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Copyright 2011 by Eli Rook, LLC All rights reserved.

The Big F!ki"g #e!ret$ %"d Co"trol E&iste"!e$ %re %

tr%de'%rks o( Eli Rook, LLC
The Big F!ki"g #e!ret$ Bet% )ersio" 0.*+ ,Co"te"t -'itted.
/pd%ted versio" i"(o %t BigF!ki"g#e!ret.!o'
Li'it o( Li%bility01is!l%i'er o( 2%rr%"ty3 2hile the pblisher
%"d %thor h%ve sed their best e((orts i" prep%ri"g this book,
they '%ke "o represe"t%tio"s or 4%rr%"ties 4ith respe!t to the
%!!r%!y or !o'plete"ess o( the !o"te"ts o( this book %"d
spe!i(i!%lly dis!l%i' %"y i'plied 4%rr%"ties o( 'er!h%"t%bility or
(it"ess (or % p%rti!l%r prpose. 5o 4%rr%"ty '%y be !re%ted or
e&te"ded by s%les represe"t%tives or 4ritte" s%les '%teri%ls. The
%dvi!e %"d str%tegies !o"t%i"ed herei" '%y "ot be sit%ble (or
yor sit%tio". 5either the pblisher "or %thor sh%ll be li%ble (or
%"y loss o( pro(it or other !o''er!i%l d%'%ges, i"!ldi"g bt "ot
li'ited to spe!i%l, i"!ide"t%l, !o"se6e"ti%l, physi!%l, or other
7#B53 0*8+9+:;02
7#B5<1:3 *98<0<*8+9+:;<0<=
The Big Fucking Secret 1
Chapter 1 11
Chapter 2 21
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 45
Chapter 5 55
Chapter 6 67
Chapter 7 81
Chapter 8 93
Chapter 9 107
Chapter 10 117
Conclusion 125
Endnotes 129
You Are God... But you're convinced that you're
not, and that's what this book will help you overcome.
You obtained this book for a
You want to feel total clarity
about everything... You want to
feel like you know everything
you need to know, to be able to
do everything you want to do.
Until now, you lived most of your life convinced you
were just a poor, helpless mortal, having no control over
the events you experienced since your birth.
You look to the future suspecting that you'll have no
real control over the situations and circumstances you'll
encounter until your death.
his is because ! at some point during your journey
through life ! you forgot the fact that you were "od, or
you were somehow convinced that you were not "od.
#uckily, you're now understanding the fact that you
are God, and it's Y$U who controls existence. (You're
the sole creator of your entire life experience.)
%all it fate. %all it destiny. %all it whatever you want.
You clearly had the power to create the circumstances
which led you to possess this book, and you're now
learning exactly what you need to know so you can do
everything you were meant to do.
You've been controlling existence since you became
conscious of your existence, but you never fully
understood how you've been consciously controlling
&fter reading this book and
discovering its power, you'll finally
understand how it all works.
You'll step into an entirely different
world where you can literally control
what life offers you, enjoying a host of
'ith average intelligence, average
physical abilities, even an average income, you'll
suddenly be able to do things outrageously unaverage.
You'll be able to experience
constant synchronicity in your
life, create flowing events of
serendipity, and see an entirely
different world that's been
hiding right before your very
'ith increased mastery,
you'll be able to consciously
control energy with your mind,
accurately predict the future, and experience a nonstop
winning streak in the game of life.
)ave you been looking for )* +U), but feel like
religions, philosophies, and new age fads don't tell the
entire story,
)ave you been longing to reach $&# %#&+-Y
about how the universe works, how Y$U work, and how
everything is all connected ! once and for all,
-f you want to reach a point where
you experience $&#
-##U.-/&-$/, then it's no mystery
why you've obtained this book...
/ow more than ever, you need this
information because you have specific
things you want to do in life.
You're being challenged by situations and
circumstances you face, so you need something to shift
you into a new realm of conscious control.
