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Grammar III


1 Behind her feet were two tripods. They were badly scratched, but she could read part of the worn label on one: Gitzo. When he had opened the glove bo , she noticed

it was cra!!ed with noteboo"s, !aps pens, e!pty fil! canisters, loose change, and a carton of #a!el cigarettes. 5 Turn right at the ne t corner, she said. That gave her an e cuse to glance at the profile of $obert %incaid. &is s"in was tanned and s!ooth and shiny with sweat. &e had nice lips' for so!e reason she had noticed that right away. (nd his nose was li"e that she had seen on )ndian !en during a vacation the fa!ily had ta"en out west when the children were young. 10 &e wasn*t handso!e, not in any conventional sense. +or was he ho!ely. Those words didn*t see! to apply to hi!. But there was so!ething, so!ething about hi!. ,o!ething very old, so!ething slightly battered by the years, not in his appearance, but in his eyes. -n his left wrist was a co!plicated.loo"ing watch with a brown, sweat.stained 15 leather band. ( silver bracelet with so!e intricate scrollwor" clung to his right wrist. )t needed a good rubbing with silver polish, she thought, then chastised herself for being caught up in the trivia of s! life she had silently rebelled against through the years. $obert %incaid pulled a pac" of cigarettes fro! his shirt poc"et, shoo" one halfway 20 out, and offered it to her. /or the second ti!e in five !inutes, she surprised herself and too" the cigarette. What a! ) doing0 she thought. ,he had s!o"ed years ago but gave it up under the steady thu!p of criticis! fro! $ichard. &e shoo" out another one, put it between his lips, and flic"ered a gold 1ippo lighter into fla!e, holding it toward her while he "ept his eyes on the road. 25 ,he cupped her hands around the lighter to hold the wind in abeyance and touched his hand to steady it against the bouncing of the truc". )t too" only an instant for her to light the cigarette, but that was long enough to feel the war!th of his hand and the tiny hairs along the bac" of it. ,he leaned bac" and he swung the lighter towards his own cigarette, e pertly for!ing his wind cup, ta"ing his hands off the steering wheel for 30 no !ore than a second. /rancesca 2ohnson, far!er*s wife, rested against the dusty truc" seat, s!o"ed the cigarette, and pointed. There it is, 3ust around the curve. The old bridge, peeling red in color, tilting slightly fro! all the years, sat across a s!all strea!. $obert %incaid had s!iled then. &e 4uic"ly loo"ed at her and said, )t*s great. ( 35 sunrise shot. &e stopped a hundred feet fro! the bridge and got out, ta"ing the open "napsac" with hi!. )*! going to do a little reconnaissance for a few !inutes, do you !ind0 ,he shoo" her head and s!iled bac".

(uthor: $obert 2a!es Waller 5ublishing #o.: Warner Boo"s, )nc. 6ear: 7889 Title: The Bridges of :adison #ounty

Grammar III This assign!ent is to be done in groups of three. :e!bers of the group are e pected to wor" on it 3ointly and are e4ually responsible for the end.product. The assign!ent is to be handed in on Tuesday 77th. Remember ! "a#$ %# a &!'( !) "e %#* r+& %!#* !,e "er -% " "e a**%,#me# , ! #+mber "e .%#e* !) "e e/ * (!+ +*e a#$ re)er ! .%#e* )!r ea*e !) re)ere#&e -"e# (!+ 'r!0%$e e/am'.e*1 A.*! remember ! *e#$ a# e.e& r!#%& &!'( !) "e e/ ! (!+r TA )!r !+r *am'.e !) e/ * 2-% " %#$%&a %!# !) *!+r&e3 Ta*4* #hoose a te t or a te t e cerpt co!parable to the ones we have analyzed in class in length and difficulty and co!plete the following tas"s: ;i< )dentify and label => processes and all associated participants. When labeling the process indicate, if it applies, the subtype of process involved. Try to choose thirty processes in the sa!e frag!ent or section of the te t or across contiguous sections. This will facilitate the establish!ent of patterns afterwards' ;=>< )dentify and label (?? the circu!stances acco!panying the processes. When labeling the #ircu!stances, indicate, when it applies, the subtype of #ircu!stance involved. ;9><


