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Kinovea foi Bummies 2u11 Bi.

Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents

Kinovea for Dummies

Class User Manual to supplement Kinovea belp files
by tbe Students in Bio 131L - Image Analysis
{edited by Dr. Catberine Loudon]
Spring 2011


Bow to select a fiame . . . . . . . 2
Noie uetail on selecting fiames . . . . . . S-S
Bow to set anu change the woiking zone . . . . . 6-7
Bow to select a specific numbei of fiames in a woiking zone . . 8-9
Selection of 1u fiames aiounu a taiget fiame using a key fiame . . 1u-12
Bow to uisplay speeu of tiackeu object . . . . . 1S-14
Setting the oiigin anu aujusting axes . . . . . 1S-17
Bow to set the calibiation scale foi uistance measuiement . . 18-19
Coiiection to auto tiacking . . . . . . . 2u-22
Expoiting uata to Niciosoft Excel . . . . . . 2S-2S
Biffeient ways to save youi Kinovea piojects . . . . 26
Tiacking the speeu of an object . . . . . . 27-28
Selecting a fiame 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents
Bow to select a fiame

Theie is no pait of the Kinovea
manual that instiucts stuuents how to
select a fiame. Aftei impoiting a
specific viueo, stuuents can stait
playing the viueo while paying ieally
close attention to the motion in the
viueo anu hit pause at the fiame of
inteiest. In the pictuie to the iight,
theie is a long gieen line with a veitical
black line which shows the time maik
(as inuicateu).

Leaving the viueo in still motion,
the "go to pieviousnext fiame" button-
which lies next to the play button-
allows stuuents to manage fiames in slow motion. With this methou, one can select the
exact fiame oi moment of inteiest (see the ieu boxes

Fiom that fiame, the stuuent can now count how
many fiames foiwaiu shehe is going to neeu foi the uata
expoit out to Excel. Foi example, the stuuents can click the
"go to next fiame" button 1u times which coiiesponus to 1u
fiames. Now we can scale uown the total fiames by
uiagging the blue box at the enu of the gieen line to the left
to wheie the black line is. As shown below, the gieen line
has uecieaseu significantly. Now we can uiag the blue box
at the beginning of the gieen line to the iight. The uuiation below the gieen line notes the
numbeis of fiames in total. Foi instance, a uuiation of u:uu:uu:2u inuicates a total of 2u
fiames, so we will uiag the blue box in accoiuance to oui iequiiement.

Noie uetail on selecting fiames 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents
More detail on selecting frames - from starting tbe program to tracking

1. Cllck Lhe buLLon on Lhe boLLom lefL-hand corner of Lhe screen.
2. a. Move Lhe mouse arrow Lo . 1he symbol wlll Lurn blue and programs
avallable wlll be dlsplayed.
b. Move mouse arrow over . 1he klnovea program wlll be shown.
c. Move mouse over .
d. Cllck and Lhe klnovea program wlll open.
llg 1: AfLer 2a-c your screen looks llke
llg 2: AfLer you cllck on klnovea your screen
looks llke Lhls:

3. vldeos LhaL can be edlLed on klnovea wlll appear ln Lhe klnovea wlndow (see llg 2
above). Cllck on Lhe approprlaLe vldeo. 1he vldeo wlll enlarge Lo Lake up Lhe whole
klnovea wlndow.

4. a. ress Lhe lay buLLon Lo play Lhe vldeo. 1he place ln Lhe vldeo wlll be shown as a
black llne on a green Lrack.
Noie uetail on selecting fiames 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents

b. Move Lhe blue speed marker back and forLh Lo change Lhe
speed aL whlch Lhe vldeo ls played so LhaL you can selecL Lhe segmenL of Lhe vldeo LhaL
you wanL (see sLep 3 below).
3. ueLermlne whlch segmenL, or , you wanL. 1he conslsLs of Lhe frames
you wanL.
6. ress Lo sLop Lhe vldeo aL Lhe beglnnlng of your frame seL. Cllck on aL lefL
slde of Lhe green Lrack and drag lL Lo where Lhe black llne ls.

7. ress Lo sLop Lhe vldeo aL Lhe end of your segmenL/frame seL. Cllck on aL rlghL slde
of Lhe green Lrack and drag lL Lo where Lhe black llne ls.