And you're in luck... you just found
what you're looking for
Relax your shoulders. Take a deep breath.
+ead this book 0uickly from cover to cover, ignoring
any ideas you encounter that don't agree with your own.
&s you read, you'll clearly understand how you
already use your power to control reality.
You'll learn exactly how to start %$/1%-$U1#Y using
your power to have, be, or do anything and everything
you want. 2You'll understand the simple science about
how it all works.3
Upon finishing the entire
book you'll experience a
revelation that will change
your life...
*verything will come
together and you'll feel total
clarity, total symmetry, and
total control of existence
(which is the way you're
supposed to feel all the time)
What do you want?
You've read about other individuals ! just like you !
who traveled the world, made tons of money, and gave
tons of money away.
hey have great health, great energy, great sex, great
stories, and great big smiles on their faces(
'hat kind of life would you be living if you could
choose to do anything you wanted,
Would you just want to feel happy?
'ould you live each day without a care in
the world, doing something you really love,
'ould you volunteer, work for a charity,
or help out in some way, 'ould you take up
art, or maybe travel the world,
'ould you want to spend time with like!
minded people, and do things that have
never been done before,
What would you do?
'hatever it is you want in life, you're feeling good
reading this book because you know you're destined for
more. You're the creator of everything you experience
and this book is helping you
understand how to control the
endless array of possibilities
streaming into your life.
You will finally hold the
formula for creation )-44*/
throughout the ages in religions,
philosophies, and occult
You'll learn the science of how you control existence
and you'll finally understand how you've been using your
power to create everything you've ever experienced in
-n the past, you've used your power to create larger!
than!life experiences, to become lucky, to 5get lucky6, to
overcome setbacks, to win against all odds, and create
situations and circumstances in life during which you felt
happy and fulfilled.
7ust as often, you
fre0uently used your
power to create situations
and circumstances that
worked to your ultimate
he whole time you
lived life convinced you were not "od, you faced some
pretty tough situations and circumstances 2and it's no
'hen you refuse to accept the fact that you are "od,
or you allow other individuals to convince you that you're
not "od, life never turns out the way you want it to.
But when you just accept the fact that you &+* "od
and you can't be convinced otherwise, you end up
learning how to create real
magic in your life.
he more times you
experience your own personal
magic in life, the more you
reali8e that you are "od, and it's
Y$U who controls existence...
You are in command.
his book gives you a 0uick thorough explanation of
how *9*+Y)-/" works(
You 0uickly understand what's
happening at the smallest unit of
existence down below the smallest
0uantum particle, out to the endless
expanding eternal multiverse ! and
everything you know in between(
You 0uickly understand Y$U+
+$#* in life's vortex, and how to consciously use your
mind, brain, and body to customi8e reality in real!time.
You can easily feel good
about yourself, your
friends, your family, your
community, society, and
the world around you
because you have the power
to customi8e reality on
*arth any way you please !
regardless of how its
current conditions appear.
'hat do you expect will
happen when enough people collectively use their power
to shift everything they experience on your planet away
from what they don't want, toward what they do want,
'ill the world 5change6,
'ill the world change for the better,
5.ost undoubtedly.6
&re you ready to change the world,
5/$)-/" outside you will ever change until you
first change Y$U+1*#:.6
...&nd the first thing you need to change is the fact
that you're still convinced you're not God"
his book will help you shift. -t will help you reach
total clarity and harness your personal power to
consciously control reality.
You'll be exposed to the same simple techni0ues all
outrageously happy, successful, and famous individuals
on planet *arth use.
You'll consciously know how to use your mind, brain,
and body to interact with the 0uantum field,
materiali8ing your dreams and desires in physical
(You'll #e shocked to
find out how you've
already #een doing this
your entire life)
You'll obtain a new
orientation in which you
can perceive the world
around you with greater
comfort and a stronger
5knowingness6, feeling as
if you've finally reached a
greater symmetry with
who you were meant to be.
o you want to feel
!reater sy""etry?