11 Be"%#$ "er )ee #: spatial location 21 T"e( carrier

-ere -! r%'!$* e istential process ba$.( *&ra &"e$ attribute

e istent

-ere $elational attributive intensifying &!+.$ rea$ :aterial :iddle With range


*"e actor

'ar !) "e -!r# .abe. !# !#e: 5G% 6!7 range "e ,.!0e b!/ range

81 9"e# ;not analyzed< @te tual ele!entA

"e "a$ !'e#e$ actor :aterial :iddle with range

51 *"e senser

#! %&e$ % -a* &ramme$ -% " #! eb!!4*, ma'* 'e#*, em' ( )%.m :ental !acropheno!enon perception &a#%* er*, .!!*e &"a#,e, a#$ a &ar !# !) Came. &%,are e*1 !acropheno!enon *"e *a%$1 sayer Berbal process

:1 5T+r# r%," a "e #e/ &!r#er7, ?ocution ;4uotation< C. T"a (ctor

,a0e "er a# e/&+*e ! ,.a#&e a "e 'r!)%.e !) R!ber ;%#&a%$ . :aterial beneficiary goal effective ;giving type<

<1 =%* *4%# #arrier

-a* $elational (ttributive )ntensifying process

a##e$ a#$ *m!! " a#$ *"%#( -% " *-ea 1 attribute

>1 =e #arrier

"a$ #%&e .%'*? $elational attribute (ttributive 5ossessive process *"e "a$ #! %&e$ senser :ental 5erception behavioural "a r%," a-a( pheno!enon #: te!poral location

101 )!r *!me rea*!# #: cause ' reason

111 "%* #!*e carrier

-a* .%4e "a *"e "a$ *ee# !# I#$%a# me# $elational attribute (ttributive circu!stantial process
-"e# "e &"%.$re# -ere (!+#, AA

$+r%#, a 0a&a %!# @@ "e )am%.( "a$ a4e# !+ -e*

#: te!poral e tent 121 =e carrier -a*#B "a#$*!me, #! %# a#( &!#0e# %!#a. *e#*e $elational attribute (ttributive )ntensifying process -a*

131 "e carrier

"!me.( attribute

(ttributive )ntensifying process


T"!*e -!r$*


$%$#B *eem $elational (ttributive )ntensifying process

! a''.( ! "%m1 attribute

We have spo"en with ?aura about this special case and we did not get into an agree!ent with it. ,he had pro!ised to give us a solution.

151 "ere -a* *!me "%#,, *!me "%#, ab!+ "%m D istential D istent;apposition< 5rocess 7E. O# "%* .e) -r%* #: spatial location -a* a &!m'.%&a e$C.!!4%#, -a &" D istential D istent 5rocess -% " a br!-#, *-ea C* a%#e$ .ea "er ba#$ D istent 1D1 A *%.0er bra&e.e -% " *!me %# r%&a e *&r!..-!r4 &.+#, :aterial actor

! "%* r%," -r%* 1 #:spatial location

1<1 I #ee$e$ a ,!!$ r+bb%#, -% " *%.0er '!.%*", :etapheno!enon idea

1>1 "e# 2*"e3
;not Behaver analyzed<

*"e "!+," senser :ental process of cognition #: spatial location

&"a* %*e$
Berbal behavioural 5rocess


)!r be%#, &a+," +' %# "e r%0%a !) *ma..C !-#

Targ et

#: cause reason

.%)e @@*"e "a$ *%.e# .( rebe..e$ a,a%#* "r!+," "e (ear*AA1 #: spatial location 201 R!ber ;%#&a%$ actor '+..e$


a 'a&4 !) &%,are e* )r!m "%* *"%r '!&4e , goal #: spatial location

2"e3 *"!!4 !#e "a.)-a( !+ , (ctor :aterial goal #: spatial location ;o!itted< Dffective 99. a#$ ;not analyzed< 2"e3 !))ere$ actor :aterial ;o!itted< Dffective
;giving type<


% goal

! "er Beneficiary ;recipient<

231 E!r "e *e&!#$ %me %# )%0e m%#+ e*, #: Te!poral e tent

*"e *+r'r%*e$ "er*e.) behaver !ental range Behavioural

process 281 a#$ ;not analyzed< 2"e3 (ctor ;o!itted< !!4 :aterial Dffective "e &%,are e goal

