a particular s+o)room. 3al--in in@uiries are *enerall +andled b counter e1ecuti,es. Some times sales e1ecuti,es also addreses to t+ese in@uiries. 'o deal )it+ t+ese customers t+e e1ecuti,e s+ould possess substantial -no)led*e of t+e product, its competitors, discounts associated )it+ a particular product etc. Tele*%one n4! r e"&5 :enerall +andled b t+e receptionist, telep+one in@uiries do not +a,e a *ood success rate. Alt+ou*+ t+e customer ma-es a telep+one in@uir demonstration of a particular car. F eld5 In4! r e"&5 '+e field in@uiries are *enerall made for t+ose customers )+o s+o) t+eir interest in bu in* t+e product in nearer future. 6ield in@uir ener* . facilitates t+e customer in t+e sense t+at t+e e1ecuti,e meets t+e customer at +is +ome or in +is office, t+is sa,es t+e customer(s time and +e +as to come to dealer if +e )ants

,ARUTI SU/U$I 9 Co!nt On !"+

3 "tor2
Maruti 5d o* Limited HMAR5'I 5!894: LIMI'0!I )as establis+ed in 6eb <=?< t+rou*+ an Act of 7arliament, to meet t+e *ro)in* demand of a personal mode of transport caused b t+e lac- of an efficient public transport s stem.Su.u-i Motor 2ompan )as c+osen from se,en prospecti,e partners )orld)ide. '+is )as due not onl to t+eir undisputed leaders+ip in small cars but also to t+eir commitment to acti,el brin* to MAR5'I 5!894: LIMI'0! contemporar tec+nolo* and "apanese mana*ement practices H)+ic+ +ad catapulted "apan o,er 5SA to t+e status of t+e top auto manufacturin* countr in t+e )orldI.A licence and a "oint ;enture a*reement )as si*ned bet)een :o,t of India and Su.u-i Motor 2ompan Hno) Su.u-i Motor 2orporation of "apanI in 4ct <=?#.

CO,PAN8 PROFILE 6 " on '+e Leader in '+e Indian Automobile Industr , 2reatin* 2ustomer !eli*+t and S+are+olderGs 3ealt+R MAR5'I S5K5KI is t+e number-< car compan in India. MAR5'I S5K5KI is a name India +as lo,ed and trusted for #% ears. '+ere are around &% lacs satisfied MAR5'I S5K5KI o)ners on t+e road toda . MAR5'I S5K5KI sells more cars t+an all t+e ot+er put to*et+er. Ne) MAR5'I S5K5KI cars are built )it+ tec+nolo* ot+er cars just can(t matc+. MAR5'I S5K5KI customers enjo benefits fe) ot+er cars companies can offer. MAR5'I S5K5KI o)ners are more satisfied )it+ t+eir cars t+an an one else. <L 1 & 8 pertec+ is installed in Maruti(s ,e+icles. MAR5'I S5K5KI ,e+icles +a,e ad,anced ne) M76I tec+nolo* t+at )or-s )it+ t+e uni@ue <L1& + pertec+ en*ine to *i,e t+e customer unmatc+ed performance. Most MAR5'I S5K5KI ,e+icles +a,e a po)erful <L / bit computer and & / ,al,es per c linder. <L 1 & + pertec+ *i,es t+e customer muc+ more po)er N performance. Almost no ot+er car in India +as t+is tec+nolo* . '+e mostl +a,e ? / bit computers and # / $ ,al,es per c linder. Better fuel econom . Lo)er emission le,els easil meet 0uro / II nor MAR5'I S5K5KI. It also ma-es t+e en*ine run ,er smoot+l . It ma-es t+e car more enjo able to dri,e.

o#(ect )e"
'+e objecti,es of MAR5'I 5!894: LIMI'0! t+en are: for economic *ro)t+. T%e Core )al!e" at ,ar!t S!:!k 2ustomer 4bsession 6ast, 6le1ible and 6irst Mo,er Inno,ation and 2reati,it Net)or-in* and 7artners+ip 4penness and Learnin* U Moderni.ation of t+e Indian Automobile Industr . U 7roduction of fuel-efficient ,e+icles to conser,e scarce resources. U 7roduction of lar*e number of motor ,e+icles )+ic+ )as necessar

Re*istered and 2orporate office <<t+ 6loor, "ee,an 7ra-as+, #>, Kasturba :and+i Mar*, Ne) !el+i - <<%%%<, India MAR5'I 5!894: LIMI'0! 6A2'4R9 7alam :ur*aon Road,

