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INT. CONWAY POLICE STATION-NIGHT A quiet rural police station.

DEPUTY CHARLES CHUCK LANGFORD (40s), pulls up a wooden chair to his desk. CHUCK All right Henry, are you going to be calm now? We see HENRY TUCK (35) hand cuffed to the chair opposite him. He is a redneck laid off factory worker that is very distressed. I am. HENRY

Chuck, calmly comes over and unlocks the cuffs. HENRY (CONTD) But she still has my son! CHUCK I know, I know, but just cause you dont like how shes raising your baby doesnt mean you can run down the streets making a scene. Now take a deep breath and tell me what happened. HENRY I went over to Kellys house to pick up Billy. Since its my weekend with him. AndCHUCK You know its the 25th right? Yea? So? HENRY

CHUCK Just wanted to double check you didnt mix up your dates or anything. HENRY I know when I have custody! Thats what Im saying! When I went in the house Billy wasnt in his crib! She took him!

2. CHUCK But you dont know that for certain. HENRY God dammit, youre supposed to be police! Youre supposed to believe me. CHUCK Im supposed to use my judgement. Now if you want, I can go over to the apartment and investigate if that will make you feel better. YES! HENRY

CHUCK But first you have to ask politely. HENRY .....please investigate my missing son. Thank you. CHUCK

Chuck gets up and puts on his Deputy hat. CHUCK (CONTD) And since you said please you can sit in the front of the squad car this time. INT. KELLYS TRAILER-NIGHT Beat up trailer with heavy metal posters over the walls and a half eaten bowl of ramen in front of the tv, the only thing lighting up the room. The door is slightly ajar and is pushed open by Chuck. He walks in calmly with a flashlight. CHUCK Kelly! Its Chuck. Are you in here? HENRY Quick we have to search for clues. CHUCK And what would I be looking for?

3. HENRY I dont know. Finger prints or something. Chuck nudges at a pizza box. CHUCK Something tells me I would find a lot of prints in here. HENRY Hey! Thats my ex wife youre still talking about. Chuck notices something his flashlight. Her laptop, giving off a faint glow on her bed. He opens it carefully. CHUCK Whats her password? Password. HENRY

Chuck sighs. He types in the code which has a corresponding Bing! CHUCK Looks like she has two tabs up. One for page of a satanist ritual. And the other....a yelp page for the Tomb of Satan. HENRY OH MY GOD Thats the Satanist bar on Cooper street! Shes going to sacrifice my kid! CHUCK That place has been nothing but trouble since it opened. Cmon. EXT. TOMB OF SATAN-NIGHT A NEON SIGN OF A VAMPIRE SATAN RISING FROM A COFFIN The bar is a dive with industrial music blaring out of it. Not surprisingly there arent that many cars in the parking lot. Chuck pulls up in his squad car. He motions to Henry.

4. CHUCK Let me handle this. He goes over to the huge metallic door. He knocks once with his flashlight. The eyeslot opens up and two EYES WEARING A TON OF EYELINER OPEN ARE ON THE OTHER SIDE. They belong to Kevin (25) the owner. KEVIN Hell is empty.... He waits for Chuck to finish the code word. CHUCK I dont have time for this. Open up. KEVIN Unless you have a warrant your mortal authority isnt recognized here. CHUCK Kevin, do you remember when you opened this place and I told you it was the dumbest idea in the world to open up a satan bar in Arkansas? KEVIN ...I recall that conversation. CHUCK And you did it anyway. Who stopped that church group from setting your car on fire with you in it? KEVIN ....You did. CHUCK Exactly, now open up. The door opens. KEVIN By the way the rest of the code word is and all the devils areCHUCK I dont give a shit.

5. INT. THE TOMB OF SATANS-NIGHT KELLY (30) Trailer trash, dyed blonde hair is at the bar with BILLY (baby). She has a bottle filled with a blue liquid in her mouth. KELLY Otum nominum desci Chuck enters. CHUCK All right Kelly gigs up. Henry rushes in behind Chuck, before he can react, Henry snatches Billy away. Hey! KELLY

HENRY Youre not sacrificing anybody, bitch! KELLY It was a healing spell, you retard! He was coughing up all last night. Kevin was making a potion. HENRY Well, youre supposed to notify me if you take him anywhere! KELLY What are you talking about? Its not your weekend. Chuck rolls his eyes. What? HENRY

KELLY You get him every other weekend. You dumbass! HENRY Its still illegal to do satanism to him! Thats child endangerment. KEVIN Excuse me, but she is allowed to practice her religious beliefs. (MORE)

6. KEVIN (CONT'D) Give her back the baby before I call the ACLU on your ass. Chuck? HENRY

CHUCK Hes right. Thank you. KEVIN

CHUCK But, what is child endangerment is brining an infant to an establishment that serves alcohol. Which you do last time I checked. KEVIN We call them libations. CHUCK Doesnt matter. Now Kelly youre going let Henry take Billy and were going pretend like none of this happened. Cause I sure as shit aint doing the paper work for(gestures To everyone in the room) This. Goodnight yall

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