251 9"a am I $!%#,F :etapheno!enon idea 2:1 S"e actor

2D1 b+ ;not analyzed<

S"e "!+," 1 senser :ental process of cognition (ear* a,! #: te!poral location
% +' +#$er "e * ea$( "+m' !) &r% %&%*m )r!m R%&"ar$
:ateri al :iddle With range

"a$ *m!4e$ :aterial !iddle

2*"e3 (ctor ;o!itt ed< ,a0e :ater ial :iddl e With range



2<1 =e (ctor 2>1 2"e3 (ctor ;o!itted< 301 a#$ ;not analyzed< 2%%%3

*"!!4 !+ a#! "er !#e, :aterial goal effective '+ :aterial effective % Goal be -ee# "%* .%'*, #: spatial location

2"e3 ).%&4ere$ a ,!.$ G%''! .%," er %# ! ).ame (ctor :aterial Goal #: $ole product ;o!itted< Dffective C"!!*e *%/ 'r!&e**e* !) $%))ere# 4%#$* a#$ *a( -"a 'r!be* &!+.$ be a''.%e$ !r -"a 'r!be* (!+ e))e& %0e.( a''.%e$ ! $e&%$e -"a 4%#$ !) 'r!&e** %* %#0!.0e$ 2$! *+b* % + %!#, 'r!He& %!#, e &131 2153

The probes that could be applied to confir! identification of processes would be: E!r me# a. 'r!&e**e*

1<1 I #ee$e$ a ,!!$ r+bb%#, -% " *%.0er '!.%*", !) &!,#% %!#3


"!+," 2me# a. 'r!&e**

.Pr!He& %!# 'r!be: their pro3ecting or having the capacity of pro3ecting. This probe is positive, it pro3ects the !etapheno!enon idea ;)t needed a good rubbing with silver polish<. .The i!possibility of having a re&e%0er shows it*s !ental and not verbal.

. S+b* % + %!# b( $! 'r!be: The i!possibility of replacing the! logically by do, which shows they are not !aterial ;What did she do0 ,he thought it needed a good rubbing with silver polish would be illogical< E!r ma er%a. e))e& %0e 'r!&e** 2,%0%#, ('e3

221 a#$ 2"e3 !))ere$ % ! "er

.5resence of three participants ;an (ctor, a Goal and a BeneficiaryF$eceiver< . S+b* % + %!# b( I$!B 'r!be: What did he do0 &e offered it ;the cigarette< to her. . Re'.a&eme# b( 5$! -% "7 What did he do with the cigarette0 &e offered it to her.

. The goal is followed by the beneficiary that represents the result of the i!pact. . +o capacity to pro3ect. E!r Ma er%a. m%$$.e -% " ra#,e 'r!&e**e*: 31 *"e &!+.$ rea$ 'ar !) "e -!r# .abe. !# !#e: 5G% 6!7
. S+b* % + %!# b( $! 'r!be: The possibility of replacing it by do. What did she do0 ,he could read part of the worn label on one: Gitzo. . The i!possibility of replacing it by do with. What did she do with part of the worn label0 G ,he could read it. . $eplace!ent by a 55: ,he could read ;on< part of the worn label on one: Gitzo . +o capacity to pro3ect.

E!r 0erba. 'r!&e**: :1 5T+r# r%," a "e #e/ &!r#er7, *"e *a%$1
.Pr!He& %!# 'r!be: it can pro3ect a locution ;4uotation<. .T"e re&e%0er 'r!be: )t has the capacity to ta"e a receiver. ,he said that to $obert. . S+b* % + %!# b( $! 'r!be: The i!possibility of replacing the! logically by do, which shows they are not !aterial. What did she do0 G,he said: Turn right at the ne t corner.

E!r re.a %!#a. a r%b+ %0e 'r!&e**: 121 =e -a*#B "a#$*!me, #! %# a#( &!#0e# %!#a. *e#*e C The use of the verb be indicates it*s relational.
. S+b* % + %!# b( $! 'r!be: The i!possibility of replacing the! logically by do, which shows they are not !aterial. What did he do0 G &e wasn*t handso!e, not in any

conventional sense.
. +o reversibility, that is, the capacity of the participants to be reversed in order.G &andso!e wasn*t he.