:ur*aon -<##%<>, 8ar ana, India

Re*ional offices 0ast 6or t+e States: 0astern Mad+ a 7rades+, 4rissa, 3est Ben*al, Bi+ar, Andaman N
Nicobar L N ' c+ambers &t+ floor, <L,camac street Kol-ata-M%% %<L

Nort+ 0ast 6or t+e States: All Nort+ 0ast States

&%$, 4rian 'o)ers, 2+ristian Basti, :.S. Road, :u)a+ati HAssamI

Nort+ < 6or t+e States: !el+i, Rajast+an, 5ttar 7rades+ HN2RI and parts of 3estern 57,
parts of 8ar ana Lt+ 6loor, 8ansala a Buildin*, <> Bara-+amba Road,

Ne) !el+i - <<%%%<

Nort+ # 6or t+e States: 8ar ana, 2+andi*ar+, 8.7., "NK, 7unjab, 2+andi*ar+
Sector ?-2, S24 $=-&% Mad+ a Mar* 2+andi*ar+ - <L%%<?

2entral 6or t+e States: 2entral and 0astern 5ttar 7rades+, Nort+ and 3est Mad+ a 7rades+
:round 6loor, Bloc- B-<, 7ic-up Buildin*, ;ib+uti K+and, :omtina*ar Luc-no) - ##L %<%.

Sout+ < 6or t+e States: 'amil Nadu, Kerala and 7ondic+err
Mt+ 6loor, 2apital 'o)ers, <?%, Kodamba--am 8i*+ Road, Nun*amba-am,2+ennai - L%%%$&

Sout+ # 6or t+e States: And+ra 7rades+, Karnata-a

#%&, #nd 6loor, V0mbass 2lassicV

;ittal Mall a Road Ban*alore - >L% %%<

Area 4ffice: And+ra 7rades+

L%$F# , Lt+ 6loor 3+ite 8ouse HBloc- -<I L-$-<<=#F<F<, Kundan Ba*+ Be*umpet, 8 derabad - >%% %<L

3est-< 6or t+e States: Ma+aras+tra, :oa, !aman N !iu

L%#, Mad+a,a Buildin*, Bandra-Kurla 2omple1, BandraH0I, Mumbai - &%%%><

3est # 6or t+e State: :ujarat

>%>, Sat-ar 2omple1, Be+ind S)a*at Buildin*, 4ff 2 : Road, Na,ran*pura, A+medabad - $?% %%=.

Prod!ct *rof le& 5 As )e -no) KIRAN M4'4RS LIMI'0! deals )it+ cars of Maruti Su.u-i, most of t+e models of Maruti cars are a,ailable for sale at KIRAN M4'4RS LIMI'0!. Also accessories and insurance for Maruti cars are sold at KIRAN M4'4RS LIMI'0!. '+e follo)in* are main car models a,ailable )it+ KIRAN M4'4RS LIMI'0!. Maruti-?%% 4mni ;ersa Baleno 0steem Alto K ps Ken 3a*on-r Baleno-altura

'+e follo)in* are main dates )+en Maruti launc+ed its ne) models and also launc+ of ,arious ,ariants of Maruti Su.u-i are s+o)n belo). #%%& Apr: #%%& Mar: Ne) Hnon AF2I ,ariant of Alto L7: ,ariant of G4mni 2ar*oG

#%%& Mar: #%%& "an: #%%$ !ec: #%%$ No,: #%%$ 4ct: #%%# "ul : #%%# "ul : #%%# Ma :

;ersa >-seater, a ne) ,ariant Baleno LAi, a ne) ,ariant Ne) Su.u-i :rand ;itara AL-M Redesi*ned and all-ne) Ken Ne) up*raded 3a*onR 3a*onR 7ride 0steem !iesel. All ot+er ,ariants up*raded Maruti Insurance. ')o ne) subsidiaries started: Maruti Insurance !istributor

Ser,ices and Maruti Insurance Bro-ers Limited #%%# Ma : #%%# Mar: #%%# "an: #%%# "an: #%%< !ec: #%%< 4ct: #%%< 4ct: Alto Spin LAi, )it+ electronic po)er steerin* Special edition of Maruti ?%%, India(s first colour-coordinated car Maruti 'rue ,alue in Mumbai Maruti 6inance in Mumbai )it+ <% finance companies Ken LAi Maruti 'rue ;alue launc+ed in Ban*alore and !el+i Maruti ;ersa, India(s first lu1ur M7;

#%%< Au*: #%%< Au*: #%%< Au*: #%%% 4ct: #%%% Sept: #%%% Au*: #%%% Mar:

Alto ;1i Ken 0as !ri,e 2ustomer information centers launc+ed in 8 derabad, Ban*alore and 2+ennai 6irst car(s compan in India to launc+ a 2all 2enter Ne) Alto Altura, a lu1ur estate car I!'R HInstitute of !ri,in* 'rainin* and Researc+I launc+ed jointl )it+ t+e !el+i

*o,ernment to promote safe dri,in* +abits <=== "an: <=== "an: <=== 4ct: <=== 4ct: <=== No,: <=== !ec: <==? !ec: <==? Au*: Maruti ?%% 0A HM=Lcc, +atc+bac- carI Ken LA H==$cc, +atc+bac- carI Ken ;Ai H==$cc, +atc+bac- car )it+ po)er steerin*I 4mni AL HM=Lcc, M5;, +i*+ roofI Baleno H<L%%cc, $ Bo1 2arI 3a*on R Maruti launc+es )ebsite as part of 2RM initiati,es Ken ! H<>#M cc diesel, +atc+bac- carI

<==? "ul : <==? 6eb: <==M 4ct: <==M Sept: <==L !ec: <==L !ec: <==L No,: <==L 4ct: <==L "une: <==> No,: <==& No,: <==$ 4ct:

Ken ;A N Ken ;A Automatic Ne) H4mni N 4mni 0I HM=Lcc, M5;I <==? 0steem H<#==cc, $ bo1 carI LA, ;A and AA Ne) Maruti ?%% HM=Lcc, +atc+bac- 2arI Standard and !elu1e : ps H0I H=M%cc, &3! ? seaterI 4mni H0I HM=Lcc, M5;, ? seaterI : ps Kin* H<#=?cc, &3!, off road ,e+icleI Ken Automatic H==$cc, +atc+bac- carI 0steem <.$L H<#=? cc, $ bo1 2arI AA 0steem <.$L H<#=? cc, $ bo1 carI ;A 0steem<.$L H<#=?cc, $ bo1 carI LA Ken H==$cc, +atc+bac- 2arI, )+ic+ )as later e1ported in 0urope and else)+ere as t+e Alto

<==% 4ct: <=?L "une: <=?> !ec:

Maruti <%%%H=M%cc, $ bo1I, India(s first contemporar sedan Maruti ?%% HNe) Model-M=Lcc, +atc+bac- 2arI : ps H=M%cc, &3! off-road ,e+icleI

<=?& No,: <=?$ !ec:

4mni, a M=Lcc M5; Maruti ?%%, a M=L cc +atc+bac-, India(s first affordable car.

C%ronolog2 of e)ent" a" on ;''<

#%%&: Launc+ of L7: ,ariant of its commercial ,e+icle G4mni 2ar*oG

Launc+ of ;ersa >-seater, a ne) ,ariant of its Maruti 5d+ o* Limited multi purpose ,e+icle Launc+ of Baleno LAi, a ne) ,ariant of its premium mid-si.e sedan Launc+ of ne) Hnon AF2I ,ariant of Alto Maruti closed t+e financial ear #%%$-%& )it+ an annual sale of &M#<## units, t+e +i*+est e,er since t+e compan be*an operations #% ears a*o #%%$: 0nters into partners+ip )it+ State Ban- of India Launc+ of :rand ;itara AL-M Hproduced b Su.u-iI 7roduction of & milliont+ ,e+icle. Listed on BS0 and NS0 after a public issue o,ersubscribed <% times #%%#: Su.u-i Motor 2orporation HSM2I increases its sta-e in Maruti to >&.# percent Launc+ of Maruti Insurance


Launc+ of ne) businesses: Maruti 'rue ;alue Hbu in*, sellin* or e1c+an*e of

pre-o)ned carsI, Maruti 6inance Hcar financin*I and N#N H2orporate Lease N 6leet Mana*ementI #%%<: Launc+ of ,ersa

#%%%: Launc+ of Alto and Altura <===: Launc+ of Maruti - Su.u-i inno,ati,e traffic beat in !el+i and 2+ennai as social initiati,es Launc+ of Maruti Baleno and 3a*onr 7lant $ inau*uratedR installed capacit increased to $>%,%%% units <==?: Launc+ of )ebsite as part of 2RM initiati,es <==M: 7roduced t+e # milliont+ ,e+icle since t+e commencement of production <==L: Launc+ of #&-+our emer*enc on-road ,e+icle ser,ice <==>: 3it+ t+e launc+ of second plant, installed capacit reac+ed #%%,%%% units <==&: 7roduced t+e < milliont+ ,e+icle since t+e commencement of production <==$: Launc+ of Maruti Ken <==#: SM2 increases its sta-e in Maruti to >% percent