8. ?ou have now chosen your segmenL/frame seL.
9. Cllck on aL Lhe Lop of Lhe klnovea wlndow.
10. a. Move Lhe mouse arrow Lo . 1he symbol wlll Lurn yellow and opLlons
wlll be dlsplayed.
b. Cllck on .
c. ?ou screen wlll look llke
Noie uetail on selecting fiames 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents

?ou have now chosen your seLLlngs.
11. 8lghL-hand cllck on your vldeo. ?ou wlll see:

Cllck on . ?ou have now Lold klnovea Lo Lrack Lhe moLlon of an ob[ecL. See
oLher references for more lnformaLlon on Lracklng a paLh.
12. (Similai to steps 1-2 anu steps 9-1u). Click on , then , anu
. See auuitional iefeiences foi moie infoimation on expoiting uata.

Bow to set anu change the woiking zone 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents
How to set and cbange tbe working zone

1. Cpen klnovea
2. ln Lhe lefL Lop corner of Lhe screen, lefL-cllck on Lhe llle" buLLon
3. ln Lhe pop-up wlndow, navlgaLe Lo Lhe deslred vldeo. 8y selecLlng Lhe flle and cllcklng on
Cpen" buLLon, klnovea wlll lmporL selecLed vldeo. A small pop-up wlndow wlll auLomaLlcally
show up wlLh lmporLlng frames" processlng bar.
b. Cnce Lhe whole vldeo wlll be lmporLed, Lhe processlng bar wlll dlsappear and Lhe
selecLed vldeo wlll appear ln Lhe maln klnovea wlndow.
4. AL Lhe buLLon of Lhe screen, Lhere ls a player conLrols.

lndlcaLed above, Lhese are Lhe maln buLLons Lo navlgaLe around Lhe vldeo. 1he buLLon LhaL looks
llke a small green capsule
3. Among Lhem, Lhere are 4 buLLons grouped LogeLher as worklng zone". 1hey are lndlcaLed on
Lhe lmage below.
6. A worklng zone deflnes a seL of frames ln whlch any Lype of work" (such as addlng effecLs, LexL,
llne, eLc.) can be done. Worklng zone can be seL equal Lo or less Lhan Lhe duraLlon of Lhe whole
7. A worklng zone ls seL uslng Lwo key buLLons, seL Lhe flrsL frame of Lhe worklng zone Lo Lhe
currenL frame" , and seL Lhe lasL frame of Lhe worklng zone Lo Lhe currenL frame" .
8. 1o seL Lhe flrsL or Lhe lasL frame Lo any frame ln Lhe movle, use navlgaLlon bar Lo geL Lo Lhe
deslred frame and cllck on seL Lhe flrsL frame of Lhe worklng zone Lo Lhe currenL frame".
9. Cnce Lhe worklng zone ls seL, Lhere are 3 baslc acLlons LhaL can be done nexL
a. Cllck on Lock worklng zone boundarles" Lo lock worklng zone Lo Lhe selecLed frames.

b. ?ou can change or worklng zone by cllck on elLher ends of lL and llLerally dragglng Lhe
ends Lo Lhe deslred frames by presslng and holdlng elLher or .
Bow to set anu change the woiking zone 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents
c. 8y cllcklng on Lhls buLLon, worklng zone reseLs Lo Lhe lengLh of Lhe full vldeo
d. noLe LhaL afLer each manlpulaLlon wlLh Lhe worklng zone lmporLlng frames" processlng
bar wlll appear whlle klnovea ls processlng Lhe changes.

Bow to select a specific numbei of fiames in a woiking zone 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents
How to select a specific number of frames in a working zone

1. uefaulL seLLlng dlsplays movle ln hour: mln: seconds. 1o change Lo frames, cllck on Cpt|ons
Lab 1|me markers format selecL Irame Numbers

2. 1o obLaln Lhe correcL deslred number of frames, locaLe Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe worklng zone by
cllcklng Lhe [ lcon on Lhe flrsL frame of Lhe worklng zone, and endlng Lhe worklng zone by
cllcklng Lhe ]. ln order Lo obLaln x number of frames, waLch Lhe posltloo locaLed aL Lhe boLLom
lefL of Lhe klnovea screen as Lhe vldeo ls played back, endlng Lhe worklng zone when Lhe
poslLlon value ls Lhe correcL number of frames. (oJjostloq tbe speeJ to be slowet ls osoolly

Bow to select a specific numbei of fiames in a woiking zone 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents

Selection of 1u fiames aiounu a taiget fiame using a key fiame 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents
Selection of 10 frames around a target frame using a key frame

1. Find the target frame with navigation cursor (marked with red rectangle below).

2. Once you find the target frame, click on Add a Key Frame (marked with red rectangle
below) so you can be sure later on which frame is your target frame.

