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96 15:20




u: .. ' ',lst 16, 1996

MEMORANDUM TO: Leon Panetta Harold Ickes George Stepanopoulos Don Baer Bruce Reed Doug. Sosnik Michael Waldman FROM:

Rahm Emanuel

David Axelrod

I have attached a memo that David did of his thoughts after the GOP convention. I think that his points worth your time.


AUG-16 96 15:20









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To: Clinton Team From: David Axelrod Date: August 16, 1996 Re: Some Ideas

Dole clearly ceded us sonie opportunities last night. And even though I'm sure you have more cooks hovering around the broth than you need, I wanted to briefly share a few thoughts and suggestions.
1) Be big where Dole and the GOP were small

. If I were you guys, 1 would have the President magnanimously stipulate his admiration for Dole's years of service, which l believe would play really well with voters who recoiled all week long from the negative and per-sonal GOP hits. (I happened to be in focus groups Wednesday night with suburban swing voters, and they were reeling from the attacks on Clinton night before. They hated it.)
What if the President Includes language In his convention speech such as this: "Too often in politics. wgrds become harsher than they should, and personal attacks take the place of meaningful debate. We owe the American people more.

"So let me say tonight that while we may differ on many things, I like and respect Bob Dole. He's spent much of his life in service to this country, and his life In service to this country, for which he deserves our gratitude and admiration. "I think he's wrong on some important issues, as, I'm sure, he think I'm wrong on those very same points. let's have that debate. Let's join thid discussion. But let'5 do it in a way that elevates rather than demeans. Let's have a contest, not PHOTOCOPY



8 :312--664-01'?4

a395 Pa3

.. !=!UG-:16-'96 13:29


Clinton Team.Dole reaction

August-.16, 1996

. Page Two

2) Leta build bridge to the future.

The odd thing abOut Doles speech is that, rather than offer a vision tor the tutwe. he serv.ed up an ode to lhe past. ('1 want to build a bridge to lhe past.")

Clearly, .people yearn for iha values and comfons--and control- of an earlier time. But they also recognize that we can't put the gente back tnto lhe bottle. ll\ey want a President who confidently meets the challenges of changing limes, not one who curses and shrinks from them, or pretends they aren't there.
So 1would include in your thinking a sectlon that makes the point and sets up
the vision thing:

"We all yearn for simpler times, when the world was larger, and economic competttlon weaker and farther from our shores: when families could live comfonabty on mm Income much less two, and parents had more time to spend with their kids.

we all yearn for the days when drugs and violence were not so commonplace: when television was not such a pervasive and corrosive force in our lives; when farnilie6 were less troubled and children were free to be children.
"The values our parents and grandparents taught us, of family and faith and communtty, are enduring values, which we should embrace and honor and pass on to our sons and daughters. "And whether_ tt's moderating what our kids watch bn "TV, or demanding rnore of them and their schools; whether It's wortdng :together to attack the plague of drugs and crime, or replacing a dependency with the opportunity and incentive to work, let us stand united for Ume-honored values.

'We must build bridges tc> the future. not the past. Much as we might like can't go back.

to, we

"As we enter a new century anda new millennium, wistful reflections about simpler times won't be enough to solve the challenges of today and tomorrow.

"The world is changing. The question for us as a nation is how we handle thC)se changes: which are coming faster with each passing day.


AUG-16 96 .15:21



I :312-664-0174

AUG-16-'96 13:30


Clinton Team.Dole reaction August 16, 1996 Three

''How do we master them, so that America will be as.strcng and prospe.rous in the next century as it has been in the one that's about to end?
"How do we blunt the harsh edges of change and strengthen families and community?

And In this changing wor1d, how do we maximize opportunity



ts the answer really to once again bury our economy under a mountain of debt, just when we're digging ourselves out from the last such experiment? Is that the best
we can do? "Or is it to insure that every man, woman and child in this country can get the education and training they'll need to compete for good jobs with good wages?
ts the really another broad-gauged giveaway we can't afford?