<==<: Reac+es cuMaruti 5d+ o* Limitedati,e indi*enisation of L> percent for all ,e+icles produced <==%: Launc+ of t+ree-bo1 car, t+e Maruti <%%% <=??: Installed capacit increased to <%%,%%% units <=?M: 01ported first lot of >%% cars to 8un*ar <=?L: 7roduced <%%,%%% ,e+icles HcuMaruti 5d+ o* Limitedati,e productionI <=?>: Launc+ of Maruti : ps <=?&: Installed capacit reac+ed &%,%%% units Launc+ of Maruti 4mni <=?$: 7roduction )as started under ";A Launc+ of M=L cc +atc+bac- Maruti ?%% <=?#: License and "; a*reement si*ned bet)een Maruti 5d o* Ltd. and SM2 of "apan <=?<: Maruti 5d o* Ltd )as incorporated under t+e pro,isions of t+e Indian 2ompanies Act, <=>L

BENEFITS& Maruti al)a s offers its customer t+e @ualit product. Startin* form *reetin* t+e customer to ma-in* presentation, demonstration, ma-in* actual sales, receipt of pa ment and pro,idin* loan facilit are done ,er )ell b t+e sales e1ecuti,es of Maruti dealers.

Un#eata#le "er) ce ad)antage+

4nl MAR5'I S5K5KI +as a nation / )ide net)or- of o,er <=%% ser,ice station in more t+an =%% to)ns. 6rom Kas+mir to Kan a-umariE Arm of $%,%%% professionall trained ser,ice personnel. Modern, ad,anced repairin* e@uipment and tools.

Ex*re"" 3 g%wa2 Ser) ce"

01press 8i*+)a Ser,ices introduced )it+ ser,ices stations at con,enient points on important national 8i*+)a s.

,ar!t On 9 Road Ser) ce

Maruti on road ser,ice. "ust dial =L##=L##%% for a #& +our on road brea-do)n ser,ice in man cities. No ot+er car compan can matc+ t+is. Maruti is *i,in* t+e ser,ice in suc+ a )a so t+at t+e customer can a,ail it an )+ere in India.

Gen! ne Part"

MAR5'I S5K5KI spares are easil a,ailable across t+e len*t+ and breat+ of t+e countr . Also t+e spare parts are a,ailable at c+eaper rate compared to its competitors. ,ar!t S!:!k Extended 1arrant2

MAR5'I S5K5KI no) offers optical e1tended )arrant up to t+e $ rd ear of L%,%%% -MAR5'I S5K5KI, )+ic+ e,er is earlier, )it+ effect from April, #%%#. All ne) ,e+icles sold on or after <&t+ ma #%%< and co,ered under t+e primar )arrant of # ears or &%,%%% -ms H)+ic+ e,er is earlierI are eli*ible of t+is. It *i,es total peace of mind for & ears, fle1ibilit to approac+ an MAR5'I S5K5KI dealers across t+e countr for a,ailin* t+is )arrant and of course, t+e MAR5'I S5K5KI assurance. All t+is is a,ailable at an e1tremel customer friendl price.

,ar!t f nance& 5 A #etter wa2 to #!2 a car+

'+an-s to Maruti 6inance, customers can no) *et t+e best interest rates for car loans at t+eir MAR5'I S5K5KI !ealers+ip itself. In fact, t+e dealer )ill compare all t+e necessar paper )or- and ot+er formalities. More importantl , t+e percenta*e of e1 / s+o)room price t+at t+e customer can *et as loan HL';I is +i*+er t+an )+at is ot+ers. Besides t+is, t+e customer is also offered ,alue Added Ser,ices H;ASI li-e 01tended 3arrant for $ rd and &t+ ear at a discounted price. And t+at(s not all. 5nder certain conditions, t+e customer can also *et loans for car insurance and Maruti :enuine Accessories. '+e Maruti 6inance offer to its customers is different from ot+er offerin*s in t+e mar-et in & -e )a s: Best Interest Rates: '+e Maruti 6inance pro*ram offers most competiti,e interest rates to its customers, )+ic+ are lo)er b %.#>J to %.>J from t+e mar-et rates. ;alue Added Ser,ices: 01tended )arrant for t+e $rd N &t+ ears can be bundled alon* )it+ t+e Maruti 6inance loan. 8i*+er Loan Amounts : 5nder Maruti 6inance, t+e customer could *et +i*+er Loan 'o ;alue HL';sI, loan top ups for Insurance N Maruti :enuine Accessories. 2on,enience N 'ransparent !eals: Maruti 6inance +as defined +i*+ ser,ice standards for its customers, and +ence promises to offer t+e best in t+e mar-et ser,ice. '+e customer *ets t+e con,enience of *ettin* all +is F +er car needs / 2ar, 6inance, Accessories, all under t+e same roof. Also, Maruti 6inance ensures transparent N *enuine deals to its customers t+rou*+ its )ide dealers+ip net)or-.