'hen you're reaching a greater symmetry
with who you were meant to be, you
experience situations and circumstances
clearly working to your advantage ; as if by
#ut $t%s not "a!$&...
-t's just you( 2Because you're "od3
his will increasingly become clear to you as you
continue to learn more about how you are "od and how
you control existence throughout the remainder of this
+ead this book cover to cover...
$hen read it again...
Then read it again once more!
You can stop reading this book once you reali8e that
you are "od, and you're no longer convinced that you're
&lternatively, you could give up now, put the book
down, and go back to living the fantasy life you've always
lived ! convinced you're just a random soul in a mortal
meat suit, drifting from life to life, duped into thinking
you have no power over what the future truly holds.
2You won't be doing that of course.3
You're genuinely eager to find out more about how
you are "od, how you control existence, and how to start
creating immediate advantages in your life, and the lives
of others.
You wouldn't #e reading this #ook if the case were
By the end of this book
you'll fully understand how
your power is used to control
existence, and you'll proceed
to become more and more of
the #eing you were meant to
be< or continue being the
person you are now 2only
'hatever you choose to do
is =>>? $@ with us...
$ur only re0uest, as you proceed, is you kindly use
the information honestly, benevolently, and with good
will toward others 2especially those not yet awake to the
fact that they too are "od3
*xistence is comprised of gravity, mass, energy, and
&ll physical matter is really just energy and mass,
assembled in an endless field of gravity and
%onsciousness is the controlling
component of existence.
You are consciousness.
You are the controller of
You are God.
Aoom in down beneath the
smallest particle and there you are( Aoom out to view the
widest multiverse and there you are again(
You are consciousness and your existence is eternal,
all encompassing, and omnipresent.
%onsciousness has always, and will always exist.
*xistence has always, and will always exist.
%onsciousness controls existence.
You are &ons&$ousness.
You have, and always will exist.
You are the eternal conscious controller of existence
because you are "od.
'ow tea&hable are you?
/ever has there been a time when consciousness did
not exist. &nd just the same, since you became
conscious, there has never been a time when you haven't
had the power to consciously control existence.
But there was a time when you were not fully
conscious, and you did not consciously control
'hen you first took physical
form in your current physical
body you were not conscious. You
were a protoplasm, a product of
nature. You were a highly
intelligent animal with no
consciousness whatsoever.
You were smart, but not
conscious. You only reacted to the
world around you and exhibited no conscious
characteristics whatsoever.
#ater, after about =>>> days on planet earth, you
became conscious. You became "od.
Your ability to use language accelerated. You assumed
the capacity for reflective introspection. You were able to
begin using tools, such as metaphors and analog models,
assisting you in your ability to control
7ust as you became conscious of yourself
at that tender age, you developed a
conscious awareness of how you interacted
with your surroundings.
You also developed a conscious
awareness of the interactions you held among other
conscious beings you were surrounded by.
&lthough these conscious beings held a conscious
awareness of you, they were likely convinced they were
not "od and therefore convinced you too were not "od.
4uring the following years, you learned from
individuals who were confused about their role in the
multiverse, and you observed their irrational
assumptions about how reality works.
Ultimately, at some point, for various
reasons uni0ue to your own individual
experience, you rejected the fact that
you are "od, and you went on to live
most of your life unaware of the fact
that you control existence.
#uckily, one thing led to another and you decided you
wanted to learn more about how you control existence
and how you've always been the creator of your own life
You created an entire lifetime of thousands and
thousands of days full of situations and circumstances
that led you right to this very point in time, where you
now hold this book in your hands.
-nstead of spending an entire lifetime navigating
millions of situations and circumstances resulting in
your reading a less accurate book about reality, you
orchestrated an entire lifetime of decisions that
manifested )-1 book 2which is the exact book you need
to read +-") /$' to get more of what you want(3
You%re a !en$us(
1ee( You 4$ control existence.