E!r e/%* e# %a. 'r!&e**: 1:1 O# "%* .e) -r%* -a* a &!m'.%&a e$C.!!4%#, -a &"1 2% &a# be e% "er a re.a %!#a. a r%b+ %0e %# e#*%)(%#, 'r!&e** !r a# e/%* e# %a. 'r!&e**31 A* a# e/%* e# %a. 'r!&e**, "e 'r!be -!+.$ be: C S+b* % + %!# b( $! 'r!be: The i!possibility of replacing the! logically by do, which shows they are not !aterial. What did it do0G there was a co!plicated.loo"ing watch.
C Pre*e#&e !) +#* re**e$ I "ereB1 A* a re.a %!#a. a r%b+ %0e %# e#*%)(%#, 'r!&e**: C The use of the verb be indicates it*s relational. C S+b* % + %!# b( $! 'r!be: The i!possibility of replacing the! logically by do, which shows they are not !aterial. What did it do0G there was a co!plicated.loo"ing watch

. 5resence of an indefinite article a. 2%03 C"!!*e *%/ $%))ere# &%r&+m* a#&e* a#$ *a( -"a 'r!be (!+ &!+.$ a''.( !r (!+ e))e& %0e.( a''.%e$ ! $e&%$e -"a 4%#$ !) &%r&+m* a#&e % %*1 2103 C Ca+*e 2rea*!#<: 9"(F for so!e reason ;line C<

C S'a %a. .!&a %!#: 9"ereF Behind her feet ;line 7<

CTem'!ra. .!&a %!#1 9"e#F years ago ;?ine 97< Tem'!ra. e/ e# : E!r "!- .!#,F /or the second ti!e in five !inutes ;?ine 9>< 203 2%3

C Ma##er J+a.% (1 =!-F 4uic"ly ;line =H< C R!.e 'r!$+& 9"a %# !F into fla!e ;line 9=<

Sa( 2%3 -"a ('e* !) e.eme# * (!+ "a0e #! a#a.(6e$ )!r ra#*% %0% (, e/'.a%# -"( a#$ 'r!0%$e %..+* ra %!# a#$ 2%%3 )!r &!m'.e/ VG*, -"%&" 0erb $e erm%#e* "e 'r!&e** 253 Te tual ele!ents ;con3unctions<, as well as con3unctive ad3uncts and !odal ad3uncts are not analyzed because they do not e press a process and they do not fall into transitivity analysis. Transitivity analysis is the resource for construing e periential !eaning, while !odal ad3uncts e press so!e aspect of the spea"er or writer*s attitude to the !essage. D a!ples: and;C<, but;77<, when;9< , nor;7><, e pertly ;98<, could ;7< /or co!ple verbal groups: . see! to apply The verb that deter!ines the process is the verb apply, the second le ical verb in the co!ple , and the process it encodes is relational attributive. We "now it is relational attributive because it cannot pro3ect, and it cannot be substituted by do ;What did it do )t see!ed to apply.<. We say it deter!ines the process because it deter!ines the structure of the clause.
A) er %$e# %)(%#, a#$ .abe.%#, a.. "e 'r!&e**e*, 'ar %&%'a# * a#$ &%r&+m* a#&e*, *ee %) (!+ )%#$ a#( 'a er#* "a *'a# "e -"!.e e/ !r $%))ere# 'a er#* a.!#, "e e/ a#$ &!mme# !# -"a "e( *"!- ab!+ "e e/ 2e1,1 e/ C ('e %#0!.0e$, * a,e* %# "e e/ a#$ "e%r )+#& %!#*, a+ "!rB* 0%e-'!%# *K&!#&er#*K0a.+e*, e &131 C!mme# !# "%* %# a .!#, 'ara,ra'" -"ere (!+ ma4e ,e#era.%6a %!#* a#$ *+''!r "em -% " e/am'.e*1 2203



6ou can record your analysis in a chart li"e the following. )f you want you can use different colu!ns for additional participants and for circu!stances and e tra colu!ns for ele!ents not analyzed for transitivity:

5articipant 7 D istent #arrier (ctor (ctor ,enser ,ayer (ctor

5rocess: type I subtype D istential $elational attributive intensifying :aterial !iddle with range :aterial !iddle with range :ental perception behavioural Berbal :aterial effective;giving type<