'+e interest rate offered for car financin* depends on t+e credit e,aluation of t+e customer b t+e 6inance compan . 8o)e,er, t+e rates offered b Maruti 6inance are %.#>J to %.>J lo)er t+an t+ose a,ailable in t+e mar-et across all credit profiles. '+e rates bein* offered b t+e 6inance compan under Maruti 6inance are special rates t+at +a,e been ne*otiated b Maruti )it+ t+e 6inance companies for its customers. 8ence, t+ese rates are lo)er t+an t+ose bein* offered in t+e mar-et. '+e customer does not +a,e to bear an indirect costs to reconcile for t+ese lo)er rates. '+e amount of loan a,ailable depends on t+e car t+at is bein* purc+ased, as t+e 6inance companies define a ma1imum Loan-to-;alue ratio for t+e customers. '+e ,alue +ere is t+e price of t+e car t+at t+e customer proposes to purc+ase. '+e Loan-to-;alue ratio offered to t+e customer depends on t+e credit e,aluation of t+e customer b t+e 6inance compan . '+e L'; to a customer can *o upto <%%J.

Loan" for In"!rance and Acce""or e"+

Loans for insurance and accessories are built into t+e 0MIGs, -eepin* t+e )+ole deal simple and +assle free.So if t+e customer +a,enGt alread made up t+e customerr mind, just )al- into an aut+orised Maruti dealers+ip for t+e best cars and best finance options. '+e Maruti 6inance pro*ram aims to offer t+e best in class ser,ice to its customers. 3it+ t+is objecti,e, t+e follo)in* ser,ice standards +a,e been set for t+e performance of t+e business: W Incomplete Application 'urn Around 'ime H'A'I / In case t+ere is furt+er documentation re@uired for t+e application to be processed, t+e 6inance compan )ill inform t+e dealer )it+in

# )or-in* +ours of receipt of application file, and t+e customer can subse@uentl be informed of t+e same b t+e dealer W Appro,al 'A' after receipt of satisfactor documentation / 4n receipt of t+e completed application )it+ satisfactor documentation, t+e 6inance compan )ill ta-e a decision on appro,in* t+e loan )it+in a duration of & +ours N not e1ceedin* #& +ours from receipt of application W 2omplaint addressal / '+e 6inance 2ompan )ill address an customer complaint recei,ed )it+in #& +ours from receipt of complaint. In addition, Maruti )ill monitor t+e ser,ice bein* offered to its customers to ensure t+at t+e defined ser,ice standards are maintained.

,ar!t F nance
Maruti +as partnered )it+ t+e leadin* 6inance companies in India to pro,ide +i*+l attracti,e 6inance deals to its customers t+rou*+ its dealers. Maruti 6inance is t+e pro*ram under )+ic+ t+ese deals are bein* offered e1clusi,el to customers of Maruti ,e+icles. 'o brin* t+e customer competiti,e financin*, Maruti +as launc+ed Maruti 6inance. No) t+e customer can a,ail of Maruti 6inance ser,ices across :u)a+ati, Ma+aras+tra, :oa, And+ra 7rades+, Karnata-a, 'amil Nadu and Kerala.Maruti +as tied up )it+ ei*+t finance companies to form a consortium. '+is consortium comprises 2iticorp Maruti, Maruti 2ountr )ide, I2I2I, 8!62 Ban-, Standard 2+artered, ABN AMR4, Kota- Ma+indra and Sundaram 6inance.Best Interest Rates Maruti 6inance offers t+e best rates of interest. '+e instalment sc+emes are desi*ned to suit t+e customerr con,enience, at a rate t+at fits t+e customerr poc-et.