%onsciousness controls time and
space, reorgani8ing countless
particles, so the most precise delivery
of your deepest desires is achieved.
he physical manifestation of your
thoughts renders right before your very eyes, whether
you're conscious of it or not.
he fact that you manifested this book is just a taste
of what's possible once you learn the power!harnessing
techni0ues referenced in the following chapters.
You learn exactly how to )-/@, :**#, and &% to
consciously control reality in your favor.
You'll be exposed to a method of communication
woven throughout the words you read, which tell far
more than the words themselves can express.
:or maximum impact, follow the instructions exactly
as they are given and practice constantly.
Read th$s book a!a$n and a!a$n...
+eading this book repeatedly over time most certainly
helps you clear the blockages holding you back, and
helps strengthen your conscious control ! enabling you to
generate more B$'*+.
Your openness to consider new information which
may contradict information you already possess will
influence how 0uickly you might apply what you learn to
create +*1U#1.
.any will reject the truth illustrated throughout these
pages, but only until they see the shocking proof all
around them, experienced in the lives of those who
understand the fact that they are "od.
hose who are aware of the fact
that they are "od control existence
in their favor to the benefit of their
family, friends, community, and
society in general.
%e are the silent
heroes of civili&ation.
'e work in almost all industries
and have a variety of economic, religious, philosophical,
and ancestral backgrounds, but we have one thing in
common that binds us together and improves conditions
on planet *arth for everyone else...
We Are )onsu"ed
W$th *+,-
'e understand at the core of our
being exists a singularity. hat
singularity is expressed through the
art we create, the business we conduct,
and the breakthroughs in new
knowledge we produce.
hat singularity with the all is the
pulsation of pure love, and you're seeing the
manifestation of its power unfolding all around you.
2You've been personally effected in ways you might not
even be aware of.3
'ust look at how this planet has #een transformed
over the last one hundred years.
-n developed countries there are libraries
in every town. &nyone who wants to read
and write can easily find free instruction,
support, and encouragement.
4rinkable running water flows freely in
public places, and inexpensively into the
homes of all those who inhabit the
developed world.
*lectricity is affordable and available in
almost every home. )ot water, refrigeration,
and electrically!heated cooking devices are a
luxury taken for granted.
ransportation is affordable and more
available than ever before. 9irtually anyone
can travel thousands of miles 0uickly and
inexpensively. %heap, dependable, used
automobiles are in abundance on every
-nstantaneous international
communications are dirt cheap and prices
continue to plummet.
&ffordable pocket!si8ed devices enable
individuals to access all public digital
information on planet *arth from any
location a service signal can be found.
he start!up cost for
someone to begin generating financial
capital operating an internet!based
business is virtually 8ero, and
opportunities are in abundance regardless
of physical location.
& wide selection of self!organi8ed social
organi8ations, clubs, and societies exist in
which an individual can 0uickly assimilate
into a new community and build mutually
beneficial relationships.
'hile there are inevitable
production challenges to be endured,
food is in abundance throughout the
modern world and thousands of
brilliant minds are working
diligently to confront supply issues
in the face of population growth and
resource depletion.
echnologies and information enabling individuals to
enjoy vibrant dynamic health are accessible to all, and
natural health practitioners are more accessible than
ever before.
#ate in the first decade of the C=
century, a tipping
point was reached where the number of individuals in
&merica who claim to support a particular political party
was 1UB*+%*4*4 by the number of individuals aware
of the banker!controlled two!party hoax.
%riminal political systems of the world are gasping for
their last breath, just as superstitious religions gasped
for their last breath only a decade earlier.
We Truly Are *$.$n! /n
A New World +rder.
he perspective an individual has about the condition
of the world around them is certainly a reflection of the
health in which the individual views their own existence.
