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Lambs Cut Three Written by /u/talkingbook

Copyright (c) 2014

Woolen Draft 03/26/2014

INT. SPEK'S DINER - NIGHT A full dinner crowd fills the rural diner. Looks like church let out by the number of people dressed in their Sunday Best. AGATHA, 20's, waitress, overworked, efficently sets food at one table. A toddler, DICKIE, crys and fusses. The adults at the table, a couple of 40 year olds, HERB and CHAR, useless in calming him down. Agatha pulls a cherry red sucker from her apron and holds it in front of the tott. He perks to attention. AGATHA Only after you finish your meal. Promise? He nods reaching for the candy. Char grabs Agatha's wrist coldly, hard. CHAR He doesn't eat candy. AGATHA A little sweet never hurt anyone. CHAR I'm sorry. I thought the way it worked was we told you what food we want and you bring it. I'm sure there's a manager nearby who can explain the rules. Agatha pulls the sucker away, tucking it back in her apron. AGATHA I'm sure that's not necessary. CHAR I'm sure it's not. Agatha smiles and slinks back towards the kitchen. CHAR (cont'd) I swear. Sometimes I think hell is empty and all the devils are are here.


2. CONTINUED: Dickie gnashes his fists and punches his glass of milk, sending the dairy drink all over the table. KITCHEN Agatha stands near the back door and lights a cigarette. JIMMY, 30ish, managerial in his stained, faded, off-white shirt and pressed pants carrries a plate of hot food. JIMMY You're not on a break and you can't smoke in here. AGATHA I know, Jimmy. Two seconds. (under her breath) Even zoo keepers need a break. She flicks the cig and takes her pen and ticket book. She fishes around for something, carefully at first then frantic. AGATHA (cont'd) (to self) Shit, shit, shit. She looks out into the resturant and sees a wad of cash, her cash, soaked in milk, being sopped up by Char. Char noticing the cash stuffs it into her purse without hesitation. RESTURANT Agatha hurries back to the table and calms herself. AGATHA Hi, I'm sorry to interrupt your fine dining experience, uh, here. I think I may have accidentaly left some money on the table when I dropped of your plates-CHAR No you didn't. AGATHA No, I'm sorry I believe I did. Those were my tips and the money I've (MORE) (CONTINUED)

3. CONTINUED: AGATHA (cont'd) collected for all the checks. I'll have to pay for each ticket. CHAR I'm sorry, please don't blame me for your problems. AGATHA Just give me the money, please. I don't make much of it. CHAR What is wrong with you. This isn't a charity. Hearing the conflict patrons stare. Jimmy comes over. JIMMY Is something the matter. CHAR Yes this woman is making bizzare accusations. JIMMY Really? AGATHA Jimmy-(shouts) This fucking bitch (calms) is lying. I dropped my money and she put it in her purse. I saw her do it. JIMMY Mam, I'm going to have to look in the purse. CHAR The hell you will! Jimmy reaches down and yanks the purse from her. He opens it up and pulls out the, white, sopped up, cash. JIMMY Really, mam? (beat) I think you and your family need to leave.


4. CONTINUED: CHAR If that money came to me it's because God wanted me to have it. You have no earthly right to take it. JIMMY Well, guess what, I do you old crone. He hoists her up by the arm and ushers her towards the door. Char holds strong, resisting Jimmy's attempts to force her. One by one the patrons shout at her. One throws a napkin container, nearly hits her head. Herb collects Dickie and heads for the door. Soon food and silverware are tossed at her. A woman, breastfeeding her baby, satnds and throws a beer bottle at Char's head, splitting her skull. NURSING MOM Old bitch! A salt shaker smashes through the glass door. PARKING LOT Char is dragged out by Jimmy who kicks her in the gut. Herb and Dickie hurry towards the road. A GUN BLAST blows a hole in Herb spraying Dickie with viscera. The entire resturant empties and pummels Char to death. The angry mob drags a mortally wounded Herb to the road and stomps him. Terrified Dickie watches wide eyed. MATCH CUT TO: EXT. BIKER BAR, THE DEVILS TOMB - NIGHT Dickie, thirty years later, eyes still wide. A fight between bikers in full swing. (CONTINUED)

5. CONTINUED: A biker charges at him with a lead pipe and swings. Dickie deflects the blow and takes the pipe back. He downs the man in two hits. He runs into the burning bar. BAR A firey log falls on his shoulders, knocking him down. He lifts it up and press towards a burning office. BURNING OFFICE He knocks the wall down revealing a young woman, 20, and a child, 9. DICKIE We're getting out of here! The woman comes to and picks up the child. A MANIAC BIKER, machette in hand, breaks through a burning wall and slices at Dickies face, cutting him ever so slightly. Dickies lunges at him knocking them back through the burning building. He turns the machette on the biker and decapitates him. He looks back to the woman and child. He charges back and picks them up. DICKIE (cont'd) Close your eyes. Don't look at it. You're both going home. EXT. BIKER BAR He carries him through the meele and into a Camero. The engin starts and he peels out. BURN IN: LAMBS CUT THREE --

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