Below is a picture of what it will look like once you selected the target frame as a key
From now on, you can go directly to the target frame by clicking on the image (shown
with the red arrow).

Selection of 1u fiames aiounu a taiget fiame using a key fiame 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents
3. Set the playback speed to the slowest speed possible (Speed Control marked with red
rectangle below), so it is easier to work with each frame.

4. Use the Player Control button (marked with red rectangle) to select 5 frames before
the target (target frame is the 6

5. After you find the 5 frames before the target frame, click on Start Working Zone
(marked with red rectangle) to set the first frame of the working zone.

6. Go back to the target frame by clicking on the image (see #2 above), and again using
the Player Control button (marked with red rectangle), select 4 frames after the target

Selection of 1u fiames aiounu a taiget fiame using a key fiame 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents
7. Then click on the End Working Zone (on the right as indicated below by the red
rectangle) to set the last frame of the working zone.

Below is the picture of what the screen should look like after you finish selecting the
Working Zone. Scroll back to the beginning and click on Player Control (see step #6);
every click will bring you to the next frame in the movie. Check the Position, which tells
you in what frame you are at in the working zone, as you click through the frames in the
working zone with the Player Control. The movie should start with Position 1 and end
with Position 10, as there should be 10 frames total in the working zone.

Bow to uisplay speeu of tiackeu object 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents
How to display speed of tracked ob|ect

Step 1 - Aftei tiacking the path of youi object, ietuin to the fiist fiame by clicking the
Step 2 - 0n the fiist fiame, iight click the that maiks the uesiieu tiackeu object.

Step S - A scioll menu will appeai aftei iight clicking, then select "Configuiation."

Step 4 - A selection menu will appeai. Click the aiiow next to "Neasuiement" anu select
Bow to uisplay speeu of tiackeu object 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents

Step S - Click "Apply" anu the speeu will now be shown next to the object in each fiame.

Setting the oiigin anu aujusting axes 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents
Setting tbe origin and ad|usting axes

The cooiuinates in a movie aie vital to calculate wheie the object is locateu ielative to
othei objects also in the viueo. The cooiuinates can also seive to calculate velocities in the
x-axis anu y-axis uiiection. To uo this, begin by iecoiuing a viueo:
1) Cpen Lhe klnovea program

2) Pere we have Lhe acLlon of Lhrowlng a paper plane.

3) 8ecord acLlon wlLh a compaLlble vldeo recorder.
Acceptable formats include: AVI, MPG, MOV, WMV, MP4, MKV, VOB, 3GP, MOD, TOD.
4) upload vldeo lnLo klnovea by locaLlng flle on your compuLer. (Shown by red arrow)

3) Cnce Lhe vldeo ls lmporLed cllck on Lhe Lab. (Shown by red arrow)
Setting the oiigin anu aujusting axes 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents

6) Scroll down and selecL Coord|nates system or|g|n. (Shown by red arrow)

7) Wlndow wlll pop-up named Set coord|nates system or|g|n.

8) lace cursor (shaped as crosshalrs ) where Lhe orlgln ls Lo be flxed. Cnce placed, selecL Lhe
polnL by a mouse cllck (Shown by red box).
Setting the oiigin anu aujusting axes 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents

9) SelecL . now when daLa ls recorded or exporLed lnLo an Lxcel flle, coordlnaLes wlll be
relaLlve Lo Lhe selecLlon made ln Lhe prevlous sllde. x-componenL and ?-componenL veloclLles
may be calculaLed uslng Lhls daLa.

Bow to set the calibiation scale foi uistance measuiement 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents
How to set tbe calibration scale for distance measurement

1. 0pen a movie clip by left-click on File fiom the top -> 0pen viueo File. Select a movie that
you want to woik on.

2. Bave an actual measuiement of iefeience in the clip. In an example shown, a blue papei
was the iefeience (22.86 cm x Su.48 cm).
S. Left-click on "Line" fiom the bai unuei the movie fiame.

4. Biaw a line by left-click on one point of the iefeience anu uiag to the othei point. You
can aujust it moie accuiately by zooming-in (Ctil + Scioll Wheel with the cuisoi on the
movie scieen).
Bow to set the calibiation scale foi uistance measuiement 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents

S. Left-click on the line uiawn to select. Then, iight-click on the line to open the menu. Left-
Click on "Calibrate Measure".