$ne can view the world around them in apocalyptic
decline toward &rmageddon, or... $ne can view the
world around them in a transitional state (experiencing
some minor growing pains) while understanding those
consumed by love will ensure it returns to vibrant health.
-f your perspective of life on *arth is one of immense
possibility, motivated enthusiasm, and eager
anticipation, this book can offer like!minded
perspectives that mirror how you feel, and help you focus
on your game plan with greater detail.
'hat you learn in this book will raise your level of
belief in what's possible, guide you to greater focus on
living proactively, and unlock the secret to living the best
life on planet *arth you can possibly live.
-f your perspective of life on *arth is dismal and
dreary, perhaps this book can offer a glimpse of what lies
beyond the storm cloud.
Ultimately you'll be the final judge of whether or not
your perspectives are healthy for you ; so consider this...
)owever old you are and wherever you live, the child
of your past is still inside, eager to be let free...
hat child of the past wishes for nothing but to live
every moment consumed with #$9*, once again free to
play in the field of endless potentiality ; to create, and
enjoy the exhilaration of life.
#et's begin to retrace our steps and understand what
happened to that child of the past all those years ago,
back before we were convinced that we were not "od...
&nd let's bring that child of the past back, shall we,
*xistence is comprised of mass, energy, and
consciousness inside super inflated gravity units.
*verything you see, hear, smell, taste, touch ; and
everything you perceive #eyond the five senses ! is
ultimately energy, mass, gravity, and consciousness.
'hile gravity units make up the foundation of all
existence, energy, mass, and consciousness are its core
components 2consciousness is the controlling
You are a &ons&$ous be$n!.
%onscious beings control existence.
)ons&$ous be$n!s are God.
You exist within multiple dimensions of existence.
hese dimensions yield endless possibilities and limitless
combinations of situations and circumstances which can
be experienced by conscious
-n these concurrent
dimensions, conscious beings
control what 5is6 2otherwise
known as reality3.
You are a multidimensional
conscious being in conscious
control of existence<
controlling reality.
You are God.
You are also a %+*&$+, but you do not create
reality... nor do you create existence 2just as you do not
create the laws of physics3.
-t is incorrect to claim you create your own reality
because reality is a dynamic vortex of limitless
possibilities, existing eternally, created by no one,
controlled by conscious beings.
(eality could never have #een
created #ecause it never existed in
a state where it did not exist.
You do not create this eternally expanding spectrum
of endless possibilities, but you do however create your
own uni0ue $+-*/&-$/ within reality, based on
your realtime selection of options available from the
5buffet6 of multidimensional potentiality.
Your uni0ue
conception of reality,
and your perceived
experiences within
reality, have always
been under your
control for as long as
you've been conscious
; even when you were
not conscious of the
fact that you are "od.
he uni0ue
collection of
experiences throughout your past, your present, and
your future ! both to your liking and to your dismay ! are
created and customi8ed BY Y$U inside this
multidimensional matrix of existence called reality.
&s you read and reread this book, you are choosing to
increasingly become conscious of your control over what
you previously 2and falsely3 believed to be out of your
You will potentially release false beliefs you've been
unconsciously holding your entire life, and witness what
was once thought to be out of your control suddenly
come into your control.
You've been looking for
answers. You've been searching for
the truth. You know there's more
to life than what we were taught in
school and church.
Upon finishing this book you'll
be surprised to discover how the answers have been
hiding in plain view all along.
. . .
'hen you proceed to become conscious of the fact
that you are "od, you're no longer a prisoner in the
shackles of what everyone else perceives to be reality.
-nstead, you're consciously controlling reality,
navigating the situations and circumstances you create
so you can have, be, or do anything and everything you
Back when you were convinced
that you were not "od, reality was
cruel, unfair at times, and fre0uently
You experienced shortcomings,
failures, disappointments,
depression, fear, negativity, disaster,
disease, even death.