5articipant 9 attribute $ange :aterial !iddle with range :acropheno!enon

-ther participantsF #ircu!stances #: ,patial location

?ocution ;dependant clause ' not a participant< Beneficiary Goal

carrier carrier ,enser #arrier carrier carrier carrier D istent D istent (ctor ,enser ;Behaver< (ctor ;(ctor< ;(ctor< Behaver ;actor< ,enser (ctor ;actor< (ctor (ctor ;actor<

$elational attributive intensifying $elational attributive possesssive :ental perception $elational attributive circu!stantial $elational attributive intensifying $elational attributive intensifying $elational attributive intensifying D istential process D istential process :aterial !iddle :ental of cognition verbal behavioural :aterial effective :aterial effective :aterial effective ;giving type< :ental behavioural :aterial effective :ental of cognition :aterial !iddle :aterial !iddle with range :aterial !iddle with range :aterial !iddle with range :aterial effective

attribute attribute 5heno!enon attribute attribute attribute attribute #: Te!poral location #: #ause' reason #: te!poral e tent

target Goal goal Goal Beneficiary ;recipient< $ange Goal

#: spatial location #: ,patial location :etapheno!enon idea ;dependent clause< #: spatial location #: spatial location #: spatial location

#: te!poral e tent :etapheno!enon idea ;dependent clause< #: te!poral location

range $ange $ange Goal #: role product

The processes that prevail in the passage we have chosen are !aterial ;79 of the!<, both effective ;C< and !iddle ;J<, and relational attributive ;K of the!: C of the intensive type, and one possessive<. These two prevailing processes are followed in order of fre4uency by E !ental processes, distributed e4ually a!ong the = subtypes ;9 of perception, 9 of cognition, and 9 of the behavioral "ind<. -ur passage was e tracted fro! a novel, and it describes the scene in which the two !ain characters ;a !an and a wo!an< have 3ust !et. )t is narrated in the third person fro! the perspective of a wo!an fro! a rural area, and it is e tre!ely interesting to observe their interaction through the types of processes the author resorts to, since they are so telling of the fra!e of !ind of the characters. Thus, we see that in the first section of the passage there is an abundance of relational attributive processes, the !a3ority of the! of the intensive type, which serve the purpose of describing so!eone ;or so!ething<. The wo!an in the story observes the !an*s physical appearance in detail, which is shown by e a!ples of the intensive subtype, such as his s"in was tanned and s!ooth and shiny, and he wasn*t handso!eLnor was he ho!ely. ( nice detail is that this observing of his physical appearance had been triggered by a verbal process with a 4uoting locution ;Turn right at the ne t corner< that gives her the chance, without see!ing especially interested in hi!, to pay attention to the way he loo"s. The ne t section of the passage is full of processes of the effective and !aterial type. This tells us that we are in the presence of actions, and in this particular case they refer to the actions of the !an ;as observed by the wo!an< and the beginning of so!e interaction between the two of the!. ,o!e e a!ples are: $obert %incaid pulled a pac" of cigarettes fro! his shirt poc"et, and he offered it to her ;giving type here<, and ;he< flic"ered a gold 1ippo lighter into fla!e. )nterspersed throughout the passage we can find si !ental processes. These have to do with hu!an conscious processing, and in our passage they help to show what goes on in the wo!an*s !ind during this first encounter. ,o!e e a!ples of this are: she noticed it was cra!!ed with noteboo"s, !aps, pens, e!pty fil! canistersL ;referring to his truc"<, for the second ti!e in five !inutes, she surprised herself, and What a! ) doing0 ,he thought. We noticed that there are very few processes of the verbal "ind in this passage ;=<, which we find revealing of the type of scene we are witnessing, which is one of absorbedly observing and evaluating the other, with dialogues "ept to a necessary !ini!u!. We found the way in which these processes are distributed in the passage highly interesting, and telling of the author*s intention when describing the first encounter of the two !ain characters of the novel. The first section is dedicated to narrating how the wo!an observes and notices everything about the !an*s physical appearance through a series of relational attributive processes. This is followed by a section that prioritizes the !an*s !ove!ents, but again through her eyes, and introduces the beginning of an interaction between both of the!. To this effect, there is a concentration of !aterial ;!iddle and effective< processes.

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