6. Entei the value of the actual measuiement foi the iefeience in a left box (Beie, we use
Su.48). Nake suie you select a iight unit fiom uiop-uown bai (Beie, we use "cm"). Then
Left-click on "Apply" button.

7. Finisheu! Eveiy measuiement in the movie is now calibiateu!
Coiiection to auto tiacking 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents
Correction to auto tracking

Foi movies that aie not peifectly cleai oi ciisp, the Auto-tiack option on Kinovea tenus to
lose the object tiackeu anu piesent an incoiiect path. To fix this you must manually fix the
auto-tiacking anu heie is how:

To begin Auto-tiacking:
1) 8lghL cllck on Lhe ob[ecL you wanL Lo Lrack
a. SelecL Lrack paLh"
2) Movlng Lhe movle forward uslng Lhe play" buLLon (marked by red box below). 1hls wlll allow
klnovea Lo auLo- Lrack Lhe selecLed ob[ecL Lhrough Lhe resL of Lhe cllp

These figuies show an example of the inaccuiate auto-tiacking using the "play button":

Figuie 1: Beie you can see the
oiiginal tiack point is set on the
wiist anu the tip of the plane

Figuie 2:
Figuie 1:
Figuie 2: Bue to the uncleai image,
you can see that the tiacking maikei
has lost both the wiist anu the tip of
the plane anu slippeu to a uiffeient
pait of the figuie
Coiiection to auto tiacking 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents

To fix this incoiiect tiacking:
1) 8lghL cllck on Lhe ob[ecL you wanL Lo Lrack
a. SelecL Lrack paLh"
2) lnsLead of movlng movle forward by pushlng play buLLon, lnsLead use go Lo nexL frame" buLLon
(lndlcaLed by red box below)

- 1hls way you wlll be able Lo access Lhe placemenL of Lhe Lracklng marker for each frame

3) lf Lhe Lracklng marker has moved from your orlglnal placemenL and you wlll need Lo read[usL
a. 1o do Lhls, rlghL cllck on Lhe Lracklng marker and selecL resLarL paLh edlLlon"
4) 1hls wlll brlng up a marker. LefL cllck on Lhls symbol and you can drag Lhe + Lo Lhe polnL
whlch you orlglnally Lracked. AfLer placlng Lhe + ln Lhe correcL poslLlon on Lhe selecLed ob[ecL,
Lhe Lracked paLh wlll be auLomaLlcally correcLed Lo Lhe placemenL of Lhe marker whlch you
3) ConLlnue Lhls process Lhrough all of Lhe frames whlch you wlsh Lo Lrack.
6) AfLer you have flnlshed ad[usLlng Lhe auLo Lrack for all frames, you can go back Lo beglnnlng and
push Lhe play" buLLon Lo vlew Lhe correcLed Lracked paLh.
These figuies show an example of the pievious incoiiect auto-tiack shown above fixeu
using the technique just uesciibeu:
Figuie S: At the enu of the motion,
we can see the auto tiackeu path
is cleaily not the tiackeu path of
the object we oiiginally maikeu
Figuie S:
Coiiection to auto tiacking 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents
Figuie 4: Figuie 4: Beie we have chosen the
same points as we uiu in the
pievious example
Figuie S: Figuie S: Beie the auto tiack has
been coiiecteu anu placeu on the
oiiginal points which weie
Figuie 6:
Figuie 6: Beie you can see the
coiiecteu auto-tiack path is a
much bettei iepiesentation of the
movement of both objects
Expoiting uata to Niciosoft Excel 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents
Exporting Data to Microsoft Excel

1. Exporting data

Once you have defined your numerical data (i.e. tracking data) you can export the data in
Kinovea using the menu under File > Export to Spreadsheet > Trajectories to simple

Then save your file. This will save the file in the format, .txt

2. Import data to Excel

Open the excel file that you would like to import the data to. Using the menus under Data
tab, click on From Text located in the General External Data box.

Then a window will prompt asking you to locate the required file. Locate your saved file
from Kinovea and click Import

Expoiting uata to Niciosoft Excel 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents
The Text Import Wizard window will prompt and guide you through on the
specification of how you would like to import the file.

Click Next. This will lead you to step 2 of 3 in the wizard. In step 2, you can manually
adjust the column breaks if needed.

Press Next and you will be led to the last step of the wizard.

