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Contributions: The Bolsheviks role in the Russian Revolution had propelled it entirely.

The leader of the Bolsheviks, Lenin had issued his April Theses which set up a blueprint for revolutionary action with his own version of Marxist theory. Within the plan of his theses, a bourgeoisie revolution was not necessary and it was possible for Russia to move directly towards socialism. By using soldiers, workers and peasants as immediate power, they will overthrow the provisional government and end the war. The simple solutions presented in his theses had propagated several slogans that gained support from Petrograd and Moscow soviets while the provisional government was struggling over control with the peasants and their military. The Bolsheviks had played a huge role in the Bolshevik revolution, with Kerenskys help; he freed Bolsheviks from jail to help aid in General Lavr Kornilovs attempt to seize power on Petrograd. This action showcased the weak provisional government and the strength of the Petrograd society. Also with the aid of Leon Trotsky, who is a revolutionary and chairman of the Petrograd society, his support for the Bolsheviks had highlighted their high probability to seize power. On November 6th, pro-soviets and pro-Bolsheviks won control of the Petrograd with the slogan all power to the soviets. The provisional government crumbled without major bloodshed and then the transfer of power had went to the all- Russian Congress of Soviets. At their second session, the new soviet government that Lenin announced, the Council of Peoples Commissars was established with himself at its head. But its Constituent Assembly that along with it was short lived, because universal male suffrage had led to a defeat for the Bolsheviks, leaving it with less seats compared to the socialist revolutionaries. So Lenin disabled the assembly because of his refusal to subject to compromising with the malignant bourgeoisie. During the civil war, bourgeoisie, aristocratic liberals, antileninist socialists, Siberia, Ukraine, and other White or antiBolshevik armies proved great opposition to the Bolsheviks, but the Red army (the Bolsheviks) were able to triumph over all and win control over the Caucasus. A major reason for its success is their well-disciplined and formidable fighting force, in addition to the Whites disunity and political differences over installing a tsarist regime versus a liberal and democratic program. The Bolsheviks were also able to produce tangible instruments that allowed them to hold on to their power, which was their policy of war communism, revolutionary terror, the Red secret police and the Red terror. All these factors worked together to promulgate terror to their class enemies such as the bourgeoisie and to anyone who opposed the new regime. Once the Allied Powers had interfered with Russia on November 11, 1918 to encourage them to remain in the war and also gave material assistance to the anti-Bolsheviks. This action had enacted Russia to use patriotism and spread the idea to fight off foreigners to prevent them from controlling their country. The Communists were able to triumph in the end of the civil war by 1921. Significance: Ultimately, Russia was bureaucratically centralized with the domination of the Bolsheviks. The total war of World War I had allowed the Russian Revolution to take place and the collapse of Russia paved way for the Bolsheviks to gain power.

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