"Or should we target tax relief to working families. to raise their children and help pay for the college education or technical training they'll need to get their shot at a better future?

My friends, we haVE\1 to decide whether we're going to look confidently to the future, and do the things we must to succeed-as America always has--or deny those cling to wann memories while counting on the failed ideas of the past . challenges,
.3) It does take a. village. -Just ask Bob Dole!
One of the more discordant notes of the speech was his anack on HillarY's book. What made. It stranger still is that If ever there was a person who profited from the value of community--of neighbor caring for neighbor-it's Bob Dole.
So somewhere, someplace--and l'rn not sure whon:'l;the appropriate carrier of this message would be-we ought to use his own example to illustrate the point: 'When. I heard Senator Dole attack Mrs. Clinton's book. a story 1 had just 'neard came to mind.


AUG-16 96 15:21








1$395 P05

Clinton Team.Oole reaction August 16, 1996 Page Four "It was the story of a young soldier, mortally wounded in battle. who returned home to his small town. And though he had e. strong and loving family, they didn't have the money tt would cost to finance the medical care he needed.

so, without prompting, the people of his little town pot their nickels and dimes together so this son of their community could get the surgery he needed to make himself whole again. Friends and neighbors, rallying to the side of a young man in need.
"And because of their generosity and sense of eommunlty, the medical assistance the government provided, and his own fortitude, that young man made a miraculous recovery.

And today, he is a candidate for President of the United States.

ott'hat's Bob Dole's story. So he, more than anyone, should know that it often take a village. .. He ought to exalt that sense of mutual caring and responsibility reflected in the selfless actions of his own neighbors, and acknowledge that strong families are the core to child-rearing, but strong communities are essential, too. "Not every story Is as dramatic as Senator Dole's. But in a thousand smaller ways, all our children benefit from the nurturing of friends and neighbors and . community."








'JJ 48 lw<Jr nde for 11ew mothen; -- on Mothers' Day you

requiring health care

plans to allow new mothers to remain in hospital for 48 hours. Vpen VA to Medicare .. eligible vets -.-.allowing VA to get reitnbursement from Medicare. Eradicate globa./ polio-by contributing to WHO's initiative to end polio by 2000.

Three options for new injtiativts:

oversight of 111a1111ged care -- In view of rising that cost containment may be coming at expense of quality, (i) support "gag" rule law preventing health plans from restricting what doctors can tell their patients about alternative treatments. OMB and HHS . support; (ii) establish public/private advisory board to eval;uate managed care shortcomings andrecommend appropriate role for federn! government. VP, OMB, HHS, DOL support, as do Sweeney and McEntee; (iii) host Presidential forum on problem of manage(! cares role in declining research and training funds, challenging managed care industry and research community to work together on solutions .
..,Provide children greater access to qffordable insurance Four options: (i) legislation for targeted investments to help community health centers and school-:based clinics provide preventive and other services (wouldntt increase insurance coverage much); (ii) small tax subsidy for working families who pay for kids' insurance if employers don't contribute to dependent coverage (addresses affordability more than coverage); (iii) provide subsidy to help low-income families purchase;insurance for their kids (would significantly increase coverage, but would be costly, inefficient, duplicative of Medicaid and would create incentives for employers to drop kids who have coverage}; {iv) increase state flexibility to .(design programs to expan4 Medicaid to more children. NOTE-- Options (ii-iv) requre new spend1ng of b1l]ion over 7 years. . .
Increase independence of people with disabilities - (i) to address problem of disabled people who choose to remain on SSI or SSDI rolls rather than risk loss of health insurance, allow .J.sabled to purchase or Medicare coverage on sliding scale. linked to (u) evaluate options to aJdress problem that homeL and community based care services are "optional'' Medicaid services, wh'ile nursing home coverage is "mandatory" L-a distinction disabled comrnunitv hales .

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