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AAE101 Assignment 2 TG07 (Tutor: Dr Peter Teo) Page 1 of 5

Transcript with Translations and meanings

Words in - Black: translated into Standard English (StdE) in verbatim,

(Without changing grammatical features found in the original text)

Blue: correct words in StdE in original text

Green: words in Chinese in original text

(with Han Yu Pin Yin: Mandarin Phonology)

Pink: words not conforming to StdE in original text

Title of Blog Post:

1. wo men de huii yi* ("v") how wii get tuh noe eacharder.hehexi

wo men de hui yi (“v”) how we get to know each other. Hehe.


2. ii knew hiim` at fareast derhs. iion e 30th of nov 2003s. it was a beriix heavy raiiny nytex lorhs. iiihe

I knew him at fareast de. On the 30th of November 2003’s. it was a very heavy rainy nights lors. He


3. smokinqq outside fareast e 7-eleven derex wibb mua kor n his ganjie.denn ii tok tuh mua kor lorhs`

smoking outside Fareast the 7-eleven there with my kor and his gan jie. Then I talk to my kor lors.

哥 干姐

4. denn ii n meixuan qo liaos. i nvr reali noticex hiim at e fiirst placex.denn wi qo up escalatorx. Ii wave

then I and Meixuan go liaos. I never really notices him at the first place. Then we go up escalators. I


5. tuh mua kor.. n he wave bk tuh~ shaeinnq bye tuh mee osho` l0ls- denn i wave bk.. hahars sho kute


to my kor. And he wave back too. Saying bye to me also. Lol. Then I wave back. Hahas so cute de.

Submitted by: Phua Shih Wen, Grace Yeo, Brian Lim, Joel Tan
AAE101 Assignment 2 TG07 (Tutor: Dr Peter Teo) Page 2 of 5

哥 的

6. hiim* denn i nvr reali carex liaosiv.ii jush walk mua wae`x denn he usedd mua kor ded hp cor mee =X

him then I never really care liaos. I just walk my way then he used my kor that handphone call me =X

了 哥

7. hehex denn he wan noex mee.. he wan mitx mee.. denn i act qonqv.. l0ls ii beriix paiisehxvi dat


hehe then he want know me. He want meets me. Then I act “gong”. Lol I very “paiseh” that time

8. marhsvii; denn ii bluf mua kor i lost mua wae`x liaos n ii dunoe where ii am`hehex.. budd at las bo

mah. Then I bluff my “kor” I lost my way liaos and I don’t know where I am. Hehe. But at last, “bo

9. bianx lorhs..cush dey at entrancex denn wii go outt mit dem.alotx pple siiahix~ mua korr kip pull


pian” lors. ‘Coz they at entrance then we go out meet them. A lot people sia. My Kor keep pull me

了 哥

10. qo hish* derex- l0lsx denn wii shake handd`x denn he shae`x wann jiioxi me? errr.. berii cheehonq


go his there. Lols. Then we shake hand, then he say want “jio” me? Erh, very “cheehong” de.

11. Ii cant lorh` haiis.. xiiimama dunch allow ii osho dunoe whiies ii no freedom dat`x tyme siiah if it


I can’t lor. Haiz. Mama don’t allow I also don’t know why I no freedom that time sia. If it was

12. now jiu hao` ii sure pei hiim tonxiv~ heex den ii canot lorhs..he shae`x huhs sobsobx..wah pianqq


now “jiu hao” I sure “pei” him ton. Hee then I cannot lor. He says “huhs” xvsobsobxvi.. “wah piang”

就好 陪

Submitted by: Phua Shih Wen, Grace Yeo, Brian Lim, Joel Tan
AAE101 Assignment 2 TG07 (Tutor: Dr Peter Teo) Page 3 of 5

13. berii kelian n sadd~ denn he make mee sho sad nohxxviii. denn` ii toldd hiim ii wil tryy derhs- budd


very “ke lian” and sad then he make me so sad nor. Then I told him I will try “de” but still

可怜 的

14. canort peii him` haIx! saddeninnq arrs! arghhsxix.. ; denn`x he sent me tuh de 2ndd floor e pathx


Cannot him haiz. Saddening ah! Arghs.. then he sent me to the second floor the path there

15. he wann`x pei wo reachh`x home.. denn baby pull hiim gOoh until he at e floor dere he arsh mee

he wants “pei wo” reach home.. then baby pull him go until he at the floor there he asked me


16. recuse hiim` ii beiri paiisehx denn ii neber go help`x hiim! haiis- stewpidd me siiah~ if nort can wib

rescue him. I very paiseh then I never go help him! Haiz. Stupid me, sia. If not can with

17. hiim lonqer liaOs.denn i on e wae`x home.. i kip smile`x tuh muaseLf! hehex.. beri hapiex memories

him longer liaos. Then I on the ways home.. I keep smiles to myself. Hehex. Very happy memories

18. wib hiim lorhs. even ishh one dae`x niia.. dunoe how cum`x.. sumore ii first tyme share lolipop n hold

with him lors. Even is one day’s nia. Don’t know how comes somemore I first time share lollipop and

19. handd`x wib steadxx marhs.

Hands with steady mahs.

Submitted by: Phua Shih Wen, Grace Yeo, Brian Lim, Joel Tan
hehex (Line 1) – hehe : onomatopoeic representation of giggling

derhs (Line 2) – de 的

lorhs (Line 2) – lor

liaos (Line 6) – le 了

gong (Line 7) – to act blur (Hokkien origin)

paiseh (Line 7) – to express embarrassment

marhs (Line 8) – mah

bo pianx (Line 9) – bo pian – to express helplessness

Siiah (Line 9) – sia

l0ls (Line 10) – LOLS

jiio (Line 10) - Jio – to begin a courtship

Cheehonq (Line 10) – flirtatious (Hokkien origin)

haiis.. (Line 11) – haiz – to denote a sighing sound

Ton (Line 12) – to stay overnight at another person’s place

huhs (Line 12) – huh – to express astonishment

Sobsobx (Line 12) – onomatopoeic representation of crying

wah piang (Line 12) – an expression of shock (Hokkien origin)

nohx (Line 13) – noh – another variation of “lor”

arghhs (Line 14) – argh – to express frustration

Stead (Line 19) – colloquial English term for “Steady significant other before marriage” ie: Boyfriend/Girlfriend

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