,ar!t Co!ntr2w de F nance

Maruti 2ountr )ide )as set-up )+en :0 2apital, 8!62 and Maruti 5d o* Limited formed a capti,e finance compan in <==>.A professionall mana*ed compan )e s+are t+e ideals and )or- culture of t+e parent companies. 4ur prime objecti,e is to cater to t+e needs of Maruti car bu ers b offerin* inno,ati,e finance sc+emes for t+e purc+ase of Maruti cars

SBI ,ar!t Car Loan"

'+e countr Gs lar*est ban- and t+e lar*est car ma-er +a,e joined +ands to ma-e affordable car finance a,ailable to more and more people across t+e countr . '+e me*a alliance ma-es car loans a,ailable at lo)er interest rates to a )ider section of people, )it+ transparent terms and conditions. It is supported b t+e unmatc+ed combined net)or- of SBI branc+es and Maruti outlets. '+e 5nbeatable Ad,anta*es of SBI-Maruti 2ar Loans ')o mar-et leaders in t+eir respecti,e industries )it+ trusted brand names. Lo)est interest rates of =.>%JW No processin* fees or +idden costs to ensure transparenc No e1tra c+ar*e for repa in* loans a+ead of sc+edule Standardised loans t+at offer fi1ed interest rates across models and locations. 2ar loans a,ailable for di,erse cate*ories of customers includin* *o,ernment More loan amount a,ailable as it is e1tended on t+e basis of t+e carGs on-road price, not

emplo ees and a*riculturists e1 s+o)room price.

Lon*er loan repa ment period -- upto se,en ears Interest rates at t+e time of purc+ase of t+e car )ill be applicable. Interest rates are

subject to c+an*e and are at t+e sole discretion of SBI. Interest rate of =.>%J applicable on repa ment periods up to $L mont+s. An interest rate of <%.%%J is applicable for a repa ment periods of M ears. 2redit is at t+e sole discretion of SBI.

C t cor* ,ar!t F nance Ltd

2iticorp Maruti 6inance Limited )as formed )+en Maruti joined +ands )it+ 2itiban- in Ma <==?.Located in #$ cities )e are t+e first compan t+at pro,ides ser,ices to finance t+e purc+ase of second+and cars nationall .3e also offer a )ide ran*e of fle1ible and customised financin* options at affordable rates to indi,iduals bu in* a Maruti car.

Benef t" to reg "tered c!"tomer+

All o)ners of MAR5'I S5K5KI ,e+icles )+o re*ister at ))).marutiud o*.com enjo all t+ese benefits for free: An e1clusi,e XM MarutiY pa*e for t+eir car(s details. Reminders for ser,ice, insurance and 752 certification, and ot+er reminders 2ar pool Ser,ice station locator, includin* uni@ue maps for cities states and major +i*+)a s. Interacti,e maintenance planner. 4n-line ser,ice boo-in* 'ips for car care, dri,in*, insurance, a,oidin* and dealin* )it+ accidents, etc. 01pert ad,ice 4rder Maruti :enuine Accessories on-line !o)nload o)ners manual Special offers li-e discounts on tra,el, t res, etc. Route *uides for dri,in* to +olida destinations 7rior information on e,ents in t+eir cit li-e free ser,ice camps, contests etc. 3allpapers, N screen sa,ers.

Hanni,ersar etc.I

=!al t2 S2"tem"
Maruti Su.u-i pro,ides consumer satisfaction t+rou*+ continuous impro,ement of t+e products and ser,ices b follo)in* 7!2A H7LAN-!4-2802K-A2'I in all functions of t+e or*anisation. ISO >''?&;''' At Maruti, t+e approac+ to @ualit is in -eepin* )it+ t+e "apanese practice--Vbuild it into t+e productV. 'ec+nicians t+e MAR5'I S5K5KIel,es inspect t+e @ualit of )or-. Super,isors educate and instruct tec+nicians to continuall impro,e producti,it and @ualit . '+e mo,ement of @ualit indicators is re,ie)ed in )ee-l meetin*s b t+e top mana*ement. In #%%<, Maruti 5d o* Ltd became one of t+e first automobile companies an )+ere in t+e )orld to *et an IS4 =%%%:#%%% certification. A; Bel*ium, *lobal auditors for International 4r*ani.ation for StandardisationHIS4I, certified Maruti after a four da lon* audit, co,erin* ,aried parameters li-e 2ustomer 6ocussed or*anisation, Leaders+ip, In,ol,ement of people, 7rocess approac+, S stem approac+ to Mana*ement, 2ontinual impro,ement, etc. In Ma <==>, Maruti *ot IS4 =%%# certification. '+e audit for t+is co,ered @ualit assurance in production, installation, mar-etin* and sales as )ell as after sales ser,ices. 3e )ere also one of t+e first companies in t+e )orld to pioneer IS4 =%%% certification for our dealers. In 4ctober <==$, MAR5'I 5!894: LIMI'0! passed t+e 2onformit 4f 7roduction H247I Audit, )+ic+ is based on a 0uropean 5nion !irecti,e. '+is aut+enticated our @ualit s steMAR5'I S5K5KI and testin* facilities for e1port to 0urope.4ur emp+asis on total @ualit

+as meant t+at toda )e are in a position to *uide ,endors and dealers in establis+in* and consolidatin* t+eir indi,idual @ualit s steMAR5'I S5K5KI. '+is commitment to @ualit +as ensured a consistentl satisf in* product and )orld-class sales and after-sales ser,ices.