1uch experiences are surely manifested by someone
unaware of the fact that they are "od< someone who does
not take =>>? responsibility for everything that happens
in their life.
)You have* and always will have* the capacity for
total control of reality #ecause* #y design*
existence #rings forth experiences in direct
response to the commands you give."
You have* and always will have* the capacity for
total control of how you feel and what you think
during the situations and circumstances you
he degree of skill in which you
consciously control reality to manifest
the life experiences you want are now
improving because you're becoming
increasingly conscious of the fact that
you are "od.
o begin exploring the technical proof of exactly how
you are "od, consider all the years you've traveled to
reach this very moment in time...
:rom now, there are an endless
number of life experiences you can
create from this point forward.
-n your current physical form you
have a mind, a brain, and a body.
You have memories, which are
conscious and unconscious
recollections of the past, and you have
conscious and unconscious thoughts
you generate in present time.
Your thoughts are processed in the brain as
vibrational waveform fre0uencies, called brainwaves.
hese vibrational
fre0uencies are constantly
emitted from the brain into
5the all6, the etheric field,
the matrix, the multiverse,
or all!that!there!is 2what
this book refers to as 5)*
he fre0uencies are emitted from the
brain similar to the way radio wave
fre0uencies are transmitted from a radio
tower, with the distinction that thoughts,
when transmitted from the brain,
permeate the */-+* field
his instantaneous permeation of he :ield by the
constant stream of fre0uencies you're emitting could be
loosely compared to how a light bulb instantaneously
permeates the entire room with light when a lamp is
turned on
'hile you transmit your stream of thoughts into
existence, you're instantaneously
filling all of existence with each new
thought, whether you like it or not.
You've &#'&Y1 been filling
existence with your thoughts...
(You're doing it right now!)
Note in the lamp analogy that light (photons) can only shine
so far and trael so fast! "o#r tho#ghts on the other hand
instantaneo#sly permeate all e$istence %itho#t any loss of
he existence field is endless in
si8e. -t's all around you and it
permeates you. -t's made of energy,
mass, gravity, and consciousness,
and it holds all the thoughts from all
the conscious beings who ever
thought a thought.
&ll the thoughts of all the conscious beings who ever
thought ; including you ; and all new thoughts emitted
as each moment passes, interact with all the physical
matter in existence.
$n the most fundamental 0uantum level, your
thoughts are interacting with *9*+Y)-/" ! the air you
breathe, the furniture lining the room in which you sit,
the trees and the dirt covering the planet you're on, and
the star you're orbiting around.
Your thoughts permeate the endless field of physical
matter through which you exist ! *9*+Y)-/".
You%re also plu!!ed $n.
Your brain is receiving the fre0uencies which are
currently being emitted by all the other brains, and it's
also receiving the fre0uencies emitted by all the other
brains going all the way back in time.
You're transmitting and receiving
)$U")1 2waveform fre0uencies,
or information3, like an eternal,
omnipresent multidimensional walkie
Your thoughts are effecting he
:ield, bending, molding, and
assembling physical matter 2mass and
energy3 in ways which best match the
stream of fre0uencies you emit.
he :ield efficiently delivers situations and
circumstances you must properly navigate in order to
manifest your desired experiences.
'e'll refer to the stream of
fre0uencies you emit as 5the sum of
your thoughts6 or 5your pulsation6.
he sum of your thoughts, or
your pulsation, comprises what you
currently consciously and
unconsciously think about, as well
as conscious and unconscious
memories and multidimensional
postulates you've formed in the
&s present time is rendered in
your perception of reality, the situations and
circumstances you encounter are customi&ed by your
pulsation, and with varying speed ! governed #y your
navigational skills ! you ultimately command forth
experiences that most accurately reflect your deepest
fears and desires.
he room you're sitting in right now is a structure of
particles ! custom assembled directly from the sum of
your thoughts. You are exactly where you need to be
right now based on everything you aspire to be, and
everything you fear.