Expoiting uata to Niciosoft Excel 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents

In step 3, you can adjust the format the data if desired. Otherwise, click Finish. The
file is now successfully imported into Microsoft Excel.

Biffeient ways to save youi Kinovea piojects 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents
Different ways to save your Kinovea pro|ects

1. 0se menu File Save oi use the toolbai's "Save" button.
2. You will have 4 options:
a. Save viueo only
b. Combine viueo anu key images uata in the file
c. Peimanently paint key images uata on the viueo
u. Save only the key images uata
S. Saving a file means pieseiving youi selecteu woiking zone, cuiient slow motion
value anu othei piefeiences.
4. Suppoiteu output foimats incluue NKv (Natioska), NP4, anu AvI.
S. Suppoiteu couec foi output is NPEu4-ASP (which is BivXXviu compatible).
6. If key images uata weie auueu to the viueo, by uefault it will save as option "b"
above, Combine viueo anu key images uata in the file.
a. This methou sepaiates the oiiginal images fiom the key images uata within
the same file.
b. 0pening this type of saveu file in Kinovea allows you to mouify youi
uiawings, stopwatches, paths anu comments.
c. 0pening this type of saveu file in anothei piogiam only allows you to view
the oiiginal images.
7. If you uesiie to expoit youi viueo so that youi uiawings, stopwatches anu paths aie
visible if opening the viueo using anothei piogiam, use option "c" to save the file,
Peimanently paint key images uata on the viueo.
a. Bowevei, youi wiitten comments on the key images will be lost.
8. To save only the oiiginal, iaw images then select option "u," Save only the key
images uata.

Tiacking the speeu of an object 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents
Tracking tbe speed of an ob|ect

Step 1: Selecting an ob|ect to track
Right click on the pointobject in the uigital viueo that you want to tiack anu click "Tiack Path"
A blue box with a ciosshaii will appeai ovei the object. We can use this latei to coiiect foi the
uesiieu object path foi analysis.

Step 2: Tracking and correcting tbe ob|ect movement patb
Allow the Kinovea piogiam to automatically tiack the path of the object by viewing the viueo fiame
by fiame, using the keyboaiu aiiow buttons (iight oi left aiiows) to move thiough the viueo. You
may coiiect eiiois in the automatic object tiacking by uiagging the blue ciosshaii box to the
coiiect path anu position uuiing each fiame of movement foi the object.

(Biag fiom the small blue ciosshaii to the
point uesiieu.)

Step S: Calibration
In oiuei to measuie the speeu of the object, we must calibiate the scale of the viueo with a
iefeience sizeu object. In this example, we useu an A4 sheet of lettei papei to calibiate (Su.48 cm in
wiuth). Nake suie the plane of the iefeience mateiial is paiallel to the cameia lens foi maximum
accuiacy in youi measuiements.

Fiist we cieate a soliu line on top of a iefeience length in the viueo. Piess the "line" button on the
bottom taskbai anu it allows you to uiag a neon gieen
line fiom point to point (Bolu, anu ielease button at
Tiacking the speeu of an object 2u11 Bi. Catheiine Louuon anu stuuents
the enu) in the viueo.

Next, iight click the cieateu line anu click on "Calibiate measuie." then fill in the ieal size of the
inuicateu segment in the uesiieu units.

Step 4: Configure measurement for speed
Right click the tiackeu path, click "configuiation", anu set the measuiement foi "Speeu".

Step 5: Measuring speed and exporting data
Fiist, ieplay the viueo with the entiie tiackeu path so that Kinovea
will calculate the speeu of the tiackeu object in each uigitizeu fiame.
The speeu of the tiackeu point is shown in the blue box in each
successive fiame, following the small black anu white iounuel.

Expoit the uata by clicking "File>expoit to Spieausheet" anu then
choosing the uesiieu expoit foimat. The cuiient Kinovea veision
u.8.7 exhibits incompatibility with some usei system
configuiations when expoiting to Excel (NS-XNL) foimat uue to
the iecent changes by Niciosoft to its oiiginal ".xls" foimat, so we
iecommenu the majoiity of useis to expoit uesiieu uata to
XBTNL foimat. The XBTNL foimats aie openeu with any cuiient
web biowseis (i.e. Fiiefox, uoogle Chiome) anu then ielevant
uata can be copieu into Excel, with spieausheet foimatting kept
intact uue to the tiansposable natuie of XNL stiuctuieu uata.

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