Em*lo2ee 4!al t2 mea"!re"

Kai.en is based on t+e concept of ma-in* incremental impro,ements in our products. It incorporates a series of continuous small and simple impro,ements, )+ic+ aim at in,ol,in* emplo ees at all le,els. '+e Su**estion Sc+eme is based on t+e same principle. 5nder t+is sc+eme, emplo ees are encoura*ed to ma-e su**estions for impro,ement in an area of our operation. 4,er >%,%%% su**estions are recei,ed from emplo ees e,er ear.

Maruti +as )on t+e 6irst place in V01cellence in Su**estion Sc+eme 2ontest #%%$V, )+ic+ is t+e Lt+ consecuti,e a)ard )on in as man ears. '+is contest is or*ani.ed b Indian National Su**estion Sc+emes Association HINSSANI. Since <==? Maruti +as )on t+is a)ard <% times. VZualit 2irclesV are *roups of fi,e to ei*+t members from a particular )or- area )+o )or- as a team to identif priorities and sol,e )or- related problem in t+e area. '+e compan belie,es t+at it is t+e un)a,erin* commitment to @ualit t+at )ill lead to t+e furt+er *ro)t+ of t+e or*ani.ation as competition increases.

TS ?@><>&;'';
A ne) feat+er )as added recentl in Maruti(s cap in t+e field of @ualit )+en t+e Zualit Mana*ement S stem of its 7ress S+op N associated functions Hcollecti,el termed as 7ress

6unctionI *ot certification for conformance to t+e re@uirements of 'S<L=&=:#%%# standard.'+e need for 'S certification of 7ress 6unction +ad its *enesis in t+e presti*ious project t+at Maruti earned for t+e suppl of stamped panels to :eneral Motors India for one of its fort+comin* models.As a part of Zualit s stem re@uirements, :M re@uires all its suppliers to be certified to eit+er IS4 'S <L=&= or ZS =%%%.'+ese standards address Zualit S stem re@uirements, )+ic+ are particularl specific to t+e automoti,e industr and re@uires an or*ani.ation to be in compliance )it+ IS4 =%%% s stems as a basic re@uirement. 8o)e,er, )+ereas ZS =%%% )ould become defunct and cease to e1ist after !ec #%%L, 'S <L=&= is *oin* to be t+e standard of t+e future. '+e 'S <L=&= standard, brou*+t out b IS4 in t+e ear <===, is an e1tension of t+e IS4 =%%<:#%%% standard t+at prescribes Zualit mana*ement s stem re@uirements t+at are specificall applicable to t+e automoti,e industr .'S <L=&= +as *ained +i*+ popularit and almost all major automobile pla ers across t+e *lobe includin* :M, 6ord, !aimler 2+r sler, Nissan, 8onda are embracin* N promotin* it.

Tran"fer of Tec%nolog2
0,er minute t)o ,e+icles roll out of t+e Maruti 7lant. It is t+erefore imperati,e t+at t+e transfer of contemporar tec+nolo* from t+e partner Su.u-i is a smoot+ process. :reat stress is laid on trainin* and moti,atin* t+e people )+o man and maintain t+e e@uipment, since t+e best e@uipment alone cannot *uarantee +i*+ @ualit and producti,it . 6rom t+e be*innin* it )as a conscious decision to send people to Su.u-i Motor 2orporation for on-t+e-job trainin* for line tec+nicians, super,isors and en*ineers. '+is +elps t+em to imbibe t+e culture in a )a t+at

merel transferrin* tec+nolo* t+rou*+ documents can ne,er replicate. At present #%J of t+e compan (s )or-force +a,e been trained under t+is pro*ramme e1perts. If a customer boo-s( a ser,ice )it+ +is dealer +e can do)nload t+e o)ner manuals. '+atGs not all. '+e customer can create +is o)n c ber par-in* for +is Maruti at GM MarutiG.