Your friends are a rendering
of particles delivering the most
precise interactions which match
the sum of your thoughts. he
friends you have now are the
perfect custom made friends
based on everything you aspire
to be, and everything you fear.
he information you've had access
to, the information you're currently
absorbing, and all the information
you will soon have access to, is all
being delivered on a precision time
track based on what you need to
know, when you need to know it, as
the sum of your thoughts command.
You've probably heard the saying, 5'hen the student
is ready, the teacher will appear.6
-t's true... and it's no surprise you're learning what
you're learning +-") /$'(
he present moment is being custom built to deliver
the precise experience you need to have in order to
receive more of what you think about the most.
You exist in a perpetual
vortex of organi8ed
creation where your
thoughts program the
future spacetime
coordinates of every
particle in existence.
his phenomenon was
popularly communicated
in the best selling self!
development recording in history titled 5he 1trangest
1ecret6, by *arl /ightingale, which exclaimed, 5You
become 2or you get3 what you think about most of the
Brior to 5he 1trangest 1ecret6, the phenomenon was
popularly described in a book titled 5hink and "row
+ich6, by /apoleon )ill, who is regarded by many as the
most influential author in history on the subject of
:or decades scientists have
increasingly proven the validity of
5he 1trangest 1ecret6 and more
recently, films like 5'hat he Bleep
4o 'e @now,6 and 5he 1ecret6
present the modern proofs offered by
0uantum mechanics research.
'hile this book was being written, a nonstop
explosion of breakthrough scientific research exploring
conscious control of existence continues to increasingly
thunder through the
mainstream establishment.
&s you become
increasingly conscious of the
fact that you are "od and
conscious of how you've used
he 1trangest 1ecret
throughout your entire life,
you assemble the pu88le pieces that form an illustrated
picture depicting your life!long control of existence.
+ight now, you can look back and see how you've
used your power to create every aspect of the life you live
You can see how you created every experience you
ever encountered.
-sn't it peculiar how information
just comes to you< how books
virtually jump off
the shelf into
your hands(,
-sn't it funny how you meet the
exact individual you need to meet
when you're trying to accomplish a
task, or create a specific outcome,
&nd isn't it funny how nothing goes your
way when you're feeling bad, smoldering in
a heap of rotten negative thoughts,
Not really...
You control existence and existence reflects what you
think about most of the time. ,xistence reflects the sum
of your thoughts.
Your thoughts are bending,
molding, and sculpting he :ield to
your will, customi8ing existence
from a spectrum of endless possible
situations, circumstances, and
events you can experience.
his book is reminding you to remain conscious of the
fact that you are "od, and take =>>? responsibility for
everything you create.
&s the sum of your thoughts is emitted into he :ield,
and each new experience you encounter is custom
delivered, you'll smile at how many things you can
literally command into existence(
/ow that you understand how this works you'll want
to play around with your power and use it to consciously
control what you experience in the future.
Berhaps you want to live
debt!free with money on the
side for the rest of your life...
You &an do $t(
Berhaps you want deeper
relationships with family,
friends, and your partner2s3...
You &an &reate $t(
.aybe you want more power in transforming your
community, or your planet, so other individuals can
come into more awareness of the fact that they too are
"od, and they too control existence.
/t%s All 'appen$n!
R/G'T N+W(
You%re the &o""ander. Your thoughts are being
broadcast CDEF into he :ield, effecting physical matter,
bending and molding reality to your will.
Your brain is a 0uantum
computer receiving every
fre0uency emitted by every
other brain that ever
emitted a fre0uency, and
you're now learning how to
harness its awesome power.
'ith these reali8ations,
do you intend to use all your
power to create experiences
in he :ield, which deliver
more happiness, more wealth, #etter health, fulfilling
relationships, and virtually &/Y)-/" else you want,
The next chapter
shows you how!
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