At T%e T me Of B!2 ng
At t+e time of bu in*, t+e customer re@uires muc+ more t+an just t+e car. '+e customer needs c+oice. 6rom t+e compan )it+ IndiaGs lar*est ran*e of cars, t+e customer no) *et a ,ariet of ot+er options too, startin* from +o) muc+ )arrant support t+e customer need, to +i*+-@ualit accessories to customi.ed t+e customer(s car just t+e )a t+e customer li-e. 3e also reco*ni.ed t+at t+e customer ma need finance not onl for t+e car, but for t+ese ,alue ads. '+e customer also deser,es t+e best option for e1c+an*in* t+e customerr old car at its true ,alue. And, )+ile t+e customer certainl need insurance, )ouldnGt it be nice to *et a product )+ic+ settles )it+ t+e dealer directl

Ac% e)ement"
Maruti created +istor b *oin* into production in a record <$ mont+s. 4n <& !ecember <=?$, t+e t+en 7rime Minister of India, Mrs Indira :and+i, released t+e first ,e+icle for sale b +andin* o,er t+e -e s of a Maruti ?%% to Mr. 8arpal Sin*+ of !el+i. 3e e1ceeded t+e ,olume tar*ets, and in Marc+ <==&, )e became t+e first Indian compan to produce o,er one million ,e+icles, a landmar- et to be ac+ie,ed b an ot+er car compan in India. Maruti is t+e +i*+est ,olume car manufacturer in Asia, outside "apan and Korea, +a,in* produced o,er & million ,e+icles b April #%%$.

Maruti re,olutioni.ed t+e )a Indians loo-ed at cars. VNo ot+er car compan so completel dominates its +ome mar-etV - H'+e 0conomistI. MAR5'I 5!894: LIMI'0! is t+e first and onl car compan in t+e )orld to lead its +ome mar-et in t+e MAR5'I S5K5KI of bot+ mar-et s+are and in t+e "! 7o)er 2ustomer Satisfaction stud H"! 7o)er Asia 7acific #%%% India 2ustomer Satisfaction studiesI. It is also t+e onl car compan in t+e )orld to be 'op ran-ed four times in a ro) H#%%%, #%%<, #%%# N #%%$I.

U #%%$ !ec: Maruti ?%%, Maruti Ken and Maruti 0steem ma-e it to t+e top <% automoti,e brands in VMost 'rusted Brand sur,e #%%$V U #%%$ No,: " ! 7o)er ran-ed $ models of Maruti on top: 3a*onr, Ken and 0steem U #%%$ No,: Maruti ?%% and 3a*onr top in N64 'otal 2ustomer Satisfaction Stud #%%$. U #%%$ 4ct: MAR5'I 5!894: LIMI'0! tops in " ! 7o)er 2SI H#%%<I for &t+ time in a ro) U #%%< 4ct: MAR5'I 5!894: LIMI'0! tops in " ! 7o)er 2SI H#%%<I for #nd time in a ro): anot+er international first

U #%%%: Maruti ba*s "! 7o)er 2SI - <st ran-R uni@ue ac+ie,ement b mar-et leader an )+ere in t+e )orld U <===: MSM launc+ed as model )or-s+op in IndiaR ac+ie,es +i*+est 2SI ratin*. U <=== "ul : 2entral Board of 01cise N 2ustoms a)ards Maruti )it+ VSamman 7atraV, for contribution to e1c+e@uer and bein* an ideal ta1 assessee U <==?: 2IIGs Business 01cellence A)ard U <==L !ec: Maruti )ins INSSAN a)ard for V01cellence in Su**estion Sc+emeV U <==L April: a)arded t+e Star 'radin* 8ouse status b Ministr of 2ommerce U <==&-=>: 0n*ineerin* 01ports 7romotion 2ouncilGs a)ard for e1port performance U <==&: Best 2anteen a)ard amon* 8ar ana Industries as part of emplo ee )elfare U <==#-=$: 0n*ineerin* 01ports 7romotion 2ouncilGs a)ard for e1port performance U <==<-=#: 0n*ineerin* 01ports 7romotion 2ouncilGs a)ard for e1port performance

Concl!" on
'+us )e can conclude t+at Kiran Motors Ltd is dealin* )it+ automobiles successfull . All t+e departments Kiran Motors )or- +ard to ac+ie,e t+e or*ani.ational *oals. KML possess all important feature re@uired for small or*ani.ation. 'o satisf a customer is not an eas tas-. It re@uires competent )or-- force. Also efficient pre-sales and postsales ser,ices s+ould be *i,en to t+e customers. '+e project also *i,es brief idea about car-finance. !ifferent documents re@uired for loan are also stated in t+e project. In s+ort t+e project can become a *uide for t+ose )+o are interested in -no)in* about car finance.

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